"It helps me to focus a lot by listening to music during exams and while studying so I think that if the school would allow us to listen to music during on site final exams it would make me be able to focus better and do better on exams. I would also like if the school continued to offer at-home exams since they are in a less stressful environment " "I think you should be able to change the font size when taking online exams. " "None, I have personally rejected extended test times despite qualifying for it because I believe I have to adapt. I still think it's great to give atypicals some space." "I would have liked to have a little extra time in the small quizzes. I ran out of time in the last one and lost 2 points because of it (could explain to completion) other then that I appreciate everything you are doing it means a lot \nBest regards [..]" "Don't make me study 4 things at once. The constant switching between topics dilutes my attention which I don't like." "I really like the new slides used in the lectures and feel that it is easier to quickly read without loosing complete focus of listening to the teacher. " "I think for me it is sufficient to be offered an extended exam time. Before I was diagnosed I had difficulties with exam time limits and in all those exams I thought about if I had slightly more time I would have had better performances. So now that I have that time I feel my ability compared to a time limit is more applicable.\n\n\n" "reading more clearly could really help" "I'm worried about when the COVID situation is resolved, one of my issues is heavy sensory processing problems as well as extremely low energy levels which has made me drop out of university before. Due to these issues I am unable to work and I can only take a few classes at a time - but my dream is to be able to work part time in computer science.\nThe ability to do the work at home is absolutely saving me. I urge you to consider making this a possibility even after the pandemic as I have experiences with teachers telling me that if I'm unable to show up I simply won't pass or need to take a heavy hit to my grades. \nThank you so much for considering my experiences as a disabled student which is unfortunately new for me." "I think it's also important to mention that the slides and majority of the keywords are in Icelandic, but we read the text in English from the textbook. In my experience, my dyslexia is significantly more apparent in Icelandic vs English due to the larger alphabet, so not being able to connect with the textbook and what [teacher] is saying makes it more difficult to grasp." "Oral testing instead of written(if the course material allows it), go lightly over materials again later in the course, smaller assignments inbetween to help grasp concepts. " "I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was a kid but I have no way to find paper proven it. I havnt been in uni or any kind of school for a while and am kinda lost where to turn to get new diagnose. It would be helpful to have some info on that somewhere. " "I just want to say that I feel very distracted while looking at the new font. I do have dyslexia, but I feel I only start thinking about how the font is weird and how all the letters are so bottom heavy and slanted and how all the gaps look like they have been squished and shifted and how some look just fine like a regular font. I do like the cream background because it isn’t as harsh, I only dislike it when there is white right next to it like in background of pictures or on the edge of the [university] logo." "clearer instructions on where to find help on the material, I often spend hours just looking for where this thing I'm supposed to be doing is talked about in lectures or in the book." "Easier text in assignments, I find the hardest part of an assignment is understanding complicated text. With dyslexia, I find it hard to understand what is expected of me in each assignment and most of my time goes into understanding what is wanted of me and not actually working on the problem.\n\nVideo assignment description could be a good addition or atleast try it." "I absolutely love it when you include the assignment LaTeX.zip file along with the assignment descriptions. It gives me peace of mind so I can put more of my energy into the assignments.\n\nBut I feel information is scattered around the place in Canvas, I have a hard time finding what I need when I need it even though I've found it many times before. For example I only found the \"problem sheets\" in week 3, and I still have to give it a good think. Didn't really understand what problems [TA] was doing till then...\n\nI suspect the information scatter is something you can fix directly, it's more of a problem with Canvas.\n\nI also quite like how [grading tool] is setup, it's crystal clear how each assignment is graded :) \n\nAnd lastly I want to thank you for putting effort into making things easier for us nerodivergents. I really feel welcome in your course" "It would good to have the book and reading material in a better format for neruodeverse students. To do the same with the tests. Also suggest other way for students to hand in the assignments instead of paper. Or if the student has a hard time explaining the equations on paper to have the option of verbal explanation since that would make it an equal playing field with students who have a hard time putting their thoughts on paper and could be a good alternative. " "I was diagnosed with math dyslexia or something like that when I was very young (and adhd) and it helped alot when the pages where yellow but not bright white.. \nI have gotten by without that or the extended exam time so maybe it no longer affects me.." "Material with more visual approach such as \"cheatsheets\", colored keywords and pictures/illustrations when thats possible.\n\nStreamlined syllabus document for all courses that holds the most important overview information and dates for the individual course, ideally available on pdf and/or markdown then its possible to use pandoc or simlar to get the format you want and import those dates and information easily to calendar/productivity system of choice.\n" "im not sure but the extra time that is provided is very valuable and helpful also the new type of slides provided by [teacher]." "What helps me most is the classes focus more on recorded lectures and material, preferably video. I feel that allows me to learn at my own pace." "Put things like the weekly problem sheets in the calendar as well to give it a \"deadline\". The hardest thing for me with ADHD is finding all the things I have to do, organize them and figure out what I have to do. There are no dates or information on when what problem sheet applies and as I can't always watch all the lectures, it confuses me and slows me down :(\n\nOther than things to help us ADHD people stay organized, I think the changes in the teaching style, digital and remote learning as a 1st class citizen has improved everything 1000%. And when I say that, I am speaking from experience as I started my [..] studies in [year] and stayed on until [year], when I gave up - having finished ~70% of the courses needed for my degree. Long story short, just keep improving on the fantastic work you've been doing with the recorded lectures and that stuff as it will probably be the difference that helps me finish my degree this time around!" "I have ADHD which makes it very hard to watch videos over a long period of time. I learn better by doing stuff. So having code along videos or videos where you have the option of doing something like drawing a diagram for something would really help in grasping the material better" "I like that it has the yellowish color that helps alot and the size and spacing BUT the font is uncomfortable for me, and that is the reason I strongly agree that it is messy and agree with most other, it bugs me that the letters are not the equally thick and for that reason I have been using the traditional ones more."