This document provides a description of the data used in the article: Pillay R., Watson, J.E.M., Hansen A.J., Jantz, P.A., Aragon-Osejo J., Armenteras, D., Atkinson, S.C., Burns, P., Ervin, J., Goetz, S.J., González-del-Pliego P., Robinson, N.P., Supples, C., Virnig, A.L.S., Williams, B.A. and Venter O. 2022. Humid tropical vertebrates are at lower risk of extinction and population decline in forests with higher structural integrity. Nature Ecology and Evolution. Corresponding author: R. Pillay ( The data are provided in four Excel workbooks titled "HTF_Mammals.xlsx", "HTF_Birds.xlsx", "HTF_Reptiles.xlsx", "HTF_Amphibians.xlsx", where HTF stands for Humid Tropical Forest. All four workbooks have one worksheet each, that each contain 267 columns of data. The worksheets have the same name as the respective workbook. All workbooks are formatted in an identical manner. A description of the 267 columns of data in the "HTF_Mammals.xlsx" workbook is provided below. "HTF_Birds.xlsx", "HTF_Reptiles.xlsx", and "HTF_Amphibians.xlsx" workbooks can be interpreted identically to "HTF_Mammals.xlsx". Species_IUCN: Scientific name of species as obtained from the IUCN Red List. Species_MammalTree: Scientific name of species as obtained from the mammalian phylogenetic tree. Species names in the IUCN Red List that are not in the respective phylogenetic trees are marked as "NA" and are removed from analyses. Class/Order/Family (columns C-E): Class, Order, and Family each species belongs to. Red_List_Category: IUCN Red List Category for each species. Red_List_Category2: IUCN Red List Category for each species, where Vulnerable, Endangered, and Critically Endangered are pooled as Threatened, and Near Threatened and Least Concern are pooled as Not Threatened. Red_List_Criteria: IUCN data that designates species as threatened due to reasons such as decline in habitat extent (Criterion A), etc. Used in analyses testing for potential circularity. Criterion_B: If a species is specifically listed in Criterion B, it is coded as Y, otherwise N. Criterion_AB: If a species is specifically listed in either Criterion A or Criterion B, it is coded as Y, otherwise N. Population_Trend: IUCN Population Trend for each species. Population_Trend2: IUCN Population Trend for each species, where Stable and Increasing are pooled as Stable or Increasing (i.e., not decreasing). Realm: The biogeographic realm a species is reported to occur in. Realm2: Pooled biogeographic realms - Australasia and Oceania are pooled, Indomalayan and Palearctic are pooled. Occurs_In_>1_Realm: If a species humid tropical range overlaps more than one realm, then Yes, otherwise No. 1_Tropical_Forest...16_IntroducedVeg (columns P-AD): Major habitats where each species is found, as obtained from the IUCN Red List. If a species is found in any of these habitat types, it is coded as 1, otherwise 0. HTF_Dependency: Dependency of species on humid tropical forests. If 80-100% of the global range of a species overlaps the tropical rainforest biome and it occurs only in tropical forest habitat types, it is coded as Exclusive (in the paper, this is referred to as tropical rainforest obligate). If the global range of a species overlaps the humid tropical biome and it occurs tropical forest as well as any other habitat type, it is coded as Optional (in the paper, this is referred to as tropical rainforest associated). HTF_Range_Area_Km2: The area of the species global range that overlaps the humid tropical forest biome (in square kilometers) obtained from IUCN range map polygon data. FSCI_01...FSCI_18 (columns AG-AX): Area (in square kilometers) under each of 18 forest structural condition index (SCI) categories, sums to approximately the same value as previous HTF_Range_Area_Km2 column but not exact because SCI and FSII raster pixels do not precisely overlap boundaries of species ranges. FSII_01...FSII_18 (columns AY-BQ): Area (in square kilometers) under each of 19 forest structural integrity index (FSII) categories. TotalHTF_FSCI: Sum of columns AG-AX (i.e., all SCI 1-18 values) - approximate area of humid tropical species range as obtained with forest quality raster data. ForestedFSCI: Sum of columns AH-AX (i.e., FSCI 2-18 values) - approximate area of humid tropical species range that is forested. Lowest SCI value of 1 is highly degraded and considered non-forest. Rel_Diff_Forest_NonForest: The relative difference between area of forest and non-forest within the humid tropical range of species. Calculated as: forested area - non-forested area/approximate area of humid tropical species range (i.e., column BS - column AG/column BR). The variable now ranges from -1 to +1 and all other relative difference variables (the predictor variables in this study) are similarly recalculated to this consistent scale. L_FSCI: Sum of columns AH-AK - area (in square kilometers) under low forest structural condition SCI 2-5 values. Lowest SCI value of 1 is considered non-forest and is removed from this category to ensure analysis