Rattus hoffmanni (Matschie, 1901). Abh. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., 25:284.

TYPE LOCALITY: Indonesia, NE Sulawesi, Minahassa.

DISTRIBUTION: Sulawesi; throughout island except upper slopes of Gunung Lampobatang at the end of the SW peninsula (distribution is concordant with that of Paruromys dominator); also on Pulau Malenge in Kepulauan Togian (Musser and Holden, 1991).

SYNONYMS: biformatus, celebensis (of Hoffmann, 1887, not Gray, 1867), linduensis, mengkoka, mollicomus, tatei (see Musser, 1971b).

COMMENTS: Morphological, chromosomal, distributional, and ecological boundaries of species elaborated by Musser and Holden (1991), who also documented taxonomic history. Closest relative of R. hoffmanni is R. mollicomulus from Gunung Lampobatang, Sulawesi; both form the monophyletic Rattus hoffmanni group. Phylogenetic affinities of this group to other species of Rattus is unresolved.