# Data from: Paternal hatching care regulates the timing, synchrony, and success of hatching in a coral reef fish ## J.E. Majoris, F.A. Francisco, C.M. Burns, S.J. Brandl, K.M. Warkentin, P.M. Buston Corresponding Author: Name: John E. Majoris Institution: University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute Address: 750 Channel View Drive, Port Aransas Texas Email: john.majoris@austin.utexas.ed # Metadata: ### All statistical analyses and code were produced in R v. 4.1.0. ### "Figure2_PaternalHatching" # Folder contains data and code for plotting the age and duration of embryos that were paternally induced to hatch. - Folder contains: "Figure2_PaternallyCuedHatching_Archive.R", "PaternalHatching.csv", "photoperiod.csv" ## "PaternalHatching.csv" - File contains the age and hatching duration of paternally induced clutches of embryos. * Parent ID (column: 'PairID') * Time of day when clutch was first observed (column: 'Time_observed') * Time of day when clutch started hatching (column: 'Hatching_time_start') * Time of day when clutch stopped hatching (column: 'Hatching_time_stop') * Age when clutch started hatching in hours post-fertilization (column: 'Hatch_age_min') * Age when clutch stopped hatching in hours post-fertilization (column: 'Hatch_age_max') * Duration of hatching in hours (units: Hours ;column: 'Hatch_duration') * Percent of embryos that hatched (column: 'Percent_hatched') * Sorting variable for visualization (column: 'ID') ## "photoperiod.csv" - File contains the laboratory lighting conditions. * Time of day (1-24) (column: 'Time') * Light conditions (0 - off, 1 - on) (column: 'Light') * Time of day when clutch was first observed (column: 'Time_observed') * Embryo age in hours post-fertilization (column: 'AgeHPF') * Embryo age in days post-fertilization (column: 'AgeDPF') ### "Figure3_AgeDurationSuccess" # Folder contains data and code for plotting and statistical analyses assesses the variation in hatching age, duration, and success among treatment groups and times observed. - Folder contains: "Figure3_AgeDurationSuccess.R", "age.csv", "duration.csv", "success.csv", "MeanProportionHatched.csv" ## "age.csv" - File contains the age of each larva that hatched from a clutch * Experimental treatment (MIH- mechanically-induced hatching, NIH - Non-induced hatching, PCH - Paternally-cued hatching) (column: 'Treatment') * Parent ID (column: 'PairID') * Time of day when clutch was first observed (column: 'Time_observed') * Proportion of the embryos in a clutch that hatched (column: 'Hatching_success') * Embryo age in hours post-fertilization (column: 'Age') ## "duration.csv" - File contains the duration over which a clutch hatched * Experimental treatment (MIH- mechanically-induced hatching, NIH - Non-induced hatching, PCH - Paternally-cued hatching) (column: 'Treatment') * Parent ID (column: 'PairID') * Time of day when clutch was first observed (column: 'Time_observed') * Age in hours post-fertilization when embryos in a clutch began hatching (column: 'min') * Age in hours post-fertilization when embryos in a clutch stopped hatching (column: 'max') * Duration in hours over which embryos in a clutch hatched (column: 'duration') ## "hsuccess.csv" - File contains the proportion of a clutch that hatched successfully * Experimental treatment (MIH- mechanically-induced hatching, NIH - Non-induced hatching, PCH - Paternally-cued hatching) (column: 'Treatment') * Parent ID (column: 'PairID') * Time of day when clutch was first observed (column: 'Time_observed') * Proportion of the embryos in a clutch that hatched (column: 'Hatching_success') * Mean hatching age of embryos in a clutch in hours post-fertilization (column: 'mean_Age') * Standard deviation of hatching age (column: 'sd_Age') * Minimum hatching age of embryos in a clutch in hours post-fertilization (column: 'min_Age') * Maximum hatching age of embryos in a clutch in hours post-fertilization (column: 'max_Age') ## "MeanProportionHatched.csv" - File contains the proportion of embryos that hatched at each 8 hr observation interval by experimental treatment and time observed * Experimental treatment (MIH- mechanically-induced hatching, NIH - Non-induced hatching, PCH - Paternally-cued hatching) (column: 'Treatment') * Time of day when clutch was first observed (column: 'Time_observed') * Age of embryos in hours post-fertilization (column: 'Age') * Mean number of embryo that hatched in each observation interval (column: 'mean_n') * Mean proportion of embryo that hatched in each observation interval (column: 'mean_prop_total') ### "Figure4_HatchlingMorphology" # Folder contains data and code for plotting and statistical analyses assesses the variation in hatchling morphology among treatment groups and times observed. - Folder contains: "Figure4_HatchlingMorphology.R", "morphology.csv", "EC_Larvae_FINAL.jpg" ## "morphology.csv" - File contains the morphological traits of larvae from each clutch * Parent ID (column: 'PairID') * Experimental treatment (MIH- mechanically-induced hatching, NIH - Non-induced hatching, PCH - Paternally-cued hatching) (column: 'Treatment') * Time of day when clutch was first observed (column: 'Time_observed') * Age of embryos in hours post-fertilization (column: 'Age') * Total length in millimeters (column: 'TL') * Propulsive area in square millimeters (column: 'PA') * Eye diameter in millimeters (column: 'ED') * Yolk sac area in square millimeters (column: 'YA')