In the main directory: The netcdf and csv files of this repository include all the results used in the publication of The Stochastic Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level System Model v1.0 (StISSM v1.0) (Verjans et al., 2022) The python scripts can be used to reproduce the figures of the publication and compute the statistics of the ensemble results. In the sub-directory simulationMISMIP: The matlab files and input files for preprocessing and run control of the MISMIP experiments are available. Files to reproduce the spin-up until the initial steady-state are in the SpinupMISMIP sub-directory. The files needed to reproduce the stochastic ensemble transient simulations, including the initial steady-state file, are in the TransientMISMIP sub-directory. The order of execution for the spin-up is (1) initSS_pc4.m (2) initSSp2_pc4.m The stochastic ensemble transient simulations can be executed without re-running the spin-up (i.e., using the finalized spin-up file myMismipInitp2pc4ID3_Dw1dt025tm19000.mat). In the sub-directory simulationIQIS: The matlab files and input files for preprocessing and run control of the IQIS experiments are available. Files to reproduce the spin-up until the initial steady-state are in the SpinupIQIS sub-directory. The files needed to reproduce the stochastic ensemble transient simulations, including the initial steady-state file, are in the TransientIQIS sub-directory. The order of execution for the spin-up is (1) spinSS_idlz_pc1.m (2) refSSAp1_pc1.m (...) refSSAp5_pc1.m (3) relMLHOensp1_pc1.m (...) relMLHOensp10_pc1.m The stochastic ensemble transient simulations can be executed without re-running the spin-up (i.e., using the finalized spin-up file myRunEnsp10pc1ccoef1_dt025tm10000.mat). In the sub-directory simulationGrIS: The matlab files and input files for preprocessing and run control of the GrIS experiment are available. Files to reproduce the spin-up until the initial steady-state are in the SpinupGrIS sub-directory. The files needed to reproduce the stochastic ensemble transient simulations, including the initial steady-state file, are in the TransientGrIS sub-directory. The order of execution for the spin-up is (1) configGrIS_v4.m (2) coarseningForSpin_v1.m (3) spinCoarseGrISp1_pc1.m (...) spinCoarseGrISp6_pc1.m (4) configRefinedGrIS_v1.m (5) refSpinGrISEnsp1_pc1.m The stochastic ensemble transient simulations can be executed without re-running the spin-up (i.e., using the finalized spin-up file myRunEnsp5pc2_ClvVals9dt7tm1048.mat). Contact: