Lens ID,Title,Date Published,Publication Year,Publication Type,Source Title,ISSNs,Publisher,Source Country,Author/s,Abstract,Volume,Issue Number,Start Page,End Page,Fields of Study,Keywords,MeSH Terms,Chemicals,Funding,Source URLs,External URL,PMID,DOI,Microsoft Academic ID,PMCID,Citing Patents Count,References,Citing Works Count,Is Open Access,Open Access License,Open Access Colour
000-157-589-510-535,Desistance in action: An interactional approach to criminal justice practice and desistance from offending,2015-09-28,2015,journal article,Theoretical Criminology,13624806; 14617439,SAGE Publications,United States,Steve Kirkwood,Research on the role of narrative and identity in desistance from crime tends to rely on interview methods. This article argues research and theory on desistance and interventions for addressing of...,20,2,220,237,Criminal justice; Psychology; Narrative; Psychological intervention; Identity (social science); Action (philosophy); Conversation analysis; Interview methods; Criminology; Social psychology; Discourse analysis,,,,,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362480615607624 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362480615607624 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1362480615607624 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/desistance-in-action-an-interactional-approach-to-criminal-justic https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/21457714/Desistance_in_action.pdf https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/21457714/Desistance_in_action.pdf http://tcr.sagepub.com/content/20/2/220 https://core.ac.uk/download/322477968.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362480615607624,,10.1177/1362480615607624,2319181348,,0,000-519-602-306-033; 000-914-344-385-209; 001-518-174-951-723; 001-808-561-092-733; 002-930-153-061-917; 003-487-484-521-634; 005-314-886-790-076; 005-370-942-919-951; 007-967-438-909-679; 008-874-626-174-693; 009-167-078-410-969; 012-144-916-408-355; 013-183-501-664-072; 018-184-285-385-648; 018-413-513-647-635; 020-069-814-317-519; 020-435-546-216-11X; 020-793-729-336-43X; 021-563-985-254-559; 024-095-059-363-953; 024-342-953-850-41X; 027-850-562-553-821; 027-915-346-324-535; 032-241-320-900-955; 033-400-066-906-770; 041-870-847-376-254; 042-357-755-664-944; 043-424-324-353-486; 043-941-012-565-004; 044-293-447-381-443; 047-857-592-506-45X; 053-907-392-019-227; 055-676-180-570-903; 057-443-323-739-59X; 060-050-616-147-564; 061-286-197-845-153; 061-945-290-370-152; 065-388-117-059-359; 065-411-857-103-258; 065-825-116-130-929; 070-543-574-273-068; 072-726-232-781-26X; 075-410-355-502-097; 077-688-253-920-940; 080-965-039-797-858; 082-526-591-659-887; 084-381-898-792-533; 087-099-156-777-289; 089-980-466-636-672; 096-324-918-498-29X; 098-027-227-803-330; 099-003-646-691-863; 099-669-024-057-463; 105-050-678-778-485; 113-405-274-074-123; 115-876-052-227-888; 120-585-117-730-187; 128-462-513-121-624; 134-788-878-720-379; 137-850-089-165-038; 142-440-440-259-322; 143-373-686-454-653; 143-960-788-174-691; 144-903-060-894-819; 147-287-289-331-849; 153-439-216-150-091; 158-565-229-323-405; 170-631-242-297-085; 172-499-363-229-764; 173-522-989-652-563; 183-144-906-668-71X; 190-866-457-036-44X; 191-276-966-415-604; 194-160-436-481-684; 196-069-766-181-110; 196-500-759-421-53X; 196-587-868-129-647; 199-583-081-828-373,21,true,,green
000-484-724-504-962,Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse in Political Economy: A new theoretical framework,2020-08-06,2020,journal article,Violence against women,15528448; 10778012,SAGE Publications Inc.,United States,Elizabeth Yardley,"This article presents a new theoretical framework around technology-facilitated domestic abuse (TFDA) in identifying four distinct types of omnipresent behavior. Perpetrators are increasingly drawing upon networked technologies like smartphones, social media, and GPS trackers in monitoring, controlling, and abusing survivors. There is considerable academic literature developing in response to this. While this scholarship is valuable, this article argues that TFDA must be understood as a neoliberal manifestation of patriarchal legacies of misogyny and sexism. A failure to recognize this will serve to prioritize abusers' freedom to do harm over rights of survivors to be protected from harm.",27,10,1479,1498,Political economy; Political science; Harm; Scholarship; Social media; Domestic violence,coercive control; domestic abuse; technology,Domestic Violence; Humans; Sexism; Technology,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1077801220947172 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1077801220947172 https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/9177/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32757887/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32757887 https://core.ac.uk/download/322962308.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077801220947172,32757887,10.1177/1077801220947172,3047804733,,0,001-024-970-539-81X; 021-982-275-279-352; 079-462-533-226-17X; 097-581-839-955-388; 101-334-685-147-023; 131-862-285-588-134; 149-631-949-709-871; 164-478-556-535-802; 181-130-093-825-799; 189-605-073-705-973,11,true,,green
000-514-750-209-136,Considering the effect of sexism on psychological intimate partner violence: A study with imprisoned men,2019-06-10,2019,journal article,The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context,18891861; 19894007,Colegio Oficial de la Psicologia de Madrid,Spain,Joel Juarros-Basterretxea; Nickola C. Overall; Juan Herrero; Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Díaz,"espanolLa violencia de pareja (VP) psicologica es la forma mas prevalente de VP y habitualmente suele preceder a la VP fisica. Sin embargo, la VP psicologica ocurre a menudo independientemente de otras formas de VP y puede darse en interacciones rutinarias con la pareja. Utilizando datos de hombres recluidos en prision, hemos investigado el efecto del sexismo hostil y benevolente sobre la VP psicologica, asi como el rol mediador de las actitudes positivas hacia el abuso de la pareja. Hemos investigado tambien ese efecto cuando estan presentes otros factores de riesgo de VP psicologica senalados en la literatura reciente estan presentes: comunidad (desorden social), familia de origen (clima conflictivo en la familia de origen) y factores individuales (rasgos de personalidad antisocial). Participaron en el estudio 196 hombres internos en el Centro Penitenciario de Villabona (Asturias, Espana). Los resultados de los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales estimados indican un efecto total, directo e indirecto significativo del sexismo hostil sobre la VP psicologica, pero no del sexismo benevolente. Cuando las variables de la comunidad, la familia de origen y factores individuales se incorporaron al modelo unicamente el efecto indirecto del sexismo hostil a traves de las actitudes positivas hacia el abuso siguio siendo significativo. Los resultados se discuten en relacion con el debate sobre el rol de las actitudes sexistas sobre la VP psicologica en el marco de modelos mas generales de violencia. EnglishPsychological intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most prevalent form of IPV and is often thought to precede physical IPV. However, psychological IPV often occurs independently of other forms of IPV, and it can often emerge during routine relationship interactions. Using data from imprisoned male offenders we investigate the effect of hostile and benevolent sexist attitudes on psychological IPV and the hypothesized mediating role of positive attitudes toward IPV and this effect when accounting for broader risk factors at the levels of community (social disorder), family-of-origin (conflictive climate in family of origin), and personality (antisocial personality traits) variables. The sample involved 196 male inmates of the Penitentiary Center of Villabona (Asturias, Spain). Structural equation models result showed significant total, direct and indirect effect of hostile sexism on psychological IPV, but not of benevolent sexism. When individual, family-of-origin, and community variables were considered, however, hostile sexism showed only an indirect effect on psychological IPV via positive attitudes toward abuse. These results are discussed in light of the debate of the role of sexist attitudes in the psychological IPV explanation when broader models are considered.",11,2,61,69,Humanities; Psychology; Domestic violence,,,,,https://journals.copmadrid.org/ejpalc/archivos/1889_1861_ejpalc_11_2_0061.pdf https://scielo.isciii.es/pdf/ejpalc/v11n2/1889-1861-ejpalc-11-2-0061.pdf https://digibuo.uniovi.es/dspace/bitstream/10651/52994/1/Considering.pdf https://researchers.unab.cl/es/publications/considering-the-effect-of-sexism-on-psychological-intimate-partne https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_629532_20 https://journals.copmadrid.org/ejpalc/art/ejpalc2019a1#resumen https://pesquisa.bvsalud.org/portal/resource/pt/ibc-183600 http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1889-18612019000200002 https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6968692 https://digibuo.uniovi.es/dspace/handle/10651/52994 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/250411081.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.5093/ejpalc2019a1,,10.5093/ejpalc2019a1,2931891877,,0,000-171-290-130-483; 001-437-027-097-892; 001-757-695-345-233; 004-932-486-895-540; 005-069-565-804-944; 006-382-224-948-955; 007-922-870-657-731; 009-409-895-723-753; 010-144-640-621-979; 012-055-999-066-316; 017-387-842-940-40X; 020-216-595-975-630; 020-663-406-731-78X; 020-823-147-074-403; 022-579-478-859-943; 023-231-080-549-039; 024-389-080-763-074; 026-448-676-313-349; 026-819-652-774-431; 028-705-601-905-574; 028-961-086-608-059; 029-369-961-222-909; 029-373-259-446-736; 031-921-971-249-468; 032-949-641-521-503; 034-505-266-559-707; 035-243-889-505-632; 036-291-395-011-985; 039-694-362-632-334; 044-615-464-556-478; 050-000-893-550-29X; 050-864-346-634-046; 055-861-930-764-083; 062-330-496-282-268; 062-396-909-043-591; 062-525-149-193-527; 063-869-116-567-006; 070-671-314-130-729; 071-393-722-828-690; 071-860-045-778-971; 072-695-489-637-459; 075-020-414-061-807; 076-603-844-519-305; 080-210-707-626-005; 086-671-291-765-30X; 090-173-672-065-940; 090-355-679-355-411; 090-374-372-886-73X; 094-521-006-991-604; 099-110-552-455-062; 105-573-018-062-222; 106-896-164-970-408; 106-969-499-354-96X; 109-996-272-750-282; 111-566-035-160-440; 115-891-977-840-866; 117-984-225-566-572; 123-895-830-464-809; 143-468-596-747-251; 149-390-957-217-821; 149-642-344-007-790; 182-082-244-786-540; 182-479-459-168-163,17,true,cc-by-nc-nd,gold
000-535-495-255-612,Ancestry estimation of three Mediterranean populations based on cranial metrics.,2018-02-23,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Elena F. Kranioti; Julieta G. García-Donas; İsmail Özgür Can; Oguzhan Ekizoglu,"The estimation of ancestry is an essential benchmark for positive identification of heavily decomposed bodies that are recovered in a variety of death and crime scenes. This is especially true when reconstructing the biological profile of the deceased as most methods for sex, age and stature estimation are population-specific. Ancestry estimation methods vary from traditional morphological assessment of cranial features and biometric quantification to computer-aided shape analysis and classification with specialised software. The current paper aims to explore population differences between three neighbouring countries (Greece, Cyprus and Turkey) that have been in constant interaction through conflicts and population movements from the ancient past to the present day, through cranial measurements. The sample consists of 160 dry crania of Greek origin, 137 dry crania of Greek-Cypriot of origin Cyprus and 380 CT scans from Turks individuals. Twelve measurements were taken in both dry and virtual skulls. Data were submitted to principal component analysis and discriminant function analysis. Intra- and inter-observer error as well as the measurement error between virtual and physical measurements were quantified using TEM, rTEM and R. Measurement error was very low in all cases. Classification accuracy for cross-validated data ranged from 74.1 to 97.9%. The highest accuracy was obtained for the Turks sample both in males and females. The results are in accordance with genetic data on the three populations. These results create great confidence in the application of the produced functions in forensic cases requiring ancestry estimation in Cyprus, specifically to unidentified individuals from the 1974 conflict. In addition, these standards can be applied in other forensic situations where ethnicity is an issue but the geographic area of origin is limited to the area encompassing Turkey, Cyprus and Greece.",286,,265.e1,265.e8,Crime scene; Forensic anthropology; Biometrics; Geography; Crania; Forensic identification; Population; Discriminant function analysis; Cartography; Linear discriminant analysis,Ancestry estimation; Cranial measurements; Forensic Anthropology Population Data; Forensic anthropology; Forensic identification; Mediterranean populations,"Adolescent; Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Cephalometry; Cyprus; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology/methods; Greece; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Multidetector Computed Tomography; Principal Component Analysis; Skull/anatomy & histology; Turkey; Young Adult",,,https://kar.kent.ac.uk/69480/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818300665 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/29576396 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/ancestry-estimation-of-three-mediterranean-populations-based-on-c https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29576396 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/ws/files/42591513/2018_Kranioti_et_al_Ancestry_accepted.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/195267420.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.02.014,29576396,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.02.014,2788868518,,0,001-290-445-829-917; 001-983-891-666-064; 004-935-956-206-345; 005-352-849-907-455; 007-262-766-103-308; 012-788-454-008-026; 012-925-044-059-179; 016-580-313-404-132; 019-445-910-357-108; 022-632-971-552-283; 023-088-891-709-113; 027-149-215-850-72X; 027-811-537-630-547; 030-782-764-461-032; 035-598-970-707-090; 039-761-138-564-389; 042-109-700-380-95X; 042-136-657-590-487; 048-437-975-292-124; 056-737-861-875-203; 058-742-091-725-979; 070-721-476-345-645; 071-174-324-212-065; 079-009-651-662-321; 080-175-700-847-197; 081-393-925-215-635; 081-683-292-310-557; 081-993-792-339-771; 091-226-716-196-161; 113-136-316-594-221; 115-082-666-806-716; 120-275-105-731-031; 121-619-581-794-052,18,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
000-725-616-192-185,Person Perception Aspects of Judgments of Truthfulness in Public Appeals,2015-09-07,2015,journal article,"Psychiatry, Psychology and Law",13218719; 19341687,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,David V. Canter; Maria Ioannou; Donna E. Youngs; Gemma Chungh,"Although detection of deception accuracy rate has been researched extensively, the person perception components that are the basis for these judgments remain unclear. To explore this, 30 academics' person perceptions, as well as truthfulness judgment, of the individual presenting a televised appeal were measured using a 14-item scale. Twelve appeals (6 genuine and 6 false) for information regarding the whereabouts of a missing relative, or for information to apprehend the person who murdered their relative, were used. The person perception scale consisted of (1) global, abstract judgments (open, deceptive, genuine, trustworthy, and emotional) and (2) behavioural indices (facial pleasantness, facial animation, arousal, tension, involvement, verbal; consistency, plausibility and directness, and vocal certainty). Multiple regression identified person perceptions of openness, (non)deceptiveness, genuineness, trustworthiness, and verbal plausibility as significant predictors of truthfulness judgments. Future r...",23,4,547,562,Social perception; Computer facial animation; Psychology; Consistency (negotiation); Perception; Lie detection; Appeal; Deception; Certainty; Social psychology,,,,,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13218719.2015.1081315 http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/25635/ https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/publications/person-perception-aspects-of-judgments-of-truthfulness-in-public- https://core.ac.uk/display/30733322 https://core.ac.uk/download/30733322.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2015.1081315,,10.1080/13218719.2015.1081315,2131895053,,0,000-823-987-751-563; 004-173-769-823-948; 004-284-166-034-757; 004-502-447-528-115; 005-666-519-876-58X; 010-820-778-816-286; 011-587-066-253-348; 013-010-635-425-776; 018-405-529-139-627; 019-509-557-220-329; 024-160-642-300-114; 025-524-125-928-510; 025-924-179-577-878; 027-926-828-051-692; 030-203-575-122-198; 032-430-980-191-640; 034-125-994-400-230; 034-558-568-191-329; 035-957-330-121-501; 038-663-646-756-218; 039-706-927-206-89X; 040-651-162-285-257; 041-324-638-527-935; 049-741-699-950-495; 050-008-480-848-254; 056-834-892-256-725; 059-500-250-027-241; 059-863-664-938-515; 060-732-212-019-257; 064-017-034-126-916; 066-632-787-173-650; 072-149-582-940-972; 072-513-568-122-824; 072-662-998-839-824; 089-176-361-555-553; 094-200-116-238-237; 095-407-320-195-291; 097-724-364-523-236; 099-147-977-555-658; 101-948-424-627-308; 101-952-266-815-46X; 118-199-259-223-933; 123-066-609-219-718; 132-012-970-138-84X; 148-894-070-647-604; 150-682-822-490-089; 154-599-198-492-192; 160-034-774-619-227; 196-395-556-771-386,3,true,,green
001-420-060-506-896,The Effectiveness of Digital Sports Communication in Mental Motivation and Some Volleyball Skills For Female Students,2021-05-12,2021,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Mona Talib Al-Badri; Haneen Mohamed Hussein; Ayman Hani Abdel-Jubouri,"This research aims to identify the following: Preparing a curriculum according to digital sportscommunication. Identifying the impact of the effectiveness of a program for sports digital communicationon mental motivation and some volleyball skills for students. The experimental method was used with thedesign of one group, as the research community was determined by the fourth stage students of the Collegeof Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kufa for the academic year 2020-2021,of which (21) female students, then, the mental motivation scale and the skills of the volleyball test wereapplied to them, also appropriate statistical treatments were used to reach the results. After that, the resultswere presented, analyzed and discussed. The following were achieved:1.Using the curriculum according to a digital sports communication program has a positive effect on themental motivation and some volleyball skills of the female students.2. The use of the curriculum according to a program for digital sports communication is better than themethod used, which increased mental motivation and some volleyball skills for female students.3. The curriculum according to a program for digital sports communication had the effect of controlling theaccuracy and correct performance of skills.Based on the results of the research, the researchers reached the most important recommendations:1. Adopting the curriculum according to a program for digital sports communication a positive effect on themental motivation and some volleyball skills of the female students.2. Reliance on modern means of communication as an essential part of the content of the educationalcurriculum for skills in volleyball.",15,3,4777,4781,Psychology; Academic year; Test (assessment); Female students; Fourth stage; Sport communication; Curriculum; Medical education; Scale (social sciences); Physical education,,,,,http://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/16205,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.16205,,10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.16205,3195822383,,0,,0,false,,
001-619-716-551-138,Technical note: Preparation improvement of charred cadaveric viscera using sandison's rehydrating solution for histological analysis.,2019-11-16,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Guendalina Gentile; Alessio Battistini; Salvatore Andreola; Michele Boracchi; Matteo Marchesi; Stefano Tambuzzi; Riccardo Zoja,"In forensic evaluation of charred corpses, internal detrimental signs may result as more significant of those observed during external examination and is often arduous to state if a victim was exposed to fire before or after death. When the histological analysis of the remaining internal viscera is necessary, the massive destruction caused by the lesion, the charring and the coarctation of the samples don't allow to give further information or to determine the remaining organic components of the viscera. This limit is determined by the intrinsic characteristics of this thermal lesivity of self-maintenance even after the exitus of the subject, worsening the initial detrimental framework. The Authors, with the purpose of improving the microscopic visualization of the samples collected from cadavers with peculiar deterioration, as in case of carbonization, suggest the use of a specific technical protocol based on the use of Sandison's rehydrating solution since the samples treated with this solution showed, at microscopic examination, a substantial histological-morphological improvement.",306,,110066,110066,Anatomy; Cadaveric spasm; Forensic pathology; External Examination; Technical note; Organic component; Medicine,Charring; Forensic pathology; Histology; Hyperthermal lesivity; Sandison”s rehydrating solution,"Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Aorta/pathology; Brain/pathology; Cadaver; Dura Mater/pathology; Esophagus/pathology; Female; Fires; Forensic Pathology/methods; Humans; Intestine, Small/pathology; Kidney/pathology; Liver/pathology; Lung/pathology; Male; Middle Aged; Myocardium/pathology; Rehydration Solutions; Skin/pathology; Spleen/pathology; Young Adult",Rehydration Solutions,,https://air.unimi.it/bitstream/2434/694649/2/Gentile_FSI_2020.pdf https://europepmc.org/article/MED/31765884 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6767294 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31765884 https://boa.unimib.it/handle/10281/273700 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073819304785 https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/694649 https://core.ac.uk/download/268913179.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.110066,31765884,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.110066,2987503916,,0,042-992-657-761-09X; 043-680-454-654-933; 045-523-525-840-826; 051-874-818-653-129; 058-732-405-194-025; 071-774-303-986-503; 096-883-143-489-937,1,true,,green
001-631-064-652-006,Filing false vice reports: Distinguishing true from false allegations of rape,,2017,journal article,The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context,18891861; 19894007,Colegio Oficial de Psicologos de Madrid,Spain,Andre De Zutter; Robert Horselenberg; Peter J. van Koppen,"False allegations constitute a problem since they may cause harm. To study the difference between true and false allegations we used a quasi-experimental approach. In the control condition likely true allegations were retrieved from criminal files. The victims, all female, were between the ages of 17 and 53 (M = 28.0, SD = 10.6). In the experimental condition women were invited to file a false allegation. Participants, all female, in the experimental conditions were between the ages of 18 and 52 (M = 28.0, SD = 10.6). We constructed a list of 187 variables based on our theory of fabricated rape. All items in the list were coded dichotomously. All variables that were coded as ‘present’ within cases were summed to obtain a total score; an independent t-test was used. The results of the control condition (N = 30) were compared with the experimental condition (N = 35) by use of chi-square tests. A Holm-Bonferoni method with Sidak correction was used to correct for the increased family-wise error rate. The independent t-test showed a significant difference between the mean number of present-coding of likely true allegations, (M = 59.13, SD = 11.00) and of false allegations (M = 35.74, SD = 9.33), t(63) = 9.28, p < .0001, d = 2.34. Thus, significantly more variables were coded ‘present’ in likely true allegations. Fabricated stories of rape lack pseudo-intimate behavior and a wide variety of sexual acts. Also, in almost all fabricated stories of rape the attack was completed in less than 15 minutes while in likely true allegations the attack sometimes took over 60 minutes before it was completed. In conclusion, true and false allegations diverge from each other in essentials of the story told by the complainant. The differences could be used to predict the true nature of a rape allegation.",9,1,1,14,Psychology; Allegation; Accident prevention; Poison control; Significant difference; Injury control; False accusation; Šidák correction; Social psychology,,,,,https://www.elsevier.es/en-revista-the-european-journal-psychology-applied-381-articulo-filing-false-vice-reports-distinguishing-S1889186116300026 https://core.ac.uk/display/91305003 https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=5835774 https://journals.copmadrid.org/ejpalc/art/j.ejpal.2016.02.002#resumen http://ejpalc.elsevier.es/en/filing-false-vice-reports-distinguishing/articulo/S1889186116300026/ https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/filing-false-vice-reports-distinguishing-true-from-false-allegati https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1889186116300026 https://journals.copmadrid.org/ejpalc/archivos/ejpc2017v9n1a1.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82540324.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpal.2016.02.002,,10.1016/j.ejpal.2016.02.002,2329024487,,0,001-246-459-283-910; 001-478-790-070-782; 002-611-641-949-896; 003-984-694-420-230; 004-095-152-007-667; 006-260-110-855-122; 008-165-482-649-386; 010-004-701-797-86X; 012-259-836-779-877; 015-930-609-268-927; 016-095-111-779-308; 018-578-844-448-177; 018-584-346-704-087; 020-592-110-689-927; 021-085-660-309-001; 021-231-189-430-581; 026-447-362-915-916; 029-993-928-141-209; 030-858-543-124-065; 033-197-976-141-198; 036-005-919-014-790; 037-587-498-740-522; 037-849-459-988-063; 039-659-102-427-63X; 040-082-692-288-992; 041-180-035-078-544; 043-369-996-666-611; 045-534-560-598-717; 051-121-088-393-436; 053-538-923-253-311; 055-165-934-163-569; 055-214-289-771-067; 055-494-772-498-020; 058-409-171-775-002; 060-755-900-207-309; 063-631-549-111-581; 066-175-376-581-026; 067-715-519-706-692; 068-915-325-103-044; 075-318-403-528-354; 080-636-773-328-67X; 081-375-384-291-07X; 083-191-486-635-773; 083-263-993-786-795; 089-461-232-720-869; 089-496-197-876-111; 090-312-369-741-245; 091-173-641-197-904; 095-089-402-477-11X; 105-800-488-949-407; 106-135-479-344-923; 110-354-902-684-824; 110-426-267-578-140; 134-352-048-710-166; 138-903-758-814-553; 140-756-280-789-639; 149-418-534-694-089; 152-313-615-159-27X; 172-526-934-639-638; 177-079-601-840-157; 194-561-237-994-935,8,true,cc-by-nc-nd,gold
001-816-783-423-833,Facial preservation following extreme mummification: Shrunken heads.,2018-03-06,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Tobias M. R. Houlton; Caroline Wilkinson,"Shrunken heads are a mummification phenomenon unique to South America. Ceremonial tsantsa are ritually reduced heads from enemy victims of the Shuar, Achuar, Awajun (Aguaruna), Wampis (Huambisa), and Candoshi-Shapra cultures. Commercial shrunken heads are comparatively modern and fraudulently produced for the curio-market, often using stolen bodies from hospital mortuaries and graves. To achieve shrinkage and desiccation, heads undergo skinning, simmering (in water) and drying. Considering the intensive treatments applied, this research aims to identify how the facial structure can alter and impact identification using post-mortem depiction. Sixty-five human shrunken heads were assessed: 6 ceremonial, 36 commercial, and 23 ambiguous. Investigations included manual inspection, multi-detector computerised tomography, infrared reflectography, ultraviolet fluorescence and microscopic hair analysis. The mummification process disfigures the outer face, cheeks, nasal root and bridge form, including brow ridge, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose projection. Melanin depletion, epidermal degeneration, and any applied staining changes the natural skin complexion. Papillary and reticular dermis separation is possible. Normal hair structure (cuticle, cortex, medulla) is retained. Hair appears longer (unless cut) and more profuse following shrinkage. Significant features retained include skin defects, facial creases, hairlines and earlobe form. Hair conditions that only affect living scalps are preserved (e.g. nits, hair casts). Ear and nose cartilage helps to retain some morphological information. Commercial heads appear less distorted than ceremonial tsantsa, often presenting a definable eyebrow shape, vermillion lip shape, lip thickness (if mouth is open), philtrum form, and palpebral slit angle. Facial identification capabilities are considered limited, and only perceived possible for commercial heads.",286,,31,41,Anatomy; Process (anatomy); Earlobe; Hair casts; Eyebrow; Philtrum; Mummification; Reticular Dermis; Cuticle (hair); Biology,Facial preservation; Mummification; Post-mortem depiction; Shrunken heads; Tsantsa,Ceremonial Behavior; Commerce; Ethnicity; Face/diagnostic imaging; Fluorescence; Hair/pathology; Humans; Infrared Rays; Microscopy; Multidetector Computed Tomography; Mummies; South America; Ultraviolet Rays,,,https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/8956/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29558684 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/facial-preservation-following-extreme-mummification-shrunken-head https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818300823 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/29558684 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29558684/ https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/159755098.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.02.028,29558684,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.02.028,2794258724,,0,000-032-170-941-097; 000-953-908-189-273; 001-328-490-727-97X; 003-825-568-427-054; 010-344-445-592-638; 011-085-631-282-994; 011-268-951-178-16X; 019-476-821-301-876; 019-770-990-885-398; 020-041-413-309-230; 020-203-890-497-835; 025-275-449-207-651; 029-566-140-436-451; 032-628-883-598-370; 032-787-175-295-211; 037-200-767-577-497; 037-233-484-403-05X; 040-453-435-740-714; 044-765-942-584-187; 046-107-420-400-895; 052-577-926-061-484; 054-140-375-434-141; 059-112-396-798-300; 063-263-066-641-418; 063-939-457-447-409; 069-480-973-899-198; 070-925-494-256-253; 072-500-242-950-723; 075-002-549-939-075; 077-021-862-033-508; 078-590-543-634-281; 080-191-764-012-316; 084-215-719-004-869; 084-507-191-641-580; 090-109-929-723-261; 100-768-405-425-52X; 105-203-745-123-265; 107-952-171-355-825; 109-452-913-245-505; 110-174-214-408-668; 115-359-319-550-09X; 118-754-785-166-959; 125-212-212-760-990; 130-062-670-960-578; 130-683-088-341-79X; 140-701-498-447-887; 145-773-262-961-518; 155-107-338-486-601; 155-202-079-980-183; 156-491-839-106-756; 158-811-753-746-675; 183-786-220-642-245; 184-404-944-469-492; 189-219-263-660-627,9,true,,green
002-060-833-054-765,Facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT) estimation models-And the strength of correlations between craniometric dimensions and FSTTs.,2018-03-15,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Carl N. Stephan; Emma Sievwright,"It has been speculated that craniometric dimensions can be used to improve estimations of facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT) in craniofacial identification. Subsequently, linear regression (LR) models have been published, but the practical utility of these models (lower errors than means) has never been tested/demonstrated. Using 71 living subjects measured by B-mode ultrasound, this study calculates and compares standard errors for previously published LR models and untrimmed FSTT means. Correlations between craniometric dimensions and FSTTs were calculated and regression model reproducibility examined by: generating new models using a 61 subject training set; and three-fold cross validation. Published regression models, applied to the above mentioned new individuals of this study, provided substantially worse estimates of ground truth FSTTs than untrimmed arithmetic means (mean Sest=4.0mm compared to 2.8mm, n=61-71). Correlations between craniometrics and FSTTs were generally small (mean of absolute values=0.17, raw interval=-0.24 to 0.48) and only two of 15 previously published LR models were reproducible (mr-mr' and g-g')-i.e., contained the same independent variable with no more than one other different independent variable entering the model. Under three-fold cross-validation (training sets of 40-41 individuals), no LR equation was reproduced across all three validation test runs. Basic craniometric dimensions do not appear to generally improve FSTT estimations and relationships between craniometric dimensions and FSTTs are much weaker and less reliable than previously thought. B-mode ultrasound data for adult Australians were pooled herein to provide larger sampled and updated FSTT statistics for this cohort (n=118-123).",286,,128,140,Statistics; Ground truth; Regression analysis; Standard error; Cross-validation; Variables; Mathematics; Linear regression; Bayesian multivariate linear regression; Arithmetic mean,Estimation model; Facial approximation; Multivariate linear regression; Soft tissue depth; Video superimposition,Anatomic Landmarks; Australia; Body Mass Index; Body Weight; Cephalometry; Face/anatomy & histology; Female; Humans; Linear Models; Male; Reproducibility of Results; Sex Characteristics; Ultrasonography,,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29574348 https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:724876/UQ724876_OA.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818301063 https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:724876 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29574348/ https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/29574348 https://core.ac.uk/display/156884446 https://core.ac.uk/download/156884446.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.03.011,29574348,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.03.011,2792449983,,0,001-770-098-809-788; 002-318-965-681-934; 002-994-337-325-385; 004-019-563-921-950; 004-422-407-196-97X; 004-736-843-335-296; 005-509-339-895-733; 006-258-563-756-247; 006-963-292-751-914; 007-312-613-373-174; 016-627-772-626-119; 017-099-361-630-287; 017-458-184-698-580; 018-777-836-482-991; 021-964-150-389-92X; 023-100-758-384-558; 028-560-716-647-945; 028-922-136-491-206; 029-506-648-391-27X; 034-665-400-909-863; 035-165-906-917-006; 035-270-388-228-298; 036-373-920-700-746; 038-764-354-089-508; 056-567-808-738-972; 070-920-214-175-967; 070-923-263-361-591; 078-115-811-083-955; 081-889-954-474-993; 092-224-257-059-076; 093-966-790-053-333; 096-660-652-740-394; 106-818-898-037-402; 109-315-503-355-970; 114-251-883-659-335; 115-746-577-351-069; 125-923-669-430-837; 143-414-472-684-013; 150-325-162-873-23X; 158-269-854-743-353; 176-081-699-575-633; 183-735-019-537-486,15,true,,green
002-209-842-361-209,Contemporary understanding of zoophilia - A multinational survey study.,2019-01-04,2019,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Damian Jacob Sendler,"Abstract Introduction People with paraphilias have sexual interests that are unusual, including inanimate objects, places, or individuals (children, corpses). This study explores zoophiles (=PSA, people who have sex with animals) recruited from the Internet. Method We administered a survey of own design via the Internet on popular discussion forums targeting the communities of PSA. All responses were quantified as the percentage of agreeing with one of the possible answer choices, plus the interpretation of qualitative data that may have been supplied in additional space. Results Survey questions were thematically categorized into four groups — worldview, personal space, sex life, and online space. PSA are remarkably self-aware of their sexuality and recognize that their behavior is illegal (even though they perceive it as an expression of love); they often relate their struggles with finding social acceptance to homosexuality, believing that one way of de-stigmatizing them would be to remove zoophilia from the list of disorders listed in the DSM. Concerning sex life, PSA believe that the quality of sex with animals is much higher than with humans, and physical features, such as the presence of a fur, can be sexually arousing to PSA, especially when seeing animals in public. PSA utilize the Internet to network and connect with other PSA; these Internet-based friendships usually do not extend beyond online conversations, given that PSA tend to be mistrustful of other zoophiles particularly in the area of personal safety. Conclusions One of the most essential basis of zoophilia is relationship seeking behavior as well as interest in forming a long-term relationship with an animal partner.",62,,44,51,The Internet; Psychology; Sexology; Homosexuality; Paraphilia; Zoophilia; Sex life; Human sexuality; Social psychology; Qualitative property,Animal bestiality; Forensics; Internet forums; Paraphilia; Sexology; Zoophilia,Adult; Animals; Erotica; Female; Humans; Internet; Male; Middle Aged; Paraphilic Disorders/epidemiology; Personal Space; Sexual Behavior; Surveys and Questionnaires; Young Adult,,Young Investigatorship fund; Felnett Health research fund,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30639855 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30639855/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X18302452 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/30639855,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2018.12.010,30639855,10.1016/j.jflm.2018.12.010,2908342930,,0,002-555-716-389-210; 006-213-089-212-330; 013-274-154-787-863; 015-880-150-805-684; 016-285-383-156-734; 020-703-247-630-255; 021-084-709-858-745; 028-918-729-461-211; 032-894-628-406-513; 035-875-227-254-067; 037-808-891-700-822; 037-962-573-801-201; 051-395-897-592-740; 053-972-134-287-73X; 075-168-206-163-914; 075-246-024-583-038; 078-776-852-760-105; 084-802-559-058-724; 102-915-328-161-398; 127-076-514-010-940; 179-411-648-804-473,6,false,,
002-322-189-043-711,The interpretation and application of the right to effective participation,2018-06-10,2018,journal article,The International Journal of Evidence & Proof,13657127; 17405572,SAGE Publications,,Abenaa Owusu-Bempah,"Defendants have long held rights to participate in their criminal trials, including the right to effective participation. However, the precise meaning and scope of this right is unclear, and in pra...",22,4,321,341,Epistemology; Psychology; Right to a fair trial; Meaning (existential); Scope (project management); Criminal procedure; Interpretation (philosophy),,,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1365712718780800 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1365712718780800?journalCode=epja https://core.ac.uk/download/158368327.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1365712718780800,,10.1177/1365712718780800,2807414002,,0,012-389-828-613-178; 018-841-358-759-215; 024-540-441-616-133; 029-226-307-444-293; 042-053-583-350-953; 045-241-151-925-773; 051-180-999-774-176; 061-423-211-635-24X; 076-511-683-050-770; 099-883-288-230-343; 105-604-120-397-423; 125-085-499-547-169; 135-058-315-262-003; 166-553-766-528-221; 171-501-447-394-250,6,true,,green
003-721-488-365-846,Exploring alternative terrain in the rehabilitation and treatment of offenders: Findings from a prison-based music project,2016-07-05,2016,journal article,Journal of Offender Rehabilitation,10509674; 15408558,Informa UK Limited,United States,Laura Caulfield; Dean J. Wilkinson; David Wilson,"The arts in prison settings have provided an alternative or complimentary component to rehabilitation. Despite increased interest, studies capturing the voice of offenders participating in projects and the long-term impact are limited. Data from semistructured interviews with 18 men who had taken part in a music-based project while incarcerated, including one group of five participants who were tracked for 18 months with supplemented data from correctional staff and official documentation, is presented. Participants of the art-based projects comment on changes they believe to have derived from participating in the project, particularly relating to emotions, self-esteem, self-confidence, communication and social skills. An exoffender sample of participants reported that participation in art projects provide experiences that promote beneficial skills that have been useful for post prison life.",55,6,396,418,Psychology; Nursing; Rehabilitation; Prison; Sample (statistics); Medical education; Documentation; The arts; Social skills,,,,,https://wlv.openrepository.com/handle/2436/622028 https://eprints.worc.ac.uk/4616/ https://researchspace.bathspa.ac.uk/7898/ https://core.ac.uk/display/44318606 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10509674.2016.1194943 https://core.ac.uk/download/42595539.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10509674.2016.1194943,,10.1080/10509674.2016.1194943,2472205337,,0,003-487-484-521-634; 006-173-498-385-415; 010-071-550-551-212; 020-715-201-360-841; 025-867-073-597-848; 037-656-080-443-519; 043-283-872-633-626; 044-774-136-910-501; 060-694-395-358-838; 066-478-959-946-603; 070-262-217-078-298; 079-661-376-767-432; 084-840-531-803-304; 096-223-333-797-988; 112-681-142-851-482; 113-210-577-175-175; 114-907-736-591-229; 131-482-086-978-426; 134-843-389-883-168; 142-440-440-259-322; 169-564-057-710-672; 177-429-909-780-071; 184-183-820-586-826; 189-539-744-702-35X,12,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
004-087-849-612-963,Application of the Kvaal method for adult dental age estimation using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).,2016-10-24,2016,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Talia Yolanda Marroquin Penaloza; Shalmira Karkhanis; Sigrid I. Kvaal; Firdaus Nurul; Shalini Kanagasingam; Daniel Franklin; Sivabalan Vasudavan; Estie Kruger; Marc Tennant,"Abstract Different non-invasive methods have been proposed for dental age estimation in adults, with the Kvaal et al. method as one of the more frequently tested in different populations. The purpose of this study was to apply the Kvaal et al. method for dental age estimation on modern volumetric data from 3D digital systems. To this end, 101 CBCT images from a Malaysian population were used. Fifty-five per cent were female (n = 55), and forty-five percent were male (n = 46), with a median age of 31 years for both sexes. As tomographs allow the observer to obtain a sagittal and coronal view of the teeth, the Kvaal pulp/root width measurements and ratios were calculated in the bucco-lingual and mesio-distal aspects of the tooth. From these data different linear regression models and formulae were built. The most accurate models for estimating age were obtained from a diverse combination of measurements (SEE ±10.58 years), and for the mesio-distal measurements of the central incisor at level A (SEE ±12.84 years). This accuracy, however is outside an acceptable range in for forensic application (SEE ±10.00 years), and is also more time consuming than the original approach based on dental radiographs.",44,,178,182,Coronal plane; Maxillary central incisor; Tomography; Sagittal plane; Dentistry; Cone beam computed tomography; Dental age; Radiography; Linear regression; Medicine,Adults; Age estimation; Kvaal method; Tomography,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Aged; Cone-Beam Computed Tomography; Dental Pulp/diagnostic imaging; Female; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Linear Models; Male; Maxilla; Middle Aged; Odontometry; Tooth/diagnostic imaging; Young Adult",,,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27821308/ http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/27821308 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27821308 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X16301354 https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/publications/application-of-the-kvaal-method-for-adult-dental-age-estimation-u http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X16301354,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2016.10.013,27821308,10.1016/j.jflm.2016.10.013,2534517726,,0,000-096-031-233-069; 000-457-100-206-883; 006-276-493-377-75X; 014-859-551-864-682; 017-204-691-508-032; 020-495-455-725-52X; 020-780-291-404-262; 022-452-949-949-577; 029-953-838-022-365; 033-066-622-695-716; 049-016-564-335-952; 053-793-689-014-125; 067-757-007-306-535; 078-343-830-844-558; 087-977-250-877-215; 089-334-095-778-850; 091-452-544-047-439; 092-618-569-761-35X; 110-720-049-467-650; 117-182-116-538-287; 131-364-339-362-957; 134-240-315-670-714; 136-332-829-169-135; 183-631-121-764-275,24,false,,
004-439-987-610-954,Evidence for the Belief in Live Lineup Superiority,2018-11-27,2018,journal article,Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology,08820783; 19366469,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Germany,Heather L. Price; Madison B. Harvey; Shelbie F. Anderson; Leah Chadwick; Ryan J. Fitzgerald,"There are substantive differences in international preferences in the medium through which eyewitness identification lineups are administered, but these jurisdictional preferences are not based on evidence. Regardless of whether one medium produces greater identification accuracy, it is the perception of evidence strength by triers of fact that determines its influence in judicial proceedings. Yet, we know little about how lineup mediums are perceived by potential triers of fact. Four-hundred six undergraduate students viewed a video interview of an eyewitness describing an identification that took place with one of three different lineup mediums (live, video, photo) to compare their relative persuasiveness. Participants also directly compared mediums. There was a clear preference for evidence elicited from live lineups in direct comparisons, but not in the experimental conditions. Live lineup superiority beliefs exist in policy and, these data show, in the beliefs of potential witnesses and triers of fact when various lineup mediums are directly compared.",34,3,263,269,Legal psychology; Psychology; Perception; Eyewitness identification; Preference; Video interview; Social psychology; Identification (information),,,,Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11896-018-9305-x https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/evidence-for-the-belief-in-live-lineup-superiority(0ebf9b72-b918-495f-ad13-042f49a621d0).html https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/files/12847166/Price_et_al_JPCP_Postprint.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/195277178.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11896-018-9305-x,,10.1007/s11896-018-9305-x,2903342625,,0,005-667-277-933-67X; 005-837-092-825-532; 009-490-843-926-832; 032-005-894-802-081; 035-874-527-965-325; 043-272-311-755-208; 045-317-506-848-454; 048-476-120-827-21X; 048-482-533-942-006; 063-995-392-431-778; 085-966-050-714-095; 101-646-573-237-262; 102-002-032-553-732; 109-128-192-296-606; 139-415-011-244-445; 160-595-846-574-401; 167-820-345-886-549,2,true,,green
004-683-041-454-908,The auricular surface as age indicator in a modern Greek sample: A test of two qualitative methods,2017-08-20,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Effrosyni Michopoulou; Pierrick Negre; Efthymia Nikita; Elena F. Kranioti,"The auricular surface is often found very well preserved, thus age-related changes in this anatomical area can be important for any set of human remains that require identification under different taphonomic conditions. This study tests the Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002) and Schmitt et al. (2005) methods in predicting the age of individuals in a documented sample from Crete, Greece. Both methods were used to record changes on the auricular surface in a mixed-sex sample of 74 individuals, directly as well as through photographs, by two independent observers. Cohen's kappa and intra class correlation coefficients (ICC) were used in order to assess inter-observer and intra-observer agreement. Results showed than none of the methods predicted age with sufficient accuracy, as high error rates were recorded. The Schmitt et al. (2005) method performed better, mainly because the age ranges it uses are broader. Scoring through photographs does not seem to introduce bias in predicting age, as demonstrated by the high intra-observer agreement rates. Inter-observer agreement was also high. The low intra- and inter-observer error rates suggest that the poor performance of both methods in the Cretan sample is not due to a lack of clarity in the description of the morphological changes recorded on the auricular surface; rather it should be attributed to a poor correlation between these changes and age at death in our material.",280,246,246.e1,246.e7,Intraclass correlation; Demography; Sample (material); Modern Greek; Test (assessment); Kappa; Age estimation; Poor correlation; Age at death; Mathematics,Age estimation; Auricular surface; Cretan collection; Forensic population data,"Adult; Age Determination by Skeleton/methods; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Female; Greece; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Pelvic Bones/anatomy & histology; Photography; Regression Analysis; Young Adult",,District Attorney of Heraklion and Mr; Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship [Programme/Call:,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28965664/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817303031 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817303031 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28965664 http://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/the-auricular-surface-as-age-indicator-in-a-modern-greek-sample(4d8592d8-5513-4c31-9c96-e733ceef0edc).html https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/the-auricular-surface-as-age-indicator-in-a-modern-greek-sample(4d8592d8-5513-4c31-9c96-e733ceef0edc).html https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5828743 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28965664 https://core.ac.uk/download/160670456.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.08.004,28965664,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.08.004,2746639099,,0,001-983-891-666-064; 002-733-798-779-501; 002-754-685-480-514; 013-508-702-086-11X; 017-366-098-353-879; 019-630-010-810-901; 022-632-971-552-283; 025-518-934-574-686; 027-446-330-375-638; 031-056-855-501-837; 031-669-313-048-718; 034-045-191-756-807; 034-242-602-690-076; 035-683-232-345-645; 041-624-707-070-436; 043-046-383-801-79X; 046-772-866-506-467; 048-029-166-966-966; 059-522-514-420-686; 063-695-255-833-688; 063-867-680-167-004; 063-970-361-654-863; 064-175-941-930-725; 067-749-584-427-994; 072-745-944-661-948; 080-288-596-378-300; 088-147-600-642-509; 094-425-523-201-527; 102-115-085-059-982; 102-428-495-800-38X; 114-030-423-545-40X; 114-343-041-932-065; 153-158-319-074-860; 174-409-155-196-145,8,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
005-268-632-980-641,The Detection and Policing of Gun Crime: Challenges to the effective policing of gun crime in Europe,2017-01-09,2017,journal article,European Journal of Criminology,14773708; 17412609,SAGE Publications,United States,Mike Hellenbach; Susan Elliott; F. Jeane Gerard; Becky Crookes; Thanos Stamos; Helen Poole; Erica Bowen,"Despite a shared understanding across the European Union (EU) that access to firearms by the general public should be restricted, detailed legislation regarding the ownership, use and trade of firearms varies between EU member states. It is unclear, however, how such variations impact on the policing of gun-enabled crime. By using qualitative data generated from interviews with police, policy and decision makers from 13 European countries, we aim to determine how stakeholders perceive that national variations in firearms legislation affect the policing of gun-enabled crime within and across EU countries. Four main themes were identified from the qualitative data: disparities in legislation, disparities in the priority given and the resources allocated to investigations into gun-enabled crime, as well as interventions. Owing to the aforementioned disparities, cross-national investigations into incidents of gun crime are at risk of remaining impaired in their effectiveness. Therefore, more legislative coherency as well as sustainable long-term interventions will be needed to successfully reduce ownership and use of firearms in the criminal world. In this context, a departure from an exclusive use of an economic model of gun crime is recommended to allow for a better understanding of the dynamics of the black gun market.",15,2,172,196,Economic model; Political science; Law; Psychological intervention; Legislation; Context (language use); European union; Intervention (law); Criminology; Legislature; Qualitative property,,,,Eruopean Commission,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1477370816686122 http://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/5860/ https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/qx45w/the-detection-and-policing-of-gun-crime-challenges-to-the-effective-policing-of-gun-crime-in-europe http://nectar.northampton.ac.uk/id/document/18929 https://eprints.worc.ac.uk/5266/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1477370816686122 https://pure.northampton.ac.uk/en/publications/the-detection-and-policing-of-gun-crime-challenges-to-the-effecti https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/publications/the-detection-and-policing-of-gun-crime-challenges-to-the-effecti-2 https://core.ac.uk/display/78652838 http://nectar.northampton.ac.uk/9100/ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1477370816686122 https://core.ac.uk/download/74208448.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1477370816686122,,10.1177/1477370816686122,2568812060,,0,002-454-111-318-337; 003-662-133-233-433; 003-984-287-815-200; 004-340-106-959-292; 004-373-043-731-311; 007-035-623-452-383; 007-550-255-675-44X; 008-267-530-114-325; 010-097-990-319-869; 011-428-328-082-377; 011-474-127-320-428; 011-741-669-091-491; 011-894-934-418-553; 013-125-476-094-93X; 016-401-775-683-328; 016-415-233-544-945; 020-647-573-643-04X; 024-438-057-225-970; 027-839-081-937-560; 027-874-265-403-938; 030-155-371-323-058; 033-549-414-301-600; 036-262-297-536-187; 037-550-015-414-716; 038-160-825-966-726; 042-660-895-320-90X; 043-252-029-586-246; 044-892-551-579-42X; 050-883-169-628-57X; 056-686-574-455-428; 060-657-402-712-709; 061-855-542-809-450; 074-439-589-880-990; 075-194-788-899-428; 082-953-485-560-564; 086-247-800-323-372; 088-442-961-228-372; 090-620-905-931-275; 092-104-660-874-47X; 094-146-644-506-27X; 098-046-464-711-003; 116-059-353-047-553; 119-673-338-765-046; 128-612-552-689-096; 138-800-361-698-441; 141-513-807-292-558; 141-600-822-958-368; 145-436-923-995-524; 145-676-565-946-257; 171-344-399-453-458; 174-109-897-599-520; 194-037-856-455-120,5,true,,green
005-349-673-184-355,Sex Work and Occupational Homicide: Analysis of a U.K. Murder Database:,2018-01-20,2018,journal article,Homicide Studies,10887679; 15526720,SAGE Publications,United States,Stewart Cunningham; Teela Sanders; Lucy Platt; Pippa Grenfell; P.G. Macioti,"This article presents an analysis of occupational homicides of sex workers in the United Kingdom, 1990-2016. Characteristics of 110 people murdered between 1990 and 2016 are explored including the location of their murder, ethnicity, migration status, and gender. Key changes over time are noted including an increase in the number of sex workers murdered indoors as well as an increase in murdered migrant sex workers. By developing the concept of “occupational homicide,” we argue that sex worker homicide should be viewed as an occupational issue and that the distinction between work-related homicide and nonwork-related homicide should be accounted for in future studies and is essential to inform prostitution policy.",22,3,321,338,Ethnic group; Psychology; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Sex work; Poison control; Homicide; Suicide prevention; Criminology,,,,Wellcome Trust,https://lra.le.ac.uk/bitstream/2381/40794/2/SandersHomicideStudiesFINAL.pdf http://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/GNwV2gvQwSSB8KcrSTkq/full https://core.ac.uk/display/157855140 https://researchonline.lshtm.ac.uk/id/eprint/4647626/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1088767918754306 https://core.ac.uk/download/157855140.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1088767918754306,,10.1177/1088767918754306,2783186164,,0,001-684-803-182-124; 005-121-919-823-890; 006-178-098-761-031; 011-363-835-201-890; 016-042-792-958-715; 018-360-723-260-483; 019-136-854-425-866; 023-278-521-081-768; 026-364-930-617-826; 037-059-913-492-548; 041-591-420-101-882; 044-593-067-600-266; 047-067-850-562-264; 050-892-884-005-907; 052-260-214-805-136; 052-408-691-105-43X; 052-770-073-950-638; 060-475-678-505-092; 060-693-249-747-136; 073-415-604-184-967; 081-028-800-878-990; 094-351-250-458-968; 096-063-449-391-648; 106-199-943-196-155; 113-860-683-425-961; 163-797-933-800-723,22,true,,green
005-471-876-175-458,Uniqueness of the anterior dentition three-dimensionally assessed for forensic bitemark analysis,2017-01-21,2017,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Ademir Franco; Guy Willems; Phc Souza; Wim Coucke; Patrick Thevissen,"The uniqueness of the human dentition (UHD) is an important concept in the comparative process in bitemark analysis. During this analysis, the incisal edges of the suspects' teeth are matched with the bitemarks collected from the victim's body or crime scenes. Despite playing an essential part to exclude suspects, the UHD contained in the involved incisal tooth edges remains an assumption on bitemark level. The present study was aimed, first, to investigate three-dimensionally (3D) the UHD within different quantities of dental material from the incisal edges; second, to test these outcomes in a bidimensional (2D) simulation. Four-hundred forty-five dental casts were collected to compose 4 study groups: I - randomly-selected subjects, II - orthodontically treated subjects, III - twins and IV - orthodontically treated twins. Additionally, 20 dental casts were included to create threshold groups on subjects from whom the dental impressions were taken at 2 different moments (Group V). All the dental casts were digitalized with an automated motion device (XCAD 3D® (XCADCAM Technology®, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil). The digital cast files (DCF) were integrated in Geomagic Studio® (3D Systems®, Rock Hill, SC, USA) software package (GS) for cropping, automated superimposition and pair-wise comparisons. All the DCF were cropped remaining 3 mm (part 1), 2 mm (part 2) and 1 mm (part 3) from the incisal edges of the anterior teeth. For a 2D validation, slices of 1 mm, not including incisal edges (part 4), were also cropped. These procedures were repeated in Group V, creating specific thresholds for each of the study parts. The 4 study groups were compared with its respective threshold using ANOVA test with statistical significance of 5%. Groups I, II and III did not differ from the corresponding threshold (Group V) in all study parts (p > 0.05). Scientific evidence to support the UHD was not observed in the current study. Bitemark analysis should not be disregarded but considered carefully when the suspects present similar dental alignment and morphology, such as in orthodontically treated subjects and twins, respectively.",46,,58,65,Forensic science; Superimposition; Dentition; Dentistry; Forensic dentistry; Dental Models; Orthodontics; Anterior dentition; Software package; Mathematics; Anterior teeth,3D morphometrics; Anterior dentition; Bitemark; Forensic dentistry; Uniqueness,"Bites, Human/pathology; Dentition; Female; Forensic Dentistry; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Models, Dental; Sensitivity and Specificity",,Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X17300057 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X17300057#! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28131012/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X17300057 https://core.ac.uk/display/80798441,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2017.01.005,28131012,10.1016/j.jflm.2017.01.005,2575312955,,0,003-228-423-866-755; 004-417-604-789-671; 004-887-766-682-697; 005-858-870-083-719; 008-809-149-413-071; 012-092-459-565-598; 018-323-984-551-382; 018-350-487-975-663; 019-242-498-328-670; 022-463-234-270-29X; 023-088-891-709-113; 023-596-956-866-090; 024-056-778-537-858; 024-818-630-032-35X; 024-955-760-107-218; 030-402-847-510-349; 031-951-272-783-933; 033-579-939-342-592; 039-741-331-642-125; 043-278-226-167-281; 049-476-032-773-043; 050-673-458-268-472; 054-499-902-292-175; 067-963-417-315-028; 072-440-562-491-915; 083-198-539-429-669; 089-427-857-963-503; 101-436-770-235-826; 116-142-030-155-426; 117-824-632-314-652; 121-215-230-280-729; 126-785-229-823-796; 129-050-761-963-64X; 143-428-656-826-327; 154-060-119-086-489; 166-528-188-724-014; 193-115-576-121-825,13,false,,
005-580-846-875-376,Morphometric Analysis of Maxillary Central Incisor to Determine its Crown Form: A Model-based Cross-sectional Study,,2016,journal article,Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine,23495014,Medknow,,Jayasankar P Pillai; Riddhi Amrutbhai Patel; Alka Banker; J Rajarajeswari; SukhDev Mishra,"The size and shape of tooth crowns are morphogenetically predetermined during embryogenesis. The maxillary central incisors have contributed to sexual dimorphism, and several classifications of the form of maxillary central incisors are available in the literature. We, in the present study, aimed to analyze the mesiodistal (MD) measurements at two levels of maxillary central incisor, to determine its crown form. The study was conducted on 100 dental plaster models (50 males and 50 females). The MD dimensions at the contact area level MD_incisal (MD_I) and at the gingival papilla level (MD_G) and the gingivo-incisal height of the crown were measured in the dental models using digital Vernier caliper. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 statistical software. The mean values of all the three parameters measured were slightly greater for males and also for the left central incisors. There were no significant differences in all the three variables when the right and left incisors were compared. Significant differences were noted when the parameters are compared between genders. The height/width ratio of crown showed a significant difference between male and female. The value of the ratio between the two MD dimensions (MD_I and MD_G) was used to determine the crown form. The ratio between the MD dimensions at incisal and gingival area showed a significant difference between genders and no such significance was found between right and left central incisors. There is a significant difference in the form of maxillary central incisors between male and female samples and not between right and left. The MD dimensions at incisal and gingival thirds decide the form of crown.",2,4,213,,Cross-sectional study; Maxillary central incisor; Calipers; Dentistry; Crown (dentistry); Gingival papilla; Morphometric analysis; Significant difference; Crown form; Medicine,,,,,https://www.jfsmonline.com/article.asp?issn=2349-5014;year=2016;volume=2;issue=4;spage=213;epage=218;aulast=Pillai http://www.jfsmonline.com/article.asp?issn=2349-5014;year=2016;volume=2;issue=4;spage=213;epage=218;aulast=Pillai https://core.ac.uk/display/89202715,http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/2349-5014.197929,,10.4103/2349-5014.197929,2568145472,,0,,2,true,cc-by-nc-sa,gold
005-623-161-712-774,Specific marker of feigned memory impairment: The activation of left superior frontal gyrus.,2015-09-12,2015,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Zi-Xiang Chen; Li Xue; Chun-Yu Liang; Li-Li Wang; Wei Mei; Qiang Zhang; Hu Zhao,"Faking memory impairment means normal people complain lots of memory problems without organic damage in forensic assessments. Using alternative forced-choice paradigm, containing digital or autobiographical information, previous neuroimaging studies have indicated that faking memory impairment could cause the activation in the prefrontal and parietal regions, and might involve a fronto-parietal-subcortical circuit. However, it is still unclear whether different memory types have influence on faking or not. Since different memory types, such as long-term memory (LTM) and short-term memory (STM), were found supported by different brain areas, we hypothesized that feigned STM or LTM impairment had distinct neural activation mapping. Besides that, some common neural correlates may act as the general characteristic of feigned memory impairment. To verify this hypothesis, the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) combined with an alternative word forced-choice paradigm were used in this study. A total of 10 right-handed participants, in this study, had to perform both STW and LTM tasks respectively under answering correctly, answering randomly and feigned memory impairment conditions. Our results indicated that the activation of the left superior frontal gyrus and the left medial frontal gyrus was associated with feigned LTM impairment, whereas the left superior frontal gyrus, the left precuneus and the right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) were highly activated while feigning STM impairment. Furthermore, an overlapping was found in the left superior frontal gyrus, and it suggested that the activity of the left superior frontal gyrus might be acting as a specific marker of feigned memory impairment.",36,,164,171,Psychology; Neuroscience; Short-term memory; Long-term memory; Parietal lobe; Functional magnetic resonance imaging; Prefrontal cortex; Memory impairment; Brain mapping; Neuroimaging,Deception; Feigned memory impairment; Long-term memory; Short-term memory; fMRI,"Adult; Brain Mapping; Deception; Female; Forensic Medicine; Forensic Psychiatry; Gyrus Cinguli/physiology; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Male; Memory Disorders/diagnosis; Memory, Long-Term; Memory, Short-Term; Neuropsychological Tests; Parietal Lobe/physiology; Prefrontal Cortex/physiology",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26479324 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X15001754 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26479324/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X15001754 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26479324,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2015.09.008,26479324,10.1016/j.jflm.2015.09.008,2102838550,,0,002-266-657-869-642; 004-713-727-778-282; 005-118-193-693-689; 007-736-895-402-402; 008-042-866-897-100; 008-885-951-408-67X; 008-959-461-085-82X; 010-139-687-822-392; 010-506-089-797-15X; 013-681-793-911-857; 014-090-562-302-773; 014-668-821-545-402; 014-954-315-265-085; 019-593-852-111-883; 019-783-332-230-990; 021-993-319-637-240; 027-468-334-029-131; 042-611-644-613-977; 043-480-644-816-976; 045-755-141-841-873; 046-865-635-403-447; 047-454-055-578-136; 050-975-029-755-313; 054-424-876-149-351; 058-553-503-941-801; 063-539-919-263-071; 064-174-934-087-077; 065-464-293-289-729; 065-620-589-864-464; 066-504-758-568-315; 067-774-780-008-767; 071-720-206-562-772; 073-200-060-101-300; 075-998-984-185-231; 083-528-791-402-029; 084-682-715-867-803; 086-034-525-764-00X; 091-380-641-403-271; 095-564-222-535-749; 097-805-836-974-188,8,false,,
005-797-232-686-578,Fetal Ilium as a Tool For Sex Determination: Discriminant Functional Analysis,,2021,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,null Aarti; Luv Sharma; Kamal Singh,"Background: Sex determination has been the most intriguing puzzle for forensic pathologists andanthropologists for which efforts are being done since long. Sexual dimorphism is well established in theadult pelvis and it is known to provide the highest level of information about sexual dimorphism. This studywas conducted to know whether this dimorphism exists in fetal bones?Method: A total of 34 pairs of fetal pelvis bones (22 Males + 12 Females), age ranging from 4 months tofull term were collected from unidentified dead fetuses brought in the Department of Forensic Medicinefor the routine medicolegal autopsies, to study for sexual dimorphism in the Department of Anatomy, Pt.B. D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak. Samples were divided in 2 age groups and various metric parameters wererecorded with the help of digital vernier caliper. Data obtained was subjected to descriptive & discriminantfunctional analysis.Conclusion: Results of Descriptive and Discriminant Functional Analysis showed that sex determinationcan be done with 100% of accuracy by using different combinations of parameters of fetal ilium. Thisstudy illustrates that sexual dimorphism exists from early fetal life & after mid pregnancy; it can be clearlyestablished by discriminant functional analysis.This research was limited in its analysis due to less availability of specimens as this represents only theresults in north Indian population. Future studies should be done to explore different populations to betterunderstand the sexual dimorphism in fetal bones of different geographic contexts.",15,4,14,21,Sexual dimorphism; Forensic science; Demography; Fetus; Pelvis; Fetal bones; Age groups; Future studies; North indian population; Biology,,,,,https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/16651,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.16651,,10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.16651,3196349975,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
005-821-321-351-937,Analysis of facial soft tissue changes with aging and their effects on facial morphology: A forensic perspective,,2015,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Manavpreet Kaur; Rakesh Garg; Sanjeev Singla,"Abstract While working on the concept of employing human faces as a biometric tool for personal identification, it is common to come across certain hindrances such as illumination, pose variation and facial hair. But, dealing with the aging process of an individual has been generally overlooked until recently. This relatively untouched aspect may enable us more insight while tackling identification problems. As the face matures, it changes some of its most enduring properties (e.g., shape of the cranium) and acquires new attributes (e.g., wrinkles). These changes are the basis of information about the aging of the face. The human brain can analyze the face and estimate the approximate age of an individual, though this estimation is not accurate. The perception of age in the human brain is still a subject of research. This article takes the phenomenon of “aging of face” into consideration and following the same, this study has been carried out to analyze the kind of change occurring in the facial soft tissue thickness with progression of age and can be used along with other biological markers for personal identification or in developing automatic facial age estimation. The data can be used as an additional feature for corroboration or authentication in individualization. This preliminary study will help in forensic investigation although a database needs to be generated on other populations.",5,2,46,56,Identification (biology); Artificial intelligence; Psychology; Cognitive psychology; Biometrics; Perspective (graphical); Face (geometry); Perception; Facial hair; Variation (linguistics); Computer vision; Feature (computer vision),,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/81131926 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X14000501 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manavpreet_Kaur/publication/264624782_Analysis_of_facial_soft_tissue_changes_with_aging_and_their_effects_on_facial_morphology_A_forensic_perspective/links/543ca6ca0cf20af5cfbf6f95.pdf?disableCoverPage=true https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X14000501 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/81131926.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.07.006,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.07.006,1970251798,,1,000-261-491-751-63X; 004-217-994-067-191; 006-714-799-712-204; 011-853-691-986-845; 012-786-132-740-725; 013-666-740-361-788; 019-167-127-148-016; 027-456-716-539-809; 030-152-914-120-430; 031-155-018-333-761; 031-419-910-491-863; 031-873-423-006-20X; 032-360-308-271-895; 040-828-610-827-189; 042-918-930-176-647; 047-324-585-173-085; 052-826-543-795-581; 055-416-206-270-968; 091-342-896-565-822; 091-647-610-878-32X; 091-921-977-734-970; 102-232-490-547-210; 116-808-064-950-741; 128-694-149-468-711; 145-074-398-519-179,34,true,cc-by,gold
006-050-715-615-484,Differences in biomechanical properties and thickness among frontal and parietal bones in a Japanese sample,2015-04-28,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Suguru Torimitsu; Yoshifumi Nishida; Tachio Takano; Daisuke Yajima; Go Inokuchi; Yohsuke Makino; Ayumi Motomura; Fumiko Chiba; Rutsuko Yamaguchi; Mari Hashimoto; Yumi Hoshioka; Hirotaro Iwase,,252,,190,6,Anatomy; Forensic anthropology; Flexural strength; Frontal bone; Skull; Parietal bone; Multidetector computed tomography; Fracture load; Biology; Cadaver,Adult skull; Flexural strength; Forensic Anthropology Population Data; Fracture load; Japanese; Thickness,"Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Asians; Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Frontal Bone/anatomy & histology; Humans; Japan; Male; Middle Aged; Multidetector Computed Tomography; Parietal Bone/anatomy & histology; Sex Characteristics; Skull Fractures/physiopathology",,"Designing Everyday Life Function and Social System Team, Digital Human Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST); JSPS KAKENHI",https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815001759#! https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815001759 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25998720 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/25998720,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.04.029,25998720,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.04.029,2025451776,,0,000-980-517-610-490; 003-889-414-602-158; 004-559-887-032-348; 006-263-509-913-199; 013-542-650-805-15X; 013-817-236-384-978; 016-228-007-754-027; 018-821-648-171-980; 023-264-245-880-442; 024-486-166-348-01X; 025-448-584-472-039; 035-164-036-702-161; 037-077-338-101-844; 039-482-598-341-256; 047-234-479-487-962; 048-789-682-103-51X; 049-111-695-871-072; 055-565-132-333-944; 056-769-077-993-931; 057-586-691-157-321; 062-610-410-788-759; 074-055-117-630-544; 076-387-305-095-036; 080-811-408-764-292; 085-446-847-955-129; 089-529-306-478-170; 089-878-224-121-982; 090-974-372-517-562; 103-360-071-447-509; 107-218-681-338-762; 111-015-543-258-048; 123-597-549-876-355,17,false,,
006-083-124-094-809,Facial soft biometric features for forensic face recognition,2015-09-24,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Pedro Tome; Ruben Vera-Rodriguez; Julian Fierrez; Javier Ortega-Garcia,"This paper proposes a functional feature-based approach useful for real forensic caseworks, based on the shape, orientation and size of facial traits, which can be considered as a soft biometric approach. The motivation of this work is to provide a set of facial features, which can be understood by non-experts such as judges and support the work of forensic examiners who, in practice, carry out a thorough manual comparison of face images paying special attention to the similarities and differences in shape and size of various facial traits. This new approach constitutes a tool that automatically converts a set of facial landmarks to a set of features (shape and size) corresponding to facial regions of forensic value. These features are furthermore evaluated in a population to generate statistics to support forensic examiners. The proposed features can also be used as additional information that can improve the performance of traditional face recognition systems. These features follow the forensic methodology and are obtained in a continuous and discrete manner from raw images. A statistical analysis is also carried out to study the stability, discrimination power and correlation of the proposed facial features on two realistic databases: MORPH and ATVS Forensic DB. Finally, the performance of both continuous and discrete features is analyzed using different similarity measures. Experimental results show high discrimination power and good recognition performance, especially for continuous features. A final fusion of the best systems configurations achieves rank 10 match results of 100% for ATVS database and 75% for MORPH database demonstrating the benefits of using this information in practice.",257,,271,284,Artificial intelligence; Biometrics; Face (geometry); Soft biometrics; Population; Facial recognition system; Computer vision; Feature (machine learning); Computer science; Three-dimensional face recognition; Orientation (computer vision),Anthropometric measures; Biometrics; Face recognition; Face traits; Forensics; Soft biometrics,"Anatomic Landmarks; Biometric Identification; Databases, Factual; Face/anatomy & histology; Forensic Sciences/methods; Humans",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26454196 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815003746 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26454196 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073815003746 https://repositorio.uam.es/handle/10486/674267 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26454196/ https://repositorio.uam.es/bitstream/10486/674267/1/facial_tome_2015_FSI_ps.pdf https://repositorio.uam.es/bitstream/handle/10486/674267/facial_tome_2015_FSI_ps.pdf?sequence=1,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.09.002,26454196,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.09.002,2144794702,,0,003-945-069-652-456; 004-778-529-648-10X; 008-857-651-936-819; 009-555-178-332-819; 011-589-079-603-596; 011-835-566-216-375; 015-906-453-617-077; 016-697-858-461-312; 016-762-602-366-782; 023-678-846-082-753; 027-747-545-937-705; 028-512-652-829-494; 029-037-769-928-054; 029-069-694-911-907; 030-573-286-617-774; 036-347-763-230-373; 048-384-579-772-226; 052-984-146-063-33X; 060-253-609-042-692; 064-126-841-247-127; 067-951-457-649-120; 072-514-060-056-971; 076-875-840-449-10X; 078-742-462-222-090; 080-886-607-212-438; 099-962-872-474-828; 100-232-925-329-624; 100-930-840-671-437; 101-390-184-587-14X; 110-622-775-452-876; 111-748-772-327-957; 129-748-001-790-98X; 138-044-084-375-642; 140-810-696-589-766; 152-586-145-036-729; 159-079-205-253-660; 172-031-484-503-893; 184-404-944-469-492; 184-851-788-407-568,56,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
006-770-539-550-890,Development of a Reference Data Set (RDS) for dental age estimation (DAE) and testing of this with a separate Validation Set (VS) in a southern Chinese population.,2016-07-12,2016,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Jayakumar Jayaraman; Hai Ming Wong; Nigel M. King; Graham Roberts,"Abstract Background Many countries have recently experienced a rapid increase in the demand for forensic age estimates of unaccompanied minors. Hong Kong is a major tourist and business center where there has been an increase in the number of people intercepted with false travel documents. An accurate estimation of age is only possible when a dataset for age estimation that has been derived from the corresponding ethnic population. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop and validate a Reference Data Set (RDS) for dental age estimation for southern Chinese. Materials and methods A total of 2306 subjects were selected from the patient archives of a large dental hospital and the chronological age for each subject was recorded. This age was assigned to each specific stage of dental development for each tooth to create a RDS. To validate this RDS, a further 484 subjects were randomly chosen from the patient archives and their dental age was assessed based on the scores from the RDS. Dental age was estimated using meta-analysis command corresponding to random effects statistical model. Chronological age (CA) and Dental Age (DA) were compared using the paired t-test. Results The overall difference between the chronological and dental age (CA-DA) was 0.05 years (2.6 weeks) for males and 0.03 years (1.6 weeks) for females. The paired t-test indicated that there was no statistically significant difference between the chronological and dental age (p > 0.05). Conclusion The validated southern Chinese reference dataset based on dental maturation accurately estimated the chronological age.",43,,26,33,Set (psychology); Random effects model; Population; Travel Documents; Dental age; Southern chinese; Age estimation; Medicine; Gerontology; Estimation,Age estimation; Dental age; Dental maturity; Reference Data Set; Southern Chinese,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth; Asians; Child; Child, Preschool; Female; Hong Kong; Humans; Male; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Reference Values; Tooth/growth & development; Young Adult",,University of Hong Kong; Research Grants Council,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27441983/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X16300750 https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(16)30075-0/fulltext https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27441983 http://mymedr.afpm.org.my/publications/47086 https://core.ac.uk/display/80961579,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2016.07.007,27441983,10.1016/j.jflm.2016.07.007,2472670973,,0,029-005-326-556-582; 029-319-683-681-279; 031-056-855-501-837; 042-987-716-600-928; 044-170-525-688-046; 046-623-439-720-494; 046-789-602-128-897; 049-615-755-018-33X; 057-936-428-923-25X; 060-149-664-183-113; 061-507-121-495-27X; 063-797-970-635-59X; 065-702-293-975-631; 084-794-120-496-069; 088-194-653-788-802; 088-393-857-411-128; 097-293-486-556-528; 123-328-724-534-868; 126-416-234-398-903; 134-901-314-238-570; 139-600-070-612-564; 140-643-421-669-825,20,false,,
006-815-373-739-859,Accuracy and sampling error of two age estimation techniques using rib histomorphometry on a modern sample.,2015-11-25,2015,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Julieta G. García-Donas; Jeffrey Dyke; Robert R. Paine; Despoina Nathena; Elena F. Kranioti,"Most age estimation methods are proven problematic when applied in highly fragmented skeletal remains. Rib histomorphometry is advantageous in such cases; yet it is vital to test and revise existing techniques particularly when used in legal settings (Crowder and Rosella, 2007). This study tested Stout & Paine (1992) and Stout et al. (1994) histological age estimation methods on a Modern Greek sample using different sampling sites. Six left 4th ribs of known age and sex were selected from a modern skeletal collection. Each rib was cut into three equal segments. Two thin sections were acquired from each segment. A total of 36 thin sections were prepared and analysed. Four variables (cortical area, intact and fragmented osteon density and osteon population density) were calculated for each section and age was estimated according to Stout & Paine (1992) and Stout et al. (1994). The results showed that both methods produced a systemic underestimation of the individuals (to a maximum of 43 years) although a general improvement in accuracy levels was observed when applying the Stout et al. (1994) formula. There is an increase of error rates with increasing age with the oldest individual showing extreme differences between real age and estimated age. Comparison of the different sampling sites showed small differences between the estimated ages suggesting that any fragment of the rib could be used without introducing significant error. Yet, a larger sample should be used to confirm these results.",38,,28,35,Statistics; Pathology; Rib cage; Sampling error; Forensic anthropology; Sample (material); Osteon; Age and sex; Age estimation; Medicine; Sampling (statistics),Age estimation; Forensic anthropology; Rib histomorphometry; Sampling error,"Adult; Age Determination by Skeleton/methods; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Greece; Haversian System/anatomy & histology; Humans; Male; Microscopy; Middle Aged; Models, Statistical; Ribs/anatomy & histology; Young Adult",,,https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/accuracy-and-sampling-error-of-two-age-estimation-techniques-usin https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(15)00218-8/fulltext http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26698389 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X15002188 https://kar.kent.ac.uk/69303/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26698389 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X15002188 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/ws/files/45701599/Sampling_Error_manuscript_for_web_Garcia_Donas_et_al._2015.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/77045756.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2015.11.012,26698389,10.1016/j.jflm.2015.11.012,2176929535,,0,000-879-500-238-50X; 001-983-891-666-064; 002-684-955-385-699; 004-199-123-767-567; 006-347-181-532-250; 006-507-388-791-348; 006-877-779-904-061; 007-005-330-141-090; 007-434-358-527-695; 010-035-363-210-780; 011-920-852-728-650; 012-933-418-483-16X; 016-399-146-305-789; 018-652-946-999-503; 019-302-588-429-813; 022-112-573-394-671; 022-289-754-000-794; 022-616-759-312-063; 024-657-910-386-430; 025-131-764-872-093; 034-045-191-756-807; 034-865-245-667-046; 035-607-391-685-992; 035-925-095-747-347; 036-101-196-945-902; 038-246-618-043-598; 038-711-445-435-585; 041-840-974-537-615; 047-678-659-114-749; 051-543-320-559-171; 054-630-292-064-298; 058-194-477-152-339; 060-041-101-379-644; 061-585-349-211-126; 061-611-412-108-698; 067-483-325-469-668; 067-749-584-427-994; 071-972-790-861-018; 086-894-800-617-355; 087-609-771-488-603; 088-864-772-744-765; 093-986-373-881-929; 098-547-164-671-05X; 102-428-495-800-38X; 104-855-648-963-745; 107-993-280-098-144; 113-505-687-515-175; 133-037-066-710-18X; 139-288-444-788-780; 164-277-639-151-125; 187-756-952-743-680,7,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
008-062-852-287-940,"Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding the use of digital photographs in the examination of the dead and living among doctors practicing forensic medicine in Sri Lanka.",2020-05-30,2020,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,P.A.S. Edirisinghe; I.D.G. Kitulwatte; D. R. Nadeera,"Abstract Background Forensic medical photography alludes to creating images of injuries/ conditions to be used in the legal process. In many parts of the world obtaining digital forensic medical photographs are done by trained police officers. in Sri Lanka, such practice is not seen. Thus, it is not uncommon to see many forensic medicine experts develop skills of taking photographs related to injuries in the living or dead. Objectives To study the knowledge, attitude and practice on medico-legal usage of digital forensic photographs among doctors practicing forensic medicine in Sri Lanka. Method A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire among doctors who engage in forensic work in all provinces of Sri Lanka. The study was conducted mainly as an on-line survey from October to December 2018 while some returned the survey via post. Results Out of 170 forensic doctors 135 participated the study. Half of them (n=68, 50.4%) were medical officers with basic MBBS degree where 23.6% (n= 36) had more than 10 years of experience. Even though the majority (n=98, 72.6%) stated that they have a Digital SLR camera in their institutions most of them (n=110, 81.5%) didn’t have external light sources. More than half of them (n=73, 54.1%) used camera phones instead of DSLR (n=48, 35.6%) to take forensic photographs. The main purpose of obtaining photographs was for the recording of evidence for later usage (n=126, 93.3%) followed by as reviewable materials for a second opinion (n=120, 88.9%). The study showed 112 doctors (83.0%) used their personal computers to store photographs whereas, 57 (42.2%) saved them in their institutional computers too. Evaluation of basic technical knowledge on exposure triangle and camera sensor showed only 13.5% (n=18) doctors were having satisfactory knowledge. The knowledge of legal aspects showed a significant difference between doctors with postgraduate qualifications and those who are either in PG training or grade medical officers. Further, there was a significant difference in the belief that including photographs in reports will provide unnecessary information to defense lawyers resulting in questioning among PG qualified and Non-PG qualified doctors. Conclusion This study showed a big gap in the technical knowledge of taking good quality digital photographs by forensic doctors while the usage of camera phones is getting popular. There are many gaps in the practice from storage to usage. There are negative attitudes among doctors of using photographs to courts especially among grade medical officers and PG trainees. A robust educational programme followed by guidelines on quality medico-legal photographs is the need of the hour.",73,,101995,,Forensic science; Descriptive research; Camera phone; Psychology; Medical photography; Second opinion; Sri lanka; Significant difference; Medical education; Digital forensics,Attitude; Digital photographs; Forensic medical photography; Knowledge; Practice,Attitude of Health Personnel; Attitude to Computers; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Forensic Medicine; Humans; Male; Photography; Physicians; Smartphone; Sri Lanka; Surveys and Questionnaires,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X20301025 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32658753 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32658753/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2020.101995,32658753,10.1016/j.jflm.2020.101995,3031776880,,0,008-775-261-173-669; 014-021-855-427-01X; 021-040-419-423-458; 027-717-012-592-09X; 038-418-972-423-161; 052-762-819-391-116; 054-149-681-709-909; 056-404-619-780-200; 063-306-348-753-589; 066-754-723-869-494; 067-844-385-207-96X; 074-527-261-659-950; 080-430-589-035-97X; 085-774-876-344-856; 087-566-016-664-08X; 105-958-519-285-288,4,false,,
008-171-110-258-895,Depiction of ethnic facial aging by forensic artists and preliminary assessment of the applicability of facial averages.,2020-06-04,2020,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Kelsey M. Kyllonen; Keith L. Monson,"Many characteristics of facial aging are common to all. The age of their onset and which characteristics tend to predominate varies among individuals depending on many factors including their genetic makeup, life experiences, environment in which they live, and the regional, ethnic, or socially perceived group to which they belong. Forensic artists are often asked to provide sketches, 2D or 3D digital renderings, or sculptures representative of how an individual may appear at an older age based on a provided photograph, victim or witness description, and/or cranial remains. The challenge escalates when the subject is a member of a regional, ethnic, or other socially perceived group to which the artist has had little or no exposure. We describe aspects of adult facial aging that are of particular relevance to the forensic artist, applicable software tools, and pertinent facial databases, especially those emphasizing non-white populations. We demonstrate that facial averaging offers two key advantages to the artistic portrayal of facial aging: first, the technique requires relatively small reference databases from groups that may present logistical challenges to collect and second, that a facial average provides a useful representation of the gestalt of the age and ethnicity cohort to which a subject belongs. The artist may use an average along with other available information such as photo reference books, eyewitness descriptions, photos of immediate family members, and cranial structure to guide production of a facial composite drawing, digital age progression, or sculpture of the subject in question.",313,,110353,,Ethnic group; Psychology; Relevance (law); Cognitive psychology; Gestalt psychology; Witness; Facial composite; Depiction; Age progression; Immediate family,Age progression; Facial aging; Facial archetypes; Facial average; Facial databases; Forensic art,"Databases, Factual; Face/physiology; Female; Forensic Medicine/methods; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Male; Photography; Racial Groups; Skin Aging/physiology; Software",,Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education; U.S. Department of Energy,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32559613 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073820302152 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32559613/ https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6979098,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110353,32559613,10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110353,3032976501,,0,000-039-420-707-765; 000-261-491-751-63X; 001-239-004-151-860; 001-453-691-643-548; 001-855-580-398-561; 001-876-526-793-280; 001-976-290-214-104; 002-080-279-901-16X; 002-254-844-507-075; 002-564-234-999-31X; 002-843-341-287-926; 003-547-114-858-813; 003-549-149-899-462; 003-991-817-781-235; 004-924-500-922-630; 005-436-271-356-21X; 005-821-321-351-937; 005-823-044-328-868; 006-603-955-809-381; 006-705-288-819-478; 006-900-539-022-572; 007-387-033-595-412; 007-553-904-647-881; 008-079-038-796-725; 009-109-227-606-311; 009-419-236-166-040; 009-608-812-998-770; 009-722-807-433-096; 009-760-545-105-160; 010-069-832-311-679; 011-424-680-011-748; 012-392-236-312-694; 013-838-705-695-115; 014-864-521-843-510; 015-055-329-698-962; 015-257-638-202-938; 015-666-870-826-152; 016-086-162-393-355; 016-445-045-411-560; 017-681-777-209-860; 017-988-293-003-221; 018-035-367-845-418; 018-178-925-246-590; 019-011-118-870-786; 019-167-127-148-016; 019-447-262-606-071; 019-750-138-782-766; 019-987-302-526-090; 020-589-563-154-055; 020-810-898-649-252; 022-003-339-404-541; 022-072-103-441-767; 022-296-061-229-196; 023-057-264-015-700; 023-793-642-930-670; 024-433-310-014-702; 027-456-716-539-809; 027-526-062-334-61X; 027-763-303-005-817; 028-074-795-987-724; 029-090-391-481-993; 029-135-276-733-442; 029-231-030-210-043; 029-985-597-938-175; 030-011-101-596-520; 030-231-218-304-952; 030-330-025-260-184; 030-351-980-143-982; 031-022-859-851-898; 031-893-462-288-324; 031-936-745-696-894; 031-941-668-846-217; 033-655-979-418-610; 034-007-859-381-658; 035-562-815-157-020; 035-688-720-040-042; 035-807-734-753-077; 036-864-398-290-938; 038-336-941-883-641; 039-038-151-787-824; 039-897-524-068-722; 039-971-336-691-587; 039-993-546-672-170; 040-218-316-399-285; 040-282-004-269-066; 040-753-350-680-198; 041-433-784-411-247; 041-794-604-619-58X; 041-993-081-798-532; 043-174-947-499-853; 044-221-964-961-881; 044-510-742-827-397; 044-697-372-239-186; 044-727-294-015-869; 045-541-189-003-138; 045-810-538-202-155; 047-921-889-118-769; 048-407-718-557-518; 049-295-765-265-449; 051-194-309-718-589; 052-386-444-984-874; 053-383-779-409-866; 054-090-782-604-491; 054-288-375-049-375; 054-354-499-992-720; 055-243-275-778-404; 055-416-206-270-968; 055-683-157-609-879; 056-012-178-637-077; 057-560-974-712-094; 058-821-644-035-982; 058-824-924-714-801; 059-120-666-177-687; 059-381-938-369-064; 062-358-662-026-695; 063-664-847-077-773; 064-370-165-898-323; 064-387-681-478-991; 066-085-727-854-948; 066-483-784-494-751; 067-858-395-172-294; 067-959-746-978-621; 068-467-759-882-27X; 070-337-139-777-280; 071-556-295-010-256; 071-627-007-377-084; 072-113-573-846-349; 072-764-919-120-350; 075-002-549-939-075; 075-412-204-654-551; 076-313-305-698-230; 076-419-803-009-480; 076-440-657-815-148; 077-076-728-769-555; 077-147-622-441-813; 077-628-974-437-241; 078-007-517-585-147; 083-315-138-105-524; 083-576-549-483-04X; 083-660-709-074-678; 083-937-234-364-127; 084-598-815-120-051; 085-675-489-428-722; 086-195-321-089-695; 088-927-847-255-823; 089-064-244-317-672; 089-656-215-256-769; 090-443-499-220-130; 091-047-028-553-184; 091-739-468-822-277; 092-376-650-112-964; 093-558-095-508-305; 098-605-136-051-809; 098-648-182-503-001; 099-111-614-870-953; 100-429-128-664-509; 101-354-038-320-190; 103-889-724-848-853; 104-493-219-601-206; 106-305-749-983-338; 106-566-929-302-072; 108-337-249-745-148; 109-910-258-316-64X; 112-653-199-922-984; 114-290-141-000-701; 116-534-486-256-586; 116-808-064-950-741; 117-658-316-703-401; 118-098-345-092-99X; 120-737-065-343-547; 123-969-230-879-081; 125-351-288-187-844; 125-567-437-511-138; 127-423-661-065-558; 129-973-993-038-686; 130-135-500-765-897; 133-067-955-618-743; 144-805-701-973-607; 145-074-398-519-179; 146-781-090-532-43X; 150-578-043-342-140; 152-700-386-548-780; 154-378-264-068-412; 159-744-167-703-364; 181-146-437-294-159,0,true,,bronze
008-257-042-374-84X,Role of mandibular canines in establishment of gender,,2014,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Ch. Sai kiran; Tanya Khaitan; P. Ramaswamy; S Sudhakar; B. Smitha; Ginjupally Uday,Abstract Objective The objective of this study was to determine the maximum mesiodistal width of mandibular canines for establishing their variation as a tool to determine gender and to determine the accuracy of the measurements through clinical examination and dental cast models. Study design: A total of 60 subjects (30 males and 30 females) in the age group of 15–34 years were selected for the study. The maximum mesiodistal widths of the right and left mandibular canines were first measured intraorally and then on cast models of the same patients with the help of a divider and a digital vernier caliper. The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis and sexual dimorphism was calculated. Results The mesiodistal width of the mandibular canines as determined by clinical examination and on plaster models was statistically insignificant. The mean canine widths were found to be higher in males when compared with females. The right mandibular canine showed a greater sexual dimorphism than the left mandibular canine. Conclusion The present study established the mandibular canine as a valuable tool for sex determination.,4,3,71,74,Sexual dimorphism; Calipers; Dentistry; Mandibular canine; Canine tooth; Right mandibular canine; Statistical analysis; Dental cast; Physical examination; Medicine,,,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X14000422 https://core.ac.uk/display/88313459 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X14000422 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.05.003 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/81981071.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.05.003,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.05.003,1974640746,,0,021-133-835-756-166; 026-442-173-446-687; 048-533-221-930-521; 050-277-790-019-086; 053-321-934-325-619; 054-689-481-038-79X; 056-012-085-541-391; 089-592-536-775-906; 104-764-279-916-631; 118-070-293-750-991; 121-413-493-559-26X,4,true,cc-by,gold
008-594-799-452-800,Digital restoration of fragmentary human skeletal remains: Testing the feasibility of virtual reality.,2019-06-14,2019,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Mikoláš Jurda; Petra Urbanová; Jiří Chmelík,"Experts in forensic anthropology and medicine have become gradually accustomed to examining components of the human body in the virtual workspace. While the computer-assisted approach offers numerous benefits, the interactions with digital three-dimensional biological objects are often problematic, particularly if conducted with mouse, keyboard and flat-panel screen. The study focusses on feasibility of a virtual reality (VR) system for virtual restoration of fragmentary skeletal remains. The VR system was confronted with three cases of fragmentary remains. The cases were reassembled manually by twenty participants using a HTC Vive headset combined with an in-house application A.R.T. The same task was performed using a CloudCompare software in conjunction with a desktop peripheral. The two systems were compared in terms of time efficiency, the geometric properties of the resulting restorations, and convenience of use. Restoration using the VR system took approximately half the time the desktop set-up did. The VR system also yielded a lower error rate when a severely fragmented skull was reassembled. Ultimately, although the efficiency of the reassembling was shown to be strongly dependent on the operator's experience, the use of the VR system balanced out the uneven levels of proficiency in computer graphics. The current generation of virtual reality headsets has a strong potential to facilitate and improve tasks relating to the virtual restoration of fragmented skeletal remains. A VR system offers an intuitive digital working environment which is less affected by an operator's computer skills and practical understanding of the technology than the desktop systems are.",66,,50,57,Human–computer interaction; Market fragmentation; Computer literacy; Human body; Virtual reality; Software; Task (project management); Headset; Computer science; Computer graphics,Fragmentation; Reassembly; Skeletal injuries; Virtual approach; Virtual reality,"Adult; Body Remains; Feasibility Studies; Female; Forensic Anthropology/methods; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Skull Fractures/diagnostic imaging; Software; Virtual Reality; Wounds, Gunshot/diagnostic imaging",,"Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy; Masarykova Univerzita; Masarykova Univerzita",https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31220789/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X19300575 https://www.muni.cz/vyzkum/publikace/1547696 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31220789,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2019.06.005,31220789,10.1016/j.jflm.2019.06.005,2950103776,,0,001-052-880-694-507; 001-287-095-951-199; 002-175-009-244-034; 003-195-834-542-298; 007-782-068-938-817; 008-032-872-673-868; 008-199-912-610-234; 009-947-061-814-18X; 012-204-871-646-81X; 013-483-022-899-67X; 013-949-104-816-972; 017-814-643-697-738; 021-237-083-615-788; 022-286-806-800-408; 023-958-783-202-442; 024-441-245-472-976; 026-570-358-754-893; 029-512-696-661-482; 030-554-746-817-862; 034-434-894-037-277; 034-667-248-562-111; 035-627-106-615-37X; 036-083-741-871-210; 036-642-497-460-687; 036-995-008-018-585; 037-416-896-954-992; 038-900-315-755-540; 039-618-390-066-590; 039-727-846-991-462; 039-759-870-533-820; 040-427-631-400-814; 042-104-879-687-560; 043-162-933-505-628; 043-309-728-325-939; 044-295-973-878-539; 045-932-907-295-787; 052-332-973-851-731; 069-841-964-466-324; 081-339-911-243-515; 082-148-710-093-420; 088-932-533-056-30X; 089-943-907-031-28X; 090-002-858-421-716; 090-678-207-425-342; 091-259-857-883-820; 092-063-658-837-508; 100-755-521-936-64X; 105-863-974-320-75X; 105-878-581-576-481; 112-908-468-673-712; 114-335-962-940-924; 128-049-566-898-438; 129-812-883-158-014; 130-210-825-116-032; 130-871-195-744-576; 156-039-086-593-308; 174-399-033-510-179; 197-329-999-087-39X; 199-972-185-690-080,7,false,,
008-597-858-179-589,Sexual dimorphism in frontal bone roundness quantified by a novel 3D-based and landmark-free method.,2016-02-03,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ozgur Bulut; Anja Petaros; İsmail Hizliol; Sebastian K.T.S. Wärmländer; Baki Hekimoglu,,261,,1,2,Sexual dimorphism; Anatomy; Roundness (object); Forensic anthropology; Frontal bone; Statistical shape analysis; Landmark; Forehead; Frontal bone surface; Biology,3D modelling; Forensic anthropology; Forensic anthropology population data; digital morphometrics; frontal bone; sexual dimorphism,"Adult; Computer-Aided Design; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Frontal Bone/anatomy & histology; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods; Tomography, Spiral Computed",,,http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:925903 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816300020 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26921984 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26921984,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.01.028,26921984,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.01.028,2256730387,,0,002-229-302-872-954; 002-931-674-142-75X; 007-187-444-315-554; 007-801-426-634-452; 011-316-990-001-168; 011-762-328-609-793; 012-753-008-776-551; 012-925-044-059-179; 013-282-666-561-470; 014-505-276-101-489; 016-408-153-510-758; 021-993-166-350-90X; 023-168-865-427-913; 024-679-150-921-564; 025-953-516-049-260; 031-037-801-964-082; 035-727-225-552-891; 036-719-673-909-950; 038-118-032-464-700; 041-885-061-169-474; 056-702-988-798-268; 057-099-211-612-519; 060-429-263-604-833; 063-411-803-906-36X; 063-653-160-115-776; 069-556-330-231-555; 070-342-990-188-152; 083-212-709-722-859; 090-900-474-910-881; 098-790-657-382-870; 105-716-968-096-528; 106-104-980-402-566; 115-298-506-071-40X; 119-080-012-527-845; 130-210-825-116-032; 140-832-092-587-273; 153-588-943-466-198; 161-199-308-271-763,19,false,,
009-242-818-899-542,A guided manual method for juvenile age progression using digital images,2020-01-28,2020,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ching Yiu Jessica Liu; Caroline Wilkinson,"Predicting the possible age-related changes to a child’s face, age progression methods modify the shape, colour and texture of a facial image while retaining the identity of the individual. However, the techniques vary between different practitioners. This study combines different age progression techniques for juvenile subjects, various researches based on longitudinal radiographic data; physical anthropometric measurements of the head and face; and digital image measurements in pixels. Utilising 12 anthropometric measurements of the face, this study documents a new workflow for digital manual age progression. An inter-observer error study (n = 5) included the comparison of two age progressions of the same individual at different ages. The proposed age progression method recorded satisfactory levels of repeatability based on the 12 anthropometric measurements. Seven measurements achieved an error below 8.60%. Facial anthropometric measurements involving the nasion (n) and trichion (tr) showed the most inconsistency (14–34% difference between the practitioners). Overall, the horizontal measurements were more accurate than the vertical measurements. The age progression images were compared using a manual morphological method and machine-based face recognition. The confidence scores generated by the three different facial recognition APIs suggested the performance of any age progression not only varies between practitioners, but also between the Facial recognition systems. The suggested new workflow was able to guide the positioning of the facial features, but the process of age progression remains dependant on artistic interpretation.",308,,110170,,Repeatability; Artificial intelligence; Pixel; Pattern recognition; Face (geometry); Nasion; Age progression; Facial recognition system; Computer science; Digital image; Anthropometry,Facial identification; Forensic art; Juvenile age progression,"Adolescent; Aging/physiology; Anatomic Landmarks/growth & development; Anthropometry; Child; Child, Preschool; Face/physiology; Female; Forecasting; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods; Male; Maxillofacial Development; Photography; Software; Workflow",,Liverpool John Moores University,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32066014/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073820300323 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6836307 https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/12298/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32066014,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110170,32066014,10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110170,3004257905,,0,006-071-529-680-146; 006-198-255-898-049; 008-243-312-879-745; 009-001-256-990-75X; 009-727-458-892-800; 011-793-344-358-746; 011-921-994-064-815; 011-977-820-396-214; 014-567-378-179-395; 015-666-870-826-152; 021-065-419-311-481; 028-585-330-783-515; 030-351-980-143-982; 030-640-414-069-467; 032-466-676-931-282; 032-705-835-730-169; 042-018-013-115-587; 045-541-189-003-138; 047-611-211-973-67X; 049-300-921-983-471; 049-574-035-360-585; 051-320-567-420-050; 052-463-361-333-386; 053-228-863-523-266; 057-346-823-203-084; 057-560-974-712-094; 060-205-387-110-12X; 078-561-744-257-328; 084-706-226-493-824; 085-675-489-428-722; 089-958-399-018-952; 097-393-789-033-351; 103-688-423-882-088; 106-436-273-276-258; 106-797-636-270-589; 114-550-564-723-125; 116-160-348-930-794; 119-168-300-145-952; 134-404-675-667-357; 137-420-631-188-724; 145-272-751-619-566; 147-055-234-927-538; 148-757-335-501-328; 176-415-532-650-15X; 184-404-944-469-492; 184-825-312-701-244,0,true,,green
009-996-146-190-75X,Sense and Sensibilities: A Feminist Critique of Legal Interventions against Sexual Violence,,2019,journal article,Edinburgh Law Review,13649809; 17551692,Edinburgh University Press,,Sharon Cowan,"Feminists have spent decades trying to reform laws and evidential procedures relating to sexual assault. Using the current Scottish context as a case study, I will argue that while efforts to refor...",23,1,22,51,Sociology; Criminal law; Psychological intervention; Law in action; Law reform; Feminism; Sexual violence; Context (language use); Sexual assault; Criminology,,,,,https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/sense-and-sensibilities-a-feminist-critique-of-legal-intervention https://www.euppublishing.com/doi/pdfplus/10.3366/elr.2019.0523 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/76159352/CowanELR2018SenseAndSensibilities.pdf https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/76159352/CowanELR2018SenseAndSensibilities.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/286810147.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/elr.2019.0523,,10.3366/elr.2019.0523,2908718997,,0,009-567-153-865-190; 031-307-033-536-356; 106-772-186-415-793; 116-112-518-477-093; 118-553-911-500-807; 124-710-063-229-877,4,true,,green
010-316-050-084-702,Impact of 3D surface scanning protocols on the Os coxae digital data: Implications for sex and age-at-death assessment.,2019-09-05,2019,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Anežka Kotěrová; Vlastimil Králík; Rebeka Rmoutilová; Lukáš Friedl; Pavel Růžička; Jana Velemínská; François Marchal; Jaroslav Brůžek,"The 3D imaging technologies have become of paramount importance for example in disciplines such as forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology, where they are being used more and more frequently. There are several new possibilities that they offer; for instance, the easier and faster sharing of data among institutions, the possibility of permanent documentation, or new opportunities of data analysis. An important requirement, however, is whether the data obtained from different scanning devices are comparable and whether the possible varying outputs could affect further analyses, such as the estimation of the biological profile. Therefore, we aimed to investigate two important questions: (1) whether 3D models acquired by two different scanning technologies (structured light and laser) are comparable and (2) whether the scanning equipment has an effect on the anthropological analyses, such as age-at-death estimation and sex assessment. 3D models of ossa coxa (n = 29) were acquired by laser (NextEngine) and structured light (HP 3D Structured Light Scanner PRO 2) scanners. The resulting 3D models from both scanners were subjected to age-at-death analyses (via the quantitative method of Stoyanova et al., 2017) and sex analyses (via Diagnose Sexuelle Probabiliste 2 of Brůžek et al., 2017). Furthermore, high quality scans of a small sample (n = 5) of pubic symphyseal surfaces with the RedLux Profiler device were acquired as reference surfaces to which the outputs from both scanners were compared. Small deviations between surfaces were more evident in more rugged surfaces (in areas of depression and protrusion). Even though small differences from the reference surfaces were found, they did not have a significant effect on the age and sex estimates. It never resulted in the opposite sex assignment, and no significant differences were observed between age estimates (with the exception of those with the TPS/BE model).",68,,101866,101866,Statistics; Laser scanning; Forensic anthropology; Structured light; Digital data; Sex assignment; Biological profile; Surface scanning; Age at death; Computer science,Age and sex estimation; Biological profile; Laser scanning; Os coxae; RedLux profiler; Structured light technology,"Age Determination by Skeleton; Computer Simulation; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Lasers; Male; Observer Variation; Pelvic Bones/diagnostic imaging; Regression Analysis; Sex Determination by Skeleton",,Charles University; CNRS,https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02383197 https://dspace5.zcu.cz/handle/11025/36075 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31518882/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X19301039 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/31518882 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31518882,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2019.101866,31518882,10.1016/j.jflm.2019.101866,2972218857,,0,001-557-599-360-509; 002-757-600-778-594; 003-212-825-498-450; 006-053-337-346-101; 006-494-545-061-833; 006-599-942-343-608; 007-650-508-880-766; 008-597-858-179-589; 009-709-281-478-081; 010-552-597-384-463; 011-173-599-166-108; 012-402-655-425-120; 012-509-983-163-123; 013-282-666-561-470; 014-131-943-011-599; 015-123-182-480-038; 016-031-660-141-03X; 017-620-454-476-244; 017-691-785-335-225; 018-256-654-833-128; 019-733-384-461-357; 020-517-883-486-072; 020-736-670-910-650; 023-712-082-465-741; 025-561-058-334-124; 028-512-046-360-999; 030-227-421-626-322; 033-423-762-260-856; 038-780-828-043-377; 047-663-030-067-453; 047-839-969-596-055; 048-198-364-623-662; 048-490-580-844-927; 051-346-522-464-290; 051-371-548-501-568; 051-682-204-566-614; 052-566-511-156-058; 053-464-556-633-398; 053-525-211-728-03X; 053-775-548-546-997; 053-864-865-444-69X; 055-699-213-540-447; 055-909-550-938-07X; 056-991-299-158-568; 058-950-830-581-574; 063-564-222-944-322; 063-682-394-317-920; 068-580-273-867-63X; 069-556-330-231-555; 075-475-099-297-676; 078-009-312-029-250; 078-380-583-447-952; 080-133-904-467-318; 080-912-725-681-397; 090-900-474-910-881; 092-694-188-372-793; 098-218-245-082-129; 099-010-957-085-495; 101-319-200-902-022; 102-302-370-093-913; 104-346-613-961-904; 110-560-946-768-488; 112-908-468-673-712; 120-034-059-670-241; 122-443-015-533-464; 124-027-458-525-703; 124-684-494-161-222; 125-191-540-935-403; 128-266-278-740-573; 140-894-803-891-970; 146-829-016-592-856; 178-873-875-792-417; 191-150-547-348-79X; 197-971-948-745-450,2,true,,green
010-360-873-080-700,Morphological variations of the anterior thoracic skeleton and their forensic significance: radiographic findings in a Spanish autopsy sample.,2014-05-21,2014,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,P. James Macaluso; Joaquín Lucena,,241,,220.e1,7,Anatomy; Rib cage; Xiphoid process; Ossicles; Sternum; Bifid rib; Autopsy; Population; Thoracic skeleton; Medicine,Digital radiographs; Forensic anthropology population data; Ribs; Skeletal morphology; Spain; Sternum,"Adult; Age Determination by Skeleton; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Osteogenesis; Ribs/abnormalities; Spain; Sternum/abnormalities; Young Adult",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24933632 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073814002072,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.05.009,24933632,10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.05.009,2002119217,,0,000-766-587-882-929; 001-047-656-833-684; 001-358-946-609-013; 002-670-972-474-346; 003-868-557-921-380; 005-098-808-255-525; 008-252-319-236-878; 008-884-506-388-506; 009-197-539-591-49X; 010-835-284-758-735; 023-941-025-778-37X; 029-970-803-126-222; 031-660-866-738-902; 032-127-121-494-887; 035-934-103-967-02X; 036-974-914-069-330; 038-340-748-473-685; 040-096-295-772-091; 042-484-405-596-808; 042-947-530-799-784; 045-927-744-737-950; 047-296-607-563-418; 060-429-263-604-833; 061-104-615-597-51X; 063-002-412-770-795; 064-710-761-633-645; 077-016-799-610-539; 085-026-982-303-501; 086-994-425-681-328; 087-132-051-208-997; 092-604-619-652-112; 093-100-808-465-305; 102-827-025-719-796; 129-153-355-138-654; 158-590-906-903-250; 192-058-206-767-982,14,false,,
010-783-623-860-768,‘F**king Freak! What the Hell Do You Think You Look Like?’ Experiences of Targeted Victimization Among Goths and Developing Notions of Hate Crime,2014-04-26,2014,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Jon Garland; Paul Hodkinson,"Greater Manchester Police’s categorisation of targeted attacks on ‘alternative subculture’ members as hate crimes prompted extensive debate about whether such incidents are comparable to those of recognised hate crime groups. Hate crime experts have contributed to this debate but there is a lack of detailed empirical research on the subject. Drawing on qualitative interviews with twenty-one respondents mostly affiliated to the goth scene, this paper uncovers extensive experience of verbal harassment and, for some respondents, repeated incidents of targeted violence. The nature and impact of such experiences, we argue, bears comparison with key facets of hate crime. Such evidence informs and underlines the importance of conceptual arguments about whether hate crime can or should be extended beyond recognised minority groups.",54,4,613,631,Empirical research; Psychology; FREAK; Subculture; Harassment; Subject (philosophy); Qualitative interviews; Hate crime; Criminology; Social psychology,,,,,http://bjc.oxfordjournals.org/content/54/4/613.abstract.html?etoc https://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/805956/ https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-pdf/54/4/613/1225772/azu018.pdf https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/54/4/613/448248 https://core.ac.uk/download/30341068.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azu018,,10.1093/bjc/azu018,2172014803,,0,002-147-706-670-081; 008-378-105-468-116; 009-288-892-003-103; 015-257-545-974-226; 016-071-018-606-158; 023-450-483-759-540; 025-940-321-822-572; 027-734-728-035-197; 033-620-629-747-166; 039-261-109-382-040; 039-514-193-854-540; 054-962-201-960-89X; 059-738-880-045-081; 060-668-941-435-249; 062-915-012-847-343; 069-846-560-137-842; 073-474-488-264-694; 074-135-784-840-561; 082-065-272-140-587; 090-278-847-162-859; 091-458-415-898-461; 093-908-997-469-103; 101-510-148-793-548; 102-333-053-856-333; 102-661-858-328-362; 134-691-807-278-375; 136-223-310-020-649; 144-513-489-397-58X; 144-778-602-585-405; 153-328-581-280-255; 159-090-173-786-223; 176-095-534-669-030; 189-740-165-245-814; 192-777-065-039-949,31,true,,green
011-135-561-811-549,Cognitive and Emotional Stressors of Child Homicide Investigations on U.K. and Danish Police Investigators,2018-03-01,2018,journal article,Homicide Studies,10887679; 15526720,SAGE Publications,United States,Jason Roach; Kathryn Sharratt; Ashley Cartwright; Thomas Skou Roer,"In a previous paper, key differences in the form and manifestation of cognitive and emotional stress experienced by investigators of adult and child homicide were identified, along with a cursory look at how investigators commonly deal or cope with these effects. In this paper, the findings from eleven interviews with UK and Danish police officers with experience of investigating both adult and child homicides, suggest that child homicide investigations can have a profoundly different effect on police investigators that can vary between officers. The effects experienced and coping strategies employed were similar among officers in Denmark and the UK, and these included becoming more emotionally closed and engaging in regular sport and exercise. The findings hold important implications for police training and for the welfare of current and future police homicide investigators particularly where the victim is a child.",22,3,296,320,Criminal investigation; Stressor; Psychology; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Poison control; Homicide; Suicide prevention; Clinical psychology,,,,,https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_618514_12 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1088767918759695 https://pure.hud.ac.uk/ws/files/12575088/Main_Text_151217_2_.pdf https://core.ac.uk/display/146499135 https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/publications/cognitive-and-emotional-stressors-of-child-homicide-investigation https://eprints.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/id/eprint/4680/ https://www.ucviden.dk/da/publications/cognitive-and-emotional-stressors-of-child-homicide-investigation https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1088767918759695 https://core.ac.uk/download/237460187.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1088767918759695,,10.1177/1088767918759695,2787477601,,0,016-059-444-267-986; 016-847-939-136-280; 018-608-173-721-666; 021-962-791-981-641; 022-211-903-346-220; 031-587-064-098-829; 032-925-865-614-550; 037-397-919-257-583; 044-280-479-916-200; 049-691-612-833-526; 053-139-316-968-480; 057-342-869-785-659; 058-676-708-197-06X; 066-036-658-570-966; 076-393-026-108-667; 077-401-764-195-209; 084-950-580-469-928; 088-106-882-499-77X; 094-952-340-174-065; 096-649-774-211-08X; 110-981-638-511-416; 117-416-334-373-600; 120-666-485-117-057; 124-342-889-807-948; 125-260-616-848-450; 129-451-470-575-636,20,true,,green
011-402-458-896-656,Morphometric sex determination from various sternal widths of Northwest Indian sternums collected from autopsy cadavers: A comparison of sexing methods,,2012,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Jagmahender Singh; R.K. Pathak; Dalbir Singh,"Abstract The sternum is one of the least studied bones of human thoracic skeleton for sex determination both in forensic anthropology as well as in archeology. In the present study, the relationship between various sternal widths and known sex of the deceased was studied in a sample of 343 adult human sternums based on anthropometric measurements. A comparison was also made with different widely used methods of sex determination. The sternubrial width index was found to be the poorest indicator of sex, whereas all the other variables were equally suitable for sex determination. The criteria of demarking points (calculated from mean ± 3SD) failed in sex determination of the studied sternums. The identification points correctly sexed more percentage of bones than the demarking points which are considered more reliable covering more than 99.67% of cases. The limiting points proved to be a best method for almost all the variables, sexing about 70–80% of the sternums examined for this purpose. The multivariate discriminant function analysis (DFA) of various sternal widths correctly sexed 84% sternums (Males = 82.1%, Females = 89%). The sex of a sternum of Northwest India can be estimated using equation F (D) = −13.166 + 0.087 BB-1 + 0.088 BB-2 + 0.150 BB-4 + 0.040 MBX + 0174 WS-1 (group centroids i.e., 0.508 for male and −1.408 for female). From the logistic regression analysis, 86.6% sternums (93.3% males and 68.1% females) were assigned the correct sex category, thus giving slightly better results than DFA. Comparatively more males were correctly sexed than females using almost all the criteria except DFA. In conclusion, regression analysis was found the best statistical method of sex determination from various sternal widths studied in the present study.",2,1,18,28,Surgery; Logistic regression; Regression analysis; Multivariate statistics; Forensic anthropology; Sexing; Orthodontics; Discriminant function analysis; Anthropometry; Biology; Cadaver,,,,,https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/1269819 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X12000032 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X12000032 https://core.ac.uk/display/82662990 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82662990.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2011.12.002,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2011.12.002,2023596715,,0,003-868-557-921-380; 006-394-685-288-775; 011-928-871-952-531; 014-546-529-073-385; 014-982-298-719-265; 018-537-548-130-18X; 024-642-660-449-766; 025-317-930-105-726; 025-720-822-268-165; 026-198-150-050-557; 029-091-849-301-46X; 030-174-893-651-490; 035-291-482-299-060; 041-399-675-641-709; 041-885-061-169-474; 042-003-810-175-871; 043-659-151-873-972; 044-213-446-984-67X; 046-465-305-415-178; 047-688-352-551-732; 053-579-334-056-820; 060-702-565-448-367; 074-577-227-482-384; 081-386-913-514-317; 089-855-853-891-97X; 094-558-983-133-296; 099-924-933-360-107; 102-753-945-081-95X; 105-716-968-096-528; 117-505-946-393-017; 119-080-012-527-845; 122-774-592-696-585; 126-624-233-428-548; 130-210-825-116-032; 157-380-947-342-080; 160-442-263-633-679; 167-143-195-366-082; 185-537-473-526-571; 189-377-107-583-272; 195-872-695-880-286,22,true,cc-by,gold
011-528-395-257-69X,"Comparative analysis of cephalofacial dimorphism among indigenous ethnic groups in Benue State, Nigeria",,2020,journal article,Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine,23495014,Medknow,,Joseph Igbo Enya; Onenson Nkanu Onen,"The face is an important physiognomic feature in humans, and facial anthropometric variables are valuable biometric physiognomies that vary with age, sex, and ethnicity. This study aimed to establish a standard for determining the extent of sexual dimorphism and study the distribution of basic face types by comparison with other ethnic groups in Benue State and Nigeria as a whole. A sample of 450 indigenous people from the Benue State volunteered to participate in this study. The cohort included 150 Tiv, 150 Idoma, and 150 Igede people, between the age group of 18 and 35 years. Participants were randomly recruited from the entire geographical locations of the state, using the inclusion criteria. Anthropometric variables were measured using a digital sliding caliper including facial length (FL) (measured from the trichion to the gnathion) and facial width (FW) (measured as the bizygomatic width, between the right and left zygion). Cephalofacial indices were calculated from these variables. The results revealed significant differences in some of the measured variables between males and females across the various ethnic groups in Benue State, including variation in FL and FW. The comparative results for various ethnicities in Benue State (Tiv, Idoma, and Igede people) also showed a positive correlation between FL and FW, which could be used to predict cephalofacial indices among Tiv, Idoma, and Igede ethnic groups in this area. These results indicate that the dominant facial index among Idoma and Igede people was leptoprosopic (long face) while that among Tiv people is mesoprosopic (round face). The current findings could be useful for elucidating the sex differences and ancestral relationships, as well as for forensic anthropology, reconstructive surgery, and anthropometric considerations for the three ethnic groups in Benue State, Nigeria.",6,1,12,,Sexual dimorphism; Ethnic group; Demography; Forensic anthropology; Geography; Positive correlation; Indigenous; Anthropometry; Cohort,,,,,http://www.jfsmonline.com/article.asp?issn=2349-5014;year=2020;volume=6;issue=1;spage=12;epage=17;aulast=Enya https://www.jfsmonline.com/article.asp?issn=2349-5014;year=2020;volume=6;issue=1;spage=12;epage=17;aulast=Enya,http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_49_19,,10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_49_19,3011042402,,0,007-387-033-595-412; 012-721-413-697-383; 018-485-237-598-234; 023-513-999-422-872; 025-311-218-478-820; 035-654-168-920-39X; 065-762-095-668-459; 072-479-847-075-390; 107-303-483-407-487; 160-142-330-885-995,0,true,cc-by-nc-sa,gold
011-597-849-373-804,Estimating age from digital radiographic images of lumbar vertebrae in a Thai population using an image analysis technique,2021-11-25,2021,journal article,"Medicine, science, and the law",20421818; 00258024,SAGE Publications Ltd,United Kingdom,Yanumart Malatong; Patison Palee; Apichat Sinthubua; Sakarat Na Lampang; Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh,"Using the lumbar vertebra for age estimation is helpful in cases when skeletal remains are incomplete and typical skeletal age indicators are absent. This study aimed to apply an image analysis method in extracting black pixel variables for age estimation by using the radiographic images of lumbar vertebra in a Thai population. All lumbar vertebrae L1-L5 of 220 (110 males and 110 females) from Thai individuals of known sex and ages were studied. The variables of Total Percentage of black pixels (TP), Mean Percentage of black pixels (MP), and Ratio of black to white pixels (BW), were calculated to assess the relationship between black pixel variables and aging. Equations were formulated using linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicated three variables of the lumbar vertebrae had significantly positive correlations with age. The correlation between parameters with age in males ranged 0.211-0.419, while the range in females was 0.219-0.458. The appropriate linear regression equation with the total and mean percentages of black pixel variables shows Age = -1.348+0.871 (TP) +0.514 (MP) of L4 for males (SEE; 15.4 years), and Age = 5.338 +0.316 (TP) +0.952 (MP) of L1 for females (SEE; 13.8 years). Age estimation using an image analysis method is an alternative to investigating the trabecular structure. The black pixel variable is not the actual value of bone density. However, it is useful to study its relationship with aging.",62,3,002580242110620,187,Statistics; Correlation; Pixel; Forensic anthropology; Bone density; Lumbar vertebrae; Mathematics; Radiography; Linear regression; Bone age,age estimation; forensic anthropology; image analysis; lumbar vertebra; radiographic image,"Bone Density; Child, Preschool; Female; Humans; Infant; Linear Models; Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging; Male; Regression Analysis; Thailand",,"Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University",http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00258024211062027 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00258024211062027,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00258024211062027,34821164,10.1177/00258024211062027,3215545045,,0,003-517-776-660-067; 005-110-398-118-518; 007-624-983-218-537; 008-972-935-267-534; 014-000-500-863-67X; 014-421-610-596-31X; 021-844-498-138-826; 022-733-689-966-282; 023-292-608-737-943; 028-183-564-240-052; 029-196-197-508-828; 031-056-855-501-837; 035-960-673-683-925; 037-533-096-988-054; 038-591-752-611-426; 047-885-910-062-005; 052-802-572-371-263; 054-196-573-172-990; 057-742-472-980-184; 057-911-072-056-632; 065-941-537-499-992; 074-678-692-188-984; 078-271-227-978-199; 082-459-915-649-195; 091-140-177-367-701; 096-592-135-219-646; 100-743-239-519-617; 110-509-830-323-344; 111-856-199-491-030; 154-378-219-866-044; 161-936-781-490-504; 170-017-151-510-645; 184-446-291-593-247,0,false,,
011-699-968-185-416,Facial soft tissue thickness database of Gujarati population for forensic craniofacial reconstruction,,2016,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Anand Lodha; Mitalee Mehta; M. N. Patel; Shobhana K. Menon,Abstract The forensic facial reconstruction is a scientific art to construct the ante-mortem face from the human skull. The facial recognition is made by reconstructing the contours of the facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT).These FSTT data are essential for probable face reconstruction but the data of FSTT at particular anthropological landmarks differ in various ethnic groups. Until now several works have been reported on different population but no study exists in which the FSTT of a Gujarati population has been measured. The aim of this study is to compile a set of soft tissue depth data of Gujarati population of India to add to existing literature on FSTT. Computed tomography (CT-scan) has been utilized to measure the 25 different FSTT landmarks of 324 male and 165 female. Present study shows significant differences in certain FSTT of Gujarati population from that of other populations. Our compiled data set of FSTT for the Gujarati population is important in understanding craniofacial characteristics of the Gujarati population and potentially be helpful in forensic identification.,6,2,126,134,Forensic anthropology; Dentistry; Gujarati; Forensic facial reconstruction; Forensic identification; Craniofacial; Population; Facial recognition system; Data set; Cartography; Medicine,,,,University Grant Commission,http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X1630020X https://doaj.org/article/377d34c977954957a714166d15796788 https://core.ac.uk/display/43726250 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X1630020X https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82264299.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2016.05.010,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2016.05.010,2413954628,,1,002-318-965-681-934; 004-486-329-951-476; 004-785-737-064-331; 006-193-398-397-679; 006-828-556-661-890; 006-963-292-751-914; 010-708-072-029-977; 011-911-099-159-915; 012-701-137-583-866; 015-857-708-949-084; 016-369-942-469-402; 021-964-150-389-92X; 023-783-577-832-177; 026-162-814-823-942; 029-506-648-391-27X; 030-351-980-143-982; 032-940-354-494-88X; 034-682-626-842-053; 035-727-225-552-891; 038-808-902-879-116; 040-340-272-163-746; 049-160-173-950-559; 052-846-379-887-959; 057-087-523-392-289; 064-973-200-376-129; 066-335-193-681-729; 103-928-265-726-476; 106-410-195-734-27X; 106-818-898-037-402; 137-428-577-892-708; 148-680-048-157-429; 152-782-266-471-055; 165-187-971-094-203,9,true,cc-by,gold
