"id","doi_locator","author_s","publication_year","title","journal","keywords","countries_of_authors","CPB_paper","any_conservation_affiliations","conservation_affiliation","type_of_article","research_location_country","focal_issue_broadly","habitat_type_of_study_organisms","taxonomic_level_of_focus","taxonomic_group_broadly","class_level_taxonomy","near_or_deep","maximum_age","temporal_resolution","spatial_scale_of_study","type_of_data_key_to_results","contains_definition","what_cpb_defintion","reference_for_definition_sep_by","notes","x" 95,"10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.09.010","Hsieh S., Plotnick R.E.",2020,"The representation of animal behaviour in the fossil record","Animal Behaviour","amber; burial; functional morphology; ichnofossil; ichnology; palaeontology; phylogenetic; taphonomy; trace fossil","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","Global","Animal behaviour",NA,"Kingdom",NA,NA,"Deep-time record (older than two million years)","Cambrian","1000000 of years (millions)","Global","Trait","Yes","...and conservation palaeobiology, where palaeontological methods and perspectives in deep time inform modern conservation efforts","G.P. Dietl, K.W. Flessa, Conservation paleobiology: Putting the dead to work, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 26 (1) (2011), pp. 30-37;G.P. Dietl, S.M. Kidwell, M. Brenner, D.A. Burney, K.W. Flessa, S.T. Jackson, et al., Conservation paleobiology: Leveraging knowledge of the past to inform conservation and restoration, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 43 (2015), pp. 79-103","","" 329,"10.1016/j.ancene.2016.10.002","Savarese M., Walker K.J., Stingu S., Marquardt W.H., Thompson V.",2016,"The effects of shellfish harvesting by aboriginal inhabitants of Southwest Florida (USA) on productivity of the eastern oyster: Implications for estuarine management and restoration","Anthropocene","Conservation paleobiology; Conservation archaeobiology; Calusa archaeology; Crassostrea virginica; Estuarine ecology; Oyster reef restoration","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Overexploitation","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia",NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Trait; Geochronology","Yes","the value of using geohistorical data, those that predate written language and depend upon paleoecological and archaeo- logical databases, for addressing modern problems of environmental management and conservation","Dietl, G.P., Flessa, K.W., 2011. Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol. Evol. 26, 30–37; Conservation Paleobiology Workshop, 2012. Conservation paleobiology: opportunities for the earth sciences, 2011. Report to the Division of Earth Sciences, National Science Foundation, Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York, pp. 32; Rick, T.C., Lockwood, R., 2013. Integrating paleobiology, archeology, and history to inform biological conservation. Conserv. Biol. 27, 45–54","","" 570,"10.1016/j.ancene.2021.100304","Hong, YY; Yasuhara, M; Iwatani, H; Chao, AN; Harnik, PG; Wei, CL",2021,"Ecosystem turnover in an urbanized subtropical seascape driven by climate and pollution","Anthropocene","Conservation paleobiology; river discharge; East Asian Summer Monsoon; pollution; urban environment; Ostracoda","China; Japan; Taiwan; USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","China","Pollution;Climate change","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Ostracoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last century","10s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Absence/presence","Yes","The emerging field of conservation paleobiology mitigates this problem by using data derived from subfossil and present-day assemblages to investigate changes in species, communities, and ecosystems over decadal to millennial time scales","Dietl, G.P., Kidwell, S.M., Brenner, M., Burney, D.A., Flessa, K.W., Jackson, S.T., Koch, P. L., 2015. Conservation paleobiology: leveraging knowledge of the past to inform conservation and restoration. