We provide the stata files that allow to reproduce the results presented in the paper "Crop Prices and Deforestation in the Tropics" by Nicolas Berman, Mathieu Couttenier, Antoine Leblois and Raphaƫl Soubeyran. The replication folder contains different files: 1- *.dta file: database 2- *.do file: do-file containing the codes to replicate the results (figures and tables) 3- * Ancillary data: .csv file: data needed to produce a map of the initial forest cover (in 2000). .dta files to run sensitivity analysis Simply change the path to files (on line 25 of the replication_code.do file) to re-run the analysis: ** Change pathway to load and save the data global dir ".../Replication_files_BCLS_2022" Stata 17 was used for this work.