37. Psidium guineense Swartz (1788: 77).
Type:—“ Culta in Hispaniola,” “ ex Africa ”. Presumably Swartz s.n. (holotype: S-r-5302). (Fig. 5P)
Shrubs 2 m. Twigs sparsely pubescent or pubescent, indumentum brownish-red. Leaves with petioles 0.5–0.7 mm long, densely or sparsely pubescent, channeled; blades elliptic, elliptic-oblong, oblong or oval, 4–13.5 × 1.8–6.8 cm, densely pubescent, the indumentum reddish-brown, chartaceous, discolorous; glands not seen; base cuneate or rounded; apex acute, mucronate or obtuse; midvein adaxially impressed; lateral veins visible, arched, 7 to 10 pairs; intra-marginal vein absent, margin flat. Inflorescence axillary, a solitary flower or dichasium, 1–3 flowers, the axis 0.9–1.2 mm long, pubescent; bracts not seen, caducous before anthesis; pedicels 0.5–0.7 mm long or absent; bracteoles linear, 1 × 1 mm, pubescent, caducous after anthesis; flower buds pyriform, 4–5 × 7–9 mm, constricted above ovary; calyx-lobes completely fused, four to five, opening by irregular tearing, pubescent, ovate, 5 × 3–5 mm, not reflexed, persisting in the fruit; ovary 3–5-locular. Immature fruit globose, ca. 1.1 × 1.4 cm, glabrous, surface marked with glands.
Note:— Psidium guineense may be recognized by its densely or sparsely pubescent, elliptic, oblong or oval leaves; the acute, mucronate or obtuse leaf apex; the inflorescence, which is a solitary flower or dichasium; and the completely fused calyx lobes, opening by irregular tearing.
Distribution and habitat:— Known from Tropical America, and widely distributed in Brazil (POWO 2020, Flora do Brasil 2020). In Amazonian Maranhão, P. guineense was found growing in flooded forests and along roads.
Phenology:— Flowering in January, February and December.
Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Maranhão: Anajatuba, São Bento, 3°15’52” S, 44°37’11” W, 09 February 2008 (fl.), A. Araujo 10 (IAN!). Pameirândia, 2°38’43” S, 44°53’42” W, 28 January 2007 (fl.), C.M. Vieira 87 (IAN!). Turiaçu, Km 6 da BR 106 Maracaçumé-Sta. Helena, fazenda Maracaçumé Agro Industrial Grupo Mesbla, 1°39’48” S, 45°22’18” W, 01 December 1978 (fl.), N. A. Rosa 2819 & H. Vila (NY!).
Additional specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Pará: Vigia, 17km southeat of Vigia along road (PA-140) to Belém, 50 m, 0°57’ S, 48°04’59” W, 30 March 1980 (fr.), G. Davidse, N.A. Rosa, C.S. Rosario & M.G. Silva 17655 (US, image).