Marmota broweri Hall and Gilmore, 1934. Can. Field Nat., 48:57.

TYPE LOCALITY: U.S.A., Alaska, head of Kukpowruk River, "Point Lay.”

DISTRIBUTION: Brooks Range of N. Alaska (U.S.A.) from near coast of Chukchi Sea to Alaska-Yukon border; perhaps also N. Yukon (Canada).

COMMENT: Regarded by Hall and Kelson, 1959, and Hall, 1981, as a synonym of caligata, but Rausch and Rausch, 1971, Mammalia, 35:85- 101, and Hoffmann et al., 1979, Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kans., 83:1 -56, considered broweri a distinct species. Type locality restricted by Rausch, 1953, Arctic, 6: 117.