README This code/data set is from the paper titled "Gaps in modelling animal migration with evolutionary game theory: infection can favour the loss of migration" By: Allison K. Shaw, Martha Torstenson, Meggan E. Craft, Sandra A. Binning Published in: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2021.0506 Contact for assistance. This folder contains the following matlab code (.m) and image (.jpg) files: fig1.m: generates figure 1 from the raw literature search data (generates Fig1.jpg) fig2.m: does calculations and plots figure 2 (generates Fig2.jpg) figS1.m: does calculations and plots figure S1 (generates FigS1.jpg) figS2.m: does calculations and plots figure S2 (generates FigS2.jpg) get_ESS.m: function called to find the ESS for any set of parameters