Gerbillus campestris Le Vaillant, 1857. Atlas Expl. Sci. Alg. Mamm., pl. V, fig. 2.
TYPE LOCALITY: Algeria, Constantine Prov., Philipeville.
DISTRIBUTION: Morocco to Libya; Sudan; N. Somalia.
COMMENT: Included in genus Dipodillus by Osborn and Helmy, 1980, Fieldiana Zool., n.s., 5: 141 -154; but see comment under Gerbillus. Includes somalicus, quadrimaculatus, lowei, and stigmonyx; see Petter, 1975, Part 6.3:11, who also included amoenus in this species but noted that amoenus might be a distinct species. Yalden et al., 1976, Monitore Zool. Ital., suppl. 8:27, discussed somalicus. Formerly included luteolus (here included in bottai; see Kock, 1978, Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist., 6:31 -37, who also considered stigmonyx a nomen dubium and somalicus a subspecies of campestris) and amoenus (which was considered a distinct species by Osborn and Helmy, 1980, Fieldiana Zool., n.s., 5: 167). Corbet, 1978: 120, tentatively included amoenus in nanus and listed jamesi (without comment) in campestris; but see Petter, 1975, Part 6.3:11, who listed jamesi as a distinct species. Includes dodsoni, haymani, patrizii, wassifi, and venustus; see Osborn and Helmy, 1980, Fieldiana Zool., n.s., 5: 141 -155. DML regards lowei and somalicus as separate species pending revision.
ISIS NUMBER: 5301410008091007001 as G. campestris.
5301410008091035001 as G. stigmonyx.