012-448-144-196-008,Is characterizing the digital forensic facial reconstruction with hair necessary? A familiar assessors' analysis,2013-04-23,2013,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Clemente Maia da Silva Fernandes; F. D. A. S. Pereira; Jorge Vicente Lopes da Silva; Mônica Campos Serra,,229,1,164.e1,5,Psychology; Forensic anthropology; Dentistry; Forensic dentistry; Skull; Forensic facial reconstruction; Facial reconstruction; Orthodontics; International database; X ray computed; Digital forensics,,"Brazil; Face/anatomy & histology; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Hair; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Observer Variation; Photography; Skull/anatomy & histology; Software; Tomography, X-Ray Computed",,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073813001928#! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23622792 http://repositorio.unesp.br/handle/11449/75154 https://repositorio.unesp.br/handle/11449/75154 https://acervodigital.unesp.br/handle/11449/75154 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073813001928 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23622792/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073813001928,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.03.036,23622792,10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.03.036,2106183313,,0,000-529-953-241-314; 002-318-965-681-934; 003-884-019-689-537; 004-031-049-717-684; 004-486-329-951-476; 004-785-737-064-331; 004-917-640-121-784; 005-342-370-552-040; 006-458-117-081-194; 006-828-556-661-890; 006-989-816-763-437; 008-032-872-673-868; 010-275-417-401-439; 012-261-565-048-572; 015-791-960-759-005; 016-147-884-912-811; 016-369-942-469-402; 017-315-820-446-598; 017-391-913-415-728; 019-755-797-997-341; 021-964-150-389-92X; 023-783-577-832-177; 026-014-579-365-907; 026-408-206-568-324; 027-899-234-630-725; 028-560-716-647-945; 030-351-980-143-982; 030-828-308-635-933; 032-940-354-494-88X; 034-434-894-037-277; 035-165-906-917-006; 036-246-594-806-905; 036-642-497-460-687; 040-340-272-163-746; 043-333-800-519-528; 046-363-575-564-360; 049-072-780-233-201; 049-160-173-950-559; 055-879-017-776-59X; 056-646-167-406-403; 057-087-523-392-289; 060-809-144-570-84X; 064-789-510-409-82X; 064-973-200-376-129; 077-124-929-796-326; 088-324-308-195-304; 096-253-263-554-856; 098-554-688-138-120; 101-869-981-716-543; 103-928-265-726-476; 106-410-195-734-27X; 138-079-127-312-810; 140-958-360-562-181; 145-689-485-310-761; 145-932-733-112-324; 146-862-315-442-932; 158-864-408-806-170; 181-209-526-501-629,15,false,,
012-537-578-287-884,The LAAF Procedure for Exploring Offenders' Narratives,2015-02-11,2015,journal article,The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice,02655527; 14682311,Wiley,United Kingdom,David V. Canter; Donna E. Youngs,"The Life as a Film (LAAF) procedure is described. This was developed for use with offenders, building on McAdams’ (1993) explorations of autobiographical accounts from effective individuals. The advantages of the LAAF for a prison population are discussed, together with the content dictionary used for analysing LAAF responses. The LAAF reveals implicit and explicit aspects of self concepts and relationships to others, as well as perceived agency and future orientation within a dynamic storyline. Quotations are given to illustrate those psychological processes that underlie criminality, complementing Presser's (2009) work on offender reform and Maruna's (2001) study of narratives of desistance. The values of the LAAF for understanding the maintenance of offending behaviour and the consequent implications for interventions with offenders are discussed.",54,3,219,236,Agency (sociology); Psychology; Narrative; Psychological intervention; Future orientation; Offending behaviour; Prison population; Criminology; Social psychology,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/30730335 https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/publications/the-laaf-procedure-for-exploring-offenders-narratives http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/22129/ http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/hojo.12124/abstract https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2615174 https://core.ac.uk/download/30730335.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/hojo.12124,,10.1111/hojo.12124,1833342705,,0,002-092-072-679-504; 013-324-374-180-054; 013-425-010-292-015; 024-342-953-850-41X; 026-119-746-323-036; 028-312-901-953-175; 035-768-548-467-510; 036-237-832-954-619; 047-882-767-955-535; 048-185-174-284-492; 048-214-099-211-735; 048-645-419-219-088; 052-188-581-533-845; 055-017-382-968-654; 056-081-936-492-567; 060-862-123-207-841; 061-333-297-485-078; 066-410-068-634-656; 069-164-038-096-891; 074-764-326-968-199; 081-902-727-134-378; 086-826-299-503-981; 089-228-960-625-033; 097-709-380-628-868; 112-744-515-472-57X; 115-283-766-238-841; 127-076-514-010-940; 130-659-210-118-875; 131-544-306-444-241; 147-287-289-331-849; 158-526-114-662-691; 169-289-680-865-509; 171-034-110-472-92X,17,true,,green
012-840-474-911-277,Leveson five years on: the effect of the Leveson and Filkin Reports on relations between the Metropolitan Police and the national news media,2016-10-14,2016,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Marianne Colbran,"This paper re-examines certain previous conclusions from the classic literature on police/media relations in the United Kingdom in the wake of the Filkin and Leveson Reports. The paper draws on interviews with senior Metropolitan Police officers, press officers and national crime journalists and argues that previous conclusions about asymmetrical relations favouring the police are partially problematic, with the media being in possession of key resources that often give them the upper hand. The paper also explores the role of new media in crime reporting and exposing police misconduct and suggests a new transfiguration may be emerging in police/media relations, allowing the media partially to bypass police sources.",57,6,1502,1519,Possession (law); Psychiatry; Psychology; Metropolitan police; Misconduct; Crime reporting; News media; Media relations; Criminology; Police science; New media,,,,,http://bjc.oxfordjournals.org/lookup/doi/10.1093/bjc/azw077 https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/6/1502/2329363 http://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/6/1502/2329363 https://core.ac.uk/display/46580840 https://core.ac.uk/download/46580840.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azw077,,10.1093/bjc/azw077,2531693159,,0,000-609-358-751-723; 005-538-560-605-240; 010-104-094-623-822; 026-046-787-457-976; 027-469-097-782-22X; 027-485-133-626-436; 029-457-109-698-928; 033-644-892-001-130; 036-986-666-810-270; 038-946-530-931-811; 044-340-410-237-498; 050-468-924-064-58X; 053-951-863-370-59X; 063-779-543-389-92X; 064-983-699-058-355; 073-213-230-442-929; 085-555-843-147-944; 092-247-213-128-836; 093-505-427-924-77X; 094-471-680-452-271; 119-157-946-515-576; 136-057-579-935-98X; 136-790-163-352-715; 137-463-695-213-423; 145-125-782-791-748; 145-864-116-931-947; 149-047-430-387-981; 161-882-711-492-247; 161-902-139-787-057; 165-829-687-857-113; 169-310-282-611-742; 171-386-277-649-546; 174-318-307-415-033; 179-946-182-722-927,5,true,cc0,green
013-190-177-424-784,The utility of elliptical Fourier analysis for estimating ancestry and sex from lateral skull photographs.,2018-06-18,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Jodi M. Caple; John E. Byrd; Carl N. Stephan,"Current quantitative methods for estimating ancestry and sex from skulls typically require substantial manual data collection and specialized recording equipment, which can limit analysis to the laboratory. This limitation could be addressed by establishing a faster, more user-friendly, and automatic data protocol as investigated in the current study using elliptical Fourier analysis (EFA). Ancestry and sex were estimated using outlines acquired from standardized photographs of the skull in norma lateralis (left side). In this investigation, training samples comprised anatomical specimens from five collections: the Hamann-Todd Human Osteological Collection, WM Bass Donated Skeletal Collection, Robert J. Terry Anatomical Skeletal Collection, Khon Kaen Osteological Collection, and Chiba Bone Collection. Groups were defined as Black American female (n=87), Black American male (n=109), Japanese male (n=59), Thai female (n=39), Thai male (n=47), White American female (n=97), and White American male (n=134). EFA was conducted on partial Procrustes-aligned skull outline coordinates, before extracting principal components and using linear discriminant analysis for group assignment. Classification accuracy was determined using the 5-fold cross-validation protocol. Ancestry and sex were classified correctly 73% of the time when all seven reference samples were used. When only Black and White Americans were retained in the reference sample with sex pooled, they were correctly classified 94% of the time. Accuracy of out-of-group ancestry and sex estimation was evaluated using nine White American males from the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency Laboratory. A seven-way comparison with all reference samples for estimating both ancestry and sex achieved 89% (8/9) correct classifications, with one misclassification as White American female. These out-of-group results, along with initial training group accuracies, indicate that lateral skull outlines can be used to successfully estimate ancestry and sex with similar accuracy to other methods, and set the basis for future cross-validation testing. Further, the reliance on a single easy-to-take photograph and user-friendly open-source R script facilitates easy application and field use. The protocol is freely available from CRANIOFACIALidentification.com as the SkullProfiler script.",289,,352,362,Data collection; Geography; Skull; Biological profile; Reference sample; Sex estimation; Initial training; Cartography; Linear discriminant analysis; Osteology,Biological profile; Forensic science; Fourier analysis; Linear discriminant analysis; Skeletal identification; SkullProfiler,"Adult; Cephalometry; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology/methods; Fourier Analysis; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Middle Aged; Photography; Racial Groups; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods; Skull/anatomy & histology",,"University of Queensland Medical Research Ethics Committee; HuCS-ID Lab, the School of Biomedical Sciences and Graduate School of the University of Queensland; Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship",https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6111042 https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:6e7ef6d/UQ6e7ef6d_OA.pdf https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:6e7ef6d https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818303293 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29957511 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/29957511 https://core.ac.uk/download/159138093.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.06.009,29957511,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.06.009,2808846584,,0,000-001-488-939-622; 001-317-406-697-437; 002-931-674-142-75X; 005-213-539-248-861; 005-458-245-979-728; 006-845-503-020-074; 007-444-442-054-914; 007-573-171-139-094; 009-371-422-319-362; 010-328-611-190-184; 011-006-711-459-085; 011-524-562-353-286; 012-863-605-587-57X; 013-690-641-737-76X; 014-149-978-084-320; 014-744-367-204-297; 015-129-988-685-320; 016-476-961-612-132; 017-843-392-880-53X; 018-777-836-482-991; 023-057-264-015-700; 024-650-553-569-906; 025-257-149-611-91X; 025-590-290-139-203; 027-123-481-637-387; 029-135-276-733-442; 033-401-365-039-384; 034-791-679-008-030; 035-060-617-598-79X; 037-732-277-964-264; 040-234-139-457-404; 042-523-280-232-89X; 043-405-139-091-302; 046-679-102-578-114; 048-465-576-777-042; 049-390-593-585-168; 053-775-548-546-997; 056-737-559-618-345; 058-253-209-570-849; 058-588-466-175-887; 060-674-330-373-430; 062-259-149-297-685; 070-223-486-889-871; 070-342-990-188-152; 078-240-463-463-283; 083-673-936-611-480; 090-134-321-218-595; 103-830-139-195-621; 105-716-968-096-528; 106-726-338-942-510; 110-494-921-167-835; 111-015-543-258-048; 119-080-012-527-845; 124-679-393-738-890; 130-210-825-116-032; 143-414-472-684-013; 150-325-162-873-23X; 152-313-615-159-27X; 161-496-596-663-702; 161-769-011-922-299; 177-229-504-314-834; 180-284-584-127-501; 185-537-473-526-571,11,true,,green
013-742-001-015-293,Sex estimation of os coxae using DSP2 software: A validation study of a Greek sample.,2019-02-21,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Elena F. Kranioti; Lada Šťovíčková; Mara A. Karell; Jaroslav Brůžek,"Sex estimation methods based on skeletal remains vary on the selection of skeletal element, data acquisition and statistical approach resulting in variable classification accuracies that are highly dependent on the sample population. The only exception of this rule seems to be the os coxa, that appears to differ consistently between males and females across the globe. Currently sex estimation based on the os coxa can be easily estimated by taking ten measurements, inputting these in the DPS2 software and getting a sex estimate and the probability of correct group assessment. The performance of the software is highly reliable as confirmed by a validation study by Brůžek et al. (2017). Yet, there are still many populations not represented in the reference sample used to develop the software. The current study aimed to validate DPS2 using a sample from Crete, Greece. A total of 133 os coxae were measured following instructions on DSP2. Data were used to estimate sex with the software and to create population specific formulae for Greeks. DSP2 classified 117/133 (85.7%) of the sample with over 95% posterior probability (PP) of correct classification. Of the individuals classified with over 95% PP, only 3 were misclassified (2.6%).The best population specific formula only improved this percentage by 2.1% which indicates that DSP2 is a reliable tool for sex estimation in the Greek sample and it is recommended as method of choice in sex estimation of remains of unknown ancestry. If Greek ancestry is confirmed, population-specific formulae can be used in conjunction with DSP2 for a more reliable sex estimation.",297,,371.e1,371.e6,Statistics; Forensic anthropology; Software; Sex estimation; Validation study; Population specific; Mathematics; Sample (statistics); Posterior probability; Selection (genetic algorithm),DSP2; Forensic anthropology; Greece; Pelvis; Sex estimation,Discriminant Analysis; Female; Greece; Humans; Male; Pelvic Bones/anatomy & histology; Sex Determination by Skeleton; Software,,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30851999 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6346469 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073819300568 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30851999/ https://core.ac.uk/download/322482504.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.02.011,30851999,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.02.011,2916253340,,0,001-784-105-235-59X; 001-983-891-666-064; 006-599-942-343-608; 009-682-677-709-31X; 015-984-250-398-912; 018-061-854-823-071; 019-733-384-461-357; 020-517-883-486-072; 022-632-971-552-283; 023-712-082-465-741; 027-811-537-630-547; 029-091-849-301-46X; 029-917-793-599-612; 030-271-170-378-018; 046-831-884-794-906; 048-198-364-623-662; 048-437-975-292-124; 056-991-299-158-568; 057-129-845-488-585; 058-232-414-594-96X; 059-661-217-055-969; 080-912-725-681-397; 092-694-188-372-793; 099-010-957-085-495; 119-979-948-158-739; 130-210-825-116-032; 146-829-016-592-856; 173-713-962-406-698,9,true,,green
013-868-073-802-193,Physicians working under the influence of alcohol: An analysis of past disciplinary proceedings and their outcomes.,2018-02-05,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Damian Jacob Sendler,,285,,29,37,Medical ethics; Distress; Malpractice; Harm; Medical procedure; Physician Impairment; Disciplinary action; Family medicine; Medicine; Thematic analysis,Forensic evaluations; Intoxicated physicians; Malpractice; Medical ethics; Standard of care,"Alcoholic Intoxication/epidemiology; Clinical Competence; Communication; Employee Discipline/statistics & numerical data; Female; Humans; Male; Malpractice/statistics & numerical data; Medical Errors/statistics & numerical data; Personnel, Hospital; Physician Impairment/statistics & numerical data; Poland/epidemiology",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29428450 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818300331 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29428450/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.01.019,29428450,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.01.019,2790586048,,0,001-398-631-346-024; 001-492-399-134-887; 007-552-924-604-622; 008-999-535-814-949; 011-233-958-310-178; 012-964-013-129-72X; 016-503-469-327-381; 018-179-659-228-49X; 020-564-762-476-54X; 021-744-831-972-649; 024-331-316-542-146; 027-207-245-910-650; 028-846-939-462-853; 033-398-335-994-423; 033-892-970-237-011; 034-578-736-478-133; 043-819-394-802-466; 050-115-473-016-939; 054-856-337-523-358; 054-962-804-818-438; 067-740-055-108-364; 089-081-334-739-363; 099-288-022-369-974; 099-732-573-204-197; 110-522-584-987-554; 112-455-087-599-441; 116-873-503-966-608; 127-076-514-010-940; 140-272-925-318-455,4,false,,
014-108-349-036-27X,Developing a model of perceptions of security and insecurity in the context of crime.,2020-05-05,2020,journal article,"Psychiatry, psychology, and law : an interdisciplinary journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law",13218719,Taylor and Francis Ltd.,United Kingdom,Iain Reid; Sandra Appleby-Arnold; Noellie Brockdorff; Ivana Jakovljev; Sunčica Zdravković,"The current study was carried out as part of the CITYCOP project exploring fear of crime, risk perception and feelings of security and insecurity. Participants (n = 272) from 11 European countries ...",27,4,620,636,Feeling; Psychology; Risk perception; Perception; Fear of crime; Context (language use); Community policing; Social psychology,Community policing; fear of crime; insecurity; risk perception; security,,,European Union within the Horizon 2020 Programme,https://puredev.port.ac.uk/en/publications/developing-a-model-of-perceptions-of-security-and-insecurity-in-t https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33679201/ https://europepmc.org/article/PMC/PMC7901684 https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/en/publications/developing-a-model-of-perceptions-of-security-and-insecurity-in-t https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/developing-a-model-of-perceptions-of-security-and-insecurity-in-t https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7901684 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13218719.2020.1742235 https://core.ac.uk/download/323051936.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2020.1742235,33679201,10.1080/13218719.2020.1742235,3021813728,PMC7901684,0,002-024-227-334-11X; 002-414-740-321-671; 002-558-660-519-322; 003-693-836-245-416; 004-165-857-674-671; 004-170-782-993-104; 006-004-679-179-832; 008-986-841-317-390; 009-625-180-582-906; 010-313-760-870-368; 010-797-507-900-328; 012-173-542-835-039; 013-695-653-991-514; 017-301-875-605-00X; 018-176-258-923-738; 023-742-586-549-524; 026-998-744-701-148; 030-336-837-057-912; 032-703-534-649-296; 032-975-168-811-925; 034-224-102-735-603; 038-584-105-653-739; 043-733-268-966-999; 050-191-180-209-58X; 050-329-411-141-623; 052-487-807-085-572; 057-227-840-507-328; 057-921-725-264-447; 063-447-927-049-376; 064-062-426-176-659; 064-953-865-783-732; 067-915-685-202-234; 073-089-672-887-751; 075-141-588-848-213; 076-154-335-091-872; 078-418-130-584-066; 079-382-458-677-041; 081-991-698-807-728; 098-334-655-680-349; 105-734-290-335-095; 111-066-865-436-433; 111-254-223-116-559; 122-585-428-433-860; 129-122-950-836-236; 144-834-018-421-413; 156-919-445-930-237; 160-830-591-459-264; 172-640-216-322-184,7,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
014-299-103-719-454,Fluorescently Labeled Bacteria Provide Insight on Post-mortem Microbial Transmigration,2016-03-17,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Zachary M. Burcham; J.A. Hood; Jennifer L. Pechal; K.L. Krausz; Jeffrey L. Bose; Carl J. Schmidt; Mark Eric Benbow; Heather R. Jordan,"Abstract Microbially mediated mechanisms of human decomposition begin immediately after death, and are a driving force for the conversion of a once living organism to a resource of energy and nutrients. Little is known about post-mortem microbiology in cadavers, particularly the community structure of microflora residing within the cadaver and the dynamics of these communities during decomposition. Recent work suggests these bacterial communities undergo taxa turnover and shifts in community composition throughout the post-mortem interval. In this paper we describe how the microbiome of a living host changes and transmigrates within the body after death thus linking the microbiome of a living individual to post-mortem microbiome changes. These differences in the human post-mortem from the ante-mortem microbiome have demonstrated promise as evidence in death investigations. We investigated the post-mortem structure and function dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens after intranasal inoculation in the animal model Mus musculus L. (mouse) to identify how transmigration of bacterial species can potentially aid in post-mortem interval estimations. S. aureus was tracked using in vivo and in vitro imaging to determine colonization routes associated with different physiological events of host decomposition, while C. perfringens was tracked using culture-based techniques. Samples were collected at discrete time intervals associated with various physiological events and host decomposition beginning at 1 h and ending at 60 days post-mortem. Results suggest that S. aureus reaches its highest concentration at 5–7 days post-mortem then begins to rapidly decrease and is undetectable by culture on day 30. The ability to track these organisms as they move in to once considered sterile space may be useful for sampling during autopsy to aid in determining post-mortem interval range estimations, cause of death, and origins associated with the geographic location of human remains during death investigations.",264,,63,69,Host (biology); Organism; Microbiome; In vivo; Colonization; Clostridium perfringens; Staphylococcus aureus; Cause of death; Biology; Microbiology,Clostridium perfringens; Decomposition; Forensics; Necrobiome; Staphylococcus aureus,"Animals; Bacterial Translocation/physiology; Clostridium perfringens/physiology; Colony Count, Microbial; Fluorescence; Forensic Pathology; Mice, Hairless; Models, Animal; Postmortem Changes; Staphylococcus aureus/physiology; Whole Body Imaging",,National Institute of Justice,http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/27032615 https://core.ac.uk/display/82016812 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816301050 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.03.019 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816301050 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82016812.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.03.019,27032615,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.03.019,2302499404,,0,004-040-905-466-625; 005-837-667-669-084; 006-857-677-092-383; 007-506-657-563-039; 007-605-748-778-629; 009-904-550-320-914; 011-227-621-249-278; 012-996-028-856-336; 014-595-645-051-467; 016-496-525-457-007; 020-083-572-864-675; 022-392-753-083-255; 029-626-124-896-222; 036-814-446-288-440; 047-725-895-358-306; 050-771-437-689-197; 054-100-450-553-751; 064-840-336-066-606; 082-774-055-703-939; 088-943-749-425-008; 108-194-223-794-413; 166-288-731-176-84X,36,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
014-378-717-566-574,Junior partners or equal partners? Civilian investigators and the blurred boundaries of police detective work,2019-06-19,2019,journal article,Policing and Society,10439463; 14772728,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,Lindsey Rice,"Fuelled by the declining numbers of warranted detectives and growing demand for non-traditional skill-sets within the police in England and Wales, non-warranted Civilian Investigators (CIs) were in...",30,8,966,981,Work (electrical); Political science; Modernization theory; Criminology,,,,Economic Social Research Council,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10439463.2019.1632310 https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/147557/ https://tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10439463.2019.1632310 https://core.ac.uk/download/217700506.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2019.1632310,,10.1080/10439463.2019.1632310,2950643512,,0,004-340-760-830-952; 004-670-590-357-227; 009-038-342-548-588; 012-820-865-569-685; 014-651-375-557-284; 015-168-306-989-485; 017-263-721-455-999; 017-517-491-290-822; 018-700-940-767-609; 020-386-043-477-221; 020-801-133-780-086; 021-932-457-777-277; 025-808-152-194-414; 026-029-594-117-479; 026-762-363-562-403; 031-603-566-709-252; 033-709-411-789-831; 037-087-490-320-020; 037-550-015-414-716; 039-972-700-475-560; 041-565-913-771-842; 044-677-079-472-992; 048-532-824-542-670; 049-446-515-141-705; 055-427-197-787-570; 063-301-608-066-206; 064-804-105-173-406; 065-448-277-246-278; 069-778-248-187-747; 072-050-889-156-71X; 073-364-258-678-827; 074-754-930-213-754; 077-009-210-603-825; 077-238-110-184-255; 078-629-430-575-786; 081-475-687-425-707; 081-981-365-596-37X; 082-569-852-088-462; 084-512-986-164-171; 088-872-810-292-270; 088-926-848-797-558; 098-256-177-485-686; 109-591-426-556-066; 119-298-253-287-215; 119-750-040-153-81X; 123-026-059-680-633; 123-581-479-097-201; 126-249-887-040-401; 137-800-822-713-952; 138-132-770-760-33X; 145-938-958-807-423; 193-107-258-263-342,3,true,cc-by,hybrid
014-753-538-497-317,In the realm of Big Data ...,2014-01-29,2014,journal article,First Monday,13960466,University of Illinois Libraries,United States,Antony Bryant; Uzma Raja,"In 2008, Chris Anderson (2008), at that time the Editor–in–Chief of Wired , proposed that in the age of the petabyte, there was no longer any need for the scientific method, nor for models or theories. Although it might be contended that this was more provocation and journalistic hubris than formal or substantiated claim, the issue was taken up and has gathered momentum ever since. Indeed within a year or so of Anderson’s article, and a series of rejoinders published on the Edge Web site, ‘The Age of Big Data’ was being heralded, and the measure had increased from petabytes to exabytes, zettabytes, and yottabytes. Diebold (2012) usefully distinguishes between Big Data ‘the phenomenon’, ‘the term’, and ‘the discipline’; arguing that the phenomenon ‘continues unabated’, the term is ‘firmly entrenched’, and the discipline is ‘emerging’. In what follows we focus initially on the term and the phenomenon, but our main objective is to argue that it is critical that there is general understanding of the emerging discipline. In particular we aim to justify the assertion that in the age of Big Data the ability to be able to develop abstractions and concepts is at least as important as it was previously; perhaps even more so. Moreover that these skills and techniques need to be understood and available to all of us in an era where we are all analysts and researchers at least to the extent of our use of the internet and its potential for affording search and investigation of online resources. We seek to offer some critical insights into these activities — modeling, conceptualizing, and theorizing — by comparing and contrasting Knowledge Discovery from Data (KDD) with the Grounded Theory Method (GTM). The former a technical orientation, that although predating Big Data, lies at the heart of the emerging tools and techniques. The latter a widely used approach to qualitative research aimed at developing conceptual models ‘grounded in the data’.",19,2,,,Epistemology; Knowledge extraction; Petabyte; World Wide Web; Sociology; Grounded theory; Realm; Assertion; Phenomenon; Big data; Hubris,,,,,https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v19i2.4991 https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/firstmonday/firstmonday19.html#BryantR14 https://uncommonculture.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4991 https://eprints.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/id/eprint/5300/ http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4991/3822 https://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4991 https://core.ac.uk/download/161097835.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.5210/fm.v19i2.4991,,10.5210/fm.v19i2.4991,1970230388,,0,,7,true,cc-by,green
015-851-294-955-849,Radiographic assessment of facial soft tissue thickness in South Indian population--An anthropologic study.,2016-02-06,2016,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Vijayalakshmi S. Kotrashetti; M.D. Mallapur,"Facial reconstruction is a technique used in forensic anthropology to identify an unknown person. Various methods used for facial reconstruction are drawings, sculpture and computer aided image building which is mainly based on facial soft tissue thickness measurement. Several methods have been established for measuring facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT) with each one having certain limitations. There is limited data available on FSTT among South Indian population. Hence the present study was ventured to determine the FSTT among South Indian adults and also to find FSTT difference between male and female. 308 subjects of South Indian origin (18-27 years) having full set of permanent dentition who require orthodontic treatment were included in the study. Subjects were assessed for Body Mass Index (BMI) and diagnostic digital x-ray of lateral cephalogram (LC), Lateral oblique (LO) view and posterior-anterior (PA) view was obtained. The digital image was transferred to Adobe Photoshop CS4 software and 23 different soft tissue points were measured. Mean FSTT was more in males compared to females except for three landmarks. Statistically significant difference was observed in 20 landmarks when height and weight was compared in males, whereas in females only 12 landmarks showed significant difference. BMI showed good correlation with FSTT in both males and females, which was confirmed by linear regression. The best regressor in terms of estimating FSTT in association with age/sex/BMI were nasion, sub nasale, labial superioris, labrale inferius, gnathion, inferior border of zygomatic, right and left gonion. Stepwise discriminant analysis using all variables showed 94.8% of overall accuracy in sex determination. The observation of present study suggests that LO and PA view along with LC gives information regarding mean FSTT among South Indian population. Even though BMI plays a dominant role in determining FSTT, but age, sex, height and weight should also be considered with care while facial reconstruction. Additionally the present regression equation contributes towards increase in the specificity of the tissue depths and can be used in real cases by allowing the practitioners to calculate individual tissue depth.",39,,161,168,Soft tissue; Surgery; Regression analysis; Forensic anthropology; Body mass index; Nasion; Orthodontics; South indian population; Radiography; Linear regression; Medicine,Body mass index; Facial soft tissue thickness; Lateral cephalogram; Lateral oblique; Posterio-anterior view; Radiograph,"Adolescent; Adult; Anatomic Landmarks; Discriminant Analysis; Face/anatomy & histology; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; India; Linear Models; Male; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Sex Characteristics; Young Adult",,,http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X16000421 https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(16)00042-1/fulltext http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26924726 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X16000421 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26924726/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2016.01.032,26924726,10.1016/j.jflm.2016.01.032,2254453120,,0,000-261-491-751-63X; 004-785-737-064-331; 006-458-117-081-194; 011-722-718-647-553; 014-159-611-287-825; 018-276-565-950-689; 023-783-577-832-177; 027-352-083-257-126; 032-940-354-494-88X; 033-870-716-596-951; 035-727-225-552-891; 046-363-575-564-360; 057-087-523-392-289; 064-973-200-376-129; 088-028-596-806-07X; 092-535-095-199-479; 103-928-265-726-476; 109-315-503-355-970,15,false,,
017-152-998-181-714,Maxillary Inter-canine Width at Three Stages of Dentition– A Cross-Sectional Study,,2021,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Anita Thakur; Seema Thakur; Parul Singhal; Deepak Chauhan,"Objective: To determine the palatal intercanine width from deciduous dentition to permanent dentition in5years to 16 years old children.Materials and Methods: the study sample comprised of 168 children who fulfilled the inclusion andexclusion criteria were examined. Study models were constructed and maxillary intercanine width wasmeasured using Vernier digital caliper.Results: Statistically significant difference was found in upper intercanine width (UICW) between malesand females in primary dentition (p<0.034). Statistically non-significant difference was found in upperintercanine width (UICW) in mixed and permanent dentition. Data were analysed using SPSS 22 (SPSSInc., Chicago, IL, USA). One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test and t- test were applied toverify the existence of significant differences between the groups.Conclusion: The present study found that there is significant increase in intercanine width in upper dentalarch from primary dentition to permanent dentition.",15,4,90,95,Cross-sectional study; Dentition; Deciduous dentition; Orthodontics; Significant difference; Permanent dentition; Medicine,,,,,https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/16666,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.16666,,10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.16666,3198675971,,0,001-031-478-217-830; 002-916-422-320-630; 005-932-815-042-888; 008-140-152-204-72X; 014-956-633-821-12X; 016-158-206-072-191; 016-569-262-396-904; 034-463-917-646-562; 052-243-719-434-727; 060-772-830-353-056; 093-524-456-718-813; 094-826-621-540-319; 119-532-872-849-697; 121-169-796-079-501,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
017-373-165-885-791,Sex determination using anthropometric measurements from multi-slice computed tomography of the 12th thoracic and the first lumbar vertebrae among adult Egyptians,,2015,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Fatma Mohamed Magdy Badr El Dine; Mohamed M. El Shafei,"Abstract Introduction Identification of the dismembered and skeletal remains has been a chal-lenge for forensic anthropologists. Aim Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the sexual dimorphism from the 12th thoracic and the first lumbar vertebra measurements data obtained from reformatted images of multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and to derive equations for sex determination in the Egyptian population. Subjects and methods The study was conducted on 120 adult Egyptian patients (54 males and 66 females) with a mean age of 37.1 ± 6.01. Twenty-four linear measurements were taken from the 12th thoracic and L1 vertebrae and then four ratios were calculated. The data was analyzed by the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. Accuracies and regression equations for sex determination were then derived. Results Fourteen measurements out of the 24 linear measurements showed significant sex differences when using the 12th thoracic vertebra. As regards to the first lumbar vertebra, only seven linear measurements and one ratio of the posterior height of the vertebral body/anterior height of the vertebral body (VBHp/VBHa) were sexually dimorphic. The percentage of accuracy of the 12th thoracic vertebra was found to be 93.1%, while that of the first lumbar was 68.0%. When combining the two vertebrae the accuracy increased to above 95% (96.3%). Conclusion Finally, it was concluded that the 12th thoracic vertebra is more accurate for sex determination than the first lumbar vertebra in the Egyptian population, which means that bone dimensions are population specific.",5,3,82,89,Sexual dimorphism; Anatomy; Forensic anthropology; Lumbar vertebrae; Thoracic vertebrae; Population; Lumbar; Computed tomography; Anthropometry; Medicine,,,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X14000495#! https://core.ac.uk/display/88397159 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X14000495 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82539910.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.07.005,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.07.005,2044602705,,0,000-230-815-843-441; 005-537-240-579-237; 005-612-212-776-230; 006-053-337-346-101; 010-527-745-132-985; 011-214-809-963-163; 011-402-458-896-656; 015-020-817-927-162; 015-230-588-287-071; 020-206-510-195-661; 024-065-202-822-642; 027-811-537-630-547; 027-912-459-442-622; 029-531-902-766-335; 035-120-554-943-120; 039-944-370-305-789; 041-934-869-095-170; 045-571-226-739-708; 048-386-863-801-628; 049-257-122-166-669; 050-794-110-897-498; 059-126-426-980-136; 062-243-661-373-943; 074-577-227-482-384; 080-400-247-789-248; 085-046-336-228-664; 093-980-313-086-256; 096-332-115-619-000; 102-373-890-825-039; 111-305-106-283-670; 112-638-391-002-349; 112-931-643-518-425; 113-744-224-058-017; 119-080-012-527-845; 126-624-233-428-548; 128-163-637-137-329; 130-210-825-116-032; 144-886-025-343-876,18,true,cc-by,gold
017-517-070-358-956,Faceless: High-profile murders and public recognition,2015-02-17,2015,journal article,"Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal",17416590; 17416604,SAGE Publications,United Kingdom,Mike Brookes; David Wilson; Elizabeth Yardley; Mohammed Rahman; Sophie Grace Rowe,"This paper reports on the outcome of an investigation into whether or not members of the public would recognise high-profile victims and perpetrators and, if so, whom. The study was based on the premise that prominent media coverage would cause a greater number of perpetrators to be recognised than victims and that those victims who were recognised would be white children. Field research was conducted in a university and in non-university settings, such as fast food outlets, bus stops and shopping centres. All 20 images used were black and white headshots. Most photographs showed one person, but two photographs had two images. A total of 103 people were surveyed. The majority of our sample (78%) were unable to name any victims or perpetrators. These results provide strong evidence to suggest that despite 24-hour rolling news and the prominence of high-profile victims and perpetrators on the front pages of national newspapers, the public fails to remember who these victims and perpetrators are. We discuss why this may be so. Language: en",11,1,61,76,Field research; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Law; Newspaper; Poison control; Suicide prevention; White (horse); Medicine; Criminology,,,,,https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/1744/ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1741659014567969 https://core.ac.uk/display/141205524 http://cmc.sagepub.com/content/11/1/61.short http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/35877/ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1741659014567969 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_480270_13 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1741659014567969 https://core.ac.uk/download/141205524.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1741659014567969,,10.1177/1741659014567969,2148560844,,0,005-036-184-724-958; 006-254-421-534-659; 008-208-177-240-450; 014-427-015-663-132; 020-106-720-419-426; 020-505-565-450-287; 032-730-221-321-250; 032-960-444-098-168; 032-970-920-841-012; 039-933-886-100-836; 045-552-389-849-510; 055-369-493-592-759; 060-547-601-011-895; 061-600-655-522-494; 066-660-249-619-959; 097-407-009-670-320; 110-994-968-986-134; 114-580-824-326-167; 117-134-734-308-984; 121-824-160-935-737; 123-993-349-694-463; 158-848-690-764-305; 190-294-589-827-867,2,true,,green
018-406-400-269-564,‘I Will Blow Your Face OFF’—VIRTUAL and Physical World Anti-muslim Hate Crime,2015-12-18,2015,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Imran Awan; Irene Zempi,"Anti-Muslim hate crime is usually viewed in the prism of physical attacks; however, it also occurs in a cyber context, and this reality has considerable consequences for victims. In seeking to help improve our understanding of anti-Muslim hate crime, this article draws on the findings from a project that involved qualitative interviews with Muslim men and women who experienced both virtual and physical world anti-Muslim hate, and reported their experiences to the British government-funded service Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks). In doing so, this article sets out the first ever study to examine the nature, determinants and impacts of both virtual and physical world anti-Muslim hate crime upon Muslim men and Muslim women in the United Kingdom (UK). Correspondingly, we found that victims of both virtual and physical world anti-Muslim hate crime are likely to suffer from emotional stress, anxiety and fear of cyber threats materialising in the ‘real world’.",57,2,362,380,Psychology; Face (sociological concept); Context (language use); Qualitative interviews; Hate crime; Cyber threats; Service (economics); Anxiety; PRISM (surveillance program); Criminology; Social psychology,,,,,https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/5384/ https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/2/362/2623878 http://bjc.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2015/12/18/bjc.azv122.abstract https://core.ac.uk/display/42393101 http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/27739/ https://core.ac.uk/download/42393101.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azv122,,10.1093/bjc/azv122,2259714245,,0,003-426-055-005-552; 006-527-237-633-99X; 008-530-722-062-158; 011-817-024-899-643; 015-067-243-433-793; 015-903-050-101-398; 015-950-561-425-687; 016-839-219-279-419; 017-318-173-909-35X; 021-046-782-919-295; 022-512-985-854-761; 023-450-483-759-540; 023-615-068-435-779; 027-734-728-035-197; 033-620-629-747-166; 056-059-903-286-635; 057-690-219-222-281; 057-955-845-906-18X; 059-345-004-796-320; 060-789-259-664-218; 069-846-560-137-842; 074-466-022-794-884; 079-128-804-674-844; 083-260-036-961-834; 084-268-279-025-170; 086-998-514-393-596; 088-098-914-371-192; 093-145-225-851-115; 093-833-675-098-246; 094-151-635-161-982; 115-938-916-308-10X; 128-068-938-095-518; 144-787-766-718-993; 144-946-514-584-912; 146-928-473-033-260; 150-127-220-224-258; 159-090-173-786-223; 163-446-544-830-078; 163-620-972-819-693; 176-095-534-669-030; 195-321-976-475-630,36,true,,green
018-623-255-848-48X,Detection of male DNA in the vaginal cavity after digital penetration using Y-chromosome short tandem repeats.,,2015,journal article,Journal of forensic nursing,19393938; 15563693,Wiley-Blackwell,United States,Kayla R. Sween; Lawrence Quarino; Janine M. Kishbaugh,"In this study, useful genetic information from male donors was obtained on vaginal swabs taken from female volunteers after male digital vaginal penetration in a time frame relevant to a sexual assault investigation. Vaginal swabs were collected from eight volunteers at intervals of 1, 6, 12, 24, and 72 hours after digital vaginal penetration. DNA was extracted from collected swabs and subsequently genotyped using a commercially available Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STR) multiplex kit. Fifty-eight vaginal swabs were collected and analyzed in the study. Composite Y-STR profiles from all combined volunteers showed that 85% of all possible alleles were detected at the 1-hour interval, 77% of all possible alleles were detected at the 6-hour interval, 73% of all possible alleles were detected at the 12-hour interval, 66% of all possible alleles were detected at the 24-hour time interval, and 71% of all possible alleles were detected at 72 hours after digital vaginal penetration. Results indicate that a viable possibility exists that probative Y-STR profiles, useful for investigative purposes, can be obtained from vaginal swabs taken from subjects exposed to digital penetration at time intervals up to 72 hours postpenetration.",11,1,33,40,Penetration (firestop); Vagina; Y chromosome; Multiplex; Vaginal swabs; Sex offense; Physiology; Microsatellite; Medicine; DNA profiling,,"Chromosomes, Human, Y; DNA/isolation & purification; DNA Fingerprinting; Female; Fingers; Humans; Male; Microsatellite Repeats; Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction; Sex Offenses; Specimen Handling; Time Factors; Vagina/chemistry",DNA,,https://europepmc.org/article/MED/25647409 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25647409 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25647409/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/jfn.0000000000000056,25647409,10.1097/jfn.0000000000000056,2074548583,,0,012-654-155-897-587; 021-644-294-104-687; 024-363-511-253-186; 042-704-087-417-393; 042-812-528-704-805; 043-625-083-278-083; 059-986-917-371-079; 068-963-276-741-571; 073-839-433-736-649; 075-020-719-248-808; 085-826-154-443-176; 101-066-745-665-116; 109-137-541-815-959; 130-033-562-781-81X,6,false,,
018-729-888-843-625,Application of atomic force microscopy in the analysis of time since deposition (TSD) of red blood cells in bloodstains: A forensic analysis.,2019-05-30,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,D.R. Cavalcanti; Luciano P. Silva,"Bloodstains can provide important information about a criminal act. These biological traces, when analyzed at murder sites, for example, can determine the dynamics of a criminal offense, the identity of a suspect, and the time at which a crime was committed. Determine the time since deposition (TSD) of these blood traces may be the first clue for the police investigators to estimate the time-lapse of a murder. During a criminal attack, the blood spilled from an injury begins the process of degradation and aging from the moment it leaves the human body and comes into contact with the physical environment. The biophysical properties (morphology and elasticity) of red blood cells (RBCs) undergo several changes when outside the human body, which can be analyzed using microscopic techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM). Aiming to apply the AFM/force spectroscopy techniques in the analysis of criminal traces, the present study investigated the TSD for blood smears by analyzing possible changes in the RBCs of a group of voluntary donors. Also, we investigated whether there was any difference in TSD analysis after blood smears deposition onto three different surfaces (glass, metal, or ceramic); and finally, we evaluated force×distance curves obtained from deformation of the membrane surface of RBCs as a function of time. The qualitative results apparently showed that there is no perceptible difference in the structure of RBCs when AFM images were analyzed by simple visual comparison over 28 days (T0-T5). Nevertheless, our quantitative results, measured by AFM, demonstrated the increasing trend of the measurements, such as average height (μm), perimeter (μm), area (μm2) and volume (μm3) of these cells during that period. Additionally, the type of surface of bloodstain deposition should be considered during analyses for the TSD, and the results obtained on glass, metal, or ceramic supports showed significant differences. Therefore, the use of force spectroscopy to obtain force×distance curves for the forensic science approach has been shown to have applicability for the calculation of TSD in the RBCs present in the blood smears. In spite of the promising observations obtained, the use of AFM in crime scenes still requires the expansion and development of more studies for a definitive evaluation of the TSD for blood spots.",301,,254,262,Atomic force microscopy; Force spectroscopy; Biomedical engineering; Materials science; Criminal offense; Membrane surface; Blood smear,Aging; Atomic force microscopy; Bloodstains; Criminal analysis; Red blood cells; Time since deposition (TSD),"Adult; Blood Stains; Cell Membrane; Ceramics; Elasticity; Erythrocytes/ultrastructure; Female; Forensic Medicine/methods; Glass; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Male; Metals; Microscopy, Atomic Force; Software; Surface Properties; Time Factors; Young Adult",Metals,Brazilian agencies Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária; Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal; Universidade de Brasília,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31181409/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818308387 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6461996 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31181409 https://core.ac.uk/download/232893894.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.05.048,31181409,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.05.048,2947771839,,0,004-124-304-674-11X; 006-448-129-573-023; 008-350-591-022-421; 009-913-397-051-774; 014-260-667-139-422; 015-173-603-581-458; 018-911-740-148-934; 019-056-692-525-257; 022-227-368-592-96X; 024-760-886-491-550; 025-200-514-296-026; 031-579-359-400-896; 033-502-451-706-764; 033-835-248-545-913; 036-346-993-008-677; 037-149-144-418-982; 043-968-267-540-001; 049-130-147-234-826; 062-224-624-610-926; 072-826-877-066-499; 077-324-298-895-008; 086-139-281-426-768; 091-087-096-526-31X; 101-898-536-025-026; 111-480-172-134-444; 149-918-501-755-309; 153-356-989-694-986; 162-116-411-881-455; 185-186-167-335-53X,10,true,,
019-400-469-153-737,Deep learning and morphometric approach for Sex determination of the lumbar vertebrae in a Thai population.,2022-03-21,2022,journal article,"Medicine, science, and the law",20421818; 00258024,SAGE Publications Ltd,United Kingdom,Yanumart Malatong; Pittayarat Intasuwan; Patison Palee; Apichat Sinthubua; Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh,"Sex determination is a fundamental step in biological profile estimation from skeletal remains in forensic anthropology. This study proposes deep learning and morphometric technique to perform sex determination from lumbar vertebrae in a Thai population. A total of 1100 lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) from 220 Thai individuals (110 males and 110 females) were obtained from the Forensic Osteology Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. In addition, two linear measurements of superior and inferior endplates from the digital caliper and image analysis were carried out for morphometric technique. Deep learning applied image classification to the superior and inferior endplates of the lumbar vertebral body. All lumbar vertebrae images are included in the dataset to increase the number of images per class. The accuracy determined the performance of each technique. The results showed the accuracies of 82.7%, 90.0%, and 92.5% for digital caliper, image analysis, and deep learning techniques, respectively. The lumbar vertebrae L1-L5 exhibit sexual dimorphism and can be used in sex estimation. Deep learning is more accurate in determining sex than the morphometric method. In addition, the subjectivity and errors in the measurement are decreased. Finally, this study presented an alternative approach to determining sex from lumbar vertebrae when the more traditionally used skeletal elements are incomplete or absent.",,,258024221089073,002580242210890,Calipers; Lumbar vertebrae; Lumbar; Anatomy; Osteology; Population; Deep learning; Forensic anthropology; Medicine; Artificial intelligence,deep learning; image analysis; lumbar vertebra; morphometry; sex determination,,,"Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University",,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00258024221089073,35306907,10.1177/00258024221089073,,,0,000-230-815-843-441; 000-536-947-100-705; 006-606-913-678-241; 008-274-555-214-74X; 010-975-115-284-350; 011-236-367-849-474; 011-524-562-353-286; 013-995-291-739-999; 017-373-165-885-791; 021-092-397-907-180; 022-749-798-706-11X; 028-146-143-963-364; 029-207-633-814-92X; 033-306-607-675-741; 036-749-464-626-927; 038-569-692-619-416; 045-089-849-996-721; 046-245-255-229-734; 057-911-072-056-632; 069-688-374-708-639; 073-318-129-414-027; 073-723-607-158-670; 074-954-067-924-657; 094-278-157-053-220; 094-903-959-475-071; 100-584-664-210-80X; 113-865-482-018-561; 114-390-878-190-560; 119-806-035-788-482,0,false,,
020-425-791-599-581,Age estimation by canines’ pulp/tooth ratio in an Iranian population using digital panoramic radiography,2018-02-01,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Mahdieh Dehghani; Elaheh Shadkam; Farzaneh Ahrari; Mahboobe Dehghani,,285,,44,49,Pulp (tooth); Orthodontics; Inverse correlation; Area ratio; Age estimation; Iranian population; Chronological age; Radiography; Medicine,Chronological age; Forensic Anthropology Population Data; Panoramic radiography; Pulp area; Tooth,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Computer-Aided Design; Cuspid/diagnostic imaging; Dental Pulp/diagnostic imaging; Female; Humans; Iran; Male; Middle Aged; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Regression Analysis; Young Adult",,Research Deputy of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences,https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29433010 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29433010 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818300306 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5918885 https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/en/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=201802221164151986,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.01.016,29433010,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.01.016,2788303966,,0,000-883-995-555-655; 002-186-798-658-734; 009-004-504-992-257; 014-859-551-864-682; 015-182-234-389-659; 016-821-344-540-473; 018-252-269-045-530; 018-955-796-102-067; 019-343-655-019-592; 019-494-730-355-78X; 030-515-002-076-027; 042-108-853-250-676; 042-133-534-582-539; 046-276-388-796-638; 046-533-765-797-543; 049-016-564-335-952; 056-908-897-650-544; 059-033-655-045-851; 066-728-345-369-257; 068-474-852-988-445; 083-363-957-682-233; 087-119-005-075-218; 091-063-066-156-50X; 091-452-544-047-439; 099-505-430-237-872; 105-394-329-847-509; 120-411-926-710-979; 125-938-017-011-954; 129-382-173-428-449; 135-178-317-958-297; 166-709-250-232-524,17,false,,
020-786-247-428-280,Dental age assessment validity of radiographic methods on Serbian children population.,2013-07-05,2013,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ksenija Djukic; Ksenija Zelic; Petar Milenkovic; Nenad Nedeljkovic; Marija Djuric,,231,1,398,5,Demography; Forensic dentistry; Serbian; Population; Statistical analysis; Dental age; Age estimation; Radiography; Medicine; Estimation,Age estimation; Demirjian method; Forensic dentistry; Serbia; Willems method,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Child; Feasibility Studies; Female; Forensic Dentistry; Humans; Linear Models; Male; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Reproducibility of Results; Retrospective Studies; Serbia",,,https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5525499 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S037907381300306X https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23835078/ https://www.fsigeneticssup.com/article/S0379-0738(13)00306-X/fulltext,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.05.036,23835078,10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.05.036,2030719803,,0,002-757-040-487-632; 003-604-226-334-318; 011-262-594-776-665; 011-499-241-928-737; 012-078-866-141-118; 016-723-270-807-681; 019-397-254-203-309; 023-194-446-071-018; 023-743-066-523-923; 028-898-428-362-425; 031-056-855-501-837; 032-088-559-883-298; 032-245-119-427-519; 039-031-986-229-765; 040-450-442-597-668; 041-324-826-237-812; 043-290-644-526-680; 044-107-686-685-645; 044-570-721-624-114; 044-870-283-439-262; 046-276-388-796-638; 057-936-428-923-25X; 068-993-327-693-141; 070-013-598-429-874; 086-909-875-987-253; 096-811-847-952-093; 116-877-128-141-265; 122-211-035-181-694; 129-029-560-805-112; 139-600-070-612-564; 146-381-135-213-908; 147-685-756-627-002,53,false,,
021-260-333-617-117,Privacy threats in intimate relationships,2020-01-01,2020,journal article,Journal of Cybersecurity,20572085; 20572093,Oxford University Press (OUP),,Karen Levy; Bruce Schneier,"This article provides an overview of intimate threats: a class of privacy threats that can arise within our families, romantic partnerships, close friendships, and caregiving relationships. Many common assumptions about privacy are upended in the context of these relationships, and many otherwise effective protective measures fail when applied to intimate threats. Those closest to us know the answers to our secret questions, have access to our devices, and can exercise coercive power over us. We survey a range of intimate relationships and describe their common features. Based on these features, we explore implications for both technical privacy design and policy, and offer design recommendations for ameliorating intimate privacy risks.",6,1,,,Internet privacy; Sociology; Class (computer programming); Context (language use); Coercive power,,,,,https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/corr/corr2006.html#abs-2006-03907 https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10192797 https://par.nsf.gov/servlets/purl/10192797 https://academic.oup.com/cybersecurity/article/6/1/tyaa006/5849222 http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.03907,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cybsec/tyaa006,,10.1093/cybsec/tyaa006,3099188965; 3030249566,,0,006-044-770-383-806; 009-114-926-060-115; 009-260-778-898-471; 009-274-320-229-628; 009-491-646-586-108; 010-731-312-137-017; 016-414-048-819-316; 017-885-461-603-583; 018-341-060-797-330; 019-320-862-775-620; 021-776-657-902-579; 024-294-924-487-398; 024-884-885-346-663; 025-739-286-284-224; 027-949-867-779-899; 029-059-641-609-668; 029-829-654-940-657; 031-418-631-581-415; 032-483-423-120-734; 033-416-835-419-472; 033-460-490-504-724; 036-360-884-433-384; 050-348-593-199-300; 052-364-382-018-867; 052-939-785-490-968; 054-759-917-807-862; 056-474-423-415-993; 056-662-799-429-873; 062-764-583-846-082; 064-996-760-180-126; 065-720-437-370-738; 066-598-889-871-269; 066-798-612-091-813; 066-976-295-095-229; 069-328-943-869-880; 069-628-117-828-520; 070-777-444-965-658; 071-452-338-466-426; 071-794-190-643-675; 072-271-825-423-734; 073-320-824-508-757; 073-492-037-304-043; 075-195-402-661-092; 076-576-024-753-39X; 077-102-397-686-451; 077-502-152-427-905; 087-223-208-918-211; 088-659-956-829-357; 092-360-226-414-721; 092-474-907-684-685; 094-844-478-790-68X; 095-172-249-629-662; 096-966-250-633-66X; 097-224-574-158-491; 097-759-432-534-800; 101-090-743-517-830; 102-100-117-996-670; 106-979-552-042-607; 108-516-116-636-363; 109-883-406-293-048; 117-879-217-568-602; 117-982-161-660-973; 121-189-743-566-064; 128-626-105-197-492; 129-340-266-731-070; 143-783-754-389-278; 145-508-369-972-201; 148-230-125-808-910; 149-377-650-258-649; 156-201-844-545-528; 177-501-728-094-420; 187-424-668-959-096; 189-438-575-936-717,25,true,"CC BY, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-ND",gold
021-708-751-611-183,Investigating homicide: back to the future,2019-09-16,2019,journal article,"Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice",20563841,Emerald,,Cheryl Allsop; Sophie Pike,"Purpose:- The purpose of this paper is to suggest two things: first, that the scientific and technological developments and increased regulation that have shaped homicide investigations in England and Wales over the last few decades have provided today’s investigators with opportunities not available to their predecessors, and play a key role in solving unsolved homicides. Second, however, the authors suggest that such developments have created new challenges for investigators, challenges that impede current investigations, potentially creating the future unsolved cases.; Design/methodology/approach:- This paper draws on two qualitative studies that comprised over eight months of ethnographic research, observations, interviews with serving and retired homicide detectives and case file analysis.; Findings:- The widespread changes to homicide investigations in England and Wales have been valuable in many respects, notably, they have allowed detectives to look back in time and bring longstanding unsolved cases to a close. However, change, although well intentioned, might actually be creating future cold cases as detectives endeavour to manage the volume of information now generated during investigations, fast evolving scientific and technological techniques and an increase in bureaucracy.; Practical implications:- This study is helpful for: improving investigative practice; learning from change; reducing unsolved homicides vs a rise in new cold cases; and innovative and entrepreneurial investigators.; Originality/value:- Utilising qualitative research, this paper contributes to the academic literature exploring homicide investigation in England and Wales, offering insight into the challenges facing detectives and the potential impact of these upon solving past and present homicide cases.",5,3,229,239,Political science; Qualitative research; Value (ethics); Originality; Practical implications; Potential impact; Bureaucracy; Homicide; Criminology,,,,,https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JCRPP-03-2019-0021/full/html https://researchspace.bathspa.ac.uk/12466/ https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/233052549.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jcrpp-03-2019-0021,,10.1108/jcrpp-03-2019-0021,2973467578,,0,001-937-186-123-008; 014-131-033-280-597; 018-477-456-522-416; 021-374-881-923-380; 037-550-015-414-716; 047-858-168-076-555; 056-881-212-986-25X; 074-754-930-213-754; 096-421-311-811-707; 098-273-607-169-443; 119-865-317-621-111,2,true,cc-by-nc,green
022-441-565-114-040,The impact of masculinity upon men with psychosis who reside in secure forensic settings,2018-01-09,2018,journal article,Journal of Forensic Practice,20508794; 20508808,Emerald,United Kingdom,Robert Searle; Dougal Julian Hare; Bronwen Davies; Sara Morgan,"Purpose; ; ; Masculinity is a core cognitive structure that plays a central role in organising attitudinal and behavioural processes. Yet there is limited research focussing upon the meaning of masculinity for men who have a past history of violent behaviour, who experience psychotic phenomena and reside in secure forensic settings. The paper aims to discuss these issues.; ; ; ; ; Design/methodology/approach; ; ; Q-methodology was used to elucidate the factors regarding how men who experience psychotic phenomena perceive their masculinity. Ten participants from a secure forensic setting performed a 49-statement Q-sort task.; ; ; ; ; Findings; ; ; Principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation was performed on the ten completed Q-sorts which revealed a three-factor solution, accounting for 57 per cent of the variance in the data. The factors were interpreted and discussed under the following headings: “assured and asserting maverick”, “calm, confident, composed conformist” and “nurturing provider in the face of adversity”. This revealed that men with psychosis have different, predominantly pro-social explanatory frameworks for their representation of masculinity.; ; ; ; ; Research limitations/implications; ; This study revealed that men with psychosis have different, predominantly pro-social explanatory frameworks for their representation of masculinity. However, the study was limited by its lack of longitudinal assessment and the inclusion of a greater number of participants may have enhanced the representativeness and generalisability of the findings.; ; ; ; ; Practical implications; ; ; Therapeutic discussions in respect of masculinity itself could provide men with the opportunity to develop newer, more adaptive conceptualisations of themselves, help them develop greater self-awareness and understanding of the sources of their presenting concerns, which in turn could enhance a provisional formulation of their difficulties. It would also be potentially valuable to understand how these patterns of masculinity map onto coping, recovery style and service engagement. Furthermore, services could also benefit from becoming more aware of hospitalisation being a shameful perhaps stigmatizing time for men with psychosis.; ; ; ; ; Social implications; ; ; It may be useful for people working in healthcare settings to be aware of how the service users they support perceive their masculinity, so the existential and deeper needs of male patients are provided with enough consideration. This is an important point, as some individuals are often reluctant or neglect to enquire about individual’s psychotic experiences and gender identification.; ; ; ; ; Originality/value; Although forensic psychiatric care is primarily populated by men who have committed violent acts, there is a limited research focussing upon the meaning of masculinity in this context. This is in spite of evidence which shows that maladaptive perceptions of masculinity can be reinforced during time spent residing in secure settings. The cultural constructs of masculinity and their respective impact upon the diagnosis, management and outcome of psychosis has also received little attention. Therefore, this research represents new and significant contributions to the field.",20,2,69,80,Existentialism; Mental health; Psychology; Perception; Neglect; Originality; Masculinity; Representativeness heuristic; Clinical psychology; Coping (psychology); Social psychology,,,,,https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JFP-05-2017-0014/full/html https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/10.1108/JFP-05-2017-0014 https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/id/eprint/103430 https://core.ac.uk/download/84592920.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jfp-05-2017-0014,,10.1108/jfp-05-2017-0014,2748366872,,0,004-131-870-566-872; 005-396-809-034-922; 010-146-106-371-753; 011-695-274-751-42X; 017-356-866-949-730; 018-428-650-127-750; 022-117-854-028-443; 030-994-038-398-90X; 032-212-587-801-195; 033-522-007-618-619; 039-807-914-017-718; 047-753-834-745-941; 052-750-229-032-166; 056-253-124-306-819; 056-865-894-761-946; 059-522-070-127-680; 065-593-100-848-880; 073-419-571-764-823; 080-232-224-512-051; 085-133-451-460-923; 085-647-964-806-473; 102-629-939-402-421; 103-890-810-029-668; 103-997-114-647-454; 132-960-659-704-829; 159-355-681-700-511; 163-515-834-639-438; 186-917-484-914-167,5,true,,green
022-448-563-628-672,Interview expectancies: awareness of potential biases influences behaviour in interviewees,2019-01-02,2019,journal article,"Psychiatry, psychology, and law : an interdisciplinary journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law",13218719,Taylor and Francis Ltd.,United Kingdom,Nicole M. Adams-Quackenbush; Robert Horselenberg; Josephine Hubert; Aldert Vrij; Peter J. van Koppen,"Expectancy effects are known to influence behaviour so that what is expected appears to be true. In this study, expectancy was induced using (fabricated) information about honesty and specific group membership. Targets were tested in a non-accusatory interview environment using neutral and information-gathering questions. It was hypothesized that those exposed to the negative information (the expectancy) would demonstrate behaviour consistent with an increased cognitive load, and evidence was found to support this prediction. Due to the investigative nature of the information-gathering questions, it was also expected that the targets exposed to the expectancy would exhibit more of these behaviours in the investigative portion of the interview. Some behaviour was found to support this prediction (i.e. shorter responses and increased speech disturbances); however, indicators of performance altering load were not observed during this phase of the interview. These findings support the hypothesis that expectancy effects can noticeably alter interviewee behaviour.",26,1,150,166,Developmental psychology; Psychology; Expectancy theory; Honesty; Speech disorder; Police questioning; Negative information; Group membership; Cognitive load,cognitive load; expectancy effects; information-gathering; interviewee behaviour; investigative interviews; stereotype activation; truth-tellers,,,House of Legal Psychology,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31984070/ https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/en/publications/interview-expectancies-awareness-of-potential-biases-influences-b https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6762119 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13218719.2018.1485522 https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/interview-expectancies-awareness-of-potential-biases-influences-b https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/files/14134780/Interview_expectancies_awareness_of_potential_biases_published.pdf https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/agispt.20190606011741 https://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai%3Aresearch.vu.nl%3Apublications%2Fba522e6f-9797-453c-af5c-52787912a2bf https://puredev.port.ac.uk/en/publications/interview-expectancies-awareness-of-potential-biases-influences-b https://eprints.ncl.ac.uk/268944 https://core.ac.uk/download/159620060.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2018.1485522,31984070,10.1080/13218719.2018.1485522,2888895569,PMC6762119,0,000-181-564-372-260; 001-407-448-051-932; 005-652-313-139-034; 006-221-986-488-089; 010-967-133-871-129; 011-587-066-253-348; 013-010-635-425-776; 016-039-115-865-573; 017-774-840-834-224; 018-774-537-743-625; 018-990-145-926-242; 020-048-041-326-276; 021-309-658-924-62X; 021-987-516-417-510; 022-397-168-119-256; 025-976-658-864-107; 029-744-879-747-708; 032-350-503-323-823; 033-903-611-123-400; 036-520-324-835-510; 037-220-350-201-329; 038-436-488-448-34X; 039-992-896-011-319; 045-056-080-752-232; 046-452-456-163-286; 046-487-062-599-765; 046-689-339-678-876; 047-593-017-967-587; 049-704-917-742-457; 051-887-174-357-692; 053-673-093-116-132; 056-210-575-269-527; 057-082-569-821-365; 059-760-537-562-322; 060-732-212-019-257; 061-324-650-413-813; 061-939-999-984-791; 070-228-122-189-383; 072-331-131-519-821; 072-577-697-538-458; 084-055-295-442-530; 085-110-287-548-250; 090-651-362-250-001; 091-315-296-586-781; 097-760-092-135-106; 099-297-324-638-089; 100-371-148-847-207; 100-731-591-147-80X; 101-202-705-204-415; 102-551-208-048-775; 104-734-327-379-635; 119-397-843-207-581; 130-916-001-095-528; 131-732-738-253-172; 139-705-086-475-980; 149-142-748-451-838; 151-853-767-286-818; 168-922-915-974-457; 173-268-100-530-414,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
022-645-895-097-786,Genital injuries and allegation of digital vaginal penetration - A retrospective examination of forensic case notes.,2021-04-08,2021,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Muriel Volpellier; Raeena Hirve; Claire Duckett,"Abstract Objective To determine the prevalence of genital injuries following alleged sexual assault by digital penetration of the vagina in the absence of penile penetration of the vagina or anus in women age 16 and over; and to compare with the prevalence of genital injuries following alleged sexual assault by penile vaginal penetration in the absence of penile penetration of the anus or digital penetration of the vagina and/or anus. Population 1428 adults and children attending a forensic medical examination between September 2017 and January 2020 at the Haven sexual assault referral center situated in Paddington, London, UK. Design Retrospective review of forensic notes. Methods Eligible cases were identified through the standardized forensic notes and relevant data was extracted. Results 109 cases of women 16 years and over alleging digital penetration only and 110 cases of women 16 years and over alleging penile vaginal penetration only were included. The 110 cases of penile vaginal penetration only were randomly selected for comparison purposes. 7.6% of Haven attenders fulfilled the digital penetration only category. In this category, the patients mean age was 27.2 years. Thirteen patients (11.9%) sustained genital injuries; of those with genital injuries, eleven (84.6%) sustained one or more abrasions. The most common site of injury was the labia minora (46.2%). There were no significant differences between the 2 groups (digital penetration only and penile vaginal penetration only) in terms of number of patients with genital injuries, type or location of injury. There were differences regarding the relationship between patient and assailant: more stranger assaults in the digital penetration group 27/109 (29%) vs 13/110 (12%) in the penile penetration group. There was one assault by multiple assailants in the digital penetration group and 8 (7.3%) in the penile penetration group. In the digital penetration group there was more alcohol use [71/109 (65.1%) vs 62/110 (56.4%)] but less drug use [21/109 (19.3%) vs 30/110 (27.3%)] than in the penile vaginal penetration group. Conclusion The majority of patients examined following an allegation of digital vaginal penetration without penile penetration sustained no injuries. Of those who did, abrasions were the most common type of injury, with the inner labia minora being the most common location for injury. There were no significant differences with the injuries seen in the penile vaginal penetration group in terms of number of patients with genital injuries, type or location of injury.",80,,102154,102154,Forensic science; Surgery; Sex organ; Allegation; Vagina; Labia minora; Anus; Population; Medicine; Penetration (warfare),Digital vaginal penetration; Forensic medical examination; Genital injury,Adult; Alcohol Drinking; Crime Victims; Female; Forensic Medicine; Humans; London; Male; Physical Examination; Rape; Retrospective Studies; Vagina/injuries; Vulva/injuries,,,https://europepmc.org/article/MED/33892330 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X21000391,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2021.102154,33892330,10.1016/j.jflm.2021.102154,3156334541,,0,005-499-062-045-632; 036-989-133-159-589; 040-870-191-051-388; 044-979-473-865-333; 049-445-542-411-083; 049-911-339-162-961; 058-471-786-928-56X; 070-671-902-825-834; 071-418-546-391-140; 109-646-455-730-620,1,false,,
022-753-681-855-703,Applicability of Willems model for dental age estimations in Brazilian children.,2013-06-24,2013,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ademir Franco; Patrick Thevissen; Steffen Fieuws; Paulo Henrique Couto Souza; Guy Willems,,231,1,401,4,Statistics; Mean squared error; Regression analysis; Cohen's kappa; Dentistry; Molar; Permanent teeth; Kappa; Dental age; Age prediction; Mathematics,Brazil; Dental age estimation; Forensic odontology; Radiological techniques; Willems’ method,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Brazil; Child; Child, Preschool; Dentition, Permanent; Female; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Male; Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Regression Analysis; Young Adult",,,https://core.ac.uk/display/34567054 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/23806342 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073813003009 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073813003009 https://lirias.kuleuven.be/63615,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.05.030,23806342,10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.05.030,1998470438,,0,001-986-698-642-259; 002-757-040-487-632; 005-581-389-034-532; 006-772-467-494-533; 007-348-278-240-423; 011-499-241-928-737; 014-142-396-517-85X; 016-161-652-638-789; 019-397-254-203-309; 020-549-519-272-496; 022-631-674-082-030; 023-469-288-635-462; 025-307-284-798-070; 027-071-754-646-78X; 035-996-202-216-92X; 046-276-388-796-638; 047-467-753-093-366; 048-934-085-668-318; 051-431-070-051-52X; 054-155-485-035-549; 057-936-428-923-25X; 064-149-608-036-800; 066-046-155-909-090; 067-194-512-881-315; 068-495-114-840-433; 072-550-816-655-383; 081-833-031-927-082; 082-214-478-973-820; 086-851-006-049-928; 086-909-875-987-253; 101-203-889-010-256; 111-345-773-199-188; 111-967-921-545-406; 116-960-432-214-26X; 125-963-852-246-639; 131-396-000-623-114; 136-736-547-442-069; 139-600-070-612-564; 152-724-815-455-547; 166-528-188-724-014,64,false,,
022-864-283-974-733,Lethal asphyxiation due to sadomasochistic sex training - How some sex partners avoid criminal responsibility even though their actions lead to someone's death.,2018-03-10,2018,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Damian Jacob Sendler,"Abstract Introduction Erotic asphyxiation is a sexual phenomenon in which one partner reduces the other person's brain oxygen level through strangulation. This study analyzes deaths caused by sexually-motivated strangulation to cases of homicidal choking — summarizing criminal penalties for defendants, depending on the presence of drugs, or alcohol intoxication. Methods The mode of analysis involves three sources of data. First, a retrospective chart review of our clinics' two recent cases. Second, a meta-analysis of these materials in relationship to forensic reports obtained from prosecutor's office. Third, we examine the prevalence of death due to strangulation in erotic and non-erotic cases using central court database. Lastly, we provide the summary of interviews involving the country's only forensic unit, which investigates criminal cases involving voluntary and involuntary strangulation. Results In total, we analyzed 15 cases of sexual asphyxiation — 2 of our own; 5 reported in prosecutor's archives; 8 control cases ruled as a non-sexual homicide. The two of our clinical cases describe two victims of voluntary erotic asphyxiation, involving complex sexual environment in which a sexual partner accidentally strangulated the other one during sex. The first case describes a 30 years-old female, who required all of her past sexual partners to choke her with hands in order to reach orgasm. The second case is that of a 41 years-old homosexual male, who was still a novice to kinky play and succumbed to death as a result of being tied with a set of ropes around his neck and body. By combining findings from the analysis of our clinic's cases with 5 files obtained from prosecutor's office — we are able to compare results of these cases to controls (involving homicidal suffocation using the plastic bag). In our cases, the defendants who avoid serving prison time for strangulating in course of erotic play typically exhibit these characteristics — at the time of the killing, they were not under influence of drugs; the deceased had documented (based on witness interview, review of personal items, or medical documentation) long-standing paraphilic disorder. In controls, the likelihood of being convicted of voluntary manslaughter was lower for people who acted under the influence of drugs but higher for those under the influence of alcohol. Conclusions These findings show that documented presence of paraphilic tendencies in the deceased might serve as grounds for not sentencing their sex partners for prison time if they acted to satisfy someone else's kinky needs.",56,,59,65,Psychiatry; Psychology; Injury prevention; Orgasm; Paraphilia; Prison; Sexual partner; Voluntary manslaughter; Poison control; Homicide,Asphyxiation; BDSM; Forensic science; Paraphilia; Pathology; sex addiction,Accidents/legislation & jurisprudence; Adult; Asphyxia/etiology; Case-Control Studies; Female; Humans; Male; Masochism/complications; Retrospective Studies; Sadism/complications; Sexual Partners,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X18301100 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29533207 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_577012_36 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29533207 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29533207/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2018.03.012,29533207,10.1016/j.jflm.2018.03.012,2791231339,,0,001-865-742-816-551; 003-786-015-704-446; 007-910-218-670-232; 011-728-621-579-387; 014-834-012-895-892; 019-159-150-098-344; 025-726-471-109-927; 028-081-448-042-684; 030-254-898-567-183; 032-351-580-754-074; 036-634-623-044-212; 039-070-474-119-943; 041-833-859-908-067; 042-235-711-791-313; 043-841-005-212-579; 045-963-114-479-174; 070-163-600-022-082; 078-532-171-245-342; 087-004-454-615-486; 099-048-582-060-606; 104-444-399-034-50X; 107-467-957-371-473; 112-699-431-253-855; 114-125-287-298-206; 147-765-824-350-86X,16,false,,
023-168-865-427-913,Sex determination using discriminant analysis of upper and lower extremity bones: New approach using the volume and surface area of digital model.,2015-05-27,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,U-Young Lee; In-Beom Kim; Dai-Soon Kwak,,253,,1,5,Anatomy; Humerus; Calcaneus; Tibia; Ulna; Hip bone; Scapula; Patella; Femur; Medicine,Discriminant analysis; Forensic anthropology population data; Korean; Sex determination; Volume and surface area of bone,"Asians; Bones of Lower Extremity/diagnostic imaging; Bones of Upper Extremity/diagnostic imaging; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Republic of Korea; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods; Tomography, X-Ray Computed",,"Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; National Research Foundation of Korea",https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815002108 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26117502,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.05.017,26117502,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.05.017,1492258614,,0,006-036-539-291-490; 010-939-151-593-806; 030-838-903-512-275; 033-803-592-780-326; 042-339-443-571-926; 044-621-983-733-940; 068-516-406-433-610; 069-301-600-352-193; 069-556-330-231-555; 070-291-221-000-234; 072-232-037-392-226; 078-249-331-534-116; 079-088-698-517-859; 079-703-922-307-904; 085-778-789-333-129; 090-900-474-910-881; 102-753-945-081-95X; 105-317-644-476-278; 105-716-968-096-528; 130-210-825-116-032; 144-886-025-343-876; 185-537-473-526-571,18,false,,
023-346-834-016-82X,The application of frontal sinus index and frontal sinus area in sex estimation based on lateral cephalograms among Han nationality adults in Xinjiang.,2018-01-03,2018,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Huifang Luo; Jierui Wang; Shuang Zhang; Congbo Mi,"Abstract The frontal sinus, due to its unique anatomical features, has become an important element in research for individual identification. Previous studies have demonstrated the use of frontal sinus as an indicator for sex discrimination; however, the sex discrimination rate using frontal sinus was lower compared to that using the traditional morphological methods. In order to improve the sex discrimination percentage, we developed a new method involving the measurement of the frontal sinus index and frontal sinus area from lateral cephalogram radiographs. In this study, 475 digital lateral cephalograms of adult Han citizens from Xinjiang were included. The maximum height, depth, and area of the frontal sinus were calculated using the NemoCeph NX software. The frontal sinus index (ratio of the maximum height to the depth of frontal sinus) was also computed. Statistical analysis results showed significant differences in the frontal sinus index and area between males and females. Discriminant function equation derived from this study differentiated between sexes with 76.6% accuracy. The results demonstrated that the use of frontal sinus index and area for sex discrimination was more accurate than using the frontal sinus index alone.",56,,1,4,Frontal sinus; Orthodontics; Statistical analysis; Sex estimation; Lateral cephalograms; Han nationality; Sex discrimination; Radiography; Discriminant function analysis; Medicine,Biological profile; Cranial development; Discriminant analysis; Forensic science; Sexual dimorphism,"Adult; Asians; China; Cross-Sectional Studies; Discriminant Analysis; Ethnicity; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Frontal Sinus/anatomy & histology; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Male; Retrospective Studies; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods; Young Adult",,Natural Sciences Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29525579 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X1730207X https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29525579,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2017.12.014,29525579,10.1016/j.jflm.2017.12.014,2782506361,,0,000-260-478-750-566; 006-164-218-612-640; 011-239-562-632-063; 011-823-184-899-459; 014-141-011-922-738; 016-036-680-757-117; 017-843-392-880-53X; 018-215-631-479-17X; 023-354-042-318-205; 024-679-150-921-564; 029-949-461-091-923; 039-605-664-383-241; 041-162-232-043-616; 045-874-698-298-97X; 047-243-732-385-391; 064-875-305-844-604; 065-669-781-227-518; 070-342-990-188-152; 080-679-464-219-680; 081-574-851-177-324; 090-759-158-195-10X; 100-944-416-435-758; 113-632-618-192-87X; 114-536-237-480-786; 119-080-012-527-845; 136-115-119-862-890; 153-758-058-077-869,12,false,,
023-530-898-915-103,Forming the Legal Avant-Garde: A Theory of Art/Law:,2019-09-13,2019,journal article,"Law, Culture and the Humanities",17438721; 17439752,SAGE Publications,United States,Lucy Finchett-Maddock,"This piece seeks to account for an increased interest in the intersection of art and law within legal thinking, activism and artistic practice, arguing there to exist the phenomena and movement of ...",,,174387211987183,,Sociology; Law; Intersection; Movement (music); Theory of art; Convergence (relationship); Avant garde,,,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1743872119871832 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1743872119871832 http://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/DVVV4AYRX9HK5INYMNEJ/full http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/82839/ https://core.ac.uk/download/201000788.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1743872119871832,,10.1177/1743872119871832,2972874383,,0,,0,true,,green
024-154-675-724-449,The experiences of survivors and trauma counselling service providers in northern Uganda: Implications for mental health policy and legislation,2016-07-09,2016,journal article,International journal of law and psychiatry,18736386; 01602527,Elsevier Limited,United Kingdom,Helen Liebling; Laura Davidson; G. F. Akello; G. Ochola,"Previous research in northern Uganda found high levels of trauma-related difficulties amongst the conflict-affected population. There is international evidence that psychological therapy can reduce depression, as one of the psychological effects of trauma, but very limited literature regarding the experiences of trauma counselling in Sub-Saharan Africa. The current British Academy and Leverhulme-funded research investigated the experiences of service users and providers of trauma services in Kitgum and Gulu, northern Uganda. It also examined their implications for mental health policy and legislation. A decision was made to utilise qualitative methodology to highlight the in-depth experiences of participants. The researcher's carried out interviews with 10 women and 10 men survivors attending trauma services in Kitgum and Gulu. The researchers also interviewed 15 key informants in Kitgum, Gulu and Kampala including trauma counselling service providers, ministers, cultural leaders and mental health professionals. The authors report the findings of the research based on thematic analysis of the interviews. Themes included the experiences of survivors, bearing witness and instilling hope, constraints to service provision, stigma and abuse, holistic approach, service providers doing their best, specialist populations, limited understanding, training and skills development, gaps in service provision and mental health policy and legislation. The interviews resulted in a clear indication that counselling and medication was valued by service users, and that service providers felt the treatments that were provided improved depression, and increased empowerment and engagement in social activities. However, the authors argue that there was a limit to the benefits that could be achieved without using the holistic approach that the survivors requested. Thus, in cases of trauma arising from conflict, there is a clear need for the state to ensure reparation and/or justice for the atrocities witnessed by and perpetrated against survivors. This might include the provision of compensation, which would help to meet social needs and reduce feelings of shame and anger.",49,Pt A,84,92,Service provider; Mental health; Nursing; Qualitative research; Empowerment; Population; Poison control; Suicide prevention; Medicine; Thematic analysis,Counselling; Experiences; Legislation; Mental health policy; Trauma; Uganda,Adult; Counseling; Female; Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence; Humans; Interviews as Topic; Male; Mental Health/legislation & jurisprudence; Middle Aged; Survivors/legislation & jurisprudence; Uganda; War Exposure; Young Adult,,British Academy; Leverhulme Trust,https://core.ac.uk/display/78652993 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27406011 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160252716301479 https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/publications/the-experiences-of-survivors-and-trauma-counselling-service-provi-2 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160252716301479 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds%5b%5d=citjournalarticle_527128_28 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27406011/ https://core.ac.uk/download/228146955.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.06.012,27406011,10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.06.012,2470815462,,0,018-918-716-671-09X; 020-954-685-369-444; 024-757-878-047-858; 026-862-939-805-876; 030-112-401-905-797; 034-724-388-676-944; 035-396-009-398-304; 037-550-015-414-716; 039-864-398-532-668; 041-116-004-904-755; 051-868-384-359-086; 074-253-382-543-22X; 079-360-970-608-099; 085-372-515-815-948; 097-428-680-662-290; 100-013-596-133-929; 107-539-804-314-013; 114-091-346-078-295; 144-082-631-738-137; 154-474-276-968-071; 160-208-503-176-046; 179-485-291-203-932,11,true,,
024-441-245-472-976,The cutting edge - Micro-CT for quantitative toolmark analysis of sharp force trauma to bone,2017-12-30,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Danielle G. Norman; Derrick G. Watson; B. Burnett; Paul Fenne; Mark A. Williams,"Toolmark analysis involves examining marks created on an object to identify the likely tool responsible for creating those marks (e.g., a knife). Although a potentially powerful forensic tool, knife mark analysis is still in its infancy and the validation of imaging techniques as well as quantitative approaches is ongoing. This study builds on previous work by simulating real-world stabbings experimentally and statistically exploring quantitative toolmark properties, such as cut mark angle captured by micro-CT imaging, to predict the knife responsible. In Experiment 1 a mechanical stab rig and two knives were used to create 14 knife cut marks on dry pig ribs. The toolmarks were laser and micro-CT scanned to allow for quantitative measurements of numerous toolmark properties. The findings from Experiment 1 demonstrated that both knives produced statistically different cut mark widths, wall angle and shapes. Experiment 2 examined knife marks created on fleshed pig torsos with conditions designed to better simulate real-world stabbings. Eight knives were used to generate 64 incision cut marks that were also micro-CT scanned. Statistical exploration of these cut marks suggested that knife type, serrated or plain, can be predicted from cut mark width and wall angle. Preliminary results suggest that knives type can be predicted from cut mark width, and that knife edge thickness correlates with cut mark width. An additional 16 cut marks walls were imaged for striation marks using scanning electron microscopy with results suggesting that this approach might not be useful for knife mark analysis. Results also indicated that observer judgements of cut mark shape were more consistent when rated from micro-CT images than light microscopy images. The potential to combine micro-CT data, medical grade CT data and photographs to develop highly realistic virtual models for visualisation and 3D printing is also demonstrated. This is the first study to statistically explore simulated real-world knife marks imaged by micro-CT to demonstrate the potential of quantitative approaches in knife mark analysis. Findings and methods presented in this study are relevant to both forensic toolmark researchers as well as practitioners. Limitations of the experimental methodologies and imaging techniques are discussed, and further work is recommended.",283,,156,172,Artificial intelligence; Sharp force; Knife cuts; Micro ct; Edge (geometry); Computer vision; Computer science,Cut marks; Knife/knives; Micro-CT; Scanning electron microscopy (SEM); Striations; Toolmark analysis,"Animals; Forensic Pathology; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Logistic Models; Microscopy; Microscopy, Electron, Scanning; Models, Animal; Printing, Three-Dimensional; Ribs/diagnostic imaging; Swine; Weapons; Wounds, Stab/diagnostic imaging; X-Ray Microtomography",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29304390 https://wbldb.lievers.net/10165194.html http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/97194/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29304390/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817305558 https://core.ac.uk/display/145317698 https://core.ac.uk/download/145317698.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.12.039,29304390,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.12.039,2777982847,,0,000-331-022-668-041; 002-127-138-459-748; 002-372-825-803-01X; 002-997-600-377-97X; 003-278-228-480-094; 004-692-514-828-661; 006-036-539-291-490; 006-053-337-346-101; 006-275-959-171-741; 007-059-931-241-63X; 007-587-674-890-055; 007-764-914-784-708; 007-978-706-272-285; 008-926-843-467-099; 009-554-467-261-282; 009-647-447-330-773; 009-716-276-847-781; 011-086-933-034-499; 011-196-068-159-517; 011-592-595-162-94X; 013-673-846-808-328; 015-008-970-036-145; 016-642-443-731-845; 018-645-968-236-085; 018-778-196-803-172; 019-360-266-930-723; 020-752-051-027-500; 022-625-374-504-034; 025-288-187-512-164; 026-766-063-322-991; 030-495-856-533-96X; 032-634-687-844-547; 034-847-351-944-220; 035-935-550-698-057; 038-123-355-697-580; 039-846-675-862-173; 040-934-831-261-19X; 041-547-857-967-912; 041-869-962-519-822; 042-141-941-221-562; 045-201-107-411-584; 047-618-566-666-814; 053-650-463-239-366; 055-210-504-415-973; 057-031-042-677-424; 057-831-917-583-048; 058-934-134-593-723; 059-795-772-224-139; 060-011-627-926-078; 061-691-602-324-001; 070-365-266-271-475; 081-675-964-098-588; 087-781-787-937-009; 094-233-070-548-539; 095-490-931-532-787; 098-537-562-534-115; 100-436-172-024-424; 107-592-042-429-123; 109-759-140-568-826; 113-184-876-303-935; 114-225-270-990-368; 117-505-946-393-017; 122-909-599-387-641; 129-506-735-674-628; 194-444-812-558-978,32,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
024-450-733-272-441,National characteristics and variation in Arabic handwriting,2014-12-12,2014,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ahmed A.N Al-Hadhrami; Mike Allen; Colin Moffatt; Allison E. Jones,"From each of four Arabic countries; Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Oman, 150 participants produced handwriting samples which were examined to assess whether national characteristics were discernible. Ten characters, which have different configurations depending upon their position in the word, along with one short word, were classified into distinguishable forms, and these forms recorded for each handwriting sample. Tests of independence showed that character forms used were not independent of country (p<0.001) for all but one character-position (this was dropped from subsequent analyses). A correspondence analysis ordination plot and analysis of similarity (R=0.326, p=0.0002) showed that whole samples were discernibly grouped by country, and a tree analysis produced a classification which was 71% accurate for the original data and 83% accurate for 80 new handwriting samples that underwent 'blind' classification. When the countries were combined into two regions, North Africa and Middle East, the grouping was more marked. Thus, there appears to be some scope for narrowing down the nationality, and particularly the wider geographical region of an author based upon the character forms they use in Arabic handwriting.",247,,89,96,Statistics; Correspondence analysis; Ordination; Geography; Variation (linguistics); Handwriting; Character (mathematics); Speech recognition; Arabic handwriting; Sample (statistics); Similarity (network science),Arabic; Classification; Copybook; Handwriting; National characteristics; Questioned documents,Adult; Aged; Ethnicity; Female; Forensic Sciences; Handwriting; Humans; Jordan; Male; Middle Aged; Morocco; Oman; Tunisia; Young Adult,,,http://clok.uclan.ac.uk/11466/1/National%20Characteristics%20and%20variation%20in%20Arabic%20Handwriting.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S037907381400509X http://clok.uclan.ac.uk/11466/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25555233 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25555233/ https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/42136810.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.004,25555233,10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.004,2134757348,,0,007-227-488-302-513; 009-247-875-822-341; 010-560-764-100-035; 011-628-550-362-288; 012-854-013-077-766; 013-326-141-277-196; 026-718-265-830-568; 035-675-121-117-500; 038-873-989-026-570; 042-013-812-450-979; 047-652-226-209-288; 055-061-659-476-280; 063-141-893-182-571; 068-365-838-882-270; 075-274-241-896-039; 081-707-004-019-014; 083-804-778-820-97X; 087-032-746-063-394; 089-098-407-824-325; 101-505-407-895-746; 159-310-425-937-430; 168-899-989-210-780,6,true,,green
025-227-562-009-052,Race matters in criminology: Introduction to the Special Issue:,2020-06-12,2020,journal article,Theoretical Criminology,13624806; 14617439,SAGE Publications,United States,Alpa Parmar; Rod Earle; Coretta Phillips,"As race scholars and criminologists we are attuned to Du Bois’s (2007: 106) still meaningful injunction to ‘oppose this national racket of railroading to jails and chain gangs the poor, the friendless and the Black’. Yet we have become concerned that criminology seems rather inured to the long-standing and deeply entrenched patterns of race and criminal justice which characterize many high-income countries, and certainly England and Wales and Australia, which are the geographical focus of this Special Issue of Theoretical Criminology.",24,3,421,426,Criminal justice; Racism; Sociology; Focus (linguistics); Criminology; Race (biology),,,,,https://eprints.lse.ac.uk/104326/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1362480620930016 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1362480620930016 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362480620930016 http://oro.open.ac.uk/70909/ https://core.ac.uk/download/322489371.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362480620930016,,10.1177/1362480620930016,3035407940,,0,020-794-321-110-546; 028-156-999-308-147; 051-441-169-850-654; 054-475-789-416-888; 071-839-118-809-278; 073-213-230-442-929; 078-291-325-396-625; 093-221-855-914-629; 136-933-401-248-573,3,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
025-581-342-956-412,An evaluation of Bayesian age estimation using the auricular surface in modern Greek material.,2018-08-04,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Efthymia Nikita; Panagiota Xanthopoulou; Elena F. Kranioti,"Pelvic morphology is highly reflective of both sex and age changes in humans, making it a popular research focus in forensic anthropology. Relevant studies range from traditional descriptive to more complicated approaches involving statistical modeling, with the latter having become excessively popular in the last decades. The present study examines the performance of Bayesian statistics in age estimation based on the morphological changes observed on the iliac auricular surface. The aim is two-fold: a) to test whether a Bayesian approach can improve age-at-death estimation compared to the original Lovejoy et al. (1985a) and Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002) methods, and b) to explore the impact of adopting different samples as informative priors as well as for obtaining the transition analysis parameters. For this purpose, two modern Greek documented collections have been used, the Athens and the Cretan Collection. Our results found no clear improvement in age prediction when adopting Bayesian age estimation, with only one exception: Athenian males for the Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002) method. The choice of samples for transition analysis and as informative priors affected the results but this effect was statistically non-significant.",291,,1,11,Bayesian statistics; Statistics; Bayesian probability; Statistical model; Psychology; Forensic anthropology; Prior probability; Range (statistics); Modern Greek; Estimation,Age estimation; Auricular surface; Bayesian statistics; Forensic Anthropology; Transition analysis,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Skeleton/methods; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Bayes Theorem; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Greece; Humans; Ilium/anatomy & histology; Male; Middle Aged; Models, Statistical; Software; Young Adult",,,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30118876 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/an-evaluation-of-bayesian-age-estimation-using-the-auricular-surface-in-modern-greek-material(d574aa25-6c2c-4442-b9ca-25881cd856c9).html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30118876 https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=201802224755270217 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818304596 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6111088 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30118876/ https://core.ac.uk/download/322481531.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.07.029,30118876,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.07.029,2885499375,,0,001-983-891-666-064; 002-733-798-779-501; 004-683-041-454-908; 010-814-881-763-687; 011-139-770-090-029; 012-615-545-887-358; 015-028-984-423-064; 015-237-974-368-824; 015-710-605-379-246; 016-279-201-430-907; 033-625-172-349-610; 034-045-191-756-807; 036-164-642-351-53X; 036-746-882-465-966; 042-393-553-828-750; 048-029-166-966-966; 049-386-707-889-505; 056-746-423-488-216; 059-046-834-587-392; 061-585-349-211-126; 063-867-680-167-004; 067-749-584-427-994; 069-494-173-871-91X; 079-088-698-517-859; 081-604-197-226-869; 087-309-291-494-399; 094-425-523-201-527; 115-229-967-920-41X; 136-115-119-862-890; 139-488-687-787-690; 152-921-708-545-013; 153-158-319-074-860; 158-858-543-019-232; 166-368-854-255-695,11,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
025-632-275-387-885,Sex estimation in a contemporary Turkish population based on CT scans of the calcaneus,2017-08-04,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Oguzhan Ekizoglu; Ercan Inci; Figen Palabıyık; İsmail Özgür Can; Ali Er; Mustafa Bozdag; Ismail Eralp Kacmaz; Elena F. Kranioti,"Building a reliable biological profile from decomposed remains depends heavily on the accurate estimation of sex. A variety of methods based on every single skeletal element have been developed over the years for different populations employing both osteological and virtual methods. The latter seem to be a reasonable alternative in countries lacking osteological reference collections. The current study used 3D virtual models of calcanei from CT scans of living adults to develop a sex estimation method for contemporary Turkish. Four hundred and twenty eight calcanei CT scans were analysed. The sample was divided in two subsamples: an original (N=348) and a validation sample (N=80) with similar distribution of males and females. Nine classical measurements were taken using the 3D models of the calcanei and two different statistical methods (Discriminant function analysis and Binary logistic regression) were used. Classification accuracy ranged from 82% to 98% for the validation sample and it was consistently high using any of the two methods. Sex bias seems to be lower for most of the logistic regression equations compared to the discriminant functions. These results, however, need further testing to be verified. Based on the results of this study we recommend the use of both methods for sex estimation from the measurements of the calcaneus bone in a Turkish population.",279,,1,310,Demography; Logistic regression; Calcaneus; Turkish population; Turkish; Sex bias; Sex estimation; Mathematics; Discriminant function analysis; Sample (statistics),Calcaneus; Computed tomography; Forensic Anthropology Population Data; Sex estimation; Turkey,"Adolescent; Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Calcaneus/anatomy & histology; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Logistic Models; Male; Middle Aged; Multidetector Computed Tomography; Retrospective Studies; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods; Turkey; Young Adult",,,https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28912044 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28912044 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5811897 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/45224129/2017_Ekizoglu_et_al._FSI_in_press.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28912044/ https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/en/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=201702211325915573 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817302979 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817302979 https://core.ac.uk/download/195267046.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.07.038,28912044,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.07.038,2745084888,,0,001-290-445-829-917; 001-983-891-666-064; 006-911-712-776-671; 007-520-675-518-590; 008-597-858-179-589; 008-764-432-222-872; 009-672-622-615-667; 011-773-742-635-405; 014-893-170-039-784; 016-580-313-404-132; 017-025-772-676-253; 023-593-658-885-214; 026-559-154-523-818; 027-562-123-095-279; 029-154-861-087-14X; 029-251-445-186-776; 033-904-391-752-882; 040-263-028-937-889; 042-472-519-349-153; 043-803-862-174-055; 047-687-321-220-821; 050-794-110-897-498; 051-785-042-348-244; 051-996-314-340-319; 054-137-201-883-249; 055-114-386-553-434; 057-381-590-084-101; 065-700-134-890-092; 067-233-165-689-239; 074-324-302-614-178; 076-955-825-421-328; 077-119-118-047-835; 081-683-292-310-557; 083-712-193-629-522; 083-771-496-122-008; 084-431-583-247-090; 085-078-661-864-492; 087-235-961-150-829; 087-698-461-241-880; 088-115-111-051-226; 092-790-151-841-795; 097-231-104-406-011; 105-716-968-096-528; 115-082-666-806-716; 115-508-215-579-601; 130-207-788-597-983; 130-210-825-116-032; 142-184-783-958-969; 161-016-092-729-944,18,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
026-385-847-342-537,"A systematic PRISMA review of individuals with autism spectrum disorder in secure psychiatric care : prevalence, treatment, risk assessment and other clinical considerations",2018-02-05,2018,journal article,Journal of Criminal Psychology,20093829,Emerald,United Kingdom,Clare S. Allely,"Purpose – Patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) present with specific assessment, specific difficulties, needs and therapeutic issues and therefore are a challenging group for forensic services.; Given the challenge that individuals with ASD present to forensic services, the suggested increase in the; number of this group within this setting and the relatively little amount of research which suggests they face a; number of difficulties within the prison environment, the purpose of this paper is to identify and review all the; studies which have been carried out investigating any aspect of ASD in relation to secure hospital settings. ; Design/methodology/approach – Seven internet-based bibliographic databases were used for the present review. The review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews andMeta-Analyses guidelines. ; Findings – A total of 12 studies were included in this review; 3 looked at the prevalence of ASD in secure psychiatric hospitals. One study evaluated the clinical utility of the AQ screening tool to assess self-reported autistic traits in secure psychiatric settings. Three explored any type of characteristics of patients with ASD; detained in secure psychiatric hospitals. One study investigated the experiences or quality of life of patients; with an ASD detained in secure psychiatric care. Two studies investigated awareness, knowledge and/or; views regarding patients with ASD held by staff working within secure psychiatric hospitals. Lastly, three; studies (one of which was also included in the prevalence category above) looked at the effectiveness of; interventions or treatment of patients with ASD in secure psychiatric hospitals. Clinical recommendations and; future research directions are discussed. ; Originality/value – To the author’s knowledge, this is the first review to explore what research has been carried out looking specifically at patients with ASD in relation to secure forensic settings. ; Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, Secure hospital, Asperger’s syndrome, High secure psychiatric hospital, HSPC, Secure forensic settings",8,1,58,79,Psychiatry; Risk assessment; Psychology; Systematic review; Psychological intervention; Autism spectrum disorder; Psychiatric hospital; Quality of life (healthcare); Prison; Screening tool; Clinical psychology,,,,,https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JCP-06-2017-0028/full/html https://usir.salford.ac.uk/id/eprint/43091/ https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/JCP-06-2017-0028 https://core.ac.uk/download/84342604.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jcp-06-2017-0028,,10.1108/jcp-06-2017-0028,2736396430,,0,001-253-100-366-010; 003-044-891-113-475; 003-384-280-186-81X; 004-044-771-735-217; 004-747-263-927-184; 005-023-734-927-512; 005-416-984-440-86X; 006-575-184-282-108; 006-867-475-563-035; 007-289-859-998-104; 007-446-199-923-831; 007-915-260-317-072; 008-501-489-337-553; 008-626-763-808-59X; 008-853-321-914-942; 009-686-474-402-105; 011-127-592-558-873; 011-470-657-375-604; 011-662-125-904-794; 012-267-738-638-739; 012-313-676-217-166; 012-617-757-567-718; 012-765-404-210-056; 013-541-969-076-695; 014-720-977-412-791; 014-851-100-715-753; 015-025-983-213-184; 015-185-922-268-985; 015-585-110-004-258; 015-855-774-655-907; 015-861-012-554-473; 015-890-777-054-035; 016-606-361-653-240; 016-789-068-934-873; 017-201-322-531-700; 017-300-737-144-757; 017-924-139-018-844; 018-803-491-914-520; 019-321-630-105-091; 020-136-337-884-357; 020-300-004-200-617; 021-541-580-629-669; 021-734-708-471-663; 021-826-948-843-436; 021-944-720-672-500; 022-478-213-841-139; 024-003-819-306-812; 024-074-137-493-831; 027-245-325-264-449; 029-971-648-790-899; 031-007-060-852-798; 031-104-357-058-792; 033-997-136-772-646; 034-530-194-339-266; 034-603-871-949-171; 036-574-967-913-686; 038-450-962-574-310; 038-772-120-014-730; 039-040-847-748-500; 039-195-702-920-775; 039-275-112-747-263; 039-679-230-350-815; 040-133-081-565-863; 041-407-015-205-503; 041-856-021-744-339; 042-315-626-146-483; 045-099-233-712-988; 046-442-099-079-334; 050-175-348-930-494; 052-322-464-739-873; 054-213-894-107-331; 055-871-310-070-151; 056-943-681-779-967; 058-155-185-494-650; 061-033-328-370-448; 063-344-560-936-953; 066-839-164-541-267; 067-204-873-901-47X; 074-636-009-462-34X; 075-097-567-885-749; 075-269-939-541-487; 076-065-125-053-128; 076-403-588-440-924; 077-295-436-736-372; 077-672-780-264-299; 078-213-160-135-182; 078-441-939-271-684; 080-734-777-496-987; 082-424-511-249-486; 082-464-966-732-040; 082-728-490-048-062; 084-824-731-353-475; 087-729-608-645-820; 088-175-198-407-145; 089-110-643-220-450; 090-729-509-374-816; 090-863-533-542-231; 091-384-426-526-269; 091-547-222-069-186; 095-547-719-948-587; 096-810-114-400-182; 098-501-277-517-637; 099-059-898-115-590; 100-258-525-519-547; 101-744-151-709-601; 101-809-521-232-981; 102-559-955-295-944; 104-639-396-243-824; 105-472-809-284-435; 110-349-380-200-768; 111-757-509-671-819; 113-328-407-679-657; 114-831-376-652-332; 116-022-543-742-523; 117-289-090-860-648; 123-225-972-280-965; 129-741-691-922-772; 131-423-542-523-282; 132-009-114-723-424; 132-818-204-293-122; 133-628-812-853-76X; 137-229-448-827-836; 143-551-299-690-364; 151-386-348-910-41X; 157-201-932-927-741; 161-627-797-802-702; 164-246-488-005-988; 169-356-056-392-266,21,true,cc-by,hybrid
026-514-700-602-996,Stature estimation from hand anthropometric measurements in Bangladeshi population,2019-05-14,2019,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands," Asadujjaman; Babor Ali Molla; Sk. Nahid Al Noman","Abstract The aim of this research was to generate a standard formula for estimating stature in the Bangladeshi population from hand anthropometric measurements. Arbitrarily selected a total of 150 male and 150 female healthy subjects within the age range 18–60 years participated in this study. Stature and nine hand parameters were taken using a standard tape and a digital slide calipers for each subject. The results indicate that in male Bangladeshi population, the bilateral variation of hand length, hand breadth, maximum hand breadth, palm length, thumb length, ring finger length, and little finger length was statistically not significant (p > 0.05). On the other hand, in female, bilateral difference of hand length, hand breadth, palm length, index finger length, middle finger length, ring finger length, and little finger length was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). All hand dimensions were statistically significant (p",65,,86,91,Calipers; Index finger; Middle finger; Ring finger; Little finger; Population; Orthodontics; Mathematics; Anthropometry; Palm,Forensic anthropometry; Forensic identification; Hand anthropometry; Stature estimation,Adolescent; Adult; Anthropometry; Bangladesh; Body Height; Female; Forensic Medicine; Hand/anatomy & histology; Humans; Linear Models; Male; Middle Aged; Young Adult,,,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31121360/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X1830413X https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X1830413X https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31121360,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2019.05.006,31121360,10.1016/j.jflm.2019.05.006,2946080307,,0,001-392-978-996-694; 006-848-548-681-099; 007-767-408-675-449; 007-911-395-840-938; 009-224-750-624-067; 010-333-381-645-599; 017-934-937-210-91X; 025-273-541-695-660; 025-826-540-876-328; 026-405-007-367-067; 026-811-179-082-643; 030-359-580-973-967; 032-920-209-601-054; 033-454-916-248-019; 038-379-282-520-790; 042-055-154-356-504; 048-067-786-455-785; 050-088-963-483-395; 051-465-090-376-773; 056-310-707-465-238; 059-508-172-390-622; 063-615-371-292-396; 071-545-426-181-394; 084-708-972-289-920; 087-086-734-378-851; 090-532-862-205-053; 091-053-025-944-113; 105-154-702-817-592; 117-699-982-278-719; 130-900-903-187-687,16,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
026-773-942-282-16X,Assessing the accuracy of Cameriere’s Indian-specific formula for age estimation on right and left sides of orthopantomogram,2020-03-03,2020,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,20905939; 2090536x,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Purnima Vadla; R. Surekha; Guttikonda Venkateswara Rao; G Deepthi; Sayani Naveen; Chippalapally Arun Kumar,"Age estimation is of prime importance in forensic science and clinical dentistry. In children, age estimation can be done by skeletal maturity indicators like hand-wrist radiographs and dental age estimation. Skeletal maturity indicators compared with dental age estimation is limited as they are influenced by various environmental parameters, whereas calcification of teeth depends on genes rather than environmental factors. Many of the dental age estimation methods use extracted teeth, which are quite invasive, whereas Cameriere’s method is a recently introduced radiographic method first in European population; where in age estimation is done using open apices of teeth by orthopantomogram (OPG). Indian-specific formula was introduced later using permanent mandibular teeth on left side of jaw. The present study aimed to estimate the age and also to determine the accuracy of Cameriere’s method using Indian-specific formula on both right and left sides of mandible in Khammam population of South India and also to determine the side which can be efficient in determining age. The present study comprised radiographs of 50 subjects (25 boys and 25 girls) ranging from 5 to 15 years. The soft copies of the radiographs of selected subjects were retrieved from the computer attached to the digital orthopantomogram machine (Orthophos XG5; Sirona Dental Systems). The 7 left and right permanent mandibular teeth were assessed in OPGs. The number of teeth with closed apical and with open apical ends of roots was examined and measured. The values were tabulated based on the Cameriere method of age estimation using Indian-specific formula. Statistical analysis was done using paired t test and Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient test. Comparison of dental age with chronological age in males showed non-significant results on both left and right sides of the OPG with a p value of 0.3765 and 0.3045, respectively. Likewise in females, p values of 0.2167 and 0.8089 were noted. When males and females were compared, non-significant results were obtained with a p value of 0.1613 in the age estimated on the left side of the OPG and a p value of 0.4322 on the right side of the OPG. Correlation test showed that left side of the OPG showed better results in determining age than the right side of the OPG with an r value of 0.9982 and 0.9485 in males and females, respectively. Cameriere’s method of age estimation using Indian-specific formula proves to be an accurate and a reliable method which can be used to assess the chronological age of individuals. There is also a good correlation found between the chronological age and dental age of younger age group individuals.",10,1,1,6,Panoramic radiograph; Mandible; Population; Orthodontics; Correlation test; Dental age; Age estimation; Radiography; Student's t-test; Medicine,,,,,https://ejfs.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41935-020-00183-6 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41935-020-00183-6 https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186/s41935-020-00183-6.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41935-020-00183-6,,10.1186/s41935-020-00183-6,3032854802,,0,002-742-642-423-669; 002-757-040-487-632; 012-078-866-141-118; 012-900-082-940-927; 019-584-923-335-581; 029-895-523-916-070; 031-769-809-480-625; 036-179-018-213-506; 044-107-686-685-645; 052-847-563-893-237; 057-590-355-612-665; 079-493-011-736-959; 084-563-217-270-308; 128-796-355-623-177; 139-600-070-612-564; 169-968-598-183-976,2,true,cc-by,gold
026-872-440-583-310,"Citizen surveil-labour: Analysing Crime Stoppers and its alliance of police, media, and publics:",2018-08-07,2018,journal article,Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology,00048658; 18379273,SAGE Publications,Australia,Robyn Lincoln; Laura McGillivray,An examination of a Crime Stoppers initiative – a weekly page published in a major city-based tabloid newspaper – afforded a rare glimpse into this understudied global entity. It also offered a mea...,52,2,291,307,Political science; Newspaper; Publics; Alliance; Media studies,,,,,https://pure.bond.edu.au/ws/files/27447510/AM_Citizen_surveil_labour.pdf https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0004865818786761 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0004865818786761 https://research.bond.edu.au/en/publications/citizen-surveil-labour-analysing-crime-stoppers-and-its-alliance- https://core.ac.uk/download/196606432.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0004865818786761,,10.1177/0004865818786761,2886806760,,0,005-587-926-344-921; 024-771-554-919-358; 026-755-467-053-093; 027-022-585-226-053; 044-236-402-629-782; 048-462-618-754-073; 068-266-384-617-451; 083-237-491-234-801; 084-557-389-884-292; 090-791-037-425-941; 093-872-826-713-683; 101-516-648-916-919; 104-336-691-706-256; 106-264-232-058-942; 107-444-858-421-656; 114-723-800-598-980; 141-429-204-257-313; 144-009-843-201-197; 146-668-365-375-206; 173-159-442-481-031,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
026-914-952-632-73X,Protecting free speech and academic freedom in universities,2018-08-31,2018,journal article,The Modern Law Review,00267961; 14682230,Wiley,United Kingdom,Ian Cram; Helen Fenwick,"This article interrogates restrictions on speaking events in universities created both by recent student-led efforts at ‘no-platforming’ and by Part 5 of the Counter-terrorism and Security Act 2015 which placed aspects of the government’s existing Prevent strategy on a statutory basis for the first time. The statutory Prevent duty as it applies in universities includes, under the accompanying Guidance, curbing or monitoring such events on the basis that they could have an impact in drawing persons into terrorism. This article will place the combined impact of Part 5 and student-led curbs on campus speech in context by juxtaposing a range of pre-existing restrictions with the various free speech duties of universities. Focusing on speaking events, it sets out to evaluate the results of this chequered situation in terms of the current state of free speech and academic freedom in universities. It finds potential violations of established free speech norms due to the impact of pre-emptive strikes against some campus-linked speech articulating non-mainstream viewpoints. But it also argues that not all such speech has a strong foundation within such norms.",81,5,825,873,Government; Statutory law; Political science; Terrorism; Viewpoints; State (polity); Duty; Academic freedom; Context (language use); Public relations,,,,,https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3245459 https://dro.dur.ac.uk/25249/ https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/MLR_MLR12366.pdf?abstractid=3245459&mirid=1 http://dro.dur.ac.uk/25249/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1468-2230.12366 https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/133099/ https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/158971839.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1468-2230.12366,,10.1111/1468-2230.12366,2889066943,,0,,4,true,,green
027-228-882-643-682,Non-medical approved clinicians: Results of a first national survey in England and Wales,2018-07-27,2018,journal article,International journal of law and psychiatry,18736386; 01602527,Elsevier Limited,United Kingdom,Jennifer Oates; Toby Brandon; Carole Burrell; Selma Ebrahim; John L. Taylor; Paul Veitch,"Abstract The 2007 amendments to the Mental Health Act, 1983 in England and Wales enabled non-medics to take on the role of legally ‘responsible clinician’ for the overall care and treatment of service users detained under the Act, where previously this was the sole domain of the psychiatrist as Responsible Medical Officer. Following state sanction as an ‘Approved Clinician’, certain psychologists, nurses, social workers or occupational therapists may be allocated as a Responsible Clinician for specific service users. Between 2007 and 2017 only 56 non-medics had become Approved Clinicians. This study reports on a first national survey of 39 non-medical Approved Clinicians. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis of free text answers are presented here. The survey results show the limited uptake of the role, save for in the North Eastern region of England. Non-medical Approved Clinicians were motivated by a combination of altruistic intents (namely a belief that they could offer more psychologically-informed, recovery-oriented care) and desire for professional development in a role fitting their expertise and experience. Barriers and facilitators to wider uptake of the role appear to be: organisational support, attitudes of psychiatrist colleagues and a potentially lengthy and laborious approvals application process. The survey is a starting point to further research on the interpretation and implementation of the range of statutory roles and responsibilities under English and Welsh mental health law.",60,,51,56,Psychology; Statutory law; Nursing; Social work; Officer; Mental Health Act; Welsh; Professional development; Mental health law; Thematic analysis,Compulsory detention; Mental health law; Motivation; Professional roles; Responsible clinicians,Allied Health Personnel; Commitment of Mentally Ill; England; Female; Humans; Male; Mental Disorders/therapy; Mental Health Services; Motivation; Surveys and Questionnaires; Wales,,,https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/en/publications/non-medical-approved-clinicians-results-of-a-first-national-surve https://northumbria-test.eprints-hosting.org/id/document/267769 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30217331 https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/files/16847097/Oates_Non_Medical_Approved_Clinicians_AAM.pdf http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/35525/ http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/30217331 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160252718300803 https://core.ac.uk/download/196576343.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2018.07.005,30217331,10.1016/j.ijlp.2018.07.005,2883167005,,0,002-848-016-158-373; 005-171-749-768-627; 014-025-626-707-454; 015-083-606-528-389; 016-840-457-850-05X; 019-836-720-571-347; 021-173-834-581-284; 028-942-940-763-944; 038-609-022-820-43X; 042-115-928-325-00X; 048-265-451-310-952; 062-307-701-005-118; 069-174-131-941-294; 074-735-664-140-164; 076-319-569-936-80X; 111-060-612-936-897; 115-287-360-086-479; 122-230-254-016-609; 125-763-717-210-952; 144-146-673-587-568; 160-123-817-873-159,7,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
027-318-550-763-070,Mandibular Canine Index to Determine the Sex of the Individual- A Population based Study,,2021,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Varsha Shetty; Vina Vaswani; Suraj Shetty; Mahabalesh Shetty,"Introduction: The uniqueness of dental morphology plays an important role in Forensic Odontology,especially for human identifications. Mandibular canines may be considered vital for personal identification.Objective: This study aims to establish the effectiveness of the Mandibular canine index in predicting thesex of an individual in a given population.Materials and Methods: 400 participants (200Male, 200Female) were randomly selected from a givenpopulation between the age group 13 to 30years. Using Digital Vernier calipers, the greatest mesio-distalcrown width of both left and right Mandibular canines and Inter canine arch distance was measured.Results: It show that canine dimensions and inter-canine distance were statistically larger in males comparedto females and were statistically significant (p<0.001).Conclusion: Canine dimensions can be considered as an adjunct for sex determination in our population",15,4,2771,2776,Calipers; Mandibular canine; Population; Orthodontics; Forensic odontology; Population based study; Medicine,,,,,http://www.medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/17122,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.17122,,10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.17122,3197756792,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
029-122-429-334-467,Beyond the Gaze and well beyond Wolfenden: the practices and rationalities of regulating and policing sex work in the digital age,2019-05-20,2019,journal article,Journal of Law and Society,0263323x; 14676478,Wiley,United Kingdom,Jane Scoular; Jane Pitcher; Teela Sanders; Rosie Campbell; Stewart Cunningham,"Drawing on the largest study of the United Kingdom online market in sexual labour to date, this article examines the legal and regulatory consequences as aspects of sex work increasingly take place within an online environment. Our research shows that while governmental policy has not kept abreast of these changes, the application of current laws (which have, since the 1950s, focused on public nuisance and, more recently, trafficking and modern slavery) are pernicious to sex workers and unsuited to recognizing and responding to the abuses and exploitation in online markets in sexual labour. These injustices are likely to be exacerbated if policies and policing do not better align with the realities of these markets in the twenty-first century. This demands a more nuanced regulatory approach which recognizes that people may engage in sex work of their own volition, but which also addresses conditions of labour and criminal exploitation.",46,2,211,239,Political science; Volition (linguistics); Gaze; Sex work; Sex workers; Criminology,,,,,https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/67972/ https://www.ssrn.com/abstract=3391970 https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/beyond-the-gaze-and-well-beyond-wolfenden-the-practices-and-ratio https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3391970 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jols.12155 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/jols.12155 https://core.ac.uk/download/200759097.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jols.12155,,10.1111/jols.12155,2945284497,,0,,10,true,cc-by,hybrid
029-233-548-293-778,A Comparative study on Prevalence of Diastasis Recti in Primipara and Multipara Undergone Full Term Normal Delivery - A Research Protocol,2021-01-07,2021,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Simran Jaiswal; Shalaka Dhankar,"Background: Diastasis Recti is very common in women after pregnancy. Diastasis recti among womenshould be treated as soon as possible as it may cause various musculoskeletal dysfunctions. A digital caliperis a tool for assessing diastasis recti in postpartum women. It is a simple, fast, and reliable assessment toolfor assessing diastasis recti. Objective: The objective of the study is to find the prevalence of Diastasis Rectiin Primipara and Multipara undergone full-term normal delivery and to compare the prevalence of diastasisrecti in the both of the groups Method: This study will be carried out in Physiotherapy OPD, Ravi NairPhysiotherapy College and AVBRH, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha. Diastasis recti will be evaluated in fullterm normal delivery females. Diastasis recti will be compared in primipara and multipara using a digitalcaliper. Results: The result of the study will be estimated by the statistical analysis of the data and will bediscussed after the study is completed.Conclusion: After going through various studies, many studies haveindicated that the prevalence of diastasis recti abdominis is commonly seen in multipara undergone cesareansection delivery. Very few studies indicate the prevalence of diastasis recti abdominis in primipara and alsowomen underwent full-term normal delivery. Therefore, the current study is carried outreach a conclusion tofind whether there is any discrepancy of the prevalence of diastasis recti abdominis between primipara andmultipara in females undergone full-term normal delivery.",15,1,646,649,Obstetrics; Diastasis; Diastasis recti; Pregnancy; Full Term; Normal delivery; Diastasis recti abdominis; Statistical analysis; Medicine,,,,,https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/13487,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13487,,10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13487,3119391533,,0,,1,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
029-503-632-149-16X,A study of morphological changes in the mandible associated with sexual dimorphism: A digital panoramic study.,2022-10-24,2022,journal article,Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine,24094161; 24118729,ECO-Vector LLC,,Karthikeya Patil; Harshitha N; Sanjay CJ; Nagabhushana D; Renuka Devi KR; Viveka S,"Aims: The study aimed to measure, compare and distinguish the gender-related changes in the mandible among dentate of different age groups on digital panoramic radiographic images and to evaluate their reliability in sex determination that might serve as evidence in forensics.
