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Published November 12, 2022 | Version Version 1
Dataset Restricted

Plant species and water chemistry data for "Inference of future bog succession trajectory from spatial chronosequence of changing aapa mires"

  • 1. University of Eastern Finland


These files consist of whole plant species and water chemistry data examined in our paper "Inference of future bog succession trajectory from spatial chronosequence of changing aapa mires" (Ecology and Evolution). Species data sets for phytosociological relevés and nested subplots (size of 0.25 m2) consist of abundances of all vascular plant, bryophyte, and lichen species in the studied fen, transition, and bog zones of boreal aapa mires. Subplot data includes groupings of species into aerenchymatous and non-aerenchymatous species, and into shallow- and deep-rooted aerenchymatous species. Water chemistry data consist of pH and concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Si, and Mn, as well as water-table depth (WTD) for each sampling point.



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Ecosystem shift potential of northern mires in response to hydrological change 311655
Research Council of Finland