deals with the structure of stands that meet the criteria of being forest and is not confounded with recent forest loss. M_FSCI: Sum of columns AL-AS - area (in square kilometers) under moderate forest structural condition SCI 6-13 values. H_FSCI: Sum of columns AT-AX - area (in square kilometers) under high forest structural condition SCI 14-18 values. Rel_Diff_H_L_FSCI: The relative difference between the area of high and low SCI forest within the humid tropical range of species. Calculated as: high SCI area - low SCI area/area of humid tropical forest cover (i.e., column BW - column BU/sum of columns BU, BV, and BW). The variable now ranges from -1 to +1 and all other relative difference variables (the predictor variables in this study) are similarly recalculated to this consistent scale. L_FSII: Sum of columns AZ-BD - area (in square kilometers) under low forest structural integrity FSII 1-5 values. Lowest FSII value of 0 is considered non-forest and is removed from this category to ensure analysis deals with the structure of stands that meet the criteria of being forest and is not confounded with recent forest loss. M_FSII: Sum of columns BE-BL - area (in square kilometers) under moderate forest structural integrity FSII 6-13 values. H_FSII: Sum of columns BM-BQ - area (in square kilometers) under high forest structural integrity FSII 14-18 values. Rel_Diff_H_L_FSII: The relative difference between the area of high and low FSII forest within the humid tropical range of species. Calculated as: high FSII area - low FSII area/area of humid tropical forest cover (i.e., column CA - column BY/sum of columns BY, BZ, and CA). The variable now ranges from -1 to +1 and all other relative difference variables (the predictor variables in this study) are similarly recalculated to this consistent scale. TotalHTF_FSCI_AllRealms...ForestedFSCI_AllRealms (columns CC-CD): For species that occur in more than one realm, the values in these columns are a sum of the area across all realms. For example, the leopard Panthera pardus has a humid tropical forest area of 1215159 km2 in the Afrotropic realm and 252036 km2 in the Indomalayan realm for a total of 1467195 km2. This summation of data across realms is necessary because each row of data represents one species and cannot be repeated in order to run the phylogenetic logistic regression analyses used in the paper. NonForestedFSCI_AllRealms (column CE): Calculated as total humid tropical area across for a species across all realms - Forested area (i.e., column CC-CD). Rel_Diff_Forest_NonForest_AllRealms: The relative difference between area of forest and non-forest within the humid tropical range of a species across all the realms it occurs in. Calculated as: forested area - nonforested area/approximate area of humid tropical species range (i.e., column CD - column CE/column CC). L_FSCI_AllRealms...H_FSCI_AllRealms (columns CG-CI): For species that occur in more than one realm, the values in these columns are a sum of the low, moderate, and high SCI area across all realms. Rel_Diff_H_L_FSCI_AllRealms: The relative difference between the area of high and low SCI forest within the humid tropical range of a species across all the realms it occurs in. Calculated as: high SCI area - low SCI area/area of humid tropical forest cover (i.e., column CI - column CG/sum of columns CG, CH, and CI). The variable now ranges from -1 to +1 and all other relative difference variables (the predictor variables in this study) are similarly recalculated to this consistent scale. Rel_Diff_HM_L_FSCI_AllRealms: The relative difference between the area of high + moderate (pooled) and low SCI forest within the humid tropical range of a species across all the realms it occurs in. Calculated as: high + moderate SCI area - low SCI area/area of humid tropical forest cover (i.e., column CH + CI - column CG/sum of columns CG, CH, and CI). The variable now ranges from -1 to +1 and all other relative difference variables (the predictor variables in this study) are similarly recalculated to this consistent scale. L_FSII_AllRealms...H_FSII_AllRealms (columns CL-CN): For species that occur in more than one realm, the values in these columns are a sum of the low, moderate, and high FSII area across all realms. Rel_Diff_H_L_FSII_AllRealms: The relative difference between the area of high and low FSII forest within the humid tropical range of a species across all the realms it occurs in. Calculated as: high FSII area - low FSII area/area of humid tropical forest cover (i.e., column CN - column CL/sum of columns CL, CM, and CN). The variable now ranges from -1 to +1 and all other relative difference variables (the predictor variables in this study) are similarly recalculated to this consistent scale. Rel_Diff_HM_L_FSII_AllRealms: The relative difference between the area of high + moderate (pooled) and low FSII forest within the humid tropical range of a species across all the realms it occurs in. Calculated as: high + moderate FSII area - low