; Methodology: Digital panoramic images were obtained for 420 patients, which included 210 males and 210 females. Various parameters such as gonial angle, condylar length, ramus length, cortical bone thickness and ramal notch width were measured and evaluated. The data obtained was subjected to descriptive statistical analysis and two-way ANOVA test.
; Results: Comparison between gender groups showed statistically significant differences in all parameters with p 0.05 except the ramal notch width. The mean value of all parameters, was found to be comparatively higher in males. Among the groups, gonial angle and ramus length were found to be higher on right side, but in ramal notch width it was higher on left. The condylar length among males showed greater value on right side, and females showed greater value on left side. The cortical bone thickness among males depicted greater value on left side, and females depicted greater value on right side. Thus, all parameters except the ramal notch width were found to be reliable in sex determination.
; Conclusion: It was found that males had greater value when compared to females. Hence, this study recommends the use of these parameters for the purpose of sex determination.",,,,,,,,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.17816/fm706,,10.17816/fm706,,,0,005-657-931-806-781; 005-834-836-817-137; 012-042-614-813-761; 027-491-363-102-620; 029-952-235-154-938; 034-420-798-635-763; 035-118-365-138-63X; 035-908-091-301-482; 038-142-748-684-186; 046-224-764-762-016; 054-630-292-064-298; 057-228-814-317-357; 063-721-241-162-824; 081-025-230-885-318; 091-610-691-631-505; 130-649-977-193-919; 136-183-748-385-147; 152-604-460-422-220,0,true,cc-by-nc,gold
029-917-793-599-612,The posterior portion of the ilium as a sex indicator: A validation study,2018-11-11,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Joanna H. Bonczarowska; Andrea Bonicelli; Antonis Papadomanolakis; Elena F. Kranioti,"Establishing a biological profile of skeletal remains is a key task of forensic anthropologists. Sex estimation is essential in forensic examination, as other elements of the biological profile, such as age at death or stature, are sex dependent. Visual assessment is considered low-cost and quick, therefore it is a commonly applied method of sex estimation. The most reliable results can be obtained with the analysis of the anterior part of the pelvis, however, these skeletal elements are fragile and prone to destruction. In contrary, the more robust posterior portion of the pelvis is often recovered. Several features of the posterior pelvis have been explored in the context of sexual dimorphism. The aim of the present study was to test three previously published methods of sex assessment based on the analysis of the inferior shape of the auricular surface (Novotný, 1975), the greater sciatic notch shape (Walker, 2005 (revised)) and overall morphology, apex morphology and inflection of the auricular surface (Luna et al., 2017). The sample consisted of 194 individuals of Greek origin from a documented modern collection. Four features of the auricular surface and shape of the greater sciatic notch were examined. Logistic regression analysis was applied to produce a sex discriminatory formula. The method proposed by Luna et al. (2017) failed to produce satisfactory results with overall accuracies of 36%, 50% and 53% for overall morphology, apex morphology and inflection respectively. Slightly better results (64%) were obtained with the inferior shape morphology (Novotný, 1975). However, the highest accuracy rate of 81% was noted for the greater sciatic notch shape (Walker, 2005 (revised)). The formula produced in this study allowed correct classification of 83.2% of the sample. This study illustrates that in spite of the presence of sexual dimorphism in the posterior portion of ilium, features of the auricular surface proposed as sex indicators by Novotný (1975) and Luna et al. (2017) should not be used for sex estimation purposes in the Greek population. The formula produced in this study and the greater sciatic notch shape should only be used as additional methods in cases where neither the cranium nor the anterior portion of the pelvis is present.",294,,216.e1,216.e6,Sexual dimorphism; Anatomy; Forensic anthropology; Pelvis; Sex characteristics; Greater sciatic notch; Context (language use); Validation study; Apex (geometry); Biology,Forensic anthropology population data; Greeks; Ilium; Pelvic morphology; Sexual dimorphism,Aged; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Greece; Humans; Ilium/anatomy & histology; Logistic Models; Male; Sex Characteristics; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods,,,https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/en/publications/the-posterior-portion-of-the-ilium-as-a-sex-indicator-a-validatio https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/76716490/BonczarowskaEtal2018ThePosteriorPortionOfTheIliumAsASexIndicator.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818310168 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30528515 https://core.ac.uk/download/237426370.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.10.031,30528515,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.10.031,2900784895,,0,005-461-856-075-629; 005-637-904-164-236; 007-320-811-467-358; 009-682-677-709-31X; 010-756-734-897-834; 012-024-698-984-648; 012-381-567-703-40X; 012-606-000-903-237; 016-279-201-430-907; 016-916-738-047-990; 017-366-098-353-879; 018-306-962-592-859; 019-733-384-461-357; 020-517-883-486-072; 020-675-979-302-147; 021-340-690-079-038; 022-632-971-552-283; 022-665-898-339-902; 023-712-082-465-741; 025-257-149-611-91X; 025-695-862-159-244; 027-515-397-916-618; 029-746-122-610-16X; 031-432-810-029-90X; 031-805-010-991-374; 033-904-391-752-882; 034-045-191-756-807; 034-801-697-417-280; 036-282-637-252-227; 037-128-971-027-667; 041-424-997-233-996; 041-885-061-169-474; 042-194-560-956-53X; 046-526-628-633-678; 047-198-537-957-278; 048-198-364-623-662; 048-910-645-700-130; 050-110-353-452-960; 053-647-185-585-105; 056-375-340-211-334; 059-888-843-395-676; 060-705-557-957-587; 063-867-680-167-004; 071-112-257-987-51X; 073-667-216-714-672; 077-243-409-742-959; 077-273-391-727-167; 078-855-627-449-957; 080-620-259-136-513; 082-156-153-582-917; 085-187-029-093-80X; 087-901-560-719-676; 093-909-031-911-180; 097-231-104-406-011; 098-252-584-640-761; 102-301-551-829-729; 102-753-945-081-95X; 117-440-344-906-378; 119-979-948-158-739; 124-330-278-613-126; 128-550-235-861-234; 129-278-379-106-365; 144-886-025-343-876; 146-432-701-935-946; 146-829-016-592-856,10,true,,green
030-575-038-220-267,"Young People, Peer-to-Peer Grooming and Sexual Offending: Understanding and Responding to Harmful Sexual Behaviour within a Social Media Society",2015-11-27,2015,journal article,Probation Journal,02645505; 17413079,SAGE Publications,United Kingdom,Libby Ashurst; Anne-Marie McAlinden,There is ample evidence that young people are using social media in grooming and bullying to abuse and exploit others sexually with enough frequency to make those behaviours important concerns for ...,62,4,374,388,Developmental psychology; Psychology; Exploit; Intervention (counseling); Professional practice; Social media; Peer-to-peer; Social psychology,,,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0264550515619572 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0264550515619572 https://pureadmin.qub.ac.uk/ws/files/17206001/Young_People_Peer_to_Peer_Grooming_and_Sexual_Offending_Final_author_version.pdf https://pure.qub.ac.uk/portal/files/17206001/Young_People_Peer_to_Peer_Grooming_and_Sexual_Offending_Final_author_version.pdf https://pure.qub.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/young-people-peertopeer-grooming-and-sexual-offending-understanding-and-responding-to-harmful-sexual-behaviour-within-a-social-media-society(d5f76f63-01d8-40f5-b4e3-b36fdbd5f458).html http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0264550515619572 https://core.ac.uk/download/33591090.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0264550515619572,,10.1177/0264550515619572,2338033675,,0,001-184-153-014-899; 009-984-282-166-596; 012-938-028-209-221; 013-327-706-313-92X; 014-752-940-230-819; 015-419-380-567-25X; 015-554-610-383-264; 017-633-143-912-267; 018-316-540-593-48X; 019-864-981-284-352; 026-080-170-226-448; 029-334-695-396-163; 036-146-514-205-475; 042-571-327-016-622; 043-952-915-685-617; 046-528-493-910-795; 049-728-001-669-858; 053-842-269-938-32X; 063-037-518-859-608; 066-786-209-681-17X; 067-321-983-968-125; 074-640-428-995-468; 083-187-698-242-662; 094-138-526-116-967; 098-950-277-295-601; 099-831-991-984-281; 109-692-456-701-423; 121-570-903-788-858; 128-035-315-194-893; 137-806-354-785-724; 148-123-883-873-048; 172-728-577-658-544; 194-206-375-066-137,21,true,,green
030-694-430-755-153,Identifying potential offenders on the basis of police records: development and validation of the ProKid risk assessment tool,2017-12-04,2017,journal article,"Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice",20563841,Emerald,,J.A.M. Wientjes; Marc J. M. H. Delsing; Antonius H. N. Cillessen; Jan M. A. M. Janssens; Ron H. J. Scholte,"Purpose; ; ; ; ; The purpose of this paper is to describe the development and validation of the ProKid risk assessment tool, which was designed to enable Dutch police officers to identify youths with elevated risk of committing violent and/or property crimes.; ; ; ; ; Design/methodology/approach; ; ; ; ; The ProKid algorithms were based on the results of logistic regression analyses of police data from a sample of 31,769 adolescents in the former police regions “Amsterdam-Amstelland” and “Gelderland-Midden”. For the validation, logistic regression analyses were performed on police data of youths in the police region “Amsterdam-Amstelland” who had been in contact with the police in 2011 (n=39,977). Furthermore, receiver operating characteristic analyses were performed to assess the instrument’s accuracy.; ; ; ; ; Findings; ; ; ; ; Results indicated that higher ProKid risk categories were associated with greater odds of being registered as a suspect of either a violent or property offence. The instrument was found to have good predictive accuracy. Area under the curve values ranged from 0.83 to 0.84 for violent offences and from 0.82 to 0.83 for property offences.; ; ; ; ; Practical implications; ; ; ; ; The current study demonstrates that ProKid is a valid and accurate tool to be used by police officers to identify youths with elevated risk of future violent and property offending. The automated assessment procedure enables a quick screening of large numbers of both non-offenders and offenders. This study confirms the value of official police records for assessing the risk of future offending for preventive purposes.; ; ; ; ; Originality/value; ; ; ; ; The present study demonstrates the validity of a risk assessment tool based on Dutch police records for both non-offenders and offenders.",3,4,249,260,Engineering; Odds; Risk management tools; Logistic regression; Suspect; Practical implications; Risk category; Sample (statistics); Applied psychology; Social psychology,,,,,https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JCRPP-01-2017-0008/full/html https://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai%3Arepository.ubn.ru.nl%3A2066%2F179050 http://repository.ubn.ru.nl/handle/2066/179050 https://core.ac.uk/download/132289089.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jcrpp-01-2017-0008,,10.1108/jcrpp-01-2017-0008,2765795397,,0,002-824-721-274-293; 002-915-551-132-260; 002-998-301-476-470; 005-473-742-073-973; 007-570-973-212-616; 010-031-797-093-309; 011-832-739-694-903; 013-473-099-965-373; 013-798-536-734-561; 016-680-987-780-984; 017-849-792-719-806; 018-500-646-450-276; 021-393-960-002-153; 022-789-577-633-531; 025-060-911-285-126; 025-066-706-008-880; 027-467-733-981-539; 030-950-755-753-156; 031-780-320-640-301; 034-930-475-833-167; 041-198-891-870-142; 042-273-335-026-059; 042-603-492-200-080; 043-971-484-985-274; 045-375-885-276-403; 046-874-532-359-804; 052-377-429-979-538; 052-944-320-652-097; 053-195-472-152-527; 067-339-005-241-596; 071-022-252-435-151; 073-712-101-971-513; 075-200-619-502-969; 076-029-894-294-534; 079-603-718-967-915; 082-863-401-224-91X; 084-124-411-685-852; 084-515-590-653-028; 085-142-778-088-283; 089-555-771-435-52X; 091-224-283-294-540; 092-743-524-864-083; 094-555-616-109-442; 097-187-807-778-721; 104-015-483-973-539; 106-566-209-222-031; 109-037-841-438-94X; 112-677-167-797-273; 117-725-836-680-642; 129-587-970-540-23X; 139-462-441-094-397; 140-843-319-373-899; 143-889-973-225-64X; 144-104-615-516-395; 152-597-197-528-809; 166-736-617-927-167; 169-759-145-619-780; 171-410-313-457-312; 178-912-320-991-307,4,true,,green
030-704-806-593-604,Further investigations into the single metal deposition (SMD II) technique for the detection of latent fingermarks,2016-09-12,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Talia Newland; Sébastien Moret; Andy Bécue; Simon W. Lewis,"Single metal deposition (SMD II), a recently proposed method for the development of latent fingermarks, was investigated by systematically altering aspects of the procedure to assess their effect on the level of development and contrast achieved. Gold nanoparticle size, temperature of the deposition solution bath, and orbital shaking during detection were shown to affect the levels of development and contrast obtained. Gold nanoparticles of diameter 15–21 nm were found to be most effective for satisfactory visualisation of latent fingermarks, while solutions that were applied at room temperature were found to adequately balance the ratio between the contrast of the fingermark ridge detail and the level of background staining achieved. Finally, optimum levels of development and contrast were obtained through constant agitation of both solution baths at approximately 50 RPM throughout the submersion time. SMD II was also tested on a large variety of substrate types and shown to be effective on a range of porous, non-porous, and semi-porous surfaces; however, the detection quality can be significantly influenced by the substrate nature. This resulted in the production of dark grey, white, or gold coloured fingermarks on different surfaces, as well as reversed detection on certain types of plastic, similarly seen through the use of vacuum metal deposition.",268,,62,72,Colloidal gold; Analytical chemistry; Substrate (chemistry); Deposition (phase transition); Nanoparticle; Nanotechnology; Chemistry; Metal deposition; Porosity,Fingermark development; Gold nanoparticles; Nanotechnology; Substrates,Adult; Dermatoglyphics; Female; Forensic Medicine/methods; Gold; Humans; Male; Metal Nanoparticles; Spectrum Analysis; Surface Properties; Vacuum; Young Adult,Gold,Dr Daniel Southam,https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/bitstream/10453/124791/4/Newland2016__Further%2binvestigations%2binto%2b%28post-print%29.pdf https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/handle/10453/124791 https://espace.curtin.edu.au/handle/20.500.11937/13013 https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_4BDD7585AC3F.P001/REF.pdf https://core.ac.uk/display/77145530 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/27693827 https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_4BDD7585AC3F https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073816304108 https://core.ac.uk/download/77145530.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.09.004,27693827,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.09.004,2519552229,,0,001-251-528-189-730; 004-601-266-052-852; 005-235-880-382-05X; 011-377-419-212-061; 012-219-691-733-766; 025-446-907-258-629; 026-302-604-794-735; 037-370-842-291-555; 043-031-556-560-014; 052-348-112-381-092; 055-107-761-545-597; 056-572-188-744-867; 058-764-105-925-910; 060-921-567-240-789; 062-164-639-355-583; 062-553-186-209-047; 065-655-718-913-075; 066-353-371-492-517; 068-635-042-492-995; 071-053-412-645-230; 075-426-130-979-157; 076-098-168-856-124; 080-181-467-021-380; 083-689-986-281-869; 083-730-463-889-615; 087-866-137-181-61X; 095-524-800-179-584; 102-162-813-417-998; 108-365-031-739-392; 117-112-935-017-086; 122-390-335-727-827; 122-840-182-887-20X; 123-623-859-341-301; 127-732-783-293-435; 129-562-272-255-019; 136-572-881-586-481; 188-008-617-927-469,17,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
031-260-569-030-761,Unexpected active tuberculosis on Post Mortem CT: A case report and review of the literature.,2016-06-01,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Siobhan McLaughlin; Kirsten Kind; Lynne Thomson; Ralph Bouhaidar,"Unexpected active tuberculosis (TB) at autopsy represents a serious transmissible health risk to mortuary and laboratory staff. Post Mortem CT (PMCT) is widely accepted as a valuable adjunct to autopsy throughout the world, but the uptake and implementation varies from country to country. We present a case of unexpected active TB on PMCT and review the literature on the incidence of and risks from the condition. We use this unexpected finding, and the fact that PMCT was in this case also able to provide the information for parts I and II of the Death Certificate as a further argument for the routine use of PMCT by all Forensic Institutes.",266,,e64,e67,Surgery; Intensive care medicine; Death certificate; Autopsy; Tuberculosis; Health risk; Active tb; Active tuberculosis; Post mortem ct; Incidence (epidemiology); Medicine,Forensics; Post Mortem CT; Tuberculosis,"Alcoholism/complications; Forensic Medicine; Hematoma, Subdural/diagnostic imaging; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Subarachnoid Hemorrhage/diagnostic imaging; Tomography, X-Ray Computed; Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/diagnostic imaging",,,https://core.ac.uk/display/82961738 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27421693 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073816302353 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/unexpected-active-tuberculosis-on-post-mortem-ct-a-case-report-an https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/26861322/Unexpected_active_tuberculosis_on_Post_Mortem_CT_A_case_report_and_review_of_the_literature.pdf https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/unexpected-active-tuberculosis-on-post-mortem-ct-a-case-report-and-review-of-the-literature(378f0f96-0e21-40bc-ab94-bb3ecc9db374).html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27421693/ https://core.ac.uk/download/82961738.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.05.023,27421693,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.05.023,2409255421,,0,000-668-068-389-99X; 008-352-522-201-011; 018-427-082-290-474; 019-420-713-957-242; 024-065-202-822-642; 026-218-757-786-398; 035-504-544-309-700; 043-566-658-499-497; 064-582-963-254-025; 074-290-788-157-508; 085-262-483-048-926; 087-474-277-141-65X; 090-976-986-369-612; 112-365-177-919-366; 113-070-376-946-250; 164-548-707-009-086,8,true,,green
031-308-667-994-425,Validation of a standard forensic anthropology examination protocol by measurement of applicability and reliability on exhumed and archive samples of known biological attribution.,2017-09-07,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Raffaela Arrabaça Francisco; Martin Evison; Moacyr Lobo da Costa Júnior; Teresa Cristina Pantozzi Silveira; José Marcelo Secchieri; Marco Aurélio Guimarães,"Forensic anthropology makes an important contribution to human identification and assessment of the causes and mechanisms of death and body disposal in criminal and civil investigations, including those related to atrocity, disaster and trafficking victim identification. The methods used are comparative, relying on assignment of questioned material to categories observed in standard reference material of known attribution. Reference collections typically originate in Europe and North America, and are not necessarily representative of contemporary global populations. Methods based on them must be validated when applied to novel populations. This study describes the validation of a standardized forensic anthropology examination protocol by application to two contemporary Brazilian skeletal samples of known attribution. One sample (n=90) was collected from exhumations following 7-35 years of burial and the second (n=30) was collected following successful investigations following routine case work. The study presents measurement of (1) the applicability of each of the methods: used and (2) the reliability with which the biographic parameters were assigned in each case. The results are discussed with reference to published assessments of methodological reliability regarding sex, age and-in particular-ancestry estimation.",279,,241,250,Attribution; Forensic anthropology; Anthropology; Data science; Protocol (science); Body height; Sample (statistics); Reliability (statistics); Osteology; Identification (information); History,Applicability; Brazil; Forensic anthropology; Osteology; Reliability; Validation,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Skeleton/methods; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Body Height; Burial; Child; Exhumation; Female; Forensic Anthropology/standards; Functional Laterality; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Racial Groups; Reproducibility of Results; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods; Young Adult",,Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP),https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/en/publications/validation-of-a-standard-forensic-anthropology-examination-protoc https://bv.fapesp.br/pt/publicacao/138396/validation-of-a-standard-forensic-anthropology-examination-p/ https://core.ac.uk/display/96783375 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28926780 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817303146 http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/31814/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28926780 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5824919 https://northumbria-test.eprints-hosting.org/id/document/265212 https://core.ac.uk/download/96783375.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.08.015,28926780,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.08.015,2752536960,,0,000-131-113-371-802; 003-005-467-185-822; 006-213-581-188-74X; 013-676-388-555-581; 015-237-974-368-824; 015-670-129-901-262; 019-591-768-753-702; 019-881-004-184-066; 020-675-979-302-147; 027-693-011-120-273; 031-852-539-696-895; 034-045-191-756-807; 034-189-380-541-840; 034-801-697-417-280; 035-698-193-341-896; 040-520-413-195-230; 041-811-637-620-87X; 042-985-476-894-517; 052-566-504-111-10X; 061-585-349-211-126; 067-749-584-427-994; 076-317-908-973-64X; 079-088-698-517-859; 079-719-256-468-074; 080-434-693-912-053; 080-500-220-757-981; 081-993-792-339-771; 082-145-345-576-059; 083-826-287-875-623; 083-853-378-892-596; 085-731-909-401-870; 088-580-624-021-771; 091-239-596-014-345; 096-710-003-249-311; 099-016-801-238-480; 099-792-533-947-935; 100-211-981-042-49X; 101-240-453-388-103; 102-373-890-825-039; 116-387-742-143-12X; 118-509-771-578-398; 120-382-913-646-349; 124-320-278-055-049; 129-153-355-138-654; 130-210-825-116-032; 130-893-373-251-617; 143-476-426-615-205; 145-668-638-379-848; 153-706-350-637-988; 156-321-775-691-682; 171-949-041-592-009,3,true,,green
031-614-539-275-181,Investigation of Indecent Images of Children cases: Challenges and suggestions collected from the trenches,,2018,journal article,Digital Investigation,17422876,Elsevier BV,Netherlands,Virginia N. L. Franqueira; Joanne Bryce; Noora Al Mutawa; Andrew Marrington,"Previous studies examining the investigative challenges and needs of Digital Forensic (DF) practitioners have typically taken a sector-wide focus. This paper presents the results of a survey which collected text-rich comments about the challenges experienced and related suggestions for improvement in the investigation of Indecent Images of Children (IIOC) cases. The comments were provided by 153 international DF practitioners (28.1% survey response rate) and were processed using Thematic Analysis. This resulted in the identification of 4 IIOC-specific challenge themes, and 6 DF-generic challenges which directly affect IIOC. The paper discusses these identified challenges from a practitioner perspective, and outlines their suggestions for addressing them.",24,,95,105,Child pornography; Computer science; Medical education; Thematic analysis; Identification (information); Digital forensics,,,,,http://clok.uclan.ac.uk/25415/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1742287617302669 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diin.2017.11.002 https://derby.openrepository.com/handle/10545/622013 https://core.ac.uk/download/162910350.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.diin.2017.11.002,,10.1016/j.diin.2017.11.002,2774251861,,0,000-490-412-762-138; 007-790-059-029-953; 013-717-900-010-205; 018-629-200-923-814; 019-154-145-141-325; 021-201-295-792-01X; 021-419-434-022-915; 025-040-502-489-402; 025-319-861-345-580; 025-743-892-862-313; 026-918-579-601-799; 036-269-075-303-806; 037-539-210-056-689; 037-550-015-414-716; 038-542-054-276-658; 046-240-766-487-724; 049-359-052-711-074; 056-754-398-867-512; 064-733-456-850-063; 066-725-012-180-620; 068-691-484-845-897; 071-831-413-869-242; 073-403-475-896-395; 075-292-269-073-172; 078-598-867-814-365; 080-196-042-005-758; 084-415-045-900-451; 098-748-261-333-651; 105-703-978-819-336; 124-912-663-881-389; 130-834-531-769-009; 137-755-137-054-864; 140-402-089-386-286; 142-388-561-082-054; 163-330-758-807-944,13,true,,green
031-736-206-199-964,The EpiTect Methyl qPCR Assay as novel age estimation method in forensic biology,2016-04-14,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Shakhawan K. Mawlood; Lynn Dennany; Nigel Watson; Benjamin S. Pickard,"Human aging is associated with epigenetic modification of the genome. DNA methylation at cytosines appears currently as the best characterised modification that occurs during the mammalian lifetime. Such methylation changes at regulatory region can provide insights to track contributor age for criminal investigation. The EpiTect Methyl II PCR system (QIAGEN) was used to compare methylation levels of CpG islands in the promoter regions of a number of age related genes, of which four successfully showed changes across the lifespan (NPTX2, KCNQ1DN, GRIA2 and TRIM58). This technique is based on the detection of remaining input genome after digestion with a methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme. This study examined DNA specimens from 80 female subjects of various ages (18-91 years) obtained from blood, using primers designed to flank the studied gene loci. The data obtained from DNA methylation quantification showed successful discrimination among volunteered ages. Overall, the difference between predicted and real age was about 11 years and absolute mean differences (AMD) was only 7.2 years error. We suggest the EpiTect system can be used as fast and simple innovative tool in future forensic age estimation.",264,,132,138,Gene; Restriction enzyme; Illumina Methylation Assay; CpG site; Bisulfite sequencing; DNA methylation; Methylation; Epigenetics; Genetics; Biology,Aging; CpG Island; DNA methylation; Epigenetics; Gene promoter; Methylation-sensitive restriction,"Adolescent; Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Aging/genetics; C-Reactive Protein/genetics; CpG Islands/genetics; DNA Methylation; Female; Humans; KCNQ1 Potassium Channel/genetics; Middle Aged; Nerve Tissue Proteins/genetics; Promoter Regions, Genetic; Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction; Receptors, AMPA/genetics; Tripartite Motif Proteins/genetics; Ubiquitin-Protein Ligases/genetics; Young Adult","KCNQ1 Potassium Channel; KCNQ1 protein, human; Nerve Tissue Proteins; Receptors, AMPA; Tripartite Motif Proteins; neuronal pentraxin; C-Reactive Protein; Trim58 protein, mouse; Ubiquitin-Protein Ligases; glutamate receptor ionotropic, AMPA 2",Ministry of Planning/Kurdistan Regional Government,http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/27108355 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816301347 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27108355 https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/the-epitect-methyl-qpcr-assay-as-novel-age-estimation-method-in-f https://pure.strath.ac.uk/portal/files/54890463/Mawlood_etal_FSI2016_EpiTect_Methyl_qPCR_Assay_as_novel_age_estimation_method_in_forensic_biology.pdf http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816301347 https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/57494/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27108355/ https://core.ac.uk/download/77033697.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.03.047,27108355,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.03.047,2338651870,,1,002-585-033-702-017; 007-729-828-874-068; 008-042-503-806-791; 012-211-062-786-48X; 016-180-708-965-441; 017-648-651-132-066; 024-986-330-804-111; 030-185-603-574-399; 034-251-312-289-385; 034-408-786-852-718; 035-322-549-281-383; 036-388-979-393-332; 040-393-503-833-161; 045-476-857-274-657; 046-274-701-088-840; 051-933-190-681-737; 053-083-702-902-199; 054-165-425-890-93X; 054-718-582-906-584; 058-029-750-485-46X; 058-789-711-495-296; 062-648-739-732-391; 064-879-141-899-884; 070-172-905-206-338; 075-257-623-567-05X; 076-950-440-848-205; 080-120-155-670-497; 082-828-822-228-43X; 084-004-474-915-399; 087-244-715-859-618; 099-309-196-167-870; 101-093-483-665-266; 102-921-398-675-82X; 117-253-870-964-208; 119-431-957-299-628; 119-545-101-457-479; 124-209-666-612-585; 132-262-912-526-811; 164-960-348-406-251,17,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
031-893-069-294-517,Morphologic variations of lip-print patterns in a Central Indian population: A preliminary study.,2015-10-05,2015,journal article,"Medicine, science, and the law",20421818; 00258024,SAGE Publications Ltd,United Kingdom,Ashish Badiye; Neeti Kapoor,"Lip prints can provide vital information that may be useful for the purposes of forensic investigations. The current study was undertaken with the aims of determining the distribution and predominant lip-print patterns in a Central Indian (Marathi) population and evaluating whether any sex differences exist. The study subjects were 400 healthy consenting volunteers - 200 males and 200 females - aged 18-25 years, from the Marathi community. A simpler and more convenient method of data collection - digital photography - was used. The central (most motile) 1 cm(2) portion of both upper and lower lips was analysed digitally. As per Suzuki and Tsuchihashi's classification, overall, Type IV (27.5%) and Type III (6.25%) were found to be the most and least prevalent patterns, respectively. The Type II (32%) lip-print pattern was found to be most predominant in males, while Type IV (32.5%) was found to be most commonly occurring in females. Statistically significant differences (p < .01) were observed between lip-print pattern types in males and females.",56,3,200,204,Forensic science; Pathology; Demography; Marathi; Population; LIP PRINTS; Indian population; Biology,Forensic; Indian population; cheiloscopy; forensic identification; lip-print patterns,Adolescent; Adult; Asians; Female; Forensic Sciences; Humans; India; Lip/anatomy & histology; Male; Photography; Young Adult,,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26438391 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26438391/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0025802415605538 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0025802415605538 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/26438391 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0025802415605538,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0025802415605538,26438391,10.1177/0025802415605538,2291270088,,0,009-799-147-134-415; 013-109-805-235-749; 016-308-501-475-373; 017-721-415-063-183; 020-932-202-648-418; 023-131-676-016-235; 024-348-175-937-523; 040-564-788-010-145; 043-873-653-982-367; 050-227-729-981-051; 053-705-296-288-915; 055-356-945-440-922; 058-998-237-936-365; 068-298-475-283-465; 068-556-377-252-592; 072-758-474-045-712; 075-025-797-442-043; 075-741-536-331-764; 084-449-009-264-801; 086-629-816-352-243; 087-391-588-830-272; 092-332-800-675-574; 092-616-262-222-950; 118-858-927-323-195; 120-916-951-244-723; 146-318-430-472-775,3,false,,
031-911-434-672-907,Validation of third molar maturity index (I 3M) for discrimination of juvenile/adult status in South Indian population,2017-05-03,2017,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Sudheer B. Balla; Ivan Galić; Karunakar P; Stefano Vanin; Stefano De Luca; Roberto Cameriere,"Deliberate falsification of age was considered to be one of the main reasons for forensic age estimation of the living individuals. This posed to be a challenging task during criminal and legal proceedings, and ultimate care must be taken not to classify juveniles as adults. Third molars are the only developing teeth during late adolescence and early adulthood. Our study was designed to analyze the usefulness of the third molar maturity index (I3M) specific cut-off value (I3M < 0.08) to discriminate adults (≥18 years) and juveniles (<18 years) in South Indian children.; ; ; 216 panoramic radiographs (114 females and 102 males) of living subjects aged between 14 and 21 years were analyzed. Our results demonstrated high sensitivity (83.3% and 90.2%) and specificity (98.3% and 95.1%) for females and males respectively. The positive likelihood ratios of being adult were 50.00 and 18.35 while the negative likelihood ratios were 0.17 and 0.10 in females and males respectively. The estimated posttest probability was 98.0% in females and 94.8% in males. The obtained results showed that the specific cut-off value of I3M < 0.08 may be a useful additional tool in discrimination of individuals who are around 18 years of age.",49,,2,7,Maturity (psychological); Juvenile; Forensic science; Demography; Forensic anthropology; Molar; Index (economics); South indian population; Late adolescence; Medicine; Gerontology,Forensic anthropology; Forensic sciences; Panoramic radiographs; South Indian population; Third molar maturity index,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Female; Humans; India; Likelihood Functions; Male; Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging; Radiography, Panoramic; Sensitivity and Specificity; Young Adult",,,https://core.ac.uk/display/82919335 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28482246 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X17300483 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28482246/ http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/31978/ https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/publications/validation-of-third-molar-maturity-index-i3m-for-discrimination-o https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28482246 https://core.ac.uk/download/82919335.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2017.05.003,28482246,10.1016/j.jflm.2017.05.003,2611309990,,0,002-120-146-455-374; 002-527-661-414-248; 002-757-040-487-632; 004-382-056-383-461; 005-834-107-720-183; 006-770-539-550-890; 009-208-325-569-212; 009-212-923-567-518; 011-271-812-041-777; 011-796-524-632-857; 014-863-351-671-538; 015-144-808-402-879; 016-399-146-305-789; 017-592-248-286-348; 018-007-086-336-598; 018-587-668-701-720; 019-087-454-882-381; 020-210-944-856-166; 020-295-894-086-903; 022-631-674-082-030; 023-555-459-530-894; 029-251-445-186-776; 034-037-339-707-922; 035-731-491-013-446; 036-179-018-213-506; 037-843-865-919-365; 040-450-442-597-668; 041-265-017-880-915; 044-459-051-938-513; 045-196-163-725-218; 045-372-443-415-29X; 049-511-385-492-934; 050-108-928-634-704; 050-150-090-871-931; 050-480-080-444-145; 051-431-070-051-52X; 051-830-757-122-601; 053-644-768-202-125; 053-698-102-089-748; 056-872-662-108-708; 056-908-897-650-544; 057-936-428-923-25X; 059-094-234-345-580; 062-060-027-044-737; 066-745-217-847-255; 067-194-512-881-315; 068-495-114-840-433; 070-013-598-429-874; 072-866-945-307-167; 074-529-374-623-865; 075-756-537-543-584; 076-951-901-666-506; 079-893-757-390-66X; 082-975-547-478-038; 085-352-359-659-534; 086-588-311-688-86X; 086-631-387-693-447; 086-864-542-094-880; 097-293-486-556-528; 101-293-356-927-389; 102-043-286-505-74X; 103-184-797-200-732; 105-618-521-804-533; 107-311-830-340-732; 111-175-450-718-933; 114-093-069-753-094; 116-960-432-214-26X; 122-090-207-912-791; 131-782-050-807-873; 139-600-070-612-564; 152-724-815-455-547; 155-442-735-125-103; 158-231-122-053-767; 167-990-816-086-428; 186-753-484-302-55X,33,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
032-005-894-802-081,"Eyewitness Identification: Live, Photo, and Video Lineups.",,2018,journal article,"Psychology, public policy, and law : an official law review of the University of Arizona College of Law and the University of Miami School of Law",10768971,American Psychological Association Inc.,United States,Ryan J. Fitzgerald; Heather L. Price; Tim Valentine,"The medium used to present lineup members for eyewitness identification varies according to the location of the criminal investigation. Although in some jurisdictions live lineups remain the default procedure, elsewhere this practice has been replaced with photo or video lineups. This divergence leads to two possibilities: Either some jurisdictions are not using the lineup medium that best facilitates accurate eyewitness identification or the lineup medium has no bearing on the accuracy of eyewitness identification. Photo and video lineups are the more practical options, but proponents of live lineups believe witnesses make better identification decisions when the lineup members are physically present. Here, the authors argue against this live superiority hypothesis. To be superior in practice, the benefits of live presentation would have to be substantial enough to overcome the inherent difficulties of organizing and administering a live lineup. The review of the literature suggests that even in experimental settings, where these difficulties can be minimized, it is not clear that live lineups are superior. The authors conclude that live lineups are rarely the best option in practice and encourage further research to establish which nonlive medium provides the best balance between probative value and practical utility.",24,3,307,325,Internet privacy; Criminal investigation; Psychology; Presentation; Eyewitness identification; Identification (information),corporeal lineup; identity parade; live lineup; photo lineup; video lineup,,,Economic and Social Research Council; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Research Councils UK Funding,https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2018-37845-002 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30100702/ https://europepmc.org/article/pmc/6078069 https://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/law0000164 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6078069/ https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/files/11684928/2018_37845_002.pdf http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6078069/ http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/law0000164 https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/eyewitness-identification-live-photo-and-video-lineups(339b1f96-755e-42d1-9427-6f00b03dabf7).html https://core.ac.uk/download/151190073.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/law0000164,30100702,10.1037/law0000164,2786616720,PMC6078069,0,000-166-025-627-53X; 000-514-011-740-097; 003-498-367-535-088; 003-642-522-971-482; 003-819-472-890-107; 005-667-277-933-67X; 005-840-535-982-746; 006-361-636-638-870; 006-955-016-928-832; 007-777-842-497-170; 009-195-288-220-176; 009-369-982-215-796; 009-490-843-926-832; 012-302-440-154-329; 019-466-667-607-252; 022-146-922-851-97X; 022-818-006-690-006; 024-942-918-005-092; 027-868-044-828-579; 031-367-432-710-002; 031-391-672-841-255; 034-387-071-538-67X; 034-661-595-535-399; 035-171-731-924-191; 035-874-527-965-325; 039-329-152-549-836; 040-121-418-372-007; 040-708-414-491-394; 041-278-637-211-838; 043-071-301-956-101; 043-272-311-755-208; 045-878-777-619-020; 046-675-551-566-938; 047-181-008-522-067; 048-476-120-827-21X; 048-482-533-942-006; 048-871-045-628-949; 050-138-313-785-108; 059-175-311-037-886; 062-117-308-372-889; 063-995-392-431-778; 065-434-119-824-864; 068-026-072-106-369; 071-659-835-502-959; 072-587-724-766-640; 079-055-485-888-102; 079-648-947-769-575; 082-060-821-979-586; 084-832-107-059-993; 085-955-949-993-121; 087-133-357-709-510; 092-879-771-628-38X; 096-711-850-558-718; 100-601-241-354-82X; 101-225-722-617-918; 101-307-982-971-509; 107-198-005-511-851; 107-403-230-735-085; 107-929-129-109-326; 109-128-192-296-606; 112-555-564-203-066; 114-624-139-609-814; 115-976-279-274-484; 118-147-344-296-390; 121-094-012-428-248; 123-546-427-452-757; 123-856-696-646-65X; 129-442-926-780-140; 129-888-968-007-46X; 130-922-142-649-521; 133-096-090-388-231; 137-264-695-572-782; 138-018-747-559-276; 138-606-696-501-795; 139-415-011-244-445; 150-883-625-971-888; 156-979-546-677-415; 165-275-789-195-999; 167-820-345-886-549; 177-564-984-996-798; 178-130-056-449-79X; 181-443-563-091-142; 188-567-835-584-573,17,true,cc-by,hybrid
032-245-149-035-161,"Prevention, disruption and deterrence of online child sexual exploitation and abuse",2020-09-23,2020,journal article,ERA Forum,16123093; 18639038,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Germany,Ethel Quayle,"European law has recognised the need for international cross-disciplinary collaboration to both identify, locate and safeguard victims and prevent, investigate and prosecute online child exploitation and abuse (OCSEA). However, there is evidence that these crimes are continuing to increase and develop in step with technological advances. Changing the behaviour of both perpetrators and victims is both challenging and expensive and there is little evidence of what works to reduce these crimes. In this paper an argument is presented that changing the environments which support OCSEA is necessary if we are to detect and manage these crimes, and more importantly prevent them.",21,3,429,447,The Internet; European Union law; Political science; Public international law; European integration; Affordance; Deterrence (psychology); Child sexual abuse; Argument; Criminology,,,,,https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12027-020-00625-7.pdf https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/prevention-disruption-and-deterrence-of-online-child-sexual-exploitation-and-abuse(e8e6f080-9147-40e7-a99c-0dfb2328b052).html https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/prevention-disruption-and-deterrence-of-online-child-sexual-explo https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12027-020-00625-7 https://core.ac.uk/download/334960524.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12027-020-00625-7,,10.1007/s12027-020-00625-7,3089287372,,0,002-639-305-780-571; 003-689-875-638-886; 007-362-065-583-626; 008-761-162-903-745; 010-094-254-654-358; 013-136-621-768-00X; 014-672-531-688-685; 014-823-109-884-600; 017-901-832-786-903; 018-393-362-200-434; 020-097-386-746-461; 021-317-806-839-794; 022-889-289-975-746; 022-924-744-151-716; 023-031-035-024-712; 026-085-213-775-133; 027-492-143-488-079; 028-114-168-907-127; 028-949-609-562-300; 029-946-673-885-481; 033-103-670-136-249; 033-290-952-772-530; 034-937-965-121-113; 035-713-031-392-554; 035-959-392-086-480; 042-858-832-715-465; 044-135-032-479-701; 045-110-663-879-74X; 046-084-770-074-218; 046-482-818-074-078; 046-686-287-888-308; 047-494-958-423-799; 052-550-867-876-260; 054-143-019-435-280; 054-330-668-156-306; 054-660-122-849-145; 058-809-468-935-356; 060-801-039-433-29X; 060-981-415-119-837; 061-105-108-492-646; 064-746-834-056-418; 065-112-731-556-243; 067-307-091-666-921; 068-511-438-918-900; 071-137-650-811-140; 074-301-114-189-168; 076-559-618-849-490; 082-358-447-581-106; 082-413-285-495-633; 094-019-830-401-584; 094-101-094-925-269; 095-847-724-219-471; 100-202-240-627-533; 102-699-432-261-272; 106-592-992-933-503; 113-029-252-524-22X; 114-587-470-791-695; 116-338-579-316-666; 117-623-263-099-81X; 120-507-192-916-252; 126-878-420-226-925; 137-298-307-797-644; 144-756-264-255-376; 151-982-870-021-966; 167-583-874-513-557; 177-132-097-935-199,13,true,cc-by,hybrid
032-725-022-325-762,The Impact of Laughter in Earwitness Identification Performance,,2013,journal article,"Psychiatry, Psychology and Law",13218719; 19341687,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,Axelle C. Philippon; Liane M. Randall; Julie Cherryman,"This study examines whether voice identification performance is influenced whilst processing voice identity information by the presence of non-verbal vocalizations such as laughter. Ninety-six participants were exposed to an auditory event of 45 seconds in length presenting verbal and non-verbal information, including laughter. After a delay of 5 minutes, participants took part in a voice line-up manipulated for laughter (speech only, laughter only, or speech and laughter) and target presence (target present or target absent). Supporting the first hypothesis, participants’ performance was significantly worse in the speech alone condition compared with both laughter conditions (laughter alone and laughter with speech). Further, identification performance was best in the laughter only condition. In addition, participants correctly rejected the line-up significantly more in the speech and laughter condition than in the speech alone or laughter alone conditions. Findings are discussed in terms of their implic...",20,6,887,898,Echoic memory; Speaker recognition; Psychology; Cognitive psychology; Identification (psychology); Auditory event; Laughter,,,,,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13218719.2013.768194 https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/en/publications/the-impact-of-laughter-in-earwitness-identification-performance https://core.ac.uk/display/29584931 https://puredev.port.ac.uk/en/publications/the-impact-of-laughter-in-earwitness-identification-performance https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/files/210797/Laughter_article_final.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/29584931.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2013.768194,,10.1080/13218719.2013.768194,2076611955,,0,000-403-367-557-566; 000-491-264-832-185; 001-833-612-009-640; 002-280-291-183-38X; 003-940-137-886-092; 004-027-068-180-198; 005-739-208-036-123; 005-837-092-825-532; 007-258-192-709-48X; 009-025-870-046-028; 009-977-920-290-853; 010-013-356-550-181; 010-854-334-543-809; 011-928-366-149-879; 011-930-149-788-546; 012-006-898-999-706; 012-115-128-257-282; 013-938-899-034-187; 014-272-603-818-862; 015-188-565-248-209; 016-274-702-159-163; 018-201-582-816-979; 019-490-879-197-304; 020-341-549-063-502; 021-328-650-231-54X; 031-568-333-793-27X; 033-848-188-141-142; 034-934-168-424-396; 034-980-402-781-816; 040-561-715-295-457; 041-447-518-869-287; 043-028-474-414-024; 044-185-211-457-271; 047-864-512-662-002; 054-125-766-823-157; 055-517-030-444-129; 057-048-412-468-98X; 063-223-495-189-224; 065-030-655-328-708; 067-544-937-972-949; 068-503-389-344-807; 073-851-347-713-282; 075-207-863-208-00X; 092-978-025-935-859; 102-809-026-083-751; 102-914-279-920-495; 106-626-777-105-038; 111-622-207-809-685; 120-995-932-119-685; 124-617-005-210-362; 128-433-657-058-799; 132-952-560-101-999; 146-330-335-660-657; 150-123-789-030-003; 156-773-880-549-626; 159-258-715-945-118; 159-947-032-435-550; 162-156-542-580-907; 178-222-771-305-89X; 181-114-775-003-768; 184-530-905-345-144; 184-702-131-276-883,5,true,cc-by-sa,green
033-612-537-005-413,More than support to court: rape victims and specialist sexual violence services,2017-12-06,2017,journal article,International review of victimology,02697580; 20479433,A B Academic Publishers,United Kingdom,Marianne Hester; Sarah-Jane Lilley,"This article explores the involvement of specialist sexual violence services, including Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs), in supporting victims/survivors of rape and sexual abuse to engage with the criminal justice system (CJS) in England and Wales. The underpinning research, conducted in one area of England, included referral data from the police and key specialist sexual violence services, interviews with 15 victims/survivors of sexual violence in contact with the police and specialist services, and interviews with 14 practitioners from sexual violence and related services. We examine the complex needs of victims/survivors of sexual violence (who have experienced historical child sexual abuse, acquaintance rape or rape in the context of intimate partner abuse), how their needs differ and vary over time, and the ways in which these diverse and changing needs are met by specialist sexual violence services. Non-specialist agencies, such as statutory mental health services, are unable to provide similarly targeted responses. The research found that specialist sexual violence services play particularly crucial roles through the use of approaches that can be characterised as flexible, enabling, holding and mending. However, this important work could easily be lost in the current climate of local service commissioning, to the great detriment of victims/survivors of sexual violence.",24,3,313,328,Criminal justice; Mental health; Psychology; Referral; Sexual violence; Acquaintance rape; Context (language use); Sexual abuse; Child sexual abuse; Criminology,ISVAs; Rape; sexual violence; sexual violence services; victim needs,,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0269758017742717 https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/publications/more-than-support-to-court(eaad6605-de1f-4707-859b-8e5c60035148).html http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0269758017742717 https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1687295158 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0269758017742717 https://research-information.bristol.ac.uk/en/publications/more-than-support-to-court(eaad6605-de1f-4707-859b-8e5c60035148).html http://europepmc.org/articles/PMC6066863 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30111902/ https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/publications/more-than-support-to-court-rape-victims-and-specialist-sexual-vio https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/files/162327892/untitled3.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6066863 https://core.ac.uk/download/111104076.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0269758017742717,30111902,10.1177/0269758017742717,2775144877,PMC6066863,0,000-116-413-434-54X; 015-703-440-560-323; 021-419-697-856-970; 027-129-831-505-358; 070-816-862-846-802; 085-830-568-808-157; 152-117-511-163-671; 155-087-394-105-361; 159-675-297-475-033,83,true,cc-by,hybrid
033-904-391-752-882,Sexual dimorphism of the calcaneus in contemporary Cretans,2017-04-15,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Despoina Nathena; Effrosyni Michopoulou; Elena F. Kranioti,"During the past decade, several studies have been carried out using the calcaneus bone for sex estimation. This paper collected data using ten variables for metric characteristics of the calcaneus of 144 modern Cretans and examined their correlation with known sex. Secondly, the formulae developed by Peckmann et al. (2015) for modern Athenians was put to the test in order to investigate if it could be applied to this modern Cretan sample as well. Results showed a high correlation between the calcaneus metrics and the known sex of the individuals, however the formulae for Athenians do not seem to be suitable for the Cretans due to the high sex bias reported in this study. Thus, new standards were created for sex estimation from the calacanei in our sample. Bilateral asymmetry was noted in the majority of cases, thus formulae were developed for left, right and mean values. Maximum width (MAXW) was the variable that performed the best in the Cretan sample. Overall, the cross-validated accuracies for univariate and multivariate equations reached 84.2% with males most often correctly identified. The calcaneus was proved to be useful for sex estimation in this modern Cretan population. Further work will explore the suitability of the produced standards for other regions of mainland Greece and islands.",277,,260.e1,260.e8,Sexual dimorphism; Demography; Multivariate statistics; Univariate; Geography; Calcaneus; Population; Calcaneus bone; Sex estimation; Sample (statistics),Calcaneus; Crete; Forensic anthropology population data; Greece; Sex estimation,Aged; Calcaneus/anatomy & histology; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Greece; Humans; Male; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/157609919 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817301421 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/35102577/2017_Nathena_et_al._Accepted.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28625510 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28625510 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817301421 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5672183 https://core.ac.uk/download/157609919.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.04.005,28625510,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.04.005,2605458352,,0,001-983-891-666-064; 006-911-712-776-671; 007-135-955-034-661; 008-764-432-222-872; 009-682-677-709-31X; 011-773-742-635-405; 013-142-297-472-223; 014-893-170-039-784; 022-632-971-552-283; 023-593-658-885-214; 026-343-838-298-874; 026-559-154-523-818; 040-263-028-937-889; 050-794-110-897-498; 051-785-042-348-244; 055-114-386-553-434; 062-243-913-669-098; 065-700-134-890-092; 067-233-165-689-239; 069-997-092-861-212; 070-342-990-188-152; 078-878-582-172-190; 081-683-292-310-557; 082-332-276-820-436; 083-712-193-629-522; 085-078-661-864-492; 088-115-111-051-226; 088-215-527-088-223; 092-790-151-841-795; 094-558-983-133-296; 094-997-497-336-80X; 097-231-104-406-011; 125-914-414-604-159; 126-007-289-369-731; 130-207-788-597-983; 130-210-825-116-032; 149-695-343-063-781; 157-956-044-733-899; 163-484-310-425-093; 164-568-387-439-893; 173-713-962-406-698; 174-399-033-510-179,15,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
034-623-567-865-051,A post-processing technique for cranial CT image identification.,2012-04-21,2012,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Jian-Jun Wang; Jun-Ling Wang; Yan-Ling Chen; Wen-Sheng Li,,221,1,23,28,Superimposition; Tomography; Forensic radiology; Objective Evidence; Nuclear medicine; Radiography; Medicine; Identification (information); Orientation (computer vision); Image processing,,"Adult; Aged; Case-Control Studies; Female; Forensic Pathology; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Logistic Models; Male; Middle Aged; Multidetector Computed Tomography; Skull/diagnostic imaging; Tomography, X-Ray Computed; Young Adult",,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073812001430 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073812001430 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22525526 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22525526/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.03.019,22525526,10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.03.019,2048244179,,0,000-052-305-523-334; 011-239-562-632-063; 017-843-392-880-53X; 018-416-669-363-552; 028-104-443-530-186; 059-942-525-213-35X; 066-906-546-538-669; 088-864-772-744-765; 089-069-501-964-508; 104-015-809-020-173; 122-570-506-140-042; 132-472-349-396-178; 152-832-964-145-831; 179-202-715-077-579,3,false,,
034-627-863-621-762,Estimation of Stature & Gender from Thumb Indices in Indian Population,,2022,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,,"Background: Human characteristics like stature and gender identification on basis of human remains is a crucial element of any medicolegal investigation and is especially important in the field of forensic anthropometry. Thus, this study was undertaken with the aim of determining stature and gender by using thumb indices in the Indian population.Material & Methods: 568 adults (294 males and 274 females) belonging age between 18-25 years participated in the present study. Thumb length, breadth, thickness and circumference were measured by time to time calibrated measuring tape and digital vernier caliper. Unpaired ‘t’ test, Person Correlation Coefficient, Linear and Logistic regression methods used to analyze the data.Results: This study showed significant correlation of thumb indices with stature & gender.Conclusion: The stature and gender identification models are helpful to forensic experts and crime scene authorities to determine the stature and gender of an isolated thumb.",16,1,,,Thumb; Anthropometry; Calipers; Rule of thumb; Demography; Population; Logistic regression; Medicine; Statistics; Mathematics; Surgery; Internal medicine; Sociology; Geometry; Algorithm,,,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v16i1.17419,,10.37506/ijfmt.v16i1.17419,,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
034-645-564-484-971,Rape as ‘one person’s word against another’s’: Challenging the conventional wisdom,2018-04-12,2018,journal article,The International Journal of Evidence & Proof,13657127; 17405572,SAGE Publications,,Candida Saunders,"According to the conventional wisdom, rape is generally a case of ‘one person’s word against another’s’ and, in the absence of independent evidence, judgements regarding the truth or otherwise of a...",22,2,161,181,Psychology; Conventional wisdom; Fact-finding; Linguistics; Word (computer architecture),,,,Economic and Social Research Council,http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/50925/ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1365712718766478 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1365712718766478 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1365712718766478 https://core.ac.uk/download/153571577.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1365712718766478,,10.1177/1365712718766478,2797385338,,0,005-109-644-871-989; 008-215-146-600-906; 014-919-379-862-053; 018-174-784-958-456; 021-393-474-381-186; 024-981-448-155-580; 028-623-319-570-193; 036-623-235-307-726; 044-655-027-253-125; 045-874-980-336-917; 059-638-749-428-820; 064-624-468-039-89X; 075-318-403-528-354; 082-944-787-831-45X; 084-106-538-223-816; 092-437-467-032-612; 093-752-665-859-844; 110-815-530-234-775; 130-948-770-168-716; 159-055-315-285-19X; 159-236-991-684-99X; 172-753-830-603-091; 180-855-956-767-814; 194-541-902-024-86X; 194-561-237-994-935,5,true,,green
035-199-675-825-416,"Risk, Welfare and the Treatment of Adolescent Cannabis Users in England",2013-11-21,2013,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Simon Flacks,"Incorporating analysis of data collected from a small sample of interviews within drug-treatment settings, the aim of this article is to critically consider the purpose and scope of adolescent drug treatment with a particular focus on the drugs–crime nexus. A central question is whether treatment can be understood according to the ‘rise of risk’ in advanced liberal democracies, and whether this corresponds to the proposed rupture with ‘welfarist’ approaches to youth justice policy. The findings suggest, in line with other research, that any such rupture may have been overstated. They also suggest that some drug-treatment research has tended towards sweeping accounts of policy changes, when the specificities of age, drug type and history demand more nuanced explanation, as some authors have already argued. Finally, the analysis suggests there should be concern about the extent of ‘net-widening’ within the youth drug-treatment system.",54,2,281,297,Welfare; Liberal democracy; Psychiatry; Economic Justice; Nexus (standard); Psychology; Cannabis; Scope (project management); Small sample; Adolescent drug; Criminology,,,,,https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article/54/2/281/369565 https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/8yq86/risk-welfare-and-the-treatment-of-adolescent-cannabis-users-in-england https://core.ac.uk/download/161123094.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azt066,,10.1093/bjc/azt066,1991736067,,0,000-090-959-336-80X; 000-713-528-530-633; 005-255-386-281-833; 007-679-045-358-988; 007-808-904-778-787; 012-706-735-286-872; 012-820-064-616-621; 017-585-678-347-184; 020-867-744-583-294; 022-297-410-048-540; 023-688-231-054-499; 023-891-984-881-265; 026-504-538-042-599; 027-131-111-433-264; 037-102-979-151-536; 039-359-669-331-925; 044-739-479-193-109; 049-131-359-290-621; 050-738-179-195-244; 062-999-395-697-485; 079-194-324-262-029; 081-081-671-752-082; 081-116-487-447-333; 081-888-149-971-685; 090-705-659-550-364; 093-947-881-575-387; 116-307-660-227-212; 118-350-032-742-594; 122-947-036-852-615; 123-885-673-345-478; 125-362-533-310-011; 129-055-612-908-383; 132-915-095-759-783; 134-614-613-691-816; 139-471-302-682-150; 144-212-400-299-74X; 151-541-225-111-770; 153-717-525-335-054; 164-939-776-711-467; 166-460-691-045-221; 168-895-491-328-708; 176-637-742-484-747; 177-375-522-614-350; 179-388-884-405-332,5,true,,green
035-256-631-599-283,"Exploring the relationship between stride, stature and hand size for forensic assessment",2017-08-26,2017,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Richard Guest; Oscar Miguel-Hurtado; Sarah V. Stevenage; Sue Black,"Forensic evidence often relies on a combination of accurately recorded measurements, estimated measurements from landmark data such as a subject's stature given a known measurement within an image, and inferred data. In this study a novel dataset is used to explore linkages between hand measurements, stature, leg length and stride. These three measurements replicate the type of evidence found in surveillance videos with stride being extracted from an automated gait analysis system. Through correlations and regression modelling, it is possible to generate accurate predictions of stature from hand size, leg length and stride length (and vice versa), and to predict leg and stride length from hand size with, or without, stature as an intermediary variable. The study also shows improved accuracy when a subject's sex is known a-priori. Our method and models indicate the possibility of calculating or checking relationships between a suspect's physical measurements, particularly when only one component is captured as an accurately recorded measurement.",52,,46,55,Statistics; Gait analysis; STRIDE; Landmark; Replicate; Regression modelling; Leg length; Stride length; Hand size; Computer science; Simulation,,"Biometric Identification/methods; Body Height; Female; Forensic Sciences; Gait; Hand/anatomy & histology; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Logistic Models; Male; Video Recording; Walking Speed",,UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council,https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/ws/files/18426429/1_s2.0_S1752928X17301208_main.pdf https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/exploring-the-relationship-between-stride-stature-and-hand-size-f https://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/id/eprint/132590/ https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/413913/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28865387 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X17301208 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28865387 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X17301208 https://kar.kent.ac.uk/62966/ https://core.ac.uk/download/96931169.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2017.08.006,28865387,10.1016/j.jflm.2017.08.006,2748729752,,0,000-662-412-925-839; 000-792-937-821-923; 001-194-352-595-189; 001-508-039-328-040; 005-612-212-776-230; 007-767-408-675-449; 024-582-389-099-196; 029-193-254-313-151; 037-361-484-894-908; 043-145-059-238-054; 043-256-087-199-162; 056-310-707-465-238; 057-593-783-119-897; 065-794-840-955-682; 071-661-607-877-671; 081-698-985-554-37X; 082-998-314-877-590; 087-086-734-378-851; 090-532-862-205-053; 117-897-854-057-29X; 119-484-129-202-260; 158-183-169-434-782; 183-172-689-965-002,3,true,cc-by,green
035-494-164-207-036,The use of craniofacial superimposition for disaster victim identification.,2015-04-02,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Caroline Wilkinson; Amy Lofthouse,"Skull-to-face comparison is utilised for human identification where there is a suspected identity and the usual methods of identification, such as DNA or dental comparison, are not possible or practical. This research aimed to compare the reliability of manual and computerised craniofacial superimposition techniques and to establish the application of these techniques for disaster victim identification, where there may be a large database of passport-style images, such as the MPUB Interpol database. Twenty skulls (10 females; 10 males) were utilised from the William Bass Skeletal Collection at the University of Tennessee and compared to face pools of 20 face photographs of similar sex, age and ethnic group. A traditional manual photographic method and a new 3D computer-based method were used. The results suggested that profile and three-quarter views of the ante-mortem face were the most valuable for craniofacial superimposition. However, the poor identification rate achieved using images in frontal view suggests that the MPUB Interpol database would not be optimal for disaster victim identification, and passport-style images do not provide enough distinguishing facial detail. This suggests that multiple ante-mortem images with a variety of facial expression should be utilised for identification purposes. There was no significant difference in success between the manual and computer methods.",252,,1,7,Artificial intelligence; Facial expression; Natural language processing; Programming method; Craniofacial superimposition; Disaster victim identification; Identification rate; Significant difference; Medicine; Identification (information),Craniofacial superimposition; Disaster victim; Identification,"Biometric Identification/methods; Databases, Factual; Disasters; Face/anatomy & histology; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Photography",,University of Dundee,https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/2176/ https://europepmc.org/article/MED/25963276 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25963276 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815001292 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/42477690.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.03.023,25963276,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.03.023,2108661088,,0,000-068-063-987-887; 000-903-662-240-650; 003-884-019-689-537; 004-179-989-183-45X; 005-060-389-772-611; 006-016-912-928-27X; 008-032-872-673-868; 009-502-908-295-361; 010-939-151-593-806; 011-302-873-970-587; 013-146-203-956-445; 014-159-611-287-825; 016-097-686-225-583; 016-246-702-242-620; 018-011-143-188-328; 018-804-058-748-554; 019-981-823-875-387; 020-018-681-359-44X; 020-448-312-400-910; 022-164-816-723-21X; 023-486-279-223-719; 024-149-553-996-802; 025-117-568-010-938; 025-527-033-816-291; 028-560-716-647-945; 029-520-980-052-414; 030-351-980-143-982; 033-154-933-219-59X; 033-257-004-595-277; 035-165-906-917-006; 039-424-633-928-349; 044-333-292-850-578; 047-374-264-327-886; 055-909-550-938-07X; 056-028-890-697-803; 057-866-132-650-511; 058-904-713-310-380; 061-443-298-099-387; 062-027-839-951-67X; 064-698-524-056-144; 071-405-082-411-592; 082-513-423-213-488; 088-206-372-827-495; 098-465-895-491-176; 103-710-910-145-091; 114-570-239-036-901; 123-815-796-144-103; 123-876-273-709-602; 124-600-649-215-07X; 124-711-708-306-02X; 128-207-206-387-387; 128-819-058-211-407; 144-816-564-472-825; 157-474-834-881-536; 163-971-316-934-022; 171-949-041-592-009; 183-012-891-853-140,10,true,,green
037-166-336-839-129,Age Estimation of Adults Using Permanent Mandibular First Molars on Digital Panoramic Radiographs,2021-05-12,2021,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Meghana Maruthi; Karthikeya Patil; Mahima Vg; Nagabhushana Doggalli; CJ Sanjay; Mahesh Kp,"Background: Morphometric analysis of teeth on radiographs for age estimation are considered to be simple, reliable and non-invasive. The aim of this study was to analyse the efficacy of tooth coronal index (TCI) to estimate age in Indian population and to assess the influence of diet and masticatory habit on TCI. The study comprised of 160 subjects in the age range of 21-71 years, categorized into groups based on chronological age, gender, diet and masticatory habit. Coronal Height (CH) and Coronal Pulp Cavity Height (CPCH) of permanent mandibular first molars was measured on digital panoramic radiographs using Planmeca Romexis software measurement tools. TCI was calculated using the formula: TCI= (CPCH ×100)/CH. Statistical analysis was performed, ANOVA and Pearson correlation was applied along with regression analysis to obtain an estimated age using TCI. Results: A negative correlation was obtained between the chronological age and TCI. Three-way ANOVA exhibited a significant difference in TCI within the age groups and dietary groups (p value = <0.05). There was no significant difference within the sexes, sides and masticatory groups. The most precise estimated age using the regression formula was in individuals between 31 – 40 years with an error of +/- 5 years in 55% of females, 65% of males. Conclusions: This study suggests that although TCI is a good predictor of age, it is most suitable to determine age of individuals between 31-40 years with the least error in estimation. This study also throws a light on the influence of diet on TCI.",15,3,3670,3678,Coronal plane; Regression analysis; Masticatory force; Molar; Orthodontics; Age estimation; Radiography; Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient; Medicine; Analysis of variance,,,,,https://www.medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/15868,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.15868,,10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.15868,3172357479,,0,,0,false,,
037-194-651-631-81X,Can the offence behaviours of stranger rapists discriminate between UK and non-UK nationals,2019-02-11,2019,journal article,"Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research",17596599; 20428715,Emerald,United Kingdom,Louise Almond; Michelle Ann Mcmanus; Gemma Curtis,"Currently, no research is available for behavioural investigative advisors’ to provide justifications to infer from the crime scene that an offender is a UK or non-UK national. The paper aims to discuss these issues.,Data were obtained from National Crime Agency and consisted of 651 stranger rapes, 434 UK nationals and 217 non-UK nationals. All cases were coded for 70 offence behaviour variables. χ2 analyses were conducted to identify significant associations between offence behaviours and offender nationality. Significant associations were then entered into a logistic regression analysis to assess their combined predictive ability of offender nationality.,Analyses revealed 11 offence behaviours with significant associations to offender nationality: confidence, darkness, offender kisses victim, victim performs sex acts, requests sex acts, apologises, destroys forensics, block entry/exit, weapon – firearm, vaginal penetration – hands/fist/digital, and violence: minimal. From this, seven variables held predictive ability within the logistic regression, with five predicting the non-UK grouping and two the UK grouping.,Future research should test the distinctions between UK and non-UK national stranger rapists and explore the impact of length of residency.,Results indicated that on the whole UK and non-UK stranger rapists display similar behaviours, but there were some distinct behaviours within stranger rape crime scenes, particularly the use of firearms. The ability to use crime scene behaviours to narrow suspect pools by criminal conviction is only useful when police have access to full criminal histories. Unfortunately, the ability to access and search non-UK databases is not always possible. Therefore, this study may be the first step for BIAs to utilise in identifying the likely offender nationality, before using further models that narrow down to criminal history.,This is the first study to examine whether it is possible to differentiate stranger rapists nationality using their offence behaviours.",11,1,67,76,Agency (sociology); Logistic regression; Psychology; Crime scene; Nationality; Suspect; Test (assessment); Criminal Conviction; Offender profiling; Criminology,,,,,https://livrepository.liverpool.ac.uk/3023816/ https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/12798/ https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JACPR-04-2018-0357/full/html https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/305112967.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jacpr-04-2018-0357,,10.1108/jacpr-04-2018-0357,2895232272,,0,011-131-515-309-082; 025-587-186-707-816; 033-905-922-676-351; 046-806-348-582-163; 050-856-611-566-452; 059-169-481-675-580; 068-915-325-103-044; 073-747-246-105-237; 077-232-915-919-872; 097-837-205-110-208; 105-786-738-594-701; 106-446-469-490-597; 111-394-668-380-699; 113-556-072-666-33X; 136-266-476-512-07X; 144-457-778-240-630; 168-064-339-802-797,1,true,,green
037-534-450-685-297,Documentation and analysis of traumatic injuries in clinical forensic medicine involving structured light three-dimensional surface scanning versus photography,2018-05-10,2018,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Awatif Shamata; Tim Thompson,"Non-contact three-dimensional (3D) surface scanning has been applied in forensic medicine and has been shown to mitigate shortcoming of traditional documentation methods. The aim of this paper is to assess the efficiency of structured light 3D surface scanning in recording traumatic injuries of live cases in clinical forensic medicine. The work was conducted in Medico-Legal Centre in Benghazi, Libya. A structured light 3D surface scanner and ordinary digital camera with close-up lens were used to record the injuries and to have 3D and two-dimensional (2D) documents of the same traumas. Two different types of comparison were performed. Firstly, the 3D wound documents were compared to 2D documents based on subjective visual assessment. Additionally, 3D wound measurements were compared to conventional measurements and this was done to determine whether there was a statistical significant difference between them. For this, Friedman test was used. The study established that the 3D wound documents had extra features over the 2D documents. Moreover; the 3D scanning method was able to overcome the main deficiencies of the digital photography. No statistically significant difference was found between the 3D and conventional wound measurements. The Spearman's correlation established strong, positive correlation between the 3D and conventional measurement methods. Although, the 3D surface scanning of the injuries of the live subjects faced some difficulties, the 3D results were appreciated, the validity of 3D measurements based on the structured light 3D scanning was established. Further work will be achieved in forensic pathology to scan open injuries with depth information.",58,,93,100,Photography; Forensic science; Friedman test; Digital photography; Structured light; Medical physics; Digital camera; Surface geometry; Computer science; Documentation,Clinical forensic medicine; Photography; Structured light 3D surface scanner; Wound documentation,"Documentation/methods; Female; Forensic Medicine/methods; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional/instrumentation; Male; Photography; Wounds and Injuries/pathology",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29777982 https://research.tees.ac.uk/en/publications/documentation-and-analysis-of-traumatic-injuries-in-clinical-fore https://research.tees.ac.uk/ws/files/4175345/621953.pdf http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/29777982 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X18302737 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29777982/ https://core.ac.uk/display/157860316 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/196165542.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2018.05.004,29777982,10.1016/j.jflm.2018.05.004,2800637706,,0,000-006-732-153-158; 001-029-558-654-472; 002-127-138-459-748; 003-155-577-147-740; 003-445-237-313-672; 004-034-632-544-251; 004-812-396-222-67X; 007-488-306-224-872; 008-142-024-120-192; 008-775-261-173-669; 012-334-155-775-771; 014-103-897-554-630; 015-025-757-430-551; 015-123-182-480-038; 015-567-734-114-659; 019-291-411-273-867; 020-922-738-580-205; 024-043-054-739-777; 025-288-187-512-164; 025-608-418-090-713; 028-526-129-224-287; 034-847-351-944-220; 035-227-397-231-583; 036-113-206-955-548; 036-710-668-703-818; 038-418-972-423-161; 039-727-846-991-462; 040-300-902-817-622; 041-001-036-491-553; 051-773-770-357-263; 052-332-973-851-731; 052-762-819-391-116; 060-665-072-194-805; 071-618-123-348-753; 074-916-041-773-136; 076-504-140-728-746; 076-833-620-140-05X; 092-059-208-872-566; 097-743-753-987-468; 101-319-200-902-022; 116-729-377-395-747; 122-143-022-696-419; 132-087-788-252-511; 139-622-634-944-554; 151-855-957-004-534; 154-122-952-714-079; 161-639-730-767-664; 163-439-981-246-720; 178-456-110-092-227,18,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
037-649-911-324-540,Older offenders deemed criminally irresponsible in Flanders (Belgium): descriptive results from a retrospective case note study,2016-03-25,2016,journal article,International journal of law and psychiatry,18736386; 01602527,Elsevier Limited,United Kingdom,Stefaan De Smet; Willem De Keyzer; Liesbeth De Donder; Dennis Ryan; Dominique Verte; Eric Broekaert; Stijn Vandevelde,"Abstract Introduction In Belgium, offenders who are deemed criminally irresponsible for their criminal actions because of mental illness or intellectual disability are subject to a specific safety measure with the dual objective of protecting society and providing mandated care to the offender. While Belgian law requires that offenders who are deemed criminally irresponsible should be in a hospital, clinic or other appropriate institution outside of prison, in practice, about one-third of all such offenders still reside in prison. Whether imprisoned or living in settings outside prison, there is a dearth of knowledge on the characteristics of the aging population among the criminally irresponsible offenders. Objective This paper aimed to explore the characteristics of older offenders categorized as criminally irresponsible in Flanders (northern Belgium) with a focus on the differences between imprisoned older offenders deemed criminally irresponsible and their peers who are residing outside prison. Method A retrospective case note study of all offenders deemed criminally irresponsible, > 60 years of age (n = 174), was conducted in the four Commissions of Social Defense, which implement the procedure in the case of those deemed criminally irresponsible in Flanders. The files were screened for (1) demographic characteristics, (2) criminal history as well as (3) mental and physical health issues. Results One-fourth of the population were > 70 years of age. A total of 30.5% were in prison. Compared to their non-imprisoned peers, the imprisoned offenders had a history of having committed more serious violent crimes towards persons, such as homicides and sexual crimes. In addition, imprisoned older offenders categorized as criminally irresponsible are characterized more explicitly by personality traits that are likely to reduce their chances of being transferred to more appropriate settings in the community. Implications A comprehensive and systematic screening of all older offenders deemed criminally irresponsible with regard to health needs and social functioning, including age-related deterioration, alcoholism, and other causes of social disadvantages, is warranted to detect potentially hidden problems.",46,,35,41,Psychiatry; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Mental illness; Prison; Population; Poison control; Suicide prevention; Medicine,Criminally irresponsible; Elderly; Offenders; Older; Prisoners,"Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Antisocial Personality Disorder/diagnosis; Belgium; Criminal Behavior; Female; Humans; Intellectual Disability/psychology; Male; Mental Competency/legislation & jurisprudence; Mental Disorders/psychology; Middle Aged; Patient Transfer/legislation & jurisprudence; Population Dynamics; Prisoners/legislation & jurisprudence; Residential Treatment/legislation & jurisprudence; Retrospective Studies; Social Responsibility; Violence/legislation & jurisprudence",,Research Fund of the University College Ghent,https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/6848941 https://core.ac.uk/display/55891012 https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/6848941/file/6848942.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160252716300383 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27021136 https://researchportal.vub.be/en/publications/older-offenders-deemed-criminally-irresponsible-in-flanders-belgi https://core.ac.uk/download/55891012.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.02.025,27021136,10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.02.025,2213377840,,0,001-823-938-961-579; 001-869-054-403-217; 008-936-553-092-558; 015-790-160-709-064; 016-264-777-919-068; 022-533-327-341-908; 023-269-170-262-078; 023-754-491-264-604; 027-217-775-722-920; 027-855-902-441-088; 028-791-659-623-805; 030-473-888-117-20X; 042-776-485-738-347; 048-995-583-975-520; 052-732-072-910-442; 059-925-773-215-229; 070-045-045-206-327; 074-324-497-843-383; 083-253-806-154-065; 086-772-718-502-107; 108-001-036-621-644; 111-118-397-600-299; 113-754-047-940-947; 127-127-365-135-260; 180-111-276-127-870,5,true,,green
037-843-865-919-365,Application of third molar development and eruption models in estimating dental age in Malay sub-adults,2015-05-27,2015,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Mohd Yusmiaidil Putera Mohd Yusof; Rita Cauwels; Ellen Deschepper; Luc Martens,"The third molar development (TMD) has been widely utilized as one of the radiographic method for dental age estimation. By using the same radiograph of the same individual, third molar eruption (TME) information can be incorporated to the TMD regression model. This study aims to evaluate the performance of dental age estimation in individual method models and the combined model (TMD and TME) based on the classic regressions of multiple linear and principal component analysis. A sample of 705 digital panoramic radiographs of Malay sub-adults aged between 14.1 and 23.8 years was collected. The techniques described by Gleiser and Hunt (modified by Kohler) and Olze were employed to stage the TMD and TME, respectively. The data was divided to develop three respective models based on the two regressions of multiple linear and principal component analysis. The trained models were then validated on the test sample and the accuracy of age prediction was compared between each model. The coefficient of determination (R²) and root mean square error (RMSE) were calculated. In both genders, adjusted R² yielded an increment in the linear regressions of combined model as compared to the individual models. The overall decrease in RMSE was detected in combined model as compared to TMD (0.03-0.06) and TME (0.2-0.8). In principal component regression, low value of adjusted R(2) and high RMSE except in male were exhibited in combined model. Dental age estimation is better predicted using combined model in multiple linear regression models.",34,,40,44,Statistics; Coefficient of determination; Mean squared error; Regression analysis; Multicollinearity; Dentistry; Principal component analysis; Wisdom tooth; Linear regression; Medicine; Principal component regression,Dental age estimation; Forensic odontology; Multicollinearity; Principal component analysis; Third molars,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Asians; Female; Forensic Dentistry; Humans; Linear Models; Malaysia; Male; Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging; Principal Component Analysis; Radiography, Panoramic; Retrospective Studies; Young Adult",,"Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia",https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26165657/ https://core.ac.uk/display/55710662 https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(15)00088-8/pdf https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(15)00088-8/fulltext https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/5986543 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X15000888 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26165657,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2015.05.004,26165657,10.1016/j.jflm.2015.05.004,1934491072,,0,001-984-488-840-581; 007-348-278-240-423; 015-411-938-678-148; 016-161-652-638-789; 018-646-038-488-977; 022-753-681-855-703; 026-084-230-892-388; 031-953-764-374-166; 035-996-202-216-92X; 063-804-964-829-905; 068-495-114-840-433; 070-013-598-429-874; 086-588-311-688-86X; 106-254-364-757-72X; 130-350-004-167-881; 134-901-314-238-570; 135-144-366-268-967; 148-004-836-015-268; 152-724-815-455-547; 160-699-422-377-435; 180-200-378-185-785; 186-917-484-914-167,10,false,,
038-053-767-052-489,The social construction of 101 non-emergency video relay services for deaf signers,2021-01-13,2021,journal article,International Journal of Police Science & Management,14613557; 14781603,SAGE Publications,,Robert Skinner; Jemina Napier; Nicholas R. Fyfe,"How the police prepare for and engage with a citizen who is deaf and uses British Sign Language (BSL) is a national problem. From the perspective of deaf sign language users, the police remain larg...",23,2,145,156,Sociology; Social constructionism; Perspective (graphical); Relay; British Sign Language; Social construction of technology; Linguistics; Sign language,,,,Scottish Graduate School of Arts and Humanities,https://rgu-repository.worktribe.com/output/1107471 https://researchportal.hw.ac.uk/en/publications/the-social-construction-of-101-non-emergency-video-relay-services https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/the-social-construction-of-101-non-emergency-video-relay-services https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1461355720974703 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1461355720974703 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1461355720974703 https://core.ac.uk/download/363963380.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1461355720974703,,10.1177/1461355720974703,3115398328,,0,000-871-464-517-15X; 041-161-801-012-867; 042-590-342-012-818; 049-180-516-709-475; 088-420-854-813-149; 095-786-041-892-070; 172-000-673-590-189,1,true,cc-by,hybrid
038-257-840-765-069,A comparative study of photogrammetric methods using panoramic photography in a forensic context,2017-02-04,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Kayleigh Sheppard; John Cassella; Sarah Fieldhouse,"Taking measurements of a scene is an integral aspect of the crime scene documentation process, and accepted limits of accuracy for taking measurements at a crime scene vary throughout the world. In the UK, there is no published accepted limit of accuracy, whereas the United States has an accepted limit of accuracy of 0.25 inch. As part of the International organisation for Standardisation 17020 accreditation competency testing is required for all work conducted at the crime scene. As part of this, all measuring devices need to be calibrated within known tolerances in order to meet the required standard, and measurements will be required to have a clearly defined limit of accuracy. This investigation sought to compare measurement capabilities of two different methods for measuring crime scenes; using a tape measure, and a 360° camera with complimentary photogrammetry software application. Participants measured ten fixed and non-fixed items using both methods and these were compared to control measurements taken using a laser distance measure. Statistical analysis using a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test demonstrated statistically significant differences between the tape, software and control measurements. The majority of the differences were negligible, amounting to millimetre differences. The tape measure was found to be more accurate than the software application, which offered greater precision. Measurement errors were attributed to human error in understanding the operation of the software, suggesting that training be given before using the software to take measurements. Transcription errors were present with the tape measure approach. Measurements taken using the photogrammetry software were more reproducible than the tape measure approach, and offered flexibility with regards to the time and location of the documentation process, unlike manual tape measuring.",273,,29,38,Tape measure; Photogrammetry; Artificial intelligence; Crime scene; Accuracy and precision; Software; Measure (data warehouse); Context (language use); Computer vision; Computer science; Documentation,Crime scene measurements; Crime scene recording; Digital imaging technology; Forensic; Measurement accuracy; Photogrammetry,"Forensic Sciences/methods; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Photogrammetry/methods; Photography/methods; Software",,,https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28213185 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28213185 https://core.ac.uk/display/82897040 https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/9242/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817300403 http://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/3055/ https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/161338097.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.01.026,28213185,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.01.026,2585472422,,0,010-681-955-161-667; 013-064-849-740-249; 021-593-676-412-768; 026-828-038-317-200; 045-151-356-268-309; 057-809-547-518-861; 068-004-219-573-221; 068-552-263-704-10X; 072-795-006-726-894; 140-649-530-573-803; 189-090-154-267-266; 199-745-676-923-766,11,true,,green
038-418-972-423-161,Three-dimensional imaging of human cutaneous forearm bite marks in human volunteers over a 4 day period,2016-03-03,2016,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,M.M. de Sainte Croix; Dylan Gauld; A.H. Forgie; R. Lowe,"Abstract Introduction Human bite marks are often sustained during sexual, domestic or child abuse. Currently, analysis of these marks involves digital photography techniques along with an expert forensic odontologist opinion. Photographs often focus closely on the bite mark and give little context to the anatomical location of the injury. Due to variation in camera models and expertise of the photographer, photograph quality can affect its interpretation. Additionally, it can sometimes be days between injury and examination, allowing the injury pattern and colour to alter, making it harder to analyse. Aim To investigate if a 3D imaging technique, creating a time-lapse image of a bite mark in three dimensions, can provide context to the injury in terms of nature and location, and also allow analysis of the change in appearance of a bite mark over time. Method Participants had an experimental bite mark produced on their forearm by dental casts mounted on a dental articulator. The forearms were photographed immediately following the bite, and at intervals of 3, 6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. A DI3D ® (Dimensional Imaging 3D) photogrammetry system and Autodesk Maya 2015 ® software was used to create a 3D animation from the images obtained. The clearest, long lasting bite mark injuries were selected for animation, enabling the 3D imaging technique to be used optimally. Results 3D time-lapse animations were successfully created with the ability to be viewed on most electronic devices. With further refinement this technique could be valuable in a number of areas. We anticipate animations produced in this way to have significant benefit to the presentation of photographic evidence in a court setting, and in age estimation of injuries.",40,,34,39,Photogrammetry; Optometry; Engineering; Digital photography; Articulator; Context (language use); Child abuse; Poison control; Simulation; Animation; Computer animation,3D; Animation; Bite marks; Human; Imaging; Time-lapse,"Bites, Human/diagnostic imaging; Female; Forearm Injuries/diagnostic imaging; Forensic Dentistry; Healthy Volunteers; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Models, Dental; Photogrammetry; Software; Time Factors",,,http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/27010493 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/three-dimensional-imaging-of-human-cutaneous-forearm-bite-marks-i https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X16000548 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27010493 https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(16)00054-8/fulltext https://core.ac.uk/display/42552719,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2016.02.003,27010493,10.1016/j.jflm.2016.02.003,2300888288,,0,008-775-261-173-669; 014-660-675-093-56X; 019-249-636-199-398; 051-361-626-236-87X; 065-125-536-982-418; 101-392-693-122-817,10,false,,
039-018-702-647-476,Legal professionals and witness statements from people with a suspected mental health diagnosis.,2016-05-20,2016,journal article,International journal of law and psychiatry,18736386; 01602527,Elsevier Limited,United Kingdom,Paula Reavey; Rachel Wilcock; Steven D. Brown; Richard Batty; Serina Fuller,"Individuals with mental health problems are considered to be part of a group labeled 'vulnerable' in forensic psychology literature and the legal system more generally. In producing witness statements, there are numerous guidelines in the UK, designed to facilitate the production of reliable and valid accounts by those deemed to be vulnerable witnesses. And yet, it is not entirely clear how mental health impacts on reliability and validity within the judicial system, partly due to the diversity of those who present with mental health difficulties. In this paper, we set out to explore how legal professionals operating in the UK understand the impact of mental distress on the practical production of witness testimonies. Twenty legal professionals, including police officers, judges, magistrates and detectives were involved in a semi-structured interview to examine their knowledge and experience of working with mental health problems, and how they approached and worked with this group. A thematic analysis was conducted on the data and specific themes relevant to the overall research question are presented. These include a) dilemmas and deficiencies in knowledge of mental health, b) the abandonment of diagnosis and c) barriers to knowledge: time restrictions, silence, professional identity and fear. Finally, we explore some of the implications of these barriers, with regard to professional practice.",46,,94,102,Mental health; Therapeutic jurisprudence; Psychology; Nursing; Forensic psychology; Legal profession; Mental distress; Forensic psychiatry; Mental health law; Thematic analysis; Applied psychology,Legal system; Mental health; Police; Reliability; Witnesses,"Adult; Expert Testimony/legislation & jurisprudence; Female; Forensic Psychiatry/legislation & jurisprudence; Humans; Interview, Psychological; Male; Mental Disorders/diagnosis; Reproducibility of Results; Stress, Psychological/complications; Vulnerable Populations/legislation & jurisprudence",,,http://researchopen.lsbu.ac.uk/115/ https://openresearch.lsbu.ac.uk/item/87411 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27210578 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27210578/ https://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/38977/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S016025271630053X http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/27210578 http://oro.open.ac.uk/56326/ https://core.ac.uk/download/185248097.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.02.040,27210578,10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.02.040,2405536025,,0,008-696-592-026-676; 008-824-386-402-750; 016-053-292-862-729; 017-977-372-149-145; 028-357-909-609-001; 036-682-593-636-634; 037-550-015-414-716; 051-703-002-386-893; 057-454-921-131-596; 057-709-274-568-127; 063-910-645-038-718; 076-969-749-620-583; 081-032-535-307-928; 089-936-778-712-728; 094-712-290-932-389; 097-119-221-510-168; 113-529-969-614-442; 146-403-631-336-602; 192-511-394-218-405,1,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
039-269-275-142-153,"Population data for DXS6800, DXS101 and DXS8377 loci from Buenos Aires (Argentina)",2013-04-08,2013,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Pablo A. Noseda; Jaclyn Kenline; Samantha Manning; David Gangitano,"The X-chromosomal short tandem repeats (X-STRs) DXS6800, DXS101 and DXS8377 were analysed in a population sample from Buenos Aires (Argentina) using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multiplex approach with fluorescent detection. We present allele frequencies for these loci in a population comprising 113 women and 99 men. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was tested in the female sample and no significant deviations were observed. The homogeneity of allele frequencies of men and women was compared by the Fisher's exact test and showed similar distributions. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) tests were performed in males for all pairs of loci and no significant associations were detected. Parameters of forensic interest were also estimated.",20,5,522,524,Exact test; Population; Linkage disequilibrium; Allele frequency; Polymerase chain reaction; Genetics; Microsatellite; DNA profiling; Biology; Multiplex polymerase chain reaction,,"Argentina; Chromosomes, Human, X; DNA Fingerprinting; Female; Gene Frequency; Genetic Loci; Genetics, Population; Humans; Male; Microsatellite Repeats; Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction",,,https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(13)00064-4/pdf https://europepmc.org/article/MED/23756526 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23756526 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23756526/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X13000644,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2013.03.013,23756526,10.1016/j.jflm.2013.03.013,2017638640,,0,000-521-126-799-545; 006-805-070-189-336; 007-195-281-563-106; 007-550-570-827-204; 009-490-071-244-099; 011-214-570-453-291; 031-216-422-083-772; 033-797-652-313-925; 038-825-860-895-242; 057-584-387-956-066; 060-131-303-986-10X; 065-157-801-539-094; 067-213-399-186-628; 070-089-231-464-738; 075-404-010-455-538; 084-979-953-337-258; 110-557-880-904-282; 113-673-741-065-332; 168-589-555-128-444; 192-390-193-023-136,3,false,,
041-829-122-791-843,Homicides and maltreatment - related deaths of disabled children: A systematic review,2019-09-05,2019,journal article,Child Abuse Review,09529136; 10990852,Wiley,United Kingdom,John Frederick; John Devaney; Eva Alisic,"This article aims to systematically review the empirical literature in relation to the homicides and maltreatment-related deaths of disabled children in order to better understand the risk factors and to assess support for the explanatory theories posited. These theories include: (1) the stress of caregiving; (2) altruistic intent; (3) lack of bonding with the child; (4) the challenging behaviours the child; (5) cultural beliefs about disabled children; and (6) evolutionary imperatives. Systematic searching techniques were used to retrieve relevant research articles in six electronic databases: AMED, CINAHL, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Medline (PubMed), PsycINFO and SCOPUS. The issue of a child being disabled was identified as a risk factor in most reviewed articles, however the definition of the term ‘disability’ was not consistent nor was there a consistent approach to recording children's disability. A range of potential risk factors were found, relating to the child, the perpetrator and the environment, with the pathway to harming the child involving an interactive process between each of these. The stress of caregiving and altruistic theories were the two most common explanations for homicides and maltreatment-related deaths of disabled children, although a combination of theories may provide a more comprehensive explanation of these complex events. ‘This article aims to systematically review the empirical literature in relation to the homicides and maltreatment-related deaths of disabled children’. Key Practitioner Messages: Coordination of clear care pathways for families with disabled children, including the provision of support and counselling. Improved professional awareness of the needs of disabled children and understanding that these needs may not coincide with those of their parents or carers. Provision of opportunities for respite to enable parents of disabled children to continue their task of caring. Need for consistent data on disabled children to be collected through existing child death review processes and the criminal justice system.",28,5,321,338,Criminal justice; Developmental psychology; Psychology; Social work; Neglect; MEDLINE; PsycINFO; CINAHL; Child mortality; Respite care,,,,,https://minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au/handle/11343/286915 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/car.2574 https://research.monash.edu/en/publications/homicides-and-maltreatment-related-deaths-of-disabled-children-a- https://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/scholarlywork/1415601-homicides-and-maltreatment-related-deaths-of-disabled-children--a-systematic-review https://minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au/bitstream/handle/11343/286915/car.2574.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/334414485.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/car.2574,,10.1002/car.2574,2971810895,,0,000-938-332-808-178; 004-232-729-300-613; 006-805-338-589-42X; 012-468-968-157-069; 012-529-742-816-443; 014-251-867-338-640; 014-855-005-969-817; 016-592-482-136-544; 016-915-020-968-526; 016-925-032-080-54X; 017-914-029-527-999; 019-568-960-696-167; 020-580-277-736-192; 023-432-321-905-411; 025-421-197-093-370; 027-175-360-779-623; 027-455-707-067-147; 030-034-233-632-88X; 033-508-724-394-012; 033-886-096-145-16X; 038-097-721-265-66X; 038-611-227-072-933; 039-618-814-306-552; 045-115-641-121-105; 046-918-921-234-329; 049-738-719-006-657; 052-300-714-081-270; 052-579-388-712-778; 056-117-764-538-355; 056-507-661-854-113; 059-594-899-461-595; 062-705-909-209-05X; 064-795-329-082-114; 072-032-633-515-572; 072-503-787-371-231; 073-637-286-709-759; 079-519-886-677-106; 080-856-740-531-043; 080-986-363-432-087; 090-085-851-201-004; 092-458-004-252-208; 105-569-932-515-252; 108-903-557-008-995; 111-592-039-736-071; 120-049-865-353-701; 126-534-633-007-006; 126-633-737-268-140; 128-274-385-314-182; 132-410-677-471-241; 134-590-099-892-127; 136-143-051-187-89X; 141-772-785-599-52X; 142-192-819-495-944,11,true,,green
042-077-678-540-844,The Role of Entertainment Media in Perceptions of Police Use of Force,2015-09-17,2015,journal article,Criminal Justice and Behavior,00938548; 15523594,SAGE Publications,United States,Kathleen Donovan; Charles F. Klahm,"Scholars have long noted the importance of the media in shaping citizens’ attitudes about crime and justice. Most studies have focused on the impact of news and particularly local TV news, yet Americans spend far more time watching entertainment media. We examine the portrayal of police misconduct in crime dramas, and how exposure to these portrayals affects perceptions of the police. We find that viewers of crime dramas are more likely to believe the police are successful at lowering crime, use force only when necessary, and that misconduct does not typically lead to false confessions. In contrast, perceptions regarding the frequency of force are unaffected. Our results add to a growing literature demonstrating the importance of entertainment media for attitudes toward crime and the criminal justice system.",42,12,1261,1281,Criminal justice; Public opinion; Economic Justice; Psychology; Perception; Use of force; Misconduct; Entertainment; Criminology; Social psychology,,,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0093854815604180 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0093854815604180 https://fisherpub.sjfc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1005&context=polisci_facpub https://www.scilit.net/article/10.1177/0093854815604180 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0093854815604180 https://fisherpub.sjfc.edu/polisci_facpub/5/ http://cjb.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/09/28/0093854815604180.abstract https://pubpeer.com/publications/1DCC169BF1CE7BF1A4B94D175357E6 https://core.ac.uk/display/48621010 https://core.ac.uk/download/48621010.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0093854815604180,,10.1177/0093854815604180,2118397651,,0,001-185-099-671-656; 009-346-609-543-079; 009-726-605-193-424; 017-132-754-844-86X; 019-470-384-888-48X; 024-950-646-089-316; 027-745-163-041-701; 032-231-243-064-885; 032-926-673-375-668; 047-794-819-274-142; 048-545-222-308-628; 050-030-659-887-705; 051-674-839-180-096; 060-566-082-605-168; 060-617-437-836-318; 075-301-488-581-128; 085-942-599-932-624; 094-671-760-885-348; 095-584-584-872-652; 105-941-958-411-804; 110-495-990-065-626; 113-743-873-003-388; 117-678-058-681-286; 122-025-300-839-233; 125-127-234-297-072; 134-134-440-572-524; 134-650-147-663-84X; 136-989-899-424-222; 138-726-800-376-83X; 139-199-712-743-067; 141-836-816-221-58X; 146-116-469-575-960; 156-634-840-457-700; 161-486-993-258-955; 182-392-489-792-803; 182-600-954-636-472; 199-881-196-765-814,48,true,,green
042-124-364-059-934,Three-dimensional superimposition of digital models for individual identification.,2020-11-26,2020,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Qingnan Mou; Ji Lingling; Yan Liu; Pei-rong Zhou; Mengqi Han; Jiamin Zhao; Wenting Cui; Teng Chen; Shaoyi Du; Yu-xia Hou; Yu-cheng Guo,,318,,110597,,Mann–Whitney U test; Superimposition; Artificial intelligence; Pattern recognition; Dentition; Iterative closest point; 3d image; Statistical analysis; Dental cast; Computer science; Identification (information),Dentition; Individual identification; Three-dimensional image registration,"Adult; Algorithms; Dentition; Feasibility Studies; Female; Forensic Dentistry/methods; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Models, Dental; Young Adult",,China Postdoctoral Science Foundation; National Natural Science Foundation of China,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33279768 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S037907382030459X https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33279768/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110597,33279768,10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110597,3109325377,,0,001-132-643-750-579; 002-001-299-551-330; 003-761-547-129-672; 003-808-077-166-094; 003-882-624-161-301; 005-471-876-175-458; 006-458-064-067-398; 008-262-814-010-621; 009-252-598-525-766; 011-384-214-169-931; 014-141-011-922-738; 016-028-894-930-763; 023-024-194-970-276; 026-224-364-526-975; 027-949-433-301-636; 030-080-333-902-231; 030-385-926-860-118; 033-254-550-233-720; 034-476-107-764-607; 039-936-963-150-989; 045-452-762-374-683; 047-013-598-424-121; 047-243-732-385-391; 053-646-542-513-843; 058-023-949-640-722; 058-218-784-099-236; 058-596-995-029-260; 065-609-384-461-912; 069-721-800-428-931; 073-732-187-364-99X; 079-493-011-736-959; 084-222-259-689-806; 090-578-282-408-421; 100-944-416-435-758; 102-262-972-283-737; 102-914-384-683-532; 105-116-457-376-369; 107-017-611-066-799; 108-369-185-892-662; 109-623-243-667-576; 124-466-752-039-567; 126-448-645-704-764; 130-270-983-113-456; 142-196-369-179-554; 160-510-279-414-624; 176-793-636-390-100,3,false,,
