Oryzomys capito (Olfers, 1818). In Eschwege, Neue Bibl. Reisenb., 15: 209.

TYPE LOCALITY: Paraguay, San Ignacio Guazu.

DISTRIBUTION: E. Costa Rica to the Guianas, S. Brazil, Bolivia, E. Peru, and N.W. Argentina; Trinidad.

COMMENT: Formerly included yunganus; see Gardner and Patton, 1976, Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. La. State Univ., 49:24, 40. Includes carrikeri and talamancae; see Handley, 1966, in Wenzel and Tipton, eds., Ectoparasites of Panama, p. 780, and Gardner and Patton, 1976:38-40, who also tentatively included goeldii, perenensis, castaneus, magdalenae, medius, modestus, mollipilosus, oniscus and velutinus in this species, as is done here. Includes laticeps; subgenus Oryzomys; see Hershkovitz, 1966, Z. Saugetierk., 31: 137, and Husson, 1978:406. Cabrera, 1961:338, included bolivaris, intermedius, and legatus in this species, but see Gardner and Patton, 1976:40, who indicated that they may be synonymous with nitidus which they considered a distinct species; the relationships between capita, nitidus, alfaroi, and laticeps require additional resolution. O. bolivaris is a synonym of rivularis; intermedius has no status being a renaming of laticeps, which is a subjective synonym of capita (ALG). AL employs the name megacephalus (Fischer, 1814), for this species; see comment under Reithrodon physodes.

ISIS NUMBER: 5301410008035015001 as O. capita.

5301410008035060001 as O. talamaccae (sic).