####Readme#### Becklund, L.E. and T.J Ayers. The phylogeny of Errazurizia (Fabaceae: Amorpheae) and description of the new monotypic genus Pictarena Submitted to Systematic Botany Files in repository for the project: BecklundAyers_ErrazuriziaSupplementary.docx #supplemental tables and figure S1-S3 cpDNA_Bayesian.tre #Bayesian inference chloroplast tree file cpDNA_ML.newick #Maximum likelihood chloroplast tree file cpDNA_stripped_ML.nex #Maximum likelihood chloroplast tree file with ambiguous sites and gaps removed nrDNA_Bayesian.tre #Baysian inference nrDNA tree file nrDNA_ML.newick #Maximum likelihood nrDNA tree file