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Published September 13, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Characterization of high harmonic frequencies in reactor noise experiments within the CORTEX project

  • 1. EPFL


We present a novel technique of neutron noise detec- tion and experimental data interpretation developed during the EU H2020 project CORTEX aiming to improve the capabilities for identification and localization of neutron noise sources. The experimental data analysis is performed in the frequency domain by extracting the spectral power density and the phase angle using a novel spectral variance reduction technique based on per cycle based bootstrapping with replacement. This tech- nique allows for variance reduction of measured spectral power and phase angle not only at base frequency but at higher harmonic frequency contributions as well. This allows for a more representative treatment of experimental data and validation of codes for neutron noise propagation, some of which have been developed within the project.



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CORTEX – Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration 754316
European Commission