042-607-580-537-028,Definitions of frontal bone inclination: Applicability and quantification.,2019-08-13,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Sarah C. Koelzer; Ines V. Kuemmel; Jan T. Koelzer; Frank Ramsthaler; F. Holz; Axel Gehl; Marcel A. Verhoff,,303,,109929,,Artificial intelligence; Pattern recognition; Crania; Frontal bone; Context (language use); Forehead; Mathematics; Discriminant function analysis; Reliability (statistics); Osteology; Feature (computer vision),Digital forensic osteology; Forensic anthropology population data; Frontal bone inclination; Glabella; Sex determination,"Anatomic Landmarks; Cephalometry; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Frontal Bone/diagnostic imaging; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods; Software; Tomography, X-Ray Computed",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31472305 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S037907381930341X,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.109929,31472305,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.109929,2969128528,,0,004-962-725-209-18X; 008-597-858-179-589; 013-282-666-561-470; 016-112-066-915-965; 016-408-153-510-758; 018-498-890-350-023; 024-679-150-921-564; 027-491-363-102-620; 031-037-801-964-082; 034-402-087-823-419; 036-719-673-909-950; 037-703-873-608-685; 038-008-174-308-503; 041-574-586-868-667; 046-245-255-229-734; 050-847-069-218-663; 060-429-263-604-833; 060-674-330-373-430; 063-411-803-906-36X; 105-716-968-096-528; 116-765-896-896-963; 119-080-012-527-845; 120-173-655-381-593; 130-210-825-116-032; 143-476-426-615-205; 150-979-384-064-115; 152-347-240-223-372,4,false,,
042-681-440-303-807,'Virtual anthropology' and radiographic imaging in the Forensic Medical Sciences,,2016,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Daniel Franklin; Lauren Swift; Ambika Flavel,"Abstract Technological advancements in forensic imaging have had tremendous flow-on benefits to the professional practice of forensic anthropology, not only in respect of case-work analyses, but in facilitating empirical research that has validated and/or improved existing, and introduced novel, methods into the discipline. Some of the pioneering practical examples of radiographic imaging being applied in the forensic analysis of human skeletal remains date to the initial introduction of radiography in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Subsequent modern applications have developed concurrent to the use of computed tomography in the forensic morgue for autopsy procedures by pathologists; virtopsy (as it is now termed) represents a powerful non-invasive supplement/alternative to traditional autopsy practices where dissection may not be allowable due to religious objection (amongst other reasons). The present review considers a brief history of skeletal radiographic imaging and the specific modalities typically employed. Forensic applications of ‘virtual anthropology’ are then discussed, as are applications of the latter in DVI and other case-work scenarios. Throughout the review we emphasise the research importance of virtual modelling and conclude with some thoughts for future directions.",6,2,31,43,Empirical research; Engineering; Forensic science; Archaeology; Forensic anthropology; Virtopsy; Modalities; Professional practice; Radiographic imaging; Virtual anthropology; Engineering ethics,,,,,https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/publications/virtual-anthropology-and-radiographic-imaging-in-the-forensic-medical-sciences(2f10773f-8b30-45db-a8ff-d49f8b886a38).html https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X16300211 https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/publications/virtual-anthropology-and-radiographic-imaging-in-the-forensic-med https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X16300211 https://doaj.org/article/e48c9cfa41774d8fb72d2d4cc710fbce https://core.ac.uk/display/82153682 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82153682.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2016.05.011,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2016.05.011,2410888510,,0,000-616-854-540-71X; 001-439-795-576-81X; 001-509-187-954-355; 002-186-798-658-734; 002-656-189-605-243; 002-757-040-487-632; 004-221-816-921-254; 004-303-840-031-832; 004-338-342-297-726; 004-511-043-063-555; 004-740-811-229-773; 005-177-091-362-483; 005-385-722-585-875; 005-503-826-592-097; 005-716-879-497-391; 005-834-836-817-137; 006-092-955-766-770; 006-193-398-397-679; 006-335-980-775-656; 007-107-760-954-419; 007-135-955-034-661; 007-255-119-392-523; 007-286-851-789-515; 007-595-250-297-741; 007-707-422-645-436; 008-692-389-578-047; 009-847-993-999-227; 011-271-812-041-777; 011-592-595-162-94X; 011-685-696-640-640; 013-141-653-457-843; 013-488-767-873-055; 014-153-182-622-447; 014-476-053-975-04X; 015-670-129-901-262; 016-976-025-346-119; 017-275-859-330-978; 018-368-219-317-985; 019-773-224-262-064; 020-118-168-727-123; 020-460-492-720-402; 021-993-166-350-90X; 022-614-665-373-528; 022-665-898-339-902; 022-693-870-095-967; 023-047-789-326-916; 023-088-891-709-113; 024-065-202-822-642; 025-805-398-785-616; 026-099-814-244-466; 028-816-541-692-213; 029-058-553-215-728; 029-251-445-186-776; 029-500-821-072-030; 029-515-343-016-289; 029-732-880-962-175; 030-482-988-082-870; 031-638-081-709-238; 032-214-703-275-188; 032-753-509-478-03X; 033-642-774-124-704; 034-563-302-848-262; 035-561-317-070-024; 036-179-018-213-506; 037-005-300-231-827; 037-043-118-582-169; 038-385-461-087-698; 038-935-936-815-796; 040-422-778-280-383; 043-469-249-001-796; 044-181-122-446-214; 045-036-447-944-436; 045-637-839-941-748; 046-364-820-140-444; 046-806-939-411-024; 048-117-288-665-424; 048-305-589-068-568; 050-110-353-452-960; 050-545-826-493-205; 050-655-082-106-432; 053-698-102-089-748; 053-865-451-497-059; 057-068-582-749-58X; 057-394-231-191-83X; 057-499-363-638-905; 057-808-516-518-928; 057-980-265-984-880; 058-685-497-656-362; 059-508-172-390-622; 059-604-188-296-446; 060-587-341-838-349; 061-477-172-868-617; 062-331-927-190-555; 063-676-727-868-640; 066-233-025-752-287; 067-740-167-836-999; 067-771-615-626-736; 069-735-826-824-630; 071-605-587-664-33X; 071-687-422-664-51X; 073-486-221-040-374; 073-554-285-542-906; 074-875-597-991-130; 075-437-030-827-918; 075-893-140-740-249; 077-489-698-910-110; 078-240-463-463-283; 078-343-830-844-558; 079-631-085-707-07X; 080-280-254-711-365; 080-434-693-912-053; 081-144-163-281-62X; 081-323-521-852-917; 081-386-913-514-317; 081-726-231-214-630; 083-363-957-682-233; 083-683-555-044-629; 086-631-387-693-447; 087-226-710-225-342; 087-309-291-494-399; 087-451-816-741-063; 088-537-905-517-796; 089-198-131-313-695; 089-989-801-412-31X; 090-976-986-369-612; 091-452-544-047-439; 102-043-286-505-74X; 102-530-305-953-440; 105-225-358-765-409; 107-311-830-340-732; 111-792-711-139-803; 112-691-020-992-323; 113-701-178-175-406; 115-793-699-105-669; 118-046-335-100-971; 121-497-911-226-662; 126-677-182-734-199; 130-367-625-631-174; 136-098-527-867-023; 136-332-829-169-135; 136-718-393-565-699; 137-950-688-361-995; 139-600-070-612-564; 143-476-426-615-205; 147-924-841-513-400; 150-328-046-230-433; 150-515-435-801-352; 151-015-365-230-704; 154-940-310-415-565; 155-523-793-749-824; 156-500-442-474-413; 157-194-287-979-203; 161-514-790-502-466; 162-499-967-949-401; 163-902-757-242-209; 164-972-466-028-94X; 165-345-150-285-302; 178-206-821-707-820; 183-259-875-566-525; 186-753-484-302-55X; 199-972-185-690-080,39,true,cc-by,gold
043-864-883-521-676,Age estimation: Cameriere's open apices methodology accuracy on a southeast Brazilian sample.,2018-06-28,2018,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Luiz Eugênio Nigro Mazzilli; Rodolfo Francisco Haltenhoff Melani; Cesar Angelo Lascala; Luz Andrea Velandia Palacio; Roberto Cameriere,"Age estimation plays an important role in clinical and forensic dentistry. Cameriere's 2007 open apices method for age estimation was applied in a sample of 612 digital panoramic orthopantomographs from Brazilian subadult individuals of known age and sex. The sample was composed of 290 males and 322 females individuals aged between four and 16 years of age from Sao Paulo metropolitan area who had undertaken radiographs for clinical purposes. Participant's ethnicity data was not available. An open code computer-aided drafting software (ImageJ) was used to measure the variables according to the author's published guidelines. Subjects' age was firstly estimated under the application of the European formula (2007) showing under-estimation (-1.24yr). On the other hand, the linear regression analysis modeled for this specific population was able to explain 91.2% of the chronological age variation with a standard error of 0.91yr. Residual analyses confirmed independent errors and a normal distribution. In conclusion, the present results support Cameriere's method for age estimation in Brazilian subadults to be a reliable method, although correlations may vary between specific groups and, hence, specific formulae may be useful for an accurate prediction.",58,,164,168,Statistics; Forensic anthropology; Standard error; Geography; Forensic dentistry; Age and sex; Age estimation; Chronological age; Sample (statistics); Linear regression,Forensic anthropology; Forensic sciences; Linear regression; X-ray,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Brazil; Child; Child, Preschool; Dentition, Permanent; Female; Humans; Linear Models; Male; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Tooth Apex/diagnostic imaging",,,https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/30005336 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30005336/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X18303810 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30005336,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2018.06.006,30005336,10.1016/j.jflm.2018.06.006,2809774695,,0,000-469-301-989-35X; 002-757-040-487-632; 014-061-076-319-534; 017-572-774-598-220; 018-195-101-691-477; 019-087-454-882-381; 023-194-446-071-018; 028-623-408-620-279; 036-179-018-213-506; 043-294-100-143-460; 044-107-686-685-645; 048-701-183-665-21X; 050-150-090-871-931; 056-261-235-184-084; 057-936-428-923-25X; 066-256-405-632-254; 067-833-213-876-928; 071-710-618-416-641; 074-534-042-537-959; 086-909-875-987-253; 119-760-002-467-366; 128-796-355-623-177; 139-600-070-612-564; 157-194-287-979-203,24,false,,
044-178-303-687-36X,The unfamiliar face effect on forensic craniofacial reconstruction and recognition.,2016-11-09,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Won-Joon Lee; Caroline Wilkinson,"Previous research into the reliability of forensic craniofacial reconstruction (CFR) has focused primarily on the accuracy of reconstructed faces from European or African ancestry skulls. Moreover, the recognition of CFR in relation to the experience and ancestry of the practitioners and the assessors has not been previously considered. The cross-race effect is a recognised phenomenon in psychology studies, where familiar ancestry faces are recognised more readily than unfamiliar ancestry faces, but there is a paucity of research addressing the relationship between the accuracy of reconstructed faces and the familiarity with this ancestry by the practitioners/assessors. The aims of this research were to investigate whether 'unfamiliar-race effect' has any influence on the accuracy of CFR and to evaluate how much the correct recognition rate of CFR is affected by the cross-race effect. Eight CFRs from three ancestry groups were produced by experienced practitioners in order to explore the aims. The results demonstrated that practitioners produced more recognisable CFRs using skulls from a familiar ancestry than skulls from unfamiliar ancestries.",269,,21,30,Cognitive psychology; Cross-race effect; Face (sociological concept); Craniofacial; Medicine; Social psychology,Approximation; Craniofacial reconstruction; Cross-race effect; Familiar; Forensic; Unfamiliar,"Adolescent; Adult; Culture; Face/anatomy & histology; Female; Forensic Sciences; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Male; Photography; Racial Groups; Young Adult",,"Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning",https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816304790 https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/4976/ https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/27863281 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27863281/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27863281 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/74237630.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.11.003,27863281,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.11.003,2553404579,,0,000-529-953-241-314; 001-870-613-285-156; 002-116-747-999-316; 002-996-301-912-739; 003-884-019-689-537; 004-031-049-717-684; 004-039-090-993-222; 004-192-750-400-981; 004-266-495-704-775; 004-486-329-951-476; 004-917-640-121-784; 005-891-044-087-309; 006-989-816-763-437; 007-102-792-737-897; 007-278-040-885-327; 007-815-670-637-900; 007-999-404-529-869; 008-131-222-444-506; 010-888-524-505-323; 010-985-864-794-728; 011-508-934-420-903; 011-911-099-159-915; 012-179-688-605-41X; 012-302-440-154-329; 012-425-390-149-803; 014-251-271-864-148; 014-780-651-156-972; 015-353-593-216-542; 017-391-913-415-728; 023-049-822-448-034; 026-408-206-568-324; 027-352-083-257-126; 030-351-980-143-982; 030-806-316-198-81X; 030-828-308-635-933; 034-434-894-037-277; 035-630-797-783-248; 035-727-225-552-891; 036-246-594-806-905; 036-555-052-193-015; 037-558-917-795-374; 038-361-117-635-353; 044-559-569-767-104; 046-990-393-659-636; 047-444-339-512-041; 047-974-497-981-183; 050-372-883-039-559; 051-287-264-230-223; 052-442-368-403-866; 052-846-379-887-959; 055-879-017-776-59X; 056-646-167-406-403; 060-809-144-570-84X; 062-618-194-192-331; 064-789-510-409-82X; 064-973-200-376-129; 067-523-168-535-601; 071-351-622-827-353; 079-202-491-678-950; 079-631-920-418-846; 082-178-637-372-657; 088-324-308-195-304; 092-224-257-059-076; 092-535-095-199-479; 096-294-704-835-460; 101-869-981-716-543; 105-620-158-344-458; 106-410-195-734-27X; 114-570-239-036-901; 118-841-662-873-376; 130-210-825-116-032; 143-772-844-770-036; 147-141-874-121-656; 148-938-937-280-967; 158-864-408-806-170; 162-671-102-939-732; 170-616-419-265-885; 171-983-769-757-063; 187-077-842-524-474,9,true,,green
044-483-623-274-530,Canine index – A tool for sex determination,,2015,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Shankar M Bakkannavar; S Manjunath; Vinod C Nayak; G. Pradeep Kumar,"Abstract: Teeth are most useful tools in victim identification in the living as well as the dead in the field of forensic investigations. Their ability to survive in situations like mass disasters makes them constructive devices. Many authors have measured crowns of teeth in both males and females and found certain variations. Canines, reported to survive in air crash and hurricane disasters, are perhaps the most stable teeth in the oral cavity because of the labiolingual thickness of the crown and the root anchorage in the alveolar process of jaws. Measurement of mesiodistal width of the mandibular canines and inter-canine distance of the mandible provides good evidence of sex identification due to dimorphism. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of canine index (CI) in the determination of sex.",5,4,157,161,Dentistry; Crown (dentistry); Alveolar process; Mandible; Oral cavity; Good evidence; Medicine,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/82292934 https://manipal.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/canine-index-a-tool-for-sex-determination https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X14000604 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X14000604 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82292934.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.08.008,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.08.008,2090903815,,0,008-557-612-139-556; 056-012-085-541-391; 073-737-800-198-348; 080-057-384-392-743; 089-592-536-775-906; 097-335-224-989-764; 100-100-309-487-691; 109-307-593-216-113; 168-046-086-774-871; 175-529-570-217-030,7,true,cc-by,gold
044-738-195-740-356,Monetary Compensation for Survivors of Torture: Some Lessons from Nepal,2018-07-01,2018,journal article,Journal of Human Rights Practice,17579619; 17579627,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Jeevan Sharma; Tobias Kelly,,10,2,307,326,Political science; Compensation (psychology); Torture; Criminology,,,,Economic and Social Research Council; Department for International Development; ESRC; DfID; A Comparative Analysis of the Documentation of Torture and Ill-Treatment in Low-Income Countries,https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/69922506/Sharma_Etal_JHRP_2018_MonetaryCompensationSurvivorsTorture.pdf https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/20.500.12413/16274 https://academic.oup.com/jhrp/article/10/2/307/5063535 https://core.ac.uk/download/322480830.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jhuman/huy021,,10.1093/jhuman/huy021,2793731333,,0,002-971-342-041-481; 005-841-945-288-102; 006-790-817-870-244; 009-664-088-475-675; 016-189-847-096-494; 016-754-102-445-628; 023-879-100-115-820; 040-441-966-566-841; 049-883-885-074-437; 058-210-610-059-588; 067-442-365-128-867; 072-509-986-569-088; 073-738-892-207-487; 075-917-970-085-531; 080-433-913-556-843; 081-501-097-718-354; 081-530-126-953-728; 083-227-800-864-366; 102-220-615-310-80X; 103-635-410-802-182; 105-603-602-104-852; 114-679-093-773-608; 121-780-692-393-922; 122-436-403-812-216; 143-384-698-554-022; 179-065-757-032-186,1,true,cc-by,hybrid
045-313-009-808-170,On the Discursive-Material Enactment of Criminal Violence: How Death and Injury Come to Matter to the Criminal Law1:,2020-10-17,2020,journal article,"Law, Culture and the Humanities",17438721; 17439752,SAGE Publications,United States,Sabrina Gilani,"This article seeks to challenge the prevailing view that violence is legally actionable because human bodies are capable of experiencing pain, injury, and death. Drawing on literature in the area o...",,,174387212096681,,Political science; Posthumanism; Criminology,,,,,http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/94047/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1743872120966814 https://core.ac.uk/download/334592139.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1743872120966814,,10.1177/1743872120966814,3112568087,,0,,1,true,cc-by,hybrid
045-830-532-366-077,Composition of fingermark residue: A qualitative and quantitative review,2012-06-22,2012,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,A. Girod; Robert S. Ramotowski; Céline Weyermann,"Abstract This article describes the composition of fingermark residue as being a complex system with numerous compounds coming from different sources and evolving over time from the initial composition (corresponding to the composition right after deposition) to the aged composition (corresponding to the evolution of the initial composition over time). This complex system will additionally vary due to effects of numerous influence factors grouped in five different classes: the donor characteristics, the deposition conditions, the substrate nature, the environmental conditions and the applied enhancement techniques. The initial and aged compositions as well as the influence factors are thus considered in this article to provide a qualitative and quantitative review of all compounds identified in fingermark residue up to now. The analytical techniques used to obtain these data are also enumerated. This review highlights the fact that despite the numerous analytical processes that have already been proposed and tested to elucidate fingermark composition, advanced knowledge is still missing. Thus, there is a real need to conduct future research on the composition of fingermark residue, focusing particularly on quantitative measurements, aging kinetics and effects of influence factors. The results of future research are particularly important for advances in fingermark enhancement and dating technique developments.",223,1,10,24,Nanotechnology; Biochemical engineering; Chemistry; Spectrum analysis; Sex factors,,Age Factors; Amino Acids/analysis; Chromatography; Cosmetics/analysis; Creatinine/analysis; Dermatoglyphics; Dermis/chemistry; Environment; Epidermis/chemistry; Fatty Acids/analysis; Forensic Medicine/methods; Humans; Humidity; Lactic Acid/analysis; Light; Lipids/analysis; Nicotine/analysis; Peptides/analysis; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phenol/analysis; Pressure; Proteins/analysis; Sebum/chemistry; Sex Factors; Spectrum Analysis; Squalene/analysis; Surface Properties; Sweat/chemistry; Sweat Glands/metabolism; Temperature; Time Factors; Triglycerides/analysis; Urea/analysis; Uric Acid/analysis; Vitamin B Complex/analysis,Amino Acids; Cosmetics; Fatty Acids; Lipids; Peptides; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Proteins; Triglycerides; Vitamin B Complex; Uric Acid; Phenol; Lactic Acid; Nicotine; Squalene; Urea; Creatinine,,https://core.ac.uk/display/18141990 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073812002666 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073812002666 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22727572/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22727572 https://core.ac.uk/download/18141990.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.05.018,22727572,10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.05.018,2061960402,,2,002-027-368-388-14X; 002-589-008-193-992; 003-408-536-217-266; 006-624-776-680-300; 007-407-556-487-168; 009-011-401-425-044; 009-802-353-746-070; 011-235-224-119-664; 011-878-468-378-637; 012-819-765-380-705; 013-798-164-744-442; 014-189-457-343-397; 014-549-083-190-141; 015-405-330-777-120; 015-599-365-393-619; 016-812-263-065-83X; 017-475-159-795-447; 020-223-400-347-884; 020-478-479-420-363; 020-663-843-298-54X; 020-734-426-064-748; 021-203-513-678-813; 022-926-871-843-546; 023-489-527-502-447; 024-688-172-816-444; 025-025-375-861-930; 025-815-415-659-355; 026-275-511-203-763; 027-633-876-490-631; 030-277-485-197-366; 031-012-170-346-278; 031-258-780-348-895; 033-835-248-545-913; 034-339-305-064-854; 034-680-971-897-582; 035-705-273-876-316; 035-821-772-567-76X; 036-987-724-772-140; 038-376-825-282-474; 039-108-340-007-680; 039-477-193-242-093; 040-067-720-883-68X; 041-386-226-263-017; 041-740-342-897-972; 043-754-483-599-979; 043-944-211-103-703; 044-009-082-008-871; 045-696-116-083-348; 045-976-102-132-571; 046-884-715-277-667; 048-297-898-918-100; 049-614-389-591-800; 052-296-826-135-852; 053-284-372-624-747; 056-611-491-636-366; 056-995-991-729-900; 057-118-197-937-798; 061-366-195-522-174; 063-330-345-039-486; 064-817-506-471-028; 065-064-295-242-016; 066-978-319-711-743; 067-030-451-906-169; 067-476-499-126-336; 067-916-863-413-128; 069-002-309-600-446; 072-344-039-628-593; 075-136-991-324-974; 077-670-260-379-878; 080-137-518-980-787; 081-613-618-764-636; 081-619-056-276-725; 082-838-440-540-056; 083-730-463-889-615; 084-751-173-125-309; 084-783-991-845-320; 092-910-431-480-684; 093-149-149-225-662; 095-434-428-555-168; 096-201-221-914-281; 096-832-182-617-700; 097-649-749-479-785; 099-421-127-416-570; 101-502-246-261-748; 101-596-186-274-298; 106-193-616-147-703; 108-565-249-025-620; 108-887-015-873-450; 110-086-215-395-379; 110-252-956-571-879; 113-177-847-858-573; 114-284-340-847-402; 115-942-168-166-282; 117-112-935-017-086; 119-903-296-322-669; 122-057-765-678-624; 127-618-750-679-631; 128-895-464-514-31X; 130-007-173-734-295; 138-235-693-179-550; 140-609-017-992-859; 145-506-913-058-730; 154-550-267-966-770; 193-269-242-934-211; 195-489-768-466-915,240,true,,green
045-996-523-625-209,Analyses of odontometric sexual dimorphism and sex assessment accuracy on a large sample,2013-04-28,2013,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Punnya V. Angadi; S. Hemani; Sudeendra Prabhu; Ashith B. Acharya,"Correct sex assessment of skeletonized human remains allows investigators to undertake a more focused search of missing persons' files to establish identity. Univariate and multivariate odontometric sex assessment has been explored in recent years on small sample sizes and have not used a test sample. Consequently, inconsistent results have been produced in terms of accuracy of sex allocation. This paper has derived data from a large sample of males and females, and applied logistic regression formulae on a test sample. Using a digital caliper, buccolingual and mesiodistal dimensions of all permanent teeth (except third molars) were measured on 600 dental casts (306 females, 294 males) of young adults (18-32 years), and the data subjected to univariate (independent samples' t-test) and multivariate statistics (stepwise logistic regression analysis, or LRA). The analyses revealed that canines were the most sexually dimorphic teeth followed by molars. All tooth variables were larger in males, with 51/56 (91.1%) being statistically larger (p < 0.05). When the stepwise LRA formulae were applied to a test sample of 69 subjects (40 females, 29 males) of the same age range, allocation accuracy of 68.1% for the maxillary teeth, 73.9% for the mandibular teeth, and 71% for teeth of both jaws combined, were obtained. The high univariate sexual dimorphism observed herein contrasts with some reports of low, and sometimes reverse, sexual dimorphism (the phenomenon of female tooth dimensions being larger than males'); the LRA results, too, are in contradiction to a previous report of virtually 100% sex allocation for a small heterogeneous sample. These reflect the importance of using a large sample to quantify sexual dimorphism in tooth dimensions and the application of the derived formulae on a test dataset to ascertain accuracy which, at best, is moderate in nature.",20,6,673,677,Sexual dimorphism; Logistic regression; Psychology; Maxillary central incisor; Multivariate statistics; Sex allocation; Stepwise regression; Univariate; Permanent teeth; Orthodontics; Forensic engineering,Buccolingual; India; Logistic regression analysis; Mesiodistal; Odontometry; Sex determination,"Adolescent; Adult; Cuspid/anatomy & histology; Dentition, Permanent; Female; Forensic Dentistry; Humans; Logistic Models; Male; Models, Dental; Molar/anatomy & histology; Observer Variation; Odontometry; Sex Characteristics; Young Adult",,,https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sudeendra_Prabhu/publication/255176050_Analyses_of_odontometric_sexual_dimorphism_and_sex_assessment_accuracy_on_a_large_sample/links/53d9bad80cf2e38c6336391b.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23910859 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X13000929 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/23910859 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23910859/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2013.03.040,23910859,10.1016/j.jflm.2013.03.040,2040950394,,0,003-063-178-488-507; 003-741-871-359-092; 008-557-612-139-556; 009-751-396-544-017; 011-418-654-384-937; 018-537-548-130-18X; 023-178-849-744-758; 024-679-150-921-564; 024-978-671-278-201; 029-091-849-301-46X; 031-805-010-991-374; 032-002-893-982-558; 035-900-004-561-66X; 039-604-088-324-563; 040-550-537-995-739; 042-999-823-500-189; 044-459-051-938-513; 048-533-221-930-521; 053-321-934-325-619; 057-129-845-488-585; 057-999-828-942-87X; 058-016-014-343-583; 060-702-565-448-367; 061-705-077-360-104; 063-380-450-815-42X; 064-597-243-001-144; 065-895-294-674-762; 068-946-932-765-56X; 094-084-518-579-709; 102-753-945-081-95X; 114-532-783-486-319; 117-630-194-464-304; 123-373-314-518-550; 130-855-819-361-865; 161-199-308-271-763,33,false,,
046-675-551-566-938,Evaluating lineup fairness: Variations across methods and measures.,2016-09-29,2016,journal article,Law and human behavior,1573661x; 01477307,Springer New York,United States,Jamal K. Mansour; Jennifer L. Beaudry; Natalie Kalmet; Michelle I. Bertrand; Rod C. L. Lindsay,"Triers of fact sometimes consider lineup fairness when determining the suggestiveness of an identification procedure. Likewise, researchers often consider lineup fairness when comparing results across studies. Despite their importance, lineup fairness measures have received scant empirical attention and researchers inconsistently conduct and report mock-witness tasks and lineup fairness measures. We conducted a large-scale, online experiment (N = 1010) to examine how lineup fairness measures varied with mock-witness task methodologies as well as to explore the validity and reliability of the measures. In comparison to descriptions compiled from multiple witnesses, when individual descriptions were presented in the mock-witness task, lineup fairness measures indicated a higher number of plausible lineup members but more bias towards the suspect. Target-absent lineups were consistently estimated to be fairer than target-present lineups—which is problematic because it suggests that lineups containing innocent suspects are less likely to be challenged in court than lineups containing guilty suspects. Correlations within lineup size measures and within some lineup bias measures indicated convergent validity and the correlations across the lineup size and lineup bias measures demonstrated discriminant validity. The reliability of lineup fairness measures across different descriptions was low and reliability across different sets of mock witnesses was moderate to high, depending on the measure. Researchers reporting lineup fairness measures should specify the type of description presented, the amount of detail in the description, and whether the mock witnesses viewed target-present and/or -absent lineups.",41,1,103,115,Fairness measure; Discriminant validity; Convergent validity; Psychology; Suspect; Task (project management); Reliability (statistics); Validity; Social psychology; Identification (information),,"Adolescent; Adult; Criminal Law/methods; Female; Humans; Male; Mental Recall; Middle Aged; Recognition, Psychology; Social Justice; Young Adult",,Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council,https://eresearch.qmu.ac.uk/handle/20.500.12289/4364/ https://europepmc.org/article/MED/27685644 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27685644 http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/lhb0000203 http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/lhb/41/1/103 https://eresearch.qmu.ac.uk/bitstream/20.500.12289/4364/1/eResearch%25204364%2520aam.pdf https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2016-46627-001 http://hdl.handle.net/1959.3/419612 https://researchbank.swinburne.edu.au/items/fadd4cb5-668c-4f89-95a0-c7538b7ed642/1/ https://core.ac.uk/download/161924730.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000203,27685644,10.1037/lhb0000203,2525442871,,0,,19,true,,green
046-816-998-132-622,“This is the way ‘I’ create my passwords” ... does the endowment effect deter people from changing the way they create their passwords?,,2019,journal article,Computers & Security,01674048,Elsevier BV,United Kingdom,Karen Renaud; Robert F. Otondo; Merrill Warkentin,"Abstract The endowment effect is the term used to describe a phenomenon that manifests as a reluctance to relinquish owned artifacts, even when a viable or better substitute is offered.It has been confirmed by multiple studies when it comes to ownership of physical artifacts. If computer users also “own”, and are attached to, their personal security routines, such feelings could conceivably activate the same endowment effect. This would, in turn, lead to their over-estimating the “value” of their existing routines, in terms of the protection they afford, and the risks they mitigate. They might well, as a consequence, not countenance any efforts to persuade them to adopt a more secure routine, because their comparison of pre-existing and proposed new routine is skewed by the activation of the endowment effect. In this paper, we report on an investigation into the possibility that the endowment effect activates when people adopt personal password creation routines. We did indeed find evidence that the endowment effect is likely to be triggered in this context. This constitutes one explanation for the failure of many security awareness drives to improve password strength. We conclude by suggesting directions for future research to confirm our findings, and to investigate the activation of the effect for other security routines.",82,,241,260,Internet privacy; Password; Endowment effect; Feeling; Business; Value (ethics); Security awareness; Context (language use); Phenomenon; Password strength,,,,,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2018.12.018 https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/this-is-the-way-i-create-my-passwords-does-the-endowment-effect-d https://rke.abertay.ac.uk/en/publications/this-is-the-way-i-create-my-passwords-does-the-endowment-effect-d https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016740481830909X https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/compsec/compsec82.html#RenaudOW19 https://rke.abertay.ac.uk/ws/files/15507786/Renaud_ThisIsTheWayICreate_Accepted_2018.pdf https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/75564/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2018.12.018,,10.1016/j.cose.2018.12.018,2906822805,,0,001-116-855-452-266; 001-462-429-827-127; 002-509-446-582-338; 003-080-771-924-888; 004-316-664-529-262; 004-729-390-782-636; 004-739-527-363-07X; 005-352-843-495-015; 005-635-339-277-57X; 005-647-828-911-189; 005-766-603-760-836; 007-243-243-911-548; 007-410-656-553-801; 008-388-217-158-023; 008-724-205-702-60X; 009-505-330-725-305; 011-637-240-829-887; 012-766-141-402-834; 012-926-107-258-066; 013-227-017-461-806; 013-330-621-306-584; 013-607-207-066-633; 013-974-254-239-546; 014-251-559-258-833; 014-334-985-407-575; 014-340-719-230-317; 014-378-093-312-559; 014-903-421-010-836; 015-023-925-812-016; 017-058-110-794-550; 017-441-088-650-869; 018-744-407-142-939; 019-352-651-688-005; 019-427-425-898-737; 019-673-193-449-193; 019-907-085-939-215; 019-988-535-051-764; 022-827-481-543-667; 023-748-307-782-84X; 024-147-503-786-98X; 024-153-854-736-213; 025-114-541-902-414; 026-412-529-617-778; 027-873-931-215-409; 029-535-466-259-123; 029-980-527-297-912; 030-010-861-148-945; 030-234-986-057-118; 030-538-883-636-486; 031-249-236-006-889; 031-402-413-313-387; 031-982-425-381-612; 032-081-290-689-051; 037-990-333-570-799; 038-470-412-996-461; 039-562-936-491-207; 039-748-603-803-060; 040-163-894-234-620; 041-118-872-088-988; 041-659-281-349-623; 041-685-584-402-97X; 041-821-545-576-380; 042-844-485-627-526; 043-090-257-238-826; 043-291-571-026-849; 043-749-201-139-08X; 044-020-883-591-080; 045-411-462-165-088; 047-584-767-454-09X; 047-855-761-974-539; 049-502-032-864-670; 049-767-999-369-163; 050-032-851-864-166; 050-389-604-988-841; 050-503-198-929-884; 050-849-474-729-845; 051-349-762-800-269; 051-400-065-810-040; 053-058-071-530-370; 053-829-726-574-378; 053-898-807-568-34X; 054-360-089-384-205; 054-984-231-116-048; 055-789-072-612-257; 057-068-018-239-714; 057-708-501-650-100; 059-516-870-134-984; 060-850-242-365-596; 061-549-192-512-087; 061-673-888-071-53X; 063-144-713-034-736; 063-644-625-415-927; 064-312-348-262-306; 067-548-707-506-617; 068-723-325-650-076; 068-831-269-738-521; 068-888-002-303-26X; 069-397-703-870-558; 070-680-868-904-049; 070-949-489-975-858; 073-030-401-217-434; 073-664-145-073-658; 074-317-247-676-396; 074-992-344-117-51X; 076-137-514-496-782; 076-176-811-211-212; 076-965-706-747-674; 077-812-746-032-787; 079-898-837-659-115; 080-346-442-714-925; 081-140-705-658-957; 081-957-226-601-060; 083-649-203-835-583; 083-830-547-517-059; 084-797-873-832-403; 085-023-025-037-420; 085-281-811-920-992; 085-465-022-144-245; 085-954-176-343-332; 086-180-016-870-651; 086-595-918-048-354; 087-345-957-536-902; 088-734-025-749-858; 089-731-409-176-043; 090-378-747-827-057; 092-398-431-922-737; 092-643-440-873-312; 093-099-209-553-076; 093-151-280-323-957; 094-216-818-337-834; 098-070-788-580-863; 100-526-163-433-348; 104-723-223-881-491; 105-169-456-173-374; 106-024-269-453-935; 107-526-071-831-220; 108-996-667-045-776; 109-749-943-481-557; 110-303-276-492-453; 112-069-154-710-782; 113-848-622-397-74X; 115-272-268-950-162; 115-338-355-539-485; 115-778-836-098-43X; 115-950-694-443-761; 119-384-817-152-06X; 120-051-706-914-324; 120-141-308-283-992; 120-285-042-981-373; 121-816-718-249-083; 123-959-535-539-329; 125-785-308-773-583; 125-953-451-982-564; 126-173-792-584-766; 130-257-223-746-975; 131-316-787-150-628; 135-827-988-621-182; 138-001-127-195-618; 140-125-143-992-912; 142-111-815-120-945; 144-656-311-123-467; 146-832-213-208-611; 148-567-315-779-827; 148-926-847-465-855; 153-707-189-386-573; 162-102-793-919-043; 164-886-065-274-997; 169-249-231-940-597; 170-851-664-310-256; 173-025-401-864-753; 174-329-442-228-648; 174-417-660-967-529; 175-860-603-488-030; 177-326-289-372-840; 189-983-565-670-71X; 196-829-539-303-025,17,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
047-680-773-890-664,Establishing state of motion through two-dimensional foot and shoe print analysis: A pilot study,2018-01-31,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Fernando Bueno Neves; Graham Arnold; Sadiq Nasir; Weijie Wang; Calum MacDonald; I. Christie; Rami Abboud,"According to the College of Podiatry, footprints rank among the most frequent forms of evidence found at crime scenes, and the recent ascension of forensic podiatry reflects the importance of footwear and barefoot traces in contemporary forensic practice. In this context, this pilot study focused on whether it is possible to distinguish between walking and running states using parameters derived from two-dimensional foot or shoe prints. Eleven subjects moved along four tracks (barefoot walking; barefoot running; footwear walking; footwear running) while having their bare feet or footwear stained with artificial blood and their footstep patterns recorded. Contact stains and associated bloodstain patterns were collected, and body movements were recorded through three-dimensional motion capture. Barefoot walking prints were found to be larger than barefoot static prints (1.789±0.481cm; p<0.001) and barefoot running prints (0.635±0.405cm; p=0.006). No correlation was observed for footwear prints. Running trials were more associated with the presence of both passive and cast off stains than walking trials, and the quantity of additional associated stains surrounding individual foot and shoe prints was also higher in running states. Furthermore, a previously proposed equation predicted speed with a high degree of accuracy (within 6%) and may be used for clinical assessment of walking speed. Contact stains, associated bloodstain patterns and stride length measurements may serve to ascertain state of motion in real crime scene scenarios, and future studies may be capable of designing statistical frameworks which could be used in courts of law.",284,,176,183,Footprint; Foot (unit); Psychology; Crime scene; Forensic podiatry; Barefoot; Context (language use); Blood Stains; Preferred walking speed; Physical medicine and rehabilitation,Biomechanics; Bloodstain; Footprint; Forensic; Stride length; Walking speed,Biomechanical Phenomena; Blood Stains; Female; Foot; Forensic Sciences/methods; Humans; Male; Pilot Projects; Running; Shoes; Statistics as Topic; Walking; Walking Speed; Young Adult,,,https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/7185783 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818300227 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/establishing-state-of-motion-through-two-dimensional-foot-and-sho https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29408727 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/ws/files/20444708/s1_ln262744371502465844_1939656818Hwf_1936346426IdV_130474751226274437PDF_HI0001.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29408727/ https://core.ac.uk/download/151185066.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.01.008,29408727,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.01.008,2791602951,,0,000-662-412-925-839; 005-772-539-061-248; 007-900-291-588-658; 015-885-378-710-190; 016-710-256-481-117; 021-725-029-384-029; 023-294-326-967-109; 027-428-573-023-742; 032-136-876-263-184; 034-572-040-509-379; 039-169-317-212-343; 041-787-698-828-300; 051-859-181-788-126; 057-086-182-587-226; 067-818-249-472-065; 072-963-426-627-286; 073-622-161-970-345; 084-708-972-289-920; 117-699-982-278-719,5,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
047-894-926-085-054,Forensic age estimation based on the trabecular bone changes of the pelvic bone using post-mortem CT,2013-10-27,2013,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Chiara Villa; Maria Normand Hansen; Jo Buckberry; Cristina Cattaneo; Niels Lynnerup,"We analyzed the trabecular bone changes in the pubic bone (PB) and in the auricular surface (AS) of the ilium using 319 CT scans of cadavers to estimate the age. Although the sharpness of the trabecular structure decreases in CT images when soft tissues are present, we identified four phases for the changes in PB and five in AS; a juvenile trait in PB and a senile trait in AS helped narrow the age range. High correlation with age was identified for both sexes in PB (F 0.89; M 0.75) and in AS (F 0.85; M 0.71) used independently or combined (F 0.91; M 0.78). The old adults (>60 years) could be evaluated with better accuracy and discriminated in several phases. We found low inter-observer error and low inaccuracy (about 6 years, mean for all age ranges). The method is robust with respect to slice thickness, display window and kernel within the tested ranges.",233,1,393,402,Anatomy; Soft tissue; Forensic anthropology; Slice thickness; Trabecular bone; Age estimation; Post mortem ct; Medicine; Cadaver,Age estimation; Auricular surface; Computed tomography (CT); Forensic anthropology; Pubic bone; Trabecular bone,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Skeleton/methods; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Humans; Ilium/anatomy & histology; Male; Middle Aged; Multidetector Computed Tomography; Pubic Bone/anatomy & histology; Sex Characteristics; Young Adult",,"Forensic Technicians at the Section of Forensic Pathology, (University of Copenhagen)",https://core.ac.uk/display/76945117 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5525608 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073813004659 https://bradscholars.brad.ac.uk/bitstream/10454/7190/2/manuscript-%20R1b.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24314546/ https://bradscholars.brad.ac.uk/handle/10454/7190 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24314546 https://core.ac.uk/download/76945117.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.10.020,24314546,10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.10.020,2151382572,,0,004-214-571-670-104; 005-915-189-153-999; 006-383-943-065-184; 011-196-068-159-517; 015-237-974-368-824; 021-578-747-163-928; 025-518-934-574-686; 025-533-399-833-935; 029-060-465-515-643; 032-060-821-003-109; 032-771-472-833-964; 034-045-191-756-807; 038-258-655-402-260; 042-885-548-008-871; 043-052-126-064-427; 045-208-766-867-456; 046-345-019-872-398; 052-531-120-663-888; 055-536-114-115-756; 057-227-107-675-185; 061-585-349-211-126; 063-867-680-167-004; 067-749-584-427-994; 067-767-711-798-587; 078-349-169-834-484; 087-175-579-867-800; 087-309-291-494-399; 098-407-911-521-852; 101-033-142-512-97X; 110-823-571-882-939; 113-947-510-095-169; 115-229-967-920-41X; 129-779-200-781-930; 131-117-654-729-28X; 153-158-319-074-860; 166-368-854-255-695,31,true,,green
048-386-863-801-628,"Adult sex identification using digital radiographs of the proximal epiphysis of the femur at Suez Canal University Hospital in Ismailia, Egypt",,2012,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Enas M. A. Mostafa; Azza H. El-Elemi; Mohamed A. El-Beblawy; Abd El Wahab A Dawood,"Abstract Sex identification is an important step toward establishing identity from unknown human remains. The study was performed to test accuracy of sex identification using digital radiography of proximal epiphysis of femur among known cross-sectional population at Suez Canal region. Seventy-two radiographs of femur of living non-pathologic individuals were included. Original sample was divided into two equal groups of females and males (24 each). Test sample (group 3) included 24 radiographs. Six landmarks (A–F) were selected and 15 distances were generated representing all possible combinations of these landmarks. A is a point on the shaft under lower end of lesser trochanter, B is a point on the shaft. A–B is perpendicular to the axis of the shaft. C and D are points on femoral neck. E and F are points on femoral head. In original sample, mean and standard deviation were calculated, then accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. In test sample, the 15 distances were used to identify sex of that radiograph according to the cut-off value made from original sample. In original sample, CE and EF were most distinctive measurements for sexual dimorphism. AB and CF showed least accuracy (66.7% and 70.8%). BF, CE and EF were most sensitive for identification. In test sample, CE and EF showed 100% accuracy. AB and CF showed least accuracy (54.2% and 62.5%). AC, AE, BC, BE, BF, CE and EF were most sensitive for identification. Digital radiography of femur can be an alternative measurement used in sex identification in Egyptian population.",2,3,81,88,Surgery; Forensic anthropology; Femoral neck; Femoral head; Femur; Digital radiography; Population; Lesser Trochanter; Orthodontics; Radiography; Medicine,,,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X12000263 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X12000263 https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.elsevier-d931e6d0-da0c-36dd-9887-78389109ba25 https://core.ac.uk/display/82545355,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2012.03.001,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2012.03.001,2086378776,,0,001-178-672-993-338; 002-372-697-378-150; 005-537-240-579-237; 016-062-003-847-35X; 017-104-329-724-252; 021-792-684-081-42X; 022-669-126-641-528; 029-531-902-766-335; 029-746-122-610-16X; 054-660-035-481-020; 059-126-426-980-136; 061-313-500-586-643; 064-518-698-713-115; 078-249-331-534-116; 081-592-569-217-555; 085-411-973-730-65X; 089-890-554-802-010; 096-332-115-619-000; 111-305-106-283-670; 112-706-597-307-166; 116-831-932-366-461; 138-253-758-754-376,22,true,cc-by,gold
048-437-975-292-124,Sexual dimorphism of the tibia in contemporary Greek-Cypriots and Cretans: Forensic applications.,2016-11-16,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,E.K. Kranioti; Julieta G. García-Donas; P. S. Almeida Prado; X.P. Kyriakou; H.C. Langstaff,"Sex estimation is an essential step in the identification process of unknown heavily decomposed human remains as it eliminates all possible matches of the opposite sex from the missing person's database. Osteometric methods constitute a reliable approach for sex estimation and considering the variation of sexual dimorphism between and within populations; standards for specific populations are required to ensure accurate results. The current study aspires to contribute osteometric data on the tibia from contemporary Greek-Cypriots to assist the identification process. A secondary goal involves osteometric comparison with data from Crete, a Greek island with similar cultural and dietary customs and environmental conditions. Left tibiae from one hundred and thirty-two skeletons (70 males and 62 females) of Greek-Cypriots and one hundred and fifty-seven skeletons (85 males, 72 females) of Cretans were measured. Seven standard metric variables including Maximum length (ML), Upper epiphyseal breadth (UB), Nutrient foramen anteroposterior diameter (NFap), Nutrient Foramen transverse diameter (NFtrsv), Nutrient foramen circumference (NFCirc), Minimum circumference (MinCirc) and Lower epiphyseal breadth (LB) were compared between sexes and populations. Univariate and multivariate discriminant functions were developed and posterior probabilities were calculated for each sample. Results confirmed the existence of sexual dimorphism of the tibia in both samples as well as the pooled sample. Classification accuracy for univariate functions ranged from 78% to 85% for Greek-Cypriots and from 69% to 83% for Cretans. The best multivariate equations after cross-validation resulted in 87% for Greek-Cypriots and 90% accuracy for Cretans. When the samples were pooled accuracy reached 87% with over 95% confidence for about one third of the population. Estimates with over 95% of posterior probability can be considered reliable while any less than 80% should be treated with caution. This work constitutes the initial step towards the creation of an osteometric database for Greek-Cypriots and we hope it can contribute to the biological profiling and identification of the missing and to potential forensic cases of unknown skeletal remains both in Cyprus and Crete.",271,,1,9,Sexual dimorphism; Forensic science; Demography; Multivariate statistics; Circumference; Univariate; Tibia; Population; Discriminant function analysis; Biology,Cretans; Discriminant function analysis; Forensic anthropology population data; Greek-Cypriots; Sex estimation; Tibia,Aged; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Greece; Humans; Male; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods; Tibia/anatomy & histology,,Challenge Investment Fund of the University of Edinburgh,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816304947 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/27919515 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816304947 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27919515/ https://core.ac.uk/display/131067153 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/ws/files/42591799/Kranioti_etal_2016_FSI_Sexual_dimorphism_of_the_tibia.pdf https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/29048711/Kranioti_etal_2016_FSI_Sexual_dimorphism_of_the_tibia.pdf https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/sexual-dimorphism-of-the-tibia-in-contemporary-greek-cypriots-and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27919515 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/sexual-dimorphism-of-the-tibia-in-contemporary-greek-cypriots-and https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/29048711/Kranioti_etal_2016_FSI_Sexual_dimorphism_of_the_tibia.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/131067153.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.11.018,27919515,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.11.018,2549848731,,0,001-469-295-859-343; 001-784-105-235-59X; 001-983-891-666-064; 005-352-849-907-455; 005-516-519-121-335; 006-053-337-346-101; 009-682-677-709-31X; 010-320-368-054-433; 014-777-236-915-532; 018-584-908-992-720; 019-445-910-357-108; 020-026-689-658-858; 021-237-083-615-788; 021-242-745-904-092; 021-527-829-684-401; 022-632-971-552-283; 023-033-662-268-811; 025-363-593-595-601; 025-371-679-271-464; 026-035-268-096-888; 027-811-537-630-547; 029-091-849-301-46X; 030-399-930-545-660; 033-803-592-780-326; 034-801-697-417-280; 035-938-150-742-526; 036-083-245-940-096; 038-198-178-871-379; 044-592-100-335-288; 045-662-520-263-783; 057-859-979-166-674; 058-336-507-604-174; 060-518-556-275-767; 072-232-037-392-226; 073-022-275-577-235; 074-324-302-614-178; 075-714-819-953-762; 079-009-651-662-321; 081-683-292-310-557; 081-763-816-325-355; 083-771-496-122-008; 097-231-104-406-011; 103-034-246-886-375; 105-716-968-096-528; 108-760-937-240-686; 115-082-666-806-716; 116-943-682-981-651; 130-804-786-578-258; 149-695-343-063-781; 174-399-033-510-179,20,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
048-836-996-217-885,Morphometric Study of External Nose for Sex Determination and Ethnic Group Differentiation,2020-07-24,2020,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Senthil Kumar B,"Background: External nose is one of the anatomical structures that give a look in an individual’s face. The; size and shape of the nose vary from one individual to another individual.; Aim: To determine the sex based on morphometry of external nose.; Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 100 Malaysians and 100 South Indians of; age group (20 to 30 years). The morphometric measurements of the external nose such as nasal length (NL),; nasal breadth (NB), nasal height (NH), nasal depth (ND), width of columella (WC), nostril breadth (NB),; alar length (AL) and alar width (AW) were measured using digital caliper by standard procedure.; Results: The nasal width was found to be larger in Malaysian females as compared to that of Indian females.; The nasal height was found to be larger in Indian males followed by Indian females and vice versa in; Malaysian population. When compared among the population the nasal length was lengthier in Indian; population and in Malaysian males when compared to Malaysian females. Alar length slight difference was; found between male and female of both the population when compared on both the sides. The alar width; was found to be more in Indian population when compared to Malaysian population. The nostril breadth was; found to be wider in Malaysian population when compared to the Indian population.; Conclusion: The present study shows that their do exist gender difference in nasal morphometry and nasal; index of both males and females.",14,3,659,665,Nose; Nostril; Population; Nasal width; External nose; Orthodontics; Anatomical structures; Indian population; Malaysian population; Biology,,,,,https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/10443,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i3.10443,,10.37506/ijfmt.v14i3.10443,3085000696,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
049-107-961-389-800,Cyberstalking: investigating formal intervention and the role of Corporate Social Responsibility,,2017,journal article,Telematics and Informatics,07365853,Elsevier BV,Netherlands,Haider Al-Khateeb; Gregory Epiphaniou; Zhraa A. Alhaboby; Jim Barnes; Emma Short,"Abstract Context Online harassment and stalking have been identified with growing accordance as anti-social behaviours, potentially with extreme consequences including indirect or direct physical injury, emotional distress and/or financial loss. Objective As part of our ongoing work to research and establish better understanding of cyberstalking, this study aims to investigate the role of Police, Mobile Operators, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and owners/administrators of online platforms (e.g. websites, chatrooms) in terms of intervention in response to offences. We ask to what different authorities do people report incidents of cyberstalking? Do these authorities provide satisfactory responses or interventions? And how can this be improved? Furthermore, we discuss the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to encourage the implementation of cyberstalking-aware schemes by service providers to support victims. In addition, CSR can be used as a means to measure the effects of externality factor in dictating the relationship between the impact of a given individuals’ privacy loss and strategic decisions on investment to security controls in an organisational context. Method A mixed method design has been used in this study. Data collection took place by means of an online survey made available for three years to record both qualitative and quantitative data. Overall, 305 participants responded from which 274 identified themselves as victims of online harassment. Result Our results suggest that most offences were communicated through private channels such as emails and/or mobile texts/calls. A significant number of victims did not report this to their service provider because they did not know they could. While Police were recognised as the first-point-of-contact in such cases, 41.6% of our sample did not contact the Police due to reasons such as fear of escalation, guilt/sympathy and self-blaming. Experiences from those who have reported offences to service providers demonstrate that no or very little support was offered. Overall, the majority of participants shared the view that third-party intervention is required on their behalf in order to mitigate risks associated with cyberstalking. An independent specialist anti-stalking organisation was a popular choice to act on their behalf followed by the Police and network providers. Conclusion Incidents are taking place on channels owned and controlled by large, cross-border international companies providing mobile services, webmail and social networking. The lack of support offered to victims in many cases of cyberstalking can be identified as Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI). We anticipate that awareness should be raised as regarding service providers’ liability and social responsibility towards adopting better strategies.",34,4,339,349,Service provider; Corporate social responsibility; Business; Social responsibility; Psychological intervention; Liability; Cyberstalking; Stalking; Context (language use); Public relations,,,,,https://wlv.openrepository.com/handle/2436/621137 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S073658531630140X https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S073658531630140X https://uobrep.openrepository.com/bitstream/10547/621944/2/H%20M%20al-Khateeb%20Cyberstalking%20-%20Investigating%20Formal%20Intervention%20and%20the%20Role%20of%20Corporate%20Social%20Responsibility.pdf https://core.ac.uk/display/151185583 https://wlv.openrepository.com/bitstream/2436/621137/1/Cyberstalking%20-%20Investigating%20Formal%20Intervention%20and%20the%20Role%20of%20Corporate%20Social%20Responsibility.pdf https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/tele/tele34.html#Al-KhateebEABS17 https://uobrep.openrepository.com/handle/10547/621944 https://core.ac.uk/download/77038085.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2016.08.016,,10.1016/j.tele.2016.08.016,2512987138,,0,000-073-100-388-901; 000-691-540-311-156; 002-617-315-700-70X; 003-285-122-270-297; 004-492-159-890-113; 006-277-376-859-13X; 014-109-447-414-187; 016-915-448-580-24X; 019-682-171-989-089; 019-831-293-743-518; 023-065-190-780-396; 026-329-611-533-875; 027-016-798-439-879; 031-463-949-311-821; 033-582-767-347-81X; 033-936-354-822-999; 035-556-471-787-086; 041-702-856-336-534; 043-422-936-896-263; 044-507-852-591-912; 050-638-843-939-486; 050-719-724-797-555; 053-980-678-985-317; 055-127-219-449-931; 061-528-611-510-834; 062-709-489-231-792; 079-087-773-026-466; 086-718-283-906-745; 106-629-943-448-006; 109-830-359-964-996; 116-773-432-059-155; 118-225-123-337-495; 121-275-050-804-307; 130-603-700-876-211; 136-411-511-934-760; 153-736-667-980-060; 182-170-415-856-399; 182-362-748-984-627,22,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
049-774-152-111-971,The chronology of third molar mineralization by digital orthopantomography.,2016-07-27,2016,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Venkatesh Maled; S.B. Vishwanath,"The present study was designed to determine the chronology of third molar mineralization to establish Indian reference data and to observe the advantages of digital orthopantomography. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was undertaken by evaluating 167 digital orthopantomographs in order to assess the mineralization status of the mandibular third molar of Caucasian individuals (85 males and 82 females) between the age of 14 and 24. The evaluation was carried out using the 8-stage developmental scheme of Demirjian et al (1973). The range, mean age, standard deviation and Student t-test are presented for each stage of mineralization in all four quadrants. Statistically significant differences between males and females were not found for all four third molars. All the individuals in this study with mature third molar were at least 18 years of age. For medicolegal purposes, the likelihood of whether an Indian is older than 18 years or not was determined. The advantage of digital orthopantomography in the interpretation of the tooth mineralization over the traditional method was acknowledged.",43,,70,75,Mineralization (geology); Chronology; Dentistry; Molar; Tooth mineralization; Four quadrants; Mandibular third molar; Age estimation; Mean age; Medicine,Age estimation; Digital orthopantomography; Forensic odontology; Indian; Mineralization; Third molar,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Humans; India; Male; Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Retrospective Studies; Tooth Calcification; Young Adult",,,https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(16)30078-6/fulltext https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X16300786,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2016.07.010,27485643,10.1016/j.jflm.2016.07.010,2484475357,,0,003-271-418-825-653; 003-707-355-961-360; 004-715-694-448-04X; 006-772-467-494-533; 013-058-772-224-156; 014-424-356-060-571; 017-696-774-243-387; 018-110-330-465-654; 019-512-906-024-80X; 023-344-950-144-31X; 034-093-075-233-669; 035-996-202-216-92X; 044-459-051-938-513; 044-879-771-632-636; 047-467-753-093-366; 048-934-085-668-318; 054-946-732-386-196; 062-060-027-044-737; 078-161-244-395-772; 084-042-095-462-905; 086-588-311-688-86X; 088-119-676-496-650; 139-600-070-612-564,6,false,,
050-557-597-713-742,A psycho-legal perspective on sexual offending in individuals with autism Spectrum disorder.,2017-11-10,2017,journal article,International journal of law and psychiatry,18736386; 01602527,Elsevier Limited,United Kingdom,Ann Creaby-Attwood; Clare S. Allely,"It is important to consider whether there are innate vulnerabilities that increase the risk of an individual with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), predominantly those defendants with a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome, being charged and convicted of a sexual offence. The significance of such can be readily seen in recent English case law, with judgments on appeal finding convictions unsafe where there have been a number of failings in the Judge's summing up. In this article, we will consider the gravity of Judges omitting to highlight a defendant’s diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and the necessity of detailed explanations to jury members regarding the condition and its effect upon thoughts and behaviour. Consideration will be specifically given to the necessity to prove sexual motivation in such offences and the judicial direction required in relation to whether the appellant's actions had been sexually motivated. Recognition of the social impairments inherent in ASDs are vital to this work and we shall consider whether the difficulty with the capacity to develop appropriate, consenting sexual relationships as a result of impaired social cognition may be one of the factors which increases the risk of sexual offending in individuals with ASD (Higgs & Carter, 2015).",55,,72,80,Developmental psychology; Psychology; Common law; Perspective (graphical); Jury; Appeal; Autism spectrum disorder; Autistic spectrum disorder; Sexual relationship; Social psychology; Social cognition,AS; ASD; Asperger's syndrome; Autism spectrum disorder; Sexual offences; Sexual offending,Adult; Asperger Syndrome; Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis; Criminal Law; Criminal Psychology; Criminals/psychology; Female; Humans; Male; Mental Competency; Sex Offenses/legislation & jurisprudence; United Kingdom; Young Adult,,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29157514 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160252716302461 https://usir.salford.ac.uk/43975/ https://northumbria-test.eprints-hosting.org/id/document/265045 https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/en/publications/a-psycho-legal-perspective-on-sexual-offending-in-individuals-wit https://core.ac.uk/display/96620064 http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/32329/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29157514/ https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/en/publications/a-psycholegal-perspective-on-sexual-offending-in-individuals-with-autism-spectrum-disorder(09834043-3b28-4d83-8846-615d0b47a9c1).html https://core.ac.uk/download/96784062.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2017.10.009,29157514,10.1016/j.ijlp.2017.10.009,2767726717,,0,001-453-600-906-817; 001-643-010-730-652; 004-044-771-735-217; 007-289-859-998-104; 010-905-341-162-366; 011-470-657-375-604; 011-625-340-793-350; 012-731-417-800-834; 013-689-468-745-353; 015-023-986-395-156; 019-497-035-657-325; 021-273-916-405-039; 021-541-580-629-669; 021-935-837-109-59X; 023-128-643-476-203; 024-003-819-306-812; 024-422-706-488-003; 027-372-124-161-592; 027-411-146-797-275; 028-661-429-042-874; 029-415-000-929-344; 034-470-125-894-846; 035-673-012-374-736; 037-180-003-328-794; 042-365-359-509-918; 042-853-050-050-814; 042-908-169-108-767; 044-082-812-478-885; 044-828-121-132-971; 045-660-708-905-216; 047-203-003-219-952; 047-709-388-576-894; 047-900-432-045-819; 048-648-567-965-385; 054-070-629-850-33X; 054-100-608-066-188; 058-155-185-494-650; 059-586-330-852-006; 068-865-428-808-888; 073-964-498-291-655; 076-065-125-053-128; 076-633-728-878-981; 077-672-780-264-299; 086-987-989-184-735; 094-372-537-035-906; 100-258-525-519-547; 116-893-640-108-165; 117-289-090-860-648; 122-002-188-787-565; 122-139-873-761-221; 138-326-801-549-322; 143-551-299-690-364; 169-356-056-392-266; 178-220-462-005-78X; 192-116-844-923-524,11,true,,green
051-428-164-969-764,Third molar development by measurements of open apices in an Italian sample of living subjects.,2015-11-30,2015,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Stefano De Luca; Andrea Pacifici; Luciano Pacifici; Antonella Polimeni; Sara Giulia Fischetto; Luz Andrea Velandia Palacio; Stefano Vanin; Roberto Cameriere,"The aim of this study is to analyse the age-predicting performance of third molar index (I3M) in dental age estimation. A multiple regression analysis was developed with chronological age as the independent variable. In order to investigate the relationship between the I3M and chronological age, the standard deviation and relative error were examined. Digitalized orthopantomographs (OPTs) of 975 Italian healthy subjects (531 female and 444 male), aged between 9 and 22 years, were studied. Third molar development was determined according to Cameriere et al. (2008). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to study the interaction between I3M and the gender. The difference between age and third molar index (I3M) was tested with Pearson's correlation coefficient. The I3M, the age and the gender of the subjects were used as predictive variable for age estimation. The small F-value for the gender (F = 0.042, p = 0.837) reveals that this factor does not affect the growth of the third molar. Adjusted R(2) (AdjR(2)) was used as parameter to define the best fitting function. All the regression models (linear, exponential, and polynomial) showed a similar AdjR(2). The polynomial (2nd order) fitting explains about the 78% of the total variance and do not add any relevant clinical information to the age estimation process from the third molar. The standard deviation and relative error increase with the age. The I3M has its minimum in the younger group of studied individuals and its maximum in the oldest ones, indicating that its precision and reliability decrease with the age.",38,,36,42,Statistics; Analysis of covariance; Regression analysis; Psychology; Molar; Standard deviation; Correlation coefficient; Dental age; Age estimation; Sample (statistics); Gerontology,Age estimation; Dental development; Forensic sciences; Italy; Third molar index,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Child; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Humans; Italy; Male; Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Regression Analysis; Reproducibility of Results; Retrospective Studies; Tooth Apex/diagnostic imaging; Young Adult",,,https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(15)00213-9/fulltext https://core.ac.uk/display/42582874 https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/publications/third-molar-development-by-measurements-of-open-apices-in-an-ital https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X15002139 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X15002139 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26706411 http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/28901/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26706411 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26706411/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2015.11.007,26706411,10.1016/j.jflm.2015.11.007,2184207858,,0,002-440-631-960-908; 002-757-040-487-632; 003-707-355-961-360; 004-831-216-320-63X; 006-772-467-494-533; 007-011-252-011-282; 007-348-278-240-423; 007-510-305-486-270; 008-083-157-357-006; 008-100-436-109-242; 011-271-812-041-777; 011-796-524-632-857; 012-254-019-248-82X; 013-058-772-224-156; 013-290-066-049-115; 014-025-115-557-933; 015-762-532-584-859; 016-161-652-638-789; 018-130-085-616-399; 021-668-838-334-445; 025-857-470-745-219; 025-927-744-949-237; 026-185-959-820-023; 028-450-534-308-195; 028-623-408-620-279; 037-440-150-039-333; 039-367-603-345-224; 042-501-461-709-821; 043-031-161-819-204; 043-844-533-344-19X; 044-459-051-938-513; 044-681-505-058-033; 044-879-771-632-636; 045-372-443-415-29X; 048-934-085-668-318; 051-431-070-051-52X; 053-698-102-089-748; 057-935-336-857-289; 059-280-842-654-896; 060-981-542-289-775; 062-060-027-044-737; 070-662-586-314-156; 071-231-010-099-782; 074-558-077-967-728; 075-646-233-955-750; 077-374-487-942-200; 082-975-547-478-038; 083-675-140-804-534; 086-588-311-688-86X; 086-851-006-049-928; 086-864-542-094-880; 091-575-225-217-525; 098-949-214-551-833; 100-379-444-424-651; 107-934-077-392-612; 158-231-122-053-767; 167-990-816-086-428; 172-490-899-758-807,13,false,,
052-745-557-638-304,Virtual determination of sex: Estimating cut off value of digital metric traits of foramen magnum on three-dimensional computed tomography with receiver operating characteristic and logistic regression analysis,,2021,journal article,Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine,23495014,Medknow,,Harish Kumar S Agarwal; Pardaman Singh Setia; Suryamani Pandey,"Background: Radiological imaging plays a pivotal role in forensic anthropology. As have the imaging techniques advances, so have the digital skeletal measurements inched towards precision. Secular trends of the population keep on changing in modern times. Hence, finding the precise technique of bone measurement, with greater reproducibility, in modern population is always needed in making population specific biological profile. Aim and Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the accuracy of the foramen magnum measurement, obtained by three dimensional multi-detector computed tomography using volume rendering technique with the cut off value of each variable, in sex determination of an individual. Materials and Methods: Two metric traits, an antero-posterior diameter (APD) and transverse diameter (TD), were measured digitally in an analysis of 130 radiological images having equal proportion of male and female samples. Foramen magnum index and area of foramen magnum (Area by Radinsky's [AR], Area by Teixeira's ORIGINAL ARTICLE) were derived from APD and TD. Results: Descriptive statistical analysis, using unpaired t-test, showed significant higher value in males in all the variables. Using Pearson correlation analysis, maximum correlation was observed between area (AT and AR r = 0.999) and between area and TD (AR r = 0.955 and AT r = 0.945 respectively). When used individually, TD had the highest predictive value (67.7%) for sex determination among all the parameters followed by AT (65.4%) and AR (64.6%). Cutoff value of variables TD,AR and AT were 29.9 mm, 841.80 mm2 and 849.70 mm2 respectively. Receiver operating characteristic curve predicted male and female sex with 96.2% and 89.2% accuracy respectively. The overall accuracy of the model was 92.7%. Conclusion: Measurements from 3D CT using volume rendering technique were precise, and the application of logistic regression analysis predicted the sex with more accuracy.",7,1,1,,Statistics; Logistic regression; Forensic anthropology; Metric (mathematics); Foramen magnum; Cutoff; Population; Mathematics; Receiver operating characteristic; Reproducibility,,,,,https://www.jfsmonline.com/article.asp?issn=2349-5014;year=2021;volume=7;issue=1;spage=1;epage=8;aulast=Agarwal http://www.jfsmonline.com/text.asp?2021/7/1/1/311860,http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_59_20,,10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_59_20,3137728732,,0,002-372-697-378-150; 018-974-057-136-398; 019-571-305-517-238; 021-237-083-615-788; 021-527-829-684-401; 021-776-207-340-804; 021-993-166-350-90X; 027-491-363-102-620; 029-531-902-766-335; 035-654-168-920-39X; 041-178-773-383-812; 044-938-905-923-250; 064-320-223-390-750; 068-289-203-110-136; 078-240-463-463-283; 105-716-968-096-528; 110-536-246-911-837; 118-992-795-772-366; 135-438-802-962-909; 139-178-290-018-654,0,true,cc-by-nc-sa,gold
052-885-962-830-441,Lament as Transitional Justice,2014-01-30,2014,journal article,Human Rights Review,15248879; 18746306,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,United States,Michael Galchinsky,"Chapter 2, Through interpretations of poetry in Carolyn Forche’s anthology, Against Forgetting, and novels from Rwanda, the USA, and Bosnia, Chapter 2, “Lament as Transitional Justice,” argues that lament is a social and ritualized form, the purposes of which are congruent with the aims of transitional justice institutions. Both laments and truth commissions employ grieving narratives to help survivors of human rights trauma bequeath to the ghosts of the past the justice of a monument while renewing the survivors’ capacity for rebuilding civil society in the future. Human rights scholars need a broader, extra-juridical meaning for “transitional justice” to capture its true power.",15,3,259,281,Economic Justice; Sociology; Human rights; Narrative; Law; Lament; Transitional justice; Civil society; Social philosophy; Political philosophy,,,,,https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/english_facpub/22/ https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1021&context=english_facpub https://core.ac.uk/display/71425799 https://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-31851-6_2 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-31851-6_2 https://core.ac.uk/download/71425799.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12142-014-0304-8,,10.1007/s12142-014-0304-8,1977835213,,0,000-204-624-024-882; 004-540-417-220-176; 015-109-090-610-009; 015-914-467-005-143; 016-252-659-012-870; 020-557-377-672-629; 022-819-091-908-384; 027-337-707-753-721; 029-094-179-984-110; 032-477-407-033-103; 035-420-269-663-626; 037-239-803-827-835; 038-677-281-174-908; 058-724-461-678-585; 059-142-211-326-102; 071-249-550-306-274; 072-836-028-783-425; 076-591-964-227-950; 082-045-056-346-216; 087-846-610-109-595; 092-443-719-074-909; 117-120-688-403-341; 122-710-143-918-928; 124-093-479-994-07X; 128-199-678-342-921; 128-767-131-638-73X; 134-876-346-270-434; 137-569-433-338-299; 145-330-038-085-418; 146-656-630-333-384; 152-380-470-993-975; 155-005-027-359-608; 162-193-455-777-835; 165-520-683-251-266; 167-759-897-627-406; 172-174-234-784-854; 192-215-438-775-11X; 199-926-772-850-141,4,true,,green
053-029-332-424-435,Staff and offender perspectives of Integrated Offender Management and the impact of its introduction on arrests and risk of reoffending in one police force region,2017-11-30,2017,journal article,Policing and Society,10439463; 14772728,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,Emma Sleath; Sarah Brown,"ABSTRACTThe Integrated Offender Management (IOM) framework was introduced in England and Wales in 2009. The aims of the research outlined in this paper were to examine the impact of the introduction of an IOM approach in one large police force region and the perceptions of it by offenders and staff. There were two parts to the study. The first involved the use of a within-participant approach to establish whether IOM supervision reduced the level of arrests and risk of reoffending in a sample of offenders. The second involved interviewing offenders and staff involved in IOM regarding their perceptions of it with a focus on effectiveness. The findings showed that the level of arrests (medium effect) and the risk of reoffending (large effect) reduced in the 18 months following the introduction of IOM in comparison to the 18 months prior to the introduction of IOM. Six superordinate themes were identified from staff and offender interviews that highlighted the core elements of IOM, the effectiveness of IOM i...",29,5,511,529,Psychology; Nursing; Interview; Superordinate goals,,,,,https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/publications/staff-and-offender-perspectives-of-integrated-offender-management https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2017.1410148 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10439463.2017.1410148 https://core.ac.uk/download/228152744.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2017.1410148,,10.1080/10439463.2017.1410148,2775691901,,0,000-009-883-039-241; 003-716-384-173-069; 008-577-224-304-335; 021-075-760-228-912; 024-342-953-850-41X; 031-423-214-492-573; 031-654-193-889-210; 033-949-295-674-932; 034-486-712-661-613; 037-550-015-414-716; 042-209-655-048-496; 042-427-595-572-442; 043-582-734-852-337; 044-293-447-381-443; 045-610-125-530-445; 051-317-698-679-524; 061-969-363-505-991; 065-825-116-130-929; 071-456-641-508-746; 080-875-944-831-148; 081-452-854-097-033; 083-436-321-073-744; 087-284-355-746-631; 088-547-983-633-505; 101-463-232-036-946; 143-000-097-248-876; 160-049-689-765-088; 162-276-910-668-598; 168-817-061-981-113; 171-526-826-698-183; 175-689-757-205-091; 180-296-393-405-618; 183-144-906-668-71X,6,true,,
054-232-085-088-242,"The Killing of Women in ""Sex Games Gone Wrong"": An Analysis of Femicides in Great Britain 2000-2018.",2020-11-04,2020,journal article,Violence against women,15528448; 10778012,SAGE Publications Inc.,United States,Elizabeth Yardley,"This research investigated cases of femicide in Great Britain where perpetrators claimed that victims died in “sex games gone wrong.” Forty-three femicides that resulted in a conviction for murder,...",27,11,1840,1861,Psychology; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Conviction; Femicide; Poison control; Injury control; Suicide prevention; Criminology,femicide; rough sex,Crime Victims; Criminal Law; Female; Homicide; Humans; United Kingdom,,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33143567 https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/9178/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1077801220966956 https://core.ac.uk/download/322962309.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077801220966956,33143567,10.1177/1077801220966956,3095346487,,0,010-967-716-734-951; 071-805-268-690-174; 101-334-685-147-023; 111-927-034-668-008; 130-654-343-259-222; 148-214-904-468-900; 149-631-949-709-871; 189-605-073-705-973,5,true,,green
054-680-383-489-609,Interpol review of fingermarks and other body impressions 2016-2019.,2020-03-17,2020,journal article,Forensic science international. Synergy,2589871x,Elsevier BV,Netherlands,Andy Bécue; Heidi Hempel Eldridge; Christophe Champod,Abstract This review paper covers the forensic-relevant literature in fingerprint and bodily impression sciences from 2016 to 2019 as a part of the 19th Interpol International Forensic Science Managers Symposium. The review papers are also available at the Interpol website at: https://www.interpol.int/content/download/14458/file/Interpol%20 Review%20 Papers%202019. pdf.,2,,442,480,World Wide Web; Psychology; Biometrics; Fingerprint (computing),Biometrics; Bodily impressions; Fingermarks; Fingerprints; Interpol,,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589871X20300139 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7770454 https://core.ac.uk/download/328890802.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fsisyn.2020.01.013,33385142,10.1016/j.fsisyn.2020.01.013,3012486377,PMC7770454,0,000-152-802-237-53X; 000-698-743-503-969; 000-759-195-465-637; 000-863-043-881-893; 000-916-561-808-553; 001-388-683-304-820; 001-620-881-549-101; 001-962-330-363-415; 002-470-741-978-065; 002-477-279-652-023; 002-548-731-792-061; 002-565-036-051-514; 002-580-709-365-872; 002-609-382-886-882; 002-643-768-656-093; 002-815-039-067-318; 002-968-509-332-727; 003-087-154-040-798; 003-126-262-380-465; 003-168-641-529-165; 003-312-079-437-610; 003-462-427-758-589; 003-641-796-342-849; 003-712-875-391-652; 004-036-506-797-150; 004-052-096-596-873; 004-211-871-051-993; 004-361-480-353-218; 004-552-192-348-256; 004-639-791-198-837; 004-912-998-666-014; 004-985-793-674-878; 005-144-337-618-67X; 005-248-003-161-215; 005-331-566-885-441; 005-542-560-321-688; 005-650-147-512-200; 005-964-302-744-311; 006-147-570-490-086; 006-274-985-599-675; 006-313-151-194-451; 006-324-802-428-340; 006-803-750-438-536; 006-806-927-386-609; 006-837-235-102-304; 006-953-817-079-798; 007-107-266-694-906; 007-119-820-280-056; 007-208-497-499-414; 007-561-583-366-762; 007-670-640-422-277; 008-547-934-618-26X; 008-788-044-604-074; 008-895-395-842-625; 008-928-946-171-505; 009-084-631-811-335; 009-107-989-239-408; 009-627-232-289-736; 009-636-055-736-48X; 009-687-433-215-236; 009-862-004-225-271; 010-203-276-798-23X; 010-485-546-457-565; 010-614-296-072-344; 010-851-931-625-817; 010-899-708-438-130; 010-947-408-625-229; 011-026-227-702-408; 011-058-245-450-861; 011-167-926-205-370; 011-414-771-349-139; 011-475-633-185-913; 011-827-467-296-787; 011-976-225-319-711; 012-012-547-286-764; 012-175-920-383-850; 012-290-654-559-289; 012-349-471-104-832; 012-547-257-625-335; 012-601-226-329-917; 012-874-839-653-297; 013-057-637-176-986; 013-232-626-665-800; 013-238-366-657-94X; 013-298-303-827-598; 013-309-310-695-096; 013-394-899-342-072; 013-799-623-268-153; 013-826-426-819-682; 014-085-291-388-109; 014-211-422-806-898; 014-211-656-543-015; 014-373-195-561-393; 014-973-465-347-493; 015-263-472-091-895; 015-637-133-209-282; 015-754-486-044-797; 015-892-280-233-82X; 015-917-700-558-224; 016-165-910-484-152; 016-179-913-014-145; 016-468-479-936-016; 016-489-616-251-359; 016-519-906-160-548; 016-780-162-500-165; 016-953-216-242-855; 016-955-394-436-141; 017-002-986-169-829; 017-068-013-483-135; 017-194-244-952-880; 017-862-057-355-299; 018-069-960-961-554; 018-327-359-309-054; 018-386-621-922-760; 018-456-809-780-371; 018-479-956-288-442; 018-493-500-915-779; 018-646-880-165-811; 019-100-926-617-935; 019-361-285-925-238; 019-404-421-008-774; 019-523-191-322-080; 019-635-500-806-975; 019-659-929-272-845; 019-902-125-931-718; 019-953-549-489-96X; 020-026-199-629-691; 020-030-581-788-804; 020-112-226-979-111; 020-288-350-941-187; 020-431-913-604-678; 020-450-940-142-812; 021-204-427-780-701; 021-315-916-888-870; 021-954-698-763-121; 022-345-883-409-32X; 022-753-689-866-888; 022-774-165-688-112; 023-173-326-656-625; 023-289-725-240-437; 023-723-235-967-130; 024-290-390-702-891; 024-436-302-261-23X; 024-664-006-952-559; 024-851-992-849-628; 025-214-545-266-265; 025-400-629-111-454; 025-414-741-645-912; 025-755-638-351-524; 025-818-773-541-684; 025-855-339-896-848; 026-027-482-947-217; 026-160-810-287-442; 026-440-373-859-858; 026-464-370-159-676; 026-607-227-299-460; 026-971-867-239-352; 026-978-175-030-605; 027-054-971-776-834; 027-270-351-994-36X; 027-331-540-694-258; 027-358-650-242-009; 027-531-476-307-52X; 027-683-308-954-915; 027-712-746-359-366; 027-757-359-312-508; 027-816-322-259-747; 027-833-378-898-569; 027-903-495-910-281; 028-134-454-306-128; 028-232-547-500-666; 028-400-746-725-489; 028-534-527-235-045; 028-669-844-961-356; 028-778-380-852-946; 029-082-678-600-419; 029-252-333-227-881; 029-396-925-192-072; 029-841-121-758-31X; 029-851-318-457-026; 029-937-345-766-008; 030-063-045-328-090; 030-704-806-593-604; 031-095-796-869-640; 031-217-489-929-167; 031-261-662-448-569; 031-393-789-454-661; 031-755-840-031-783; 032-032-661-086-452; 032-204-297-151-403; 032-421-206-562-92X; 032-898-127-143-469; 034-402-429-369-085; 034-679-160-656-736; 035-052-956-169-64X; 035-071-744-814-655; 035-251-685-162-586; 035-336-136-614-634; 035-345-978-581-001; 035-754-326-073-404; 035-895-130-132-432; 036-204-659-436-947; 036-344-847-810-523; 036-870-496-499-621; 037-024-066-254-281; 037-034-476-052-278; 037-618-341-947-807; 037-726-723-148-929; 037-871-247-829-061; 037-931-043-286-298; 038-491-804-207-268; 038-509-596-583-914; 038-656-003-901-551; 039-030-187-075-523; 039-197-919-943-061; 039-436-421-059-784; 039-865-007-237-181; 040-013-281-035-123; 040-091-233-199-725; 040-260-421-088-701; 040-526-122-480-418; 040-702-256-807-885; 040-705-378-445-732; 040-892-240-183-342; 040-982-948-260-154; 041-769-356-446-661; 041-823-229-541-302; 042-425-800-946-273; 042-426-688-682-195; 042-592-480-387-086; 042-981-960-379-981; 043-214-408-285-489; 043-369-774-250-637; 043-542-646-007-575; 043-591-471-824-055; 043-839-556-942-866; 044-641-459-890-112; 044-812-060-145-878; 044-834-945-210-910; 044-980-611-400-875; 045-243-165-627-08X; 045-489-786-838-066; 045-565-503-432-501; 045-713-754-770-160; 046-039-109-349-765; 046-373-717-100-289; 046-652-093-028-195; 046-775-798-161-842; 046-988-326-774-279; 047-106-193-257-209; 047-335-351-164-702; 047-681-709-541-456; 048-253-853-446-512; 048-430-739-879-714; 048-435-457-507-202; 049-003-274-538-302; 049-019-932-267-492; 049-225-490-059-924; 049-370-013-531-289; 050-178-305-026-730; 050-391-738-243-960; 050-804-901-888-914; 050-845-008-283-585; 051-471-944-632-541; 051-598-575-023-342; 051-646-673-319-159; 051-704-112-565-897; 051-790-408-854-026; 052-045-724-968-187; 052-225-660-285-675; 052-970-469-192-454; 053-180-837-485-067; 053-184-743-538-509; 053-382-494-973-346; 053-470-891-458-057; 053-845-788-340-868; 053-921-826-531-22X; 053-991-721-574-50X; 054-129-314-402-499; 054-221-131-214-657; 054-841-999-557-440; 054-909-044-734-481; 055-728-176-448-456; 055-757-258-327-95X; 055-885-547-496-430; 055-896-894-461-607; 056-197-796-134-956; 056-551-316-707-997; 056-681-084-980-411; 056-950-150-253-38X; 057-386-364-196-01X; 057-611-606-344-571; 058-160-282-121-895; 058-732-405-194-025; 060-299-923-392-547; 060-342-283-278-156; 060-400-879-784-765; 061-669-052-222-949; 062-053-122-350-059; 062-063-951-053-253; 062-165-797-525-490; 062-297-197-794-421; 062-448-154-974-014; 062-470-118-476-262; 062-474-126-887-561; 062-902-215-097-818; 062-934-278-097-838; 063-010-850-459-147; 063-071-045-711-994; 063-426-235-931-963; 063-935-505-100-365; 064-024-842-588-129; 064-105-186-417-86X; 064-360-863-370-500; 064-445-420-053-795; 064-883-840-121-301; 065-509-467-082-186; 065-647-639-823-530; 066-869-543-246-29X; 067-189-098-089-368; 067-202-888-486-900; 067-690-282-627-145; 067-942-733-830-539; 068-676-685-611-581; 068-910-398-829-53X; 069-342-855-858-285; 069-846-616-732-780; 070-193-942-694-230; 070-553-965-970-740; 070-571-322-810-443; 070-649-605-286-685; 071-474-466-465-177; 071-590-118-580-994; 071-970-567-180-691; 072-221-280-451-624; 073-440-156-827-379; 073-718-184-061-108; 074-451-162-421-279; 075-217-949-800-687; 075-986-796-873-696; 076-081-924-101-843; 076-250-518-207-831; 076-377-310-440-616; 076-489-750-348-561; 076-574-073-467-446; 076-635-658-680-177; 076-751-462-223-28X; 076-958-980-908-965; 077-264-665-259-272; 077-266-216-345-123; 077-355-042-777-683; 077-464-284-705-642; 077-586-071-045-105; 078-072-056-606-814; 078-897-171-526-955; 078-956-520-571-947; 079-525-009-463-377; 080-026-267-247-473; 081-132-625-683-829; 081-608-675-019-126; 082-884-187-676-001; 083-402-879-471-404; 083-949-086-158-61X; 084-183-116-969-860; 084-255-025-872-385; 084-383-816-264-120; 084-410-379-735-49X; 085-136-391-686-640; 085-235-248-771-424; 085-253-824-015-424; 086-127-900-681-736; 086-341-942-362-255; 086-433-613-518-19X; 087-152-264-853-111; 087-209-741-977-294; 087-632-934-920-698; 087-984-432-117-159; 088-027-406-514-224; 088-447-491-040-385; 088-735-196-263-937; 088-847-838-360-728; 088-865-870-417-076; 089-476-475-760-867; 089-664-949-514-317; 089-706-268-671-424; 089-715-118-958-82X; 089-801-167-873-057; 089-820-169-030-719; 090-158-673-093-737; 090-195-853-717-466; 090-545-071-130-342; 090-943-682-418-322; 091-016-585-939-256; 091-892-724-900-950; 092-116-705-798-481; 092-496-408-477-726; 093-097-817-916-943; 093-352-829-548-864; 093-763-330-573-725; 094-540-766-433-828; 094-661-309-625-921; 095-146-693-263-610; 095-591-150-887-326; 095-944-679-931-711; 096-870-883-016-593; 096-986-617-825-552; 097-011-408-631-969; 097-047-177-267-69X; 097-986-126-826-645; 098-056-176-613-811; 100-707-824-479-857; 101-308-951-638-986; 101-955-636-395-356; 102-305-341-128-068; 102-324-366-928-33X; 103-020-002-048-810; 103-254-848-209-392; 103-691-227-313-969; 103-883-380-345-429; 104-476-980-497-256; 105-074-369-502-57X; 105-396-430-712-763; 105-473-325-950-766; 105-489-005-245-749; 106-166-754-365-158; 106-174-838-928-624; 106-514-021-136-399; 107-045-814-464-891; 107-712-982-224-543; 108-227-046-098-721; 108-799-062-404-77X; 108-884-315-402-083; 110-979-410-988-880; 111-246-054-794-155; 111-469-939-202-282; 112-666-886-282-774; 114-385-635-606-174; 115-011-550-584-527; 115-378-306-455-732; 115-813-579-041-838; 116-945-686-139-620; 117-540-119-185-744; 118-553-771-791-322; 118-905-859-124-109; 118-947-998-192-860; 119-506-158-951-281; 120-151-725-343-748; 120-364-293-993-219; 120-640-592-811-567; 120-724-292-245-67X; 120-731-036-234-555; 121-752-718-643-750; 122-051-632-450-231; 122-069-489-635-596; 122-432-899-865-443; 122-951-052-277-501; 123-320-991-994-424; 123-697-985-590-685; 124-170-428-472-18X; 124-185-252-840-197; 124-219-024-179-774; 124-366-181-049-295; 124-703-142-390-17X; 124-986-679-751-820; 125-144-169-505-043; 125-274-694-444-395; 125-675-739-883-496; 126-118-344-917-334; 126-249-799-206-555; 127-140-787-882-334; 127-986-488-196-042; 128-548-159-297-551; 128-790-059-771-944; 130-567-649-616-346; 130-684-055-258-767; 130-789-412-030-797; 131-498-970-149-895; 131-533-323-701-314; 132-128-604-835-738; 134-763-113-624-544; 134-771-358-549-132; 134-856-162-205-525; 136-572-881-586-481; 137-780-326-563-515; 138-213-228-582-478; 138-369-427-159-841; 139-869-309-308-911; 140-833-793-415-671; 141-087-499-124-317; 141-366-693-391-357; 142-053-164-737-673; 144-521-533-990-04X; 144-533-525-092-897; 145-168-590-502-382; 145-720-100-869-082; 146-063-989-700-204; 147-447-295-357-973; 147-824-754-579-85X; 148-131-927-306-572; 149-490-885-493-613; 149-944-758-231-243; 150-020-051-895-463; 151-601-561-372-63X; 152-932-073-502-354; 157-687-851-350-04X; 160-563-694-813-074; 162-424-672-385-307; 163-376-020-626-884; 164-465-835-674-407; 165-166-106-508-915; 167-003-151-945-280; 167-366-167-352-677; 168-971-002-829-643; 170-948-664-117-203; 171-371-168-795-120; 177-402-500-428-89X; 178-581-315-737-597; 178-812-650-285-976; 181-923-745-428-386; 185-685-990-262-660; 187-157-080-513-911; 191-817-890-096-369; 199-444-807-369-63X,12,true,"CC BY, CC BY-NC-ND",gold
055-110-082-271-915,Forensic interlaboratory evaluation of the ForFLUID kit for vaginal fluids identification.,2013-11-05,2013,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,S. Giampaoli; Federica Alessandrini; Andrea Berti; Luigi Ripani; Ajin Choi; Roselien Crab; Elisabetta De Vittori; Balázs Egyed; Cordula Haas; Hwan Young Lee; Marie Korabecna; Fabrice Noel; Daniele Podini; Adriano Tagliabracci; Alessio Valentini; Vincenzo Romano Spica,"Identification of vaginal fluids is an important step in the process of sexual assaults confirmation. Advances in both microbiology and molecular biology defined technical approaches allowing the discrimination of body fluids. These protocols are based on the identification of specific bacterial communities by microfloraDNA (mfDNA) amplification. A multiplex real time-PCR assay (ForFLUID kit) has been developed for identifying biological fluids and for discrimination among vaginal, oral and fecal samples. In order to test its efficacy and reliability of the assay in the identification of vaginal fluids, an interlaboratory evaluation has been performed on homogeneous vaginal swabs. All the involved laboratories were able to correctly recognize all the vaginal swabs, and no false positives were identified when the assay was applied on non-vaginal samples. The assay represents an useful molecular tool that can be easily adopted by forensic geneticists involved in vaginal fluid identification.",21,,60,63,Identification (biology); Multiplex; Vaginal swabs; Vaginal fluid; Sexual assault; False positive paradox; Homogeneous; Computational biology; Medicine; Microbiology; Multiplex polymerase chain reaction,Bacteria; Forensic; Interlaboratory evaluation; Multiplex PCR; Vaginal fluids; mfDNA,"Adult; Cervix Mucus/microbiology; DNA, Bacterial/genetics; Enterococcus faecalis/genetics; Female; Forensic Medicine/standards; Humans; Laboratories/standards; Lactobacillus/genetics; Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction; Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction; Staphylococcus/genetics; Streptococcus/genetics; Vagina/microbiology","DNA, Bacterial",,https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(13)00290-4/pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24365693/ https://snucm.elsevierpure.com/en/publications/forensic-interlaboratory-evaluation-of-the-forfluid-kit-for-vagin https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X13002904 https://www.zora.uzh.ch/id/eprint/84929/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24365693 https://core.ac.uk/display/18534471 https://ir.ymlib.yonsei.ac.kr/handle/22282913/98090 https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/24365693,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2013.10.016,24365693,10.1016/j.jflm.2013.10.016,2029697296,,0,006-306-423-295-497; 006-834-847-052-367; 010-334-770-611-872; 015-443-238-694-020; 022-361-033-778-516; 022-477-796-652-430; 022-608-165-797-948; 022-757-599-963-885; 027-148-623-306-235; 027-582-124-268-352; 031-522-023-124-026; 032-364-832-167-419; 035-961-795-086-197; 048-569-712-090-007; 085-243-549-206-314; 117-761-992-421-704; 128-538-700-927-488; 144-911-135-662-669; 175-374-737-394-634,21,false,,
055-850-708-817-574,Classification of condom lubricants in cyanoacrylate treated fingerprints by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.,2019-10-23,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ward van Helmond; Mark P.V. Begieneman; Roos Kniest; Marcel de Puit,"Traces of condom lubricants in fingerprints can be valuable information in cases of sexual assault. Ideally, not only confirmation of the presence of the condom but also determination of the type of condom brand used can be retrieved. Previous studies have shown to be able to retrieve information about the condom brand and type from fingerprints containing lubricants using various analytical techniques. However, in practice fingerprints often appear latent and need to be detected first, which is often achieved by cyanoacrylate fuming. In this study, we developed a desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) method which, combined with principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis (PCA-LDA), allows for high accuracy classification of condom brands and types from fingerprints containing condom lubricant traces. The developed method is compatible with cyanoacrylate (CA) fuming. We collected and analyzed a representative dataset for the Netherlands comprising 32 different condoms. Distinctive lubricant components such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), octoxynol-9 and nonoxynol-9 were readily detected using the DESI-MS method. Based on the analysis of lubricant spots, a 99.0% classification accuracy was achieved. When analyzing lubricant containing fingerprints, an overall accuracy of 90.9% was obtained. Full chemical images could be generated from fingerprints, showing the distribution of lubricant components such as PEG and PDMS throughout the fingerprint, while still allowing for classification. The developed method shows potential for the development of DESI-MS based analyses of CA treated exogenous compounds from fingerprints for use in forensic science.",305,,110005,110005,Materials science; Fingerprint; Mass spectrometry imaging; Cyanoacrylate; Condom; Polydimethylsiloxane; Lubricant; Desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; Sexual assault; Chromatography,DESI-MSI; Linear discriminant analysis; Mass Spectrometry Imaging; Polydimethylsiloxane; Polyethylene glycol; Principal component analysis,"Condoms; Cyanoacrylates; Dermatoglyphics; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Sciences/methods; Humans; Lubricants; Male; Principal Component Analysis; Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization",Cyanoacrylates; Lubricants,RAAK-PRO,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31698202/ https://europepmc.org/article/MED/31698202 https://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai%3Ahbokennisbank.nl%3Aamsterdam_pure%3Aoai%3Apure.hva.nl%3Apublications%2Fcfff722d-2808-448e-b6ed-623290a7919a https://pure.hva.nl/ws/files/6300003/1_s2.0_S0379073819304177_main.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31698202 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073819304177 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073819304177,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.110005,31698202,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.110005,2981989508,,0,000-285-099-393-491; 002-793-326-918-774; 002-980-276-226-545; 003-266-761-510-484; 004-580-102-668-685; 008-240-408-546-917; 009-374-183-784-702; 016-357-056-768-290; 020-490-326-818-380; 023-505-969-658-462; 026-040-135-902-360; 027-939-880-114-497; 028-602-499-780-370; 029-843-011-931-926; 034-951-959-662-643; 037-495-227-222-506; 049-698-939-529-843; 056-480-694-751-105; 063-298-044-036-84X; 064-817-506-471-028; 066-932-894-333-116; 068-940-422-326-228; 075-136-991-324-974; 077-029-191-854-378; 081-353-848-857-282; 081-606-224-851-977; 089-551-247-070-087; 090-686-911-968-180; 095-030-092-078-511; 099-691-059-383-497; 104-652-957-936-089; 107-786-142-687-352; 130-465-290-887-942; 139-193-764-999-753; 142-363-110-824-417; 177-728-696-175-993,5,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
056-158-776-882-576,Anthropometric Measurement of Nasal Parameters in Adult Malay Population,,2022,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,,"Objectives: Anthropometry is notable for its suggestions in, human anatomy, forensic science, and physical human studies. Human nose is an unmistakable rule in close to recognizable proof and is an impression of uniqueness of each person. The information on nasal estimation is essential to clinicians like maxillofacial specialists, craniofacial specialists empowering them in identification of typical or strange changes, help with repair and reconstruction. Prosthetic recovery additionally requires the capacity to envision the position and measurement of the nose inside the facial closeness. In this way, the admittance to nasal information for every populace are worthwhile. The main intension was to quantify the parameters of outer nose of adult Malay populace and to decide the critical distinction in nose measurement among races.Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study was led on 420 people (80 Malay male, 80 Malay female, 60 Indian male, 70 Indian female, 60 Chinese male and 70 Chinese female) in the age range 18-45 years. In this study digital caliper was utilized to identify the nasal landmarks. This research was conducted that the mean of variables were statistically significant differences in nose measurement scores among adult Malay population. All the average independent variables were measured and compared whether differs at the same time among races and ethnic groups.Results:It was discovered that nasal measurement were remarkably larger in Indian and Malay than in Chinese for nasal tip protrusion, nasal height and nasal length. There were larger in Chinese than in Malay for nasal width and alar base root. There were larger in Indian than in Malay for nasal width, nasal height and nasal length. But there was no significant difference in nasal parameters among genders of Malay populace. Conclusion: Thestatisticallysignificant difference in nasal anthropometric nasal parameters were found among three ethnic groups of adult Malay population. But there was no significant difference in anthropometric nasal values among genders of Malay populace",16,2,,,Malay; Nose; Anthropometry; Nasal bone; Craniofacial; Population; Orthodontics; Calipers; Medicine; Dentistry,,,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v16i2.17999,,10.37506/ijfmt.v16i2.17999,,,0,,0,true,,hybrid
056-256-664-382-154,‘Assisted’ facial recognition and the reinvention of suspicion and discretion in digital policing,2020-10-13,2020,journal article,The British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Pete Fussey; Bethan Davies; Martin Innes,"Automated facial recognition (AFR) has emerged as one of the most controversial policing innovations of recent years. Drawing on empirical data collected during the United Kingdom’s two major police trials of AFR deployments—and building on insights from the sociology of policing, surveillance studies and science and technology studies—this article advances several arguments. Tracing a lineage from early sociologies of policing that accented the importance of police discretion and suspicion formation, the analysis illuminates how technological capability is conditioned by police discretion, but police discretion itself is also contingent on affordances brought by the operational and technical environment. These, in turn, frame and ‘legitimate’ subjects of a reinvented and digitally mediated ‘bureaucratic suspicion’.",61,2,325,344,Political science; Affordance; Discretion; Automated Facial Recognition; Empirical data; Facial recognition system; Bureaucracy; Criminology,,,,Economic and Social Research Council; South Wales Police,https://www.mendeley.com/catalogue/338cc5ec-087f-3f62-a71e-e54bee78a05c/ http://repository.essex.ac.uk/28896/ https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/141402/ https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article/61/2/325/5921789 https://core.ac.uk/download/334955044.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azaa068,,10.1093/bjc/azaa068,3106928028,,0,012-270-767-861-662; 012-736-683-884-965; 024-433-338-455-825; 025-286-695-569-774; 031-508-609-444-253; 032-195-660-905-037; 033-006-072-237-774; 047-151-439-555-015; 052-847-146-002-835; 053-984-789-331-533; 060-601-272-804-126; 070-216-381-408-570; 073-726-219-747-514; 073-812-160-715-032; 077-902-632-083-884; 080-202-037-844-328; 083-237-491-234-801; 084-995-084-309-350; 096-587-872-356-687; 098-256-177-485-686; 101-242-539-853-132; 110-270-392-193-794; 115-821-942-937-98X; 117-878-192-802-09X; 128-170-010-176-688; 128-480-601-685-322; 140-893-380-950-726; 143-362-431-159-376; 144-028-806-895-402; 147-604-329-462-381; 157-331-568-846-536; 162-965-243-803-074; 166-376-952-933-293; 197-744-086-487-362,8,true,cc-by,hybrid
057-272-436-923-461,"Policing ‘sexting’: Responsibilization, respectability and sexual subjectivity in child protection/crime prevention responses to teenagers’ digital sexual expression",2013-09-27,2013,journal article,Theoretical Criminology,13624806; 14617439,SAGE Publications,United States,Lara Karaian,"This article examines the motivations, techniques and potential consequences of the governance of teenage sexting. I examine the over-representation of white, middle-class, heterosexual, female sex...",18,3,282,299,Psychology; Subjectivity; Crime prevention; Child protection; Revenge porn; Sexual expression; Female sex; Corporate governance; White (horse); Criminology,,,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1362480613504331 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362480613504331 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1362480613504331 https://ir.library.carleton.ca/pub/7995,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362480613504331,,10.1177/1362480613504331,1990537007,,0,001-350-655-660-20X; 002-020-009-464-647; 015-554-610-383-264; 020-906-888-426-617; 030-153-269-548-067; 035-613-902-005-049; 036-623-235-307-726; 041-308-758-474-401; 041-466-364-639-932; 042-828-311-379-26X; 045-874-980-336-917; 047-278-868-314-832; 049-954-881-064-35X; 055-119-394-832-671; 058-942-218-691-793; 060-416-767-793-807; 067-317-741-897-764; 072-721-728-349-769; 074-549-668-458-648; 075-342-650-729-487; 077-921-946-838-497; 081-283-898-943-807; 083-024-015-722-59X; 092-547-710-601-246; 101-415-308-246-880; 106-505-759-277-53X; 106-766-435-308-438; 127-824-731-866-068; 148-089-942-858-299; 158-542-747-544-732; 160-287-374-552-495; 170-433-792-245-426; 191-942-916-997-070,96,false,,
057-464-433-580-893,Special Edition on Policing (at) the ESC - Perspectives from the Lausanne School of Criminal JusticeCombining Forensic Science and Criminology to Foster Innovation in Policing,2018-01-30,2018,journal article,Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice,17524512; 17524520,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Céline Weyermann; Manon Jendly; Quentin Rossy,"Dear Policing readers, we present to you a very special issue of the journal exclusively written by scientists and practitioners from the School of Criminal Justice of Lausanne, known as the Ecole des sciences criminelles (ESC) in French. You will discover a diversity of contributions combining disciplines dedicated to the study of crimes: forensic science, focusing on physical and digital traces to reconstruct events, and criminology, interested in behaviours, actors and social reactions; both contributing to policing. ; ; Several keywords and concepts define the rapid evolution of our society, of the different harms that come upon it and the (re)actions to prevent them from happening. As guest co-editors of this special issue, we wanted to address them through an interdisciplinary problem-based approach, addressing an increasingly digitalised world, with which academic and police institutions have difficulty to keep pace. The need to improve empirical methods around both physical and massively generated digital traces is particularly highlighted. Confronted to a huge amount of existing data, the question of how to handle big data and privacy arises in policing. On the one hand, we strive to collect or use as much data as possible to detect, identify, analyse and solve crime problems. On the other hand, the relevant information is often hidden in the mass. Thus, the general idea should not be to collect more data, but to find the reliable and relevant data to extract useful information. Case studies are discussed to illustrate how police investigation and management can combine physical and digital traces to improve the detection, resolution and prevention of (cyber)crime phenomena. ; ; Data and traces are not the sole core object of study that can bind forensic science and criminology to foster policing. Identities and generalised human traceability also play a critical role to reconstruct criminal behaviours. In forensic science, identity-related information are used to link suspects and objects to criminal activities and guide the investigative and judiciary process to find and sentence authors. In criminology, criminal behaviours are also scrutinised to infer offender profiles, modus operandi and trajectories. Such information, increasingly digital as well, serves many different purposes such as identification, localisation, reconstruction, case-linking, or even crime prevention. ; ; Several contributions also discuss the importance of cross-fertilization between research, education and practice both from an academic and policing point of view. While routine responses of police services to problems have to be very quick, academic research can slow the pace to gain an overview of the situations and propose global solutions based on intelligence and crime analysis. This special issue illustrates that it is impossible to address and solve real-life problems such as crime without collaboration. Indeed, crime-related problems are interdisciplinary in nature and the current global digitalisation transformation has profound impacts on crime, criminals and social reactions. The scale of change involves rethinking approaches to jointly manage mass data. This is a key venture to reframe and join disciplines within a critical-thinking approach. Current societal evolution undeniably requires to fasten policing, forensic science and criminology for more than their own sake.",13,1,1,4,Criminal justice; Empirical research; Sociology; Cognitive reframing; Crime prevention; Crime analysis; Pace; Criminology; Big data; Identification (information),,,,,https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_9081944B71DB https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_9081944B71DB.P002/REF.pdf https://academic.oup.com/policing/article/13/1/1/4831055 https://core.ac.uk/download/196186130.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/police/pay002,,10.1093/police/pay002,2927333428,,0,006-129-047-122-458; 022-092-792-811-900; 024-383-722-872-372; 028-802-373-898-820; 042-252-539-589-256; 047-976-235-338-816; 074-296-389-556-04X; 105-024-117-660-277; 113-803-054-596-425; 120-656-428-748-152,1,true,,green
