Gerbillus pyramidum I. Geoffroy, 1825. Diet. Class. Hist. Nat., 7:321.

TYPE LOCALITY: Egypt, Giza Prov.

DISTRIBUTION: Jordan and Israel to Algeria and N. Somalia; Chad; Senegal.

COMMENT: Includes floweri; see Osborn and Helmy, 1980, Fieldiana Zool., n.s., 5: 113. Includes acticola and dongolanus; see Petter, 1975, Part 6.3:8, who also listed hirtipes as a synonym; acticola and dongolanus are considered distinct by DML pending revision. Lay et al., 1975, Z. Saugetierk., 40: 148, suggested that hirtipes may be a distinct species; Corbet, 1978:121, included hirtipes in gerbillus and is followed here; see also comment under gerbillus. Formerly included Taterillus pygargus (see Petter, 1975, Part 6.3:5 and Petter, 1952, Mammalia, 16:37), latastei, aureus (see Cockrum, 1977, Mammalia, 41:78), perpallidus, riggenbachi (see Lay et al., 1975, Z. Saugetierk., 40: 148, Schlitter, 1976, Diss. Abstr. Int., 37(6), and Corbet and Hill, 1980:164), and hesperinus (see Lay, 1975, Fieldiana Zool., 65:95-98, and Benazzou and Genest-Villard, 1980, Mammalia, 44:410). Corbet, 1978: 122, included riggenbachi and hesperinus in pyramidum, but considered perpallidus a distinct species. See Hubert, 1978, Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist., 6:38-40, for discussion of distribution.

ISIS NUMBER: 5301410008091032001 as G. pyramidum.

5301410008091001001 as G. acticola.