Rhabdophrya truncata (Dons, 1915)

(Fig. 4 E)

= Dendrosomides truncatus Dons, 1915

Diagnosis: Aloricate suctorian ciliate with elongated, converged to the top, very slightly laterally flattened, stalked cell body. Numerous, rod-like tentacles are arranged in several groups along the lateral edge of body. Stalk without widenings or epicone, its length does not exceed half the length of the body. Macronucleus long, ribbon-like. Reproduction by vermigemmic budding.

Measurements (in µm, after Kahl 1934): Body length 250, body width 28.

Type locality: The Norwegian Sea near Tromsø, Norway (Dons 1915).

Type hosts: Brown and red algae and hydroids.

Other hosts and localities: The species reported as epibionts on calanoid copepods Candacia columbiae Campbell, 1929 and Paraeuchaeta elongata (Esterly, 1913) in the North Pacific Ocean (Endo et al. 2020).