059-404-666-542-415,Soil chemistry changes beneath decomposing cadavers over a one-year period,2018-03-06,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ildiko Szelecz; Isabelle Koenig; Christophe V. W. Seppey; Renée-Claire Le Bayon; Edward A. D. Mitchell,"Decomposing vertebrate cadavers release large, localized inputs of nutrients. These temporally limited resource patches affect nutrient cycling and soil organisms. The impact of decomposing cadavers on soil chemistry is relevant to soil biology, as a natural disturbance, and forensic science, to estimate the postmortem interval. However, cadaver impacts on soils are rarely studied, making it difficult to identify common patterns. We investigated the effects of decomposing pig cadavers (Sus scrofa domesticus) on soil chemistry (pH, ammonium, nitrate, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and carbon) over a one-year period in a spruce-dominant forest. Four treatments were applied, each with five replicates: two treatments including pig cadavers (placed on the ground and hung one metre above ground) and two controls (bare soil and bags filled with soil placed on the ground i.e. ""fake pig"" treatment). In the first two months (15-59 days after the start of the experiment), cadavers caused significant increases of ammonium, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (p<0.05) whereas nitrate significantly increased towards the end of the study (263-367 days; p<0.05). Soil pH increased significantly at first and then decreased significantly at the end of the experiment. After one year, some markers returned to basal levels (i.e. not significantly different from control plots), whereas others were still significantly different. Based on these response patterns and in comparison with previous studies, we define three categories of chemical markers that may have the potential to date the time since death: early peak markers (EPM), late peak markers (LPM) and late decrease markers (LDM). The marker categories will enhance our understanding of soil processes and can be highly useful when changes in soil chemistry are related to changes in the composition of soil organism communities. For actual casework further studies and more data are necessary to refine the marker categories along a more precise timeline and to develop a method that can be used in court.",286,,155,165,Animal science; Nutrient; Soil water; Nutrient cycle; Soil pH; Nitrate; Ammonium; Soil chemistry; Soil biology; Biology,Cadaver decomposition; Decomposition markers; Disturbance; Postmortem interval (PMI); Soil nutrients,"Ammonium Compounds/analysis; Animals; Biomarkers/analysis; Carbon/analysis; Colorimetry; Hydrogen-Ion Concentration; Models, Animal; Nitrates/analysis; Nitrogen/analysis; Phosphorus/analysis; Postmortem Changes; Potassium/analysis; Soil/chemistry; Spectrum Analysis; Swine; Time Factors",Ammonium Compounds; Biomarkers; Nitrates; Soil; Phosphorus; Carbon; Nitrogen; Potassium,Swiss National Science Foundation,https://doc.rero.ch/record/308994/files/Soil_chemistry-Szelecz_I.-20180416.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29574351/ https://munin.uit.no/handle/10037/18510 https://khepri-node.dev.meta-infra.org/papers/soil-chemistry-changes-beneath-decomposing/29574351 https://hdl.handle.net/10037/18510 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/29574351 https://core.ac.uk/display/154769472 https://munin.uit.no/bitstream/10037/18510/4/article.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818300859 https://doc.rero.ch/record/308994 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29574351 https://core.ac.uk/download/154769472.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.02.031,29574351,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.02.031,2789319893,,0,005-158-144-212-689; 006-932-561-420-311; 008-295-582-213-358; 010-442-803-789-588; 011-594-034-999-335; 012-221-117-243-976; 013-239-159-729-108; 013-441-629-479-430; 017-711-361-917-980; 018-785-259-997-409; 022-321-534-473-933; 022-640-180-597-688; 024-206-584-041-038; 029-374-254-557-001; 035-151-987-240-828; 036-602-478-336-65X; 039-498-256-464-551; 041-185-932-791-836; 042-647-990-322-261; 044-313-203-306-063; 048-493-766-932-515; 048-618-179-642-077; 050-259-223-962-642; 051-327-901-921-400; 054-301-631-483-853; 055-300-742-504-540; 063-141-893-182-571; 063-516-058-431-990; 068-450-646-725-808; 077-845-972-962-270; 086-173-574-845-981; 088-323-611-817-757; 088-668-716-351-344; 089-717-809-394-567; 094-310-469-252-381; 101-013-879-000-786; 104-046-250-181-284; 104-053-969-337-062; 105-296-351-308-14X; 114-016-223-304-555; 114-379-710-583-179; 122-779-604-198-683; 128-515-049-649-017; 128-892-311-920-110; 150-325-162-873-23X; 162-488-259-035-373; 167-275-555-617-549; 174-530-553-068-119; 176-379-216-190-440,16,true,,green
059-501-444-622-350,Dental age assessment of North Indian origin children using Nolla’s method in mandibular second molar,2020-07-27,2020,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,20905939; 2090536x,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Harsh Vijay Singh; Namita Kalra; Rishi Tyagi; Amit Khatri,"A cross-sectional study was done on 900 children of North Indian origin, (male = 458; female = 442) aged 10 to 16 years. Digital radiovisiography of permanent mandibular second molar was chosen over higher radiation extra oral projections used for whole arch-like orthopantogram. Each image was evaluated for mean dental age using Nolla’s method of age estimation and was compared to the mean chronological age of children in the study group. The study was conducted to evaluate the applicability of Nolla’s method of age estimation in the North Indian population. The mean dental age was found to be significantly underestimated by (1.8 ± 5.5) months in 900 children. The trend of underestimation was more in males ((2.5 ± 4.2) months) as compared to females ((1.1 ± 6.4) months). Both sexes showed underestimation of chronological age till 14 years. However, the dental age and chronological age became similar at 14 years, and overestimation of chronological age was observed afterwards (p value > 0.001). Nolla’s method of age estimation using radiovisiograph for mandibular second molar is a reliable method in children of North Indian origin, although it underestimates the chronological age. After the average age of 14, dental age surpassed chronological age in the study group. In addition, permanent mandibular second molar was found to be a reliable tooth for dental age estimation.",10,1,1,7,Panoramic radiograph; Dentistry; Indian origin; Dental age; Age estimation; Chronological age; North indian population; Medicine; Mandibular second molar,,,,,https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186/s41935-020-00194-3.pdf https://doaj.org/article/4b7fd667cf604c79b312be21695e6423 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41935-020-00194-3 https://ejfs.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41935-020-00194-3,http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41935-020-00194-3,,10.1186/s41935-020-00194-3,3045659199,,0,011-936-546-006-920; 013-233-646-142-454; 014-142-396-517-85X; 018-007-086-336-598; 018-303-250-503-367; 019-304-565-708-691; 044-107-686-685-645; 046-276-388-796-638; 050-570-829-429-078; 054-418-755-370-016; 091-452-544-047-439; 095-107-800-367-780; 096-076-329-440-372; 114-611-492-745-240; 120-118-175-539-521; 134-240-315-670-714; 136-461-150-058-579; 139-600-070-612-564,1,true,cc-by,gold
059-609-113-377-949,Forensic investigation of cyberstalking cases using Behavioural Evidence Analysis,,2016,journal article,Digital Investigation,17422876,Elsevier BV,Netherlands,Noora Al Mutawa; Joanne Bryce; Virginia N. L. Franqueira; Andrew Marrington,"Behavioural Evidence Analysis (BEA) is, in theory, useful in developing an understanding of the offender, the victim, the crime scene, and the dynamics of the crime. It can add meaning to the evidence obtained through digital forensic techniques and assist investigators with reconstruction of a crime. There is, however, little empirical research examining the application of BEA to actual criminal cases, particularly cyberstalking cases. This study addresses this gap by examining the utility of BEA for such cases in terms of understanding the behavioural and motivational dimensions of offending, and the way in which digital evidence can be interpreted. It reports on the forensic analysis of 20 cyberstalking cases investigated by Dubai Police in the last five years. Results showed that BEA helps to focus an investigation, enables better understanding and interpretation of victim and offender behaviour, and assists in inferring traits of the offender from available digital evidence. These benefits can help investigators to build a stronger case, reduce time wasted to mistakes, and to exclude suspects wrongly accused in cyberstalking cases.",16,16,S96,S103,Empirical research; Forensic science; Crime scene; Cyberstalking; Digital evidence; Computer security; Computer science; Interpretation (philosophy); Meaning (linguistics); Criminology; Digital forensics,,,,,https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.elsevier-796b80b4-b548-3256-90c3-0614e1e6b193 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1742287616300068 https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/587101.pdf https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/587101 https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1016/j.diin.2016.01.012 https://derby.openrepository.com/handle/10545/608462 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1742287616300068 https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2910145 https://core.ac.uk/display/42138486 http://clok.uclan.ac.uk/14089/ https://core.ac.uk/download/42138486.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.diin.2016.01.012,,10.1016/j.diin.2016.01.012,2329693662,,0,005-578-292-466-235; 009-625-838-012-548; 011-207-484-659-618; 019-645-930-990-548; 024-890-178-947-591; 036-269-075-303-806; 037-550-015-414-716; 039-097-172-195-326; 049-488-209-182-213; 060-822-607-399-070; 072-811-052-394-365; 073-624-718-302-07X; 090-152-464-314-890; 097-039-638-472-515; 104-401-234-970-738; 106-997-065-291-365; 120-664-015-054-54X; 121-601-580-498-491; 140-730-540-277-926; 145-062-913-009-934; 159-823-071-020-847; 160-976-357-855-420; 164-534-073-076-975; 167-652-916-391-487,15,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
059-690-828-264-279,Understanding revenge pornography: public perceptions of revenge pornography and victim blaming,2018-01-08,2018,journal article,"Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research",17596599; 20428715,Emerald,United Kingdom,Sarah L Bothamley; Ruth J. Tully,"Purpose: The disclosure of private images with the intent of causing distress is often described as ‘revenge pornography’. In the UK, this newly legislated crime has received a high level of media attention following several high profile cases, however there is a paucity of research in this area.; Methods: 168 adults (UK general public) completed an online survey using a vignette approach. Views of the influence of perpetrator-victim relationship length and reason for termination were considered alongside perception of an offence, the necessity of police intervention, what extent revenge pornography creates psychological harm in victims, and victim blaming.; Findings: Perpetrator-victim relationship length and reason for relationship breakdown did not influence perceptions of victim blame. Participants believed that the situation described in the vignettes was likely to be an offence, and that police intervention is somewhat necessary. Participants believed that the scenario was ‘very likely’ to create fear, and ‘moderately likely’ to create psychological/mental harm in victims. In line with the literature relating to stalking and sexual assault, men blamed the victim significantly more than women. Furthermore, women rated police intervention significantly more necessary than men.; Implications: The public are recognising that revenge pornography is an offence, with consequences being fear and psychological harm, showing an awareness of the impact on victims. However, there are sex differences in the perceptions of revenge pornography and victim blame and this could be addressed by raising awareness of this crime. This research, which highlights that the public are aware of some of the harm caused, may encourage victims in coming forward to report such a crime.; Originality: There is a paucity of research into revenge pornography, and this study is one of the first in this area.",10,1,1,10,Psychology; Victimisation; Harm; Sexual violence; Stalking; Harassment; Pornography; Blame; Sexual abuse; Criminology; Social psychology,,,,,https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2017-56592-001 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JACPR-09-2016-0253/full/html https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JACPR-09-2016-0253 https://nottingham-repository.worktribe.com/output/886586 http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/40525/ https://core.ac.uk/download/76975645.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jacpr-09-2016-0253,,10.1108/jacpr-09-2016-0253,2594852655,,0,016-915-448-580-24X; 020-757-236-885-205; 024-099-924-730-585; 030-582-897-024-171; 036-623-235-307-726; 042-869-394-994-970; 045-587-785-816-294; 064-378-935-869-382; 073-231-085-080-130; 077-427-617-285-525; 078-406-406-229-56X; 082-223-042-042-149; 088-926-848-797-558; 112-077-835-988-667; 137-794-437-285-017; 152-901-644-097-902; 155-644-543-683-456; 182-495-257-713-717,22,true,cc-by,green
060-008-503-656-830,‘If a Picture Paints a Thousand Words’: The Development of Human Identification Techniques in Forensic Anthropology and Their Implications for Human Rights in the Criminal Process,2013-01-01,2013,journal article,The International Journal of Evidence & Proof,13657127; 17405572,SAGE Publications,,Pamela R. Ferguson; Fiona E. Raitt,"Newly developed techniques in forensic anthropology offer great potential to assist in identifying, and ultimately convicting, perpetrators of serious sexual assaults, particularly those involving ...",17,2,127,156,Identification (biology); Sociology; Human rights; Forensic anthropology; Anthropology; Sexual assault; Process (engineering); Criminology,,,,,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1350/ijep.2013.17.2.422 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1350/ijep.2013.17.2.422 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/if-a-picture-paints-a-thousand-words-the-development-of-human-ide https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1350/ijep.2013.17.2.422 https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/ws/files/2170508/10.1350.ijep.2013.17.2.422_1_.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/30654639.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1350/ijep.2013.17.2.422,,10.1350/ijep.2013.17.2.422,2052861684,,0,,0,true,,green
060-067-877-565-714,Ontogenetic study of the scapula among some Egyptians: Forensic implications in age and sex estimation using Multidetector Computed Tomography,,2016,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Fatma Mohamed Magdy Badr El Dine; Hebatallah Hassan Mamdouh Hassan,"Abstract Introduction Identification is one of the challenging aspects of forensic sciences. Despite the numerous anthropological researches on the scapula, there is a notable lack of information concerning the scapular growth. Aim of the work Aim of the work was to analyze the growth of the scapula by means of thirteen measurements commonly used for assessment among a sample of young aged Egyptian population, in order to evaluate their significance and capacity for age and sex determination during bone development using reconstructed CT images. Subjects and methods The study was conducted on 162 Egyptian patients (83 males and 79 females), ranging from birth to 25 years of age, referred to the Radiodiagnosis and Intervention Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University for Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) of the chest. Thirteen measurements were selected on the scapula and were subjected to statistical analysis. Results A significant positive correlation was detected between the measured scapular variables and the age. Significant sexual dimorphism was identified in four of the scapular measurements in the youngest age group. However, significant differences between the sexes appeared after the cessation of growth in girls, where a large number of variables (the scapular length, breadth, maximum length of the spine, supra and infra scapular height, maximum length of the glenoid mass, thickness of the lateral border, as well as the glenoid, supra-infrascapular indices) were sexually dimorphic. Conclusions The results achieved from the current study are useful tools in the diagnosis of age and sex in both forensic and bio-archeological identification procedures; however, further studies are strongly suggested.",6,2,56,77,Sexual dimorphism; Anatomy; Forensic science; Forensic anthropology; Scapula; Population; Orthodontics; Multidetector computed tomography; Age and sex; Medicine; Estimation,,,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X15000301 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X15000301 https://core.ac.uk/display/43726262 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82294471.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2015.04.003,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2015.04.003,1996707042,,0,000-407-449-123-524; 001-047-501-271-04X; 003-553-353-792-306; 004-864-427-015-433; 005-613-720-155-689; 012-077-726-585-708; 012-773-494-635-364; 014-149-978-084-320; 017-995-285-322-287; 021-537-591-991-231; 022-023-007-024-815; 024-620-825-705-557; 027-811-537-630-547; 033-995-362-233-924; 034-853-908-786-639; 035-938-150-742-526; 037-371-972-760-350; 040-004-054-216-229; 043-052-126-064-427; 043-748-475-391-843; 061-313-500-586-643; 061-917-073-087-088; 062-152-776-193-578; 066-616-612-912-220; 072-963-426-627-286; 074-146-843-588-970; 080-308-462-748-893; 081-763-816-325-355; 088-542-709-307-763; 088-566-483-985-372; 090-976-986-369-612; 094-787-557-320-290; 100-045-680-831-54X; 102-373-890-825-039; 112-638-391-002-349; 158-898-692-230-417,8,true,cc-by,gold
060-441-066-120-567,"Blood alcohol levels in suicide by hanging cases in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil.",2012-03-16,2012,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Talita Zerbini; Julio de Carvalho Ponce; Daniele Mayumi Sinagawa; Raquel Barbosa Cintra; Daniel Romero Muñoz; Vilma Leyton,"Suicide is one of the main causes of violent death worldwide, and has become a public health issue. Since alcohol consumption is associated with the increase in the number of suicides and hanging is one of the main methods used worldwide, the present study consists of an epidemiological analysis of BACs in victims of suicide by hanging autopsied in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The objective of the present work was to establish an epidemiological profile and evaluate blood alcohol concentrations in victims of suicide by hanging in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the year of 2007. A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted by collection of secondary data from autopsy reports of victims of hanging. According to the present study, positive results for alcohol were higher in male victims, but the mean BAC was higher in women.",19,5,294,296,Epidemiology; Public health; Cross-sectional study; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Poison control; Suicide prevention; Medical emergency; Medicine; Environmental health,,"Adolescent; Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Asphyxia/pathology; Brazil; Central Nervous System Depressants/blood; Child; Child, Preschool; Cross-Sectional Studies; Ethanol/blood; Female; Forensic Toxicology; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Neck Injuries/pathology; Retrospective Studies; Suicide; Young Adult",Central Nervous System Depressants; Ethanol,,http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X12000479 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X12000479 https://core.ac.uk/display/147783642 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22687772/ http://www.producao.usp.br/bitstream/BDPI/42747/1/wos2012-6145.pdf https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_363969_18 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22687772 https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(12)00047-9/fulltext https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/37510614.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2012.02.022,22687772,10.1016/j.jflm.2012.02.022,1973701404,,0,003-237-306-022-996; 005-450-122-041-338; 020-302-086-260-590; 021-437-319-840-364; 034-064-769-835-928; 037-118-722-799-069; 038-501-451-529-734; 040-056-464-180-577; 041-318-298-968-29X; 043-032-381-746-814; 043-060-759-995-459; 043-386-820-667-105; 053-838-605-195-667; 067-415-679-793-591; 073-123-182-070-841; 081-687-168-971-073; 086-689-145-940-240; 090-195-895-162-008; 097-085-487-956-607; 101-277-631-287-508; 111-388-267-271-028; 142-722-526-441-788,18,true,,
061-444-950-682-456,"Online sexual deviance, pornography and child sexual exploitation material",2020-06-25,2020,journal article,"Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie",18627072; 18627080,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Germany,Ethel Quayle,"Definitions of sexual deviance have changed over time and the more recent use of paraphilia and paraphilic disorder in the development of DSM‑5 has been met with criticism. The larger context of this discussion lies in the use of sexually explicit media (SEM), whether this can be seen as normative rather than deviant, and its relationship with sexual violence. The use of sexual media depicting children (CSEM) has been seen as a good diagnostic indicator of paedophilia, but clearly not all people who possess CSEM can be classified as paedophiles. However, possession and trading of CSEM may provide evidence of specific sexual interests and there is some evidence to suggest that there may be a potential homology between CSEM possession, victim selection and offending behaviour. The article explores how sexual interest in children is evidenced and the challenges in understanding the prevalence of these activities both in the community as well as forensic and clinical samples.",14,3,251,258,Possession (law); Developmental psychology; Legal psychology; Psychology; Sexual violence; Paraphilia; Context (language use); Forensic psychiatry; Pornography; Sex offense,,,,,https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11757-020-00607-y.pdf https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11757-020-00607-y https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/online-sexual-deviance-pornography-and-child-sexual-exploitation- https://core.ac.uk/download/327124270.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11757-020-00607-y,,10.1007/s11757-020-00607-y,3037641649,,0,000-155-747-194-525; 002-639-305-780-571; 002-794-976-500-737; 002-923-007-618-486; 003-878-903-910-764; 004-738-722-116-299; 004-785-467-394-479; 005-469-867-200-196; 006-113-048-924-317; 006-383-356-728-051; 012-488-446-107-468; 015-294-440-200-059; 017-163-479-641-073; 017-371-229-750-097; 017-933-284-406-100; 020-788-875-314-291; 023-148-984-818-185; 025-400-801-109-189; 025-978-444-770-921; 029-037-019-246-636; 029-439-177-354-001; 036-338-236-760-853; 041-712-605-648-17X; 042-279-397-642-305; 042-445-911-912-322; 043-188-334-258-579; 043-952-915-685-617; 045-939-063-027-45X; 048-386-179-811-133; 049-112-561-322-232; 051-236-550-174-541; 053-108-975-627-506; 053-609-785-111-002; 054-057-525-046-930; 058-146-097-611-066; 062-478-602-776-204; 065-633-200-038-66X; 067-629-742-499-541; 068-865-428-808-888; 071-079-048-048-071; 073-882-934-767-842; 074-029-673-350-210; 077-629-838-744-815; 082-877-591-538-369; 084-791-843-461-624; 087-852-682-394-357; 089-455-904-313-30X; 090-153-570-132-649; 092-545-763-498-44X; 093-463-347-038-839; 093-755-131-011-199; 102-833-841-677-038; 106-493-305-223-865; 118-341-252-741-433; 123-695-866-297-356; 131-423-542-523-282; 144-703-364-355-842; 150-356-055-555-940; 199-719-052-935-882,4,true,cc-by,hybrid
062-610-410-788-759,Statistical analysis of biomechanical properties of the adult sagittal suture using a bending method in a Japanese forensic sample,2015-01-31,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Suguru Torimitsu; Yoshifumi Nishida; Tachio Takano; Yoshinori Koizumi; Mutsumi Hayakawa; Daisuke Yajima; Go Inokuchi; Yohsuke Makino; Ayumi Motomura; Fumiko Chiba; Hirotaro Iwase,,249,,101,106,Anatomy; Sagittal suture; Skull; Statistical analysis; Multidetector computed tomography; Age and sex; Medicine; Bending; Suture (anatomy); Cadaver,Adult; Bending strength; Cranial bone; Fracture; Mechanical properties; Suture,"Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Biomechanical Phenomena; Cadaver; Cranial Sutures/diagnostic imaging; Female; Forensic Pathology/methods; Humans; Japan; Male; Middle Aged; Multidetector Computed Tomography/methods; Parietal Bone/diagnostic imaging; Sex Characteristics; Young Adult",,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073815000444 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/25679987 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815000444 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25679987,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.01.030,25679987,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.01.030,2170826667,,0,000-980-517-610-490; 004-559-887-032-348; 006-263-509-913-199; 006-683-857-256-499; 008-618-281-185-115; 016-228-007-754-027; 016-726-654-222-854; 020-951-233-572-886; 023-264-245-880-442; 023-661-447-453-181; 030-724-843-174-896; 030-770-222-378-375; 036-087-093-719-656; 037-077-338-101-844; 037-093-672-944-61X; 037-178-928-875-877; 039-482-598-341-256; 044-246-000-223-260; 048-789-682-103-51X; 049-111-695-871-072; 055-565-132-333-944; 056-769-077-993-931; 061-953-711-623-77X; 068-164-274-335-157; 069-263-215-482-35X; 072-809-168-793-816; 074-055-117-630-544; 080-811-408-764-292; 084-950-906-983-258; 089-878-224-121-982; 093-881-999-200-59X; 098-334-960-988-147; 103-360-071-447-509; 114-118-573-536-804; 121-875-918-212-007; 123-597-549-876-355; 130-729-103-689-112; 186-193-153-918-349,6,false,,
063-646-015-849-970,"The intensity of the inflammatory response in experimental porcine bruises depends on time, anatomical location and sampling site.",2018-06-23,2018,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Kristiane Barington; Kerstin Skovgaard; Nicole Lind Henriksen; Anne Sofie Boyum Johansen; Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen,"Abstract The assessment of the age of bruises inflicted on livestock is an important component of veterinary forensic pathology investigations. However, the sampling site within a bruise, the anatomical location and the mass and speed of the object inflicting the blunt trauma might influence the intensity of the inflammatory reaction. In the present study, the variation of the inflammatory reaction within and along experimental porcine bruises was evaluated in order to determine the optimal sampling site. Moreover, we evaluated if a combination of histological characteristics and gene expression signatures was able to differentiate bruises according to anatomical location, age of bruises and the speed and mass of the object used to cause the impact. Twelve experimental slaughter pigs were anesthetized, and on each animal four blunt traumas were inflicted on the back using either a plastic tube or an iron bar, respectively. The pigs were euthanized at 2, 5 or 8 h after infliction. Following gross examination, skin and underlying muscle tissue were sampled from the center and both ends of bruises and evaluated histologically. Subcutaneous fat tissue from the center of the bruises was sampled for quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction to evaluate mRNA expression of 13 selected genes. Uninjured tissue was sampled from the right thigh of all pigs and served as control tissue. The amount of tissue damage and the intensity of the inflammatory reaction in bruises depended on the sampling site within and along a bruise, the anatomical location and the age of the bruise. The optimal site for sampling, i.e. the most pronounced inflammatory reaction, was at the center of the bruises where the plastic tube or iron bar first struck the skin. Moreover, bruises inflicted in areas with a thin layer of subcutaneous fat tissue showed more damage and inflammation in the underlying muscle tissue compared to bruises inflicted in areas with a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat tissue. In addition, hemorrhage in the muscle tissue was more likely present when bruises were inflicted with an iron bar compared to a plastic tube. Combining histology and mRNA expression of the 13 genes showed that the age of bruises could be determined with a precision of ±2.04 h. Moreover, the age of bruises could be determined with a precision of ±1.84 h based solely on mRNA expression of a selection of four genes.",58,,130,139,Anatomy; Gross examination; Blunt trauma; Muscle tissue; Forensic pathology; Sampling (medicine); Bruise; Anatomical location; Histology; Medicine,Animal model; Bruise; Forensic pathology; Gene expression signature; Porcine; Time factors; qPCR,"Animals; Contusions/pathology; E-Selectin/genetics; Forensic Pathology; Gene Expression; Hemorrhage/pathology; Interleukin-6/genetics; Macrophages/pathology; Models, Animal; Muscle, Skeletal/pathology; NF-kappa B p50 Subunit/genetics; Necrosis; Neutrophils/pathology; P-Selectin/genetics; Principal Component Analysis; RNA, Messenger/metabolism; Skin/pathology; Subcutaneous Fat/pathology; Swine; Time Factors","E-Selectin; Interleukin-6; NF-kappa B p50 Subunit; NFKB1 protein, human; P-Selectin; RNA, Messenger; SELE protein, human",University of Copenhagen,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29966813/ https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29966813 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X18301197 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29966813 https://core.ac.uk/download/159136247.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2018.06.005,29966813,10.1016/j.jflm.2018.06.005,2810053639,,0,004-641-111-575-866; 005-200-229-700-303; 005-287-890-428-474; 009-809-495-424-490; 018-734-848-118-679; 020-915-968-494-905; 033-468-338-683-824; 037-232-451-778-280; 043-702-086-330-920; 055-078-979-448-677; 063-727-391-077-809; 066-525-968-002-099; 067-697-350-971-653; 070-563-714-230-691; 073-418-622-940-547; 091-518-359-484-580; 092-342-083-470-70X; 102-708-688-830-397; 116-983-614-968-208; 119-965-983-628-559; 146-081-725-404-240,5,true,,green
064-024-842-588-129,A study into fingermarks at activity level on pillowcases.,2018-12-07,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Anouk de Ronde; Marja van Aken; Marcel de Puit; Christianne J. de Poot,"In this paper, we describe a promising method to evaluate the location of fingermarks on two-dimensional objects, which provides valuable information for the evaluation of fingermarks at activity level. For this purpose, an experiment with pillowcases was conducted at the Dutch music festival Lowlands, to test whether the activity ‘smothering’ can be distinguished from an alternative activity like ‘changing a pillowcase’ based on the touch traces on pillowcases left by the activities. Participants performed two activities with paint on their hands: smothering a victim with the use of a pillow and changing a pillowcase of a pillow. The pillowcases were photographed and translated into grid representations. A binary classification model was used to classify the pillowcases into one of the two classes of smothering and changing, based on the distance between the grid representations. After applying the fitted model to a test set, we obtained an accuracy of 98.8%. The model showed that the pillowcases could be well separated into the two classes of smothering and changing, based on the location of the fingermarks. The proposed method can be applied to fingermark traces on all two-dimensional items for which we expect that different activities will lead to different fingermark locations.",295,,113,120,Artificial intelligence; Test set; Pattern recognition; Smothering; Computer science; Binary classification,Activity level; Classification; Fingermark location; Fingermarks,"Adult; Asphyxia/diagnosis; Bedding and Linens; Dermatoglyphics; Female; Forensic Medicine/methods; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Likelihood Functions; Male; Middle Aged; Models, Statistical; Photography; Software",,Taskforce for Applied Research of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818304754 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30579242 https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/30579242 https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3Ad16d1278-144e-477c-9d7a-0fc46f27eda5 https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/a-study-into-fingermarks-at-activity-level-on-pillowcases http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:d16d1278-144e-477c-9d7a-0fc46f27eda5 https://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai%3Ahbokennisbank.nl%3Aamsterdam_pure%3Aoai%3Apure.hva.nl%3Apublications%2F5b7207ef-02f3-4d63-ac95-be3fb7028ffc https://research.hva.nl/en/publications/a-study-into-fingermarks-at-activity-level-on-pillowcases https://pure.hva.nl/ws/files/5237967/Accepted_manuscript.pdf https://research.tudelft.nl/en/publications/a-study-into-fingermarks-at-activity-level-on-pillowcases,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.11.027,30579242,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.11.027,2903697018,,0,005-715-450-998-72X; 009-835-783-862-486; 010-494-464-983-814; 011-320-987-159-521; 029-215-696-277-762; 048-465-576-777-042; 071-789-403-337-06X; 074-053-276-041-094; 074-309-791-533-962; 079-339-928-838-273; 113-213-940-955-103; 114-683-350-855-519; 142-527-962-979-521; 150-161-619-269-318; 150-325-162-873-23X; 153-321-505-004-791; 194-627-650-938-135,16,true,,green
064-624-389-436-256,Cyber Extortion and Threats: Analysis of the United States Case Law,2020-05-05,2020,journal article,Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology,18025951; 18025943,Masaryk University Press,Czech Republic,Ioana Vasiu; Lucian Vasiu,"This article presents an analysis of the cyber extortion and threats cases brought to the United States courts. The inquiry employed content analysis to identify important elements and attributes and answers research questions concerning essential attributes, legal elements, and how do the courts interprets these offenses. The article extends the understanding of this phenomenon by providing a thorough discussion of the conceptual issues and characteristics and an analysis of the most important litigation aspects, such as intent, true threats, sentencing, and the insanity defense. The article concludes with recommendations for stakeholders, to more effectively address the phenomenon.",14,1,3,28,Content analysis; Common law; Political science; Insanity defense; Extortion; Cybercrime; Insanity; Phenomenon; Malware; Criminology,,,,,https://journals.muni.cz/mujlt/article/view/12269/11456 https://core.ac.uk/download/328113283.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/mujlt2020-1-1,,10.5817/mujlt2020-1-1,3039123165,,0,009-232-525-516-406; 013-454-664-729-979; 014-984-572-698-84X; 016-854-547-783-185; 016-877-410-473-890; 021-161-584-308-964; 036-622-739-880-687; 044-158-759-436-237; 055-575-137-713-830; 057-815-712-469-663; 065-428-135-242-257; 072-325-244-385-873; 077-012-554-370-858; 077-844-001-325-303; 088-066-868-618-425; 092-098-666-749-532; 115-488-310-514-958; 115-816-876-046-33X; 135-979-273-139-07X; 136-492-911-048-060; 172-810-024-054-153; 174-465-440-916-726; 191-973-064-223-199,0,true,cc-by,gold
064-643-851-882-306,A critique of the internal complaints system of the Thai police,2017-07-25,2017,journal article,Policing and Society,10439463; 14772728,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,Dhiyathad Prateeppornnarong; Richard Young,"ABSTRACTOne of the ways in which the police can be held accountable for their actions is through an effective system for handling police complaints and misconduct cases. In this paper, the internal complaints system of the Thai police force is critically evaluated on the basis of an original empirical study. The findings suggest that the system is ineffective primarily because the handling of complaints and misconduct cases lacks impartiality. It is demonstrated that the police cannot be trusted to investigate themselves. Notably, a number of tactics are employed by the police to undermine the complaints-handling process, including the use of financial incentives and corrupt favours. The findings of this study indicate further that the lack of impartiality is exacerbated by the political context within which the Thai police work, the patronage system within and beyond the police force, and the police’s authoritarian approach to law enforcement.",29,1,18,35,Political science; Law; Corruption; Context (language use); Law enforcement; Police accountability; Impartiality; Misconduct; Authoritarianism; Politics,,,,,https://research.birmingham.ac.uk/portal/files/42987448/Prateeppornnarong_Young_A_critique_of_the_internal_Policing_and_Society_2017.pdf https://research.birmingham.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/a-critique-of-the-internal-complaints-system-of-the-thai-police(0adbf69b-5957-401b-8803-42c33f77c5d4).html https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10439463.2017.1356298 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/185502914.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2017.1356298,,10.1080/10439463.2017.1356298,2739433519,,0,001-494-539-492-926; 002-014-311-230-605; 004-752-183-929-688; 007-505-076-226-259; 009-081-027-984-260; 010-484-899-944-751; 013-176-973-160-176; 017-152-199-642-393; 018-338-673-781-799; 028-782-039-492-926; 033-731-108-810-23X; 037-482-429-715-488; 037-538-978-663-502; 037-550-015-414-716; 038-861-731-127-94X; 042-141-342-620-158; 044-166-808-160-899; 046-454-809-105-700; 050-495-711-063-683; 052-294-980-842-943; 053-579-640-761-691; 053-927-223-080-375; 054-827-728-563-020; 055-401-917-193-688; 055-621-147-762-235; 057-893-132-010-630; 058-322-199-599-635; 064-051-754-463-522; 065-998-556-393-488; 066-370-256-152-941; 074-089-563-128-373; 087-261-009-193-657; 097-875-117-343-738; 101-575-935-452-117; 103-724-052-193-210; 104-084-941-237-299; 104-722-629-717-398; 110-197-444-615-453; 110-348-504-714-433; 112-010-514-780-789; 118-362-459-580-289; 136-616-530-960-808; 157-164-937-399-917; 162-441-266-193-072; 169-926-856-677-616; 172-188-331-230-21X; 184-955-964-952-992; 199-511-011-671-208,3,true,,green
065-622-636-167-768,"Sexual Wing Shape Dimorphism in Piophila casei (Linnaeus, 1758 Diptera: Piophilidae)",,2017,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Diva Enterprises Private Limited,India,Jose Antonio Nuñez Rodríguez; Jonathan Liria,"The Piophilidae are synanthropic flies that grow and develop on cheese, fish, cured meat, among others substrates. Some species represents an important forensic indicator associated to carcasses, because the adults are common during the bloat stage, and the larvae are associated to the advanced to dry stages. Recently, the geometric morphometrics has been used to quantified the sexual shape dimorphism in medical important insects. We proposed to evaluate the shape sexual dimorphism in Piophila casei through the wing geometric morphometrics. Were collected 34 P. casei specimens and sorted by sex (17 females and 17 males), later the wing was dissected and slide mounted for digitalizing eight landmarks. The x, y coordinates were aligned by Generalized Procrustes Analysis to extract the matrix configurations and centroid size. The sexual shape dimorphism differences were evaluated by means a Discriminant Analysis (DA), and the size with non-parametric ANOVA. We didn't found differences in centroid size between females and males; however, the shape was significantly different between sex. In the cross-validation DA, 82% specimens were correctly classified into females and 88% males. Our study represents the first investigation that quantifies the sexual shape and size dimorphism in Piophila casei, and this could be a basis for further studies that combines geometric morphometrics tools and forensic entomology.",11,2,217,221,Forensic entomology; Sexual dimorphism; Anatomy; Larva; Generalized Procrustes analysis; Piophila casei; Size dimorphism; Morphometrics; Zoology; Wing,,,,,http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijfmt&volume=11&issue=2&article=050&type=pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/0973-9130.2017.00100.1,,10.5958/0973-9130.2017.00100.1,2740092269,,0,,4,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
066-745-217-847-255,Accuracy of cut-off value by measurement of third molar index: Study of a Colombian sample.,2016-02-01,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Stefano De Luca; Lina Aguilar; Marcela Rivera; Luz Andrea Velandia Palacio; Giulia Riccomi; Fiorella Bestetti; Roberto Cameriere,,261,,160.e1,5,Demography; Repeatability; Cohen's kappa; Molar; Young adult; Concordance correlation coefficient; Sensitivity test; Cut off value; Medicine; Reproducibility,Age estimation; Colombia; Cut-off; Forensic Anthropology Population Data; Forensic Science; third molar index,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Colombia; Female; Forensic Dentistry; Humans; Male; Molar, Third/growth & development; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Reproducibility of Results; Sensitivity and Specificity; Young Adult",,,https://core.ac.uk/display/87080630 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816000451 https://arpi.unipi.it/handle/11568/863984.11,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.01.026,26898677,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.01.026,2271123880,,0,001-300-335-676-83X; 002-757-040-487-632; 004-831-216-320-63X; 006-772-467-494-533; 008-599-892-785-944; 011-271-812-041-777; 016-161-652-638-789; 018-007-086-336-598; 018-587-668-701-720; 020-516-236-992-37X; 021-668-838-334-445; 023-441-946-394-839; 025-104-043-604-167; 025-857-470-745-219; 034-452-453-503-980; 040-775-954-870-707; 041-265-017-880-915; 043-031-161-819-204; 044-173-569-455-010; 044-459-051-938-513; 045-201-107-411-584; 050-150-090-871-931; 051-431-070-051-52X; 053-698-102-089-748; 060-981-542-289-775; 062-002-444-088-399; 064-188-853-726-612; 071-231-010-099-782; 074-267-482-416-479; 086-864-542-094-880; 090-756-867-470-924; 091-575-225-217-525; 106-315-881-060-281; 110-303-084-774-528; 116-960-432-214-26X; 139-600-070-612-564; 167-990-816-086-428; 172-490-899-758-807,32,false,,
067-039-105-684-736,Comparison of osteometric femoral bone dimensions among the South Africans of different ethnic groups and South African whites,,2013,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Najam Siddiqi,"Abstract Objectives The main objective of this paper was to use femoral data to determine whether the different South African ethnic groups should be considered as a homogenous population, as has been assumed in previous studies. Furthermore regression equations for each ethnic group were constructed. Methods Three standard femoral variables were used; bone length (BL), maximum head diameter (HD) and bicondylar width (BCB). The eight South African ethnic groups (Zulu, Tswana, Swazi, Sotho, Xhosa, Shan, Venda and Ndebele) were considered as the independent variable. They were also compared with femora from South Africans of European Descent (SAED). In total 230 male femora were obtained from the Dart’s Collection at Wits University, South Africa. Results There were not any significant differences in bone length between the eight South African ethnic groups. However, bone length for SAED was significantly longer than for six of the ethnic groups, all except Zulu and Ndebele. Similarly all of the ethnic groups were significantly smaller than SAED for head diameter and bicondylar width. The Zulu and Ndebele femora were significantly larger than the other six African ethnic groups for HD and BCB. Regression equations were derived for the maximum length of femur from the maximum head diameter for all the groups separately. Conclusion Femora from SAED were significantly larger than for six of the eight African ethnic groups that were considered. However, the data from the Zulu and Ndebele femora suggest that they constitute a separate ethnic grouping. Thus we conclude that these eight South African ethnic groups cannot be considered as a homogenous population and that the Zulu and Ndebele groups should be considered as a distinct population.",3,1,8,14,Ethnic group; Demography; Forensic anthropology; Anthropology; Geography; Xhosa; Zulu; Tswana; Femur; Population; Femoral bone,,,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X12000640 https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/1076171 https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/1076171.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X12000640 https://core.ac.uk/display/82687202 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82687202.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2012.11.001,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2012.11.001,2058164755,,0,000-792-937-821-923; 003-597-397-280-753; 008-979-078-658-769; 010-731-407-363-412; 011-131-959-343-740; 011-277-478-832-828; 011-465-045-128-593; 012-221-553-128-245; 012-471-888-703-629; 015-449-216-134-548; 017-245-810-261-839; 017-917-923-856-096; 020-772-902-058-419; 023-674-619-190-414; 025-273-541-695-660; 025-371-679-271-464; 026-343-838-298-874; 026-467-424-380-645; 030-047-143-529-902; 032-926-599-120-009; 038-124-283-805-427; 045-382-153-018-295; 046-393-502-459-153; 048-067-786-455-785; 053-381-058-598-346; 055-114-386-553-434; 059-508-172-390-622; 066-919-088-647-659; 071-376-125-106-812; 074-310-446-622-727; 078-249-331-534-116; 086-393-248-360-537; 087-235-961-150-829; 088-131-178-300-514; 089-868-560-103-91X; 089-890-554-802-010; 090-532-862-205-053; 092-790-151-841-795; 118-395-514-399-724; 119-484-129-202-260; 121-316-388-702-779; 122-228-095-409-778; 134-758-966-093-70X; 138-253-758-754-376; 141-626-908-501-997; 158-373-521-355-205,3,true,cc-by,gold
067-530-928-757-22X,The European Union’s Rule of Law Agenda: Identifying Its Core and Contextualizing Its Application,2016-03-07,2016,journal article,Hague Journal on the Rule of Law,18764045; 18764053,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,United Kingdom,Elaine Mak; Sanne Taekema,"Monitoring the rule of law performance of EU member states presupposes that the EU has a clear idea of what is meant by the rule of law. Theoretically, however, the conceptualization of this notion has proven difficult, leading to a wide range of differing approaches. Moreover, the application of a common rule of law concept in a multilevel legal context creates its own difficulties. As the starting point for this contribution, we identify a core meaning of the rule of law based on the work of Philip Selznick and Martin Krygier. They see the reduction of the arbitrary use of power as the central value and point to the importance of a contextual approach to realizing that value: reducing arbitrariness may require very different concrete measures from one society to another. We examine what common idea of the rule of law is projected by the European Union in its rule of law agenda, looking specifically at two important instruments, the Justice Scoreboard and the Better Regulation programme. Using the contextual approach to rule of law, we then examine whether the core meaning of this concept is recognizable here, and whether efforts are already made to allow for the inclusion of contextual elements. Our analysis clarifies that the two instruments support the core notion of the rule of law by enhancing the quality of political debates in the EU. However, underlying economic assumptions and approaches as well as political forces form a constant threat to the realization of elements of participation and separation of powers.",8,1,25,50,Separation of powers; Sociology; Public law; Public international law; Law and economics; Law; Value (ethics); Rule of law; Arbitrariness; Common Rule; European union,,,,,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40803-016-0022-1/fulltext.html https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs40803-016-0022-1.pdf https://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai%3Arepub.eur.nl%3A85688 https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/349100 https://repub.eur.nl/pub/85688 https://paperity.org/p/76436327/the-european-unions-rule-of-law-agenda-identifying-its-core-and-contextualizing-its https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40803-016-0022-1 http://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/1874/349100/1/art_3A10.1007_2Fs40803_016_0022_1.pdf https://repub.eur.nl/pub/85688/REPUB_85688_OA.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/43289513.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40803-016-0022-1,,10.1007/s40803-016-0022-1,2283021727,,0,001-666-160-977-740; 006-972-457-410-494; 009-098-420-971-803; 009-303-944-061-405; 011-947-850-938-363; 017-076-382-362-099; 025-359-744-229-499; 031-277-594-870-739; 033-090-326-866-779; 033-440-036-713-691; 033-816-095-782-542; 043-930-029-466-13X; 050-110-576-968-921; 050-622-910-913-686; 054-006-955-213-372; 061-016-254-676-158; 062-533-310-345-073; 062-708-439-468-172; 063-599-717-614-085; 064-524-828-073-541; 065-399-118-478-321; 081-440-549-709-162; 082-385-488-155-385; 082-662-402-845-960; 088-155-000-871-439; 095-642-544-298-054; 098-232-559-500-785; 099-044-139-395-104; 100-869-904-248-794; 104-142-595-393-653; 121-694-546-377-114; 126-517-462-462-930; 129-984-065-732-871; 132-682-896-492-068; 138-041-120-782-023; 140-894-690-222-593; 162-842-480-558-922; 163-725-034-220-01X; 176-421-071-378-00X; 197-052-056-862-62X,8,true,cc-by,green
067-678-381-969-659,Staged crime scene determination by handling physical and digital evidence: Reports and review of the literature.,2018-05-16,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Francesco Lupariello; Serena Maria Curti; Janet Barber Duval; Giovanni Abbattista; Giancarlo Di Vella,,288,,236,241,Crime scene; Action (philosophy); Digital evidence; Manner of death; Criminology; Digital forensics; History,Digital data; Forensic evidence; Homicide; Social network; Staged crime scene,"Asphyxia/pathology; Criminals; Deception; Female; Forensic Medicine/methods; Head Injuries, Penetrating/pathology; Homicide; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Neck Injuries/pathology; Social Media; Wounds, Gunshot/pathology; Young Adult",,,https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=201802238048333750 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29783179 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29783179 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818302081 https://aperto.unito.it/handle/2318/1668740 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29783179/ https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1668740,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.04.050,29783179,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.04.050,2804495129,,0,013-641-930-960-06X; 014-043-175-675-308; 024-241-263-904-262; 030-140-230-756-253; 031-408-124-423-499; 052-379-197-450-991; 055-842-034-496-435; 062-564-729-320-635; 094-571-840-622-494; 108-329-170-639-801; 116-183-047-785-345; 126-171-514-582-85X; 140-638-209-272-517; 144-541-825-070-729; 157-804-190-614-318; 173-779-991-377-816,6,false,,
067-950-936-657-588,Significance of Measuring Dimensions of Lumbar Lamina and Spinal Canal – A Cadaveric Study,2021-01-07,2021,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Priyanka Sharma; Manoj M Kulkarni; A.R. Gandotra,"Introduction: The incidence of lumbar nerve root compression and surgeries for its treatment likelaminectomy, laminotomies are increasing. Similarly, intralaminar screw insertion and use of laminar hooksfor stabilization is also gaining popularity. The dimensions of lumbar lamina are of importance for designingof lumbar spinal implants used. Method: The present study was under taken to measure vertical height oflumbar lamina and width of lumbar vertebral canal in cadavers. Lumbar spine was exposed from posteriormidline approach in 20 formalin preserved cadavers. The dimensions of lumbar lamina L1 to L5 wererecorded with the help of Digital Vernier Caliper after removal of soft tissue from the vertebrae. The datawas analyzed using SPSS software version 23. Result: Range of transverse width of vertebral canal ofL1 and L2 was 14-23 mm. It gradually reduces in L3, L4 and L5 (12-21 mm). There was no significantdifference in width of vertebral canal between Male and female. Mean height of lamina at junction withtransverse process at L2 was (25.7±2.8mm) which reduced from L3, L4 and was lowest in L5 (20.8±2).Mean height of lamina at junction with Spinous process increased from L1 to L2 (27.55±3.3) and decreasedfrom L3, L4 and L5 being smallest (24.3±2.7). The gender, right and left differences for the dimensions oflumbar vertebral lamina were statistically insignificant. In 35 percent cases the spinous processes were fusedwhich was an accidental finding. Conclusion: The data so collected will be of great significance for spinalsurgeons and for designing of implant around this region.",15,1,251,256,Anatomy; Soft tissue; Cadaveric spasm; Calipers; Lamina; Spinal canal; Lumbar vertebrae; Lumbar; Medicine; Cadaver,,,,,https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/13414,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13414,,10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13414,3119284051,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
068-034-397-157-447,Self-guardianship at automated teller machines,2017-01-23,2017,journal article,Crime Prevention and Community Safety,14603780; 17434629,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,United Kingdom,Matthew P. J. Ashby; Adam Thorpe,"Automated teller machines (ATMs) are central to the functioning of developed economies, but by their very nature operate without human supervision, making them vulnerable to criminal abuse. This study sought to understand how customers protect themselves from theft while using ATMs. Observations of and surveys with ATM customers were used to identify how individuals protect themselves from theft of cash, card or personal details while using an ATM. The most common self-guardianship measure was to use only ATMs believed to be safe. The majority of customers did not cover the ATM keypad while entering their personal identification number, despite long-running publicity campaigns encouraging this behaviour. This suggests that self-guardianship is important at ATMs, but many customers fail to take even basic measures to protect themselves, their money and their bank details from theft. Banks and crime-prevention practitioners should do more to facilitate and encourage self-guardianship at ATMs.",19,1,1,16,Internet privacy; Advertising; Engineering; Publicity; Crime prevention; Cash; Personal identification number; Keypad; Cover (telecommunications); Personal details; Legal guardian,,,,,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41300-016-0010-3/fulltext.html https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1700117513 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41300-016-0010-3 https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10076716/ https://core.ac.uk/display/74208090 https://core.ac.uk/download/74208090.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/s41300-016-0010-3,,10.1057/s41300-016-0010-3,2582067843,,0,003-126-994-088-777; 004-923-569-754-01X; 006-460-010-131-852; 007-220-033-512-483; 008-676-252-106-807; 022-119-811-567-681; 023-706-917-419-372; 030-265-146-539-511; 033-400-782-766-385; 039-185-840-137-966; 039-314-331-841-400; 041-409-506-539-742; 058-809-468-935-356; 066-730-532-572-640; 080-941-838-232-945; 095-847-724-219-471; 102-175-945-731-99X; 105-656-423-996-399; 108-563-820-957-373; 109-079-760-974-05X; 120-206-256-491-806; 121-375-830-212-036; 124-372-295-608-180; 128-525-416-676-922; 130-002-485-540-008; 142-436-274-598-318; 147-807-108-066-203; 176-238-309-942-112; 190-973-152-445-406; 193-018-622-534-520,5,true,,green
068-116-901-135-925,Are two views better than one? Investigating three-quarter view facial composites,2015-11-09,2015,journal article,Journal of Forensic Practice,20508794; 20508808,Emerald,United Kingdom,Hayley Ness; Peter J. B. Hancock; Leslie Bowie; Vicki Bruce; Graham Pike,"Purpose – The introduction of a three-quarter-view database in the PRO-fit facial-composite system has enabled an investigation into the effects of image view in face construction. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of constructing full-face and three-quarter-view composites under different encoding conditions. It also examines the potential value of three-quarter-view composites that can be generated automatically from a front-view composite. The authors also investigate whether there is an identification benefit for presenting full-face and three-quarter composites together. Design/methodology/approach – Three experiments examine the impact of encoding conditions on composite construction and presentation of composites at the evaluation stage. Findings – The work revealed that while standard full-face composites perform well when all views of the face have been encoded, care should be taken when a person has only seen one view. When a witness has seen a side view of a suspect, a three-qu...",17,4,291,306,Psychology; Composite material; Composite construction; Witness; Facial composite; Suspect; Image View,,,,,https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JFP-10-2014-0040/full/pdf https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/handle/1893/21764 http://oro.open.ac.uk/54671/ https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JFP-10-2014-0040?af=R https://core.ac.uk/download/42544778.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jfp-10-2014-0040,,10.1108/jfp-10-2014-0040,2197948521,,0,000-514-011-740-097; 004-488-760-823-382; 005-365-786-759-805; 006-287-178-739-443; 007-077-629-037-91X; 011-936-470-959-820; 015-781-082-486-779; 017-291-181-540-065; 018-417-682-714-892; 019-161-244-407-892; 019-578-455-238-009; 023-541-333-755-927; 024-621-586-160-32X; 029-265-639-145-486; 029-457-075-342-359; 035-151-270-771-154; 040-121-418-372-007; 045-614-132-250-503; 046-981-001-056-533; 047-919-743-964-919; 054-777-390-684-868; 056-712-038-204-197; 059-895-197-705-400; 066-293-479-020-800; 067-959-746-978-621; 068-330-041-939-444; 071-166-436-092-811; 076-278-845-308-554; 077-319-871-355-877; 077-946-074-592-557; 089-553-415-703-904; 108-164-394-413-307; 111-618-577-352-22X; 112-902-238-703-86X; 115-721-609-165-084; 121-984-123-281-415; 122-617-030-664-857; 130-526-117-367-966; 151-201-219-956-274; 156-692-838-444-228; 193-566-877-632-824,5,true,cc0,green
068-474-852-988-445,Tooth coronal index and pulp/tooth ratio in dental age estimation on digital panoramic radiographs-A comparative study.,2017-05-12,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Supreet Jain; Ravleen Nagi; Minal Daga; Ashutosh Shandilya; Aastha Shukla; Abhinav Parakh; Afshan Laheji; Rahul Singh,,277,,115,121,Panoramic radiograph; Coronal plane; Pulp (tooth); Dentistry; Molar; Premolar; Orthodontics; Radiography; Mandibular first molar; Medicine; Mandibular second molar,Age estimation; Panoramic radiograph; Pulp cavity height; Pulp/Tooth ratio; Tooth coronal index,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Aged; Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging; Female; Humans; Male; Mandible; Middle Aged; Molar; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Reproducibility of Results; Tooth Crown/diagnostic imaging; Young Adult",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28645095 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28645095/ https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28645095 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073817301779 http://www.journals.elsevierhealth.com/article/S0379-0738(17)30177-9/fulltext,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.05.006,28645095,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.05.006,2614069014,,0,000-883-995-555-655; 002-186-798-658-734; 013-529-067-698-75X; 019-584-923-335-581; 024-843-470-443-831; 030-515-002-076-027; 038-351-783-072-67X; 041-315-739-134-933; 044-107-686-685-645; 047-870-979-074-213; 053-094-720-026-982; 055-824-240-253-38X; 059-985-906-009-600; 067-630-880-917-922; 067-757-007-306-535; 070-241-158-575-960; 072-980-741-377-170; 085-985-332-872-917; 087-119-005-075-218; 089-334-095-778-850; 091-063-066-156-50X; 091-452-544-047-439; 095-573-964-153-277; 135-178-317-958-297; 159-840-147-050-116; 196-444-355-171-665,16,false,,
068-526-479-847-485,Effect of Local Anesthesia and Extraction on Mouth Opening,2020-04-25,2020,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Ali Falah Hassan,"Background: Trismus is defined as painful limitation in mouth opening due to a muscle spasm. Trismus, also called lockjaw, (restricted jaw range of motion).There are various causes of trismus, one is spasm of the muscles of mastication. Assessment of the effect of local anesthesia and extraction on mouth opening ability. Methodology: Total sample of 40 patients included both genders (27 male and 13 female) participated in this study, all Patients were healthy with no allergy to local anesthesia, don’t use alcohol or any drug therapy. Lidocaine HCL 2% with epinephrine 1:80,000 is used to anesthetize the inferior alveolar nerve using IAN block technique, while surgical tools were used for extraction in the usual way. Baseline mouth opening was evaluated pre-operatively, during the effect of local anesthesia and post-operatively by using digital Vernier caliper. Results: significant difference in mouth opening between the measurements (pre-operative, during anesthesia, post-operative) is found , mouth opening decreases when measurement is directed toward postoperatively.",14,2,2055,2059,Inferior alveolar nerve; muscle spasm; Local anesthesia; Muscles of mastication; Trismus; Significant difference; Mouth opening; Anesthesia; Range of motion; Medicine,,,,,http://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/3263,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i2.3263,,10.37506/ijfmt.v14i2.3263,3105606594,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
069-015-188-370-295,Measurement of open apices in tooth roots in Colombian children as a tool for human identification in asylum and criminal proceedings.,2017-04-06,2017,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Marcela Rivera; Stefano De Luca; Lina Aguilar; Luz Andrea Velandia Palacio; Ivan Galić; Roberto Cameriere,"Abstract Dental age estimation was recognized as an imperative issue in clinical and medico-legal practice. However, very few studies on dental age estimation in children have been published in Colombia. This study evaluated the accuracy of Cameriere's method of measurement of open apices on tooth roots in a sample of 526 digital panoramic radiographs (OPTs) of children (274 boys and 252 girls), aged between 6 and 14 years, from Bogota, Valle del Cauca, Buga and Villavicencio, in Southwest Colombia. Only first seven permanent lower teeth, except third molar, from the left side of mandible were studied. Difference between dental age and chronological age was evaluated for boys and girls across nine age classes. Intra-class correlation coefficient and Kappa score was used to test intra- and inter-observer agreement error rate. Dental age was overestimated by 0.08 years and standard deviation (±SD) of 0.68 years in boys which was not statistically significant (p = 0.06), while in girls dental age underestimated by −0.25 ± 0.65 years which was statistically significant difference (p",48,,9,14,Dentistry; Molar; Dental age; Kappa score; Tooth root; Significant difference; Chronological age; Medicine,Cameriere's European formula; Chronological age; Colombia; Dental age; Forensic sciences; Open apices,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Child; Colombia; Dentition, Permanent; Female; Humans; Male; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Tooth Apex/diagnostic imaging; Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging",,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X17300379 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28399461 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28399461/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X17300379,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2017.03.005,28399461,10.1016/j.jflm.2017.03.005,2604744992,,0,002-363-971-980-888; 002-757-040-487-632; 003-604-226-334-318; 013-129-024-094-603; 014-476-053-975-04X; 014-796-675-582-34X; 015-144-808-402-879; 019-087-454-882-381; 029-705-865-863-44X; 036-179-018-213-506; 042-253-001-264-171; 043-031-161-819-204; 043-844-533-344-19X; 044-897-960-419-681; 045-233-077-604-030; 064-765-741-996-535; 070-013-598-429-874; 073-111-752-629-427; 074-558-077-967-728; 086-909-875-987-253; 096-836-573-102-542; 101-203-889-010-256; 102-043-286-505-74X; 124-422-210-912-953; 126-646-934-533-022; 128-796-355-623-177; 139-600-070-612-564; 167-491-200-390-708; 196-924-285-221-702,15,false,,
069-413-740-770-81X,The application of imaging technologies in the detection of trace evidence in forensic medical investigation,2015-02-09,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Jeannie Cocks; Lorraine du Toit-Prinsloo; Francois E. Steffens; Gert Saayman,"Abstract In a country notorious for violent crime, it seems that South African medico-legal laboratories make minimal application of technology in the death investigation process and little attention is given to trace evidence. Non-destructive, non-invasive, portable and cost-effective tools are required. This study was conducted at the Pretoria Medico-Legal Laboratory. The surface area of the bodies and clothing of victims of fatal interpersonal violence were examined using a torch, magnifying lamp, portable digital microscope and alternate light source to gauge their potential for trace evidence detection. Most studies apply these and similar tools to inert surfaces, with few focusing on their application to human skin. There was a statistically significant difference in the detection of many of the evidence types between the naked-eye observation of the pathologists and the technologies. The different imaging technologies were compared as to their cost, evidence detection ability and ease of use. The most common evidence types discovered on the bodies and clothing of victims of fatal interpersonal violence, as well as the propensity of each tool to detect these, was evaluated in order to devise the best option for incorporation into the Pretoria Medico-Legal Laboratory routine. The digital microscope performed best overall followed by the magnifying lamp, torch and the Polilight ® . This study aimed to justify the investment of more time, effort and funding into trace evidence recovery in the South African mortuary environment.",249,,225,232,Imaging technology; Usability; Trace evidence; Data science; Interpersonal violence; Violent crime; Significant difference; Digital microscope; Computer science; Clothing,Alternate light source; Evidence detection; Forensic medical investigation; Imaging technology; Trace evidence,"Bodily Secretions; Body Fluids; Female; Forensic Medicine/instrumentation; Glass; Hair; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Light; Male; Microscopy/instrumentation; Paint; Plants; Prospective Studies; Rape; Soil; Wounds and Injuries/pathology",Soil,Research Fund,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25723998 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5526058 https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/2263/44054/1/Cocks_Application_2015.pdf https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/handle/2263/44054/Cocks_Application_2015.pdf;sequence=1 https://repository.up.ac.za/handle/2263/44054 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815000596,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.02.005,25723998,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.02.005,2152800356,,0,005-287-890-428-474; 005-486-787-769-168; 008-184-499-790-89X; 017-276-364-543-677; 021-567-951-325-425; 022-477-796-652-430; 028-725-201-222-772; 031-422-064-027-419; 044-217-782-440-725; 049-392-799-355-535; 051-821-602-555-483; 052-982-955-269-232; 076-792-158-408-15X; 117-910-336-742-880; 156-630-216-274-574; 181-561-484-223-829,3,true,,green
069-515-583-360-223,Choose your own murder: Non-linear narratives enhance student understanding in forensic science education.,2020-01-21,2020,journal article,Forensic science international. Synergy,2589871x,Elsevier BV,Netherlands,Tim Thompson,"Abstract Higher education teaching in the forensic sciences tends to follow a traditional format of lectures followed by practical laboratory sessions. Sometimes this approach is not possible or viewed as not innovative enough. The free, open access software Twine was used with final year undergraduates in forensic and crime scene science in a UK university in order to create an interactive learning experience based around the creation of non-linear stories. Evaluation of this approach demonstrated the positive impact on student understanding when compared to the traditional lecture model. Students found the experience engaging and were keen to use Twine again.",2,,82,85,Higher education; Forensic science; Mathematics education; Psychology; Crime scene; Narrative; Order (business); Interactive Learning; Software,Education 4.0; Forensic ecology; Higher education; Learners; Twine,,,Teesside University,https://research.tees.ac.uk/en/publications/choose-your-own-murder-non-linear-narratives-enhance-student-unde https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589871X20300097 https://research.tees.ac.uk/ws/files/9918925/Choose_your_own_murder_Non_linear_narratives_enhance_student_understanding_in_forensic_science_education.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32412003 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/287034243.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fsisyn.2020.01.009,32412003,10.1016/j.fsisyn.2020.01.009,3000958558,PMC7219163,0,000-295-290-820-34X; 004-111-425-292-342; 005-847-304-479-774; 006-470-221-692-149; 009-867-191-807-623; 012-002-455-932-627; 012-236-923-792-533; 027-799-596-368-543; 030-043-392-965-213; 036-328-899-769-841; 038-379-496-951-879; 043-329-766-886-030; 043-684-451-827-921; 045-386-322-228-540; 046-850-691-447-936; 048-782-046-899-260; 051-325-692-304-81X; 058-054-431-408-429; 073-679-520-699-41X; 075-101-507-583-473; 103-360-773-318-293; 103-741-613-447-626; 109-232-600-983-182; 121-507-425-513-865; 131-239-640-512-106; 154-339-963-884-249,6,true,"CC BY, CC BY-NC-ND",gold
070-387-361-085-635,Application of the Kvaal method for age estimation using digital panoramic radiography of Chinese individuals.,2019-05-15,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Mu-jia Li; Guang Chu; Mengqi Han; Teng Chen; Hong Zhou; Yu-cheng Guo,,301,,76,81,Mandibular lateral incisor; Maxillary central incisor; Standard deviation; Premolar; Orthodontics; Age estimation; Chinese population; Mathematics; Radiography; Regression,Age estimation; Chinese population; Digital panoramic radiographs; Kvaal method; Secondary dentine,"Adult; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Aged; Asians; China; Dental Pulp/anatomy & histology; Female; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Regression Analysis; Reproducibility of Results; Software; Tooth/anatomy & histology; Tooth Apex/anatomy & histology; Tooth Root/anatomy & histology; Young Adult",,National Natural Science Foundation of China; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31132549/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073819302002 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31132549 https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6449914 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/31132549,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.05.015,31132549,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.05.015,2946170470,,0,000-998-630-765-473; 001-908-836-888-684; 003-492-067-193-664; 003-816-526-761-367; 005-515-659-671-879; 006-217-559-194-623; 006-542-579-285-927; 009-822-310-716-590; 010-981-575-240-341; 012-346-755-418-629; 014-859-551-864-682; 019-304-565-708-691; 020-425-791-599-581; 022-631-674-082-030; 026-798-238-931-040; 027-322-169-741-325; 031-791-954-058-413; 032-052-414-081-660; 038-518-506-048-198; 041-200-203-875-709; 048-282-368-294-730; 051-527-641-598-171; 053-793-689-014-125; 057-264-469-378-930; 058-168-509-916-18X; 066-989-139-901-105; 067-757-007-306-535; 070-013-598-429-874; 078-343-830-844-558; 082-352-462-374-845; 085-985-332-872-917; 089-334-095-778-850; 091-452-544-047-439; 139-677-276-058-533; 165-647-761-287-183,9,false,,
072-722-765-401-348,Restoring identity: The use of religion as a mechanism to transition between an identity of sexual offending to a non-offending identity:,2016-07-24,2016,journal article,Criminology & Criminal Justice,17488958; 17488966,SAGE Publications,United Kingdom,Stephanie Kewley; Michael Larkin; Leigh Harkins; Anthony R. Beech,"This study examines the unique experience of participants who during their reintegration back into the community, following a conviction for sexual offending, re-engaged with religious and spiritual communities. To explore meaning Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was adopted. Four in-depth interviews of men convicted for sexual crimes were undertaken and analysed. Findings indicate that through religious affiliation participants were: exposed to new prosocial networks; provided opportunities to seek forgiveness; felt a sense of belonging and affiliation; and were psychologically comforted. However, the study also found that the process of identity transition from ‘offender’ to ‘non-offender’ was not seamless or straightforward for those with an innate sexual deviancy towards children, caution is therefore advised.",17,1,79,96,Interpretative phenomenological analysis; Psychology; Prosocial behavior; Conviction; Identity (social science); Transition (fiction); Forgiveness; Meaning (linguistics); Social psychology; Identity formation,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/141206435 https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/3555/ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1748895816654530 https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/7028/ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1748895816654530 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1748895816654530 https://research.aston.ac.uk/en/publications/restoring-identity-the-use-of-religion-as-a-mechanism-to-transiti https://core.ac.uk/download/141206435.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1748895816654530,,10.1177/1748895816654530,2461797930,,0,010-267-143-698-529; 011-136-547-228-298; 011-300-328-042-006; 012-600-312-750-025; 019-560-481-243-455; 024-342-953-850-41X; 025-608-274-926-672; 034-388-564-326-717; 039-405-808-488-610; 043-622-451-608-733; 048-185-174-284-492; 055-826-167-742-513; 059-999-211-354-675; 062-987-014-773-205; 065-356-613-168-494; 070-089-947-643-168; 075-915-641-251-325; 077-165-958-810-01X; 079-815-683-896-962; 081-737-899-433-511; 087-232-214-561-997; 088-198-375-257-064; 091-098-340-459-045; 091-432-277-576-791; 094-524-699-396-157; 096-465-758-049-004; 127-074-754-298-69X; 132-035-527-816-61X; 170-651-235-758-953; 188-071-460-554-191; 190-282-511-877-735; 197-292-999-777-976,13,true,,green
073-009-904-464-334,Taking a PAWS to Reflect on How the Work of a Therapy Dog Supports a Trauma-Informed Approach to Prisoner Health.,,2015,journal article,Journal of forensic nursing,19393938; 15563693,Wiley-Blackwell,United States,Colleen Anne Dell; Nancy Poole,"Canada's Correctional Investigator has found that mental health disorders, alone or in combination with alcohol and drug abuse, challenge public health and safety. Trauma is a key contributor among Canada's inmate population. Therapy dogs can assist in supporting individuals with mental health, addiction, and trauma concerns. This case report presents the work of a St. John Ambulance therapy dog in a trauma-informed approach to prisoner health. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration articulates six evidence-based trauma principles for service providers; safety; trustworthiness and transparency; peer support; collaboration and mutuality; empowerment, voice, and choice; and cultural, historical, and gender issues. These principles are used as a lens to examine what the therapy dog appears to offer instinctively and effortlessly in its interactions with prisoners. Illustrative examples are provided.Video Abstract available for additional insights from the authors (see Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.com/JFN/A16).",11,3,167,173,Mental health; Public health; Psychology; Nursing; Health care; Empowerment; Peer support; Population; Substance abuse; Addiction,,"Animal Assisted Therapy/methods; Animals; Canada; Dogs; Female; Humans; Male; Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care; Prisoners/psychology; Prisons/organization & administration; Professional-Patient Relations; Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/therapy; Substance-Related Disorders/therapy",,Canadian Institutes of Health Research (133330-1) Canada,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4636386 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Colleen_Dell/publication/279731186_Taking_a_PAWS_to_Reflect_on_How_the_Work_of_a_Therapy_Dog_Supports_a_Trauma-Informed_Approach_to_Prisoner_Health/links/55b00f5c08aeb0ab4669852f.pdf https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC4636386/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26133517/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/jfn.0000000000000074,26133517,10.1097/jfn.0000000000000074,2416367248,PMC4636386,0,002-569-306-655-966; 002-925-378-698-576; 012-128-937-698-638; 022-666-590-415-07X; 024-346-290-089-76X; 026-957-850-309-181; 029-182-179-482-487; 033-501-373-848-518; 035-536-935-945-516; 040-240-994-557-773; 047-495-023-288-223; 048-432-611-041-372; 050-446-637-309-399; 050-886-168-847-942; 065-479-641-851-178; 071-933-550-586-959; 072-420-224-055-24X; 078-816-393-968-233; 082-852-431-363-589; 084-455-649-253-060; 087-503-376-358-731; 088-750-324-383-518; 102-163-538-187-829; 102-716-781-229-053; 106-957-233-034-151; 110-116-314-850-108; 111-227-818-060-191; 111-466-908-664-819; 126-499-679-583-008,6,true,,green
073-929-389-262-405,Coronal pulp cavity index as noble modality for age estimation: a digital image analysis,2019-07-25,2019,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,20905939; 2090536x,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Kusum Singal; Neelkamal Sharma; Vikas Kumar; Permila Singh,"In the field of forensic dentistry, various radiographic techniques have been used for age estimation. The coronal pulp cavity index (CPCI) indicates a reduction in the pulp chamber with age as a result of secondary dentin deposition. The study was conducted on 416 radiovisiographs (RVGs) with the aim to correlate CPCI with chronological age. Digital dental radiographs of four teeth from every subject were taken after written consent. Teeth selected for RVGs in the present study were maxillary canine, maxillary second premolar, mandibular canine, and mandibular first premolar. Two linear measurements were taken for each tooth: one was the tooth crown height (CH) and the second was the coronal pulp height (CPH). Coronal pulp cavity index was calculated for each tooth. Data was statistically analyzed. ANOVA was used to show the strength of the relation between CPCI and chronological age. This study represents the first pilot investigation of this method in a Haryana population. A strong negative linear relationship was found between CPCI and chronological age. Age of an individual can be estimated with a good degree of accuracy using population and sex-specific regression equations. The maxillary second premolar was reported as the most reliable indicator of age in both males as well as females.",9,1,1,8,Coronal plane; Pulp (tooth); Forensic dentistry; Mandibular canine; Maxillary second premolar; Mandibular first premolar; Maxillary canine; Population; Orthodontics; Medicine,,,,University Grants Committee,https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186/s41935-019-0150-6.pdf https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41935-019-0150-6 https://ejfs.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41935-019-0150-6,http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41935-019-0150-6,,10.1186/s41935-019-0150-6,2963724580,,0,004-303-840-031-832; 008-045-845-566-058; 018-305-837-442-910; 019-304-565-708-691; 022-452-949-949-577; 036-179-018-213-506; 037-599-761-278-821; 041-315-739-134-933; 042-133-534-582-539; 053-094-720-026-982; 055-824-240-253-38X; 059-924-672-600-043; 059-985-906-009-600; 060-764-059-477-281; 061-895-400-644-028; 067-757-007-306-535; 068-495-114-840-433; 085-118-963-867-510; 088-476-441-470-929; 093-595-511-335-128; 095-573-964-153-277; 099-505-430-237-872; 101-203-889-010-256; 120-411-926-710-979; 125-938-017-011-954; 134-240-315-670-714; 159-840-147-050-116,3,true,cc-by,gold
074-657-339-699-641,A new legal treatment for psychopaths? Perplexities for legal thinkers.,2017-05-15,2017,journal article,International journal of law and psychiatry,18736386; 01602527,Elsevier Limited,United Kingdom,Maria Isabel Gonzalez-Tapia; Ingrid Obsuth; Rachel Heeds,"Public perception, fueled not only by popular and news media but also by expert claims that psychopaths are archetypes of evil: incorrigible, remorseless, cold-blooded criminals, whose crimes manifest in the most extreme levels of violence. But is there empirical evidence that psychopaths truly are what they are portrayed to be? If so, should the law respond, and adjust its treatment of psychopaths in court - permitting psychopathy to be admitted under an insanity defense and/or resulting in mitigation? In this paper, we demonstrate that fundamental questions from the law to science remain unanswered and must be addressed before any alternative treatment of psychopathy can be considered. As it stands, psychopaths cannot be reliably defined or diagnosed and, as we will demonstrate, even the presumed link with criminal dangerousness is problematic. We conclude that the current legal approach should not be modified, however, if preliminary findings regarding impairments in impulsivity/self-control are confirmed, some, but not all individuals who fall under one definition of psychopathy may merit different treatment in future.",54,,46,60,Psychology; Empirical evidence; Perception; Insanity defense; Accountability; Impulsivity; Poison control; Psychopathy; News media; Social psychology,Accountability; Criminal responsibility; Insanity defense; Neuroscience; Psychopathy,Antisocial Personality Disorder/diagnosis; Anxiety; Criminal Law/legislation & jurisprudence; Criminal Psychology; Criminals/psychology; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; Forensic Psychiatry/legislation & jurisprudence; Humans; Insanity Defense; Psychiatric Status Rating Scales; Psychopathology,,Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160252717300523 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28522165/ https://philpapers.org/rec/GONANL https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/a-new-legal-treatment-for-psychopaths-perplexities-for-legal-thin https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160252717300523 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_550184_13 https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/45461675/TapiaEtalIJLP2017ANewLegalTreatment.pdf https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/a-new-legal-treatment-for-psychopaths-perplexities-for-legal-thinkers(af91c45a-3295-4714-a4b6-ac02228fd9a4)/export.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28522165 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28522165 https://core.ac.uk/download/322479823.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2017.04.004,28522165,10.1016/j.ijlp.2017.04.004,2615953837,,0,001-386-124-297-709; 001-626-223-055-49X; 001-724-992-875-90X; 002-222-172-245-095; 002-570-741-698-328; 002-689-248-030-875; 003-101-123-142-378; 003-224-110-723-974; 004-546-619-129-976; 004-581-453-751-725; 005-378-688-489-357; 005-693-125-191-696; 006-117-602-306-961; 006-146-680-244-762; 008-559-314-392-931; 009-141-876-485-441; 009-441-272-658-131; 009-899-486-689-958; 010-439-956-971-420; 010-641-479-462-402; 011-296-380-638-748; 011-694-094-997-401; 011-764-001-470-32X; 012-869-854-404-348; 012-874-270-845-656; 013-270-820-523-870; 013-459-386-856-371; 013-894-593-955-344; 014-034-888-866-871; 014-124-755-736-431; 014-824-908-631-970; 015-148-619-404-929; 016-502-538-039-363; 017-447-722-414-407; 018-007-035-036-43X; 018-233-028-487-895; 018-958-311-283-693; 019-166-181-655-495; 020-136-337-884-357; 020-849-927-881-519; 024-160-727-538-041; 024-477-657-764-654; 024-825-017-913-840; 025-961-348-087-558; 026-138-819-147-541; 026-930-819-803-683; 027-166-925-696-290; 028-035-443-480-389; 029-622-428-607-786; 029-899-170-427-391; 030-183-873-909-92X; 030-626-979-217-710; 031-818-253-929-332; 032-109-586-789-774; 032-817-574-347-490; 033-758-430-849-247; 033-989-431-898-591; 034-914-406-176-095; 035-026-038-509-79X; 036-734-750-664-754; 037-060-109-553-619; 037-215-996-803-162; 038-612-204-086-050; 038-799-640-407-802; 039-956-351-769-842; 041-111-363-018-672; 042-768-858-757-592; 043-969-007-400-63X; 045-473-071-577-521; 045-862-452-057-078; 046-460-175-181-71X; 046-842-290-206-576; 046-974-170-615-927; 047-960-635-815-339; 048-877-796-051-359; 049-163-144-889-780; 050-001-876-509-804; 050-454-184-090-004; 053-029-976-167-614; 055-690-265-314-774; 058-195-421-638-879; 058-226-564-412-729; 058-923-903-777-882; 059-771-492-842-868; 061-606-839-755-353; 065-423-056-723-826; 066-024-924-434-353; 066-438-987-585-335; 067-126-715-729-765; 068-680-846-800-837; 068-865-428-808-888; 071-765-260-397-607; 073-571-974-447-095; 073-661-802-307-300; 074-101-367-026-360; 075-305-689-316-29X; 076-747-565-396-528; 078-486-952-746-524; 079-035-861-432-785; 079-098-861-605-082; 080-035-812-006-988; 081-789-603-162-797; 082-905-976-803-173; 083-784-872-677-270; 084-628-956-782-029; 085-359-408-367-979; 085-831-785-417-704; 086-386-912-113-484; 086-911-692-785-838; 087-091-897-294-376; 091-132-577-380-454; 092-652-788-125-029; 093-575-150-830-757; 094-142-212-681-551; 095-563-522-746-957; 097-919-330-416-117; 098-286-274-624-964; 100-038-249-068-377; 100-478-161-010-954; 100-481-448-689-180; 100-801-230-351-048; 103-282-835-557-011; 105-130-529-989-780; 105-141-842-913-823; 105-660-466-156-324; 110-371-021-116-573; 111-527-926-550-678; 112-324-112-623-256; 116-792-774-263-002; 116-997-274-429-861; 119-436-939-206-929; 120-102-511-254-79X; 122-809-912-574-235; 126-249-028-965-449; 126-931-270-582-78X; 126-991-171-530-188; 130-780-874-646-35X; 133-622-931-692-666; 136-840-041-213-234; 138-219-608-568-122; 138-272-335-524-935; 138-861-067-255-286; 141-768-841-341-709; 144-427-253-911-916; 150-409-560-834-170; 150-432-284-206-586; 151-457-406-508-839; 154-292-040-562-158; 156-118-810-161-473; 159-348-379-327-749; 160-743-302-199-879; 164-240-226-922-068; 170-477-882-470-875; 172-610-846-837-409; 173-268-986-853-991; 183-854-415-297-156; 185-835-817-223-909; 186-098-607-700-198; 191-345-886-815-866,8,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
078-062-675-089-183,Lip print evaluation of Indian and Malaysian-Chinese subjects by manual and digital methods: a correlational study with gender and ethnicity,2022-03-09,2022,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,20905939; 2090536x,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Aditi Chadha; Ravindranath Vineetha; Mathangi Kumar; Divyansh Bansal; Keerthilatha M. Pai; Prakash K Aithal,"Abstract; Background; Cheiloscopy is a reliable method of personal identification which may augment the established methods like dactylography, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) profiling, and dental records.; ; Aim; This study aimed to determine the correlation of lip prints with ethnicity and gender of individuals in an attempt to bridge the gap between conventional manual methods and digital methods of cheiloscopy.; ; Methods; Lip prints of 300 gender-matched subjects of Indian and Malaysian-Chinese descents were collected and analyzed using the Suzuki K and Tsuchihashi Y classification system. The lip sizes were measured and lip print patterns were analyzed. The analysis was carried out using manual and computer-aided methods. A customized software for lip print analysis and validate it with the manual lip print analysis was developed.; ; Results; Independent sample t test showed a statistically significant difference between the width and length of the lips between males and females of the total population (p < 0.001). Pearson’s chi-square test showed no statistically significant difference between the Indian males and females in the width of the lower lip (p = 0.074). In the Malaysian-Chinese population, there was a statistically significant difference between males and females in the length of the upper lip (p = 0.032) and lower lip (p = 0.035). The type V grooves were predominant in the total study population (51.3%) followed by type III pattern (38.7%). The new customized software could not provide reliable results.; ; Conclusions; Lip sizes differed significantly among the Indian and Malaysian-Chinese subjects. There was no significant gender dimorphism in the distribution of lip print patterns. The results from manual and computer-aided methods were comparable.; ",12,1,,,Significant difference; Ethnic group; Population; Dentistry; Statistical software; Statistical analysis; Medicine; Orthodontics,,,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41935-022-00273-7,,10.1186/s41935-022-00273-7,,,0,014-992-600-913-616; 019-072-196-955-362; 020-243-988-465-264; 021-803-419-205-592; 029-276-136-776-300; 034-122-483-866-430; 035-281-136-031-265; 043-167-675-959-397; 053-705-296-288-915; 063-801-634-469-827; 074-106-608-573-238; 075-741-536-331-764; 086-629-816-352-243; 089-475-203-509-746,0,true,cc-by,gold
079-159-457-984-611,Misunderstanding IT: Hospital cybersecurity and IT problems reach the courts,2018-06-25,2018,journal article,Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review,20548508; 17564611,School of Advanced Study,Spain,Harold Thimbleby,"The corruption of patient data in a hospital prompted a criminal investigation, resulting in approximately 70 nurses being disciplined, with some charged with wilful neglect contrary to the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Some nurses received custodial sentences. This paper explains the background. The paper demonstrates the inability of hospital information technology (IT) systems and management to provide reliable evidence and highlights broad problems with poor IT culture affecting manufacturers, hospitals, police, lawyers, and advisors — all the way through to regulators and legislators. Widespread misunderstandings of IT and data compromises both the provision of effective care and legal processes. This paper includes recommendations, the most urgent being that hospitals (the UK National Health System (‘NHS’) and other national healthcare systems more generally) should acknowledge that IT is unreliable, and that they should procure and actively manage IT equipment with this in mind. Keeping up-to-date with legal issues relating to IT generally, as well as keeping up-to-date with cybersecurity measures should be routine. The NHS needs to improve its IT maturity, management and policies. The police, the legal system and regulators also need a more mature approach to IT. Manufacturers are not currently providing dependable systems that are fit for purpose to operate safely and reliably in normal, complex hospital environments. All parties should engage qualified external oversight. Index words: National Health Service, United Kingdom, State Medicine, cybersecurity, information technology, medical ethics",15,0,11,32,Criminal investigation; Information technology; Medical ethics; Business; Corruption; Neglect; State (polity); Patient data; Maturity (finance); Computer security,,,,,https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa40642/Download/0040642-06082018093021.pdf https://journals.sas.ac.uk/deeslr/article/view/4891/4841 https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa40642 https://core.ac.uk/download/158139310.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.14296/deeslr.v15i0.4891,,10.14296/deeslr.v15i0.4891,2832174486,,0,,35,true,cc-by-nc-nd,gold
079-666-382-257-386,The Application of Machine Learning to a General Risk–Need Assessment Instrument in the Prediction of Criminal Recidivism:,2020-11-09,2020,journal article,Criminal Justice and Behavior,00938548; 15523594,SAGE Publications,United States,Mehdi Ghasemi; Daniel Anvari; Mahshid Atapour; J. Stephen Wormith; Keira C. Stockdale; Raymond J. Spiteri,The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is one of the most frequently used tools to assess criminogenic risk–need in justice-involved individuals. Meta-analytic research demonstrate...,48,4,518,538,Recidivism; Needs assessment; Case management; Computer science; Level of service; Applied psychology,,,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0093854820969753 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0093854820969753 https://core.ac.uk/download/363929688.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0093854820969753,,10.1177/0093854820969753,3098524120,,0,011-098-736-584-81X; 079-186-794-748-250; 140-399-125-621-411,3,true,cc-by-nc,hybrid
079-805-600-143-545,After Woolwich: analyzing open source communications to understand the interactive and multi-polar dynamics of the arc of conflict,2017-04-07,2017,journal article,The British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Colin Roberts; Martin Innes; Alun Preece; David Rogers,"This article is based upon a case study of the 2013 murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, London. It shows how analysis of open source communications data collected via social media platforms can illuminate the inter- and intra-community conflict dynamics arising in the aftermath of such events. Framed by Collins’ recent theoretical work on the escalatory and de-escalatory forces in conflict situations, the empirical analysis brings to the fore some new insights about the ‘arc of conflict’. These frame a conceptual accent upon the interactive sequences of mobilization and counter-mobilization occurring in the moves towards group-based conflicts, and the importance of understanding the multi-polar nature of these involvements.",58,2,434,454,Frame (artificial intelligence); Dynamics (music); Accent (music); Media studies; Open source; Computer science; Operations research; Social media; Arc (geometry),,,,,https://orca.cf.ac.uk/99828/ https://core.ac.uk/display/82895609 https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/99828/ https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article/58/2/434/3111701 https://core.ac.uk/download/82895609.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azx024,,10.1093/bjc/azx024,2604709073,,0,005-583-483-664-599; 005-642-172-785-163; 008-530-722-062-158; 008-531-797-777-494; 008-687-394-377-497; 010-378-556-554-461; 013-879-565-865-91X; 021-046-782-919-295; 038-436-024-582-620; 049-724-222-062-20X; 055-348-731-562-406; 059-675-595-484-864; 066-353-264-920-459; 067-773-707-066-296; 068-749-771-862-517; 074-024-465-837-259; 077-902-632-083-884; 086-066-550-162-816; 086-342-048-346-247; 086-905-994-785-488; 092-247-213-128-836; 094-213-099-107-472; 113-482-994-659-145; 114-287-615-225-156; 115-082-821-456-542; 121-675-126-088-400; 126-109-637-289-904; 129-016-703-624-704; 131-754-278-424-264; 132-671-352-958-946; 133-310-084-308-711; 133-438-296-635-813; 145-125-782-791-748; 153-667-067-260-629; 153-743-974-389-33X; 162-694-524-046-856; 167-311-576-936-296; 183-256-794-501-507; 183-632-087-761-357; 186-012-922-485-037; 187-734-290-279-091; 188-479-589-059-326; 190-577-876-466-013,8,true,,green
079-893-757-390-66X,Digitized morphometric analysis of dental pulp of permanent mandibular second molar for age estimation of Davangere population.,2016-01-28,2016,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Nerella Narendra Kumar; Mamatha Gowda Panchaksharappa; Rajeshwari G. Annigeri,"Abstract Objective The aim of the present study is to estimate the age of Davangere population by evaluating the pulp to tooth area ratio (PTR) by using digitized intraoral periapical radiographs of permanent mandibular second molar. Methods 400 intraoral periapical radiograph (IOPA) of permanent mandibular 2nd molar of both the sexes aged 14–60 years were used. Digital camera was used to image the radiographs. Images were computed and PTR was calculated by AUTOCAD software. Intra and Inter observer variability was also assessed. Regression analysis was used to estimate the age of an individual by taking PTR as dependent variable. Results The mean PTR of males and females was 0.10 ± 0.02 and 0.09 ± 0.02 respectively. Negative correlation was observed, when age was compared with PTR {r = −0.441, −0.406 & −0.419 among males, females and total subjects (p Conclusion Our results showed that permanent mandibular 2nd molar can be taken as an index tooth for estimating the age of the adults using digitized periapical radiograph and AUTOCAD software. Also high differences were observed between estimated and chronological age of 12 years which is not in the acceptable range. But it provides a new window for research in the forensic sciences in estimating the adult age.",39,,85,90,Pulp (tooth); Dentistry; Molar; Population; Orthodontics; Adult age; Morphometric analysis; Age estimation; Radiography; Medicine; Mandibular second molar,AUTOCAD; Digitization; IOPA; Mandibular 2(nd) molar; PTR,"Adolescent; Adult; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Dental Pulp/diagnostic imaging; Dentition, Permanent; Female; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; India; Linear Models; Male; Mandible; Middle Aged; Molar/diagnostic imaging; Prospective Studies; Young Adult",,,http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X16000202 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26871305/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26871305 https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26871305 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X16000202,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2016.01.019,26871305,10.1016/j.jflm.2016.01.019,2272601448,,0,000-883-995-555-655; 001-522-400-309-096; 002-186-798-658-734; 004-303-840-031-832; 006-772-467-494-533; 009-004-504-992-257; 009-822-310-716-590; 013-031-033-062-915; 014-859-551-864-682; 015-182-234-389-659; 018-252-269-045-530; 019-304-565-708-691; 019-494-730-355-78X; 026-280-459-762-504; 030-515-002-076-027; 038-351-783-072-67X; 042-133-534-582-539; 046-276-388-796-638; 048-387-976-341-538; 051-428-789-587-045; 053-094-720-026-982; 070-241-158-575-960; 073-732-187-364-99X; 085-985-332-872-917; 086-204-241-563-58X; 089-529-306-478-170; 091-452-544-047-439; 095-573-964-153-277; 120-411-926-710-979; 138-471-874-406-673; 169-209-137-422-64X,8,false,,
079-917-056-690-807,Integrating guanxi into technology acceptance: An empirical investigation of WeChat,,2017,journal article,Telematics and Informatics,07365853,Elsevier BV,Netherlands,Chen Lisha; Chin Fei Goh; Sun Yifan; Amran Rasli,"Social influence is an important research topic in the technology acceptance literature, in particular for social media. Prior empirical studies have for the most part employed social influence theory to investigate user intentions to continue with social media, while culture driven theories have been neglected. Rather than using social influence theory, we introduced guanxi theory to explore how guanxi social mechanisms (or processes) influence Chinese users’ continuance intentions in WeChat. Specifically, we developed a model that examines the role of guanxi as manifested by renqing, mianzi and ganqing in perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment and continuance intention in WeChat. A survey research method was adopted to test the proposed hypotheses. This study found that ganqing has a positive impact on perceived usefulness and continuance intention. Mianzi exerts a negative effect on continuance intention but exhibits a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Renqing was found to have no significant impact on perceived usefulness and continuance intention. Our study advances the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by introducing guanxi-based constructs in a Chinese mobile social-messaging application context. Our study also offers alternative insights on guanxi-based social influence processes in the Chinese technology acceptance literature.",34,7,1125,1142,Empirical research; Social influence; Psychology; Survey research; Technology acceptance model; Guanxi; Continuance; Application Context; Social media; Knowledge management; Social psychology,,,,Ministry of Education Malaysia; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,https://core.ac.uk/display/154349636 https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/tele/tele34.html#ChenGSR17 https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/811044 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S073658531630524X https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S073658531630524X#! http://eprints.utm.my/id/eprint/74848/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S073658531630524X https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2017.05.003 https://core.ac.uk/download/154349636.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2017.05.003,,10.1016/j.tele.2017.05.003,2612257109,,0,000-621-718-302-377; 000-961-918-646-984; 004-580-504-204-605; 004-679-522-471-467; 005-597-791-977-869; 006-349-358-704-572; 007-758-841-692-616; 008-855-420-001-822; 009-573-489-296-287; 009-860-940-908-439; 010-069-646-819-647; 010-383-272-694-581; 011-057-105-680-492; 016-292-045-510-951; 017-054-578-855-883; 017-426-280-200-539; 018-138-904-880-481; 018-228-347-201-130; 018-975-522-511-478; 020-405-975-217-252; 021-015-377-183-77X; 021-202-953-098-981; 022-604-284-622-261; 024-368-225-838-442; 024-527-924-954-499; 026-430-463-849-232; 027-739-529-822-676; 028-820-841-358-905; 029-098-370-025-450; 031-187-002-607-584; 031-373-121-449-688; 031-400-238-565-464; 032-777-865-690-762; 033-521-153-482-479; 033-665-693-191-608; 033-874-734-800-125; 035-999-204-941-213; 043-030-829-146-552; 043-605-126-173-970; 044-478-634-901-513; 044-884-117-934-783; 044-930-167-959-473; 046-330-217-727-210; 046-625-421-607-177; 046-655-059-642-742; 049-004-045-436-622; 050-199-686-427-580; 050-299-629-949-217; 051-332-295-284-961; 051-358-632-280-01X; 053-907-501-254-497; 054-752-089-530-033; 055-681-107-375-278; 056-122-483-667-552; 057-481-475-355-656; 058-081-424-637-980; 059-699-837-326-487; 064-889-901-146-404; 066-911-523-067-434; 067-624-070-521-861; 068-163-800-915-844; 068-495-753-951-981; 070-273-057-201-456; 070-751-423-574-193; 073-728-141-781-788; 074-159-326-316-056; 075-398-539-910-731; 080-768-432-037-596; 087-932-491-718-849; 088-142-624-520-079; 090-811-385-585-955; 093-030-109-346-170; 093-177-238-883-892; 093-229-071-553-737; 093-992-491-027-310; 095-097-606-707-239; 099-560-474-458-206; 101-414-157-952-723; 101-810-856-472-096; 102-173-193-217-509; 103-779-214-519-85X; 106-779-452-338-885; 108-960-400-677-323; 110-510-644-390-04X; 114-698-881-347-179; 117-248-198-800-419; 122-446-556-753-244; 122-714-993-407-698; 125-130-916-516-612; 127-242-901-479-600; 128-144-943-186-053; 147-027-005-677-397; 147-612-554-426-942; 149-343-445-018-480; 152-546-247-435-759; 157-801-321-154-881; 166-846-471-645-438; 169-002-424-673-742; 176-351-246-035-770; 176-525-897-713-464; 181-451-914-058-628,70,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
079-948-122-918-200,Being held to account: Detainees’ perceptions of police body-worn cameras:,2018-07-16,2018,journal article,Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology,00048658; 18379273,SAGE Publications,Australia,Murray Lee; Emmeline Taylor; Matthew Willis,"Police organisations across the world are embracing body-worn video camera technology. The justification for this is to enhance public trust in police, provide transparency in policing activity, increase police accountability, reduce conflict between police and public, and to provide a police perspective of incidents and events. However, while the corpus of research into the efficacy and operational practicalities of police use of body-worn video cameras is developing, questions on some elements of their impact remain. The majority of scholarship has hitherto been evaluations focused on the impact of the cameras on police use of force and on the numbers of complaints against the police. Alternatively, this article explores body-worn video cameras from the perspective of police detainees, and specifically, detainees’ perceptions of the capacities of body-worn video cameras to deliver promised increased levels of accountability in policing. The article draws on a survey and research interviews with 907 police detainees across four Australian jurisdictions. While respondents largely support the use of body-worn video cameras they also identify a number of caveats. We conclude by suggesting that there are still impediments in body-worn video cameras to achieving the level of accountability promised by advocates and expected by the respondents.",52,2,174,192,Political science; Perception; Accountability; Use of force; Public trust; Scholarship; Video camera; Transparency (behavior); Police accountability; Public relations,,,,"Criminology Research Advisory Council, Australian Institute of Criminology",https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/20336/ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0004865818781913 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0004865818781913 https://core.ac.uk/download/161123419.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0004865818781913,,10.1177/0004865818781913,2883783515,,0,000-609-358-751-723; 011-942-931-352-898; 028-302-017-165-312; 031-541-274-899-022; 032-347-092-673-943; 034-542-159-844-257; 040-374-967-377-228; 040-863-974-733-099; 043-535-741-632-891; 050-353-585-885-278; 053-456-128-607-011; 056-472-042-512-029; 060-330-425-161-431; 062-079-832-838-097; 069-778-248-187-747; 075-711-541-308-035; 078-278-191-115-288; 082-315-691-744-595; 083-237-491-234-801; 089-810-652-532-672; 096-610-203-850-146; 100-264-122-097-07X; 105-178-045-344-444; 145-938-958-807-423; 157-015-349-723-224; 178-457-924-482-683,10,true,,green
