***Container flows on road, rail and waterways along Rhine-Alpine corridor (Rhine section) at NUTS-2 level with cost-time-emissions estimates and accessibility-frequency-availability of modes*** Authors: P. Shobayo, Department of Transport and Regional Economics, University of Antwerp, Belgium A. Nicolet, Department of Maritime and Transport Technology, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Corresponding author: A. Nicolet Contact: A.Nicolet@tudelft.nl ***General Introduction*** The present dataset is used to estimate the heterogeneous mode choice preferences of shippers, that are presented in the following article : "A Logit Mixture Model Estimating the Heterogeneous Mode Choice Preferences of Shippers Based on Aggregate Data" (Nicolet, A., Negenborn, R. R. & Atasoy, B., A Logit Mixture Model Estimating the Heterogeneous Mode Choice Preferences of Shippers Based on Aggregate Data. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 3, 2022, pp. 650-661.) This research is supported by the project “Novel inland waterway transport concepts for moving freight effectively (NOVIMOVE)”. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 858508. ***Methodological Information*** This set contains data that have been collected or generated within the NOVIMOVE project. It compiles several data of different sources: - Container flow data for years 2011 to 2021 at NUTS-2 level along the Rhine section of the Rhine-Alpine (RA) corridor split on 3 transport modes and 2 commodity types, retrieved from ASTRA model: Fiorello, D., Fermi, F. & Bielanska, D., The ASTRA model for strategic assessment of transport policies. System Dynamics Review, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2010, pp. 283–290. - Estimates of costs, time, and emissions for each mode on every Origin-Destination (OD) pair, whose computation details can be found in: Shobayo, P., Nicolet, A., van Hassel, E., Atasoy, B. & Vanelslander, T., Conceptual development of the logistics chain flow of container transport within the Rhine-Alpine corridor. In European Transport Conference (ETC), 13-15 September, 2021, pp. 1–17. - Population density of Origin and Destination NUTS-2 zones (year 2017), from: Eurostat, Population density by NUTS 3 region. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/demo_r_d3dens/default/table?lang=en, 2021, last accessed: 2022-03-23. - Accessibility of the transport modes at Origin and Destination NUTS-2 zones (expressed as the number of terminals for inland waterways and rail and as the number of highway junctions for road), these have been manually collected through the RA corridor info system: Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC, Corridor Info System CIS. https://www.egtc-rhine-alpine.eu/corridor-info-system-cis, 2021, last accessed: 2022-03-23. - Frequency of rail and inland waterway transport (IWT) on each OD pair, retrieved from data furnished by NOVIMOVE partners (PANTEIA, Bredewater 26, 2715 CA Zoetermeer, The Netherlands) and completed based on websites of main transport operators along the RA corridor. - Number of transfers needed for rail and IWT on each OD pair, set to 0 if Origin AND Destination zones have seaports (no road haulage needed), to 1 if only Origin OR Destination zone has a seaport, and to 2 if both zones have no seaports. - Presence of a seaport, expressed as a binary variable equal to 1 if Origin OR Destination zone has a seaport and 0 otherwise. - Availability of each mode on every OD pair (expressed as a binary variable equal to 1 if the mode is available and 0 otherwise), with a mode considered as unavailable if no container flow data are available OR if cost, emissions or drive time of the mode are estimated to 0. ***Note*** The NUTS-2 labels of Origin and Destination zones contain characters that have been encoded into numbers into the present dataset, following this rule: A=0, B=9, C=2, D=3, E=4, F=5, H=6, L=7, N=8, R=1. ***Description of the data*** NSTR1 : Commodity type of containerized goods (1=Foodstuffs, 9=Machinery & other manufacturing) V2011 : Container volume for year 2011 [TEUs] V2012 : Container volume for year 2012 [TEUs] V2013 : Container volume for year 2013 [TEUs] V2014 : Container volume for year 2014 [TEUs] V2015 : Container volume for year 2015 [TEUs] V2016 : Container volume for year 2016 [TEUs] V2017 : Container volume for year 2017 [TEUs] V2018 : Container volume for year 2018 [TEUs] V2019 : Container volume for year 2019 [TEUs] V2020 : Container volume for year 2020 [TEUs] V2021 : Container volume for year 2021 [TEUs] ORIGIN : Code of NUTS-2 zone of Origin DESTINATION : Code of NUTS-2 zone of Destination MODE : Transport mode used (0=IWT, 1=Road, 2=Rail) C_IWT_INTER_TRANS : Transport costs of