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 43, 79–103.","","" 303,"10.1002/aqc.2698","Helama S., Valovirta I., Nielsen J.K.",2017,"Growth characteristics of the endangered thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) near the northern limit of its natural range","Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems","benthos; biogeography; endangered species; invertebrates; river; stream","Finland; Norway","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Finland","Adaptation (human or other organisms)","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,"Years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 259,"10.1071/AM17035","Liddle N.R., McDowell M.C., Prideaux G.J.",2018,"Insights into the pre-European mammalian fauna of the southern Flinders Ranges, South Australia","Australian Mammalogy","environmental preferences; Flinders Ranges; mammal declines; owl accumulation; Quaternary; taphonomy","Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Australia","Loss of biodiversity","Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Absence/presence; Abundance","No",NA,NA,"","" 252,"10.1007/s10531-017-1443-4","Wall A.F., Yanes Y., Miller J.H., Miller A.I.",2018,"Bellwether of the Canaries: anthropogenic effects on the land snail fauna of the Canary Islands","Biodiversity and Conservation","Conservation paleobiology; Subfossils; Human impacts; Death assemblages; Terrestrial gastropods; Oceanic islands","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Spain","Habitat Change/Loss","Shrubland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few decades","Years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence;Abundance","No",NA,NA,"","" 540,"10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.05.006","Vegas-Vilarrúbia T., Rull V., Montoya E., Safont E.",2011,"Quaternary palaeoecology and nature conservation: A general review with examples from the neotropics","Quaternary Science Reviews","Long-term ecology;Palaeoclimates;Biotic responses;Resilience;Threshold responses;Past analogues;Global change;Human disturbance;Abrupt changes;Gradual changes;Tropical America","Spain","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,NA,NA,"Phylum","Terrestrial or Freshwater Plants","Plantae","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance","Yes","a synthetic field of research that applies the theories and analytical tools of palaeontology to the solution of problems concerning the conservation of biodiversity","Dietl & Flessa 2011","We should give attention to this in our review. There is a nice section on the history","" 9,"10.1007/s10531-021-02328-y","Kemp A.C., Vane C.H., Kim A.W., Dutton C.L., Subalusky A.L., Kemp S.K., Parnell A.C.",2022,"Fecal steroids as a potential tool for conservation paleobiology in East Africa","Biodiversity and Conservation","Kenya; Holocene; Biomarker; Dung; Maasai Mara National Reserve","USA;UK;Ireland","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","East Africa","Methods","Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last decade",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance/presence; Spatial; Geochemical","Yes","Conservation paleobiology uses proxy reconstructions of animal communities (composition, abundance, and geographic range) and paleoenvironments (e.g., frequency and severity of drought) to provide a context for recent and predicted changes that extends beyond the limited duration of historical observations and measurements.","(Dietl and Flessa 2011; Dietl et al. 2015).","Proxy paper, no paleo data","" 555,"10.1016/j.tree.2010.09.010","Dietl G.P., Flessa K.W.",2011,"Conservation paleobiology: Putting the dead to work","Trends in Ecology and Evolution",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","Conservation paleobiology is a relatively new, synthetic field of research that applies the theories and analytical tools of paleontology to the solution of problems concerning the conservation of biodiversity","Dietl, G.P. and Flessa, K.W., eds (2009)","Box 1 also distinguishes between CPB and historical ecology","" 497,"","Liow L.H.",2012,"Why paleobiological insights matter for conservation biologists","Raffles Bulletin of Zoology","conservation biology; conservation paleobiology; extirpations; macroevolution; fossil record","Norway","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"","No","","","","" 164,"10.5194/bg-16-2423-2019","Van De Velde S., Jorissen E.L., Neubauer T.A., Radan S., Pavel A.B., Stoica M., Van Baak C.G.C., Gándara A.M., Popa L., De Stigter H., Abels H.A., Krijgsman W., Wesselingh F.P.",2019,"A conservation palaeobiological approach to assess faunal response of threatened biota under natural and anthropogenic environmental change","Biogeosciences",NA,"Netherlands;Germany;Romania;UK","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Romania","Loss of biodiversity","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia;Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries","10s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Absence/presence;Geochemical","Yes","The