"This is not strictly related to neurodivergence:\n\nI feel that the combination of having all assignments count, having each individual assignment count for a large part of the final grade (12.5%) and having the possibility of a large subtraction of each assignment's score for a single issue has two major negative side effects:\n\n1) It incentivizes relentless checking and rechecking of the assignment before submission, to make sure that you're not making an avoidable mistake. This could potentially be a bigger issue for students with obsessive tendencies, although that's pure conjecture on my part, not based on personal experience.\n\n2) It increases the \"luck factor\" of the final grade.\n\nOf course going too far in the other direction, like some courses do, has it's own negative side effects." "At this point i cant think of anyhting else that might help me " "Not really sure. Nothing that I can think of at the moment. " "Because of the executive function problems that come with ADHD that can cause procrastination and concentration problems, I think offering a little more leniency on late submissions would be very helpful." "Long assignment description are hard ..many many pages of what to do and i can not figure that out sometimes.. " "I do like the current state of the system.\nI have never personally asked for extra time, as I have never needed it. Its good for people who need it though.\n\n" "I think having YouTube videos helps a lot not having to read the slides by yourself but rather having the professor talk about them in a YouTube video. " "I really appriciate that this is being looked into and I love that you are trying to help us students with disabilities!!\nBut I like to listen while I am reading so in this course it is great to listen to lectures and look at the slides at the same time. Sometimes we are just supposed to read the slides and then it would be helpful to be able to listen while you are reading (like with audiobooks when you read the book)\nI also really like the change in font and backround color and having that as an option. \nI also love that in an exam where you are under pressure and time is limited you are not to worried about typos and you let us know that beforehand so we dont need to take extra time to think about if the word is 100% correctly spelled.\n" "Perhaps continued online labs or hybrid. I'm more likely to show up when they are online and find them easier to follow and ask questions."