########################################################################################## Data for: Local adaptation of seed and seedling traits along a natural aridity gradient may both predict and constrain adaptive responses to climate change American Journal of Botany Kyle Christie, Natalie R. Pierson, David B. Lowry, Liza M. Holeski Corresponding author – Kyle Christie (kyle.christie@nau.edu; kylechristie1@gmail.com) ########################################################################################## This dataset includes 10 .csv and 3 .Rdata input files, and 8 .R scripts used for data analysis and figure generation. The .R files correspond to six figures (Fig. 1 - Fig. 6), and one supplementary figure (Fig. S1), and include a single file that is sourced in one of the data visualization scripts (multiplot.R). The included analysis files (.R) rely on the associated input data (.csv and .Rdata files). Input data include: germination_data.csv mortality_data.csv Plantago_climate_data_simple.csv Plantago_collection_locations.csv Plantago_seed_weights_and_growth_rates.csv Plantago_WorldClim_climate_data.csv PRISM_precip_1967_2017.csv S1_Plantago_seed_weights.csv seed_size_data.csv SLA_data.csv Colorado_Plateau_shape.Rdata FourCorners_shape.Rdata Ppat_records_GBIF_and_SEINET_Colorado_Plateau.Rdata Analysis scripts include: Figure1_plot_locations_and_climate_PCA.R Figure2_traits_and_aridity.R Figure3_seed_size_variation.R Figure4_growth_rate.R Figure5_mortality_analysis_Coxme_models.R Figure6_mortality_analysis_SEM.R FigureS1_assess_seed_area_seed_mass_correlation.R Associated .R scripts include multiplot.R (used to create multi-panel ggplots) ########################################################################################## Description of METADATA (columns in input .csv files): germination_data.csv Envelope_ID: identifier of individual maternal line or maternal family Population: identifies populations of Plantago patagonica used in experiments grandmaternal_line: maternal line from which offspring (maternal line) was generated tray: refers to greenhouse germination tray row: row of germination tray column: column of germination tray date_planted: the date the seed was planted Jdate_planted: Julian date the seed was planted date_germ: the date the seed germinated Jdate_germ: Julian date the seed germinated Jdate_bud: Julian date the plant budded date_dead: the date the plant died Jdate_dead: Julian date the plant died plant_height_mm_on_06_29: plant height (mm) on 6/29/2021 leaf_area_mm_squared: leaf area (measured in individuals >5mm tall on 6/29/2021) leaf_weight_mg: dried leaf weight moisture_volts_07_06: soil moisture reading (in volts) on 07/06/2021 Remove: (Keep/Remove) character string describing whether to omit row due to logistical/experimental error planting_notes: additional notes mortality_data.csv *** columns as germination_data.csv *** Plantago_climate_data_simple.csv Population: identifies populations of Plantago patagonica used in experiments Lat: latitude in decimal degrees Lon: longitude in decimal degrees AI: refers to "Aridity Index"; Thornthwaite aridity index (Thornthwaite 1948) representing the degree of water deficit below water need, extracted from the ENVIREM (Environmental Rasters for Ecological Modeling) database (Title and Bemmels 2018). MI: refers to a climate "Moisture Index" "(Willmott and Feddema 1992; Vörösmarty et al. 2005) extracted from the ENVIREM (Environmental Rasters for Ecological Modeling) database (Title and Bemmels 2018). Plantago_collection_locations.csv Population: identifies populations of Plantago patagonica used in experiments Lat: latitude in decimal degrees Lon: longitude in decimal degrees Plantago_seed_weights_and_growth_rates.csv Population: identifies populations of Plantago patagonica used in experiments Plate: refers to germination tray Row: row in germination tray Column: column in germination tray Maternal_line: identifier of individual maternal line or maternal family seed_weight_mg: seed weight (mg) area_mm2: seed area (mm^2) as determined from ImageJ particle analysis Jdate_planted: Julian date seed was planted date_germ: date seed germinated Jdate_germ: Julian date seed germinated Planting_notes: notes Height_July_14_mm: plant height (mm) on 07/14/2021 n_leaves_July_14: number of leaves on 07/14/2021 Plantago_WorldClim_climate_data.csv *** BioClim climatic variations from WorldClim climate database *** *** first 12 rows pertain to focal populations (see Plantago_collection_locations.csv) *** remaining rows pertain to georeferenced herbarium records from GBIF and SEINET bio1_12 - bio19_12: columns refer to bio1 - bio19 climate variables https://www.worldclim.org/data/bioclim.html PRISM_precip_1967_2017.csv *** climate data from PRISM climate database from 1967-2017 Population: identifies populations of Plantago patagonica used in experiments Year: year MAP_inches: mean annual precipitation in inches MAP_mm: mean annual precipitation in millimeters S1_Plantago_seed_weights.csv Plate: refers to germination tray Population: identifies populations of Plantago patagonica used in experiments Row: row in germination tray Column: column in germination tray Maternal_line: identifier of individual maternal line or maternal family seed_weight_mg: seed weight (mg) area: seed area (mm^2) as determined from ImageJ particle analysis seed_size_data.csv *** seed areas resulting from ImageJ particle analysis; rows represent individual seeds maternal_line: a field indicating population (underscore) maternal line seed_area: seed area in mm^2 generation: descendant/ancestor. only descendants used in this analysis. full_population: name of population (underscore) generation population: identifies populations of Plantago patagonica used in experiments SLA_data.csv *** columns as germination_data.csv *** Colorado_Plateau_shape.Rdata *** shapefile of the Colorado Plateau physiographic region *** FourCorners_shape.Rdata *** shapefile of the Four Corners (AZ, UT, CO, NM) states Ppat_records_GBIF_and_SEINET_Colorado_Plateau.Rdata *** SpatialPoints object of georeferenced Plantago patagonica records from GBIF and SEINET (downloaded January 2021) ##########################################################################################