emerging field of conservation palaeobiology aims to evaluate palaeobiological records to make informed contributions to biodiversity conservation. A spectrum of conservation palaeobiology studies exists, covering different timescales as well as biota.","Dietl and Flessa, 2011; Vegas-Vilarrubia et al., 2011; Birks, 2012; Kosnik and Kowalewski, 2016;Helama et al., 2007; Vegas-Vilarrubia et al., 2011; Albano et al., 2016; Kosnik and Kowalewski, 2016; Martinelli et al., 2017","","" 519,"10.1016/j.biocon.2011.12.026","Costion C.M., Liston J., Kitalong A.H., Iida A., Lowe A.J.",2012,"Using the ancient past for establishing current threat in poorly inventoried regions","Biological Conservation","Conservation paleobiology;Threatened species;IUCN;Savanna;Palau;Micronesia","Australia;Palau;Japan","Yes","Yes","The Environment Inc.","Original data","Palau","Extinction risk","Savanna","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Plants","Plantae","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence;Abundance","No",NA,NA,"","" 506,"10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.05.020","Jackson S.T.",2012,"Representation of flora and vegetation in Quaternary fossil assemblages: Known and unknown knowns and unknowns","Quaternary Science Reviews","Paleoecology; Inference; Uncertainty; Taphonomy; Vegetation; Woodrat midden; Epistemology","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review","USA","Methods","Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Plants","Plantae; Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance","No",NA,NA,"A review paper, with lots of conceptual ideas; JAS added specifics but assuming we will filter out as ""review""","" 446,"http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.12.037","Casey M.M., Dietl G.P., Post D.M., Briggs D.E.G.",2014,"The impact of eutrophication and commercial fishing on molluscan communities in Long Island Sound, USA","Biological Conservation","Drilling predation;Nitrogen enrichment;Modern death assemblage;Holocene fossil record;Archaeological shell midden;Shell-crushing predation;live-dead fidelity;Conservation paleobiology","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Human-nature conflict","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia;Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Spatial;Geochemical","No",NA,"Dietl and Flessa, 2011","LIVE-DEAD (no dates) plus middens/arch data. ""Samples were categorized by age in the following ways: (1) living mollusk specimens collected by dredges (0 yrs BP) = life assemblage (LA); (2) surficial dead shells obtained by dredging (time-averaged, see comments below) = DAs; (3) midden material post-dating European contact (250–150 yrs BP) = post-contact; (4) archaeological shell midden material predating European contact (1500–250 yrs BP) = pre-contact; and (5) fossil material (5330–4600 yrs BP) = fossil."" difficult to choose main focus, both over exploitation and eutrophjicatin (habitat change), went with Hab change becuase both play a role in chanigng habitat. THey just say ""we used CPB techniques..."" and cite Dietl. never define","" 35,"10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109203","Pilotto F., Dynesius M., Lemdahl G., Buckland P.C., Buckland P.I.",2021,"The European palaeoecological record of Swedish red-listed beetles","Biological Conservation","Coleoptera; Conservation palaeobiology;Environmental archaeology; Palaeoentomology; Threatened species","Sweden; United Kingdom","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Sweden","Extinction risk","Forest;Wetlands","Order","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Insecta","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence; Trait; Spatial","Yes","Conservation palaeobiology is a developing field that aims to understand the long-term dynamics of such interactions by studying the geo-historical records in a conservation perspective.","","Definition in abstract so no references","" 523,"10.1007/978-3-642-25038-5_13","Louys J.",2012,"Paleoecology and conservation paleobiology: Future directions","Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation","Holocene; Rewilding; Spatial scale; Taxon-free; Taxonomic scale; Temporal scale","Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"No",NA,NA,"","" 63,"10.1093/biolinnean/blaa157","Moncunill-Solé B.",2021,"Eco-evolutionary adaptations of ochotonids (Mammalia: Lagomorpha) to islands: New insights into Late Miocene pikas from the Gargano palaeo-archipelago (Italy)","Biological