collapsed_categories_list.txt - This file contains details on which categories were combined when creating a more streamlined ethogram Author - Jana Muschinski Changes to create "maximum" ethogram due to too-fine splitting of ethogram terms: - ev_body_shift - Includes bend-away, weight-shift, and turn-away - non_contact_threat - Includes threat_approach, threat_eyebrow_flash, and threat_headbob - aggressive_contact - Includes attack, hit, and jump_on - hq_contact - Includes hind-quarter_touch, hip_grasp, polonaise, and prancing - touch_stroke - Includes stroke, touch and scratch - all_embrace - Includes both upside_down_embrace and embrace - all_presents - Includes present and present_reach - all_bumps - Includes bump and butt_bump - all_infant_carry - Includes infant_carry, infant_pickup, and infant_release Changes to create "minimized" ethogram, which collapses categories to the highest degree: - ev_movement ("evasive_movement") - Includes bend-away, weight-shift, turn-away, dodge_flinch, flee, look_away - threat_agg_contact - Includes threat_approach, threat_eyebrow_flash, threat_headbob, attack, hit, jump_on, chase, lunge - non_agg_contact - Includes hind-quarter_touch, hip_grasp, polonaise, prancing, penis-diddle, stroke, scratch, touch, mount, embrace, upside_down_embrace, bump, butt_bump - infant_contact - Includes infant_carry, infant_pickup, infant_release, infant_grab, infant_inspect, infant_push, infant_touch - all_presents - Includes present and present_reach