ITACA agent-based simulation model results
This files downloaded present the raw results and derived indicators per scenario considered obtained with the agent-based model developed for policy assessment in the scope of the ITACA project (
The files are structured in three different case studies:
- CS01 - Past unsuccessful and delayed solutions
- CS02 - Past successful solutions
- CS03 - Future solutions
In each case study there are included a set of scenarios, each of them testing one or several policy measures. Each scenario file includes the short name of the policy under study. For example, "Results_visualisation_CS01_Mandates.xlsm" includes the results when testing mandates as policy measure in the CS01 case study. The corresponding raw outputs of the simulator are included in the folder "yyyymmdd_hhmmss_CS01_Mandates".
Each excel file contains the following tabs:
- Files - Files loaded to create the file. The loading interactive buttons have been disabled to avoid errors.
- H0 - Tab containing the visualisation of different raw outputs for the adopters agents. The user can select all agents or one specific agent to look at the results by selecting its ID in the slicers on top of each agent type (enable editing in excel to do so).
- H0_KPI_tech - Shows the number of adoptions per technology and agent type
- H0_KPI_eco - Shows the surpluses per agent type and total social welfare
- H0_KPI_eco_metrics - Same results, disaggregated in a tabular format.
- H0_KPI_op - Shows the total fuel burnt, throughput and Determined Unitary Cost (DUC) for enroute and terminal ANS.
- H1 - Configuration file used as input for the simulation.
- H2 - Raw results for airlines.
- H3 - Raw results for airports.
- H4 - Raw results for enroute ANSPs.
- H5 - Raw results for terminal ANSPs.
- H6 - Raw results per route.
- H7 - Raw results for regulators.
The raw results folders include, apart from the data shown in the visualisation excel files, the input data per stakeholder, policy parameters, technology parameters, exogenous variables that affect the agents and the charging zones defined in the European airspace.
The complete description of the case studies and scenarios tested is included in ITACA's deliverable D5.1 Impact Assessment of Policies and Regulations to Boost ATM Technology Adoption.
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