Published September 8, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

ODISSEI FAIR @Open Science Festival

  • 1. ODISSEI


At the Open Science Festival 2022, ODISSEI's CTO Lucas van der Meer presented his vision on FAIR to answer the big scientific question of these times, such as fighting polarisation.How does one find or link datasets? Turn a thousand datasets into a network of the Netherlands? Link the constructs and measurements of survey questions to one another? Determine access conditions for sensitive datasets? Stimulate machine-readability of code?The answer: a FAIR, automated, scalable infrastructure. FAIR doesn't just apply to data, but also to metadata, measurements, researcher properties, dataset licenses, and code.


ODISSEI is the Dutch national infrastructure for the social sciences


2022-09-01 ODISSEI FAIR @Open Scieince Festival.pdf

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