Apodemus peninsulae (Thomas, 1907). Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1906:862.

TYPE LOCALITY: Korea, 110 km S.E. of Seoul, Mingyoung.

DISTRIBUTION: Ussuri to Altai Mtns., south to Korea, Kansu, and Shensi (China); Sakhalin; Hokkaido; perhaps to Szechwan and Yunnan (China).

COMMENT: Formerly included in flavicollis (by Ellerman and Morrison-Scott, 1966:566), and in speciosus (by Kusnetzov, 1965, in Bobrinskii et al., Key to the Mammals of the U.S. S.R., Moscow); includes praetor; see Corbet, 1978:136. Reviewed by Vorontsov et al., 1977, Zool. Zh „ 56(3):437-449.

ISIS NUMBER: 5301410011004004001.