All data are given as calculated means if several measurements were taken. NA= non available Column Explanation Unit Dataset: GPPlakeaverage Lake Lake name NA Biome Biome name NA Latitude Latitude Decimal degrees Longitude Longitude Decimal degrees Altitude Altitude of the location of the lake m a.s.l. pH Alkalinity NA Stratified "Stratification of lake; Y=Yes, N=No" NA Pelagic GPPlake-average Pelagic GPP lake average measured using bathymetry-weighted layer volumes mg Cúm-2ú day-1 Benthic GPPlakeaverage Benthic GPP lake average measured using bathymetry-weighted layer volumes mg Cúm-2ú day-1 Autotrophic structuring Benthic GPP / Pelagic GPP % total GPPlakeaverage Benthic GPP + Pelagic GPP DOC Dissolved organic carbon mgúL-1 DIC Dissolved inorganic carbon mgúL-1 CO2 Carbon Dioxide (dissolved) mgúL-2 TN Total nitrogen ægúL-1 TP Total phosphorus ægúL-1 PAR Photosynthetically active radiance, daily incoming- Wúm-ý Kd Light attenutation coefficient m-1 Twater Water temperature at 0.2m depth øC Tair Air temperature, monthly average before sampling date øC Area Lake surface area hectare zmax Maximum lake depth m zavg Average lake depth m %Alittoral relative size of the benthic habitat % Acatchment Size of the catchment area ha DR "Drainage ratio; Acatchment/Lake area" Ryearly Average yearly runoff between 1981-2010 mmúyear-1 TWI Topographic wetness index mmúyear-1 HRT Hydraulic retention time Average yearly-1ÿ water % of catchment water as landcover % wetland % of catchment wetland as landcover % open % of catchment open landcover % coniferous % of catchment coniferous forest as landcover % deciduous % of catchment deciduous forest as landcover % temporary deforested % of catchment deforested landcover % exploited % of catchment exploited landcover %