Journal of the Linnean Society","body mass;conservation palaeobiology;ecotype;island rule;locomotion;postcranial remains;Prolagus","Italy;Spain","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Italy","Adaptation (human or other organisms)","Rocky areas","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Deep-time record (older than two million years)","Miocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 533,"10.1007/978-3-642-25038-5_5","Behrensmeyer A.K., Miller J.H.",2012,"Building links between ecology and paleontology using taphonomic studies of recent vertebrate communities","Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation","Taphonomy;Vertebrate;Actualistic;Paleoecology;Bone surveys;Diversity;Ecological baselines","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,"Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates",NA,"Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","The idea of putting the dead to work to increase understanding of recent ecological history and processes","Flessa KW (2002) Conservation paleobiology. Am Paleontol 10(1):2–5 ; Dietl GP, Flessa KW (2011) Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol Evol 26:30–37","","" 534,"10.1007/978-3-642-25038-5_1","Louys J.",2012,"Paleontology in ecology and conservation: An introduction","Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation","Paleontology; Ecology; Conservation; Paleoecology; Conservation paleobiology","Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","the use of paleontological data for informing conservation issues hasbeen embraced by paleontologists in many different sub-disciplines including geology, micropaleontology, palynology, paleobotany and vertebrate paleontology, so much so that ‘conservation paleobiology’ can be considered a separate field of its own","Dietl GP, Flessa KW (2010) Conservation palaeobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol Evol 26:30–37","","" 467,"10.1002/evan.21379","Braje T.J., Rick T.C.",2013,"From forest fires to fisheries management: Anthropology, conservation biology, and historical ecology","Evolutionary Anthropology","Applied archeobiology;human-environmental ecodynamics","USA","Yes","No","No","Review","USA","Human-nature conflict",NA,"Species",NA,"Bivalvia; Mammalia; Actinopterygii","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia","1000s of years (millennia)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence; Abundance","Yes","the application of paleobiological theories and methodologies to modern conservation biology","Rick T, Lockwood R. 2013. Integrating paleobiology, archaeology, and history to inform biological conservation. Conserv Biol 27:45–54; Dietl GP, Flessa KW. 2011. Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol Evol 26:30–37.","This paper is more about human and biotic interactions (from marine to forest), so it will be too broad to assign a specific taxonomic group or habitate","" 468,"10.1111/pala.12059","Dietl G.P.",2013,"The great opportunity to view stasis with an ecological lens","Palaeontology","Conservation palaeobiology;Contemporary evolution;Ecologically important traits;Environmental stress;Repeated patterns","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Both",NA,NA,NA,"Trait","Yes","This sense of immediate concern and shared responsibility for conserving our natural heritage, which we ultimately depend upon for our own survival, is beginning to emerge in the rapidly developing field of conservation palaeobiology.","Willis and Birks 2006;Dietl and Flessa 2009;Dietl and Flessa 2011;Davies and Bunting 2010;CPW 2012;Louys 2012;Lyman2012;Rick and Lockwood 2013","<< this is a definition in the MOST generous sense","" 80,"10.1093/BIOLINNEAN/BLAA068","Sato Y., Ogden R., Kishida T., Nakajima N., Maeda T., Inoue-Murayama M.",2021,"Population history of the golden eagle inferred from whole-genome sequencing of three of its subspecies","Biological Journal of the Linnean Society","Aquila chrysaetos;conservation genomics;demography;evolutionary distance","Japan;UK","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Japan; UK; USA","Adaptation (human or other organisms)","Grassland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Aves","Both","Last decade","1000000 of years (millions)","Global","Molecular","Yes","Developments in the field of conservation paleobiology which looks to reconstruct historic changes in ecosystems, communities and species, including small mammals, often in the context of climatic conditions, offer a great deal of promise to frame