083-193-127-152-816,Deaf citizens as jurors in Australian courts: Participating via professional interpreters,2017-12-20,2017,journal article,International Journal of Speech Language and the Law,17488893; 17488885,Equinox Publishing,United Kingdom,Sandra Beatriz Hale; Mehera San Roque; David Spencer; Jemina Napier,"Australian deaf citizens are currently not permitted to perform jury duty, primarily due to their inability to hear the evidence and deliberate without interpreters. Although interpreters are routinely employed to interpret for defendants or witnesses in court, current legal frameworks do not permit interpreters to enter the deliberation room as a 'thirteenth person', for fear that they may influence the jurors or become active participants in the decision-making. Other objections to allowing deaf citizens to act as jurors include uncertainty about their ability to participate fully in the discussions, the impact the deaf juror's and interpreter's presence may have on the dynamics of the deliberations and on turn-taking, and the logistics and cost involved. Yet, deaf citizens see it as their right to be able to perform this very important civic duty, and recent decisions at the international level indicate that excluding deaf citizens from jury duty should be considered unlawful discrimination. This article presents results from the analysis of the jury deliberations with one deaf juror and two Auslan1 interpreters, and from a focus group discussion with the eleven hearing jurors and an interview with the deaf juror about their experience. The jury deliberation is one section of a large-scale study on the participation of deaf jurors in a criminal trial with Auslan interpreters, in New South Wales.",24,2,151,176,Interpreter; Psychology; Law; Jury; Deliberation; Duty; Criminal trial; Civil rights; International level; Focus group,,,,,https://acuresearchbank.acu.edu.au/item/87x9w/deaf-citizens-as-jurors-in-australian-courts-participating-via-professional-interpreters https://journals.equinoxpub.com/IJSLL/article/view/32896 https://pure.hw.ac.uk/ws/files/15988504/IJSLL_final_Sept2017_1_.pdf https://researchbank.acu.edu.au/flb_pub/951/ https://www.equinoxpub.com/journals/index.php/IJSLL/article/view/32896 https://researchportal.hw.ac.uk/en/publications/deaf-citizens-as-jurors-in-australian-courts-participating-via-pr https://core.ac.uk/download/287542834.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1558/ijsll.32896,,10.1558/ijsll.32896,2776179801,,0,,4,true,,
083-398-139-957-135,Forensic science policy and the question of governmental University research quality assessment.,2018-08-01,2018,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Martin Evison,"Forensic science policy has been the subject of a series of judicial and parliamentary enquiries in the United Kingdom in recent decades. Forensic science research has been a recurrent theme in their reports, which have included recommendations for research into the economics of forensic service provision; for the development of expertise and centres of excellence; and for research to establish the validity of the forensic sciences. These recommendations reflect similar concerns expressed internationally-particularly in the United States. In the United Kingdom, however, the Forensic Science Service recently enjoyed a near monopoly in research, and limited research funding and activity in the Universities was exacerbated by the lack of visibility of forensic science in government audits of research quality. This study used established methods in evidence-based policy and research quality evaluation to analyse the range, quantity and quality of research submitted to the two most recent audits-RAE 2008 and REF 2014. Strengths and weaknesses in the methods used are discussed, and the findings analysed in relation to wider research policy issues in forensic science. The study concludes that consolidating forensic science as a peer-science in the academy is essential in order to establish a virtuous circle that will sustain research in the discipline-and address wider policy and socio-economic questions that persistently trouble the field.",290,,279,296,Government; Political science; Audit; Virtuous circle and vicious circle; Excellence; Quality (business); Monopoly; Public relations; Service (economics); Strengths and weaknesses,Forensic science; Policy; RAE 2008; REF 2014; Research; United Kingdom,,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818304390 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30121552/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30121552 http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/id/eprint/35144 https://northumbria-test.eprints-hosting.org/id/document/267669 https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/en/publications/forensic-science-policy-and-the-question-of-governmental-universi https://core.ac.uk/download/196575984.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.07.028,30121552,10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.07.028,2886627176,,0,003-168-641-529-165; 020-632-519-738-425; 023-609-929-527-034; 026-031-389-465-434; 030-765-513-766-793; 036-232-258-674-205; 046-397-926-483-702; 099-143-875-256-464; 103-079-366-992-817; 193-622-409-335-902,3,true,,green
083-721-999-786-505,Detection of hemorrhage source: The diagnostic value of post-mortem CT-angiography,2012-05-22,2012,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Cristian Palmiere; S. Binaghi; Francesco Doenz; Pierre Bize; Christine Chevallier; Patrice Mangin; Silke Grabherr,,222,1,33,39,Radiology; Surgery; Radiological weapon; Digital subtraction angiography; Forensic pathology; Autopsy; Angiography; Computed tomography angiography; Conventional autopsy; Post mortem ct; Medicine,,"Adolescent; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Angiography; Angiography, Digital Subtraction; Autopsy; Female; Forensic Pathology; Hemorrhage/etiology; Hepatic Artery/diagnostic imaging; Humans; Iliac Artery/diagnostic imaging; Iliac Vein/diagnostic imaging; Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnosis; Male; Mesenteric Artery, Superior/diagnostic imaging; Middle Aged; Middle Cerebral Artery/diagnostic imaging; Pelvis/blood supply; Renal Veins/diagnostic imaging; Retrospective Studies; Spleen/diagnostic imaging; Superior Sagittal Sinus/diagnostic imaging; Tomography, X-Ray Computed; Young Adult",,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073812002022 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22621794 https://core.ac.uk/display/60852256 https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:iijfmt&volume=11&issue=1&article=jscan003&type=pdf https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:26590 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073812002022,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.04.031,22621794,10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.04.031,2169652272,,0,000-941-417-557-694; 003-372-671-057-742; 008-352-522-201-011; 011-177-178-483-824; 016-631-234-905-286; 025-071-800-236-683; 026-968-540-363-880; 027-128-793-761-558; 029-209-349-655-481; 032-680-189-047-948; 034-546-868-328-739; 038-111-203-842-744; 038-202-477-198-89X; 038-997-442-733-006; 047-473-415-395-020; 051-409-603-579-108; 056-227-819-043-307; 056-241-223-620-32X; 059-262-028-100-830; 060-568-856-274-497; 060-697-311-103-664; 060-772-304-964-13X; 061-386-617-595-057; 062-106-399-228-300; 073-886-262-144-113; 073-905-455-019-133; 074-731-446-248-128; 084-175-874-048-446; 090-976-986-369-612; 092-654-688-604-451; 094-780-682-953-730; 102-900-834-230-016; 106-133-374-976-159; 131-279-944-789-733; 174-790-076-502-891,70,false,,
083-857-498-761-556,Evaluation of the deaths secondary to entrapment under the debris in the Van earthquake,,2013,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Yavuz Hekimoğlu; İpek Esen Melez; Gürol Cantürk; Zerrin Erkol; Nergis Cantürk; Mustafa Gokhan Dizdar; Deniz Oğuzhan Melez; Osman Nuri Guler,"Abstract Introduction An earthquake occurred on October 23, 2011 at 13:41 in the Van city of Turkey. According to the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, the magnitude of this earthquake was measured as 7.2 on the Richter scale. The earthquake caused deaths and injuries due to entrapment under the debris. This study has been planned in order to evaluate the features of these deaths and to discuss the obtained data comparatively with the literature. Materials and methods External examination of the corpses and autopsy reports drawn up for Van Attorney Generalship in the city center were evaluated retrospectively. Results Totally 51 deaths secondary to the entrapment under the debris were analyzed. Twenty-seven cases (52.9%) were females and 24 cases (47.1%) were males. All the deaths occurred in houses or workplaces. The causes of deaths were as follows: head trauma together with visceral organ laceration in 30 cases (58.8%), mechanic asphyxia in 14 cases (27.5%) and the crush syndrome in seven cases (13.7%). Deaths due to the crush syndrome occurred after victims’ were rescued alive after having been under the debris. Conclusion Traumatic findings are usually generalized and extensive in deaths related with earthquakes. Multiple fractures of cranial bones, ribs, extremities and injuries of visceral organs and major vessels are determined in the external examination. On the other hand, forensic pathologists should not disregard the diagnosis of the crush syndrome in traumatic deaths, especially if the trauma is secondary to the entrapment under the debris following an earthquake.",3,2,44,47,Debris; Entrapment; Autopsy; Asphyxia; Crush syndrome; Multiple fractures; Visceral organ; Head trauma; General surgery; Medicine; Forensic engineering,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/82708846 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X13000166 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X13000166 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82708846.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2013.02.001,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2013.02.001,1977555426,,0,001-801-938-397-050; 005-090-720-778-333; 007-261-110-428-201; 007-282-432-659-005; 007-808-033-072-382; 008-711-820-167-861; 031-993-113-562-573; 032-677-499-401-052; 032-881-580-443-266; 037-416-621-200-243; 041-295-802-148-25X; 052-574-567-365-561; 087-004-944-659-051; 092-336-282-038-513; 095-790-299-724-148; 099-593-706-443-240; 101-764-414-823-675; 107-924-354-894-233; 116-831-187-772-960; 132-567-186-667-94X,5,true,cc-by,gold
084-921-559-176-175,‘Hearing the Right Gaps’ Enabling and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence within the UK Asylum Process,2012-06-06,2012,journal article,Social & Legal Studies,09646639; 14617390,SAGE Publications,United States,Helen Baillot; Sharon Cowan; Vanessa E. Munro,"The barriers that prevent or delay female victims of sexual assault from disclosing to criminal justice authorities, and the obstacles that often disincline professional and lay decision-makers from finding such narratives credible, have been well documented. This article explores the extent to which such difficulties may be replicated, and compounded, in the case of female asylum-seekers; it will examine the complex ways in which the structure and processes, as well as the heavily politicised context, of asylum decision-making may contribute towards a silencing of sexual assault narratives. The article will explore the ways in which the intersection of race, ethnicity, gender, culture, religion, language and nationality present distinct challenges to women asylum applicants for whom an alleged rape is a part of their claim, and reflect on some of the difficulties this presents in terms of assessing the credibility of sexual assault allegations, and of the overall asylum claim.",21,3,269,296,Criminal justice; Ethnic group; Psychology; Narrative; Nationality; Sexual violence; Context (language use); Credibility; Race (biology); Social psychology,,,,,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0964663912444945 https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/14559850/Hearing_the_Right_Gaps.pdf http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0964663912444945 http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/id/eprint/83613 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/hearing-the-right-gaps-enabling-and-responding-to-disclosures-of--2 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/8455667/Hearing_the_Rights_Gaps_RE_SUBMISSION_FINAL_14_March_2012.pdf http://sls.sagepub.com/content/21/3/269.full.pdf https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0964663912444945 https://core.ac.uk/download/28968714.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0964663912444945,,10.1177/0964663912444945,2131256625,,0,001-865-376-761-131; 002-205-970-805-152; 004-002-156-851-894; 011-605-486-730-24X; 017-195-739-693-061; 020-247-492-495-839; 022-068-178-676-614; 024-971-658-145-832; 033-952-880-407-293; 042-961-378-744-893; 043-048-234-735-783; 051-931-419-335-607; 058-137-847-904-817; 061-129-657-606-331; 069-511-568-289-571; 080-508-316-958-493; 081-032-535-307-928; 082-989-535-322-391; 086-531-418-016-345; 095-265-570-798-131; 105-052-382-478-95X; 110-354-902-684-824; 112-828-276-327-268; 113-423-003-122-057; 115-294-483-703-604; 128-973-953-643-033; 149-222-843-302-419,28,true,,green
085-041-786-743-417,Police and Community in Twentieth-Century Scotland: the Uses of Social History,2015-09-16,2015,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Neil Davidson; Linda Fleming; Louise A. Jackson; David M. Smale; Richard Sparks,"Drawing on archival research and oral history interviews, this article compares the characteristics of the relationships between police officers and communities in the Glasgow conurbation with those in the highlands and islands of Scotland in the period c. 1900–70. Rejecting the uniform or linear narrative suggested by existing historiography, it argues that these relationships were diverse, complex and shaped by local cultural, social and economic factors. By analysing the grassroots or everyday policing delivered by the urban beat officer and village constable, it reconstructs a social history of policing in twentieth-century Scotland. Moreover, the article identifies key constitutive elements that enabled or disrupted the forging of trust and legitimacy in Glasgow and the highlands in an era still associated by some with a ‘golden age of policing’. The article focuses in particular on the capacity of discretion, ‘insider’ status and embeddedness within local settlements to deliver effective policing, enhancing conclusions about best practice that have been drawn from studies of more recently formalized ‘community policing’ initiatives.",57,1,18,39,Social history; Psychology; Archival research; Discretion; Community policing; Oral history; Grassroots; Historiography; Embeddedness; Criminology,,,,,http://eprints.gla.ac.uk/119862/ https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/1/18/2566627 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/police-and-community-in-twentieth-century-scotland-the-uses-of-so http://bjc.oxfordjournals.org/lookup/doi/10.1093/bjc/azv097 https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/22081933/Jackson_et_al_Police_and_Community_in_Twentieth_C.pdf https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/22081933/Jackson_et_al_Police_and_Community_in_Twentieth_C.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/131053500.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azv097,,10.1093/bjc/azv097,2342094919,,0,006-919-654-329-350; 011-605-426-714-256; 015-121-337-259-508; 015-634-296-236-986; 017-169-999-457-621; 025-652-043-756-141; 029-919-387-523-734; 032-682-014-422-522; 032-901-986-911-897; 056-522-066-090-169; 067-847-314-894-874; 069-703-504-828-018; 073-876-577-131-051; 074-657-000-236-736; 074-968-598-628-539; 081-141-184-456-085; 084-112-556-767-99X; 086-479-343-461-712; 089-851-924-202-548; 096-152-466-086-711; 097-528-035-056-35X; 101-081-340-055-577; 107-134-818-219-695; 112-897-301-130-31X; 115-638-903-308-27X; 119-297-864-681-380; 124-589-748-347-09X; 138-615-607-010-359; 145-938-958-807-423; 151-741-376-216-234; 160-114-912-686-381; 161-776-734-972-949; 163-990-227-051-221; 166-788-058-012-378; 166-943-534-875-463; 169-036-194-574-524; 170-974-574-881-397; 174-860-366-980-278; 187-118-722-967-017; 190-110-746-640-803; 192-817-761-046-708,3,true,,green
085-571-730-467-175,Comparing factors related to school-bullying and cyber-bullying,2018-06-12,2018,journal article,Crime Psychology Review,23744006; 23744014,Informa UK Limited,,Calli Tzani-Pepelasi; Maria Ioannou; John Synnott; Sally-Ann Ashton,"The purpose of this review was to present a comparative summary of literature of the risk and preventative factors related to school bullying (SB) and cyber-bullying (CB), while identifying researc...",4,1,1,25,Psychology; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Accident prevention; Poison control; Cyber bullying; Injury control; Suicide prevention; Clinical psychology,,,,,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/ref/10.1080/23744006.2018.1474029 https://research.edgehill.ac.uk/en/publications/comparing-factors-relating-to-school-bullying-and-cyber-bullying-2 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_626584_23 https://pure.hud.ac.uk/ws/files/13870758/reviewed_Comparing_factors_related_to_School_bullying_and_Cyber_bullying.pdf https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/publications/comparing-factors-related-to-school-bullying-and-cyber-bullying https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23744006.2018.1474029 https://core.ac.uk/download/237461272.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23744006.2018.1474029,,10.1080/23744006.2018.1474029,2807898144,,0,000-006-138-437-06X; 000-303-935-505-679; 000-954-699-268-155; 000-976-736-681-262; 001-104-195-421-748; 001-176-758-459-516; 002-045-817-703-379; 002-113-920-839-081; 002-204-720-563-117; 002-815-527-562-107; 003-002-505-035-697; 003-971-899-350-739; 005-485-681-805-867; 006-292-580-799-934; 006-867-670-055-554; 007-073-579-365-393; 007-579-789-208-319; 008-379-294-533-662; 008-717-319-620-543; 008-879-642-533-951; 009-166-221-143-054; 009-176-918-793-806; 009-661-433-507-022; 010-035-281-572-497; 011-402-512-940-68X; 011-839-405-788-741; 011-910-860-582-322; 012-241-941-523-878; 013-275-830-741-794; 013-597-531-417-945; 013-760-801-842-771; 014-494-384-242-499; 014-907-980-862-005; 015-081-801-974-350; 015-528-112-059-577; 015-868-207-837-088; 015-984-533-902-322; 016-237-234-484-332; 017-198-523-736-329; 017-376-688-482-418; 017-420-210-120-990; 017-890-721-610-525; 018-429-696-486-817; 019-470-166-332-301; 019-778-957-752-741; 020-779-310-247-314; 021-470-944-855-216; 021-990-505-172-113; 022-903-514-315-575; 023-103-304-699-209; 024-660-800-751-668; 024-888-073-827-195; 025-506-156-143-805; 027-112-571-265-771; 027-188-211-106-540; 027-488-228-454-239; 028-020-342-840-11X; 028-575-566-305-967; 028-803-265-207-222; 029-161-086-076-209; 029-334-695-396-163; 029-989-230-532-126; 030-621-872-960-720; 030-778-378-219-713; 030-944-512-783-819; 031-441-194-941-624; 032-176-133-098-647; 032-313-551-940-620; 032-400-797-338-731; 033-044-502-099-648; 033-119-366-651-293; 034-069-730-829-646; 034-571-434-538-872; 035-272-019-538-820; 035-341-868-101-785; 035-550-677-932-982; 036-472-257-714-044; 036-926-469-341-271; 037-692-004-710-812; 038-006-389-328-342; 039-992-846-916-080; 040-210-223-741-217; 041-190-725-833-155; 041-601-925-818-084; 042-199-445-852-455; 043-251-735-033-580; 044-376-193-440-821; 045-550-266-995-13X; 045-555-833-152-60X; 045-950-600-466-720; 046-417-421-136-583; 046-453-429-558-375; 046-874-238-747-275; 048-125-038-237-283; 049-688-591-940-404; 049-875-527-896-289; 049-912-047-179-58X; 052-759-810-356-691; 053-126-753-405-990; 053-372-088-660-193; 054-253-221-865-329; 054-324-295-205-900; 054-333-906-873-305; 054-802-944-700-64X; 055-279-429-436-39X; 055-851-871-209-522; 056-581-524-331-813; 058-201-672-245-277; 058-665-192-376-847; 058-982-305-437-300; 059-816-759-856-473; 060-158-252-463-324; 060-267-441-796-868; 060-496-443-056-141; 061-329-838-516-665; 061-627-588-699-467; 061-634-412-505-281; 061-953-497-581-790; 062-095-045-945-264; 062-922-489-950-079; 064-014-491-698-051; 064-933-030-127-907; 065-263-361-277-682; 065-383-948-010-73X; 065-777-879-988-700; 066-774-934-923-102; 067-739-671-557-720; 068-239-929-918-112; 068-561-010-571-796; 069-166-986-672-325; 069-680-513-847-414; 069-887-087-442-075; 070-529-343-016-178; 070-640-951-461-254; 070-738-694-144-99X; 071-712-124-455-99X; 073-815-933-738-425; 074-331-513-966-128; 074-438-706-212-103; 075-268-869-572-610; 075-301-293-245-298; 075-410-148-178-896; 078-470-465-333-742; 079-293-937-569-684; 079-344-265-774-323; 079-718-658-283-334; 079-934-408-628-762; 080-039-000-092-356; 080-553-581-788-109; 081-702-416-214-235; 081-815-275-492-055; 082-173-268-126-350; 082-578-089-394-398; 083-832-964-375-679; 083-912-410-885-001; 084-270-011-626-998; 086-230-812-506-482; 086-638-097-370-705; 087-614-530-292-200; 087-983-162-449-051; 088-085-013-536-68X; 088-168-503-959-267; 088-310-804-361-351; 090-190-907-033-375; 092-411-031-503-684; 093-768-403-714-49X; 094-733-305-077-112; 095-387-442-031-150; 097-141-474-496-932; 097-172-526-691-097; 097-678-488-627-462; 099-454-114-575-661; 099-596-887-836-388; 100-734-137-441-316; 101-261-092-343-032; 102-713-008-252-80X; 103-632-595-979-908; 104-332-066-382-075; 107-998-909-310-396; 109-194-158-803-550; 111-479-613-741-090; 112-056-011-454-90X; 113-703-958-228-256; 113-948-055-753-59X; 115-728-013-422-539; 116-909-116-128-016; 117-397-312-195-830; 117-693-126-721-928; 121-393-183-582-274; 121-596-289-122-938; 121-802-224-340-015; 123-031-816-942-597; 124-295-377-900-066; 126-472-128-196-378; 126-546-659-403-806; 127-479-866-993-254; 127-519-329-122-596; 127-680-985-614-67X; 128-181-343-120-600; 128-377-367-832-797; 129-181-608-160-998; 131-198-982-962-15X; 132-210-264-027-680; 134-623-669-233-595; 134-630-603-003-530; 135-535-203-185-33X; 136-407-295-395-51X; 137-775-100-360-698; 138-321-325-919-173; 139-002-045-011-484; 139-472-160-529-496; 140-117-267-020-330; 141-683-041-187-288; 146-329-268-484-471; 150-275-835-778-892; 152-533-536-803-981; 154-369-966-683-271; 156-845-069-037-373; 157-890-266-825-781; 159-569-748-352-157; 159-639-407-841-666; 172-334-158-178-587; 177-330-356-900-888; 178-959-546-274-19X; 186-561-730-351-60X; 188-111-322-392-415; 189-604-581-473-908; 189-898-154-180-912; 194-116-092-625-307; 195-710-000-393-659; 198-255-304-852-479,13,true,,green
085-722-627-343-241,Protection Against Pursuit: A Conceptual and Empirical Comparison of Cyberstalking and Stalking Victimization Among a National Sample,2012-09-13,2012,journal article,Justice Quarterly,07418825; 17459109,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,Matt R. Nobles; Bradford W. Reyns; Kathleen A. Fox; Bonnie S. Fisher,"Cyberstalking is a relatively understudied area in criminology, with no consensus among scholars as to whether it represents a modified form of stalking or whether it is an entirely new and emerging criminal phenomenon. Using data from the 2006 Supplemental Victimization Survey (SVS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), this study compares stalking and cyberstalking victims across several dimensions, including situational features of their experiences and self-protective behaviors. Results indicate that there are significant differences between stalking and cyberstalking victims, including their number of self-protective behaviors adopted, duration of contact with their stalker, financial costs of victimization, and perceived fear at onset. Perceived fear over time, the occurrence of a physical attack, and sex of the victim were all associated with a higher number of self-protective behaviors for cyberstalking victims compared to stalking victims, net of the effect of the control variables. ...",31,6,986,1014,Psychology; Cyberstalking; Stalking; National Crime Victimization Survey; Empirical comparison; Financial costs; Sample (statistics); Criminology; Social psychology; Situational ethics,,,,,https://asu.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/protection-against-pursuit-a-conceptual-and-empirical-comparison- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07418825.2012.723030 https://repository.asu.edu/items/28111 https://core.ac.uk/download/79587963.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07418825.2012.723030,,10.1080/07418825.2012.723030,1970069100,,0,000-754-476-623-352; 004-638-573-449-330; 005-047-578-380-266; 007-176-503-620-572; 007-912-715-116-864; 009-321-395-726-724; 011-390-226-590-564; 012-094-958-935-433; 013-425-010-292-015; 021-766-363-734-937; 024-551-425-181-997; 025-637-056-446-34X; 026-348-504-937-181; 026-729-088-976-93X; 027-226-253-049-34X; 027-353-248-333-92X; 028-569-109-612-653; 028-618-349-089-679; 029-061-558-235-442; 031-695-044-220-960; 032-062-205-644-710; 032-248-151-413-153; 032-621-031-832-807; 033-292-075-728-181; 034-798-392-346-00X; 036-827-266-019-326; 038-263-321-555-167; 039-185-840-137-966; 039-505-462-264-772; 044-607-290-193-696; 048-797-616-111-159; 049-072-455-673-465; 049-679-376-963-684; 050-061-579-562-523; 050-638-843-939-486; 051-972-631-422-389; 054-452-872-206-775; 056-102-239-660-705; 058-433-203-399-014; 058-809-468-935-356; 059-380-506-834-853; 060-334-857-905-594; 061-072-623-592-950; 064-009-139-829-255; 064-121-494-769-509; 066-092-125-613-413; 066-178-212-743-678; 071-715-524-663-273; 072-811-052-394-365; 073-191-387-675-881; 076-149-360-226-170; 077-502-152-427-905; 077-731-380-522-858; 086-494-917-369-727; 093-524-138-699-020; 095-847-724-219-471; 098-510-436-480-937; 104-925-931-575-132; 108-495-335-745-56X; 108-623-634-001-855; 115-348-654-558-626; 118-512-254-341-752; 125-113-449-037-713; 127-593-578-276-09X; 130-403-357-574-307; 130-690-109-536-154; 131-567-656-195-670; 135-063-431-889-74X; 137-087-494-484-669; 137-157-082-109-927; 142-948-143-439-105; 144-557-142-997-425; 147-333-279-394-998; 152-228-001-337-768; 166-628-153-131-09X; 185-979-432-020-37X; 188-651-957-331-525,102,true,,green
087-133-051-939-807,Software Assisted Profiling of Dentition in Human Identification,2017-12-10,2017,journal article,Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine,16586786; 16586794,Naif Arab University for Security Sciences,,Hina Mehrotra; Puneet Ahuja; Amit Gupta; Moulshree Kohli,"Forensic odontology is the integral part of forensic science that utilizes unique characteristics of human dentition. Dental remains withstand degradation better than other human remains. This study was aimed to determine the human identity by using the various predetermined parameters of dental morphology using their digital smile photographs and confirming by means of Adobe Photoshop CC software. The study also aimed to compare and identify the most used parameter of the dental morphology in the human identification process. This retrospective study was conducted in the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Mi crobiology and Forensic Odontology, I.T.S Dental College Hospital & Research Centre, Greater Noida, UP, India. A sample of 50 subjects (25 males and 25 females) aged between 20 and 40 years were included in the study. Two sequential techniques were followed. Dental casts and pictures were analyzed by 3 blind observers by comparison of dental traits and then were confirmed by superimposition using Adobe Photoshop CC. Positive identification was achieved by application of the 2 techniques. ICC Multiple Raters and ICC Two Raters were applied to analyze the stratum of agreement between the observers. By analyzing the parameters specified by three blind observers, the combination of Central and Lateral Incisor morphology was the most used parameter in the identification process. When the records are unavailable, dental comparison of postmortem findings with antemortem photographs of people displaying uncommon dental features visible in smiles taken from photographs may increase the probability of identification. Keywords: Forensic Science, Forensic Odontology, Smile, Photograph, Antemortem, Postmortem.",1,6,,,Forensic science; Superimposition; Profiling (information science); Dentition; Orthodontics; Adobe photoshop; Research centre; Human identity; Forensic odontology; Medicine,,,,,https://journals.nauss.edu.sa/index.php/AJFSFM/article/view/317/0,http://dx.doi.org/10.26735/16586794.2017.005,,10.26735/16586794.2017.005,2779799575,,0,006-148-338-343-641; 006-780-264-212-313; 009-046-604-191-217; 018-634-496-195-495; 043-042-681-753-767; 044-783-267-573-503; 073-732-187-364-99X; 076-806-522-739-065,1,true,cc-by-nc,gold
087-391-588-830-272,A study of lip print pattern in Goan dental students - A digital approach.,2012-05-22,2012,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Rachana V Prabhu; Ajit D Dinkar; Vishnudas Prabhu,"Abstract Aim To find the incidence of different types of lip patterns, the dominant pattern, quadrant wise, amongst the Goan population. To assess, the quadrant wise differences in lip patterns among males and females and to report new lip print pattern in Goan population. Methodology Lip prints of 100 students studying in Goa Dental College & Hospital were taken using 14 mm wide and 50 mm long Scotch tape without any distortion. These prints were then scanned (256 gray shades at a resolution of 300 dpi.) for the digital analysis. Using various applications of Adobe Photoshop 7 software an attempt was made to trace each and every line. K. Suzuki and Y. Tsuchihashi’s classification was followed to define the patterns of the grooves. Results The current study has found the most predominant pattern in Quadrant I to be Type V (580 lines; 52.39%) followed in order by Type I′ (196 lines; 17.70%), Type I (166 lines; 14.99%), Type II (166 lines; 10.47%), Type IV (40 lines; 3.61%), Type III (9 lines; 0.81%). In Quadrant II of this study the most predominant pattern recorded was Type V (589 lines; 50.47%) followed in order by Type I′ (209 lines; 17.90%), Type I (204 lines; 17.48%), Type II (130 lines; 11.13%), Type IV (34 lines; 2.91%), Type III (1 line; 0.08%). In Quadrant III of this study the most predominant pattern recorded was again Type V (484 lines; 52.09%) followed in order by Type I′ (174 lines; 18.72%), Type I (155 lines; 16.68%), Type II (102 lines; 10.97%), Type IV (9 lines; 0.96%), Type III (5 lines; 0.53%). In Quadrant IV of this study the most predominant pattern recorded was Type V (543 lines; 58.19%) followed in order by Type I (151 lines; 16.18%), Type I′ (138 lines; 14.79%), Type II (85 lines; 9.11%), Type III (9 lines; 0.96%), Type IV (7 line; 0.75%). In all four Quadrants the most predominant pattern found in males and females was Type V. The present study recorded the following types of type V patterns for the first time; Trifurcations, Bridge or ‘H’ pattern, Horizontal Lines, Cartwheel, Pineapple Skin and Multiple Branching Appearance. Conclusion The digital method of analyzing the Lip Print images using Adobe Photoshop 7 software serves as a convenient method that provides better visualization and ease in identification and recording of the Lip Print pattern. Predominant pattern in all four quadrants was Type V followed by the linear pattern i.e. Type I′ in quadrants I, II, and III and Type I in quadrant IV in the studied population. Distribution of pattern is not affected by the sex. Although type V is the most predominant pattern found in Goan population, the sub-classification of this type defines the more defined term and aids in accuracy of the classification.",19,7,390,395,Anatomy; Speech recognition; Population; Four quadrants; LIP PRINTS; Digital analysis; Adobe photoshop; Scotch tape; Mathematics,,"Female; Forensic Sciences; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; India; Lip/anatomy & histology; Male; Software; Students, Dental",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22920761 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22920761/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X12000856,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2012.04.012,22920761,10.1016/j.jflm.2012.04.012,2017578547,,0,072-758-474-045-712; 084-449-009-264-801; 086-629-816-352-243; 120-916-951-244-723; 146-011-725-761-180; 146-318-430-472-775; 156-259-142-844-218,20,false,,
088-455-736-193-874,Empirical test of the performance of an acoustic-phonetic approach to forensic voice comparison under conditions similar to those of a real case.,2017-05-17,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ewald Enzinger; Geoffrey Stewart Morrison,"In a 2012 case in New South Wales, Australia, the identity of a speaker on several audio recordings was in question. Forensic voice comparison testimony was presented based on an auditory-acoustic-phonetic-spectrographic analysis. No empirical demonstration of the validity and reliability of the analytical methodology was presented. Unlike the admissibility standards in some other jurisdictions (e.g., US Federal Rule of Evidence 702 and the Daubert criteria, or England & Wales Criminal Practice Directions 19A), Australia's Unified Evidence Acts do not require demonstration of the validity and reliability of analytical methods and their implementation before testimony based upon them is presented in court. The present paper reports on empirical tests of the performance of an acoustic-phonetic-statistical forensic voice comparison system which exploited the same features as were the focus of the auditory-acoustic-phonetic-spectrographic analysis in the case, i.e., second-formant (F2) trajectories in /o/ tokens and mean fundamental frequency (f0). The tests were conducted under conditions similar to those in the case. The performance of the acoustic-phonetic-statistical system was very poor compared to that of an automatic system. © 2017 Elsevier B.V.",277,,30,40,Empirical research; Forensic science; Artificial intelligence; Natural language processing; Identity (object-oriented programming); Speech recognition; Computer science; Reliability (statistics); Validity,Acoustic-phonetic; Admissibility; Forensic voice comparison; Reliability; Spectrographic; Validity,Biometric Identification/methods; Cell Phone; Forensic Sciences/legislation & jurisprudence; Humans; Likelihood Functions; Phonetics; Reproducibility of Results; Sound Spectrography; Speech Acoustics; Voice,,Australian Research Council; Australian Federal Police; New South Wales Police; Queensland Police; National Institute of Forensic Science; Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association; Guardia Civil through Linkage,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28575731 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28575731 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817301780 https://core.ac.uk/display/84587202 https://publications.aston.ac.uk/31343/ https://core.ac.uk/download/84587202.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.05.007,28575731,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.05.007,2615564100,,0,001-921-156-216-514; 002-914-447-841-273; 004-244-530-471-560; 009-625-536-554-421; 009-803-691-567-926; 010-098-964-557-489; 016-033-143-009-953; 020-487-219-625-498; 022-034-043-842-499; 022-441-007-510-495; 022-700-332-272-279; 027-446-096-802-725; 027-840-806-124-750; 030-664-222-936-067; 032-542-165-024-711; 032-835-930-009-383; 043-656-354-835-251; 048-150-789-022-851; 048-793-604-794-476; 050-310-595-848-358; 053-190-545-831-430; 059-412-546-692-320; 061-998-025-372-156; 062-498-372-697-030; 068-275-727-293-175; 069-116-189-874-703; 073-873-584-764-646; 076-888-948-052-158; 089-499-087-507-44X; 096-682-622-077-971; 098-344-809-399-496; 101-436-770-235-826; 102-364-296-040-955; 102-658-322-889-48X; 103-760-328-285-801; 105-028-147-599-604; 105-710-422-212-905; 107-790-123-102-330; 110-093-106-787-619; 111-957-949-211-732; 116-954-357-429-154; 119-299-092-875-116; 120-388-714-246-243; 124-989-627-391-345; 128-798-632-270-891; 135-254-704-947-370; 142-527-962-979-521; 152-414-066-491-570; 165-731-355-714-401; 166-043-248-700-036; 166-622-396-254-150; 174-102-356-590-898; 178-637-819-789-745; 189-404-738-600-850,9,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
088-532-846-258-436,Video gaming and sexual violence: rethinking forensic nursing in a digital age.,,2014,journal article,Journal of forensic nursing,19393938; 15563693,Wiley-Blackwell,United States,Dave Mercer; Denis Parkinson,"This article reports findings from a qualitative study into how forensic nurses, and male personality disordered sexual offenders, talked about ""pornography"" in one U.K. high-security hospital. Research rationale was rooted in current professional and political debates, adopting a discourse analytic design to situate the project in a clinical context. Semistructured interviews, as co-constructed accounts, explored talk about sexual media, offending, treatment, and risk. Data were analyzed using a version of discourse analysis popular in healthcare research, identifying discursive repertoires, or collective language use, characteristic of the institutional culture. Findings revealed that masculine discourse marginalized female nurses and contradicted therapeutic goals, where men's talk about pornography, sex, and sexual crime represented discriminatory and gendered language. Nursing definitions of pornography were constructed in the context of the client group and an organizational need to manage risk. In a highly controlled environment, with a long-stay population, priority in respondent talk was given to mainstream commercial sexual media and everyday items/images perceived to have embedded sexual meaning. However, little mention was made of contemporary modes of producing/distributing pornography, where sex and sexual violence are enacted in virtual realities of cyberspace. Failure to engage with information technology, and globally mediated sex, is discussed as a growing concern for forensic health workers.",10,1,27,35,Psychology; Sexual violence; Forensic nursing; Pornography; Population; Sexual crime; Sex offense; Poison control; Social psychology; Discourse analysis,,"England; Erotica; Female; Forensic Nursing; Humans; Language; Male; Nursing Staff, Hospital; Risk; Sex Offenses/psychology; Video Games/psychology; Violence/psychology",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24434946,http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/jfn.0000000000000017,24434946,10.1097/jfn.0000000000000017,2057439171,,0,001-716-696-872-552; 002-815-813-016-57X; 004-430-064-731-538; 004-770-191-001-782; 005-163-451-329-728; 014-841-227-089-551; 016-892-532-009-055; 016-940-999-144-086; 017-762-073-017-072; 020-898-007-308-93X; 021-003-195-215-429; 021-749-519-061-587; 025-870-230-028-153; 029-575-877-357-496; 034-540-968-446-479; 034-654-100-976-374; 036-786-007-204-895; 040-121-785-666-904; 050-933-776-257-419; 051-901-771-118-76X; 054-382-052-877-847; 068-267-770-344-898; 068-751-408-023-842; 078-809-014-964-959; 079-115-434-255-921; 081-973-814-735-129; 087-747-492-222-066; 089-905-004-689-243; 099-125-120-583-855; 104-852-236-522-413; 113-369-292-614-941; 113-518-087-753-578; 114-301-646-760-416; 137-850-089-165-038; 156-105-832-368-042; 173-498-422-694-060,2,false,,
088-818-614-755-023,“A Right Judgment”: Rape Trial Conventions Revisited in Joseph Andrews and Tom Jones:,2016-11-15,2016,journal article,"Law, Culture and the Humanities",17438721; 17439752,SAGE Publications,United States,Melissa Bloom Bissonette,"This article argues that in both Joseph Andrews (1742) and Tom Jones (1749), Henry Fielding, who practiced law and wrote novels when both were undergoing significant transformations, takes what cou...",15,3,174387211667582,861,Psychoanalysis; Philosophy; Law; Jury,,,,,https://fisherpub.sjfc.edu/english_facpub/20/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1743872116675821 https://fisherpub.sjfc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1020&context=english_facpub https://core.ac.uk/display/81665636 https://core.ac.uk/download/81665636.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1743872116675821,,10.1177/1743872116675821,2555117783,,0,,0,true,,green
088-855-551-481-936,Social and contextual taxonomy of cybercrime: Socioeconomic theory of Nigerian cybercriminals,,2016,journal article,"International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice",17560616,Elsevier BV,Netherlands,Suleman Ibrahim,"Abstract This article aims to establish the particularities of cybercrime in Nigeria and whether these suggest problems with prevailing taxonomies of cybercrime. Nigeria is representative of the Sub-Saharan region, and an exemplary cultural context to illustrate the importance of incorporating social and contextual factors into cybercrime classifications. This paper anchors upon a basic principle of categorisation alongside motivational theories, to offer a tripartite conceptual framework for grouping cybercrime nexus. It argues that cybercrimes are motivated by three possible factors: socioeconomic, psychosocial and geopolitical. Whilst this contribution challenges the statistics relied on to inform the prevalence of cybercrime perpetrators across nations, it provides new ways of making sense of the voluminous variances of cybercrime. Concomitantly, it enables a clearer conceptualisation of cybercrime in Nigeria and elsewhere, because jurisdictional cultures and nuances apply online as they do offline.",47,,44,57,Conceptual framework; Sociology; Socioeconomic status; Nexus (standard); Psychosocial; Geopolitics; Cybercrime; Cultural context; Public relations; Taxonomy (general),,,,,https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/1421079 https://core.ac.uk/display/82566571 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756061616300787 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1756061616300787 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82566571.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlcj.2016.07.002,,10.1016/j.ijlcj.2016.07.002,2508426536,,0,001-080-006-621-430; 002-585-684-118-922; 004-965-245-844-84X; 006-438-804-530-969; 011-027-737-860-793; 011-568-114-633-81X; 015-379-614-622-570; 016-611-055-745-784; 019-018-600-021-194; 020-742-535-882-31X; 021-009-242-479-230; 021-247-767-351-647; 027-113-578-824-606; 029-570-175-723-313; 030-433-105-959-798; 031-251-687-452-514; 031-584-901-404-050; 031-764-728-634-634; 033-277-921-984-569; 034-960-488-093-556; 036-744-550-710-68X; 037-995-429-148-720; 038-435-874-741-881; 042-577-662-778-015; 047-855-761-974-539; 048-214-999-047-029; 050-007-955-888-328; 050-944-414-684-185; 052-203-105-291-198; 054-504-228-886-206; 054-707-669-799-693; 057-372-064-186-277; 058-857-423-596-123; 062-465-677-174-053; 062-637-514-391-537; 066-662-255-566-362; 068-462-659-808-109; 068-825-095-491-467; 071-344-103-527-37X; 071-476-960-074-058; 073-176-345-577-188; 078-073-724-095-509; 078-452-608-209-37X; 080-290-856-171-297; 082-668-000-020-920; 087-289-666-522-988; 089-497-077-793-228; 092-580-657-904-903; 094-361-408-466-554; 098-810-652-555-766; 101-889-469-436-823; 107-611-681-555-16X; 113-055-394-822-010; 118-429-208-822-451; 122-776-046-287-53X; 128-117-380-431-540; 131-251-631-558-104; 132-954-479-691-660; 133-274-773-957-308; 134-041-745-382-569; 137-229-865-575-596; 137-298-307-797-644; 145-938-958-807-423; 147-180-639-211-223; 153-171-255-298-924; 166-287-559-701-440; 173-067-570-117-666; 194-103-674-095-411,52,true,cc-by,hybrid
089-044-330-755-494,Biomechanical study of the thyroid cartilage: A model of bi-digital strangulation.,2019-07-31,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,C. Gagnon; S. Boismery; Yves Godio-Raboutet; Lucile Tuchtan; Christophe Bartoli; Pascal Adalian; Kathia Chaumoitre; Marie-Dominique Piercecchi-Marti; Lionel Thollon,"The presence of fracture on neck elements is an indication of violence. Both the hyoid bone and the larynx can be damaged by a strangulation mechanism. Thyroid cartilage, more specifically, may present lesions in response to this mechanical stress. These lesions result in fractures at the bases of the horns of the thyroid cartilage. This study focuses on the thyroid cartilage behavior in cases of bi-digital strangulation, using an anthropometric and biomechanical approach. To develop a biomechanical model, we performed an anthropometric study taking into account 14 distances measurements as well as 3 measurements of angles. These measures allowed us to determine a significant sexual dimorphism between individuals. Then, we define 6 morphologies models, composed of 3 females and 3 males individuals. In order to visualize the ossification of the cartilage, each model has been tested with bone properties. Strangulation cases were simulated by applying an imposed velocity of 0.4m/s then 1m/s. We observed different behaviors of the thyroid cartilage according to the sex and the morphology.",302,,109891,,Anatomy; Thyroid cartilage; Ossification; Larynx; Cartilage; Hyoid bone; Biomechanical model; Medicine,3D modeling; Larynx; Strangulation; Thyroid cartilage,"Asphyxia/physiopathology; Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology; Computer Simulation; Decision Trees; Female; Finite Element Analysis; Forensic Medicine; Fractures, Cartilage/physiopathology; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Middle Aged; Models, Theoretical; Neck Injuries/physiopathology; Principal Component Analysis; Sex Characteristics; Thyroid Cartilage/diagnostic imaging",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31400616 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073819303044 https://hal-amu.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02562661 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31400616/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.109891,31400616,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.109891,2964667400,,0,000-542-554-590-361; 000-892-100-761-621; 008-558-672-870-572; 013-151-126-907-020; 016-640-800-511-930; 019-851-884-853-696; 021-658-301-416-10X; 024-405-575-980-22X; 028-414-072-821-745; 029-078-630-519-839; 034-338-491-436-046; 043-120-546-212-854; 047-581-429-213-628; 050-740-137-343-141; 051-811-037-631-092; 056-063-632-469-756; 057-618-903-559-896; 061-028-709-855-741; 072-050-671-687-809; 072-928-007-198-268; 073-045-337-413-669; 089-294-264-799-641; 098-212-313-441-799; 099-574-306-151-990; 117-451-270-505-742; 117-847-996-704-020; 124-229-243-478-044; 128-023-135-589-558; 134-905-860-772-04X; 138-484-148-640-425; 150-082-214-224-941; 159-094-425-009-104; 181-748-286-948-351,3,true,,bronze
089-588-129-495-470,"Reveal the concealed – Morphological variations of the coronoid process, condyle and sigmoid notch in personal identification",,2016,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Dathar Sahithi; Sudhakara Reddy; D.V. Divya Teja; Jyothirmai Koneru; Kotu Nagavenkata Sai Praveen; R. Sruthi,"Abstract: Objective of the study The study was conducted to evaluate different morphological variations of the coronoid process, the condyle and the sigmoid notch using panoramic radiographs for personal identification. Materials and methods The study was carried out using 200 digital orthopantomographs (OPGs) comprised of both sexes; and the different shapes of the coronoid process, condyle and the sigmoid notch were traced on projection sheets for both the right and left sides and the data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. Results The current study has illustrated various morphological shapes of the three selected entities and the most common shape of the coronoid process was observed to be triangular and that of sigmoid notch was the wider form. Whereas the condylar shape commonly observed among the males and females were angled and round shapes respectively. These variations when compared on both the sides had shown no statistical significance. Conclusion The present study has tried to unfold the unknown aspects pertaining to our ethnic group for identification of a person by means of panoramic radiographs. The results have exemplified that the variations in the morphology of the coronoid process, condyle and the sigmoid notch using panoramic radiography can tentatively be used as a screening tool in human identification owing to its ready availability in most of the hospital settings.",6,2,108,113,Anatomy; Sigmoid notch; Coronoid process; Statistical analysis; Screening tool; Mathematics; Radiography; Identification (information); Condyle,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/82150798 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X15000945 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X15000945,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2015.11.003,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2015.11.003,2173377943,,0,000-591-794-352-902; 000-749-401-439-757; 010-262-918-366-130; 010-367-714-860-058; 013-752-996-846-683; 014-478-317-123-262; 019-650-624-000-653; 035-703-694-390-497; 045-791-417-203-310; 047-228-270-527-571; 069-987-528-453-078; 070-241-158-575-960; 078-940-582-661-503; 083-577-519-032-357; 089-145-846-022-817; 137-401-413-909-649; 138-471-874-406-673; 153-638-343-894-810,10,true,cc-by,gold
090-134-321-218-595,An evaluation of nasal bone and aperture shape among three South African populations.,2015-04-22,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Jennifer Leigh McDowell; Michael W. Kenyhercz; Ericka Noelle L'Abbe,"Abstract Reliable and valid population specific standards are necessary to accurately develop a biological profile, which includes an estimation of peer-reported social identification (Hefner, 2009). During the last 300 years, colonialism, slavery and apartheid created geographic, physical and social divisions of population groups in South Africa. The purpose of this study was to evaluate variation in nasal bone and aperture shape in a modern population of black, white, and coloured South Africans using standard craniometric variables and geometric morphometrics, namely general Procrustes and elliptical Fourier analyses. Fourteen standard landmarks were digitally recorded or computationally derived from 310 crania using a 3D coordinate digitizer for discriminant function, principal components and generalized Procrustes analyses. For elliptical Fourier analysis, outlines of the nasal aperture were generated from standardized photographs. All classification accuracies were better than chance; the lowest accuracies were for coloured and the highest accuracies were for white South Africans. Most difficulties arose in distinguishing coloured and black South African groups from each other. Generally, misclassifications were noted between the sexes within each group rather than among groups, which suggests that sex has less influence on nasal bone and aperture shape than ancestry. Quantifiable variation in shape of the nasal aperture region between white and non-white South African groups was observed.",252,,1,9,Aperture; Geography; Principal component analysis; Crania; Nasal bone; Generalized Procrustes analysis; Population; Morphometrics; Discriminant function analysis; Cartography,Ancestry; Craniometry; Elliptical Fourier analysis; Forensic anthropology population data; Generalized Procrustes analysis; Geometric morphometrics,"Blacks; Cephalometry; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Fourier Analysis; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Nasal Bone/anatomy & histology; Principal Component Analysis; South Africa; Whites",,National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF),https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/2263/49139/1/McDowell_Evaluation_2015.pdf https://repository.up.ac.za/handle/2263/49139 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25963274 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815001620 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815001620,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.04.016,25963274,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.04.016,2097804665,,0,000-001-488-939-622; 003-758-312-324-011; 007-926-280-363-109; 008-182-128-533-246; 009-627-859-626-046; 009-845-474-782-158; 013-192-024-902-852; 013-542-037-985-084; 014-854-780-953-627; 015-622-577-246-39X; 020-391-980-406-117; 022-427-475-388-776; 022-628-219-153-047; 023-057-264-015-700; 023-819-775-510-904; 026-120-355-411-942; 029-135-276-733-442; 033-898-669-534-938; 045-197-704-055-849; 047-038-266-785-810; 049-390-593-585-168; 054-947-278-584-583; 055-771-162-555-49X; 061-313-500-586-643; 062-172-386-680-467; 062-304-658-786-540; 062-380-603-659-696; 062-960-656-393-730; 064-219-846-013-314; 072-483-590-097-27X; 095-443-398-977-590; 126-267-062-461-470; 146-081-725-404-240; 199-532-894-462-25X,23,true,,green
090-266-642-943-151,A Study of Palatal Rugae Patterns and Maxillary Inter-Canine Distance in a Jordanian Population Sample,2019-06-15,2019,journal article,Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine,16586786; 16586794,Naif Arab University for Security Sciences,,Asmaa S. El-Banna; Medyan Al-Rousan; Ghada Abu-Sheasha,"The study of palatal rugae has an important role in establishing personal identity and facilitating population identification. The current work analyzed the pattern of palatal rugae among an adult Jordanian population and searched for any gender differences. A total of 100 random dental casts were included in this study. Number and pattern of palatal rugae regarding length, shape, direction, and unification of rugae were identified. In addition, measurement of maxillary intercanine widths (MIW) using digital Vernier caliper was done. Palatal rugae on the right side outnumbered those on the left side. Males had more rugae in general than females. The commonest rugae in both sexes were serpiginous. Primary and forward rugae showed the highest frequency. A diverging form of unification was more prevalent than a converging form. Apart from a total number of convergent, divergent and secondary rugae, the total number of other rugae differs significantly between males and females. The study showed characteristics of palatal rugae in a Jordanian population which could be gender specific, facilitating their identification. It revealed the presence of sexual dimorphism, and sex can be predicted using either logistic regression equation or CART model.",1,9,1209,1209,Sexual dimorphism; Rugae; Population; Orthodontics; Forensic odontology; Palatal rugae; Jordanian population; Biology,,,,,https://repository.nauss.edu.sa/handle/123456789/66180,http://dx.doi.org/10.26735/16586794.2019.007,,10.26735/16586794.2019.007,2945940887,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc,gold
090-860-418-322-096,The devil is in the detail: deception and consistency over repeated interviews,2019-01-30,2019,journal article,"Psychology, Crime & Law",1068316x; 14772744,Informa UK Limited,United States,Charlotte A. Hudson; Aldert Vrij; Lucy Akehurst; Lorraine Hope,"Research indicates that truthful statements typically contain more details than fabricated statements, and that truth tellers are no more consistent than liars over multiple interviews. In this exp...",25,7,752,770,Lying; Psychology; Consistency (negotiation); Deception; Detecting deception; Social psychology,,,,,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1068316X.2019.1574790 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/1068316X.2019.1574790 https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/files/13066076/The_devil_is_in_the_detail.pdf https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/en/publications/the-devil-is-in-the-detail-deception-and-consistency-over-repeate https://core.ac.uk/download/195277383.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1068316x.2019.1574790,,10.1080/1068316x.2019.1574790,2914515878,,0,000-745-492-958-094; 001-700-429-228-15X; 004-443-635-574-269; 005-874-652-303-250; 006-263-831-372-298; 007-650-098-216-343; 018-578-844-448-177; 021-920-500-650-899; 021-935-148-833-320; 022-403-778-992-405; 028-340-485-278-593; 030-513-005-236-349; 031-275-777-645-578; 031-876-245-204-871; 037-536-996-087-087; 040-673-408-088-673; 043-110-399-854-857; 043-636-238-688-786; 046-168-504-548-351; 047-832-684-878-436; 047-978-915-345-859; 049-519-975-557-87X; 050-227-441-568-954; 058-402-129-647-363; 062-441-534-974-321; 063-453-364-589-993; 064-968-519-876-356; 065-318-905-561-514; 071-298-203-556-640; 078-730-146-046-058; 078-769-932-019-514; 078-951-160-126-643; 091-838-580-977-440; 095-277-092-988-27X; 096-278-185-030-926; 097-803-572-731-756; 097-851-054-232-89X; 100-503-031-351-226; 106-558-629-981-771; 107-037-199-640-821; 109-566-230-408-905; 119-320-478-056-205; 122-458-681-877-033; 124-751-219-789-282; 126-463-570-795-336; 130-916-001-095-528; 131-150-326-628-214; 140-296-968-183-665; 144-000-157-486-443; 151-853-767-286-818; 154-778-955-557-71X; 166-387-308-018-741; 170-013-371-914-125; 170-217-325-877-583,3,true,,green
090-900-474-910-881,Sexual dimorphism in human browridge volume measured from 3D models of dry crania: A new digital morphometrics approach,2012-07-07,2012,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Brian M Shearer; Sabrina B. Sholts; Heather M. Garvin; Sebastian K.T.S. Wärmländer,,222,1,400.e1,5,Sexual dimorphism; Demography; Forensic anthropology; Crania; Sex characteristics; Skull; 3d model; Morphometrics; Volume (compression); Cartography; Biology,,"Female; Forensic Anthropology; Frontal Bone/anatomy & histology; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Likelihood Functions; Male; Racial Groups; Sex Characteristics; Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods",,,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22776689/ http://pages.nycep.org/nmg/pdf/68.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22776689 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073812003131 http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:566648 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073812003131,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.06.013,22776689,10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.06.013,2141745790,,0,002-931-674-142-75X; 007-959-573-365-504; 012-753-008-776-551; 013-542-650-805-15X; 014-691-225-051-735; 017-541-800-244-337; 019-118-996-561-848; 020-675-979-302-147; 023-353-753-050-052; 024-679-150-921-564; 029-910-122-803-094; 037-518-113-779-735; 041-448-868-113-572; 048-399-506-168-441; 057-633-179-384-33X; 060-429-263-604-833; 063-559-355-372-245; 069-556-330-231-555; 069-735-732-245-718; 070-844-573-876-552; 075-350-822-956-505; 083-212-709-722-859; 086-944-554-028-792; 098-139-494-241-711; 100-464-240-740-579; 105-716-968-096-528; 112-931-643-518-425; 123-186-963-120-08X; 129-278-379-106-365; 133-005-309-094-355; 143-476-426-615-205; 161-926-969-937-479; 183-012-891-853-140; 192-795-568-717-026,48,false,,
091-376-202-827-37X,Exposure to criminal environment and criminal social identity in a sample of adult prisoners: The moderating role of psychopathic traits,2016-04-07,2016,journal article,Law and human behavior,1573661x; 01477307,Springer New York,United States,Nicole Sherretts; Daniel Boduszek; Agata Debowska,"The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of period of incarceration, criminal friend index (a retrospective measure intended to quantify criminal associations before 1st incarceration), and 4 psychopathy factors (interpersonal manipulation, callous affect, erratic lifestyle, and antisocial behavior) in criminal social identity (CSI) while controlling for age and gender. Participants were a sample of 501 incarcerated offenders (male n = 293; female n = 208) from 3 prisons located in Pennsylvania State. Moderated regression analyses indicated no significant direct association between period of incarceration and CSI or between criminal friend index and Measure of Criminal Social Identity (MCSI). However, a significant moderating effect of interpersonal manipulation on the relationship between period of incarceration and MCSI was observed. Period of incarceration was significantly positively correlated with MCSI (particularly with the in-group ties subscale) for only those offenders who scored high (1 SD above the mean) on interpersonal manipulation and significantly negatively correlated for those who scored low (1 SD below the mean) on interpersonal manipulation. Also, criminal friend index was positively significantly associated with in-group ties for high levels (1 SD above the mean) of callous affect. The main findings provide evidence for the claim that prisoners are likely to simulate changes in identity through the formation of bonds with other offenders and that this can be achieved using interpersonal manipulation skills. (PsycINFO Database Record",40,4,430,439,Developmental psychology; Association (psychology); Psychology; Interpersonal communication; Antisocial personality disorder; Identity (social science); PsycINFO; Affect (psychology); Psychopathy; Social identity theory,,Adult; Antisocial Personality Disorder; Criminals; Female; Humans; Male; Pennsylvania; Prisoners; Retrospective Studies; Social Identification,,,http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/27054370 https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/publications/exposure-to-criminal-environment-and-criminal-social-identity-in- https://core.ac.uk/display/33794862 http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/27232/ http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/lhb0000188 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27054370/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27054370 https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/4109/ https://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/lhb0000188 https://chesterrep.openrepository.com/cdr/handle/10034/596926 https://chesterrep.openrepository.com/bitstream/10034/596926/1/Exposure%20to%20criminal%20environment%20and%20criminal%20social%20identity%20in%20a%20sample%20of%20adult%20prisoners_The%20moderating%20role%20of%20psychopathic%20traits.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/30734632.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000188,27054370,10.1037/lhb0000188,2282216546,,0,000-244-844-953-073; 000-355-470-187-221; 000-912-762-864-06X; 001-592-278-238-442; 005-765-413-818-211; 012-946-634-538-463; 021-011-258-779-169; 027-007-659-008-898; 027-216-677-606-323; 029-459-340-694-320; 033-629-178-986-125; 035-787-544-493-790; 036-829-020-830-177; 037-425-611-746-634; 037-673-476-340-588; 043-125-726-420-266; 044-385-875-668-959; 050-009-724-166-589; 052-536-671-774-296; 055-041-871-610-100; 055-737-823-673-663; 056-743-488-084-155; 060-204-791-588-315; 061-669-367-446-007; 061-843-888-784-862; 061-890-325-741-553; 062-469-831-057-815; 064-168-070-568-752; 066-070-552-100-703; 067-849-879-867-186; 071-715-516-650-907; 071-862-524-044-851; 073-326-662-287-337; 074-069-368-542-095; 083-128-023-403-472; 084-368-119-675-316; 092-247-213-128-836; 092-652-788-125-029; 092-931-956-976-757; 093-537-226-115-454; 095-103-116-853-856; 115-459-418-095-078; 118-327-762-146-65X; 118-700-725-177-580; 120-839-699-610-341; 120-922-676-458-188; 123-971-487-988-34X; 127-629-056-629-021; 127-885-448-321-563; 133-692-573-600-648; 141-272-513-116-626; 144-071-216-797-443; 197-570-537-487-103; 198-438-026-858-150,7,true,,green
092-467-185-605-539,The electronic monitoring of offenders: penal moderation or penal excess?,2014-09-10,2014,journal article,"Crime, Law and Social Change",09254994; 15730751,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Netherlands,Richard Jones,"The technologies used in the electronic monitoring of offenders continue to develop, and next-generation “tags” will likely feature new capabilities. As the technology becomes more powerful, older criminal justice institutions and practices may appear increasingly anachronistic in one form or other, and their legitimacy called into question. Electronic monitoring systems may appear progressive alternatives to older forms of punishing. However, given the surveillant and controlling qualities of electronic monitoring systems, extending their use is in many respects troubling. This article seeks to examine the electronic monitoring of offenders in the light of the concepts of “penal moderation” and “penal excess”, as well as to reflect on this sanction at the interface of the academic fields of the sociology of punishment and surveillance studies. It is argued that issues relating to intended aims and actual effects of the electronic monitoring of offenders go to the heart of contemporary debates and contradictions regarding penal purpose, the effects of the criminal justice system, electronic surveillance, and explanations of penal change.",62,4,475,488,Criminal justice; Sociology of punishment; Sociology; Law; Restorative justice; Young offender; Electronic surveillance; Anachronism; Legitimacy; Criminology; Moderation,,,,,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-014-9537-3 https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/24620775/Jones_EM_CL_SC_article_FINAL.pdf https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10611-014-9537-3 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-014-9537-3/fulltext.html https://core.ac.uk/display/43710344 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/the-electronic-monitoring-of-offenders(4e14f9d5-4998-4dc4-8242-bbc807e51802).html https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/the-electronic-monitoring-of-offenders-penal-moderation-or-penal- https://core.ac.uk/download/43710344.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10611-014-9537-3,,10.1007/s10611-014-9537-3,1992756470,,0,001-642-191-214-74X; 002-097-729-844-221; 003-412-147-436-678; 003-884-493-142-117; 003-914-117-926-799; 004-792-349-084-109; 006-249-323-117-038; 008-083-790-254-520; 008-633-845-671-545; 010-677-701-387-613; 011-051-322-547-690; 011-226-488-591-159; 011-344-355-235-991; 012-270-767-861-662; 014-804-400-985-518; 015-529-397-425-976; 016-180-315-601-903; 016-654-280-722-52X; 018-086-970-332-537; 021-156-836-666-308; 023-542-027-199-023; 025-362-869-630-355; 026-415-838-950-578; 026-494-152-140-122; 026-528-695-783-055; 026-755-467-053-093; 028-756-151-860-881; 032-495-541-512-50X; 034-070-999-068-040; 042-044-576-591-834; 046-895-440-369-100; 052-864-264-317-63X; 052-870-108-098-843; 054-312-169-297-607; 054-365-016-368-944; 054-646-931-729-337; 055-414-784-026-52X; 055-515-730-476-43X; 056-161-642-240-575; 059-684-570-524-967; 065-348-898-801-053; 072-168-172-891-788; 076-785-369-979-58X; 078-205-027-730-273; 079-994-975-204-119; 082-185-742-648-649; 082-603-619-246-301; 083-237-491-234-801; 084-355-290-954-486; 086-633-355-958-227; 088-707-436-703-025; 090-682-826-592-889; 093-510-778-977-984; 096-299-328-509-604; 100-827-028-425-651; 103-044-532-391-620; 103-364-282-410-675; 103-539-982-414-281; 104-010-464-193-227; 106-689-197-109-823; 108-642-498-602-640; 113-701-103-647-018; 117-253-586-475-01X; 119-903-252-250-595; 127-775-834-266-665; 131-040-000-770-635; 135-423-496-108-111; 137-735-386-516-099; 140-566-225-366-193; 140-638-595-344-223; 141-681-777-375-469; 148-639-352-051-085; 151-874-169-897-793; 153-115-476-889-270; 153-693-526-231-608; 155-945-630-487-081; 156-580-195-547-20X; 157-779-534-020-897; 161-761-637-680-23X; 162-100-737-906-302; 163-271-587-988-148; 164-951-410-210-731; 167-864-472-304-673; 172-984-910-270-862; 176-637-742-484-747; 177-614-116-933-087; 179-388-884-405-332; 182-634-763-214-643; 191-531-952-974-320; 195-593-216-803-928; 198-427-757-988-705; 198-971-457-445-003,13,true,,green
092-795-203-775-439,Adult fly age estimations using cuticular hydrocarbons and Artificial Neural Networks in forensically important Calliphoridae species.,2017-10-08,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Hannah E. Moore; John B. Butcher; Charles R. Day; Falko P. Drijfhout,"Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are forensically important as they are known to be one of the first to colonise human remains. The larval stage is typically used to assist a forensic entomologists with adult flies rarely used as they are difficult to age because they remain morphologically similar once they have gone through the initial transformation upon hatching. However, being able to age them is of interest and importance within the field. This study examined the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) of Diptera: Calliphoridae species Lucilia sericata, Calliphora vicina and Calliphora vomitoria. The CHCs were extracted from the cuticles of adult flies and analysed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The chemical profiles were examined for the two Calliphora species at intervals of day 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 and up to day 10 for L. sericata. The results show significant chemical changes occurring between the immature and mature adult flies over the extraction period examined in this study. With the aid of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), samples were seen to cluster, allowing for the age to be established within the aforementioned time frames. The use of ANNs allowed for the automatic classification of novel samples with very good performance. This was a proof of concept study, which developed a method allowing to age post-emergence adults by using their chemical profiles.",280,,233,244,Larva; Calliphora; Hatching; Post-mortem interval; Calliphoridae; Lucilia; Calliphora vicina; Mature adult; Toxicology; Biology; Zoology,Adult blowflies; Artificial Neural Networks; Cuticular hydrocarbons; Post mortem interval; Principal Component Analysis,"Animals; Diptera/metabolism; Feeding Behavior; Forensic Sciences/methods; Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; Hydrocarbons/metabolism; Neural Networks, Computer; Postmortem Changes; Principal Component Analysis; Time Factors",Hydrocarbons,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29107219 https://core.ac.uk/display/131639814 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29107219/ https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/bitstream/1826/16201/1/Adult_fly_age_estimations_using_cuticular_hydrocarbons_and_Artificial_Neural_Networks-2017.pdf https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/16201 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817304024 https://core.ac.uk/download/228123326.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.10.001,29107219,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.10.001,2761398435,,0,000-438-263-481-00X; 000-920-120-964-210; 001-868-226-610-470; 003-903-636-871-554; 005-789-677-834-289; 015-226-622-962-092; 016-656-377-629-160; 019-429-047-396-121; 019-815-427-902-546; 023-715-968-709-008; 026-025-850-499-739; 027-589-691-245-706; 033-586-505-020-460; 035-150-422-849-711; 038-165-057-492-793; 039-971-854-306-909; 041-716-251-423-181; 042-893-147-145-293; 043-873-715-915-558; 043-884-063-613-768; 044-841-879-251-84X; 052-036-203-833-530; 054-877-213-142-118; 057-156-890-507-304; 059-181-626-743-639; 067-548-540-652-865; 069-905-336-155-701; 071-208-692-473-595; 086-014-778-447-880; 090-613-438-879-897; 090-836-808-152-23X; 091-150-933-344-919; 093-245-673-445-696; 094-463-926-565-613; 096-848-976-056-219; 100-286-368-688-23X; 116-827-293-576-718; 125-082-012-062-802; 137-882-384-304-578; 145-125-188-851-322; 161-899-025-238-987; 164-424-660-732-263; 167-285-758-504-367; 169-631-571-715-692; 176-925-704-627-408,15,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
093-518-811-066-063,The Prevent paradox: destroying liberalism in order to protect it,2019-03-18,2019,journal article,"Crime, Law and Social Change",09254994; 15730751,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Netherlands,Christos Boukalas,"Counter-extremism is the most dynamic part of UK counterterrorism policy. This article examines Prevent, the flagship counter-extremism programme, through a state-theoretical lens. It addresses questions of state institutionality, state power, and state-society relations. It argues that counter-extremism aims to avert the possibility of a political future by repressing the formation of non-liberal political subjectivities. To achieve this, Prevent divides society along political lines; aligns welfare institutions with the security apparatus; mobilises society in a security endeavour; exercises an authoritarian ‘pastoral’ power; replaces trust with generalised suspicion; and construes subjectivities without capacity for historical agency. Therefore, Prevent is a political paradox: an anti-liberal project aiming to secure and perpetuate liberalism.",72,4,467,482,Welfare; Agency (philosophy); Liberalism (international relations); Political science; Order (exchange); Law and economics; Power (social and political); State (polity); Authoritarianism; Politics,,,,Northumbria University,http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/38442/ https://paperity.org/p/191864306/the-prevent-paradox-destroying-liberalism-in-order-to-protect-it https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-019-09827-8 https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/en/publications/the-prevent-paradox-destroying-liberalism-in-order-to-protect-it https://researchportal.northumbria.ac.uk/en/publications/the-prevent-paradox(ad5265c8-5bd3-4d5f-a7bc-8547f99cdb56).html https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10611-019-09827-8.pdf https://northumbria-test.eprints-hosting.org/id/document/268833 https://core.ac.uk/download/196579147.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10611-019-09827-8,,10.1007/s10611-019-09827-8,2921163210,,0,001-162-603-963-462; 005-812-995-294-006; 012-069-409-231-818; 013-977-349-028-913; 016-262-035-020-740; 019-581-477-488-006; 021-788-252-560-775; 022-464-999-246-456; 041-698-594-898-019; 045-708-343-519-549; 049-158-969-920-803; 052-528-067-537-542; 052-864-264-317-63X; 056-244-468-812-876; 058-275-319-661-482; 059-168-925-895-951; 059-838-484-127-470; 063-390-357-106-257; 065-082-483-832-709; 067-043-044-166-653; 068-600-192-671-42X; 079-549-304-050-547; 080-579-966-732-101; 081-444-841-476-683; 082-308-986-997-359; 085-507-840-682-638; 088-891-340-017-699; 091-947-498-681-803; 092-019-838-756-280; 092-862-108-486-126; 097-391-799-419-857; 104-697-722-065-011; 105-239-081-652-598; 105-465-374-108-68X; 107-510-843-033-514; 109-383-130-292-915; 111-336-697-220-541; 113-069-834-493-909; 114-423-704-757-166; 114-657-452-258-409; 114-776-201-648-148; 120-841-675-245-565; 123-227-059-647-850; 126-012-155-126-407; 126-028-590-689-411; 130-893-099-455-747; 136-877-804-496-551; 137-712-761-611-759; 140-566-225-366-193; 140-684-785-173-792; 149-307-800-721-616; 151-039-545-229-416; 153-395-158-616-591; 157-829-862-777-760; 165-575-325-149-18X; 178-901-975-462-373; 194-831-194-026-076; 198-731-172-590-108,9,true,cc-by,hybrid
094-125-355-177-817,Reflected near-infrared photography: Digging deeper into post-mortem examination.,2022-07-12,2022,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Anurag Dubey; Raja Rupani; Vishal Sharma; Rohit Kumar Singh; Sangeeta Kumari; Anoop Kumar Verma,"This research aims to investigate the utility of the Near Infra-Red (NIR) photographic technique in visualizing forensic evidence in a post-mortem examination.; A total of twenty-six deceased (male: n = 15; female: n = 11) were brought to the Mortuary of King George's Medical University, Chowk, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India (226003), and were used to investigate the applicability of the human visible spectrum (HVS) & near-infrared photography. In the investigation, a modified Nikon D5300 crop-framed digital single-lens reflex camera was used for NIR Photography in combination with a Micro-Nikkor 105 mm, f/2.8, (Nikon Inc., Melville, NY, USA), Hoya R72 (760nm-860nm) infrared filter and a Nikon D5600 crop-framed digital single-lens reflex camera in combination with Nikkor 50mm lens for Human Visible Spectrum (HVS) Photography.; The finding of the study reported that the application of the NIR photography would be the best of the investigative techniques for visualization and photo-documentation of forensically relevant post-mortem findings, such as - trace evidences (e.g., blood spots & soil particles on dark clothing), in external findings (e.g., contusion on victim's body) also for internal findings in a road traffic accident (RTA), gunshot, and drowning victim (e.g., mud particles in the trachea of drowning victim & localizing contusion of the scalp in road traffic accident cases).; Human visible spectrum (HVS) photographs taken with Nikon D5600 provides substantial evidence for documentation purpose, the best results for trace evidence & contusion visualization in Post-mortem examination of the deceased were achieved with the NIR Photography in combination with indirect sunlight & room light as an infrared light source. (At a wavelength of 760nm-860nm).; Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.",90,,102397,102397,Photography; Digital photography; Medicine; Art; Visual arts,Contusion; Forensic findings; Forensic photography; Hoya R72; NIR photography; Road traffic accident,Autopsy; Contusions; Drowning; Female; Forensic Medicine/methods; Humans; Male; Photography/methods,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2022.102397,35841695,10.1016/j.jflm.2022.102397,,,0,000-528-548-051-109; 001-799-851-623-14X; 002-173-627-560-043; 004-702-141-530-235; 011-822-005-450-046; 017-143-174-616-557; 017-350-473-236-230; 020-983-984-129-419; 022-064-065-948-929; 030-315-467-286-298; 031-416-006-596-102; 032-766-155-898-40X; 035-360-964-507-762; 043-409-664-939-576; 043-977-087-903-068; 046-089-524-145-220; 048-963-662-653-523; 053-780-887-899-021; 056-252-896-052-199; 056-822-339-422-11X; 056-889-232-726-179; 065-167-669-166-719; 067-973-727-068-236; 099-738-987-646-312; 153-443-459-271-471; 168-830-112-171-468; 178-975-732-795-220,0,false,,
094-273-756-797-325,"Media justice: Madeleine McCann, intermediatization and ‘trial by media’ in the British press",2012-09-03,2012,journal article,Theoretical Criminology,13624806; 14617439,SAGE Publications,United States,Chris Greer; Eugene McLaughlin,"Three-year-old Madeleine McCann disappeared on 3 May 2007 from a holiday apartment in Portugal. Over five years and multiple investigations that failed to solve this abducted child case, Madeleine ...",16,4,395,416,Economic Justice; Sociology; Apartment; Social media; Criminology,,,,,https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/1988/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1362480612454559 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362480612454559 https://core.ac.uk/display/9982805 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1362480612454559 https://tcr.sagepub.com/content/16/4/395 http://repository.essex.ac.uk/27455/ https://core.ac.uk/download/9982805.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362480612454559,,10.1177/1362480612454559,2054041816,,0,002-230-082-698-883; 005-642-172-785-163; 010-967-716-734-951; 017-379-571-655-403; 019-567-342-759-584; 020-106-720-419-426; 032-488-788-196-590; 037-668-144-949-040; 043-549-909-348-833; 045-953-462-672-49X; 047-205-653-251-46X; 050-385-882-307-833; 061-056-259-644-696; 066-663-551-671-671; 069-606-494-810-353; 071-805-268-690-174; 076-704-263-952-250; 079-102-026-680-272; 080-970-712-302-832; 084-381-506-568-154; 085-242-202-881-463; 085-555-843-147-944; 087-742-118-429-814; 094-351-023-626-140; 095-680-147-211-741; 111-640-493-212-175; 142-446-288-396-599; 145-125-782-791-748; 150-354-788-953-189; 152-434-043-497-775; 158-848-690-764-305; 169-623-372-600-120; 180-693-096-010-555; 190-294-589-827-867,40,true,,green
094-483-919-048-35X,Signature dynamics in Alzheimer's disease,2019-07-26,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Michael P. Caligiuri; Linton A. Mohammed,"Forensic document examiners are often called upon to opine on the authenticity of handwritten signatures by individuals with diminished mental capacity. Legal arguments surrounding the decisional capacity of an individual with dementia can be found in many cases involving wills, deeds, trusts, and contracts. The purpose of this study was to provide estimates of feature variability derived from dynamic analyses of signatures written by individuals with dementia of the Alzheimer type (AD) compared with age-comparable healthy individuals. Dynamic features of digitally captured signatures were analyzed to test the hypothesis that AD signature features will show greater variability compared with signatures from age-comparable healthy subjects. The study enrolled 69 AD and 74 age comparable healthy subjects. Results revealed four main findings from AD signatures: (1) that the temporal, spatial and fluency characteristics of signature formation did not differ from signatures of healthy writers; (2) variability in dynamic features over a series of repetitive signatures fell within 10% of the natural variation of healthy subjects; (3) there was a significant association between increased dynamic signature feature variability and increased dementia severity for stylized and mixed signatures only; and (4) despite significant decline in cognitive status over a 1-year period, dynamic signature features remained stable. Overall, these results suggest that signature writing is preserved in AD. The association between dementia severity and dynamic feature variability among AD subjects with stylized or mixed signatures warrants further research.",302,,109880,,Association (psychology); Dynamics (music); Signature (logic); Psychology; Fluency; Disease; Dementia; Healthy subjects; Audiology; Feature (computer vision),Dementia; Document examination; Signature dynamics; Signature variability; Signatures,Aged; Alzheimer Disease/psychology; Case-Control Studies; Female; Handwriting; Humans; Male; Severity of Illness Index,,NIA NIH HHS (P30 AG062429) United States; NIA NIH HHS (P50 AG005131) United States,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31390576/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6910131 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073819302932,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.109880,31390576,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.109880,2964697057,PMC6910131,0,012-663-758-091-122; 016-064-826-487-198; 019-540-569-525-643; 045-254-477-563-445; 052-690-172-487-095; 062-617-171-617-603; 074-153-798-912-422; 086-062-267-096-536; 091-014-716-487-167; 102-913-222-615-268; 104-738-688-037-946; 110-269-648-195-884; 121-878-977-058-787,1,true,,green
095-017-486-539-644,The effects of extrinsic motivation on signature authorship opinions in forensic signature blind trials.,2014-01-08,2014,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Tahnee Ngair. Dewhurst; Bryan Found; Kaye N. Ballantyne; Doug Rogers,,236,,127,132,Forensic science; Signature (logic); Blind signature; Proposition; Handwriting; Task (project management); As Directed; Statistical difference; Medicine; Social psychology,Expertise; Handwriting; Motivation; Questioned document; Signatures; Validation,Adult; Female; Handwriting; Humans; Male; Motivation; Punishment; Reward,,,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24529783/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073813005483 https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/24529783,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.12.025,24529783,10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.12.025,2012194875,,0,001-781-290-711-194; 002-702-684-301-487; 003-118-882-692-806; 004-928-187-597-023; 009-946-982-443-753; 026-626-586-024-542; 026-799-311-720-851; 029-572-374-706-793; 030-191-520-051-948; 032-856-646-543-821; 033-509-722-867-909; 033-733-685-575-953; 035-192-885-667-493; 038-177-740-519-063; 045-502-491-197-832; 047-421-310-755-435; 056-711-259-538-874; 060-403-745-968-810; 063-671-223-859-748; 077-269-016-173-13X; 078-373-114-642-178; 095-317-485-198-950; 096-491-234-566-966; 099-713-076-621-21X; 100-022-822-388-44X; 101-436-770-235-826; 104-997-653-979-163; 109-435-258-852-67X; 122-988-175-691-701; 146-970-724-314-649; 176-798-088-989-560,8,false,,
095-664-270-836-35X,Co-producing justice sanctions? Citizen perspectives,2016-07-24,2016,journal article,Criminology & Criminal Justice,17488958; 17488966,SAGE Publications,United Kingdom,Trish McCulloch,"This article is about the place of those sentenced in criminal justice sanctions. Specifically, it reports on the findings of a co-productive qualitative inquiry that sought to explore the place an...",16,4,431,451,Criminal justice; Economic Justice; Political science; Theory of criminal justice; Punishment; Sanctions; Service user; Public relations; Criminology,,,,,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1748895816639730 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1748895816639730 https://core.ac.uk/display/42553626 https://core.ac.uk/download/42553626.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1748895816639730,,10.1177/1748895816639730,2339473998,,0,001-884-329-358-669; 005-261-707-969-921; 007-173-364-180-664; 013-018-503-574-418; 014-941-623-067-408; 015-170-670-916-349; 016-270-116-376-597; 018-180-175-596-921; 022-703-155-841-12X; 024-342-953-850-41X; 024-850-329-245-487; 025-950-934-107-343; 027-451-471-603-370; 027-793-783-992-440; 034-125-859-758-184; 034-395-936-252-081; 048-438-504-078-003; 050-443-987-716-871; 056-474-849-904-663; 059-064-336-299-40X; 059-166-626-628-301; 062-760-617-823-834; 065-825-116-130-929; 093-210-562-562-355; 108-642-498-602-640; 111-279-923-209-335; 111-985-051-083-728; 115-228-713-160-751; 118-784-395-456-579; 140-947-796-375-447; 157-457-844-812-61X; 160-636-750-892-294; 163-802-887-425-478; 168-895-491-328-708; 176-800-398-896-052; 190-747-539-056-100,12,true,,green
096-705-347-709-135,A comparative digital morphometric study of lung tissue in saltwater and freshwater drowning.,2019-03-12,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Rosario Barranco; Claudia Castiglioni; Francesco Ventura; Tony Fracasso,,298,,157,160,Pathology; Lung; Forensic pathology; Autopsy; Pulmonary lobe; Pulmonary emphysema; Morphometric analysis; Lung tissue; Negative control; Medicine,Acute pulmonary emphysema; Forensic pathology; Freshwater drowning; Morphometric digital analysis; Saltwater drowning,"Adult; Drowning/pathology; Female; Fresh Water; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Italy; Lung/pathology; Male; Microscopy; Middle Aged; Myocardium/pathology; Organ Size; Photography; Pleural Effusion/pathology; Pulmonary Edema/pathology; Retrospective Studies; Seawater; Switzerland; Young Adult",,,https://europepmc.org/article/MED/30904787 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30904787/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30904787 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073819300866 https://iris.unige.it/handle/11567/956615,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.03.004,30904787,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.03.004,2921168473,,0,001-466-140-090-425; 001-612-037-965-476; 006-047-734-293-25X; 006-593-329-424-760; 011-210-900-924-175; 017-477-781-505-533; 037-587-009-225-272; 045-416-433-908-885; 049-485-775-403-128; 053-849-526-745-900; 057-376-448-844-927; 061-588-241-352-772; 085-579-258-472-646; 090-952-376-258-257; 095-149-742-010-198; 098-246-470-227-214; 107-319-267-381-32X; 112-801-316-003-605; 114-474-465-556-323; 123-147-934-169-085; 137-473-380-071-159; 146-081-725-404-240,4,false,,
096-919-302-799-425,Critical issues in the historical and contemporary development of forensic anthropology in Australia: An international comparison.,2017-03-31,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Xanthé Mallett; Martin P Evison,"The aim of this brief critical qualitative analysis is to examine the development of forensic anthropology in Australia, at a time of significant change in the discipline. It will briefly summarise its historical establishment, making comparative reference to other regions-particularly the United Kingdom and United States, and the influence of the Bali Bombings of 2002, Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami of 2004 and Black Saturday Bushfires of 2009. The analysis goes on to consider key factors in research in forensic anthropology in the United States, and the development of standards and regulation in the US and UK. The significance of research in post-mortem diagenesis in Brazil-a country sharing aspects of climate, soil types and demography with Australia-is also considered, as well as the significance of patterns of casework encountered in Australia compared with those of other jurisdictions. While forensic anthropology as a discipline has grown remarkably in recent years, this analysis suggests that research and training tailored to the specific pattern of casework encountered in Australia is now essential to support the development of national standards in science, education, and professional regulation. The significance of the establishment of the first taphonomy research facility outside of the US-the Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research-is briefly considered with reference to what this facility may offer to the development of forensic anthropology in Australia.",275,,314.e1,314.e8,,Forensic Anthropology Population Data; Forensic anthropology; Forensic human identification; Forensic science; Human decomposition; Taphonomy; Time since death interval,Australia; Forensic Anthropology/education; Humans; Internationality,,,https://core.ac.uk/download/80693794.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.03.019,28449842,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.03.019,,,0,005-213-539-248-861; 005-509-339-895-733; 006-258-563-756-247; 007-135-955-034-661; 009-995-148-483-498; 010-694-268-250-388; 013-854-185-838-88X; 015-670-129-901-262; 016-031-660-141-03X; 016-476-961-612-132; 017-275-859-330-978; 019-755-797-997-341; 023-738-881-934-909; 029-713-997-802-761; 034-665-400-909-863; 036-568-382-654-403; 041-828-600-071-388; 042-985-476-894-517; 046-235-451-017-086; 052-274-183-064-714; 054-303-912-608-658; 057-749-438-244-687; 061-477-172-868-617; 063-618-298-758-236; 068-381-273-726-018; 070-342-990-188-152; 073-554-285-542-906; 079-351-916-757-451; 087-309-291-494-399; 089-183-917-740-021; 092-107-342-241-793; 099-792-533-947-935; 102-373-890-825-039; 103-355-429-622-919; 105-821-849-222-207; 107-311-830-340-732; 115-746-577-351-069; 118-841-662-873-376; 122-621-664-710-650; 126-716-137-583-140; 137-155-930-201-39X; 152-185-196-955-269; 165-693-632-437-170; 178-652-143-189-760; 186-927-290-848-682,5,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
097-231-104-406-011,Sexual dimorphism of the metacarpals in contemporary Cretans: Are there differences with mainland Greeks?,2015-09-25,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Despoina Nathena; Laura Gambaro; Nikolaos Tzanakis; Manolis Michalodimitrakis; Elena F. Kranioti,"Sex in the adult skeleton can usually be reliably determined through an assessment of features found on the pelvis and cranium. In the lack of these elements it is necessary to elaborate other methods to establish sex in skeletonised remains recovered in forensic cases. Standards for other bones (e.g. humerus, metacarpals and metatarsals) have already been established for the Greek population. The aim of this study is to determine whether the standards for metacarpals provided from a study on the Athens collection are representative of a modern Cretan population. Using a digital caliper we took 7 measurements on each one of the left and right metacarpal bones of 108 adult individuals from a modern collection from Crete. Totally twenty formulae for left and right bones created from the Athens collection were used to sex the sample of this study. The overall classification accuracy obtained for our sample was very close to the cross-validated accuracy reported by the authors. However, looking at the classification accuracy for males and females, a consistent trend for low classification rates in females was observed. New formulae were developed for the Cretan sample yielding up to 85% classification accuracy. This study clearly indicates that the standards for metacarpals developed from the Athens collection are not appropriate for application in forensic cases for the island of Crete as they do not represent the local population efficiently. This may hold true for other regions of Greece thus great caution should be taken when applying these standards. Obviously more research is needed to confirm these results.",257,,515,515.e8,Sexual dimorphism; Demography; Forensic anthropology; Greeks; Sample (material); Geography; Metacarpal bones; Sex characteristics; Mainland; Population,Crete; Forensic anthropology population data; Greece; Metacarpals; Sex estimation,Adult; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Greece; Humans; Male; Metacarpal Bones/anatomy & histology; Sex Characteristics; Sex Determination by Skeleton,,,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26462576/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037907381500376X https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/sexual-dimorphism-of-the-metacarpals-in-contemporary-cretans(3e9a24d6-b5c1-44d2-adb2-61d6393baddf)/export.html https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/sexual-dimorphism-of-the-metacarpals-in-contemporary-cretans(3e9a24d6-b5c1-44d2-adb2-61d6393baddf).html http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26462576 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26462576 https://core.ac.uk/download/322477996.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.09.004,26462576,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.09.004,2190527983,,0,001-983-891-666-064; 002-261-304-397-560; 003-097-918-220-385; 007-790-606-175-010; 009-682-677-709-31X; 022-632-971-552-283; 026-773-725-417-849; 027-811-537-630-547; 027-912-459-442-622; 030-959-767-222-628; 033-153-812-927-341; 047-465-416-359-03X; 057-129-845-488-585; 059-046-834-587-392; 077-007-402-382-52X; 079-416-115-290-569; 086-304-908-066-281; 108-014-161-808-347; 114-112-752-476-459; 122-774-592-696-585; 130-210-825-116-032; 149-695-343-063-781; 151-433-445-033-323,19,true,,green
098-880-940-361-257,The use of Artificial Intelligence in digital forensics: An introduction,2014-01-27,2014,journal article,Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review,20548508; 17564611,School of Advanced Study,Spain,F. Mitchell,"Dr Faye Mitchell argues that the use of Artificial Intelligence, which is a well-established area of modern computer science that is capable of dealing with computationally large or complex problems, could be useful for digital forensics. Digital forensics is becoming increasingly important, and often requires the intelligent analysis of large amounts of complex data. Artificial Intelligence could help to bridge the gap.",7,0,35,41,Artificial intelligence; Bridge (interpersonal); Complex problems; Computer science; Digital forensics,,,,,https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/publications/the-use-of-artificial-intelligence-in-digital-forensics-an-introd https://sas-space.sas.ac.uk/5533/ https://journals.sas.ac.uk/deeslr/article/view/1922/1859 https://core.ac.uk/download/228154935.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.14296/deeslr.v7i0.1922,,10.14296/deeslr.v7i0.1922,2026744384,,0,,15,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
099-471-316-814-530,The dynamics of domestic abuse and drug and alcohol dependency,2019-05-07,2019,journal article,The British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,David Gadd; Juliet Henderson; Polly Radcliffe; Danielle Stephens-Lewis; Amy J. Wagoner Johnson; Gail Gilchrist,"This article elucidates the dynamics that occur in relationships where there have been both substance use and domestic abuse. It draws interpretively on in-depth qualitative interviews with; male perpetrators and their current and former partners. These interviews were undertaken for the; National Institute for Health Research-funded ADVANCE programme. The article’s analysis highlights the diverse ways in which domestic abuse by substance-using male partners is compounded; for women who have never been substance dependent, women who have formerly been substance; dependent and women who are currently substance dependent. The criminological implications of; the competing models of change deployed in drug treatment and domestic violence intervention are; discussed alongside the policy and practice challenges entailed in reconciling them within intervention contexts where specialist service provision has been scaled back and victims navigate pressures; to stay with perpetrators while they undergo treatment alongside the threat of sanction should they; seek protection from the police and courts.",59,5,1035,1053,Human factors and ergonomics; Political science; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Intervention (counseling); Poison control; Suicide prevention; Domestic violence; Criminology; Substance dependence,,,,,https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article/59/5/1035/5486457 https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/the-dynamics-of-domestic-abuse-and-drug-and-alcohol-dependency(55e5d5bf-a42d-4db0-be59-2f7c01e55c72).html https://eprints.worc.ac.uk/8018/ http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/id/eprint/6742 https://core.ac.uk/download/200197757.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azz011,,10.1093/bjc/azz011,2913090781,,0,010-183-362-685-770; 013-016-082-460-834; 015-890-828-946-958; 017-889-206-942-375; 019-319-795-315-385; 020-952-981-115-765; 021-005-761-797-507; 021-654-747-990-669; 025-648-908-504-364; 027-651-936-542-27X; 028-157-440-698-994; 030-400-042-657-82X; 034-650-935-839-564; 038-665-648-643-996; 039-184-817-482-935; 041-823-395-563-312; 043-993-155-867-485; 044-615-464-556-478; 048-045-212-281-221; 055-420-887-043-649; 064-560-918-355-321; 071-303-997-195-501; 081-263-345-348-292; 083-880-000-856-669; 087-410-340-882-088; 093-459-143-821-459; 093-599-941-582-530; 101-518-311-123-154; 114-313-678-194-461; 114-403-786-288-464; 138-550-143-121-493; 142-570-242-981-82X; 156-792-973-685-807; 160-174-305-910-075; 186-757-899-493-333,24,true,cc-by,hybrid
100-819-137-006-763,"Understanding the Criminal: Record-Keeping, Statistics and the Early History of Criminology in England",2016-09-19,2016,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Robert Shoemaker; Richard Ward,"This article seeks to understand why detailed personal information about accused criminals and convicts was collected from the late eighteenth century in England, and why some of this information was converted into statistics from the 1820s, such that by 1860 extensive information about criminals’ physical characteristics and backgrounds was regularly collected. Record-keeping was mostly driven by local initiatives and imperatives, revealing the development of a grass-roots information-gathering culture, with limited government direction. Similarly, the government was a slow and reluctant participant in the collection of statistics, often yielding to external pressures. Ultimately, the substantial amount of information recorded reveals a strong and widely-held desire to understand the criminal, long before the self-conscious enterprise of ‘criminology’ was invented.",57,6,1442,1461,Statistics; Government; Psychology; Personally identifiable information; Limited government; Criminal record; Criminology,,,,Arts and Humanities Research Council,https://ore.exeter.ac.uk/repository/handle/10871/30074 https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article/57/6/1442/2623949 https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/104125/ http://bjc.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/09/19/bjc.azw071.full https://core.ac.uk/download/46564664.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azw071,,10.1093/bjc/azw071,2522920169,,0,000-729-359-654-569; 002-121-296-743-018; 003-809-423-266-691; 006-888-003-566-302; 008-005-689-838-907; 012-270-767-861-662; 012-816-627-857-989; 016-275-837-160-764; 018-788-427-355-602; 018-996-115-495-805; 019-486-459-396-938; 028-487-624-560-094; 029-583-011-900-558; 032-086-443-205-509; 033-978-949-704-284; 034-499-705-740-826; 035-491-079-818-461; 036-981-103-543-612; 047-466-126-480-32X; 047-978-956-428-933; 048-563-486-398-814; 049-218-605-063-128; 049-736-160-003-295; 052-621-280-599-028; 053-317-822-631-281; 055-616-030-579-043; 065-019-323-079-568; 073-430-547-896-639; 079-707-465-806-545; 083-757-334-194-980; 086-419-446-437-390; 089-253-799-914-844; 090-493-216-111-678; 091-756-846-261-353; 095-207-931-466-189; 100-704-295-984-108; 103-136-927-894-853; 103-743-233-594-893; 109-966-824-385-328; 111-585-843-951-789; 132-344-434-914-420; 138-361-718-138-120; 142-322-186-786-92X; 145-492-870-332-087; 147-785-714-356-257; 149-608-173-330-120; 149-853-102-087-265; 168-726-011-876-282; 174-699-532-990-204; 176-472-657-421-722; 180-811-990-986-047; 188-558-626-035-952; 197-744-086-487-362,4,true,cc-by,hybrid
100-962-438-187-088,From ‘Rogue Traders’ to Organized Crime Groups: Doorstep Fraud of Older Adults,2016-02-09,2016,journal article,The British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Coretta Phillips,"This paper explores fraudulent acts by offenders who target and pressurize older adults ‘on the doorstep’ to have property repairs, often misrepresenting themselves as skilled tradesmen, and overcharging for such work. It uses extensive documentary materials from 11 enforcement operations in England together with interviews with trading standards officers and financial investigators. Using Reiner’s (2000) Necessary Conditions of Crime framework illustrates the dynamics of doorstep fraud – from ‘low-value’ crimes to incidents of grooming and repeated victimization to the actions of organized crime groups often involving money laundering. The paper’s contribution is a focus on a relatively understudied but vulnerable demographic group in criminology, and in highlighting the investigation practices of non-constabulary law enforcement officers who have not been the subject of empirical study in criminology",57,3,608,626,Empirical research; Psychology; Work (electrical); Organised crime; Trading Standards; Enforcement; Money laundering; Law enforcement; Computer security; Criminology,,,,,https://eprints.lse.ac.uk/id/eprint/65059 http://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/3/608/2624004 https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-pdf/doi/10.1093/bjc/azw011/11113861/azw011.pdf https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/3/608/2624004 https://core.ac.uk/download/35438076.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azw011,,10.1093/bjc/azw011,2307252816,,0,003-366-638-557-568; 007-034-972-909-316; 010-999-124-939-01X; 013-400-049-735-118; 016-051-278-442-710; 020-825-437-618-703; 021-263-541-197-923; 022-488-157-607-40X; 026-036-129-821-298; 026-370-397-077-980; 030-385-990-545-489; 031-578-323-966-64X; 032-937-488-384-89X; 040-826-993-855-902; 041-565-913-771-842; 041-658-006-868-563; 052-745-839-535-960; 057-572-260-856-641; 058-809-468-935-356; 068-609-407-914-419; 069-589-921-319-285; 075-351-120-835-48X; 075-840-591-014-861; 078-809-368-520-132; 079-053-257-673-549; 086-541-371-603-516; 094-350-278-442-381; 095-847-724-219-471; 108-229-442-323-467; 108-329-257-219-789; 110-777-849-278-046; 110-947-832-498-690; 113-559-915-623-375; 119-920-307-433-183; 129-944-770-912-388; 132-546-244-507-977; 141-414-423-701-718; 143-373-619-667-202; 149-449-421-584-029; 159-477-473-596-495; 165-431-482-047-686; 169-732-057-898-337; 171-983-773-596-119; 178-364-105-768-415; 188-762-174-938-103,9,true,,green
101-280-446-630-543,Sex discrimination by odontometrics in Libyan subjects,,2016,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Fatma El Sheikhi; Iman Bugaighis,"Abstract Objectives To evaluate sexual dimorphism in crown width and cusp parameters of permanent maxillary first and second molars and to use these parameters to derive a new formulae for sex determination in Libyan subjects. Materials and methods A sample of 200 upper dental casts of Libyan subjects (100 males, 100 females, aged 12–17 years) were selected from a larger cohort. Eight parameters were determined for each of the left maxillary first (M1) and second (M2) molars using a digital caliper: four crown width measurements (buccolingual, mesiodistal, mesiobuccal–distolingual and distobuccal–mesiolingual) and four cusp measurements (hypocone, protocone, paracone and metacone) were taken. The percentage of sexual dimorphism for each parameter was computed. The accuracy of sex discrimination for each molar individually and both molars combined was determined by discriminant function analysis. A formula for sex determination was generated using the same statistical tool. Results The greatest sexual dimorphism was observed in the paracone and protocone for M1, and in metacone and mesiobuccal–distolingual width for M2. The most accurate sex determination was obtained using data of M1 alone, or M1 and M2 combined. Using these data, we were able to generate a formula for sex determination for each M1 and M2. Conclusion The formulae derived from this study, is potentially useful in narrowing the search and identifying the sex of Libyan post-mortem records when other means of identification are not feasible.",6,2,157,164,Sexual dimorphism; Dentistry; Hypocone; Cusp (anatomy); Protocone; Paracone; Metacone; Medicine; Mandibular second molar; Odontometrics,,,,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X15000799 https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/1346306 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X15000799 https://core.ac.uk/display/43726248,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2015.11.001,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2015.11.001,2181207213,,0,001-283-956-127-102; 002-312-515-780-727; 003-542-324-484-706; 005-636-695-784-433; 007-433-897-690-569; 009-751-396-544-017; 011-583-998-503-935; 013-687-198-138-780; 018-145-955-240-842; 020-987-655-895-33X; 031-626-798-695-533; 035-124-563-117-689; 035-364-860-978-680; 050-277-790-019-086; 052-371-782-231-371; 053-321-934-325-619; 058-437-740-314-395; 061-355-354-623-885; 061-705-077-360-104; 064-992-305-352-717; 065-895-294-674-762; 067-418-947-936-602; 067-925-083-530-045; 072-149-487-492-534; 078-549-545-061-101; 082-541-070-640-65X; 083-833-180-510-793; 096-681-440-700-625; 097-194-277-046-456; 108-896-024-607-52X; 116-739-603-252-314; 130-210-825-116-032,3,true,cc-by,gold
101-293-356-927-389,Third molar maturity index by measurements of open apices in a Libyan sample of living subjects,2016-08-09,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Ashref Ali K. Dardouri; Roberto Cameriere; Stefano De Luca; Stefano Vanin,"In most countries, forensic age estimation in living subjects has become increasingly important in the last few years. In addition, as the age of legal majority ranges from 14 to 18 in many countries, and in Libya it is 18 years, radiographic assessment of the degree of third molar development is essential for forensic age estimation of adolescents and young adults. The aim of this paper is to assess the accuracy of the cut-off value of 0.08, by measurements of third molar index (I3M), in determining if a subject is adult or not in Libyan population. Digital panoramic radiographs of 307 healthy subjects (163 girls, 144 boys), aged between 14 and 22, were analysed. The I3M, the age and the sex of the subjects were used as predictive variable for age estimation. Using a cut-off of 0.08, the sensitivity of the test for boys was 90.9% and the specificity 100%. The proportion of correctly classified individuals was 95.1% (95% CI: 91.5–98.7%). The sensitivity for girls was 90.6% and the specificity 100%. The proportion of correctly classified individuals was 94.5% (95% CI: 90.9–98.1%). Estimated post-test probability in boys and girls was 100%. Further analyses, performed using a cut-off of 0.09, do not affect the specificity (100%) while they improve the sensitivity for both boys and girls.",267,,230.e1,230.e6,Maturity (psychological); Forensic science; Demography; Sample (material); Molar; Young adult; Index (economics); Population; Age estimation; Medicine,Age estimation; Forensic anthropology population data; Forensic sciences; Maturity; Mediterranean; Third molar index,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth; Female; Humans; Libya; Likelihood Functions; Male; Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Sensitivity and Specificity; Tooth Apex/diagnostic imaging; Young Adult",,,http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816303243 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27622753 http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/29281/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073816303243 https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/publications/third-molar-maturity-index-by-measurements-of-open-apices-in-a-li https://core.ac.uk/display/74211145 https://core.ac.uk/download/74211145.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.07.020,27622753,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.07.020,2505188940,,0,001-498-910-410-381; 002-120-146-455-374; 002-558-601-257-422; 002-569-454-947-741; 002-757-040-487-632; 004-619-614-615-806; 005-168-122-511-345; 005-503-826-592-097; 006-772-467-494-533; 008-083-157-357-006; 010-233-208-745-686; 011-271-812-041-777; 012-078-866-141-118; 013-129-024-094-603; 013-233-646-142-454; 013-290-066-049-115; 018-587-668-701-720; 019-055-515-381-948; 019-304-565-708-691; 028-623-408-620-279; 031-101-109-413-384; 037-843-865-919-365; 041-265-017-880-915; 045-036-447-944-436; 049-764-437-075-282; 050-150-090-871-931; 053-698-102-089-748; 057-936-428-923-25X; 064-765-741-996-535; 066-745-217-847-255; 067-194-512-881-315; 068-245-242-120-703; 070-013-598-429-874; 071-231-010-099-782; 071-565-796-632-496; 076-951-901-666-506; 083-675-140-804-534; 085-574-955-451-530; 106-315-881-060-281; 116-960-432-214-26X; 123-644-562-630-631; 153-572-616-447-17X; 159-958-546-922-376; 167-990-816-086-428; 172-190-079-472-593; 178-231-484-645-554,28,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
