,subject_id,strategy,strategy_radio,difficulty,passed_attention_check,substances,gender,age,education 0,688,"Kick for boxes, Shake for spheres, Slap for stars.",shape,medium,{},True,male,21-30,college 1,679,V seemed the most successful so I kept using V.,none,hard,{},True,male,46-65,college 2,683,Mostly just memorizing the shapes and colors.,memorized,medium,{},True,female,21-30,college 3,691,Memorize colors and patterns,memorized,medium,{},True,female,31-45,college 4,681,No real strategy just try to search,none,medium,{},True,female,31-45,highschool 5,680,patterns,shape-color,medium,{},True,male,21-30,college 6,694,I just guessed. I couldn't really find a strategy.,none,hard,{},True,male,21-30,college 7,697,I simply tried to find out which button aligned with a given symbol and then remember to press that button whenever the symbol appeared on the screen.,shape-color,easy,{},True,male,31-45,highschool 8,701,Just flow instruction,shape-texture,hard,{},True,male,21-30,college 9,718,I followed the combinations of shapes and color for identifying.,shape-color,easy,{},True,female,31-45,college 10,736,None,memorized,easy,{},True,male,31-45,postgrad 11,698,I tried my best and had an inclination towards blue color and Kicking while unlocking the artifacts.,color,medium,{},True,male,21-30,postgrad 12,702,very nice,shape-color,easy,{},True,male,31-45,postgrad 13,743,I tried to remember which button is most likely to activate each type of artifact.,shape-color,medium,{},True,male,21-30,college 14,703,I just took random guesses until I found the two symbols that seemed it to pay off the best and stuck with those,shape-color,easy,{},True,male,46-65,college 15,737,i like it,shape-color,easy,{},True,male,31-45,65,postgrad 84,929,I noticed that the C key rewarded the most so after a while I chose that option most of the time.,none,hard,{},True,female,21-30,65,postgrad 100,862,i played color and safe base,shape-color,medium,{},True,male,31-45,college 101,928,"I think it was one key for all non star non orange shapes, one for stars and one for oranges",shape-color,medium,{},True,male,21-30,65,postgrad 109,960,none,shape-color,medium,{},True,male,21-30,college 110,971,I started just trying different random keys for whatever came up until it seemed like all the orange ones were with the same key ('n'). Then I started trying to see if the same was true for pink or blue but I saw that the pink star went with 'b' while that wasn't true for the pink circle or square. I then found that the pink circle or square went with 'c'. It seemed like the blue shapes did not go with 'v' so I tried to see if the blue star went with 'b' and the other two blue shapes with 'c' (just like pink) and that did work out. So I just remembered those rules for the rest of the game.,shape-color,medium,{},True,female,21-30,college 111,985,I tried to match colors and shapes to the correct action,shape-color,medium,{},True,female,46-65,college 112,972,chose based on color prefrence.,color,medium,{},True,female,46-65,postgrad 113,979,Matching certain colors to certain button and shapes as well.,shape-color,medium,{},True,male,21-30,