Eschrichtius robustus (Lilljeborg, 1861). Forh. Skand. Naturf. Ottende Mode, Kopenhagen, 1860, 8:602.

TYPE LOCALITY: Sweden, Uppland, Graso Isl.

DISTRIBUTION: Pacific, temperate to arctic waters.

COMMENT: Includes gibbosus and glaucus; see Rice and Wolman, 1971, Am. Soc. Mamm. Spec. Publ., 3: 1-142; Rice, 1977:12. Formerly present in the North Atlantic (JGM).

PROTECTED STATUS: CITES - Appendix I as E. robustus (—glaucus) and U.S. ESA - Endangered as E. robustus.

ISIS NUMBER: 5301411006001001001 as E. gibbosus.