This dataset contains the Supplementary Data to: Nieuwenhuis, B.O.; Marchese, F.; Casartelli, M.; Sabino, A.; van der Meij, S.E.T.; Benzoni, F. Integrating a UAV-Derived DEM in Object-Based Image Analysis Increases Habitat Classification Accuracy on coral reefs. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14 There are 4 datasets stored here. - Dataset 1. UAV orthomosaics and DEMs File folder with the UAV orthomosaics and DEMs as .tif files, folder contains README.txt file with further explanation. - Dataset 2. Snorkel transect orthomosaics File folder with the orhtomosaics of the snorkel transects as .tif files, folder contains README.txt file with further explanation. - Dataset 3. Habitat classifications File folder with the habitat classifications generated in eCognition as shapefiles, folder contains README.txt file with further explanation. - Dataset 4. Manual classifications for accuracy assessment File folder with the manual classifications as shapefiles, folder contains README.txt file with further explanation.