Rhabdophrya populiformis (Gassovsky, 1916)

(Fig. 4 F)

= Dendrosomides populiformis Gassovsky, 1916

Diagnosis: Aloricate suctorian ciliate with elongated, converged to the top, very slightly laterally flattened, stalked cell body. Few in number, rod-like tentacles arranged in groups along the lateral edge of body. Stalk short, provided with epicone. Macronucleus long, ribbon-like. Reproduction by vermigemmic budding.

Measurements (in µm, after Kahl 1934): Body length 220–247, stalk length 55–90.

Type locality: Kola Bay of the Barents Sea (Gassovsky 1916).

Type hosts: Halecium sp.

Other hosts and localities: This was also reported on Idotea sp., Cabere aellisii (Fleming, 1814) from Kola Bay of the Barents Sea (Gassovsky 1916); on bryozoans and algae from the Barents Sea near Murmansk (Jankowski 2007; Chatterjeee & Dovgal 2020).