This readme file was generated on 2022-08-02 by VJ VITZTHUM GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Bolivian Adolescent Growth at High Altitude Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Virginia J. Vitzthum ORCID:0000-0002-6765-4557 Institution: Indiana University Address: Bloomington, Indiana, USA Email:, Author/Associate or Co-investigator Information Name: Thomas McDade ORCID:0000-0001-6096-8265 Institution: Northwestern University Address: Evanston, Illinois, USA Email: Author/Associate or Co-investigator Information Name: Jonathan Thornburg ORCID:0000-0001-6096-8265 Institution: Indiana University Address: Bloomongton, Indiana, USA Email: Date of data collection: 2003 Geographic location of data collection: El Alto, Bolivia Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Science Foundation, United States SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Links to publications that cite or use the data: "Socioeconomic impacts on Andean adolescents’ growth: variation between households, between communities, and over time." Evolutionary Medicine & Public Health, volume TBD, pp. TBD. (Authors: ME Burris, E Caceres, EM Chester, KA Hicks, TW McDade, L Sikkink, H Spielvogel, J Thornburg, VJ Vitzthum). Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: NONE Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: NONE Was data derived from another source? NO If yes, list source(s): NA Recommended citation for this dataset: "Vitzthum,VJ. 2022. Data used in 'ME Burris, E Caceres, EM Chester, KA Hicks, TW McDade, L Sikkink, H Spielvogel, J Thornburg, VJ Vitzthum. 2022. Socioeconomic impacts on Andean adolescents’ growth: variation between households, between communities, and over time. Evolutionary Medicine & Public Health, volume TBD, pp. TBD). DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: Deidentified_Archive_Bolivia_Adolescent_Growth.cvs Relationship between files, if important: NA Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: Other anthropmetrics, age, and parental occupations were excluded from this data set to preserve partcipant anonymity; sample summary statistics for the data below and the excluded variables are given in the publication by Burris et al. 2022 noted above. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? NO If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA Why was the file updated? NA When was the file updated? NA METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: See Burris et al. 2022. Methods for processing the data: See Burris et al. 2022. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: NA Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA Environmental/experimental conditions: NA Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: VJ Vitzthum, J Thornburg DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Deidentifed_Archive_Bolivia_Adolescent_Growth.cvs Number of variables: 10 Number of cases/rows: 101 cases (plus 1 header row) Variable List: Column 1: ID; 5-digit unique random identification number for each study participant. Column 2: SEX12; categorical variable; 1=female, 2=male. Column 3: HH_Income_Index; household income index; ordinal (ranked) categorical variable; 1=lowest income, 98=highest income (all ties were assigned the average rank); 3 missing cases. Column 4: Income_DAD_CAT: paternal income category; ordinal categorical variable; 0-2=lower, 3-4=middle, 5-6=higher. Column 5: Income_MOM_CAT: maternal income category; ordinal categorical variable; 0-2=lower, 3-4=middle, 5-6=higher. Column 6: Language_DAD: 1=primarily speaks Aymara or Quechua, 2=speaks Spanish equally or preferentially to Aymara/Quechua. Column 7: Language_MOM: 1=primarily speaks Aymara or Quechua, 2=speaks Spanish equally or preferentially to Aymara/Quechua. Column 8: Ht_z_WHO: WHO z-score for height for age. Column 9: Wt_z_WHO: WHO z-score for weight for age. Column 10: Arm_z_Ancor: z-score for arm circumference standardaized to Ancoraimes sample (see Burris et al 2002 for further information). Missing data codes: "empty" (no data available) Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA