Resolving the mesoscopic missing link: biophysical modeling of EEG from cortical columns in primates
Beatriz Herrera and Jacob Westerberg et al., 2022

Associated Data:

The dataset available here contains individual session data from two macaque monkeys which performed a color-based visual search task demanding visual attention. Linear multielectrode arrays were positioned orthogonal to the surface of the prelunate gyrus in area V4 such that activity could be recorded across all layers within a cortical column. You will find the following variables in the .mat files:

icsd - 1-100 Hz bandpass filtered ~1 kHz signal making up the primary dataset. CSD data was generated using the inverse CSD method. Variable arranged in a 3D matrix where dimensions are depth (z-position) x sample x trial. Samples are 50 ms prior to visual search array onset to 200 ms following search array onset. Trial count varies session-by-session.

icsd_z - the z-depth position matching the first dimension of the 'icsd' matrix. Note depth 0 indicates the putative top of supragranular tissue. All sessions were aligned on the bottom of the granular input sink.

time_from_array - time in ms consistent with the second dimension of 'icsd' detailing the samples' position in time relative to the onset of the visual search array.

fs - the sampling frequency of icsd.

target_position - the position of the target in the search array in degrees where 0/360 is on the horizontal meridian in the right visual hemifield. 

target_contra - trials used for analysis where the target was contralateral to the recording electrode and in the receptive field of the recorded column.

target_ipsi - trials used for analysis where the target was ipsilateral to the recording electrode and opposite the receptive field of the recorded column.