This readme file was generated on 2022-08-12 by Tabea Hildebrand GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: "Data for: Transformation of dissolved organic matter by two Indo-Pacific sponges" Corresponding Author Information Name: Tabea Hildebrand ORCID: 0000-0002-1317-1656 Institution: Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB) Email: Date of data collection: July and August 2019 Geographic location of data collection: Gab Gab in Apra Harbour, Guam, USA (13°26'45.0"N 144°38'28.0"E) Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: HIFMB, a collaboration between the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research, and the Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, initially funded by the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation through the “Niedersächsisches Vorab” grant program (grant number ZN3285) SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Links to publications that cite or use the data: Recommended citation for this dataset: Hildebrand, Tabea et al. (2022), Data for: Transformation of dissolved organic matter by two Indo-Pacific sponges, Dryad, Dataset, DATA & FILE OVERVIEW Short File List (more specific information below): - Bacterioplankton_counts.csv: cellcounts of bacterioplankton, - Bulk_measurements.csv: values of bulk measurements, like dissolved organic carbon, total dissolved nitrogen etc. - Metadata_Guam.csv: Metadata table describing the samples - relative_peak_intensities_of_MF_per_sample.txt: matrix of the relative peak intensities from every observed molecular formula per sample Relationship between files: Metadata_Guam.csv gives information on the samples for Bulk_measurements.csv and relative_peak_intensities_of_MF_per_sample.txt METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Please read Material and Methods in cited publication with title "Transformation of dissolved organic matter by two Indo-Pacific sponges" (Hildebrand et al. 2022, Limnol. Oceanogr.) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Bacterioplankton_counts.csv Number of columns: 8 Number of rows: 26 Variable List: SampleName - name of the sample Cellcount - number of counted bacterioplankton Treatment - consists out of sponge species and sample type Sponge - RG = Rhabdastrella globostellata, MS = Melophlus sarasinorum, BOTH = off reef IN_EX_OFF - Sample type: IN = inhalant, EX = exhalant, OFF = off reef Replicate - A-E, we have sampled 5 different specimen per sponge species and sample type, but they are not necessarily equivialent to the replicates numbered in the meta data table and the rest of the data, which is why we gave the replicates letters instead of numbers SamplingDate - End of August 2019 Depth - 1 to 2 meters for R. globostellata, 5 to 10 m for M. sarasinorum, 2 m for off reef water Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: RG = Rhabdastrella globostellata, MS = Melophlus sarasinorum, BOTH = off reef IN = inhalant, EX = exhalant, OFF = off reef DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Bulk_measurements.csv Number of columns: 9 Number of rows: 41 Variable List: SampleName - name of sample (see Metadata_Guam.csv for more information) DOC_MEAN - average of two technical replicates from DOC measurements in umol/l TN_MEAN - average of two technical replicates from TN measurements in umol/l ExEff_DOC - Extraction efficiency of DOC ExEff_TN - Extraction efficiency of TN NOx - NOx in umol/l DON - DOC = TN - NOx (umol/l) 14Cage - radiocarbon age (years), NA show samples, which were not measured Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DOC = dissolved organic carbon, TN = total dissolved nitrogen, DON = dissolved organic nitrogen DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Metadata_Guam.csv Number of columns: 8 Number of cases/rows: 41 Variable List: SampleName - name of the sample SpongeSpecies - species of sponge: RG = Rhabdastrella globostellata, MS = Melophlus sarasinorum IN_EX_OFF - Sample type: IN = inhalant, EX = exhalant, OFF = off reef Replicate - number of replicate; for the sponges it is based on specimen, meaning that for example RG_IN_1 fits to RG_EX_1 depth - depth (m) of sample taken samplingday - day of when sample was taken (DD/MM/YYYY) volume_cm3 - volume of the sponge specimen weather - weather conditions of the sampling time Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: RG = Rhabdastrella globostellata, MS = Melophlus sarasinorum IN = inhalant, EX = exhalant, OFF = off reef DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: relative_peak_intensities_of_MF_per_sample.txt Number of variables: 3041 Number of cases/rows: 41 Variable List: SampleName - name of the sample (see Metadata_Guam.csv for more information) column B until column DLY - molecular formulas obtained from FT-ICR-MS measurements and the use of the tool ICBM-OCEAN (Merder et al. 2020) they show the relative peak intensities of every molecular formula per sample Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: RG = Rhabdastrella globostellata, MS = Melophlus sarasinorum IN = inhalant, EX = exhalant, OFF = off reef