Sorex cinereus Kerr, 1792. Anim. Kingdom, p. 206.

TYPE LOCALITY: Canada, Ontario, Ft. Severn, at mouth of Severn River.

DISTRIBUTION: Anadyr to Kamchatka and Kurile Isis. (Paramushir) (N. E. Siberia); N. America throughout Alaska and Canada and southward along the Rocky and Appalachian Mtns, to 45 degrees.

COMMENT: Includes beringianus; see Okhotina, 1977, Acta Theriol. 22:191 -206, and Corbet, 1978:22. Does not include haydeni, fontinalis, and jacksoni; see Junge and Hoffmann, 1981, Occ. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas 94:1 -48, and references cited therein. Gureev, 1979:349, listed beringianus and jacksoni as distinct species without comment.

ISIS NUMBER: 5301403007018008001.