Dipodillus Lataste, 1881. Le Naturaliste, 3(64):506.

REVIEWED BY: D. M. Lay (DML); C. B. Robbins (CBR); C. J. Terry (CJT).

COMMENT: Reviewed by Cockrum et al., 1976, Mammalia, 40:313-326, and Osborn and Helmy, 1980, Fieldiana Zool., n.s., 5: 1-579, who both considered Dipodillus a distinct genus but differed regarding its content; the treatment here follows Cockrum et al., 1976, Mammalia, 40:313-326; See comment under Gerbillus. Considered a subgenus of Gerbillus by Schlitter, 1976, Diss. Abstr. Int., 37(6). There is no consensus regarding the content of Dipodillus; see also Ellerman, 1941, Allen, 1939, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Univ., 83:319, Petter, 1959, Mammalia, 23:308, and Harrison, 1972, The Mammals of Arabia, 3:382-670. This genus is in need of comprehensive revision (JH, DML). Subfamily Gerbillinae; see comment under Cricetidae.