Published October 1, 2018 | Version v2
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LucAs-Architecturebook#1 The Eugeen-Tanja Selection


"What is a school? An identifiable group of lecturers and students? Or rather a group of architects, lecturers and students
jumbled together? Producing, guiding, exploring: who is the student and who is the lecturer? It is sometimes difficult to make
that distinction. The school appears perhaps precisely when this murkiness arises.
Building further on what went before and beating new paths. An axonometry as a reinterpretation of a different drawing,
which later, elsewhere, in a different practice, gives birth to a collage. A working drawing, which suddenly forms the ultimate
expression of an architectural thought. A collage that is about tracking down the essence that it is all about. When it’s about
the work: the importance of sharing, curiosity, using, reusing, abusing. Precisely to explore boundaries and stay sharp.
The documents bundled here form the face of a school, an unmistakable cohesion of free individualities. A school that is
clearly recognisable and has an original voice to be heard. It is a school that schools: allowing people to see, and which is to
be seen, in this way cultivating a sphere of influence. Mutual enrichment in critical action."


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