Planiliza lauvergnii (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850)

Eastern keel-back mullet

(Fig. 4, 5, 6; Table 2)

Mugil lauvergnii Eydoux & Souleyet 1850:174, Pl. 4, Fig. 3. (Type locality: Macao; Holotype: MNHN-IC-8138); Blanc & Hureau 1972: 693–694 (Type catalogue).

Liza lauvergnii Thomson 1997: 523 (in part); Harrison 2004: 470 (mention only); Kottelat 2013: 276 (East Asia).

Chelon lauvergnii Nakae et al. 2018: 227 (Amami-oshima Island, Japan, list only); Sonoyama et al. 2020: 37 (Sea of Japan off Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, list only).

Mugil affinis Günther 1861: 433 (Type locality: Amoy, China; Holotype: BMNH 1860.7.20.11.).

Liza affinis Senou et al. 1987: 312 (East Asia); Liu & Shen 1991: 275 (Taiwan); Thomson 1997: 514 (East Asia); Harrison & Senou 1999: 2085 (East Asia); Liu et al. 2017: 1902 (China).

Liza (Planiliza) affinis Shen & Durand 2016: 76 (East Asia).

Chelon affinis Kim & Kim 1998: 251 (Korea); Chang et al. 1999: 39 (Taiwan, list only); Senou in Randall & Lim 2000: 625 (South China Sea, list only); Sakai et al. 2001: 103 (Ryukyu Archipelago, list only); Senou 2002: 538, 1511 (Japan); Matsunuma in Kimura et al. 2018: 221 (Ha Long Bay, Northern Vietnam).

Myxus profugus Mohr 1927: 184, Fig. 6 (Type locality: Japan and Taiwan).

Materials examined (n=18): MNHN IC 0000-8138 (X), 180 mm SL, holotype of Mugil lauvergnii, Macao; BMNH 1860.7.20.11(X), 150 mm SL, holotype of Mugil affinis, Amoy, China; BMNH 1862.12.6.12–13 (X), 167–205 mm SL, Taiwan; NMMBP-1953, 2 specimen, 108–109 mm SL, Kinmen, Taiwan, collected by Ray-Shyan Wu, 2001- 02-01; NMMBP- 1976, 164 mm SL, Kinmen, Taiwan, collected by Ray-Shyan Wu, 2001-02-01; NMMBP-2730, 98.5 mm SL, Tainan, Taiwan, collected by I-Shiung Chen, 1993-11-01; NMMBP-7788, 2 specimen, 75–82 mm SL, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, collected by Chiao-Chuan Han, 1996-10-08; NMMBP-14113, 45.5 mm SL, Kinmen, Taiwan, collected by Ray-Shyan Wu, 2001-02-01.

Materials used for meristic counts only (n=7): VNMN TTVT-E 22, 180 mm SL, Do Son, Hai Phong City, Vietnam; VNMN TTVT-E 26, 180 mm SL, Do Son, Hai Phong City, Vietnam; VNMN TTVT-E28 [GenBank CO 1: ON713815], 210 mm SL, Do Son, Hai Phong City, Vietnam; VNMN TTVT-E 30, 185 mm SL, Do Son, Hai Phong City, Vietnam; VNMN TTVT-Q5 [GenBank: ON713818], 170 mm SL, Van Don, Quang Ninh, Vietnam; VNMN TTVT-ND28 [GenBank: ON713828], 210 mm SL, Nam D ịnh, Vietnam; VNMN uncatalogued, 200 mm SL, Cat Ba, Vietnam.

Diagnosis: Hind tip of maxilla exposed when mouth closed; head relatively small, flattened dorsally, head length 22–28% of SL; adipose eyelid developed anteriorly and posteriorly covering part of iris; mid-dorsal line sharply keeled; second vertebra with a pair of long, spine or antenna like neural postzygapophyse; stomach gizzardlike, with five unbranched pyloric caeca; 11–13 (mode 12) rows of transverse scales; usually 36–40 scales in lateral series; pectoral-fin generally with 17 rays; pectoral-fin length, 14–18% of SL, not reaching to level of first dorsalfin. Three supraneurals: first between second and third vertebrae, second between fourth and fifth vertebrae, and third between fifth and sixth vertebrae. First pterygiophore of spinous dorsal fin positions in between sixth and seventh vertebrae (Fig.4D, 5B).

Description: Counts and proportional measurements are shown in Table 2. Body elongate and posteriorly compressed. Mid-dorsal line anterior to first dorsal fin sharply keeled on scales; keel relatively weak in between first and second dorsal fin. Head flattened dorsally, head width sub-equal to depth. Snout slightly pointed and shorter than eye diameter.Adipose eyelid developed anteriorly and posteriorly, covering part of iris; posterior portion thick. Posterior tip of maxilla sigmoidally curved; exposed when mouth closed. Mouth terminal, with a symphysial knob at tip of lower jaw. Upper lip slightly thicker; lower lip forming a thin edge. A row of primary teeth on upper lip; lower lip toothless. Pre-orbital bone unnotched, filling space between lip and eye. Origin of first dorsal fin nearer to snout tip than base of caudal fin; origin of second dorsal fin on vertical through anterior third of anal fin. Both second dorsal fin and anal fin moderately scaled. Scales on body weakly ctenoid. Caudal fin emarginate. Total number of vertebrae 24 (11+13).

Colour when fresh (Fig.6): Head and dorsal half of body greenish dark, ventral half silvery; several faint and dusky longitudinal stripes on body. Upper section of iris orange-grey. First and second dorsal fins greyish. Caudal fin with a dark margin; caudal fin origin darkish, but pale in middle. Anal fin slightly greyish. Pelvic fin white. Pectoral fin somewhat hyaline, pectoral-fin base darker dorsally.

Size: Maximum reported standard length 30 cm (Senou et al. 1987). Largest specimen in the present study measures 26 cm SL, from northern Vietnam (Nam Dịnh).

Habitat and biology: Planiliza lauvergnii inhabits coastal and estuarine waters near river mouths, occasionally visiting upstream tidally influenced zones. It is consumed locally in many places but likely not fished in commercial quantities.

Distribution: Planiliza lauvergnii is endemic to the North-western Pacific Ocean (Senou et al. 1987). It is reported to occur from Japan (except northern Hokkaido) through to Ryukyu Islands (Sakai et al. 2001, Senou 2002, Nakae et al. 2018, Sonoyama et al. 2020), Taiwan Province of China (Liu & Shen 1991, Chang et a l. 1999), in the coast of Korean Peninsula (Kim & Kim 1998, Kim et al. 2020) and in mainland China, from Shanghai to Hainan Island (Senou et al. 1987). In the Gulf of Tonkin, it is also available up to Nam Dinh coast in northern Vietnam (Matsunuma in Kimura et al. 2018, this study).

Comparisons: Planiliza lauvergnii can be differentiated from P. carinata and P. klunzingeri by its shorter pectoral fin (14–18% of SL vs. 20–26% SL) and smaller head length (22–28% of SL vs. 26–31% of SL) (Senou et al. 1987, this study). The connecting tissue between end of maxillary and mouth corner is ‘undeveloped’ in P. lauvergnii (vs. well developed in P. caranata and P. klunzingeri; see Senou et al. 1987: Fig. 5).

Remarks: Planiliza lauvergnii was previously reported in East Asian literature as either Liza carinata or Liza affinis (Senou et al. 1987) or Chelon affinis (See synonymy).