README: Waite et al. 2022 Journal of Ecology The data for this paper have been provided in .csv format. Variable headings are provided in the first row of the dataset. The variables are: Tree - The unique identifier for each tree bi_inf - The binary liana infestation measure for each tree: a value of 1 indicates the tree has lianas in the crown, a value of 0 indicates the tree down not have lianas in the crown. chm_lidar_mean - The mean top of crown height (m) for each tree gap_2m_25_100 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 2m in depth and 25-100m2 in area. gap_2m_100_500 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 2m in depth and 100-500m2 in area. gap_2m_ab500 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 2m in depth and >500m2 in area. gap_2_5m_25_100 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 5m in depth and 25-100m2 in area. gap_2_5m_100_500 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 5m in depth and 100-500m2 in area. gap_2_5m_ab500 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 5m in depth and >500m2 in area. gap_5_10m_25_100 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 10m in depth and 25-100m2 in area. gap_5_10m_100_500 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 10m in depth and 100-500m2 in area. gap_5_10m_ab500 - The distance of the target tree to the nearest canopy gap of 10m in depth and >500m2 in area. copper_mean - The mean soil copper value (mg/kg) for each tree ecec_mean - The mean soil effective cation exchange capacity (cmol/kg) for each tree ph_mean - The mean soil pH value for each tree phos_mean - The mean soil phosphorus value (mg/kg) for each tree dist_infneigh - The distance from the target tree to it's nearest neighboring tree with lianas in the crown