Canis latrans Say, 1823. In Long, Account of an Exped. from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mtns., 1:168.

REVIEWED BY: M. Bekoff (MB).

TYPE LOCALITY: U.S.A., Nebraska, Washington Co., Engineer Cantonment, about 12 mi. (19.2 km) S. E. Blair.

DISTRIBUTION: Originally may have occurred W. of the Mississippi R., N. to about 55° N. lat., and south to Mexico City. Has extended its range north to N. Alaska (U.S.A.), Northwest Territories and Hudson Bay (Canada), south to Costa Rica, and east to the Atlantic coast.

COMMENT: Reviewed by Bekoff, 1977, Mamm. Species, 79:1-9. See Young, 1951, The clever coyote, Wildl. Mng. Inst., Washington, D.C., p. 29, for a discussion of distribution.

ISIS NUMBER: 5301412001003004001.