FSII area/area of humid tropical forest cover (i.e., column CM + CN - column CL/sum of columns CL, CM, and CN). The variable now ranges from -1 to +1 and all other relative difference variables (the predictor variables in this study) are similarly recalculated to this consistent scale. FC_00_NoLoss: Area of forest pixels not lost between 2012-2018. FC_01_Loss: Area of humid tropical forest pixels identified as lost between 2012-2018 for each species across all realms it occurs in. These pixels were initially classified as forest based on canopy cover and height thresholds > 25% and > 5 m respectively. Proportion_Loss: Proportion of humid tropical forest area lost between 2012-2018 for each species across all realms it occurs in. Calculated as column CR/column CQ+CR. FSCI_C_00: Area of humid tropical forest pixels that have not changed in structural condition between 2012-2018. FSCI_C_-01...FSCI_C_-17: Area of humid tropical forest pixels that have changed in structural condition between 2012-2018. For example, an SCI 2018 value of 1, and a change of -14 means the SCI 2012 value was 15. So between 2012-2018 there was a degradation of structural condition. The baseline year is 2012. Proportion_FSCI_C_AllRealms: Proportion of humid tropical forest area showing change in structural condition between 2012-2018 for each species across all realms it occurs in. Calculated as: area of pixels showing change/area of pixels showing no change + area of pixels showing change (i.e., sum of columns CU...DK/sum of columns CT...DK). FSCI_H_01...FSCI_H_18 (columns DM-ED): Area (in square kilometers) under each of 18 forest structural condition index (SCI) categories using an SCI dataset simulated to have a -20% error in canopy cover and height. This simulated error increased the number of pixels classified as high SCI. TotalHTF_FSCI_H_AllRealms...Rel_Diff_Forest_NonForest_H_AllRealms (columns EE-EH): Calculated and interpreted in an identical manner as columns CC-CF (see above) but for the SCI dataset simulated to have a -20% error in canopy cover and height. L_FSCI_H_AllRealms...Rel_Diff_H_L_FSCI_H_AllRealms (columns EI-EL): Calculated and interpreted in an identical manner as columns CG-CJ (see above) but for the SCI dataset simulated to have a -20% error in canopy cover and height. FSCI_L_01...FSCI_L_18 (columns EM-FD): Area (in square kilometers) under each of 18 forest structural condition index (SCI) categories using an SCI dataset simulated to have a +20% error in canopy cover and height. This simulated error decreased the number of pixels classified as high SCI. TotalHTF_FSCI_L_AllRealms...Rel_Diff_Forest_NonForest_L_AllRealms (columns FE-FH): Calculated and interpreted in an identical manner as columns CC-CF (see above) but for the SCI dataset simulated to have a +20% error in canopy cover and height. L_FSCI_L_AllRealms...Rel_Diff_H_L_FSCI_L_AllRealms (columns FI-FL): Calculated and interpreted in an identical manner as columns CG-CJ (see above) but for the SCI dataset simulated to have a +20% error in canopy cover and height. FSII_H_01...FSII_H_18 (columns FM-GD): Area (in square kilometers) under each of 18 forest structural integrity index (FSII) categories using the SCI dataset simulated to have a -20% error in canopy cover and height and overlaid with the HFP. L_FSII_H_AllRealms...Rel_Diff_H_L_FSII_H_AllRealms (columns GE-GH): Calculated and interpreted in an identical manner as columns CL-CO (see above) but for the FSII dataset simulated to have a -20% error in canopy cover and height. FSII_L_01...FSII_L_18 (columns GI-GZ): Area (in square kilometers) under each of 18 forest structural integrity index (FSII) categories using the SCI dataset simulated to have a +20% error in canopy cover and height and overlaid with the HFP. L_FSII_L_AllRealms...Rel_Diff_H_L_FSII_L_AllRealms (columns HA-HD): Calculated and interpreted in an identical manner as columns CL-CO (see above) but for the FSII dataset simulated to have a +20% error in canopy cover and height. HFP_00...HFP_50 (columns HE-JC): Area (in square kilometers) under each of 51 human footprint index (HFP) categories within the humid tropical range of each species across all realms it occurs in. L_HFP_AllRealms: Sum of columns HE-HH - area (in square kilometers) under low human pressure HFP 0-3 values. M_HFP_AllRealms: Sum of columns HI-HT - area (in square kilometers) under moderate human pressure HFP 4-15 values. H_HFP_AllRealms: Sum of columns HU-JC - area (in square kilometers) under high human pressure HFP 16-50 values. Rel_Diff_H_L_HFP_AllRealms: The relative difference between the area of high and low HFP within the humid tropical range of a species across all the realms it occurs in. Calculated as: high HFP area - low HFP area/area of humid tropical range (i.e., column JF - column JD/sum of columns JD, JE, and JF). The variable now ranges from -1 to +1 and all other relative difference variables (the predictor variables in this study) are similarly recalculated to this consistent scale.