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Published September 23, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Genes and sites under adaptation at the phylogenetic scale also exhibit adaptation at the population-genetic scale

  • 1. Université de Lausanne
  • 2. Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
  • 3. Université de Lyon, CNRS, LBBE UMR 5558, Villeurbanne, France


This Zenodo repository contains the mammalian dataset that can be used with the AdaptaPop pipeline. Scripts and instructions necessary to reproduce the empirical experiments are detailed in

The archive file must be extracted inside the folder OrthoMam. It contains the input data at the mammalian scale(alignments, trees, annotations) and the output data (fitness profiles, estimation of ω and ω0).

The archive file must be extracted inside the folder Polymorphism, it contains the output data (vcf.gz and tsv.gz) for each population. Each vcf file contains SNPs for which is was possible to infer the ancestral and derived codon.

Once both and are extracted, it is possible to run the Snakemake inside the folder Contrasts that will contrast the rate of adaptation at the phylogenetic and population scale.

The archive file contains a vcf file for every population. Each vcf file contains SNPs for which is was possible to infer the ancestral and derived codon, hence to also predict its selection coefficient based on the difference in fitness between amino-acid estimated at the mammalian scale.


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