intermodal IWT [€/TEU] C_IWT_INTER_HAND : Handling costs of intermodal IWT [€/TEU] C_IWT_INTER_EXT : External costs of intermodal IWT [€/TEU] C_IWT_INTER_POCK : Out-of-pocket costs of intermodal IWT [€/TEU] C_IWT_UNI_TRANS : Transport costs of unimodal IWT [€/TEU] C_IWT_UNI_HAND : Handling costs of unimodal IWT [€/TEU] C_IWT_UNI_EXT : External costs of unimodal IWT [€/TEU] C_IWT_UNI_POCK : Out-of-pocket costs of unimodal IWT [€/TEU] C_RAIL_INTER_TRANS : Transport costs of intermodal Rail [€/TEU] C_RAIL_INTER_HAND : Handling costs of intermodal Rail [€/TEU] C_RAIL_INTER_EXT : External costs of intermodal Rail [€/TEU] C_RAIL_INTER_POCK : Out-of-pocket costs of intermodal Rail [€/TEU] C_RAIL_UNI_TRANS : Transport costs of unimodal Rail [€/TEU] C_RAIL_UNI_HAND : Handling costs of unimodal Rail [€/TEU] C_RAIL_UNI_EXT : External costs of unimodal Rail [€/TEU] C_RAIL_UNI_POCK : Out-of-pocket costs of unimodal Rail [€/TEU] C_ROAD_TRANS : Transport costs of Road [€/TEU] C_ROAD_HAND : Handling costs of Road [€/TEU] C_ROAD_EXT : External costs of Road [€/TEU] C_ROAD_POCK : Out-of-pocket costs of Road [€/TEU] T_IWT_UNI_SAIL : Sailing time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_UNI_LOCK : Lock passage time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_UNI_PORT : Time spent in ports for IWT [hours] T_IWT_UNI_TOT : Total time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_PRE_DRIVE : Pre-haulage driving time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_PRE_CONG : Pre-haulage congestion time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_PRE_HAND : Pre-haulage handling time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_PRE_REST : Pre-haulage resting time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_PRE_TOT : Pre-haulage total time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_POST_DRIVE : Post-haulage driving time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_POST_CONG : Post-haulage congestion time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_POST_HAND : Post-haulage handling time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_POST_REST : Post-haulage resting time for IWT [hours] T_IWT_POST_TOT : Post-haulage total time for IWT [hours] T_RAIL_UNI_DRIVE : Driving time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_UNI_PEN : Penalty time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_UNI_TOT : Total time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_PRE_DRIVE : Pre-haulage driving time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_PRE_CONG : Pre-haulage congestion time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_PRE_HAND : Pre-haulage handling time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_PRE_REST : Pre-haulage resting time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_PRE_TOT : Pre-haulage total time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_POST_DRIVE : Post-haulage driving time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_POST_CONG : Post-haulage congestion time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_POST_HAND : Post-haulage handling time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_POST_REST : Post-haulage resting time for Rail [hours] T_RAIL_POST_TOT : Post-haulage total time for Rail [hours] T_ROAD_DRIVE : Driving time for Road [hours] T_ROAD_CONG : Congestion time for Road [hours] T_ROAD_HAND : Handling time for Road [hours] T_ROAD_REST : Resting time for Road [hours] T_ROAD_PORT : Time spent in ports for Road [hours] STOPS_ROAD : Number of stops needed for Road [] T_ROAD_TOT : Total time for Road [hours] GAS_IWT_INTER_TEU : Emissions for intermodal IWT [kgCO2/TEU] GAS_IWT_UNI_TEU : Emissions for unimodal IWT [kgCO2/TEU] GAS_RAIL_INTER_TEU : Emissions for intermodal Rail [kgCO2/TEU] GAS_RAIL_UNI_TEU : Emissions for unimodal Rail [kgCO2/TEU] GAS_ROAD_TEU : Emissions for Road [kgCO2/TEU] DENSITY_O : Population density of Origin zone [inhabitants/km2] DENSITY_D : Population density of Destination zone [inhabitants/km2] ACCESS_IWT_O : Accessibility of IWT at Origin zone [] ACCESS_IWT_D : Accessibility of IWT at Destination zone [] ACCESS_ROAD_O : Accessibility of Road at Origin zone [] ACCESS_ROAD_D : Accessibility of Road at Destination zone [] ACCESS_RAIL_O : Accessibility of Rail at Origin zone [] ACCESS_RAIL_D : Accessibility of Rail at Destination zone [] FREQ_IWT : Frequency of IWT services [departures/week] FREQ_RAIL : Frequency of Rail services [departures/week] TRANSFERS_IWT : Number of transfers needed for IWT [] TRANSFERS_RAIL : Number of transfers needed for Rail [] PORTPRES : Presence of a seaport [] AV_IWT : Availability of IWT [] AV_RAIL : Availability of Rail [] AV_ROAD : Availability of Road []