This repository contains LaMEM source code and input files for the models presented in Kumar, A., Cacace, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Götze, H.-J., & Kaus, B. J. P. (2022). Present-day upper-mantle architecture of the Alps: Insights from data-driven dynamic modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099476. https://doi.

1. LaMEM source code ( instructions to install it can be found at Note that this version of the code uses PETSc 3.9.4, ideally installed with the external packages SUPERLU_DIST, MUMPS and PASTIX. Please see the file.

2. markers distribution for the input models in the folder GRL_models_markers:
	./GRL_models_markers/markers_mean     : marker distribution for mean model
	./GRL_models_markers/markers_mean+std : marker distribution for mean+std model
	./GRL_models_markers/markers_mean-std : marker distribution for mean-std model
	./GRL_models_markers/markers_CSEM     : marker distribution for CSEM tomography model
	./GRL_models_markers/markers_SL2013   : marker distribution for SL2013 tomography model
	./GRL_models_markers/markers_EU60     : marker distribution for EU60 tomography model
	./GRL_models_markers/markers_MeRe2020 : marker distribution for MeRe2020 tomography model
3. LaMEM input file: alps_lith_slabs_400km_HR_reg.dat

To run LaMEM simulation use following:
mpiexec -np 16 ~/your/path/to/lamem/bin/opt/LaMEM -ParamFile alps_lith_slabs_400km_HR_reg.dat

The default input model is the mean. In order to run different model please change the markers distribution in the alps_lith_slabs_400km_HR_reg.dat in the following part of the input file and rename the output file name.

# Model setup & advection
	msetup 		   =  files            
	mark_load_file = ./GRL_models_markers/markers_mean/mdb     # marker input file (extension is .xxxxxxxx.dat)

# Output
# Grid output options (output is always active)

	out_file_name       = alps_reg_mean_HR    # output file name

4. Post-processing of the output is done in Paraview and ploting using GMT5.