101-384-407-437-202,"Choreography, controversy and child sex abuse: theoretical reflections on a cultural criminological analysis of dance in a pop music video",2017-03-21,2017,journal article,Theoretical Criminology,13624806; 14617439,SAGE Publications,United States,Melissa Dearey,"This article was inspired by the controversy over claims of ‘pedophilia!!!!’ undertones and the ‘triggering’ of memories of childhood sexual abuse in some viewers by the dance performance featured in the music video for Sia’s ‘Elastic Heart’ (2015). The case is presented for acknowledging the hidden and/or overlooked presence of dance in social scientific theory and cultural studies and how these can enhance and advance cultural criminological research. Examples of how these insights have been used within other disciplinary frameworks to analyse and address child sex crime and sexual trauma are provided, and the argument is made that popular cultural texts such as dance in pop music videos should be regarded as significant in analysing and tracing public perceptions and epistemologies of crimes such as child sex abuse.",22,2,189,205,Aesthetics; Popular music; Dance; Psychology; Cultural criminology; Pedophilia; Sexual abuse; Child sexual abuse; Choreography (dance); Cultural studies; Social psychology,,,,,https://hydra.hull.ac.uk/resources/hull:14611 https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/preview/449868/PUB%202017-03-21%2014611%20Dearey.pdf https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362480617699159 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1362480617699159 https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/449850,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362480617699159,,10.1177/1362480617699159,2601217577,,0,004-335-992-916-927; 005-985-485-460-399; 009-065-768-565-354; 016-356-665-115-397; 025-456-072-005-031; 037-352-270-730-014; 047-074-199-118-628; 050-487-338-154-594; 050-681-664-231-769; 052-713-540-343-626; 058-167-994-684-356; 087-835-731-588-883; 092-999-519-802-901; 098-046-464-711-003; 103-027-587-959-282; 105-402-771-143-683; 110-065-597-688-296; 111-038-061-061-287; 120-218-788-086-025; 122-903-124-631-842; 123-488-006-345-15X; 124-498-872-639-782; 133-075-229-661-069; 135-834-285-031-544; 136-199-937-192-121; 141-742-748-160-65X; 146-284-479-399-908; 171-693-475-610-60X; 176-527-026-621-758; 191-217-239-903-003; 194-037-856-455-120; 197-785-301-795-01X,1,true,cc-by,green
102-579-094-226-880,"Ethical Awareness, Ethical Judgment and Whistleblowing: A Moderated Mediation Analysis",2017-04-18,2017,journal article,Journal of Business Ethics,01674544; 15730697,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Netherlands,Hengky Latan; Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour; Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour,"This study aims to examine the ethical decision-making (EDM) model proposed by Schwartz (J Bus Ethics, 2015. doi:10.1007/s10551-015-2886-8), where we consider the factors of nonrationality and aspects that affect ethical judgments of auditors to make the decision to blow the whistle. In this chapter, we argue that the intention of whistleblowing depends on ethical awareness (EAW) and ethical judgment (EJW) as well as there is a mediation-moderation due to emotion (EMT) and perceived moral intensity (PMI) of auditors. Data was collected using an online survey with 162 external auditors who worked in audit firms in Indonesia as well as 173 internal auditors working in the manufacturing and financial services. The result of multigroup analysis shows that emotion (EMT) can mediate the relationship between EAW and EJW. The nature of this relationship is more complex, so we then tested it by adding moderating variables using consistent partial least squares (PLSc) approach. We found that EMT and PMI can improve the relationship between ethical judgments and whistleblowing intentions. These findings indicate that internal auditors are more likely to blow the whistle than external auditors, and reporting wrongdoing internally and anonymously is the preferred way of professional accountants to blow the whistle in Indonesia.",155,1,289,304,Business ethics; Corporate social responsibility; External auditor; Psychology; Internal audit; Audit; Moderated mediation; Wrongdoing; Corporate governance; Social psychology,,,,,https://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-64069-3_15 https://ideas.repec.org/a/kap/jbuset/v155y2019i1d10.1007_s10551-017-3534-2.html https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/handle/1893/25275 https://pure.strath.ac.uk/portal/files/65408918/Latan_etal_JBE_2017_Ethical_awareness_ethical_judgment_and_whistleblowing.pdf https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/60529/ https://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/id/eprint/39683/ https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/ethical-awareness-ethical-judgment-and-whistleblowing-a-moderated https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=7373716 https://philpapers.org/rec/LATEAE https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/bitstream/1893/25275/1/Latan%20Jabbour%20Jabbour%20JBE%20accepted.pdf https://core.ac.uk/display/82919531 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-64069-3_15 https://core.ac.uk/download/82919531.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10551-017-3534-2,,10.1007/s10551-017-3534-2,2606764625,,0,000-636-653-070-940; 002-541-487-095-587; 004-223-998-321-952; 004-400-027-618-408; 006-968-768-561-175; 007-866-852-287-542; 008-015-613-542-412; 008-069-932-011-209; 008-494-752-423-49X; 009-339-961-518-07X; 011-338-653-132-949; 014-074-090-782-413; 014-614-449-675-783; 019-026-498-616-780; 019-623-803-893-73X; 020-331-037-940-47X; 023-604-880-685-054; 023-926-639-462-550; 025-069-781-331-50X; 025-904-697-812-526; 028-596-993-942-058; 028-945-443-615-303; 033-874-734-800-125; 035-282-761-952-902; 035-438-546-534-933; 041-781-348-238-610; 042-563-115-619-94X; 043-484-219-440-97X; 043-821-438-952-54X; 044-702-345-556-681; 044-951-052-608-449; 045-315-347-311-537; 047-673-481-660-511; 049-595-413-893-139; 049-775-427-535-12X; 051-754-704-367-355; 053-187-558-080-560; 053-343-067-656-272; 057-481-475-355-656; 057-681-514-505-634; 058-023-666-548-256; 058-287-367-828-628; 062-673-593-776-475; 066-451-643-795-300; 066-522-297-611-593; 067-142-116-613-517; 068-513-711-604-144; 068-885-856-782-483; 069-834-588-662-894; 070-273-057-201-456; 071-289-035-172-917; 073-199-009-980-21X; 074-120-641-767-756; 076-400-632-908-501; 077-222-092-474-948; 077-516-899-831-233; 081-582-970-744-985; 083-641-066-376-280; 086-061-636-673-34X; 090-770-783-358-960; 093-264-533-030-88X; 093-780-008-484-796; 095-457-926-024-054; 097-059-489-513-798; 097-991-247-272-841; 099-356-698-269-094; 101-226-211-888-630; 102-766-923-614-703; 104-057-194-674-888; 104-525-092-594-312; 104-611-684-046-951; 107-760-813-237-358; 111-759-285-116-590; 112-459-507-035-799; 116-022-606-246-595; 117-712-768-090-428; 124-076-116-602-319; 125-508-922-115-278; 144-199-950-930-31X; 150-094-518-887-187; 152-462-977-392-780; 152-522-453-748-688; 153-187-160-232-662; 153-814-890-976-831; 157-793-341-480-804; 177-662-060-646-594; 182-418-782-818-657,42,true,cc0,green
103-184-797-200-732,Dental age assessment in a northern Chinese population.,2015-11-25,2015,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Yue Zhai; Hyun Park; Junli Han; Haining Wang; Fang Ji; Jiang Tao,"Abstract Introduction Age estimation is imperative in the fields of paediatric dentistry, orthodontics and forensic science. Studies have shown that dental age estimation by the radiological method is reliable and non-destructive. Although Demirjian's method was the most widely used estimation method, in recent studies, the Willems' method has been found to be more accurate. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of dental age estimation methods and to modify the Demirjian method to make it more applicable for a northern Chinese population. Materials and methods An assessment was made of 1004 digital orthopantomographs of a northern Chinese population (392 boys and 612 girls) ranging in age from 11 to 18 years old. Dental ages were calculated using both the Demirjian method and the Willems method. Discrepancies between chronological ages and dental ages were statistically analysed by the paired t-test and the Wilcoxon signed rank test. A nonlinear fitting method was applied to construct a mathematical model to modify the Demirjian method. Results The Demirjian method underestimated age by 0.47 y in boys and 0.63 y in girls, while the Willems method underestimated age by 0.54 y and 1.01 y in boys and girls, respectively. The mean absolute error was 1.08 y for the Demirjian method and 1.22 y for the Willems method. Conclusion The Demirjian method was more accurate for estimating dental age compared with the Willems method. However, the Demirjian method may not be suitable for the northern Chinese population; therefore, it should be modified so that it can be used for this population.",38,,43,49,Mean absolute error; Dentistry; Wilcoxon signed-rank test; Population; Paediatric dentistry; Orthodontics; Dental age; Estimation methods; Age estimation; Chinese population; Mathematics,Demirjian method; Dental age estimation; Modified Demirjian method; Northern Chinese population; Willems method,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Asians; Child; China; Female; Humans; Male; Models, Statistical; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26706412 https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(15)00217-6/pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X15002176 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26706412/ https://europepmc.org/article/MED/26706412,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2015.11.011,26706412,10.1016/j.jflm.2015.11.011,2178209289,,0,002-558-601-257-422; 007-160-306-375-188; 011-499-241-928-737; 013-233-646-142-454; 014-312-824-599-230; 014-424-356-060-571; 018-664-445-243-415; 020-325-065-557-928; 027-330-562-971-119; 032-753-509-478-03X; 038-742-540-661-064; 039-696-981-206-798; 039-913-712-403-281; 040-173-980-532-754; 043-294-100-143-460; 043-844-533-344-19X; 044-170-525-688-046; 046-276-388-796-638; 050-478-838-427-902; 053-697-955-261-453; 057-542-774-312-943; 057-936-428-923-25X; 067-797-481-029-359; 082-173-194-595-807; 084-042-095-462-905; 091-452-544-047-439; 096-076-329-440-372; 097-876-595-943-521; 129-029-560-805-112; 139-600-070-612-564; 150-515-435-801-352,39,false,,
103-554-512-901-478,Civic stratification and crime: A comparison of asylum migrants with different legal statuses,2017-11-21,2017,journal article,"Crime, Law and Social Change",09254994; 15730751,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Netherlands,Arjen Leerkes; Godfried Engbersen; Erik Snel; Jan de Boom,"Contrary to natural born citizens, migrants can have a variety of legal statuses depending on how they are classified by immigration law. Together, such legal or ‘civic’ statuses constitute a system of civic stratification, from high (privileged) to low (restricted). Recent scholarship highlights the relevance of immigration law for understanding crime patterns. We analytically synthesize this literature and extend it empirically by examining its usefulness in explaining the relationship between asylum migrants’ civic statuses in The Netherlands and their chances of being registered as a crime suspect. Logistic regression analyses were conducted using a unique dataset in which comprehensive administrative data from various governmental sources were combined. Four civic status groups were compared: naturalized citizens, residence permit holders, asylum seekers in the procedure, and former asylum seekers whose stay in the country had become unauthorized. The results suggest that strain theory and more constructionist stances are required in order to understand the complex relationship between civic stratification and crime. We discuss implications for other countries.",69,1,41,66,Variety (cybernetics); Strict constructionism; Relevance (law); Refugee; Political science; Immigration law; Scholarship; Suspect; Strain theory; Criminology,,,,Police and Science Program,https://core.ac.uk/display/141569203 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-017-9743-x/fulltext.html https://repub.eur.nl/pub/103024 https://cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl/en/publications/civic-stratification-and-crime-a-comparison-of-asylum-migrants-wi https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10611-017-9743-x.pdf https://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai%3Arepub.eur.nl%3A103024 https://repub.eur.nl/pub/113621/Repub_113621_O-A.pdf https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-017-9743-x https://core.ac.uk/download/154418711.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10611-017-9743-x,,10.1007/s10611-017-9743-x,2770316157,,0,001-993-562-099-838; 002-599-886-090-988; 005-183-898-236-93X; 005-209-876-034-096; 006-358-520-389-166; 007-885-277-946-399; 008-547-150-981-925; 012-180-569-133-411; 013-212-301-389-563; 016-397-363-589-74X; 016-484-635-957-346; 016-765-191-674-126; 017-008-514-393-926; 017-965-419-352-872; 020-896-256-299-596; 024-222-071-575-843; 025-536-491-371-693; 028-184-432-019-414; 029-571-127-824-894; 031-039-530-541-000; 031-364-956-381-306; 031-796-338-716-163; 033-913-106-212-735; 033-967-719-098-457; 034-794-692-779-490; 038-687-210-221-358; 038-724-969-438-536; 041-542-917-922-626; 042-811-616-948-944; 056-011-076-412-753; 062-259-830-676-846; 063-421-209-431-583; 065-744-678-624-694; 068-362-032-250-609; 069-023-909-963-147; 069-085-778-406-810; 077-688-253-920-940; 082-233-162-555-300; 084-823-056-026-539; 087-755-077-909-477; 092-794-695-197-203; 095-920-286-032-436; 099-415-119-484-054; 100-036-646-387-620; 101-847-870-723-890; 107-668-967-567-198; 110-659-093-138-774; 110-695-661-014-840; 113-391-248-730-903; 119-351-342-199-137; 120-130-576-085-315; 122-207-025-479-348; 122-399-468-915-478; 124-712-295-203-851; 133-305-461-441-539; 135-243-152-508-367; 140-531-633-790-129; 145-320-844-540-869; 150-614-069-298-550; 162-354-120-028-116; 175-552-861-507-535; 184-606-581-016-624; 185-395-853-837-311; 189-188-041-112-626; 196-715-299-390-813,1,true,cc-by,hybrid
103-686-653-483-200,Children in Identified Sexual Images – Who Are they? Self‐ and Non‐Self‐Taken Images in the International Child Sexual Exploitation Image Database 2006–2015,2018-03-22,2018,journal article,Child Abuse Review,09529136,Wiley,United Kingdom,Ethel Quayle; Linda Jonsson; Karen Cooper; James Traynor; Carl Göran Svedin,"Child sexual abuse and exploitation material has drawn concern and legislative attention since the turn of the century, and the work to identify children in the images has been a prioritised task t ...",27,3,223,238,Developmental psychology; Psychology; Work (electrical); Task (project management); Image database; Child sexual abuse; Legislature,,,,,https://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/car.2507 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/children-in-identified-sexual-images--who-are-they(572cd17e-5564-4aec-bf38-510eccc458ec).html https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/children-in-identified-sexual-images-who-are-they-self-and-non-se https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/35257590/QuayleEtal2017CARChildrenInIdentifiedSexual.pdf https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/publications/children-in-identified-sexual-images-who-are-they-self-and-nonsel http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:1234368 https://core.ac.uk/download/322479309.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/car.2507,,10.1002/car.2507,2786050917,,0,001-184-153-014-899; 010-139-234-916-169; 012-205-448-545-952; 015-949-658-186-012; 017-303-816-538-520; 033-240-528-515-927; 043-952-915-685-617; 046-908-593-149-184; 051-647-383-892-840; 054-078-429-508-931; 055-169-966-816-972; 069-369-404-895-482; 074-919-934-210-633; 075-922-049-469-697; 081-956-501-860-24X; 086-249-146-341-240; 086-643-814-479-188; 087-529-231-636-951; 092-840-544-314-50X; 103-968-920-191-655; 115-066-129-316-826; 118-339-370-055-386; 120-994-278-789-005; 126-734-670-253-560,12,true,,green
104-372-546-552-885,Fingermark initial composition and aging using Fourier transform infrared microscopy (μ-FTIR),2015-07-17,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,A. Girod; Linda Xiao; Brian Reedy; Claude Roux; Céline Weyermann,"This study investigated fingermark residues using Fourier transform infrared microscopy (μ-FTIR) in order to obtain fundamental information about the marks' initial composition and aging kinetics. This knowledge would be an asset for fundamental research on fingermarks, such as for dating purposes. Attenuated total reflection (ATR) and single-point reflection modes were tested on fresh fingermarks. ATR proved to be better suited and this mode was subsequently selected for further aging studies. Eccrine and sebaceous material was found in fresh and aged fingermarks and the spectral regions 1000-1850cm(-1) and 2700-3600cm(-1) were identified as the most informative. The impact of substrates (aluminium and glass slides) and storage conditions (storage in the light and in the dark) on fingermark aging was also studied. Chemometric analyses showed that fingermarks could be grouped according to their age regardless of the substrate when they were stored in an open box kept in an air-conditioned laboratory at around 20°C next to a window. On the contrary, when fingermarks were stored in the dark, only specimens deposited on the same substrate could be grouped by age. Thus, the substrate appeared to influence aging of fingermarks in the dark. Furthermore, PLS regression analyses were conducted in order to study the possibility of modelling fingermark aging for potential fingermark dating applications. The resulting models showed an overall precision of ±3 days and clearly demonstrated their capability to differentiate older fingermarks (20 and 34 days old) from newer ones (1, 3, 7 and 9 days old) regardless of the substrate and lighting conditions. These results are promising from a fingermark dating perspective. Further research is required to fully validate such models and assess their robustness and limitations in uncontrolled casework conditions.",254,254,185,196,Fourier transform; Analytical chemistry; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Chemistry; Infrared microscopy; Attenuated total reflection,Dating; Fingerprint; Kinetics; PCA; PLSR; Spearman correlation,,,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26254626 https://core.ac.uk/display/77177472 https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/handle/10453/41230 https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.elsevier-f60756d2-23d4-3250-ad6e-d1d53ad09a77 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S037907381500300X https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_56B38CD84F11.P001/REF.pdf https://opus.cloud.lib.uts.edu.au/handle/10453/41230 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/26254626 https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_56B38CD84F11 https://core.ac.uk/download/77177472.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.07.022,26254626,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.07.022,1515529644,,0,002-589-008-193-992; 003-408-536-217-266; 005-007-224-371-331; 005-682-351-272-896; 007-407-556-487-168; 007-574-722-045-719; 008-078-936-971-797; 009-507-424-978-409; 011-186-745-784-848; 011-235-224-119-664; 011-639-777-679-697; 014-239-819-790-788; 015-405-330-777-120; 017-475-159-795-447; 019-139-440-829-506; 020-324-296-710-745; 021-203-513-678-813; 022-926-871-843-546; 023-489-527-502-447; 024-688-172-816-444; 027-887-833-618-850; 029-478-565-132-453; 030-277-485-197-366; 030-415-872-020-870; 032-986-109-412-100; 033-453-459-793-147; 033-835-248-545-913; 034-107-346-148-453; 034-680-971-897-582; 035-705-273-876-316; 035-821-772-567-76X; 036-199-238-306-593; 036-892-371-096-906; 037-997-023-415-939; 040-067-720-883-68X; 042-318-008-842-434; 042-697-615-823-131; 043-754-483-599-979; 043-944-211-103-703; 045-830-532-366-077; 047-256-866-449-787; 048-652-587-560-387; 053-551-505-531-143; 054-313-127-228-341; 054-366-545-780-39X; 058-988-059-235-371; 060-539-217-160-36X; 067-030-451-906-169; 067-476-499-126-336; 075-136-991-324-974; 076-859-849-979-991; 079-209-368-120-611; 084-339-805-062-234; 093-149-149-225-662; 094-496-234-007-777; 097-649-749-479-785; 102-091-444-221-491; 103-776-157-715-905; 104-210-609-868-43X; 104-231-897-081-131; 108-887-015-873-450; 115-942-168-166-282; 119-156-677-974-445; 121-182-804-437-943; 122-926-239-563-829; 126-008-016-371-38X; 137-309-985-870-602; 141-622-058-365-192; 168-701-188-882-986; 171-598-116-116-567; 171-708-684-520-773; 195-489-768-466-915,48,true,,green
104-552-794-034-479,Development of two novel face-recognition CAPTCHAs,,2016,journal article,Computers & Security,01674048,Elsevier BV,United Kingdom,Guido Schryen; Gerit Wagner; Alexander Schlegel,"CAPTCHAs are challenge-response tests that aim at preventing unwanted machines, including bots, from accessing web services while providing easy access for humans. Recent advances in artificial-intelligence based attacks show that the level of security provided by many state-of-the-art text-based CAPTCHAs is declining. At the same time, techniques for distorting and obscuring the text, which are used to maintain the level of security, make text-based CAPTCHAs difficult to solve for humans, and thereby further degrade usability. The need for developing alternative types of CAPTCHAs that improve both the current security and the usability levels has been emphasized widely.With this study, we contribute to research through (1) the development of two new face recognition CAPTCHAs (Farett-Gender and Farett-Gender&Age), (2) the security analysis of both procedures, and (3) the provision of empirical evidence that one of the suggested CAPTCHAs (Farett-Gender) is similar to Google's reCAPTCHA and better than KCAPTCHA concerning effectiveness (error rates), superior to both regarding learnability and satisfaction but not efficiency.",60,,95,116,CAPTCHA; Usability; Facial recognition system; Computer security; Computer science,,,,"DOD Counterdrug Technology Development Program Office; Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst",https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1016/j.cose.2016.03.007 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167404816300293 https://core.ac.uk/display/33181977 https://ris.uni-paderborn.de/download/5617/6029/cose_991_final.pdf https://epub.uni-regensburg.de/33570/ https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/compsec/compsec60.html#SchryenWS16 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167404816300293 https://ris.uni-paderborn.de/publication/5617 https://core.ac.uk/download/33181977.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2016.03.007,,10.1016/j.cose.2016.03.007,2332649686,,0,000-971-119-688-546; 001-120-527-487-664; 001-404-079-923-868; 004-416-715-415-248; 005-278-985-956-419; 006-363-729-251-455; 006-704-098-088-710; 007-489-732-049-362; 007-496-033-143-021; 010-076-160-952-144; 010-309-502-945-994; 010-942-482-868-154; 012-991-751-204-959; 016-941-404-024-355; 020-617-174-288-91X; 021-070-143-001-04X; 022-228-150-062-039; 026-477-450-136-346; 029-306-666-553-096; 029-520-738-228-231; 029-645-660-588-825; 034-397-046-133-397; 035-753-177-552-57X; 035-867-159-731-756; 035-873-441-316-557; 036-604-238-647-167; 037-054-305-166-826; 041-540-480-648-206; 042-815-026-022-154; 043-022-952-629-736; 044-553-124-014-460; 044-780-594-751-844; 045-048-034-542-39X; 045-373-548-320-785; 047-933-684-404-727; 053-811-170-328-677; 056-374-925-342-570; 056-997-512-176-720; 057-650-133-674-395; 057-860-078-999-204; 058-291-373-787-123; 059-352-611-634-484; 060-746-344-882-260; 065-440-872-302-709; 069-573-608-864-483; 070-875-178-006-938; 071-912-558-260-192; 079-045-318-757-19X; 084-063-113-636-423; 084-218-058-125-463; 087-309-622-816-840; 087-970-940-407-825; 088-685-060-040-31X; 093-357-414-646-684; 097-395-013-381-745; 098-045-310-231-977; 100-232-925-329-624; 100-930-840-671-437; 102-815-444-444-952; 104-237-197-636-199; 105-181-328-343-641; 105-497-664-735-530; 107-721-889-580-089; 110-115-620-035-238; 116-011-020-097-058; 117-700-315-251-956; 121-182-804-437-943; 121-755-328-765-772; 123-732-027-058-151; 126-559-265-037-869; 130-983-515-014-035; 131-332-088-249-995; 133-331-111-505-642; 138-768-846-704-03X; 139-185-933-017-264; 148-827-742-435-779; 153-539-506-552-070; 154-856-910-222-052; 156-233-890-792-534; 169-875-906-057-662; 191-929-559-701-14X; 192-506-680-698-271; 195-271-334-117-847; 199-775-567-032-283,8,true,elsevier-specific: oa user license,green
104-789-855-612-857,‘The martyr of dawn’: Femicide in Jordanian media:,2016-04-25,2016,journal article,"Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal",17416590; 17416604,SAGE Publications,United Kingdom,Ebtihal Mahadeen,"This study aims to address the gap in Arab media scholarship on the representation of gender-based violence. Despite the prevalence and normalisation of gender-based violence in Jordan, no scholarl...",13,1,41,54,Gender studies; Sociology; Representation (politics); Scholarship; Martyr; Femicide; Honour,,,,,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1741659016643120 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/the-martyr-of-dawn(210364bb-75f0-4592-bd33-75a5beeb0cc9).html https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/the-martyr-of-dawn-femicide-in-jordanian-media https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1741659016643120 https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/24537849/Mahadeen_CMC_2016_The_Martyr_of_Dawn_Femicide_in_Jordanian.pdf http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1741659016643120 https://core.ac.uk/download/83952443.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1741659016643120,,10.1177/1741659016643120,2344763722,,0,001-200-723-153-354; 010-967-716-734-951; 011-161-175-482-328; 013-428-720-260-097; 021-534-259-581-077; 022-431-054-128-839; 023-549-925-778-889; 027-804-845-068-335; 028-245-136-929-436; 029-198-304-584-13X; 031-629-305-166-400; 032-730-221-321-250; 032-970-920-841-012; 035-654-366-904-200; 038-446-406-856-980; 038-930-742-499-112; 039-481-027-016-607; 041-594-095-712-893; 044-486-224-148-936; 045-848-924-456-448; 049-112-160-678-203; 049-809-534-254-713; 060-958-742-162-722; 069-059-418-209-793; 071-805-268-690-174; 083-406-651-635-052; 087-494-139-099-105; 088-029-065-968-242; 115-200-248-286-046; 117-615-335-272-643; 121-824-160-935-737; 124-347-609-240-207; 136-794-205-933-955; 140-368-891-466-404; 150-703-505-052-616; 158-848-690-764-305; 198-001-795-027-990,6,true,,green
105-628-614-892-260,"The Reliability of Orthodontic Treatment, According to the Needs of Patients Using the Dental Aesthetic Index",2020-04-25,2020,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Esraa S Jasim; Noor F. K. Al-Khawaja,"Objectives: Malocclusion was and remains one of the most common problems which affects the psyche and social status of the individual, so the estimation of the malocclusion severity and needs a percentage of orthodontic treatment of Iraqi patients is the aim of this study. Method: A randomly selected 150 pairs of study models (48 male and 102 female) were involved in this study for patients attending an orthodontic clinic at College of Dentistry/ University of Baghdad seeking for treatment. The DAI scores were collected according to WHO guidelines directly from the study model with a digital caliper, score was calculated using the regression equation of 10 occlusal traits. The dental casts were classified into four groups to determine the treatment needs. SPSS software version 25 was used to analyze the results. Results: 8.7% of orthodontic treated patients were with normal or mild malocclusion (DAI?25) and did not need treatment, while 56% of them were handicapped and needed mandatory treatment. In between them, patients with definite and severe malocclusion were 18.7% and 16.6% respectively. Molar deviation (72.6%) represents a high prevalence rate among occlusal traits, while negative overjet (7.3%) is the least one. Conclusions: Not all patients who are treated in an orthodontic clinic are really in need, and it must be the implementation of treatment need index to determine the treatment priority for patients.",14,2,551,557,Social status; Dentistry; Overjet; Malocclusion; Mandatory treatment; Treatment need; Need treatment; Who guidelines; Reliability (statistics); Medicine,,,,,http://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/download/2904/2705 https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/2904,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i2.2904,,10.37506/ijfmt.v14i2.2904,3170124218,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
105-866-314-666-249,Social capital and online hate production: A four country survey,2017-12-17,2017,journal article,"Crime, Law and Social Change",09254994; 15730751,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Netherlands,Markus Kaakinen; Pekka Räsänen; Matti Näsi; Jaana Minkkinen; Teo Keipi; Atte Oksanen,"Hateful, threatening or degrading content has become a common part of today’s online interactions. However, little is known about the people who produce such content. This study analyzes online hate content production and its associations with cognitive indicators of social capital in both offline and online social networks. The data are derived from American, Finnish, German and British Internet users aged 15–30 (N = 3,565). Measures included questions concerning online hate, social capital and contextual control variables. The results indicate that hate content production is rare overall, despite its high visibility, and is related to social capital in two key ways. First, respondents with high social capital in offline social networks were less likely to produce hate content, and second, high social capital in online networks was associated with a higher probability of production.",69,1,25,39,The Internet; Advertising; German; Cognition; Production (economics); Harassment; Self-rated health; Internet users; Social capital,,,,Koneen Säätiö,https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/fi/publications/social-capital-and-online-hate-production-a-four-country-survey https://researchportal.tuni.fi/en/publications/social-capital-and-online-hate-production-a-four-country-survey https://trepo.tuni.fi/bitstream/10024/102984/1/social_capital_and_online_2018.pdf https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-017-9764-5 https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10611-017-9764-5 https://trepo.tuni.fi/handle/10024/102984 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-017-9764-5/fulltext.html https://core.ac.uk/download/250151814.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10611-017-9764-5,,10.1007/s10611-017-9764-5,2775804518,,0,000-032-371-906-730; 000-568-708-665-852; 000-762-261-839-885; 001-231-438-500-099; 002-257-207-879-03X; 003-368-067-952-984; 006-337-767-870-004; 009-186-616-084-675; 009-197-952-154-920; 010-008-871-026-548; 010-874-228-162-031; 013-399-391-304-449; 014-105-395-675-968; 017-608-980-884-246; 020-197-029-760-829; 021-046-782-919-295; 023-452-943-436-603; 024-791-718-696-049; 024-975-063-108-045; 025-328-077-243-745; 025-499-212-434-285; 025-523-246-770-890; 027-444-093-329-275; 030-159-286-521-744; 030-336-959-693-984; 031-569-696-928-553; 032-633-471-673-414; 033-207-927-361-844; 036-337-444-009-218; 039-552-839-324-643; 042-073-677-847-221; 043-436-095-873-207; 045-595-531-116-394; 049-694-600-529-432; 050-342-174-041-587; 051-960-568-225-80X; 055-477-779-715-492; 055-552-827-909-716; 055-760-687-899-769; 056-074-770-138-764; 057-037-148-484-652; 060-585-298-023-902; 062-375-190-322-22X; 062-402-196-996-277; 063-336-489-610-159; 064-174-552-285-502; 065-448-277-246-278; 071-411-153-654-892; 075-989-215-175-480; 077-781-393-344-881; 078-249-789-490-901; 078-931-454-999-572; 078-977-021-065-516; 081-565-214-789-032; 083-386-456-147-605; 090-003-863-485-647; 092-134-251-121-802; 093-564-721-787-809; 095-911-511-665-615; 096-437-369-124-842; 102-740-613-539-001; 105-878-003-217-583; 109-130-462-206-109; 111-027-122-520-480; 111-951-073-049-306; 111-973-698-531-714; 120-791-961-590-770; 122-152-180-938-844; 124-020-948-032-731; 133-807-198-559-897; 141-559-442-741-405; 142-491-163-991-151; 151-155-878-647-438; 152-846-918-298-850; 154-831-145-490-728; 158-709-138-264-032; 159-903-079-095-325; 164-233-751-793-174; 169-481-839-931-935; 171-367-300-745-605; 172-521-613-397-137; 175-664-767-683-619; 178-024-221-305-759; 178-155-207-241-138; 179-889-138-341-213; 189-665-826-125-258; 196-038-783-225-822,28,true,,green
106-495-348-789-761,Producing facial composite sketches in remote Cognitive Interviews: a preliminary investigation,2013-05-07,2013,journal article,"Psychology, Crime & Law",1068316x; 14772744,Informa UK Limited,United States,Heidi J. Kuivaniemi-Smith; Robert A. Nash; Eleanor R. Brodie; Gregory Mahoney; Christopher Rynn,"Justice systems around the world are increasingly turning to videoconferencing as a means to reduce delays and reduce costs in legal processes. This preliminary research examined whether interviewing a witness remotely - without physical co-presence of the witness and interviewer - could facilitate the production of quality facial composite sketches of suspects. In Study 1, 42 adults briefly viewed a photograph of a face. The next day they participated in Cognitive Interviews with a forensic artist, conducted either face-to-face or remotely via videoconference. In Study 2, 20 adults participated in videoconferenced interviews, and we manipulated the method by which they viewed the developing sketch. In both studies, independent groups of volunteers rated the likeness of the composites to the original photographs. The data suggest that remote interviews elicited effective composites; however, in Study 1 these composites were considered poorer matches to the photographs than were those produced in face-to-face interviews. The differences were small, but significant. Participants perceived several disadvantages to remote interviewing, but also several advantages including less pressure and better concentration. The results of Study 2 suggested that different sketch presentation methods offered different benefits. We propose that remote interviewing could be a useful tool for investigators in certain circumstances.",20,4,389,406,Psychology; Videoconferencing; Interview; Justice (ethics); Witness; Facial composite; Sketch; Eyewitness memory; Applied psychology; Cognitive interview; Social psychology,,,,,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1068316X.2013.793339 https://research.aston.ac.uk/en/publications/producing-facial-composite-sketches-in-remote-cognitive-interview https://research.aston.ac.uk/portal/en/researchoutput/producing-facial-composite-sketches-in-remote-cognitive-interviews(ee78e465-4b54-4ab8-be17-b5d1a70cc1c5).html https://publications.aston.ac.uk/25454/ https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/producing-facial-composite-sketches-in-remote-cognitive-interview https://core.ac.uk/download/78895697.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1068316x.2013.793339,,10.1080/1068316x.2013.793339,2092109569,,0,001-446-400-381-627; 003-703-339-917-767; 006-569-049-717-630; 006-696-576-142-842; 012-302-440-154-329; 018-873-393-769-124; 021-257-908-839-312; 024-458-570-023-34X; 037-592-361-130-05X; 040-417-833-176-92X; 045-614-132-250-503; 053-515-133-728-755; 055-764-719-887-147; 057-158-282-804-435; 057-462-011-321-999; 068-330-041-939-444; 070-860-527-295-511; 072-466-779-073-293; 076-969-749-620-583; 077-319-871-355-877; 084-435-335-236-825; 087-652-143-309-970; 089-259-926-644-718; 089-340-171-644-100; 096-711-850-558-718; 096-951-770-788-575; 099-272-416-126-733; 105-007-704-393-666; 113-529-969-614-442; 127-060-844-952-408; 128-337-748-163-738; 136-350-043-762-219; 139-076-385-716-968; 140-192-262-522-999; 146-282-692-753-25X; 164-786-749-106-857; 183-621-525-648-394; 186-450-759-243-897,8,true,,green
106-769-306-546-302,Critical Criminological Understandings of Adult Pornography and Woman Abuse: New Progressive Directions in Research and Theory,2015-12-01,2015,journal article,"International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy",22028005; 22027998,Queensland University of Technology,Australia,Walter S. DeKeseredy,"There is a small, but growing, social scientific literature on the racist and violent nature of contemporary adult pornography. However, considerably more empirical and theoretical work needs to be done to advance a critical criminological understanding of how such hurtful sexual media contribute to various forms of woman abuse in intimate relationships. The main objective of this article is to briefly review the relevant literature and to suggest a few new progressive empirical and theoretical directions.",4,4,4,21,Gender studies; Sociology; Feminism; Critical criminology; Scientific literature; Pornography; Woman abuse; Criminology,,,,,https://www.crimejusticejournal.com/article/download/184/223 https://paperity.org/p/74723620/critical-criminological-understandings-of-adult-pornography-and-woman-abuse-new http://core.ac.uk/display/33505396 https://eprints.qut.edu.au/91353/ https://core.ac.uk/download/230569997.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/ijcjsd.v4i4.184,,10.5204/ijcjsd.v4i4.184,2186167637,,0,002-108-818-298-278; 002-324-078-495-810; 003-794-438-468-211; 004-007-020-156-692; 004-167-019-227-230; 004-843-188-620-43X; 005-973-255-082-793; 007-337-117-435-867; 008-268-376-014-098; 009-543-686-446-865; 009-984-282-166-596; 011-190-095-452-64X; 011-970-572-034-000; 012-502-848-665-292; 013-278-034-379-652; 013-298-436-788-940; 022-371-422-812-908; 029-789-666-931-965; 040-929-538-992-739; 043-976-195-285-944; 046-366-584-024-212; 049-091-062-955-780; 055-577-019-946-472; 057-036-581-462-177; 062-925-739-090-782; 065-783-345-234-112; 069-895-114-894-764; 071-484-109-782-130; 075-641-831-688-573; 078-956-074-464-331; 082-204-588-263-900; 088-409-580-373-475; 093-561-399-490-746; 105-890-581-464-430; 106-442-062-191-212; 109-410-103-525-374; 109-881-092-706-882; 120-049-371-461-454; 124-216-270-017-531; 125-892-969-943-408; 127-669-518-004-496; 132-530-896-820-735; 136-537-247-463-907; 140-435-120-900-089; 156-299-610-168-617; 158-676-217-892-063; 163-944-070-047-314; 168-904-923-606-241; 172-526-934-639-638; 178-861-102-409-625; 182-814-645-927-43X; 188-773-172-544-091; 189-410-009-004-97X; 195-241-986-448-599; 197-232-962-378-870; 197-261-876-889-642,22,true,cc-by,gold
108-666-588-859-26X,Using histology to evaluate micro-CT findings of trauma in three post-mortem samples - First steps towards method validation.,2019-02-01,2019,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Waltraud Baier; Chas Mangham; Jason M. Warnett; Mark Payne; Michelle Painter; Mark A. Williams,"Forensic imaging technology has rapidly advanced over the past several decades and is gaining increasing significance in medico-legal death investigations. Medical-grade computed tomography (CT) is now routinely used in post-mortem examinations at numerous institutions across the globe. However, the resolution of medical-grade CT is limited and unsuitable when used to depict some smaller anatomical structures or micro-trauma. High-resolution micro-CT offers up to 100× the resolution to overcome this problem but is a very recent addition to the field of forensic radiology. Few studies so far have attempted to validate the results which is an essential prerequisite for it to be used in the criminal justice process as demanded by regulatory bodies. This study directly compares micro-CT images with histology, the current gold standard. Three cases were examined: two larynges from suspected strangulations and one ribcage of a case of fatal child abuse. A strong correlation was observed between histology and micro-CT as the majority of skeletal injuries were identified correctly. This paper discusses the forensic implications of the results and how micro-CT is complementary to histology.",297,,27,34,Radiology; Forensic radiology; Anatomical structures; Child abuse; Forensic imaging; Micro ct; Gold standard (test); Computed tomography; Medicine,Fracture analysis; Histology; Micro-CT; Validation,"Adult; Female; Fibrin/metabolism; Forensic Medicine; Fractures, Bone/diagnostic imaging; Fractures, Cartilage/diagnostic imaging; Hematoma/pathology; Humans; Hyoid Bone/diagnostic imaging; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Infant; Larynx/diagnostic imaging; Necrosis; Osteoblasts/pathology; Osteoclasts/pathology; Osteocytes/pathology; Rib Fractures/diagnostic imaging; Thyroid Cartilage/diagnostic imaging; X-Ray Microtomography",Fibrin,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30769301 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818305413 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30769301/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073818305413 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818305413#! https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/30769301 http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/114686/ https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6303825 https://core.ac.uk/download/189272769.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.01.027,30769301,10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.01.027,2914105791,,0,002-384-290-170-372; 003-065-924-063-359; 008-352-522-201-011; 008-705-503-022-676; 008-926-843-467-099; 019-294-979-764-830; 020-054-223-617-171; 024-441-245-472-976; 032-965-583-542-305; 035-957-288-323-379; 037-654-439-155-056; 042-141-941-221-562; 042-943-870-442-759; 044-181-122-446-214; 047-252-956-305-340; 051-409-603-579-108; 053-650-463-239-366; 056-179-709-446-996; 061-213-709-246-019; 061-309-114-020-746; 064-582-963-254-025; 066-873-704-059-324; 072-050-671-687-809; 073-933-049-544-280; 074-909-052-184-243; 077-334-096-454-799; 083-397-887-609-860; 106-128-322-381-755; 110-844-154-821-089; 117-451-270-505-742; 135-595-220-431-568; 178-147-340-918-849; 187-797-673-199-396,24,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
108-982-957-370-801,Exploring the practices of steal-to-order burglars: a different brand of offender?,2019-04-09,2019,journal article,Security Journal,09551662; 17434645,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,United States,Nicholas Addis; Andrew J. Evans; Nicolas Malleson,"This research helps shed light on the largely overlooked practices amongst steal-to-order offenders, with a view to identifying ways in which steal-to-order offences may be disrupted through targeted intervention. Interviews were conducted with a sample of incarcerated burglars who have previously engaged in steal-to-order offences. In addition to highlighting a number of parallels between steal-to-order and non-steal-to-order offences, this paper illustrates the nature of professionalism exhibited by offenders during steal-to-order offences. Moreover, this paper reveals a behavioural continuum amongst offenders engaging in steal-to-order offences: those who steal-to-offer, those who steal-to-order more general items, and those who steal-to-order more specialist goods. The paper also highlights the potential lack of flexibility experienced by steal-to-order offenders, and the implications of this in challenging criminological theory of offender decision making. The paper concludes by discussing how steps at both a residential and organisational level may be taken to effectively disrupt the practices of offenders during steal-to-order offences.",32,4,457,475,Psychology; Order (exchange); Parallels; Crime prevention; Flexibility (personality); Intervention (counseling); Sample (statistics); Criminology,,,,,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057%2Fs41284-019-00174-w https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/144170/ https://shura.shu.ac.uk/24285/ https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/189171297.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/s41284-019-00174-w,,10.1057/s41284-019-00174-w,2939995539,,0,001-918-238-306-68X; 010-362-245-159-281; 010-999-124-939-01X; 013-302-671-848-383; 016-108-038-341-659; 025-386-181-527-68X; 032-099-922-837-549; 044-573-520-050-808; 050-630-630-459-044; 052-271-547-045-626; 052-338-831-445-137; 058-809-468-935-356; 066-223-563-961-896; 067-261-634-303-641; 067-904-789-011-703; 073-235-650-142-129; 080-734-730-732-364; 084-151-292-110-549; 085-061-989-622-904; 086-484-773-899-585; 095-847-724-219-471; 098-406-619-658-742; 099-083-025-697-78X; 101-294-190-332-952; 118-150-921-904-825; 131-827-887-562-464; 137-751-685-340-337; 138-217-653-847-957; 142-214-620-822-666; 143-373-619-667-202; 154-961-730-514-896; 186-257-090-681-435,2,true,,green
109-290-552-404-881,Technology facilitated sexual violence: a comparative study between working and non-working females in Egypt before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.,2022-04-11,2022,journal article,Egyptian journal of forensic sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Egyptian Forensic Medicine Authority,Egypt,Nancy M Zagloul; Rasha M Farghaly; Hossam ELKhatib; Sahar Y Issa; Safaa M El-Zoghby,"During the COVID-19 pandemic, quarantine measures policies increased Internet usage, leading to technological hazards as technology facilitated sexual violence (TFSV).; The current work aimed to assess TFSV among working and non-working Egyptian females before and during COVID-19.; The current work is a cross-sectional observational comparative study using an anonymous online questionnaire distributed through social platforms among working and non-working Egyptian females.; TFSV was reported by 50.3% of the participants; however, regarding some forms of digital sexual violence, there was a significant decrease during COVID-19 lockdown than before it, considering; threatened creation form (7.8%, 12.0%; p = 0.017); non-consensual pornography (31.4%, 51.9%; p < 0.001) and online sexual harassment and cyber-stalking types (80.9%, 89.4%; p < 0.001). Only 17.3% of the study participants knew the identity of the perpetrator. TFSV led 6.4% to abstain from social media, and 3.9% reported the incident to a law agency.; The current study revealed that almost half of women experienced TFSV. Although time spent on the Internet by the whole participants during the pandemic was significantly higher than before, there was a significant decrease in some types of TFSV. The current study revealed that divorced females working in non-governmental sectors experienced harassment more significantly than others. There is crucial importance to set laws and penalties against perpetrators of TFSV to provide a safe technological environment for women.; © The Author(s) 2022.",12,1,21,,Harassment; Pornography; Stalking; Agency (philosophy); Pandemic; Psychology; Criminology; Social psychology; Demography,COVID-19; Digital violence; Egypt; Online harassment; Sexual violence; Technology facilitated sexual violence,,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41935-022-00278-2,35433051,10.1186/s41935-022-00278-2,,PMC8996216,0,001-974-204-623-202; 003-369-285-965-307; 004-426-705-221-06X; 006-724-423-244-966; 008-496-176-237-566; 016-280-548-094-322; 016-980-724-641-83X; 039-505-462-264-772; 040-922-553-457-409; 041-206-109-696-189; 044-158-759-436-237; 045-587-785-816-294; 050-638-843-939-486; 055-477-779-715-492; 061-528-611-510-834; 063-178-087-109-256; 063-780-782-009-937; 064-160-587-118-889; 070-447-863-755-004; 071-344-103-527-37X; 080-662-985-580-729; 086-848-335-066-342; 091-882-273-860-283; 105-392-230-205-793; 129-822-841-498-992; 143-750-378-519-508; 155-644-543-683-456,1,true,cc-by,gold
111-618-577-352-22X,Holistic face processing can inhibit recognition of forensic facial composites.,2015-10-05,2015,journal article,Law and human behavior,1573661x; 01477307,Springer New York,United States,Alex H. McIntyre; Peter J. B. Hancock; Charlie D. Frowd; Stephen R. H. Langton,"Facial composite systems help eyewitnesses to show the appearance of criminals. However, likenesses created by unfamiliar witnesses will not be completely accurate, and people familiar with the target can find them difficult to identify. Faces are processed holistically; we explore whether this impairs identification of inaccurate composite images and whether recognition can be improved. In Experiment 1 (n = 64) an imaging technique was used to make composites of celebrity faces more accurate and identification was contrasted with the original composite images. Corrected composites were better recognized, confirming that errors in production of the likenesses impair identification. The influence of holistic face processing was explored by misaligning the top and bottom parts of the composites (cf. Young, Hellawell, & Hay, 1987). Misalignment impaired recognition of corrected composites but identification of the original, inaccurate composites significantly improved. This effect was replicated with facial composites of noncelebrities in Experiment 2 (n = 57). We conclude that, like real faces, facial composites are processed holistically: recognition is impaired because unlike real faces, composites contain inaccuracies and holistic face processing makes it difficult to perceive identifiable features. This effect was consistent across composites of celebrities and composites of people who are personally familiar. Our findings suggest that identification of forensic facial composites can be enhanced by presenting composites in a misaligned format.",40,2,128,135,Psychology; Composite material; Face (geometry); Facial composite; Imaging technique; Facial recognition system; Identification (information); Image processing,,"Adolescent; Adult; Aged; Criminals; Face; Female; Humans; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Male; Mental Recall; Middle Aged; Photography; Recognition, Psychology; Young Adult",,,http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/lhb0000160 https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/handle/1893/22121 http://clok.uclan.ac.uk/18181/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26436334 https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/bitstream/1893/22121/1/LHB-2014-1921_Holistic%20face%20processing%20can%20inhibit%20recognition%20of%20forensic%20facial%20composites.pdf https://europepmc.org/article/MED/26436334 http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/9666 https://core.ac.uk/display/42545559 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26436334/ https://core.ac.uk/download/42545559.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000160,26436334,10.1037/lhb0000160,2333152757,,0,,4,true,,green
114-093-069-753-094,Accuracy of a cut-off value based on the third molar index: Validation in an Australian population.,2016-06-28,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Daniel Franklin; Shalmira Karkhanis; Ambika Flavel; Federica Collini; Stefano DeLuca; Roberto Cameriere,,266,,575.e1,575.e6,,Age estimation; Forensic anthropology population data; Forensic science; Human identification; Third molar index,"Adolescent; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Australia; Female; Humans; Male; Molar, Third/anatomy & histology; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Reproducibility of Results; Young Adult",,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.06.032,27427495,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.06.032,,,0,000-127-529-747-568; 000-502-407-631-139; 002-120-146-455-374; 002-713-119-947-983; 008-574-797-641-255; 011-271-812-041-777; 013-058-772-224-156; 014-452-377-294-148; 015-291-642-905-918; 017-966-516-583-044; 018-110-330-465-654; 018-587-668-701-720; 028-623-408-620-279; 037-533-325-639-203; 040-366-749-020-028; 041-265-017-880-915; 042-270-476-051-06X; 044-459-051-938-513; 050-150-090-871-931; 053-698-102-089-748; 063-782-688-930-34X; 064-765-741-996-535; 065-360-618-262-641; 070-013-598-429-874; 072-143-425-917-827; 081-058-701-533-150; 107-934-077-392-612; 119-441-224-195-855; 128-796-355-623-177; 132-483-245-870-334,29,false,,
117-066-095-922-416,Developing the Latent Lip Print Using Hibiscus Sabdariffa (Roselle) Extract for Morphological Pattern Analysis in Thai Population,2021-05-12,2021,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited,India,Titichaya Meebuathong; Praew Suppajariyawat; Sirinart Chomean; Chollanot Kaset,"Background: A latent lip print can be important evidence, and specific substances are needed for the development of a latent lip print. However, collecting the lip print may difficult due to people who have sensitive skin with lipsticks and almost men who do not wear lipstick. Moreover, the enhancement methods of latent lip print are still lack of standardization and consistency. Aim: To develop a new staining method for the study of the lip print patterns Thai population.Method: The latent lip prints were collected from 24 males and 24 females. The ability of Roselle extract was investigated for developing latent lip prints on cigarette paper. The developed lip print was used for the morphological pattern analysis using Suzuki and Tsuchihashi’s classification criteria combined with Autodesk SketchBook. Result: The results revealed that Roselle extract exhibited potential as a staining dye for the development of latent lip prints on cigarette paper. Among the 24 males and 24 females, Type I was found to be most common and was present in 54.55% of the volunteers, followed by Types I’, II and IV (21.12%, 14.58%, and 9.03%, respectively). The least common patterns were Types III and V, each represented in 0.35% of the total volunteers. Conclusion: latent lip print could be used for study of lip print pattern by stained with Roselle extract. Moreover, a digital method using Autodesk SketchBook serves as an alternative method that provides ease in storing and identification of lip print pattern.",15,3,4564,4572,Dentistry; Morphological pattern; Lipstick; LIP PRINTS; Hibiscus sabdariffa; Alternative methods; Thai population; Biology,,,,,https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/16011,http://dx.doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.16011,,10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.16011,3194687724,,0,,0,false,,
117-505-224-033-706,July 2014: Editorial Notes,2014-07-21,2014,journal article,Family Court Review,15312445,Wiley,,Andrew Schepard; Robert E. Emery,"Does the Economic Big Picture Drive Your; Decisions? Three “Context Clues” Leaders Should; Never Ignore How can your company’s leaders; make better decisions where challenges are concerned?; Some of those decisions have short-term consequences; while others will affect the business for much longer.; Ron Scherer and Joel Naroff points out three clues; leaders should never ignore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7; Talk Your Way to the Top: Why Old-School; Communication Skills are the Competitive Edge; New Grads Need Geoffrey Tumlin advises new; grads not to depend on your new credentials or your; great GPA to win the job you want. He warns that; they don’t matter nearly as much as your ability to; articulate, influence, persuade, and connect. . . . . . . . . 11; Ten On-the-Job Mistakes That May Be Sabotaging; Your Career Ben Carpenter shows us that some; workers are making mistakes—either subtle; missteps or sins of omission or both on their job.; He pinpoints 10 specific on-the-job mistakes that; may be hurting their career. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16; Do What You’re Good At, Not What You Love:; Real Talk for Today’s Job Seekers While; following your passion is a popular career advice,; matching your job to your skill set is a much better; bet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26; Real Estate Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2; Financial Column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6; Navigate the Global Economy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7; Investments and Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8; Computer Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9; The Lists:; Commercial Printers in the Inland Empire. . . . . . . . . . . . 10; Certified Public Accountants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12; Advertising Agencies in the Inland Empire. . . . . . . . . . . 14; SBA Lenders in the Inland Empire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17; Business & Liability Insurance Agencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27; Communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11; Career Success. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16; Manager’s Bookshelf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25; Career Advice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26; New Business Lists:; County of San Bernardino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37; County of Riverside. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37; Executive Time Out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39; Restaurant Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4",52,3,331,333,,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/55330439 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/55330439.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/fcre.12094,,10.1111/fcre.12094,2322567911,,0,,0,true,,
118-354-832-116-389,Fatal intimate partner violence against women in Portugal: A forensic medical national study,2013-10-03,2013,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Ana Rita Pereira; Duarte Nuno Vieira; Teresa Magalhães,"Intimate partner violence (IPV) is an important cause of women's health and socio-familial severe problems, the most extreme being the victims' homicide. This is the first nationwide Portuguese autopsy-based and judicial-proven study about female intimate partner homicide. At least 62 women over 15 years old were killed by current or former men-intimate partners, corresponding to an IPV-related female mortality rate of 0.44/100.000 women; intimate partner violence was the reason of homicide in 60.8% of all autopsied women. The typical Portuguese victim showed to be a young adult woman, employed, killed by a current husband in a long-term relationship, usually with children in common and with a history of previous IPV. The typical Portuguese perpetrator showed to be older than the victim, employed, owning a firearm and without criminal records. At the time of the fatal event 59.7% of the relationships were current. In 57.9% of the former relationships women were killed during the 1st year after its terminus. Near half of the perpetrators attempted or committed suicide afterward. Most women were killed by gunshot wounds (45.2%), especially in the thorax (48.4%), with multiple fatal injuries; 56.5% also presented non-fatal injuries. The detection of prior IPV and the risk evaluation seems to be fundamental to decrease these fatal outcomes, but also, the prevention of perpetrators' alcohol abuse and carrying weapons. This work emphasizes the need to deepen the research on this issue, aiming to contribute to prevent both fatal and non-fatal IPV-related cases.",20,8,1099,1107,Psychiatry; Mortality rate; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Alcohol abuse; Poison control; Homicide; Suicide prevention; Domestic violence; Medical emergency; Medicine,Fatal intimate partner violence; Forensic medicine; Homicide; Women,"Adult; Age Distribution; Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data; Criminals/statistics & numerical data; Domestic Violence/statistics & numerical data; Emigrants and Immigrants/statistics & numerical data; Employment/statistics & numerical data; Female; Forensic Medicine; Homicide/legislation & jurisprudence; Humans; Male; Mental Disorders/epidemiology; Middle Aged; Motivation; Portugal/epidemiology; Seasons; Spouses/statistics & numerical data; Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology; Suicide/statistics & numerical data; Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data; Women; Wounds and Injuries/mortality; Young Adult",,,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24237830/ https://estudogeral.sib.uc.pt/bitstream/10316/24591/1/Fatal%20intimate%20partner%20violence%20against%20women%20in%20Portugal.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X13002540 http://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(13)00254-0/pdf https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(13)00254-0/fulltext https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24237830 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_422950_20 https://core.ac.uk/display/144027193 https://core.ac.uk/download/19731733.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2013.09.015,24237830,10.1016/j.jflm.2013.09.015,1990138840,,0,000-026-368-521-10X; 001-718-959-703-371; 003-284-258-527-296; 010-222-287-417-299; 011-102-433-558-437; 013-284-209-720-201; 019-069-984-314-50X; 022-374-380-658-909; 024-694-819-749-432; 026-107-520-924-113; 027-864-359-876-753; 030-525-027-731-525; 033-199-814-667-612; 037-384-216-444-734; 044-239-123-670-655; 046-452-334-035-315; 046-703-923-565-983; 047-051-690-173-000; 047-893-611-658-300; 050-959-048-438-102; 052-932-494-433-961; 054-999-255-916-295; 059-817-643-175-320; 062-956-542-507-152; 065-355-417-755-03X; 067-158-703-446-537; 067-938-274-743-353; 075-242-739-481-993; 075-579-267-352-715; 079-190-537-466-692; 080-374-645-859-161; 083-341-728-309-85X; 086-390-934-065-868; 086-509-381-642-076; 106-335-433-802-673; 107-286-212-464-138; 111-956-885-410-198; 114-218-853-896-95X; 120-146-463-912-499; 128-432-135-020-975; 138-024-163-969-811; 140-583-537-727-343; 149-221-806-855-466; 189-194-239-633-970; 194-472-030-916-791,38,true,,green
118-672-755-082-675,What’s law got to do with it? Comparing the failure to deter or convict rapists in the United Kingdom and South Africa,2019-11-27,2019,journal article,International Review of Victimology,02697580; 20479433,SAGE Publications,United Kingdom,Maggie Wykes; Lillian Artz,"The journey from reporting rape to convicting rapists is complex, leading to high attrition and non-conviction rates. After wide consultation, the law in England and Wales was revised in 2003 to tr...",26,2,212,233,Kingdom; Political science; Law; Power (social and political); Attrition; Convict,,,,,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0269758019886510 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0269758019886510 http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/148471/ https://core.ac.uk/download/223214007.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0269758019886510,,10.1177/0269758019886510,2972628627,,0,016-237-593-463-824; 020-257-169-421-783; 021-053-550-085-223; 029-075-646-305-081; 040-724-209-716-486; 056-040-744-844-168; 061-409-995-989-124; 067-430-298-122-052; 067-605-050-364-068; 086-170-830-353-836; 106-966-151-915-777; 109-566-747-050-504; 116-799-175-175-897; 119-700-354-338-862; 124-435-183-095-726; 138-740-762-300-228,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
118-743-462-373-693,Patterns of palatal rugae in the adult Egyptian population,,2016,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Sonya M.S. Azab; Reham Magdy; Mohamed A. Sharaf El Deen,"Abstract: Rugoscopy refers to the study of palatal rugae in order to establish a personal identity. A significant association has been found between rugae forms and ethnicity which may represent a valuable finding in forensic medicine. The present study was aimed to analyze the pattern of palatal rugae in the adult Egyptian population and to examine for any sex differences. A total of 108 pre-orthodontic dental casts were enrolled in this study (54 males and 54 females) in the age group of 18–35 years. The pattern of palatal rugae regarding the number, size and shape of rugae was identified according to the classification made by Kapali et al. Primary rugae type showed the highest frequency while the most frequent shape was the wavy shape, followed by the straight shape. The predominant direction of palatal rugae was the forward direction. Also, the converging form of unification was found to be more prevalent than the diverging form. No significant difference was found between males and females except for the curved shape that was significantly greater among females. This study showed a specific rugae pattern in the studied adult Egyptian population when compared to other populations’ patterns that are reported in the literature.",6,2,78,83,Dentistry; Rugae; Population; Orthodontics; Significant difference; Palatal rugae; Biology,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/43726256 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X15000076 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X15000076 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82405334.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2015.01.006,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2015.01.006,2078509698,,0,001-597-054-093-291; 005-787-484-926-372; 006-458-064-067-398; 011-370-236-877-923; 011-746-203-020-862; 015-487-566-055-820; 023-131-676-016-235; 024-765-576-081-065; 033-391-848-757-317; 036-585-971-721-816; 045-106-932-115-798; 056-141-175-126-985; 058-218-784-099-236; 058-266-141-152-634; 066-306-781-086-288; 067-476-971-951-808; 070-846-408-211-097; 074-885-292-151-404; 077-949-914-198-290; 082-149-153-688-679; 089-720-008-797-814; 102-685-952-303-416; 103-053-752-475-644; 105-116-457-376-369; 107-330-562-119-583; 107-926-619-283-155; 108-369-185-892-662; 133-188-738-894-769; 133-810-111-117-082; 134-243-344-271-37X; 136-444-058-144-058; 146-552-686-378-26X; 156-598-996-088-782; 172-426-991-077-549; 176-191-949-452-351,11,true,cc-by,gold
119-070-670-941-547,A systematic review of the characteristics and needs of older prisoners,2020-09-21,2020,journal article,Journal of Criminal Psychology,20093829,Emerald,United Kingdom,Dean J. Wilkinson; Laura Caulfield,"The purpose of this paper is to review and understand what the existing evidence base concludes about the needs of this population. The older prisoner population is growing faster than the older general population and placing a strain on prisons. Much of the existing literature focusses on the health-care needs of, or in-prison initiatives for, older prisoners. Typically, these are responsive and lacking an evidence-based understanding of the characteristics and needs of this group.,This paper presents a systematic review of the existing literature on the needs and characteristics of older people in contact with the criminal justice system. After a thorough search and selection process, 21 papers, from 2002 onwards, were included in the final analysis. The review process was structured through (People, Intervention/Exposure, Comparison, Outcome) and reported using (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses).,The contradictions within the existing evidence base make it difficult to reach firm conclusions about the needs and characteristics of older prisoners. What is clear from the existing research are the relatively high levels of need. There is also some consensus that where older people commit homicide, the victim is likely to be an intimate partner. Overall, there is a need for consistent recording and reporting of characteristics and demographics and more systematic study design.,This paper has highlighted the key findings and limitations in the existing literature. Future research should make use of secondary official data sources to provide a clearer understanding of the characteristics of this group, their routes to prison, their needs and challenges they present.",10,4,253,276,Criminal justice; Commit; Psychology; Systematic review; Prison; Intervention (counseling); Population; Public relations; Process (engineering); Homicide,,,,,https://wlv.openrepository.com/handle/2436/623681 https://chesterrep.openrepository.com/bitstream/10034/623575/1/Accepted%20version%20PDF_Proof.PDF https://wlv.openrepository.com/bitstream/2436/623681/3/Caulfield_Systematic_Review_Older_Prisoners_2020.pdf https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JCP-06-2020-0023/full/html https://chesterrep.openrepository.com/handle/10034/623575 https://core.ac.uk/download/334592697.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jcp-06-2020-0023,,10.1108/jcp-06-2020-0023,3088423130,,0,000-559-259-326-745; 000-978-008-622-108; 001-436-026-503-911; 001-731-405-916-128; 005-423-220-688-975; 005-683-564-301-894; 009-888-313-465-16X; 022-291-355-907-623; 022-533-327-341-908; 028-809-501-146-917; 029-678-567-703-586; 031-129-325-095-485; 031-585-800-924-123; 032-675-108-265-796; 032-777-818-625-503; 037-528-109-538-428; 042-776-485-738-347; 045-531-356-046-938; 045-935-170-448-817; 049-950-341-844-445; 056-936-903-531-92X; 062-465-512-502-75X; 077-035-570-538-392; 080-532-094-743-971; 091-177-452-091-543; 092-148-266-030-644; 096-470-819-377-527; 102-440-883-000-896; 102-989-259-741-015; 103-964-595-533-317; 108-001-036-621-644; 114-573-902-593-91X; 126-507-289-488-010; 130-770-291-776-516; 132-642-329-800-056; 158-252-512-093-716; 185-417-103-109-037; 187-066-408-658-281,0,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
119-806-035-788-482,"History, research and practice of forensic anthropology in Thailand",2016-02-20,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Pongpon Traithepchanapai; Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh; Elena F. Kranioti,"Forensic anthropology is an increasingly developing discipline born about a century ago in the United States with the objective to contribute the knowledge of bone biology and physical anthropology to the emerging needs of the court of law. The development of research in biological and forensic anthropology has made rapid progress worldwide in the past few years, however, in most countries--with the exception of the United States--forensic anthropology work is still considered within the duties of the forensic pathologist. This paper attempts to summarise the history and development of forensic anthropology in Thailand by providing information on past and current research and practice that can help forensic practitioners to apply existing methods in forensic cases and mass disasters. It is hoped that the lessons learned from the tsunami catastrophe and the emerging need for positive identification in medicolegal settings will lead to rapid advances in education, training and professional engagement of anthropologists from the forensic departments and the law enforcement agencies in Thailand.",261,,1,7,Biological anthropology; Forensic science; Sociology; Human factors and ergonomics; Archaeology; Forensic anthropology; Alternative medicine; Law enforcement; Poison control; Suicide prevention; Engineering ethics,Biological profiling; Forensic anthropology; Forensic anthropology population data; Positive identification; Thailand,"Forecasting; Forensic Anthropology/organization & administration; History, 20th Century; History, 21st Century; Humans; Professional Role; Research; Thailand",,,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26949023 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816300470 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816300470 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26949023 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/history-research-and-practice-of-forensic-anthropology-in-thailand(87d07a95-9a7a-445f-aaac-1272ac3de52c)/export.html https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/24472615/Kranioti_accepted_mans.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/322478200.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.02.025,26949023,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.02.025,2285633863,,0,004-008-677-708-53X; 007-230-490-946-948; 009-845-474-782-158; 010-187-630-340-102; 010-814-881-763-687; 011-249-328-762-643; 014-087-905-614-596; 015-040-423-244-076; 015-609-991-484-274; 017-275-859-330-978; 017-939-924-549-124; 023-292-608-737-943; 027-273-288-784-514; 031-378-412-363-705; 031-818-016-820-958; 032-480-017-545-696; 032-683-107-596-470; 034-045-191-756-807; 034-801-697-417-280; 041-810-940-798-799; 046-567-124-598-46X; 050-460-154-629-831; 052-802-572-371-263; 054-816-823-398-904; 060-429-263-604-833; 061-585-349-211-126; 063-480-327-607-519; 063-617-518-596-423; 063-982-937-060-012; 071-711-278-162-351; 077-182-241-013-026; 082-939-691-858-918; 086-304-908-066-281; 088-815-781-866-050; 090-714-787-462-857; 091-148-853-573-807; 093-504-285-740-70X; 094-915-921-320-339; 101-145-767-259-309; 105-716-968-096-528; 117-686-765-310-222; 119-748-703-144-963; 122-228-095-409-778; 130-210-825-116-032; 132-956-974-563-307; 137-592-891-385-709; 142-844-320-394-539; 144-886-025-343-876; 157-876-705-105-997; 163-355-061-025-361; 172-566-807-425-449,21,true,,green
119-885-554-477-297,Detecting semantic social engineering attacks with the weakest link: Implementation and empirical evaluation of a human-as-a-security-sensor framework,,2018,journal article,Computers & Security,01674048,Elsevier BV,United Kingdom,Ryan Heartfield; George Loukas,"Abstract The notion that the human user is the weakest link in information security has been strongly, and, we argue, rightly contested in recent years. Here, we take a step further showing that the human user can in fact be the strongest link for detecting attacks that involve deception, such as application masquerading, spearphishing, WiFi evil twin and other types of semantic social engineering. Towards this direction, we have developed a human-as-a-security-sensor framework and a practical implementation in the form of Cogni-Sense, a Microsoft Windows prototype application, designed to allow and encourage users to actively detect and report semantic social engineering attacks against them. Experimental evaluation with 26 users of different profiles running Cogni-Sense on their personal computers for a period of 45 days has shown that human sensors can consistently outperform technical security systems. Making use of a machine learning based approach, we also show that the reliability of each report, and consequently the performance of each human sensor, can be predicted in a meaningful and practical manner. In an organisation that employs a human-as-a-security-sensor implementation, such as Cogni-Sense, an attack is considered to have been detected if at least one user has reported it. In our evaluation, a small organisation consisting only of the 26 participants of the experiment would have exhibited a missed detection rate below 10%, down from 81% if only technical security systems had been used. The results strongly point towards the need to actively involve the user not only in prevention through cyber hygiene and user-centric security design, but also in active cyber threat detection and reporting.",76,,101,127,Deception; Computer security; Computer science; Microsoft Windows; Information security; Social engineering (security),,,,,https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=201802295873060636 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167404818301780 https://core.ac.uk/display/151208142 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2018.02.020 https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/compsec/compsec76.html#HeartfieldL18 https://core.ac.uk/download/151208142.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2018.02.020,,10.1016/j.cose.2018.02.020,2793841683,,0,006-728-109-803-633; 011-647-513-501-326; 017-922-091-914-543; 025-953-293-295-113; 030-784-296-148-035; 032-364-309-820-110; 032-517-942-466-895; 036-097-546-361-060; 040-097-346-614-566; 049-598-792-514-058; 049-964-736-056-811; 051-528-175-961-686; 056-125-147-778-425; 056-346-660-098-817; 067-153-650-816-852; 067-473-416-042-927; 075-473-631-881-512; 082-860-810-285-349; 086-715-338-344-708; 094-882-032-052-479; 101-378-037-348-147; 106-189-591-646-212; 110-494-552-257-201; 122-342-239-542-746; 123-498-859-171-509; 153-389-411-084-445; 179-917-210-591-264,42,true,,green
120-316-365-259-499,Moral Disengagement in Legal Judgments,2017-11-07,2017,journal article,Journal of Empirical Legal Studies,17401453; 17401461,Wiley,United Kingdom,Tess M. S. Neal; Robert J. Cramer,"We investigated the role of moral disengagement in a legally-relevant judgment in this theoretically-driven empirical analysis. Moral disengagement is a social-cognitive phenomenon through which people reason their way toward harming others, presenting a useful framework for investigating legal judgments that often result in harming individuals for the good of society. We tested the role of moral disengagement in forensic psychologists’ willingness to conduct the most ethically questionable clinical task in the criminal justice system: competence for execution evaluations. Our hypothesis that moral disengagement would function as mediator of participants’ existing attitudes and their judgments—a theoretical “bridge” between attitudes and judgments—was robustly supported. Moral disengagement was key to understanding how psychologists decide to engage in competence for execution evaluations. We describe in detail the moral disengagement measure we used, including exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses across two separate samples. The four-factor measure accounted for a total of 52.18 percent of the variance in the sample of forensic psychologists, and the model adequately fit the data in the entirely different sample of jurors in a confirmatory factor analysis. Despite the psychometric strengths of this moral disengagement measure, we describe the pros and cons of existing measures of moral disengagement. We outline future directions for moral disengagement research, especially in legal contexts.",14,4,745,761,Competence (human resources); Form of the Good; Criminal justice; Legal psychology; Psychology; Confirmatory factor analysis; Phenomenon; Moral disengagement; Jurisprudence; Social psychology,,,,,https://asu.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/moral-disengagement-in-legal-judgments https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1040&context=commhealth_fac_pubs https://core.ac.uk/display/157755446 https://repository.asu.edu/items/48357 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/JELS_JELS12163.pdf?abstractid=3067103&mirid=1 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jels.12163 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jels.12163/abstract https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3067103 https://repository.globethics.net/handle/20.500.12424/3317715 https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/commhealth_fac_pubs/38/ https://core.ac.uk/download/157755446.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jels.12163,,10.1111/jels.12163,2767786917,,0,001-992-063-421-621; 004-069-677-941-613; 007-196-753-966-726; 007-512-146-614-819; 008-203-117-171-518; 008-624-719-084-126; 014-300-547-128-255; 014-959-289-260-688; 024-815-787-987-361; 025-444-473-834-895; 027-975-767-588-12X; 029-219-183-431-179; 031-301-841-675-701; 031-672-019-523-79X; 036-029-061-137-250; 038-454-080-860-620; 039-934-267-725-698; 044-862-466-382-887; 048-334-814-411-880; 052-432-242-116-651; 053-476-438-379-307; 054-150-027-956-962; 055-116-077-619-064; 057-373-381-973-770; 068-979-625-881-705; 074-041-223-216-788; 084-893-684-532-997; 098-629-963-633-18X; 116-953-447-460-185; 121-786-466-938-637; 127-373-401-290-086; 130-763-790-078-450; 145-261-380-108-332; 154-960-506-576-430; 161-748-607-892-008; 176-283-548-097-668; 189-368-093-334-341; 198-859-832-630-199; 199-412-609-327-627,5,true,,green
120-994-278-789-005,An exploratory study of public reports to investigate patterns and themes of requests for sexual images of minors online,2016-02-24,2016,journal article,Crime Science,21937680,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,United Kingdom,Ethel Quayle; Emily Newman,"There is a growing body of research on sexually motivated online communication with minors that has been variously described as luring, grooming and solicitation. Evidence from US studies would suggest an increase in aggressive sexual solicitations, with adolescent girls being more likely to be targeted. Existing research has involved adolescent as well as offender populations, and has largely relied on surveys with young people, interviews and official record data with offenders and ethnographic work with police officers. There have also been a number of studies using chat log data between offenders and adults pretending to be children. In addition, while the use of sexual images has been noted in both offender and victim studies, this has not been critically examined. The present study is different as it used reports from the public to Cybertip.ca to make sense of the types of behaviour that alerted concerned adults, and occasionally young people, to make a report; information available about the young person; information about the suspect, and the interaction between the two. The results of this study show strong similarities with previous research in relation to both offender and victim populations. Implications are discussed in relation to the importance of reporting mechanisms, awareness raising with parents and the need to recognize sexual agency and resilience in many adolescents.",5,1,2,,Agency (sociology); Psychological resilience; Psychology; Content analysis; Ethnography; Suspect; Young person; Log data; Social psychology; Exploratory research,,,,,https://doi.org/10.1186%2Fs40163-016-0050-0 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40163-016-0050-0 https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186%252Fs40163-016-0050-0.pdf https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/24620282/art_3A10.1186_2Fs40163_016_0050_0.pdf https://core.ac.uk/display/81196704 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/an-exploratory-study-of-public-reports-to-investigate-patterns-an https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/an-exploratory-study-of-public-reports-to-investigate-patterns-and-themes-of-requests-for-sexual-images-of-minors-online(6dc4ca80-7b06-4965-b46b-2969ae27617a)/export.html https://crimesciencejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40163-016-0050-0 http://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/an-exploratory-study-of-public-reports-to-investigate-patterns-and-themes-of-requests-for-sexual-images-of-minors-online(6dc4ca80-7b06-4965-b46b-2969ae27617a).html https://core.ac.uk/download/195266499.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40163-016-0050-0,,10.1186/s40163-016-0050-0,2279767115,,0,001-184-153-014-899; 004-785-467-394-479; 008-769-485-348-551; 012-009-308-575-553; 016-137-242-927-991; 017-198-523-736-329; 021-623-788-900-410; 029-450-504-862-853; 029-854-795-454-93X; 030-117-649-090-520; 039-618-195-866-066; 040-984-144-210-003; 046-908-593-149-184; 047-494-958-423-799; 060-778-898-791-930; 061-316-620-786-598; 061-579-893-344-562; 064-661-892-060-826; 066-920-243-242-335; 069-369-404-895-482; 072-332-906-968-951; 074-720-595-707-70X; 081-097-892-268-979; 087-112-517-571-870; 090-075-652-286-106; 090-433-826-038-127; 094-907-662-376-599; 102-513-607-406-595; 115-947-284-984-875; 120-707-429-420-797; 132-485-153-683-151; 148-542-303-936-679; 158-692-862-914-253; 169-115-642-010-569; 169-959-145-128-099; 178-641-974-688-858; 188-763-711-888-91X,12,true,"CC BY, CC0",gold
122-029-629-315-513,"Suicidal self-stabbing: A report of 12 cases from Crete, Greece",2017-06-13,2017,journal article,"Medicine, science, and the law",20421818; 00258024,SAGE Publications Ltd,United Kingdom,Elena F. Kranioti; Anastasia E Kastanaki; Despoina Nathena; Antonis Papadomanolakis,"Sharp-force trauma is a popular cause of homicide and suicide in many countries. Characterisation of the injuries between the two is crucial for a differential diagnosis. The current paper reviews 12 self-inflicted sharp-force trauma deaths from the island of Crete in Greece. Forensic reports between 1999 and 2015 were collated, and we studied the number and location of injuries, the demographic characteristics of the deceased, the sharp object and the medical history of the deceased. One third of the cases where the forensic reports were available (3/10) involved multiple injuries, and one case involved a combination of stabbing and hanging. Most injuries involved a kitchen knife. Ninety-two per cent (11/12) of the victims involved male Greek nationals aged >50 years. The type and location of injuries were not found to be specific to suicide alone. Thus, death-scene investigation remains crucial to the differential diagnosis between suicide and homicide. This is the first report on self-inflicted sharp-force fatalities in Greece.",57,3,124,129,Psychiatry; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Medical history; Poison control; Injury control; Homicide; Suicide prevention; Medicine,Crete; Greece; Suicides; knife; self-stabbing; sharp-force trauma,"Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Female; Forensic Pathology; Greece/epidemiology; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Suicide/statistics & numerical data; Wounds, Stab/epidemiology",,,https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/suicidal-selfstabbing(cbf79ef8-a788-421d-8595-707168ed9923).html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28610457/ https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28610457 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0025802417712179 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0025802417712179 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_553138_18 https://core.ac.uk/download/322479766.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0025802417712179,28610457,10.1177/0025802417712179,2626876359,,0,004-881-986-834-499; 007-002-792-567-64X; 008-390-574-678-062; 010-253-072-384-620; 010-259-717-867-273; 016-736-230-710-888; 017-885-059-189-126; 022-288-032-319-053; 022-530-997-275-205; 022-602-351-256-865; 030-977-889-892-039; 031-034-919-240-780; 031-242-777-894-610; 052-973-240-848-033; 060-047-904-491-071; 061-588-178-418-512; 068-669-869-685-723; 074-641-044-930-395; 080-088-904-909-163; 085-508-378-779-337; 120-146-463-912-499; 120-431-672-973-071,5,true,,green
123-189-881-579-771,Study on the performance of different craniofacial superimposition approaches (II): Best practices proposal,2015-08-07,2015,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Sergio Damas; Caroline Wilkinson; Tzipi Kahana; Elizaveta Veselovskaya; Alexey Abramov; Rimantas Jankauskas; Paul T. Jayaprakash; E. Ruiz; F. Navarro; M.I. Huete; Eugénia Cunha; Fabio Cavalli; John G. Clement; P. Lestón; Fernando Molinero; T. Briers; F. Viegas; Kazuhiko Imaizumi; D. Humpire; Oscar Ibáñez,"Craniofacial superimposition, although existing for one century, is still a controversial technique within the scientific community. Objective and unbiased validation studies over a significant number of cases are required to establish a more solid picture on the reliability. However, there is lack of protocols and standards in the application of the technique leading to contradictory information concerning reliability. Instead of following a uniform methodology, every expert tends to apply his own approach to the problem, based on the available technology and deep knowledge on human craniofacial anatomy, soft tissues, and their relationships. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability of different craniofacial superimposition methodologies and the corresponding technical approaches to this type of identification. With all the data generated, some of the most representative experts in craniofacial identification joined in a discussion intended to identify and agree on the most important issues that have to be considered to properly employ the craniofacial superimposition technique. As a consequence, the consortium has produced the current manuscript, which can be considered the first standard in the field; including good and bad practices, sources of error and uncertainties, technological requirements and desirable features, and finally a common scale for the craniofacial matching evaluation. Such a document is intended to be part of a more complete framework for craniofacial superimposition, to be developed during the FP7-founded project MEPROCS, which will favour and standardize its proper application.",257,,504,508,Matching (statistics); Best practice; Dentistry; Data science; Software; Scale (chemistry); Craniofacial; Field (computer science); Computer science; Reliability (statistics); Identification (information),Craniofacial identification; Craniofacial superimposition; Forensic Anthropology Population Data; Forensic anthropology; MEPROCS,"Decision Making; Face/anatomy & histology; Female; Forensic Anthropology/methods; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Male; Photography; Reproducibility of Results; Skull/anatomy & histology; Software",,,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26482539/ https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/4886/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815003230#! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26482539 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26482539 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073815003230 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/74237549.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.07.045,26482539,10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.07.045,1234659629,,0,016-239-110-526-173; 035-793-083-377-308; 072-381-360-007-673; 134-153-213-799-853,25,true,,green
123-597-549-876-355,Statistical analysis of biomechanical properties of the adult skull and age-related structural changes by sex in a Japanese forensic sample.,2013-10-16,2013,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Suguru Torimitsu; Yoshifumi Nishida; Tachio Takano; Yoshinori Koizumi; Yohsuke Makino; Daisuke Yajima; Mutsumi Hayakawa; Go Inokuchi; Ayumi Motomura; Fumiko Chiba; Katsura Otsuka; Kazuhiro Kobayashi; Yuriko Odo; Hirotaro Iwase,"The purpose of this research was to investigate the biomechanical properties of the adult human skull and the structural changes that occur with age in both sexes. The heads of 94 Japanese cadavers (54 male cadavers, 40 female cadavers) autopsied in our department were used in this research. A total of 376 cranial samples, four from each skull, were collected. Sample fracture load was measured by a bending test. A statistically significant negative correlation between the sample fracture load and cadaver age was found. This indicates that the stiffness of cranial bones in Japanese individuals decreases with age, and the risk of skull fracture thus probably increases with age. Prior to the bending test, the sample mass, the sample thickness, the ratio of the sample thickness to cadaver stature (ST/CS), and the sample density were measured and calculated. Significant negative correlations between cadaver age and sample thickness, ST/CS, and the sample density were observed only among the female samples. Computerized tomographic (CT) images of 358 cranial samples were available. The computed tomography value (CT value) of cancellous bone which refers to a quantitative scale for describing radiodensity, cancellous bone thickness and cortical bone thickness were measured and calculated. Significant negative correlation between cadaver age and the CT value or cortical bone thickness was observed only among the female samples. These findings suggest that the skull is substantially affected by decreased bone metabolism resulting from osteoporosis. Therefore, osteoporosis prevention and treatment may increase cranial stiffness and reinforce the skull structure, leading to a decrease in the risk of skull fractures.",234,,185,9,Anatomy; Forensic anthropology; Cancellous bone; Osteoporosis; Skull fracture; Skull; Bone density; Cortical bone; Medicine; Cadaver,Bone stiffness; Cranial thickness; Osteoporosis.; Sex difference; Skull fracture; Structure change,"Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Aging/physiology; Asians; Bone Density/physiology; Cadaver; Female; Forensic Anthropology; Humans; Japan; Male; Middle Aged; Multidetector Computed Tomography; Osteoporosis/diagnostic imaging; Sex Characteristics; Skull/anatomy & histology; Skull Fractures/physiopathology; Stress, Mechanical",,,http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/24183343 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24183343 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073813004465 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073813004465 https://core.ac.uk/download/97065290.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.10.001,24183343,10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.10.001,2011407971,,0,000-262-378-607-227; 000-375-334-982-392; 001-047-501-271-04X; 001-631-524-062-884; 003-889-414-602-158; 006-263-509-913-199; 007-772-055-015-598; 007-814-181-439-546; 009-495-989-611-297; 009-933-841-425-903; 013-542-650-805-15X; 016-228-007-754-027; 017-586-933-902-283; 018-821-648-171-980; 018-862-216-628-407; 022-018-399-758-925; 023-264-245-880-442; 025-448-584-472-039; 028-182-250-870-241; 028-205-335-087-642; 032-647-773-411-695; 033-930-254-538-109; 034-761-878-677-90X; 037-077-338-101-844; 039-482-598-341-256; 040-155-007-994-544; 040-436-385-063-959; 043-803-862-174-055; 044-246-000-223-260; 044-552-965-777-564; 048-789-682-103-51X; 049-111-695-871-072; 053-735-992-245-027; 055-565-132-333-944; 056-203-999-566-976; 056-769-077-993-931; 058-575-706-252-659; 061-295-141-875-024; 061-953-711-623-77X; 063-751-959-981-850; 070-468-799-219-76X; 074-055-117-630-544; 080-811-408-764-292; 080-953-612-103-348; 082-613-534-542-143; 089-035-783-895-487; 089-878-224-121-982; 103-360-071-447-509; 108-890-761-135-414; 128-389-263-488-379; 134-160-012-891-341; 142-610-389-951-258; 158-898-692-230-417,17,true,,
123-816-405-165-041,"Can Criminologists Change the World? Critical Reflections on the Politics, Performance and Effects of Criminal Justice",2016-03-11,2016,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Lesley McAra,,57,4,767,788,Criminal justice; Political science; Theory of criminal justice; Praxis; Criminal justice policy; Criminology; Politics,,,,,https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/can-criminologists-change-the-world(b4111021-4cbe-4c38-b401-6f9f4f32e099)/export.html https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article/57/4/767/2623920 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/can-criminologists-change-the-world-critical-reflections-on-the-p https://core.ac.uk/download/151395982.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azw015,,10.1093/bjc/azw015,2303392696,,0,010-650-066-475-218; 011-911-905-211-782; 012-674-852-908-446; 025-283-514-071-958; 028-311-658-163-151; 031-594-392-613-952; 046-381-960-109-507; 049-615-206-206-792; 054-258-033-987-487; 065-825-116-130-929; 067-297-198-831-169; 071-400-689-999-377; 073-213-230-442-929; 090-249-146-580-027; 090-682-826-592-889; 092-303-233-592-947; 096-985-236-525-56X; 100-233-921-764-383; 116-038-837-684-927; 122-937-389-588-144; 135-625-326-646-764; 136-057-579-935-98X; 185-885-712-357-906; 190-823-286-098-303; 191-875-695-317-969; 195-555-872-246-384; 197-341-804-668-189,22,true,,green
123-895-830-464-809,Are Generalist Batterers Different from Generally Extra-Family Violent Men? A Study among Imprisoned Male Violent Offenders,,2018,journal article,The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context,18891861; 19894007,Colegio Oficial de Psicologos de Madrid,Spain,Joel Juarros-Basterretxea; Juan Herrero; Asunción Fernández-Suárez; Beatriz Pérez; Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Díaz,"Research on male batterers has found that in some cases of severe intimate partner violence (IPV) against women, male aggressors were also generally violent beyond the family realm. These findings have been used by researchers to illustrate the common etiology of both general and IPV. Using data from imprisoned male violent offenders, we d the individual, family, and community characteristics of two groups of violent offenders: generalist batterers (GB) and generally extra-family violent men (GEVM). GB offenders had a judicial sentence on IPV-related offenses (gender violence according to the Spanish legislation), while GEVM offenders did not have any IPV-related judicial sentence. The sample s 153 imprisoned male violent offenders of the Penitentiary Center of Villabona (Asturias, Spain). Sociodemographic measures, and criminal and justice official records of participants are available. Two groups of participants (GB and GEVM) distinction was done based on official records. Multivariate analyses of covariance (MANCOVA) was carried out to study differences between each group of participants in self-reported measures of personal, family, and community context variables. MANCOVA showed no statistical differences among the individual, family, and community characteristics of these two groups, giving empirical support to the theoretical view that general violence and IPV might share a common etiology. These results are discussed in light of the debate about the potentially common etiology of these two types of violence.",10,1,8,14,Empirical research; Etiology; Psychology; Justice (ethics); Legislation; Sentence; Realm; Multivariate analysis; Domestic violence; Clinical psychology,,,,,http://scielo.isciii.es/pdf/ejpalc/v10n1/1989-4007-ejpalc-10-01-8.pdf https://digibuo.uniovi.es/dspace/bitstream/10651/46714/4/Are%20Generalist.pdf https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6306451 https://journals.copmadrid.org/ejpalc/archivos/articulo20180102121735.pdf https://journals.copmadrid.org/ejpalc/art/ejpalc2018v10n1a1#resumen http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1889-18612018000100008 https://core.ac.uk/display/157700410 https://digibuo.uniovi.es/dspace/handle/10651/46714 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/157700410.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.5093/ejpalc2018v10n1a1,,10.5093/ejpalc2018v10n1a1,2768614120,,0,000-234-410-122-468; 001-123-653-344-190; 001-563-450-810-840; 001-757-695-345-233; 003-119-673-780-193; 004-706-932-171-935; 004-754-619-357-764; 004-905-754-999-466; 005-107-616-697-486; 005-116-099-456-004; 005-981-535-355-397; 006-115-350-257-331; 007-766-561-970-052; 009-415-814-172-402; 010-243-929-168-769; 012-055-999-066-316; 013-332-635-537-382; 014-839-630-173-101; 014-933-795-103-065; 016-979-521-527-668; 016-982-759-783-722; 017-387-842-940-40X; 017-854-276-070-832; 018-154-573-571-19X; 021-005-761-797-507; 021-654-747-990-669; 022-579-478-859-943; 023-231-080-549-039; 023-864-975-903-553; 024-389-080-763-074; 030-281-882-762-05X; 031-723-946-021-034; 031-921-971-249-468; 032-949-641-521-503; 035-216-826-750-143; 035-874-640-483-272; 036-291-395-011-985; 036-638-067-543-069; 042-801-937-727-668; 043-706-240-631-755; 044-525-547-284-878; 044-615-464-556-478; 045-724-751-387-485; 047-875-956-436-480; 050-000-893-550-29X; 050-447-567-680-591; 060-648-065-465-991; 061-810-165-877-722; 062-924-703-333-071; 064-280-234-643-801; 067-625-199-190-594; 069-607-682-008-629; 072-695-489-637-459; 073-063-492-110-915; 074-516-783-384-41X; 076-603-844-519-305; 086-030-878-826-685; 088-510-262-281-563; 089-833-342-813-569; 094-521-006-991-604; 095-211-047-269-67X; 096-447-269-160-386; 099-184-948-102-011; 099-681-340-695-530; 104-306-523-706-225; 106-896-164-970-408; 109-057-625-486-160; 109-367-950-735-072; 115-891-977-840-866; 116-142-529-380-382; 117-984-225-566-572; 119-517-759-651-245; 120-742-234-840-576; 125-872-026-728-835; 140-327-872-932-560; 141-538-500-620-60X; 147-393-708-603-044; 158-208-895-371-032; 172-911-592-398-491; 182-479-459-168-163; 190-113-934-986-565,25,true,cc-by-nc-nd,gold
125-689-875-644-69X,Criminalizing the Payment for Sex in Northern Ireland: Sketching the Contours of a Moral Panic,2015-09-28,2015,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Graham Ellison,"This paper examines recent legislative developments in Northern Ireland around Lord Morrow’s Human Trafficking & Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill that was passed unanimously in the Northern Ireland Assembly and which uniquely in the UK now makes it a criminal offence to pay for sexual services. I suggest that issues around sex trafficking, sexual slavery and prostitution in Northern Ireland bear all the hallmarks of Stan Cohen’s famous articulation of a moral panic (Cohen, 1972) but also argue that his original formulation needs to be recast slightly to take account of the horizontal structuring of moral panics in contemporary society.",57,1,194,214,Psychiatry; Payment; Contemporary society; Moral panic; Psychology; Sex trafficking; Christian right; Feminism; Articulation (sociology); Criminology; Legislature,,,,,https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/1/194/2566688 https://pureadmin.qub.ac.uk/ws/files/49736491/The_commercial_sex_industry_in_Northern_Ireland_LATEST_AUG_2015.pdf https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/publications/criminalising-the-payment-for-sex-in-northern-ireland-sketching-t https://pure.qub.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/criminalising-the-payment-for-sex-in-northern-ireland-sketching-the-contours-of-a-moral-panic(94178ef3-0a5f-4aa9-a612-846799850f4b)/fingerprints.html https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-pdf/57/1/194/7865693/azv107.pdf http://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/1/194/2566688 https://core.ac.uk/download/74404512.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azv107,,10.1093/bjc/azv107,2180026966,,0,000-756-202-530-529; 000-900-625-113-19X; 004-754-692-799-534; 009-824-801-879-123; 010-205-632-386-450; 010-530-721-687-334; 013-408-804-197-138; 018-143-007-462-77X; 030-316-518-910-463; 031-076-772-782-379; 031-509-793-763-477; 038-856-669-103-018; 039-499-358-244-028; 040-359-494-933-638; 040-822-147-288-138; 047-373-649-988-533; 052-075-423-333-29X; 054-962-201-960-89X; 058-038-990-088-599; 059-334-897-216-78X; 064-364-576-399-608; 065-362-577-891-132; 065-825-537-674-289; 070-618-576-322-058; 072-720-439-188-810; 088-070-020-196-01X; 099-196-352-962-086; 104-897-034-305-970; 110-246-210-376-275; 111-128-867-194-23X; 119-753-121-449-202; 132-144-995-888-254; 138-275-347-314-680; 143-696-135-250-415; 151-955-054-339-518; 154-588-035-843-054; 157-920-097-527-015; 160-910-113-085-800; 161-581-697-410-946; 164-845-690-458-512; 167-427-937-915-947; 172-015-196-007-705; 172-703-857-943-779; 175-450-610-773-639; 187-956-273-634-681,30,true,,green
126-376-564-198-775,Relationship of Stature of an Individual with Second and Fourth Digit Lengths among Medical Students Belonging to Southern Part of India,,2013,journal article,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,09739122; 09739130,Diva Enterprises Private Limited,India,G. T. Kiran; G. Shrikanthan; Ashutosh B. Potdar,"Objectives: To find the association of Second digit length (2D), Fourth digit length (4D) and their ratio (2D:4D ratio) with stature of an individual. Materials and Method: 2D and 4D lengths (right hand) of 141 medical students both male and female from IInd MBBS aged between 18 to 21 years were recorded using a digital vernier callipers. Results: Statistically significant relationship was found between 2D and 4D lengths with stature in both the gender. There was no statistically significant relationship between 2D:4D ratio and stature of an individual. Conclusion: Second digit lengths and fourth digit lengths serve as important tools of identification for determination of stature of an individual.",7,2,61,63,Demography; Digit ratio; Dentistry; Fourth digit; Mathematics; Numerical digit,,,,,http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijfmt&volume=7&issue=2&article=013 http://www.i-scholar.in/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/42358,http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/j.0973-9130.7.2.013,,10.5958/j.0973-9130.7.2.013,2094632470,,0,,0,false,,
126-534-633-007-006,Disabled Children and the Child Protection System: A Cause for Concern,2015-05-12,2015,journal article,Child Abuse Review,09529136,Wiley,United Kingdom,Julie Taylor; Kirsten Stalker; Alasdair B.R. Stewart,"Disabled children are more likely to be abused than their non-disabled peers. Despite this heightened risk, the abuse of disabled children goes undetected and under-reported. This qualitative study investigated the specific issues faced by practitioners in Scotland in supporting disabled children at risk of significant harm. Interviews were held with participants from six local authority areas and across five different services and five focus groups with Child Protection Committees (total 61 participants). There were positive messages about putting the child at the very heart of child protection assessment and intervention, regardless of any impairment a child may have. However, there was also concern that practice was at times parent-centred. Some participants appeared to be ‘muddling through’ in practice and many practitioners lacked confidence when working with disabled children. Data from this study suggests that thresholds for disabled children may be higher than for non-disabled children. Participants reported high levels of interagency working and saw this as inherently positive, although they recognised some failings and tensions. There is widespread commitment across the child protection system to putting the child at the centre. However, getting it right for every child does not mean treating every child the same.",25,1,60,73,Psychiatry; Psychology; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Neglect; Child protection; Intervention (counseling); Poison control; Suicide prevention; Focus group,,,,Scottish Government: Education Analytical Service Division,https://core.ac.uk/display/29183075 http://eprints.gla.ac.uk/119217/ https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/52262/ https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_541876_21 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/car.2386 https://pure.strath.ac.uk/portal/files/41623360/Stalker_etal_CAR_2015_Disabled_children_and_the_child_protection_system.pdf http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/car.2386/full https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/disabled-children-and-the-child-protection-system-a-cause-for-con https://core.ac.uk/download/29183075.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/car.2386,,10.1002/car.2386,1547724868,,0,000-033-095-432-00X; 017-267-359-123-956; 017-276-307-013-725; 021-878-233-313-030; 028-099-319-880-222; 028-462-361-559-495; 033-886-096-145-16X; 035-696-258-338-251; 037-161-669-715-949; 047-463-163-291-532; 060-188-215-700-260; 071-748-983-986-697; 105-494-699-401-799; 111-033-112-107-431; 119-755-820-884-667; 119-889-609-545-014; 156-149-074-506-50X; 170-128-467-511-38X,21,true,,green
127-411-064-172-146,Exploring the protection of private browsing in desktop browsers,,2017,journal article,Computers & Security,01674048,Elsevier BV,United Kingdom,Nikolaos Tsalis; Alexios Mylonas; Antonia Nisioti; Dimitris Gritzalis; Vasilios Katos,"Desktop browsers have introduced private browsing mode, a security control which aims to protect users' data that are generated during a private browsing session by not storing them in the filesystem. As the Internet becomes ubiquitous, the existence of this security control is beneficial to users, since privacy violations are increasing, while users tend to be more concerned about their privacy when browsing the web in a post-Snowden era. In this context, this work examines the protection that is offered by the private browsing mode of the most popular desktop browsers in Windows (i.e., Chrome, Firefox, IE and Opera). Our experiments uncover occasions in which even if users browse the web with a private session, privacy violations exist contrary to what is documented by the browser. To raise the bar of privacy protection that is offered by web browsers, we propose the use of a virtual filesystem as the storage medium of browsers' cache data. We demonstrate with a case study how this countermeasure protects users from the privacy violations, which are previously identified in this work.",67,,181,197,Internet privacy; The Internet; Cache; World Wide Web; Security controls; Internet security; Context (language use); Session (computer science); Countermeasure (computer); Computer science; Navigation bar,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/80693450 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2017.03.006 https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/compsec/compsec67.html#TsalisMNGK17 https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1016/j.cose.2017.03.006 http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/27850/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167404817300597 https://core.ac.uk/download/80693450.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2017.03.006,,10.1016/j.cose.2017.03.006,2596357039,,0,002-449-146-256-491; 009-358-080-914-72X; 016-593-592-093-391; 018-405-963-774-412; 018-954-504-137-336; 020-774-682-563-067; 023-158-007-985-004; 041-030-338-346-880; 043-652-554-315-308; 044-123-811-585-855; 055-427-310-086-160; 067-993-638-492-324; 068-183-577-230-022; 070-795-421-678-807; 076-085-320-578-235; 082-704-781-807-288; 093-551-054-279-495; 112-254-293-106-176; 140-202-585-278-528; 141-161-706-233-202; 146-398-584-810-872,12,true,,green
127-587-874-645-899,Effectiveness of forensic outpatients' psychiatric treatment and recidivism rates: A comparison study,,2020,journal article,Forensic Science International: Mind and Law,26663538,Elsevier BV,,Sandy Krammer; Alex Gamma; Hansjörg Znoj; Dorothee Klecha; Paola Signorini; Michael Liebrenz,"Abstract It was previously shown that forensic outpatient psychiatric treatment lowers recidivism and improves mental health. However, there is no data specifically from Switzerland, a fact that has been repeatedly criticized by local policymakers in the course of healthcare planning. The present study aimed to describe two groups of mentally ill offenders referred to a Swiss forensic outpatient clinic, namely those accepted for treatment and those who were left untreated because their treatment was rejected. The recidivism rates of the two groups were then compared, to determine whether differences in recidivism rates between the two groups might be related to socio-demographic characteristics and mental health. Finally, improvements regarding general functional level and severity of psychopathology were evaluated over the course of time. A total of n = 131 mentally ill offenders were studied. After an average time at risk of 42.6 months, our preliminary results show that 18% of those accepted for treatment relapsed into delinquent activities, while 38% of the rejected offenders did so. We found no sociodemographic variable that differentiated between reoffenders in the two samples. Likewise, the prevalence of personality disorders was similar in the two groups. Regarding comorbidity, the combination of any substance abuse disorder and any personality disorder was more prevalent in the treated sample. Over the course of therapy, the treated group showed improvements regarding their general functional level and the severity of their psychopathology. This is the first study to explore the effects of therapeutic outpatient treatment of mentally ill offenders on Swiss recidivism rates.",1,,100032,,Psychiatry; Psychopathology; Mental health; Health care; Personality; Recidivism; Personality disorders; Comorbidity; Outpatient clinic; Medicine,,,,,https://doaj.org/article/86f5044e64ed4867ae80ce5fb4b8d4e7 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666353820300254 https://boris.unibe.ch/146920/ https://core.ac.uk/download/343224717.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fsiml.2020.100032,,10.1016/j.fsiml.2020.100032,3090128379,,0,000-408-558-020-852; 001-722-144-360-314; 005-368-454-141-877; 006-410-002-777-64X; 010-570-246-304-141; 014-247-253-678-198; 022-928-106-421-193; 033-876-149-213-180; 041-710-981-423-08X; 051-839-983-182-769; 055-006-658-544-120; 055-148-598-265-739; 057-128-325-615-515; 063-453-508-437-172; 071-265-179-563-566; 072-957-069-952-37X; 075-074-619-485-949; 090-327-805-132-131; 090-788-487-948-953; 112-820-030-134-515; 157-363-007-982-075; 172-596-029-020-564,2,true,"CC BY, CC BY-NC-ND",gold
127-669-518-004-496,Pleasure Zones and Murder Boxes: Online Pornography and Violent Video Games as Cultural Zones of Exception,2015-10-27,2015,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Rowland Atkinson; Thomas Rodgers,"New media formats and technologies raise questions about new-found abilities to indulge apparently limitless violent and sadistic curiosity within our culture. In this context the mainstreaming of sex and violence via mobile and screen media systems opens important questions about the degree to which these influences are harmful or indicative of deeper social problems. In this article we offer a preliminary analysis of the consequences of these new media zones, acknowledging their allure, excitement and everyday cultural position. In particular we focus on a distinctive hallmark of much online pornography and massively popular violent videogames - the offer of unchecked encounters with others who can be subordinated to violent and sexual desire. We suggest that a key implication of these zones of cultural exception, in which social rules can be more or less abandoned, is their role in further assisting denials of harm from the perspective of hyper-masculinist and militaristic social value systems.",56,6,1291,1307,Psychology; Pleasure; Harm; Cultural exception; Context (language use); Pornography; Media studies; Poison control; Social psychology; Sadistic personality disorder; New media,,,,,http://core.ac.uk/display/30273920 https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article/56/6/1291/2415118 http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/90524/ https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/56/6/1291/2415118/Pleasure-Zones-and-Murder-Boxes-Online-Pornography https://core.ac.uk/download/30273920.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azv113,,10.1093/bjc/azv113,2178724884,,0,025-888-174-813-733; 028-121-929-515-052; 029-253-343-590-961; 036-179-838-842-586; 040-894-289-890-16X; 046-743-119-751-175; 050-209-198-315-631; 050-487-338-154-594; 052-939-941-134-587; 053-542-771-695-218; 060-054-355-686-225; 060-976-324-771-073; 061-750-951-462-282; 073-597-600-460-282; 076-624-908-837-955; 078-234-514-896-45X; 080-322-604-590-093; 081-789-425-815-563; 082-678-754-643-285; 087-093-972-270-948; 090-741-852-138-409; 091-714-378-208-934; 095-409-784-678-186; 097-867-049-554-014; 098-046-464-711-003; 110-568-442-240-336; 110-947-832-498-690; 116-472-721-603-111; 121-490-295-408-275; 122-493-693-287-376; 133-150-164-584-150; 135-509-624-529-787; 140-535-704-895-349; 152-073-328-633-602; 152-355-679-065-825; 152-445-115-545-689; 153-386-897-696-607; 155-109-597-863-976; 161-558-385-719-770; 165-716-724-470-284; 166-595-743-166-323; 166-909-373-937-029; 178-861-102-409-625; 194-037-856-455-120,51,true,cc-by,hybrid
127-703-118-113-323,Identifying sexual dimorphism in a paediatric South Indian population using stepwise discriminant function analysis.,2013-05-29,2013,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,S K Shankar; Krishnamurthy Anuthama; M Kruthika; V. Suresh Kumar; K. Ramesh; A. Jaheerdeen; M. Mohamed Yasin,"Anthropological research relies on skeletal and dental remains for the identification of species. Sexual dimorphism is the systematic difference in form between males and females of the same species. This study is designed to compute a new formula for sex determination using discriminant function analysis in the deciduous crown dimensions of a paediatric population of South Indian origin and to check its accuracy. The sample consisted of 93 females and 90 males of South Indian origin aged between 5 and 13 years. Alginate impressions of the upper dental arch were made and casts were poured immediately. A digital vernier calliper was used to obtain measurements. Teeth considered for measurement were deciduous maxillary canines and molars. Our study is a maiden attempt in considering diagonal measurements along with mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) dimensions as predictor variables for sex determination. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 17.0 software. By using the Student t-test, the different predictor variables of teeth selected between male and females were found to be significant (p < 0.05). Highly significant sexual dimorphism was found in the mean MD dimension of maxillary right canine and right and left first molar, BL dimension of right first molar, distobuccal-mesiolingual of right and left first molar and right second molar and mesiobuccal-distolingual of right second molar. The percentage of sexual dimorphism in MD dimensions revealed that the right upper first molar was the most dimorphic tooth and the upper first molar of the left side was the least dimorphic of the six teeth studied. The present study found the level of sexual dimorphism in the deciduous crown dimensions of a selected group of South Indian population, which is sufficiently large to determine sex with an accuracy of 87.2-88% by discriminant function analysis. Hence the formula derived from the present study could be of some value in sex determination of paediatric populations of South Indian origin.",20,6,752,756,Sexual dimorphism; Dentistry; Molar; Forensic dentistry; Deciduous teeth; Dental arch; Discriminant function analysis; Mandibular first molar; Mandibular second molar; Biology,Deciduous teeth; Dimorphism; Discriminant function analysis; Sex determination,"Adolescent; Child; Child, Preschool; Cuspid/anatomy & histology; Discriminant Analysis; Female; Forensic Dentistry; Humans; India; Male; Maxilla; Models, Dental; Molar/anatomy & histology; Reproducibility of Results; Sex Characteristics; Tooth Crown/anatomy & histology; Tooth, Deciduous",,,https://www.jflmjournal.org/article/S1752-928X(13)00125-X/fulltext https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23910875 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/23910875 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1752928X1300125X,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2013.04.009,23910875,10.1016/j.jflm.2013.04.009,1983589719,,0,000-599-507-011-985; 000-737-782-296-447; 001-455-768-821-533; 001-949-046-795-783; 006-956-611-885-931; 009-556-589-789-615; 009-751-396-544-017; 010-981-275-774-00X; 011-856-714-645-749; 012-606-933-614-373; 019-221-505-079-05X; 021-436-110-068-858; 022-245-383-296-957; 029-017-034-001-719; 033-073-929-062-206; 037-298-265-241-334; 038-842-221-480-694; 042-999-823-500-189; 053-321-934-325-619; 054-805-739-901-534; 065-895-294-674-762; 073-737-800-198-348; 076-690-837-337-253; 080-964-330-357-108; 092-332-554-924-458; 094-737-455-642-023; 095-588-979-350-187; 099-408-768-705-771; 154-429-423-059-853; 168-046-086-774-871,11,false,,
128-525-080-887-813,Evaluation of one-step luminescent cyanoacrylate fuming.,2016-04-11,2016,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Alicia Khuu; Scott Chadwick; Xanthe Spindler; Rolanda Lam; Sébastien Moret; Claude Roux,"One-step luminescent cyanoacrylates have recently been introduced as an alternative to the conventional cyanoacrylate fuming methods. These new techniques do not require the application of a luminescent post-treatment in order to enhance cyanoacrylate-developed fingermarks. In this study, three one-step polymer cyanoacrylates: CN Yellow Crystals (Aneval Inc.), PolyCyano UV (Foster+Freeman Ltd.) and PECA Multiband (BVDA), and one monomer cyanoacrylate: Lumikit™ (Crime Scene Technology), were evaluated against a conventional two-step cyanoacrylate fuming method (Cyanobloom (Foster+Freeman Ltd.) with rhodamine 6G stain). The manufacturers' recommended conditions or conditions compatible with the MVC™ 1000/D (Foster+Freeman Ltd.) were assessed with fingermarks aged for up to 8 weeks on non-porous and semi-porous substrates. Under white light, Cyanobloom generally gave better development than the one-step treatments across the substrates. Similarly when viewed under the respective luminescent conditions, Cyanobloom with rhodamine 6G stain resulted in improved contrast against the one-step treatments except on polystyrene, where PolyCyano UV and PECA Multiband gave better visualisation. Rhodamine 6G post-treatment of one-step samples did not significantly enhance the contrast of any of the one-step treatments against Cyanobloom/rhodamine 6G-treated samples.",263,,126,131,Nuclear chemistry; Luminescence; Monomer; Nanotechnology; Chemistry; Rhodamine 6G; Polystyrene; Cyanoacrylate; Rhodamine; Cyanoacrylates; Polymer,CN Yellow Crystals; Cyanobloom UV; Latent fingermarks; Lumikit™; PECA Multiband; PolyCyano UV,Cyanoacrylates/chemistry; Dermatoglyphics; Female; Fluorescent Dyes; Forensic Medicine/methods; Humans; Luminescence; Male; Rhodamines; Volatilization,Cyanoacrylates; Fluorescent Dyes; Rhodamines; rhodamine 6G,,https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/handle/10453/54635 https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/bitstream/10453/54635/5/2-s2.0-84963756292%20am.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27105155/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816301505 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073816301505 https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/bitstream/10453/54635/5/2-s2.0-84963756292%20am.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.04.007,27105155,10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.04.007,2334503908,,0,006-073-138-702-503; 008-688-822-212-715; 015-917-613-171-89X; 025-304-589-279-278; 055-655-486-235-451; 075-136-991-324-974; 076-498-394-036-485; 077-221-472-670-313; 087-678-045-570-310; 182-362-460-262-916,15,true,,green
129-525-863-410-428,Paternal filicide in the context of domestic violence: challenges in risk assessment and risk management for community and justice professionals,2014-04-16,2014,journal article,Child Abuse Review,09529136,Wiley,United Kingdom,Peter G. Jaffe; Marcie Campbell; Laura Olszowy; Leslie Hazel Anne Hamilton,"Paternal filicide in the context of domestic violence is a rare event that is often hard to predict and prevent. However, the results from current research with domestic homicide review committees suggest that warning signs may be overlooked by some professionals and agencies that do not foresee the direct harm to children. Even in cases where the dangers to adult victims were recognised, the potential harm to the children was not seen. Child homicides in the context of domestic violence are often motivated by revenge against the mother for leaving the abusive relationship. The findings suggest that adult homicides and child homicides, which take place in the context of domestic violence, have similar warning signs. The findings have implications for all professionals working in the healthcare, social service, education and justice sectors. In particular, there is a need for close coordination among family and criminal courts, professionals to ensure that the safety plan for a parent in these circumstances extends to the children as well. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 'Child homicides in the context of domestic violence are often motivated by revenge' Key Practitioner Messages * Paternal filicide is a rare event that is often hard to predict and prevent. * Current research with domestic homicide review committees suggests that warning signs may be overlooked by some professionals and agencies that do not foresee the direct harm to children. * Child homicides in the context of domestic violence are often motivated by revenge against the mother for leaving the abusive relationship. * There is a need for close coordination amongst family and criminal Court professionals to ensure that the safety plan for a parent in these circumstances extends to the children as well. 'Warning signs may be overlooked by some professionals and agencies that do not foresee the direct harm to children' Language: en",23,2,142,153,Economic Justice; Psychology; Harm; Context (language use); Abusive relationship; Poison control; Homicide; Suicide prevention; Domestic violence; Criminology; Social psychology,,,,,https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/car.2315 https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.wiley-car-v-23-i-2-car2315 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_445495_23 https://core.ac.uk/download/213559912.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/car.2315,,10.1002/car.2315,1564180863,,0,004-870-583-075-033; 007-112-900-125-759; 010-964-781-752-554; 018-834-075-968-10X; 032-878-427-937-65X; 033-208-250-242-177; 033-355-205-667-133; 034-026-432-307-604; 035-769-967-138-492; 042-619-474-379-431; 045-784-029-378-842; 056-595-811-681-960; 062-453-387-804-223; 065-806-019-346-126; 078-280-594-010-221; 086-390-934-065-868; 100-670-424-213-439; 106-113-699-789-708; 108-872-516-117-029; 112-020-072-613-199,30,true,,
130-938-805-962-209,Between vigilantism and bureaucracy: Improving our understanding of police work in Nigeria and South Africa,2014-11-19,2014,journal article,Theoretical Criminology,13624806; 14617439,SAGE Publications,United States,Sarah Jane Cooper-Knock; Olly Owen,"To date, much of the analytical scholarship on policing in Africa has centred on non-state actors. In doing so, it risks neglecting state actors and statehood, which must be understood on their own terms as well as through the eyes of the people they supposedly serve. This article seeks to develop our theoretical and empirical understanding in this respect by exploring the contexts in which citizens seek to engage state police in Nigeria and South Africa. In doing so it highlights three particularly important uses that police contact may serve, that are currently being overlooked. State police can permit, authorize or limit crime control performed by others through informal regulatory intervention. They can exercise a unique bureaucratic power by opening a case which is valued as a record of right and wrongs to be used in the negotiation of everyday life, not simply as a means to legal prosecution. And finally, taking action ‘off the books’, the police can exercise a coercive power that can be termed ‘pol...",19,3,355,375,Sociology; Negotiation; Power (social and political); Crime control; Scholarship; State police; Bureaucracy; Intervention (law); Criminology; Police science,,,,,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1362480614557306 http://tcr.sagepub.com/lookup/doi/10.1177/1362480614557306 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/24975398/CooperKnock_2014_TC_Between_Vigilantism_Bureaucracy.pdf http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1362480614557306 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1362480614557306 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/between-vigilantism-and-bureaucracy-improving-our-understanding-o https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/files/24975398/CooperKnock_2014_TC_Between_Vigilantism_Bureaucracy.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/43713374.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362480614557306,,10.1177/1362480614557306,2120101035,,0,004-493-605-026-849; 007-908-243-869-507; 011-477-063-865-026; 016-708-047-784-581; 018-146-207-480-394; 019-824-578-149-322; 021-080-912-874-232; 025-112-006-670-106; 026-889-915-018-00X; 028-678-741-452-49X; 030-143-846-933-768; 032-304-174-706-331; 033-018-787-901-489; 033-247-648-232-245; 033-798-621-423-544; 037-738-253-478-701; 038-028-451-190-100; 038-179-409-503-001; 039-949-608-402-523; 042-579-147-313-116; 046-602-091-416-842; 046-880-653-440-466; 047-985-275-888-163; 048-650-067-625-483; 055-544-526-610-796; 060-329-062-403-682; 062-876-374-277-983; 065-168-726-760-576; 067-426-757-379-331; 067-498-139-541-445; 068-797-739-384-259; 069-305-187-601-464; 072-805-912-926-800; 074-143-309-378-099; 075-958-834-058-863; 078-300-496-871-445; 079-990-201-348-372; 081-945-639-618-399; 082-067-225-511-452; 082-431-741-033-715; 082-548-442-171-244; 084-261-244-163-248; 084-647-217-786-302; 086-654-005-819-246; 089-962-088-197-860; 094-257-779-550-894; 094-807-862-894-19X; 098-151-856-828-141; 099-102-411-749-075; 100-150-968-944-169; 104-962-851-484-831; 109-723-114-722-100; 113-858-018-860-338; 114-767-781-869-750; 115-952-443-853-95X; 117-927-687-393-863; 123-094-461-166-40X; 128-431-983-795-381; 128-572-525-233-129; 135-430-705-197-487; 154-154-626-490-352; 159-659-473-070-896; 159-663-166-171-613; 159-735-081-327-64X; 168-343-056-539-126; 186-400-925-056-785; 191-423-262-248-825,31,true,,green
132-257-887-413-586,Awareness on Digital Drugs Abuse and its Applied Prevention Among Healthcare Practitioners in KSA,2017-12-10,2017,journal article,Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine,16586786; 16586794,Naif Arab University for Security Sciences,,Marwa M Fawzi; Farah A Mansouri,"Digital drugs abuse, also known as I-dosing, has recently emerged as a danger to Middle Eastern teenagers through different media channels. This study aimed to investigate the level of knowledge of digital drug abuse among health practioners in KSA, explore their attitude towards it and describe the possible preventive policies if any, and their experience of any medicolegal implemented awareness strategies to combat this phenomenon. A cross-sectional survey was used to gather data. An open-ended questionnaire with two parts containing open-ended questions was developed, validated, pretested, and randomly distributed to 200 voluntary participating health care practitioners of both sexes (n = 200) attending a continuous medical education seminar in May 2015 held in Madinah. Ethical approval and an informed written consent was obtained. Participants were males (65%) and females (35%) with different professional degrees. The knowledge of I-dosing of digital drugs was 30%. The source of this knowledge was through media (96%) and through receiving inquiries concerning this topic (71.9%). Only 14.7% of participants knew the mechanism of action of digital drugs. However, 65% of the participants thought digital drugs are real threats. From the participants, 16.9% were approached by an awareness program concerning this issue. This study concluded the urgent need for an awareness program directed at medical practitioners and communities in KSA. Keywords: Forensic Science, Digital Drug, I-Dosing, Teenage, Abuse, Prevention, Healthcare Practitioners.",1,6,,,Psychology; Health care; Substance abuse; Family medicine,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/151134468,http://dx.doi.org/10.26735/16586794.2017.002,,10.26735/16586794.2017.002,2779977903,,0,015-580-158-418-932; 015-633-835-780-696; 041-320-479-795-319; 052-875-870-188-165; 054-001-514-709-265; 063-826-636-875-790; 081-083-438-940-297; 083-261-489-609-934; 111-980-021-557-977; 144-082-873-269-61X,2,true,cc-by-nc,gold
132-882-133-272-389,Children’s attitudes towards animal cruelty: Exploration of predictors and socio-demographic variations,2019-08-14,2019,journal article,"Psychology, Crime & Law",1068316x; 14772744,Informa UK Limited,United States,Roxanne Hawkins; Joanne Williams,"ABSTRACTAssessing the risk for animal cruelty is imperative, yet understudied and problematic due to the sensitivity of the topic. Early prevention is critical, yet very little research examines cr...",26,3,226,247,Psychology; Human factors and ergonomics; Occupational safety and health; Injury prevention; Cruelty; Poison control; Injury control; Socio demographics; Suicide prevention; Clinical psychology,,,,,https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/childrens-attitudes-towards-animal-cruelty(24cd3fe7-9887-4c35-b7c5-df54ecf8a49a).html https://myresearchspace.uws.ac.uk/ws/files/12075523/2019_06_25_Hawkins_et_al_Cruelty.pdf https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/publications/childrens-attitudes-towards-animal-cruelty-explorations-of-predic https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1068316X.2019.1652747 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_648997_24 https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/childrens-attitudes-towards-animal-cruelty-exploration-of-predict https://core.ac.uk/download/334414414.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1068316x.2019.1652747,,10.1080/1068316x.2019.1652747,2968876025,,0,002-837-064-194-869; 003-446-808-636-913; 003-786-134-738-649; 005-489-855-346-815; 008-693-873-590-35X; 010-654-322-701-455; 011-469-384-165-303; 011-805-733-069-062; 012-146-772-489-772; 014-828-939-685-865; 016-165-307-125-841; 016-478-993-926-311; 017-275-286-491-503; 019-860-169-874-003; 020-283-583-663-533; 020-716-539-274-566; 021-249-698-615-15X; 022-393-097-853-251; 023-394-459-976-023; 023-483-879-243-306; 026-039-841-920-218; 028-035-254-250-197; 028-777-105-706-253; 029-535-991-952-014; 030-738-423-717-644; 032-805-380-253-148; 033-729-841-346-959; 035-156-992-272-165; 036-614-396-540-508; 037-445-249-011-608; 043-093-094-402-495; 049-002-110-251-693; 049-089-269-940-874; 049-783-176-490-341; 050-702-786-016-231; 052-854-171-693-522; 054-685-429-024-309; 055-156-209-702-975; 056-806-030-713-226; 057-586-679-689-587; 062-858-040-147-91X; 062-872-837-437-114; 064-007-531-196-537; 064-070-028-759-306; 068-682-196-989-875; 081-724-130-772-052; 085-332-269-532-11X; 090-205-888-756-090; 091-867-801-119-865; 093-050-915-894-364; 099-939-561-318-822; 113-014-134-907-957; 116-060-279-346-974; 116-140-700-784-418; 116-749-232-084-786; 118-044-283-009-009; 121-910-893-349-867; 123-092-299-863-303; 123-405-752-323-300; 123-942-664-685-583; 131-423-542-523-282; 134-467-343-858-331; 136-365-161-736-961; 140-421-352-248-328; 148-431-836-244-972; 148-571-685-966-429; 149-048-885-391-05X; 158-036-707-109-304; 159-012-305-446-316; 160-596-749-174-398; 164-660-026-137-867; 174-087-120-412-46X,11,true,,green
135-291-450-488-022,"Geographies of landscape: Representation, power and meaning:",2018-08-30,2018,journal article,Theoretical Criminology,13624806; 14617439,SAGE Publications,United States,Eamonn Carrabine,Green criminology has sought to blur the nature–culture binary and this article seeks to extend recent work by geographers writing on landscape to further our understanding of the shifting contours...,22,3,445,467,Aesthetics; Power (social and political); Representation (arts); Meaning (existential); Green criminology,,,,Leverhulme Trust,https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1679324047 http://repository.essex.ac.uk/23069/ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1362480618787172 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1362480618787172 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362480618787172 https://core.ac.uk/download/161395757.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362480618787172,,10.1177/1362480618787172,2889261727,,0,000-924-509-746-463; 005-289-823-857-77X; 007-623-334-684-461; 009-509-178-074-277; 009-780-066-009-217; 010-387-099-738-947; 012-210-909-254-16X; 014-892-330-835-92X; 018-330-997-613-533; 018-448-851-301-565; 019-398-728-199-677; 022-172-092-017-220; 027-402-429-710-390; 028-287-265-921-321; 035-670-588-267-833; 036-789-709-353-055; 036-809-430-465-725; 039-827-140-485-46X; 043-103-261-370-600; 045-678-269-079-324; 048-293-958-408-420; 049-265-456-989-083; 050-314-716-403-928; 060-054-355-686-225; 062-316-315-272-175; 063-688-797-831-278; 064-561-440-016-500; 065-361-120-470-552; 070-023-219-636-347; 073-955-727-031-984; 078-278-191-115-288; 079-775-812-357-890; 082-315-691-744-595; 083-656-620-650-729; 086-586-902-590-689; 086-983-973-602-658; 093-588-977-854-362; 095-069-683-141-816; 096-624-408-886-481; 100-084-060-665-992; 101-180-282-084-524; 103-043-376-657-081; 103-420-247-727-574; 122-218-429-030-17X; 124-814-778-781-717; 125-626-731-981-162; 131-834-333-984-054; 138-468-782-439-470; 142-151-829-889-938; 144-757-385-325-355; 153-266-194-972-947; 153-285-684-797-903; 158-130-303-457-709; 168-486-803-829-329; 195-382-295-567-168,8,true,,green
135-316-271-663-591,Understanding the correlates of face-to-face and cyberbullying victimization among U.S. adolescents: a social-ecological analysis,2016-01-01,2016,journal article,Violence and victims,08866708; 19457073,Springer Publishing Company,Germany,Jun Sung Hong; Jungup Lee; Dorothy L. Espelage; Simon C. Hunter; Desmond Upton Patton; Tyrone Rivers,"Using a national sample of 7,533 U.S. adolescents in grades 6-10, this study compares the social-ecological correlates of face-to-face and cyberbullying victimization. Results indicate that younger age, male sex, hours spent on social media, family socioeconomic status (SES; individual context), parental monitoring (family context), positive feelings about school, and perceived peer support in school (school context) were negatively associated with both forms of victimization. European American race, Hispanic/Latino race (individual), and family satisfaction (family context) were all significantly associated with less face-to-face victimization only, and school pressure (school context) was significantly associated with more face-to-face bullying. Peer groups accepted by parents (family context) were related to less cyberbullying victimization, and calling/texting friends were related to more cyberbullying victimization. Research and practice implications are discussed.",31,4,638,663,Peer group; Developmental psychology; Socioeconomic status; Psychology; Human factors and ergonomics; Injury prevention; Context (language use); Peer support; Poison control; Suicide prevention; Social psychology,,"Adolescent; Adolescent Behavior/psychology; Aggression/psychology; Bullying/statistics & numerical data; Crime Victims/psychology; Family Relations; Female; Humans; Male; Peer Group; Psychology, Adolescent; United States; Violence/prevention & control",,,https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/54136/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27506491 https://researchonline.gcu.ac.uk/en/publications/understanding-the-correlates-of-face-to-face-and-cyberbullying-vi https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27506491/ https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/27506491 https://pure.strath.ac.uk/portal/files/44298066/Hong_etal_VAV_2015_Understanding_the_correlates_of_face_to_face_and_cyberbullying_victimisation.pdf https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/understanding-the-correlates-of-face-to-face-and-cyberbullying-vi https://core.ac.uk/download/42591542.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/0886-6708.vv-d-15-00014,27506491,10.1891/0886-6708.vv-d-15-00014,1817676113,,0,002-580-217-445-948; 003-002-931-174-614; 007-336-155-004-406; 007-461-158-856-13X; 008-995-697-267-134; 009-492-524-024-910; 009-702-253-004-039; 010-176-062-515-344; 010-220-487-078-480; 010-869-075-215-721; 015-624-224-175-505; 016-040-842-535-130; 016-793-797-069-447; 017-035-644-241-22X; 017-130-145-532-685; 017-545-313-823-030; 017-692-834-743-802; 019-023-946-093-079; 019-549-804-051-857; 019-745-326-746-264; 021-893-855-791-235; 022-397-271-525-957; 022-411-017-140-566; 023-013-000-118-824; 024-655-856-505-363; 025-260-167-023-019; 027-188-211-106-540; 028-234-920-451-401; 030-478-120-309-864; 031-324-284-186-471; 031-398-681-712-043; 032-848-458-125-374; 034-661-344-569-922; 035-751-223-498-545; 037-086-715-051-42X; 039-992-846-916-080; 040-442-623-888-739; 042-277-775-522-396; 043-137-177-881-710; 050-043-964-771-04X; 053-648-244-610-118; 053-852-948-523-854; 055-483-912-360-813; 058-636-963-617-23X; 060-575-008-723-259; 061-840-825-064-135; 062-709-489-231-792; 064-480-428-821-748; 069-916-484-379-831; 070-529-343-016-178; 070-640-951-461-254; 074-075-161-972-072; 075-193-582-780-742; 075-301-293-245-298; 076-078-172-541-397; 078-498-929-532-219; 078-713-347-564-252; 079-934-408-628-762; 081-557-117-330-676; 081-906-728-085-449; 084-555-886-175-842; 091-806-738-207-037; 101-618-361-545-273; 106-946-739-626-249; 107-477-581-230-937; 108-827-040-893-897; 110-271-971-624-952; 115-033-891-456-926; 119-812-509-637-485; 120-720-145-000-64X; 121-438-138-254-809; 123-281-012-099-858; 125-732-800-408-132; 128-623-995-887-378; 131-240-580-028-088; 137-819-154-015-170; 146-688-216-857-20X; 153-582-314-621-290; 162-443-975-592-710; 179-065-381-648-002; 181-800-624-872-835,49,true,,green
136-652-204-988-758,Medico-legal study of intracranial causes of death ☆,,2014,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Muataz A. Al-Qazzaz; Mohammad Abdul-Mohsin Jabor,"Abstract Background A lot of incidents related to the head region could lead to death, but for sim-plicity’s sake, these incidents are mainly of two broad categories: either non-traumatic (natural) or traumatic (violent). Objectives To classify all intra-cranial lesions and injuries according to the mode and manner of death, gender, age and admission to hospital, and to evaluate these lesions and their role in the cause of death. Materials and methods The study was performed on 119 cases referred to the Medico-Legal Insti-tute in Baghdad within the period of the study from 1 November 2012 to 1 May 2013. Complete routine autopsies were carried out for all cases with a thorough external and internal examination. Digital photography was used for some interesting cases. Tissue specimens were sent for histopathol-ogy and blood samples were drawn for alcohol and toxicology. Results Intracranial lesions accounted for 11.54% of the total deaths. The mean age was 32.48 ± 17.59. The commonest age group affected by intracranial lesions was > 20–30 years. Traumatic cases were the commonest. Males were more than females. In traumatic deaths, road traffic accidents were the commonest categories of death, while in the non-traumatic deaths cerebro-vascular accidents were the commonest category. Accidental manner of death was the commonest. Intracranial lesions alone were seen in only 27.73% of the cases. Subarachnoid hemorrhages were the commonest intracranial lesions. Pneumonia represents the commonest complication in delayed death. Conclusions Pure intracranial causes of death were recorded in a minority of cases studied. Mostly they were sharing injuries in other anatomical sites.",4,4,116,123,Accidental; Surgery; Pediatrics; Pneumonia; Internal examination; Intracranial lesions; Anatomical sites; Cause of death; Medico legal; Medicine; Complication,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/82634807 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X14000513 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82634807.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.07.007,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.07.007,1991894763,,0,010-362-967-043-707; 024-715-223-302-306; 025-455-285-403-282; 029-302-874-005-280; 031-711-845-122-196; 041-553-574-025-432; 049-125-806-321-442; 054-826-698-057-121; 056-228-554-795-435; 056-467-785-255-784; 058-009-037-415-011; 065-158-354-798-602; 067-507-190-793-076; 075-926-030-215-046; 078-078-983-701-828; 078-466-965-639-447; 083-273-118-905-732; 088-252-315-918-275; 094-655-825-234-125; 099-894-472-211-250; 102-467-950-539-112; 115-410-265-541-710; 129-220-681-010-418; 131-690-930-578-767; 139-996-431-061-651,1,true,cc-by,gold
137-105-530-194-746,Pressure points: learning from Serious Case Reviews of failures of care and pressure ulcer problems in care homes,2017-10-09,2017,journal article,The Journal of Adult Protection,14668203,Emerald,United Kingdom,Jill Manthorpe; Stephen Martineau,"Serious Case Reviews (SCRs, now Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)) may be held at local level in England when a vulnerable adult dies or is harmed, and abuse or neglect is suspected, and there is cause for concern about multi-agency safeguarding practice. There has been no analysis of SCRs focussing on pressure ulcers. The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a documentary analysis of SCRs/SARs to investigate what recommendations are made about pressure ulcer prevention and treatment in a care home setting in the context of safeguarding. This analysis is presented in cognisance of the prevalence and risks of pressure ulcers among care home residents; and debates about the interface of care quality and safeguarding systems.,Identification of SCRs and SARs from England where the person who died or who was harmed had a pressure ulcer or its synonym. Narrative and textual analysis of documents summarising the reports was used to explore the Reviews’ observations and recommendations. The main themes were identified.,The authors located 18 relevant SCRs and 1 SAR covering pressure ulcer care in a care home setting. Most of these inquiries into practice, service communications and the events leading up to the death or harm of care home residents with pressure ulcers observed that there were failings in the care home, but also in the wider health and care systems. Overall, the reports reveal specific failings in multi-agency communication and in quality of care. Pressure ulcers featured in several SCRs, but it is problems and inadequacies with care and treatment that moved them to the safeguarding arena. The value of examining pressure ulcers as a key line of inquiry is that they are “visible” in the system, with consensus about what they are, how to measure them and what constitutes optimal care and treatment. In the new Care Act 2014 context they may continue to feature in safeguarding enquiries and investigations as they may be possible symptoms of system failures.,Reviews vary in content, structure and accessibility making it hard to compare their approach, findings and recommendations. There are risks in drawing too many conclusions from the corpus of Reviews since these are not published in full and contexts have subsequently changed. However, this is the first analysis of these documents to take pressure ulcers as the focus and it offers valuable insights into care home practices amid other systems and professional activity.,This analysis highlights that it is not inevitably poor quality care in a care home that gives rise to pressure ulcers among residents. Several SCRs note problems in wider communications with healthcare providers and their engagement. Nonetheless, poor care quality and negligence were reported in some cases. Various policies have commented on the potential overlap between the raising of concerns about poor quality care and about safeguarding. These were highlighted prior to the Care Act 2014 although current policy views problems with pressure ulcers more as care quality and clinical concerns.,The value of this documentary analysis is that it rests on real case examples and scrutiny at local level. Future research could consider the findings of SARs, similar documents from the rest of the UK, and international perspectives.,The value of having a set of documents about adult safeguarding is that they lend themselves to analysis and comparison. This first analysis to focus on pressure ulcers addresses wider considerations related to safeguarding policy and practice.",19,5,284,296,Nursing; Health care; Scrutiny; Neglect; Safeguarding; Harm; CARE Act; Context (language use); Medicine; Vulnerable adult,,,,,https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JAP-11-2016-0029/full/html https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/10.1108/JAP-11-2016-0029 https://core.ac.uk/download/83943990.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jap-11-2016-0029,,10.1108/jap-11-2016-0029,2626656805,,0,014-045-715-835-19X; 022-623-119-167-051; 025-639-159-717-391; 029-189-561-194-728; 039-386-564-258-542; 043-022-879-460-275; 062-942-392-548-647; 064-574-161-125-117; 075-658-097-998-366; 093-806-390-686-323; 101-694-833-876-324; 117-373-720-046-600,4,true,,green
142-755-676-432-730,Identifying the prevalence of genito-anal injuries amongst clients attending St Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre following an allegation of anal penetration.,2022-06-21,2022,journal article,Journal of forensic and legal medicine,18787487; 1752928x,Churchill Livingstone,Netherlands,Harriet Buswell; Rabiya Majeed-Ariss; Azita Rajai; Cath White; Helen Mills,"There is a lack of clarity around the prevalence of anal injuries sustained following anal penetration. The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of injury amongst clients attending Saint Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), Manchester, UK following anal penetration and identify predisposing or protective factors such as age, sex and pubertal status. This should facilitate an evidence-based approach to providing evidence statements in court for allegations of anal penetration.; This was an observational retrospective study analysing the forensic medical examination (FME) case notes of 239 clients between January 2015 and December 2016. Subjects were excluded if the nature of alleged assault was unclear. Data was extracted from the FME case notes on to a data collection proforma and statistical analysis undertaken.; Of the 239 subject, 156 [65.3%] were female and 83 [34.7%] male. Subjects were predominantly post-pubertal, 185 [79.4%]. The alleged assaults were categorised in to penile anal, digital anal and object anal; penile anal assault was the most common type, 177 [75.97%]. No association was found between type of assault and presence of anal injury. Anal injuries did not occur more frequently in one sex than another [21.15% female, 21.69% male]. Logistic regression indicated pre-pubertal children were less likely to have injury [(odds ratio = 0.34, 95% CI (0.078, 0.70), p = 0.016)], although this was not significant when adjusted for time since assault. Most pre-pubertal children presented more than 72 h after alleged assault, [68.2% female, 73.1% male] The presence of anal injury was significantly associated with time since assault across all subjects, with those examined after 72 h less likely to have injury [p = 0.0016]. A greater proportion of single suspect assaults [22.8%] resulted in anal injury than multiple suspect assaults [13.9%]. Whilst there was alcohol consumption in most alleged assaults against post-pubertal subjects [56.1% female, 50.9% male], there was no statistically significant data to associate alcohol consumption with anal injury. And, the same was true of drug consumption. Among post-pubertal females 96.21% of assaults involved threats or violence, comparable with 71.70% amongst post-pubertal males. The data did not suggest threats and violence increase the rate of anal injury.; The study identifies a statistically significant relationship between time since assault and prevalence of anal injury. Further, a relationship between pubertal status and prevalence of anal injury was found. The low prevalence of anal injury amongst pre-pubertal children suggests that absence of injury at the time of examination, following allegation of anal assault, is a common finding. Importantly, whilst not demonstrating statistical significance, it should be noted that the majority of assaults reported in the study did not result in anal injury. The study provides contemporary evidence in the field of forensic medicine which can be used in court proceedings in allegations of anal assault.; Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.",90,,102392,102392,Medicine; Allegation; Referral; Sexual assault; Family medicine; Poison control; Injury prevention; Sex offense; Logistic regression; Anal canal; Psychiatry; Gynecology,Anal assault; Anal injury; Rape; Sexual assault; Sexual assault referral centre; Sexual violence,Abdominal Injuries; Child; Crime Victims; Female; Humans; Male; Prevalence; Rape; Referral and Consultation; Retrospective Studies; Sex Offenses; Thoracic Injuries,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2022.102392,35792398,10.1016/j.jflm.2022.102392,,,0,003-745-578-991-230; 020-449-578-412-649; 021-280-492-513-831; 022-373-442-724-373; 030-012-810-905-589; 039-475-891-405-102; 040-870-191-051-388; 046-115-729-702-234; 055-222-942-358-663; 055-223-347-977-464; 070-671-902-825-834; 098-548-997-548-034; 105-096-742-900-435; 110-355-391-513-998; 111-069-563-611-375; 114-141-372-637-102; 135-053-757-757-027,0,false,,
146-663-386-222-185,Determination of sex from the morphometry of orbits in adult skull of contemporary eastern Indian population,2018-11-13,2018,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,20905939; 2090536x,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Naren Sarkar; Partha Pratim Mukhopadhyay,"Determination of sex from the structure of orbits in the human skull is well documented. Both morphology and morphometry of the orbits have application in the determination of sex in skeletal remains. These parameters are often population-specific and warrant research on a regional basis. The present study was conducted to examine the sexual dimorphism of orbits in eastern Indian population. It was designed with the objective to determine the sex of the skull from the linear dimensions of orbits by deriving a specific multivariate function for classification. The investigation was conducted on a series of 92 human skulls (61 males and 31 females). The orbital height (OH) and breadth (OB) were measured by using digital vernier calliper. Data analysis was performed by computing descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation and range. Linear discriminant function analysis was carried out to derive a classification model. It was noted that the orbital dimensions were more in females than in males. A multivariate function was derived from the discriminant function analysis. The estimated sectioning point or cut off score was calculated to be -0.141. If the score of the function was more than -0.141, then sex can be assigned as male. On the other hand, if it was less than -0.141, then it was female. Likewise, sex could be correctly assigned in 68.5% of the cases by this method. This study provides useful baseline orbital morphometric data for East Indian population. When applied in sex determination, this multivariate model returns 68.5% correct classification. It will be useful and easy population-specific method of sex determination from human skulls. This morphometric data can be used in further forensic research involving identification from skeletal remains.",8,1,1,6,Sexual dimorphism; Statistics; Multivariate statistics; Calipers; Standard deviation; Skull; Population; Discriminant function analysis; Linear discriminant analysis; Biology,,,,,https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186/s41935-018-0092-4.pdf https://ejfs.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41935-018-0092-4 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41935-018-0092-4,http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41935-018-0092-4,,10.1186/s41935-018-0092-4,2901786130,,0,000-572-346-069-915; 003-623-884-753-155; 014-149-978-084-320; 015-089-871-459-430; 016-348-480-257-049; 021-619-523-249-384; 032-299-073-022-973; 046-934-145-264-954; 048-071-613-823-203; 050-110-353-452-960; 060-429-263-604-833; 064-796-416-180-016; 093-240-931-194-277; 112-931-643-518-425; 152-338-868-279-844; 155-657-315-430-951; 165-403-931-104-466; 189-377-107-583-272,4,true,cc-by,gold
146-775-395-654-111,DNA methylation analysis of ELOVL2 gene using droplet digital PCR for age estimation purposes.,2022-01-31,2022,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Licínio Manco; Helena Correia Dias,,333,,111206,111206,DNA methylation; CpG site; dNaM; Digital polymerase chain reaction; Methylation; Epigenetics; Biology; Genetics; Bisulfite sequencing,Age prediction; DNA methylation; DdPCR; Droplet digital PCR; ELOVL2,"Adolescent; Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Aging/genetics; Child; Child, Preschool; CpG Islands; DNA Methylation; Female; Forensic Genetics; Genetic Markers; Humans; Infant; Male; Middle Aged; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Young Adult",Genetic Markers,Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia,,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2022.111206,35131731,10.1016/j.forsciint.2022.111206,,,0,002-648-806-520-633; 004-295-809-296-093; 017-648-651-132-066; 019-495-313-703-493; 033-534-857-474-55X; 035-281-566-372-932; 047-468-019-935-236; 047-508-653-005-507; 047-828-114-686-166; 054-414-714-846-841; 054-570-548-325-761; 069-288-719-292-120; 086-374-352-695-819; 087-398-293-221-586; 095-179-565-370-607; 098-947-561-807-793,1,false,,
150-244-352-296-74X,Sex Distinction in Digital Dermatoglyphic Patterns of Convicted Prisoners: A Comparative Cohort-Control Study,2019-12-31,2019,journal article,Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine,16586786; 16586794,Naif Arab University for Security Sciences,,Maninder Kaur; Mankamal Kaur; Preet Kamal; Jatinder Kaur,"The present study intends to analyse sex distinction in digital dermatoglyphic patterns in convicted prisoners and compare them with a normal control group. For this purpose, a sample of 184 prisoners (149 males, 35 females) as well as 240 normal participants (male 120, female 120)were selected. The prisoner cohort group selected for the study was convicted for the following offences: Section 302 IPC, 307 IPC, 376IPC, 363-364 IPC, 366 IPC, 323-26 IPC. Galton’s system of classification was followed to classify various dermatoglyphic patterns. In the male criminal cohort group, the overall frequency of loop patterns (56.51%) was maximum compared to the frequency of whorls (38.79%) and arches (4.7%), while males in the control group exhibited the highest frequency of whorls (48.25%) followed by loops (47.67%) and arches (4.08%). In females, loops were the most frequently occurring pattern, whereas arches were the least frequently seen pattern in both the criminal and cohort group. The frequency of arches was lowest in both the hands with higher fractional percentage in the radial side (thumb and index finger) of distoproximal axis as compared to ulnar side (ring finger and little finger) in both the groups. Pattern intensity index (13.40 vs 13.05), and furuhata’s index (69.35 vs 68.47) of the criminal males and females were found to be comparable, but the Dankmeijer’s index (12.11 vs 18.93) of the male criminals was lower than their female counterparts, thereby indicating a higher occurrence of arches in the female criminal cohort group.",1,10,1411,1411,Demography; Index finger; Little finger; Dermatoglyphic patterns; Ulnar side; Normal control; Medicine; Cohort,,,,,https://repository.nauss.edu.sa/handle/123456789/66596,http://dx.doi.org/10.26735/16586794.2019.030,,10.26735/16586794.2019.030,2998526654,,0,,0,true,cc-by-nc,gold
152-659-487-209-399,"Tapes, transcripts and trials: The routine contamination of police interview evidence",2018-10-09,2018,journal article,The International Journal of Evidence & Proof,13657127; 17405572,SAGE Publications,,Kate Haworth,"This article addresses a serious, but currently unacknowledged, problem of evidential consistency regarding police-suspect interview evidence. It sheds light on flaws in current criminal procedure through the lens of linguistics, focusing on key stages of currently accepted practice which fly in the face of what linguists have long known about language. It demonstrates that, in stark contrast to the strict principles of preservation applied to physical evidence, interview data go through significant transformation between their creation in the interview room and their presentation in the courtroom, especially through changes in format between written and spoken text. It argues that, despite the safeguards provided by PACE 1984, there is nonetheless a level of routine distortion and contamination unintentionally built in to the current system of presenting police interviews as evidence in England & Wales.",22,4,428,450,Psychology; Transcription (linguistics); Consistency (negotiation); Presentation; Pace; Face (sociological concept); Interview data; Forensic linguistics; Public relations; Criminal procedure,,,,Economic and Social Research Council,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1365712718798656 https://publications.aston.ac.uk/id/eprint/37256/ https://research.aston.ac.uk/en/publications/tapes-transcripts-and-trials-the-routine-contamination-of-police- https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1365712718798656 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1365712718798656 https://core.ac.uk/download/161258191.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1365712718798656,,10.1177/1365712718798656,2890349293,,0,000-627-895-650-062; 001-121-167-383-080; 002-043-992-133-423; 004-203-222-485-046; 009-860-865-721-745; 018-126-899-522-496; 019-975-661-913-342; 022-416-366-030-632; 022-427-558-241-374; 032-241-320-900-955; 032-419-470-161-364; 047-273-464-280-389; 054-700-869-073-019; 055-037-608-175-779; 062-903-543-691-378; 067-809-876-666-833; 067-955-723-178-711; 101-437-093-020-610; 104-415-079-577-860; 113-520-726-997-636; 131-785-031-069-215; 143-257-435-929-767; 147-840-721-100-62X; 152-277-960-544-181,5,true,cc-by,hybrid
153-356-989-694-986,Age estimation of bloodstains using smartphones and digital image analysis.,2013-10-09,2013,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Phuvadol Thanakiatkrai; Alisa Yaodam; Thitika Kitpipit,,233,1,288,297,Computer graphics (images); Repeatability; Artificial intelligence; Random forest; Color analysis; Digital image analysis; Temporal information; Age estimation; Computer vision; Computer science; Digital image; Magenta,Color analysis; Digital image analysis; Forensic science; Hemoglobin; Random Forests,"Algorithms; Anticoagulants; Blood Stains; Color; Computers, Handheld; Female; Forensic Medicine/methods; Humans; Humidity; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Light; Linear Models; Male; Photography/methods; Temperature; Time Factors; Young Adult",Anticoagulants,Faculty of Science Research,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24314532/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24314532 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073813004453 https://kb2tmp.psu.ac.th/psukb/handle/2016/12421 https://kb.psu.ac.th/psukb/handle/2016/12421 https://kb2tmp.psu.ac.th/psukb/bitstream/2016/12421/1/418230.pdf https://europepmc.org/article/MED/24314532 https://kb.psu.ac.th/psukb/bitstream/2016/12421/1/418230.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.09.027,24314532,10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.09.027,2004856468,,2,003-839-741-905-679; 004-124-304-674-11X; 004-571-414-356-82X; 008-350-591-022-421; 015-281-839-954-183; 017-916-969-747-069; 018-745-037-664-557; 019-056-692-525-257; 024-760-886-491-550; 027-523-063-562-40X; 031-579-359-400-896; 033-502-451-706-764; 037-041-375-222-704; 051-197-194-328-866; 053-140-560-778-652; 054-725-084-268-175; 070-253-956-007-229; 070-887-969-186-70X; 093-371-253-322-929; 105-611-383-047-770; 120-499-728-540-357; 123-498-859-171-509; 149-918-501-755-309,39,false,,
153-818-463-122-733,Southern Criminology,2015-08-20,2015,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Kerry Carrington; Russell Hogg; Máximo Sozzo,"Issues of vital criminological research and policy significance abound in the global South, with important implications for South/North relations and for global security and justice. Having a theoretical framework capable of appreciating the significance of this global dynamic will contribute to criminology being able to better understand the challenges of the present and the future. We employ southern theory in a reflexive (and not a reductive) way to elucidate the power relations embedded in the hierarchal production of criminological knowledge that privileges theories, assumptions and methods based largely on empirical specificities of the global North. Our purpose is not to dismiss the conceptual and empirical advances in criminology, but to more usefully de-colonize and democratize the toolbox of available criminological concepts, theories and methods. As a way of illustrating how southern criminology might usefully contribute to better informed responses to global justice and security, this article examines three distinct projects that could be developed under such a rubric. These include, firstly, certain forms and patterns of crime specific to the global periphery; secondly, the distinctive patterns of gender and crime in the global south shaped by diverse cultural, social, religious and political factors and lastly the distinctive historical and contemporary penalities of the global south and their historical links with colonialism and empire building",56,1,1,20,Criminology; Psychology,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/download/33502601.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azv083,,10.1093/bjc/azv083,,,0,001-512-892-673-484; 007-595-672-162-812; 009-401-873-875-338; 010-455-349-841-19X; 011-356-866-743-961; 015-442-963-758-694; 017-293-966-529-156; 021-156-836-666-308; 022-046-934-503-317; 024-969-493-145-195; 025-100-185-227-768; 027-429-072-685-849; 032-474-599-136-444; 034-431-823-533-800; 034-820-100-997-58X; 043-179-016-752-665; 043-250-284-249-862; 044-919-211-128-494; 048-914-902-482-532; 049-148-490-282-548; 051-441-169-850-654; 053-019-780-189-847; 074-991-668-686-124; 077-532-665-286-113; 088-522-291-705-204; 093-524-240-675-72X; 104-192-384-769-599; 110-753-279-899-265; 111-435-534-605-897; 112-349-861-149-281; 113-354-795-720-082; 122-484-661-306-005; 132-033-976-690-582; 149-436-279-805-878; 149-679-906-513-812; 163-017-306-408-300; 163-172-223-368-091; 164-743-195-196-52X; 178-447-364-774-16X; 178-645-600-891-69X; 180-613-851-328-936; 187-905-724-819-619; 189-777-160-211-796; 194-327-366-996-093,221,true,,bronze
155-952-946-467-103,Internationalizing the study of gang membership : validation issues from Latin America,2016-07-21,2016,journal article,British Journal of Criminology,00070955; 14643529,Oxford University Press (OUP),United Kingdom,Juan Antonio Rodríguez; Neelie Pérez Santiago; Christopher Birkbeck; Freddy Crespo; Solbey Morillo,"Developing valid measures of gang membership for self-report surveys is a challenging task in comparative cross-national research. In this article, we use the Venezuelan case to assess the validity of the Eurogang indicators of gang membership. Based on focus groups with adolescents and the results from two sweeps of the International Self-Report Survey of Juvenile Delinquency, we identify problems in the content and construct validities of the Eurogang items. We propose an alternative set of measures for cross-national studies of gang membership, focusing on a group's reputation for violence (or broader criminal behaviour). Language: en",57,5,1165,1184,Engineering; Latin Americans; Human factors and ergonomics; Construct (philosophy); Poison control; Computer security; Reputation; Suicide prevention; Focus group; Juvenile delinquency; Criminology,,,,,https://repository.udem.edu.co/handle/11407/4541 https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_528266_21 https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/57/5/1165/2623918 https://core.ac.uk/display/42590441 https://usir.salford.ac.uk/39363/ https://core.ac.uk/download/42590441.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azw058,,10.1093/bjc/azw058,2497007528,,0,001-995-669-668-542; 005-134-997-795-39X; 005-484-616-564-96X; 008-820-088-142-26X; 010-164-819-187-699; 020-826-248-844-984; 022-369-462-780-653; 026-268-449-633-571; 027-526-393-295-715; 030-260-737-622-680; 032-396-022-299-168; 032-658-173-440-488; 034-716-760-789-372; 036-425-722-350-978; 037-277-539-874-639; 038-478-959-548-976; 044-803-196-956-309; 045-228-969-502-543; 049-259-603-675-148; 062-240-717-379-575; 069-482-352-551-075; 069-901-125-932-39X; 077-770-199-559-375; 078-802-267-469-92X; 082-339-969-793-540; 083-303-676-651-241; 093-174-852-066-215; 103-196-279-295-047; 105-066-575-884-943; 106-297-062-820-295; 106-612-990-362-108; 113-378-099-706-70X; 113-679-628-713-841; 132-934-392-800-897; 134-159-861-732-937; 136-131-947-918-212; 139-657-993-410-570; 156-452-559-489-05X; 168-526-822-572-77X; 175-917-472-555-41X; 176-786-786-040-880; 177-288-908-845-295; 177-705-705-821-781; 189-149-238-313-542; 192-750-882-136-36X,4,true,,green
157-684-433-620-664,Morphological analysis of the lower second premolar for age estimation of Korean adults.,2017-10-13,2017,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Jeong-Hee Lee; Chena Lee; Bulgan Battulga; Ji Yeon Na; Jae Joon Hwang; Young Hyun Kim; Sang-Sun Han,,281,281,186.e1,186.e6,Coronal plane; Standard error; Dentistry; Forensic dentistry; Premolar; Dental Pulp Cavity; Orthodontics; Mathematics; Radiography; Linear regression; Cementoenamel junction,Age estimation by teeth; Dental pulp cavity; Forensic Anthropology Population Data; Forensic dentistry; Panoramic radiography; Secondary dentin,"Adult; Age Determination by Teeth/methods; Aged; Asians; Bicuspid/diagnostic imaging; Dental Pulp/diagnostic imaging; Female; Forensic Dentistry; Humans; Linear Models; Male; Mandible; Middle Aged; Radiography, Dental, Digital; Radiography, Panoramic; Republic of Korea; Young Adult",,Yonsei University College of Dentistry,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29103902 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073817304061 https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.elsevier-7dd7fc1a-6c4d-3d14-891f-bdd5375481a8 https://ir.ymlib.yonsei.ac.kr/handle/22282913/161459 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29103902/,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.10.005,29103902,10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.10.005,2769731757,,0,000-883-995-555-655; 001-908-836-888-684; 002-186-798-658-734; 003-758-793-459-274; 006-276-493-377-75X; 009-004-504-992-257; 013-082-187-345-010; 014-859-551-864-682; 016-089-878-761-217; 018-252-269-045-530; 019-494-730-355-78X; 022-631-674-082-030; 025-434-714-849-504; 030-515-002-076-027; 042-620-065-696-91X; 044-459-051-938-513; 046-533-765-797-543; 053-094-720-026-982; 055-824-240-253-38X; 058-788-162-121-982; 070-971-409-535-635; 078-343-830-844-558; 079-893-757-390-66X; 089-334-095-778-850; 091-452-544-047-439; 101-061-014-988-074; 139-600-070-612-564; 143-238-497-801-052,6,false,,
158-837-315-176-575,Digital harassment and abuse: Experiences of sexuality and gender minority adults,2018-07-30,2018,journal article,European Journal of Criminology,14773708; 17412609,SAGE Publications,United States,Anastasia Powell; Adrian J. Scott; Nicola Henry,"Digital harassment and abuse refers to a range of harmful, interpersonal behaviours experienced via the internet, as well as via mobile phone and other electronic communication devices. Whereas muc...",17,2,199,223,Internet privacy; The Internet; Psychology; Interpersonal communication; Mobile phone; Range (computer programming); Harassment; Transgender; Electronic communication; Human sexuality,,,,Australian Research Council,https://research.gold.ac.uk/id/eprint/23639/ http://library.stik-ptik.ac.id/detail?id=57793&lokasi=lokal https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1477370818788006 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1477370818788006 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1477370818788006 https://core.ac.uk/download/159081695.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1477370818788006,,10.1177/1477370818788006,2885907435,,0,000-725-405-055-607; 003-173-585-909-994; 004-426-705-221-06X; 005-819-995-022-782; 007-004-847-761-511; 008-496-176-237-566; 008-995-697-267-134; 011-472-395-879-165; 013-738-849-666-796; 015-795-211-513-33X; 015-903-050-101-398; 017-286-799-380-685; 018-406-400-269-564; 020-757-236-885-205; 023-992-059-112-349; 027-022-585-226-053; 034-378-034-553-083; 034-385-961-084-391; 035-724-608-808-870; 037-442-115-681-397; 038-137-232-093-688; 039-505-462-264-772; 041-702-856-336-534; 042-834-387-802-395; 050-119-609-226-360; 050-638-843-939-486; 050-970-183-636-23X; 052-146-983-509-99X; 053-335-166-209-742; 054-020-886-425-486; 054-078-429-508-931; 054-707-669-799-693; 055-348-606-973-206; 055-671-048-848-207; 056-307-117-242-475; 059-470-754-550-373; 059-981-859-293-996; 063-103-411-824-862; 067-950-582-068-70X; 068-147-999-352-240; 070-862-541-255-304; 071-065-109-682-336; 072-811-052-394-365; 076-232-370-968-933; 087-176-132-388-189; 088-907-701-851-771; 089-374-376-953-113; 090-507-566-436-266; 103-352-549-098-548; 105-575-783-251-724; 107-304-142-999-837; 109-919-958-143-04X; 115-947-284-984-875; 116-890-735-398-114; 118-749-598-930-45X; 122-051-704-715-957; 126-639-494-703-79X; 130-403-357-574-307; 135-777-196-637-570; 139-244-146-099-624; 139-278-085-132-667; 163-017-306-408-300; 167-187-121-500-503; 170-191-136-874-276,39,true,,green
165-136-950-092-858,"Individual, family and abuse characteristics of 700 British child and adolescent sexual abusers.",2013-02-27,2013,journal article,Child Abuse Review,09529136,Wiley,United Kingdom,Simon Hackett; Josie Phillips; Helen Masson; Myles Balfe,"The individual, family and abuse characteristics of 700 children and young people referred to nine UK services over a nine-year period between 1992 and 2000 as a result of their sexually abusive behaviours were examined. The most common age at referral was 15 years, though a third of all referrals related to children aged 13 or under. Thirty-eight per cent of the sample were identified as learning disabled. Surprisingly high rates of sexual and non-sexual victimisation were present in the backgrounds of the children and young people referred. A wide range of abusive behaviours was perpetrated with just over half of the sample having penetrated or having attempted to penetrate another individual. Victims were usually known to the abuser but in 75 per cent of cases were not related. Fifty-one per cent of the sample abused females only, though 49 per cent had at least one male victim. The implications for policy and practice with children and young people with harmful sexual behaviours are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 'Thirty-eight per cent of the sample were identified as learning disabled' Key Practitioner Messages * Children and young people who sexually abuse others are a diverse group with a complex set of motivations, background experiences and varying types of abusive behaviour. * Children and young people with learning disabilities who sexually abuse comprise a particularly vulnerable group with specific intervention needs. * A one-size-fits-all intervention approach is not appropriate, but child-centred services that focus on both care and control aspects are warranted. 'A one-size-fits-all intervention approach is not appropriate' Language: en",22,4,232,245,Psychiatry; Learning disability; Injury prevention; Referral; Victimisation; Intervention (counseling); Sexual abuse; Poison control; Suicide prevention; Medicine,,,,,https://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_413431_37 https://dro.dur.ac.uk/11288/ http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/16864/ https://core.ac.uk/display/9841315 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/car.2246 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/car.2246/abstract https://dro.dur.ac.uk/11288/1/11288.pdf?DDD34+mvrl45+mvrl45+mrnv91+mvrl45+dul4eg http://dro.dur.ac.uk/11288/ https://core.ac.uk/download/9841315.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/car.2246,,10.1002/car.2246,2168660314,,0,005-464-881-185-591; 010-339-747-093-387; 010-946-316-034-830; 011-244-272-235-912; 012-271-194-403-65X; 029-641-388-679-614; 047-776-708-647-98X; 050-189-858-363-677; 059-726-800-793-875; 060-778-269-160-087; 065-049-068-518-689; 068-116-015-083-446; 075-783-377-223-437; 076-979-976-631-660; 080-628-351-491-32X; 101-244-695-669-539; 112-606-767-891-994; 115-523-754-673-379; 130-172-252-021-743; 162-125-785-791-90X; 172-666-757-309-156; 176-606-546-888-603; 180-391-821-895-218,74,true,,green
167-797-718-620-602,Explaining Young People's Involvement in Online Piracy: An Empirical Assessment using the Offending Crime and Justice Survey for England and Wales,2016-01-05,2016,journal article,Victims & Offenders,15564886; 15564991,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,Ian Brunton-Smith; Daniel McCarthy,"The Internet has been widely acknowledged as facilitating many forms of youth offending. Existing research has identified important drivers of young people’s involvement in online crime, yet this has overwhelmingly relied on school or college samples. As such, it tells us little about those young people that have left the formal education system—a group who are more likely perpetrators of juvenile crime more generally. Focusing on young people’s involvement in online piracy offenses, our analysis draws on data from a nationally representative survey of England and Wales to better understand the dynamics of involvement in online crime across the population. We assess the potential overlaps between online and offline offending, the role of differential association and deviancy neutralization techniques in shaping offending behavior, as well as the protective effect of strong family support networks in reducing involvement in piracy. We find that illegal downloaders tend to be young, male, and have a higher number of delinquent friends. We also find that many of these offenders do not confine their offending to online spaces, with involvement in offline property offenses also high among this group",11,4,509,533,The Internet; Psychology; Justice (ethics); Differential association; Family support; Online and offline; Population; Empirical assessment; Juvenile delinquency; Social psychology,,,,,https://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/810074/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15564886.2015.1121943 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/ref/10.1080/15564886.2015.1121943 https://core.ac.uk/download/42551933.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15564886.2015.1121943,,10.1080/15564886.2015.1121943,2230696907,,0,001-207-095-563-935; 001-226-155-152-112; 004-133-248-301-486; 004-923-776-990-322; 005-197-947-965-774; 006-522-723-913-783; 010-146-711-506-660; 011-970-832-954-189; 012-599-741-441-882; 012-776-583-962-352; 013-425-010-292-015; 013-687-872-841-030; 018-602-054-510-017; 024-733-351-861-814; 026-586-662-474-112; 027-467-733-981-539; 028-367-224-045-089; 028-538-620-751-544; 029-584-861-691-558; 031-279-347-108-025; 035-415-667-797-05X; 036-288-246-851-895; 037-328-562-745-656; 042-565-537-237-799; 042-840-674-327-735; 043-903-802-619-495; 046-924-185-122-871; 049-144-726-492-915; 050-386-437-394-929; 050-910-642-438-132; 053-659-957-455-991; 056-691-320-673-173; 057-464-788-206-462; 058-806-863-894-52X; 058-919-953-064-002; 059-691-094-029-417; 064-896-466-018-947; 067-339-005-241-596; 068-540-780-316-967; 072-643-558-233-032; 076-410-250-964-523; 079-997-337-083-90X; 080-608-943-134-256; 086-204-925-368-435; 087-741-665-010-68X; 090-402-072-299-467; 098-570-250-639-553; 110-753-746-053-294; 113-312-386-184-519; 115-149-335-125-979; 119-124-789-716-583; 119-531-502-608-218; 120-177-501-243-313; 123-538-500-409-553; 126-132-705-417-118; 126-772-810-967-037; 128-787-292-554-607; 129-587-970-540-23X; 136-299-699-040-998; 139-929-030-159-156; 144-971-557-371-823; 145-723-840-815-921; 150-527-549-363-854; 160-358-377-281-104; 160-376-214-644-07X; 161-493-572-775-810; 171-803-389-787-120; 175-905-268-229-256; 187-973-523-354-67X,15,true,cc-by-nc-nd,hybrid
169-500-479-283-102,When Human cognitive modeling meets PINs: User-independent inter-keystroke timing attacks,,2019,journal article,Computers & Security,01674048,Elsevier BV,United Kingdom,Ximing Liu; Yingjiu Li; Robert H. Deng; Bing Chang; Shujun Li,Abstract This paper proposes the first user-independent inter-keystroke timing attacks on PINs. Our attack method is based on an inter-keystroke timing dictionary built from a human cognitive model whose parameters can be determined by a small amount of training data on any users (not necessarily the target victims). Our attacks can thus be potentially launched on a large scale in real-world settings. We investigate inter-keystroke timing attacks in different online attack settings and evaluate their performance on PINs at different strength levels. Our experimental results show that the proposed attack performs significantly better than random guessing attacks. We further demonstrate that our attacks pose a serious threat to real-world applications and propose various ways to mitigate the threat.,80,,90,107,Cognitive model; Keystroke logging; Authentication; Timing attack; Computer security; Computer science; Keystroke dynamics,,,,National Research Foundation,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2018.09.003 https://kar.kent.ac.uk/69553/ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018arXiv181007665L/abstract https://works.bepress.com/robert-deng/301/ https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=5157&context=sis_research https://works.bepress.com/robert-deng/301/download/ https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/corr/corr1810.html#abs-1810-07665 https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.07665 https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/sis_research/4153/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167404818302736 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.07665.pdf https://core.ac.uk/download/200254085.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2018.09.003,,10.1016/j.cose.2018.09.003,2892196684,,0,002-374-028-972-645; 003-113-119-602-798; 006-474-251-796-537; 006-707-754-105-763; 007-828-334-481-866; 010-944-408-734-122; 012-856-068-881-064; 013-409-497-525-502; 016-417-914-760-87X; 017-049-941-745-675; 018-692-073-099-907; 019-646-659-853-996; 019-668-988-308-216; 022-348-814-461-988; 025-673-989-941-308; 025-919-201-747-620; 026-953-525-113-910; 030-111-733-992-706; 034-158-491-642-669; 037-115-202-536-384; 040-692-760-278-963; 042-536-761-052-980; 042-735-138-747-66X; 044-301-723-740-535; 047-339-480-009-23X; 049-687-758-444-185; 053-177-416-179-056; 053-765-226-533-326; 054-520-228-601-258; 057-116-438-699-892; 058-110-627-675-848; 059-827-601-518-62X; 060-034-007-061-482; 060-342-592-182-06X; 060-776-684-047-402; 062-878-441-329-579; 074-357-902-678-475; 076-987-713-323-674; 078-456-139-584-019; 087-788-602-105-284; 088-931-105-160-448; 089-383-912-523-26X; 092-843-979-858-702; 094-167-826-351-152; 097-932-765-175-160; 100-408-039-279-120; 105-831-202-258-240; 106-351-317-806-722; 110-055-879-281-073; 116-610-605-506-368; 119-116-886-431-950; 120-334-823-573-362; 123-150-271-607-853; 123-262-416-711-034; 124-634-579-080-813; 128-968-180-521-66X; 129-010-298-154-616; 131-652-301-296-663; 134-119-483-052-216; 138-266-744-801-277; 144-272-926-143-234; 151-705-359-886-756; 154-794-115-527-34X; 170-921-303-335-635; 175-587-561-665-769; 187-865-304-849-690; 196-608-428-047-488,14,true,cc-by-nc-nd,green
169-762-912-991-119,Sex estimation based on the anthropometric measurements of thyroid cartilage using discriminant analysis,2021-02-18,2021,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,20905939; 2090536x,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Roberto Cameriere; Galina V. Zolotenkova; Igor A. Kuznetsov; Roberto Scendoni; Yuri I. Pigolkin,"The morphometric analysis of the individual bones of the human skeleton can be used to estimate the sex of unidentified corpses. Our aims were as follows: to test whether thyroid cartilage can be used for forensic purposes as a predictor of biological sex; to establish the level of sexual dimorphism of the thyroid cartilage in a sample of adult subjects from a population of European Russia; and to test the accuracy of the morphometric parameters obtained from the thyroid cartilage. The thyroid cartilage from 100 adults of known age (50 males and 50 females) was obtained during forensic examination; morphometric tests were conducted using Vernier Digital ROKTOOLS ABS DIN 862 0-200/6 inch with measurement accuracy ± 0.01 mm. The measured parameters were N = 31 for each subject. Intra- and inter-observer reproducibility was tested. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to the measurements. To check the data set for normal distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. Finally, to estimate the sex of the observed individuals, a stepwise discriminant analysis was conducted, using the Wilks’ lambda selection method. The most significant parameters were the outer distance between bases of inferior horn; the inner distance between distal ends of inferior horns; distance between distal ends of left superior and inferior horns; left superior horn length (distance between left superior horn distal end and base); distance between superior and inferior notches; thyroid angle; left lamina height (vertical line along left lamina middle); horizontal distance between anterior intermedium line and the right lamina posterior edge; distance between inferior thyroid notch and line connecting left and right thyroid laminae; and left superior horn thickness at mid-line. The stepwise discriminant analysis resulted in an equation with ten parameters. The results of the current study indicated that in the European Russian population, the equation obtained in the stepwise discriminant analysis makes it possible to predict sex with a probability of 100% on the validation set. On the test set, the resultant accuracy was 100% for females and 100% for males. Our findings confirm the scientific evidence that the thyroid cartilage has a pronounced sexual dimorphism.",11,1,1,12,Sexual dimorphism; Anatomy; Thyroid cartilage; Human skeleton; Lamina; Population; Thyroid; Data set; Linear discriminant analysis; Biology,,,,,https://ejfs.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41935-021-00219-5 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41935-021-00219-5/tables/7,http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41935-021-00219-5,,10.1186/s41935-021-00219-5,3165736611,,0,000-892-100-761-621; 004-469-652-022-752; 022-999-610-568-248; 023-279-664-526-386; 026-514-700-602-996; 028-414-072-821-745; 029-078-630-519-839; 034-641-458-757-413; 039-778-938-866-642; 044-621-924-191-168; 047-129-339-758-033; 050-740-137-343-141; 061-028-709-855-741; 062-267-066-095-914; 080-654-674-628-107; 087-506-992-315-093; 094-262-785-563-057; 098-212-313-441-799; 111-877-362-511-170; 117-847-996-704-020; 131-071-415-596-239; 134-708-913-203-746; 134-905-860-772-04X; 146-976-335-266-222; 152-370-587-537-413; 171-575-678-143-370; 181-748-286-948-351,0,true,cc-by,gold
171-818-790-370-630,"Cadmium-free quantum dots in aqueous solution: Potential for fingermark detection, synthesis and an application to the detection of fingermarks in blood on non-porous surfaces.",2012-12-12,2012,journal article,Forensic science international,18726283; 03790738,Elsevier Ireland Ltd,Netherlands,Sébastien Moret; Andy Bécue; Christophe Champod,"The use of quantum dots (QDs) in the area of fingermark detection is currently receiving a lot of attention in the forensic literature. Most of the research efforts have been devoted to cadmium telluride (CdTe) quantum dots often applied as powders to the surfaces of interests. Both the use of cadmium and the nano size of these particles raise important issues in terms of health and safety. This paper proposes to replace CdTe QDs by zinc sulphide QDs doped with copper (ZnS:Cu) to address these issues. Zinc sulphide-copper doped QDs were successfully synthesized, characterized in terms of size and optical properties and optimized to be applied for the detection of impressions left in blood, where CdTe QDs proved to be efficient. Effectiveness of detection was assessed in comparison with CdTe QDs and Acid Yellow 7 (AY7, an effective blood reagent), using two series of depletive blood fingermarks from four donors prepared on four non-porous substrates, i.e. glass, transparent polypropylene, black polyethylene and aluminium foil. The marks were cut in half and processed separately with both reagents, leading to two comparison series (ZnS:Cu vs. CdTe, and ZnS:Cu vs. AY7). ZnS:Cu proved to be better than AY7 and at least as efficient as CdTe on most substrates. Consequently, copper-doped ZnS QDs constitute a valid substitute for cadmium-based QDs to detect blood marks on non-porous substrates and offer a safer alternative for routine use.",224,1,101,110,Quantum dot; Nanoparticle; Nanotechnology; Aqueous solution; Materials science; Reagent; Zinc; Cadmium; Doping; Cadmium telluride photovoltaics,,Blood; Copper; Dermatoglyphics; Glass; Humans; Polypropylenes; Quantum Dots; Sulfides; Surface Properties; Zinc Compounds,Polypropylenes; Sulfides; Zinc Compounds; Copper; zinc sulfide,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073812005270 https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_E5652BA17638 https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/handle/10453/115812 https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_E5652BA17638.P001/REF.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23246071/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23246071 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/23246071 http://core.ac.uk/display/18165271 https://core.ac.uk/download/18165271.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.11.009,23246071,10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.11.009,2140033174,,1,001-097-558-508-621; 001-622-242-347-596; 006-775-352-144-086; 007-852-236-270-897; 009-178-200-507-793; 011-118-740-721-261; 013-022-784-689-036; 028-446-896-787-275; 029-529-555-541-568; 031-590-812-118-141; 032-030-668-147-001; 041-878-865-994-693; 043-881-289-670-016; 044-073-753-719-647; 047-796-802-973-616; 048-435-480-226-214; 050-893-142-036-899; 054-031-334-390-91X; 054-640-472-062-408; 055-107-761-545-597; 055-173-367-715-856; 055-921-408-762-204; 057-085-110-924-110; 062-164-639-355-583; 062-553-186-209-047; 062-988-403-756-868; 063-493-310-379-989; 064-296-526-421-73X; 065-655-718-913-075; 066-503-118-418-760; 067-242-413-092-39X; 071-850-292-622-772; 073-500-385-655-63X; 077-064-217-122-639; 083-790-892-560-732; 085-144-408-692-626; 085-416-077-408-542; 087-324-007-791-835; 088-387-817-484-655; 093-142-728-341-826; 094-377-725-226-390; 096-104-139-811-748; 097-759-953-928-506; 099-782-308-786-005; 109-460-843-165-496; 114-780-335-083-033; 115-253-989-149-670; 116-958-311-843-374; 122-390-335-727-827; 123-623-859-341-301; 124-522-114-120-057; 129-562-272-255-019; 134-503-082-988-490,29,true,,
173-551-705-932-305,Chemical profiling of fingerprints using mass spectrometry,,2019,journal article,Forensic Chemistry,24681709,Elsevier BV,Netherlands,Ward van Helmond; Annemijn W. van Herwijnen; Joëlle J.H. van Riemsdijk; Marc A. van Bochove; Christianne J. de Poot; Marcel de Puit,"Abstract Fingerprints are widely used in forensic science for individualization purposes. However, not every fingermark found at a crime scene is suitable for comparison, for instance due to distortion of ridge detail, or when the reference fingerprint is not in the database. To still retrieve information from these fingermarks, several studies have been initiated into the chemical composition of fingermarks, which is believed to be influenced by several donor traits. Yet, it is still unclear what donor information can be retrieved from the composition of one’s fingerprint, mainly because of limited sample sizes and the focus on analytical method development. It this paper, we analyzed the chemical composition of 1852 fingerprints, donated by 463 donors during the Dutch music festival Lowlands in 2016. In a targeted approach we compared amino acid and lipid profiles obtained from different types of fingerprints. We found a large inter-variability in both amino acid and lipid content, and significant differences in l -(iso)leucine, l -phenylalanine and palmitoleic acid levels between male and female donors. In an untargeted approach we used full-scan MS data to generate classification models to predict gender (77.9% accuracy) and smoking habit (90.4% accuracy) of fingerprint donors. In the latter, putatively, nicotine and cotinine are used as predictors.",16,,100183,,Profiling (information science); Mass spectrometry; Crime scene; Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry; Palmitoleic acid; Method development; Lipid content; Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry; Computational biology; Biology,,,,Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek,https://research.tudelft.nl/en/publications/chemical-profiling-of-fingerprints-using-mass-spectrometry https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468170919300803 https://pure.hva.nl/ws/files/6150373/1_s2.0_S2468170919300803_main.pdf https://research.hva.nl/en/publications/chemical-profiling-of-fingerprints-using-mass-spectrometry https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/chemical-profiling-of-fingerprints-using-mass-spectrometry https://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai%3Atudelft.nl%3Auuid%3Ad4452dbc-cced-4d61-b5b7-34132fbcaa13 https://hbo-kennisbank.nl/details/amsterdam_pure:oai:pure.hva.nl:publications%2Fb57ffd5d-228e-45f5-af02-2a93a4b88c32?has-link=yes&c=7,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forc.2019.100183,,10.1016/j.forc.2019.100183,2971677109,,0,000-893-151-562-766; 001-294-977-099-693; 002-589-008-193-992; 002-630-496-567-181; 004-127-823-275-763; 006-333-720-819-772; 007-661-635-121-360; 008-901-460-981-890; 009-362-020-459-317; 009-617-568-465-693; 010-064-262-882-484; 010-260-359-477-299; 010-494-789-450-776; 010-624-044-601-827; 012-547-257-625-335; 016-357-056-768-290; 016-566-535-787-756; 016-812-263-065-83X; 018-493-500-915-779; 018-646-880-165-811; 019-353-363-768-478; 019-679-676-644-310; 024-016-738-312-324; 026-036-768-794-898; 031-755-840-031-783; 033-160-969-858-749; 033-835-248-545-913; 035-873-324-770-742; 040-067-720-883-68X; 043-754-483-599-979; 043-944-211-103-703; 045-726-590-321-416; 045-830-532-366-077; 045-976-102-132-571; 049-698-939-529-843; 052-008-138-221-336; 053-551-505-531-143; 054-087-586-764-626; 061-366-195-522-174; 065-766-921-937-322; 067-242-413-092-39X; 067-255-920-027-544; 068-596-597-959-238; 069-002-309-600-446; 080-326-052-917-024; 084-255-025-872-385; 087-622-048-024-38X; 087-796-285-900-558; 090-981-859-430-691; 091-892-724-900-950; 092-849-252-226-832; 093-149-149-225-662; 094-136-431-193-215; 094-496-234-007-777; 097-649-749-479-785; 100-192-887-756-882; 106-036-553-732-489; 115-381-361-297-56X; 122-057-765-678-624; 129-088-467-320-065; 135-288-169-827-11X; 151-601-561-372-63X; 171-915-357-360-292; 177-728-696-175-993,16,true,cc-by,hybrid
176-688-059-660-523,Digital dermatoglyphics: A study on Muslim population from India,,2015,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Neeti Kapoor; Ashish Badiye,"Abstract The distribution of fingerprint patterns has been found to be varying amongst the different population groups across the globe. Hence, this knowledge becomes crucially important in forensic investigations. The present study was conducted on 480 healthy and consenting Muslim individuals (240 males and 240 females) from Maharashtra State in India. The aims were to determine the frequency distribution of various fingerprint patterns; establish the most and least predominant patterns; and to find out whether any statistically significant gender differences exist. Rolled finger impressions taken in duplicate on fingerprint identification slips were analysed twice by both the authors independently (so as to eliminate any error in the classification due to inter-observer and intra-observer variations). The distribution of patterns was found to be in the following order: ulnar loop (max) > spiral whorl > twinned loop > central pocket loop > concentric whorl > tented arch > plain arch > radial loop > lateral pocket > accidental (min). Applying the t-test to the obtained results, gender differences were found to be statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). Various dermatoglyphic indices (Pattern Intensity Index, Dankmeijer’s Index and Furuhata’s Index) were calculated and compared to the available data in various other ethnic groups and populations. A new ‘Combined Pattern Index’, is proposed.",5,3,90,95,Demography; Fingerprint; Dermatoglyphics; Whorl (botany); Population; Muslim population; Ulnar loop; Mathematics,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/44152298 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X14000537 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X14000537 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/81106095.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.08.001,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.08.001,2022432319,,0,000-877-235-986-988; 001-692-481-533-533; 010-361-685-675-349; 012-283-243-518-081; 013-075-695-342-099; 013-636-974-899-153; 016-881-065-065-790; 020-595-767-785-984; 022-225-736-736-973; 027-971-107-847-554; 028-084-256-321-500; 047-699-448-737-439; 048-570-595-534-26X; 051-608-539-952-095; 058-173-890-238-635; 063-583-157-121-664; 081-471-140-427-292; 083-107-077-325-294; 095-286-641-169-467; 100-810-136-016-336; 105-553-307-737-048; 108-324-724-688-208; 115-628-092-750-494; 119-761-624-604-737; 127-989-845-433-522; 140-635-945-093-45X; 143-910-691-470-851; 155-485-361-278-315; 187-241-046-920-216,12,true,cc-by,gold
177-918-795-469-855,Sex estimation from biometric face photos for forensic purposes.,2022-06-02,2022,journal article,"Medicine, science, and the law",20421818; 00258024,SAGE Publications Ltd,United Kingdom,Nurdan Sezgin; Beytullah Karadayi,"Sex estimation is an important parameter in cases where individuals need to be identified in forensic cases. Biometric photographs are a form of a passport photo with specific dimensions and features established by the International Civil Aviation Organization, which are read and digitally stored in appropriate devices, are used in travel documents, and are of high quality (at least 600 dpi). This study aims to reveal anthropometric data for estimating sex in Turkish adult population from facial images conforming to biometric photography criteria. Within the scope of this study, biometric facial images of a total of 334 participants, 146 female and 188 male, between the ages of 20 and 79 were used. The photos were taken using a Nikon D5100 and flat front lighting from a distance of 1 m. ImageJ 1.50i software was used to process these images. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and discriminant analysis tests. Among the 11 variables on sex estimation, the highest accuracy rate of 78.1% was obtained with the measurement between Gonion points. However, sex estimation could be made with an accuracy of 80.5% by including all age groups and all variables, and when age-specific data were used, it was observed that these accuracy rates increased significantly in all three age groups (84.6%, 89.2%, 85.2%, respectively). Therefore, we are suggesting that using age-specific data generated for estimation in different age groups. Consequently, it has been shown that successful sex estimation can be done by formulas derived from biometric facial images in this study.",,,258024221100898,002580242211008,Biometrics; Statistics; Linear discriminant analysis; Artificial intelligence; Computer science; Estimation; Population; Biometric data; Mathematics; Demography; Engineering; Systems engineering; Sociology,anthropometric measurements; biometric photograph; discriminant analysis; sex estimation,,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00258024221100898,35652894,10.1177/00258024221100898,,,0,003-722-656-527-723; 005-438-086-175-344; 011-277-478-832-828; 015-089-871-459-430; 017-823-826-070-393; 020-328-572-227-548; 023-136-769-269-349; 023-679-614-828-530; 024-679-150-921-564; 027-123-481-637-387; 031-739-544-199-354; 034-174-811-541-454; 040-708-481-491-423; 048-493-611-587-876; 064-796-416-180-016; 070-844-573-876-552; 076-286-980-683-859; 091-921-977-734-970; 119-080-012-527-845; 128-856-401-551-832; 150-058-998-480-387; 182-638-755-995-943,0,false,,
177-984-170-422-403,"Prediction of facial height, width, and ratio from thumbprints ridge count and its possible applications",,2017,journal article,Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine,23495014,Medknow,,Lawan Hassan Adamu; S. A. Ojo; Barnabas Danborno; SS Adebisi; Magaji Garba Taura,"The fingerprints and face recognition are two biometric processes that comprise methods for uniquely recognizing humans based on certain number of intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. The objectives of the study were to predict the facial height (FH), facial width, and ratios from thumbprints ridge count and its possible applications. This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 457 participants were recruited. A fingerprint live scanner was used to capture the plain thumbprint. The facial photograph was captured using a digital camera. Pearson's correlation analysis was used for the relationship between thumbprint ridge density and facial linear dimensions. Step-wise linear multiple regression analysis was used to predict facial distances from thumbprint ridge density. The result showed that in males the right ulnar ridge count correlates negatively with lower facial width (LFW), upper facial width/upper FH (UFW/UFH), lower FH/FH (LFH/FH), and positively with UFH and UFW/LFW. The right and left proximal ridge counts correlate with LFW and UFH, respectively. In males, the right ulnar ridge count predicts LFW, UFW/LFW, UFW/UFH, and LFH/FH. Special upper face height I, LFW, height of lower third of the face, UFW/LFW was predicted by right radial ridge counts. LFH, height of lower third of the face, and LFH/FH were predicted from left ulnar ridge count whereas left proximal ridge count predicted LFW. In females only, the special upper face height I was predicted by right ulnar ridge count. In conclusion, thumbprint ridge counts can be used to predict FH, width, ratios among Hausa population. The possible application of fingerprints in facial characterization for used in human biology, paleodemography, and forensic science was demonstrated.",3,4,223,228,Ridge (differential geometry); Population; Facial height; Orthodontics; Correlation analysis; Multiple linear regression analysis; Behavioral traits; Ridge count; Facial recognition system; Mathematics,,,,,https://www.jfsmonline.com/article.asp?issn=2349-5014;year=2017;volume=3;issue=4;spage=223;epage=228;aulast=Adamu https://core.ac.uk/display/151144314 http://www.jfsmonline.com/article.asp?issn=2349-5014;year=2017;volume=3;issue=4;spage=223;epage=228;aulast=Adamu https://doaj.org/article/6c7135783bc7433097c8371c3445f02e,http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_71_16,,10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_71_16,2784171850,,0,012-293-626-821-685; 053-850-042-768-100; 072-714-281-804-140; 084-775-469-888-168; 111-683-488-489-671; 128-267-808-274-261; 142-608-603-145-044; 193-464-821-816-117,3,true,cc-by-nc-sa,gold
178-002-577-130-243,"Turds, traitors and tossers: the abuse of UK MPs via Twitter",2020-01-02,2020,journal article,The Journal of Legislative Studies,13572334; 17439337,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,Stephen Ward; Liam McLoughlin,"There has been growing public attention around the abuse of MPs online including criminal convictions for violent threats, regular coverage of racist and misogynistic language directed at representatives. Yet, the extent of the problem and patterns of abuse remain relatively under-researched. So far, much of coverage of the problem is anecdotal or based on self-reporting from MPs. This research sets out to provide a more rigorous benchmark measure of abuse. It also examines targets and triggers for social media abuse – how far is abuse connected to contentious debates such as Brexit or targeted at specific groups of MPs (e.g. female representatives)? Our results indicate that whilst the overall volume of abuse appears low, social media abuse has become ubiquitous and is highly public. Furthermore, whilst some abuse is undoubtedly targeted and gendered, the biggest proportion of abuse follows a reactive response to political discussions and public interventions of MPs.",26,1,47,73,Political science; Psychological intervention; Brexit; Public attention; Social media; Criminology; Politics,,,,,https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=7394389 https://usir.salford.ac.uk/47069/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13572334.2020.1730502 https://core.ac.uk/download/157856560.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13572334.2020.1730502,,10.1080/13572334.2020.1730502,2810263296,,0,000-030-526-593-881; 000-331-764-559-274; 001-522-952-130-596; 003-496-730-244-877; 003-922-036-115-804; 005-759-164-025-18X; 006-644-189-352-87X; 007-158-842-185-457; 007-715-265-092-187; 012-964-552-424-365; 013-330-894-784-012; 014-302-513-002-151; 015-364-552-778-083; 015-727-500-724-753; 018-392-325-202-807; 019-269-460-388-061; 025-031-949-186-737; 026-775-066-365-887; 028-145-568-947-453; 028-755-499-779-182; 028-896-323-494-895; 029-310-211-233-741; 032-282-135-990-46X; 035-334-139-988-51X; 036-105-359-164-122; 036-599-872-192-821; 037-049-329-263-392; 037-550-015-414-716; 041-324-216-879-965; 044-775-287-050-443; 049-273-408-203-234; 057-299-357-749-821; 057-910-323-705-066; 058-924-310-493-15X; 066-053-961-376-925; 071-383-013-593-586; 071-716-315-477-321; 075-148-162-534-526; 076-238-790-372-121; 077-282-400-918-702; 078-159-628-811-920; 078-221-917-889-593; 078-579-509-167-176; 081-808-034-882-583; 081-972-067-727-71X; 083-883-312-705-695; 084-234-537-653-220; 087-322-377-627-638; 089-042-088-257-745; 090-086-404-988-129; 094-069-928-714-55X; 097-454-536-388-388; 102-663-268-168-767; 105-304-643-506-575; 120-376-525-271-038; 125-874-261-768-22X; 130-375-419-053-924; 130-891-747-783-206; 133-150-609-905-296; 133-307-897-987-582; 140-731-692-482-683; 142-922-543-119-527; 147-096-933-427-955; 155-866-429-160-014; 158-250-164-451-310; 159-787-544-576-015; 165-379-760-576-823; 167-059-787-711-298; 168-503-419-880-340; 179-433-109-196-197,24,true,,green
178-112-730-301-238,The ‘ACA Effect’: Examining How Current Affairs Programs Shape Victim Understandings and Responses to Online Fraud,,2015,journal article,Current Issues in Criminal Justice,10345329; 22069542,Informa UK Limited,,Cassandra Cross; Kelly Richards,"In recent years, numerous current affairs stories on online fraud victimisation have been broadcast on Australian television. These stories typically feature highly organised, international ‘sting’ operations, in which alleged offenders are arrested and investigated by law enforcement. These portrayals of police responses influence the expectations that some online fraud victims have about how their individual cases will be handled by law enforcement. Based on interviews with 80 online fraud victims, this article argues that a narrow media portrayal of online fraud by television current affairs programs — termed the ‘ACA effect’ — informs victims’ understandings of online fraud and their responses to it. In particular, current affairs programs influence what victims of online fraud expect from police. The article further demonstrates that current affairs programs present themselves as de facto law enforcement agencies, to which victims who receive an unsatisfactory response from police might turn. Overall, the article highlights the importance of current affairs programs portraying a more realistic image of official responses to online fraud.",27,2,163,178,Sociology; Publishing; Project commissioning; CSI effect; Victimisation; Law enforcement; Crime victims; De facto; Public relations; Constructive fraud,,,,,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10345329.2015.12036039 https://eprints.qut.edu.au/91155/ https://core.ac.uk/download/33505236.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10345329.2015.12036039,,10.1080/10345329.2015.12036039,2377808590,,0,001-163-108-771-097; 001-200-723-153-354; 010-746-041-350-271; 045-387-459-108-632; 049-133-343-940-510; 050-702-507-475-33X; 052-745-839-535-960; 056-292-247-053-323; 060-566-082-605-168; 062-677-249-123-289; 074-211-056-824-16X; 074-284-286-422-753; 077-941-447-603-931; 079-567-420-445-692; 094-350-278-442-381; 099-054-678-001-134; 103-738-099-437-048; 104-680-018-369-870; 108-051-910-511-245; 122-351-630-667-992; 124-593-190-550-807; 130-795-970-083-042; 134-650-147-663-84X; 139-389-033-386-106; 175-031-141-016-144; 181-529-722-680-268,2,true,cc-by-nd,green
185-566-338-270-22X,"“The Higher You Fly, the Further You Fall”: White-Collar Criminals, “Special Sensitivity” and the Impact of Conviction in the United Kingdom",2017-12-11,2017,journal article,Victims & Offenders,15564886; 15564991,Informa UK Limited,United Kingdom,Mark Button; David William James Shepherd; Dean Blackbourn,"ABSTRACTThe resilience of some high-profile white-collar criminals in the media gaze after prison may lead some to conclude, particularly as some research also supports this notion, that this group of offenders generally manages well after conviction. Research in this area is, however, small and largely American. The authors seek to add to this small body of research by offering findings on the impact of conviction on 17 UK convicted white-collar criminals after completion of their sentence. It provides a unique insight into the consequences of conviction, showing that although there were some offenders who did experience limited impact and coped well, there was also a significant group who suffered a decline in status, financial losses, negative media coverage, and relationship and mental health problems, to name some. The authors argue more research is needed on this group and their needs as they are often neglected by the criminal justice system.",13,5,628,650,Criminal justice; Mental health; Psychological resilience; Psychology; Conviction; Sentence; Prison; Collar; White (horse); Criminology,,,,University of Portsmouth Internal Grant,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15564886.2017.1405133 https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/files/8264396/Special_sensitivity_for_Pure.pdf https://puredev.port.ac.uk/en/publications/the-higher-you-fly-the-further-you-fall-white-collar-criminals-sp https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/en/publications/the-higher-you-fly-the-further-you-fall-white-collar-criminals-sp https://core.ac.uk/download/141470624.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15564886.2017.1405133,,10.1080/15564886.2017.1405133,2772742774,,0,000-802-588-884-702; 001-963-369-734-732; 002-792-846-528-88X; 004-003-156-925-667; 005-654-747-382-014; 010-387-355-300-275; 012-838-285-878-161; 013-220-605-771-366; 016-563-256-743-765; 017-319-108-417-644; 020-762-658-125-165; 023-792-450-291-283; 025-262-459-289-424; 025-496-868-945-914; 026-149-394-277-271; 029-256-644-236-206; 034-785-367-283-147; 034-793-652-758-543; 037-581-617-767-924; 050-414-478-797-543; 056-932-597-332-560; 058-324-541-003-85X; 063-788-207-076-208; 069-254-532-129-213; 071-994-187-578-653; 078-048-454-264-119; 078-230-957-912-051; 083-827-226-137-277; 088-728-133-580-972; 089-713-291-794-997; 092-368-912-864-569; 096-381-889-526-642; 114-221-808-949-079; 116-800-334-711-972; 118-293-332-805-421; 128-476-109-524-752; 130-400-328-453-887; 130-446-786-642-814; 134-065-851-200-358; 138-331-176-635-490; 140-611-475-244-367; 146-180-719-237-830; 149-900-610-182-436; 152-995-007-528-183; 165-839-349-313-059; 172-625-359-297-697; 180-813-779-294-458,7,true,,green
188-023-615-404-432,Digital dermatoglyphic variation and migratory pattern of ethnic Liberians,,2016,journal article,Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences,2090536x; 20905939,Springer Science and Business Media LLC,Egypt,Godwin O. Mbaka; Adedayo B. Ejiwunmi; Olusegun. O. Alabi; T.O. Olatayo,"Abstract The magnitude of digital dermatoglyphic variation among ethnic Liberians was examined using a total of 427 people comprising 218 males and 209 females. The three major tribes of ethnic Liberians which comprised Kwa, Mande and Mel exhibited significant finger ridge-count asymmetry and diversity. Also using one way multivariate analysis of variance to access finger ridge-count asymmetry and diversity the finding was consistent with our univariate Fst analysis. The magnitude of inter-group differentiation as measured by Fst showed unbiased values for the four principal component scores ranging from 0.034 to 0.096 in males and 0.025 to 0.050 in females. The females showed lesser differentiation and this perhaps might be explained from the migratory pattern due to difference in marital mobility. The Fst value showed that the Mande population was the most heterogeneous while the Mel population was the most homogeneous. In keeping with the trend that asymmetry and diversity values tend to decrease from the northern to the southern hemisphere, the Mel population with greater ridge-count differentiation might have migrated from far north to their present location in southwestern Liberia. This is consistent with the map location of major ethnic tribes.",6,4,416,421,Ethnic group; Demography; Multivariate analysis of variance; Southern Hemisphere; Variation (linguistics); Diversity (politics); Population; Map Location; Homogeneous; Biology,,,,,https://core.ac.uk/display/82095646 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090536X16300429 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2090536X16300429 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82095646.pdf,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2016.06.005,,10.1016/j.ejfs.2016.06.005,2462936258,,0,002-407-497-380-376; 007-516-462-905-501; 007-689-354-721-970; 012-065-456-125-817; 012-265-137-665-329; 012-283-243-518-081; 020-497-848-328-25X; 022-533-739-889-750; 029-500-207-275-831; 031-224-737-559-536; 033-781-880-074-798; 043-676-469-048-803; 051-434-450-220-747; 052-410-251-777-817; 053-072-098-398-905; 054-926-714-932-60X; 059-104-063-643-183; 059-734-289-324-923; 083-738-138-352-773; 093-578-848-690-980; 105-654-916-453-481; 125-133-844-019-572; 145-552-822-895-266; 153-713-923-989-637,3,true,cc-by,gold
197-258-143-793-371,Safe Dating in the Digital Era: Protective Behavioral Strategies in Dating Behaviors Facilitated by Dating Applications.,2022-03-30,2022,journal article,Violence and victims,08866708; 19457073,Springer Publishing Company,Germany,Rory T Newlands; Dominic M Denning; Kaiya S Massey; Lorraine T Benuto,"Focus groups were conducted to examine college women's perceptions of the risks of dating app dating, how risks are mitigated, and if risk identification and mitigation strategies differ by sexual victimization status. Over 60% of the sample reported a history of sexual victimization. The risk associated with dating app use fell into three themes: unsafe sexual situations, deception, and non-sexual interpersonal violence. Participants' self-reported risk mitigation strategies included logistical strategies, investigative strategies, social strategies, instinctual strategies, and safety planning strategies. Sexually victimized women reported greater or comparable risk identification and risk mitigation strategies as non-victimized women, suggesting difficulties in risk responding.",37,2,185,200,Poison control; Psychology; Suicide prevention; Human factors and ergonomics; Injury prevention; Interpersonal communication; Dating violence; Deception; Occupational safety and health; Clinical psychology; Developmental psychology,college students; dating apps; sexual violence; victimization,Bullying; Crime Victims; Female; Humans; Sexual Behavior; Universities,,,,http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/vv-d-19-00173,35354656,10.1891/vv-d-19-00173,,,0,002-326-000-760-767; 004-272-188-979-737; 004-426-705-221-06X; 005-340-264-431-588; 006-621-872-128-758; 010-732-061-627-429; 012-317-445-816-661; 017-253-942-044-692; 020-330-878-275-844; 022-685-829-148-73X; 025-363-463-670-765; 025-898-611-728-49X; 026-893-828-016-892; 031-346-543-705-377; 038-538-473-803-609; 043-660-054-709-28X; 058-130-030-208-807; 064-052-136-512-395; 069-804-736-540-833; 085-086-149-495-747; 090-190-429-142-103; 092-109-453-684-377; 096-473-829-651-204; 098-578-023-581-116; 109-328-566-754-939; 116-432-357-865-871; 125-054-311-627-393,0,false,,