investigations of historic Ne change in different species.","Dietl et al. 2015","Uses genetic data","" 480,"10.1111/pala.12042","Kidwell S.M.",2013,"Time-averaging and fidelity of modern death assemblages: Building a taphonomic foundation for conservation palaeobiology","Palaeontology","taphonomy;anthropogenic;ecosystems;meta-analysis;molluscs;mammals","","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","Genuine integration of palaeontology with ecology and conservation biology (a true discipline of conservation palaeobiology","National Research Council 2005; Conservation Paleobiology Workshop 2012","Kidwell is such a legend. hurts me not to coed but, it is a compilation of past LD assemblages. also, discusses taphonomy.","" 125,"10.1098/rsbl.2019.0865","Hesterberg S.G., Herbert G.S., Pluckhahn T.J., Harke R.M., Al-Qattan N.M., Trevor Duke C., Moore E.W., Smith M.E., Delgado A.C., Sampson C.P.",2020,"Prehistoric baseline reveals substantial decline of oyster reef condition in a Gulf of Mexico conservation priority area","Biology Letters","Crassostrea virginica;conservation palaeobiology;deep-time;oyster reef;isotope sclerochronology;shifting baselines","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Overexploitation","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Geochemical;Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 200,"10.18268/BSGM2019v71n3a2","Czaja A., Covich A.P., Estrada-Rodríguez J.L., Romero-Méndez U., Saenz-Mata J., Meza-Sánchez I.G., ávila-Rodríguez V., Becerra-López J.L., Aguillón-Gutiérrez D.R., Castañeda-Gaytán J.G.",2019,"Fossil freshwater gastropods from northern Mexico - A case of a ""silent"" local extirpation, with the description of a new species","Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana",NA,"Mexico;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Mexico","Habitat Change/Loss","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence","Yes","Using the Past to Manage for the Future","Dietl and Flessa 2011","","" 488,"10.1111/j.1523-1739.2012.01920.x","Rick T.C., Lockwood R.",2013,"Integrating Paleobiology, Archeology, and History to Inform Biological Conservation","Conservation Biology","Applied paleozoology;Chesapeake Bay;Conservation paleobiology;Environmental history;Historical ecology;Restoration;Shifting baselines","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review","USA",NA,"Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","a synthetic field of research that applies the theories and analytical tools of paleontology to the solution of problems concerning the conservation of biodiversity","Dietl & Flessa 2011","","" 73,"10.3140/bull.geosci.1798","Nielsen J.K., Helama S.",2021,"Death assemblages of the freshwater mussels unio Crassus and U. Tumidus (Bivalvia, Unionidae) from southern Finland: Comparing taphonomical data with 14C dates","Bulletin of Geosciences",NA,"Turkey;Finland","Yes","Yes","Natural Resources Institute Finland","Original data","Finland","Methods","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries","Years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Geochemical","Yes","conservation palaeobiology refers to a discipline that uses geohistorical data to test the hypotheses and models of how biota responds to environmental stressors, to meet the challenges of sustaining and restoring the ecosystem services","Dietl et al. 2015","","" 490,"10.1016/B978-0-444-53643-3.00054-6","Miller G.H., Kaufman D.S., Clarke S.J.",2013,"Amino Acid Dating","Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science: Second Edition",NA,"USA; Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Both",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","the ages of fossil assemblages provide baseline geohistorical data needed to understand the ecological and evolutionary response of species to environmental changes, the basis of conservation paleobiology.","Dietl and Flessa, 2011","","" 491,"10.1130/2013.2500(06)","Kelley P.H., Fastovsky D.E., Wilson M.A., Laws R.A., Raymond A.",2013,"From paleontology to paleobiology: A half-century of progress in understanding life history","Special Paper of the Geological Society of America",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Both",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","applies the theories and analytical tools of paleontology to the solution of problems concerning the conservation of biodiversity","Dietl, G.P., and Flessa, K.W., 2011, Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work: Trends in Ecology & Evolution, v. 26, p. 30–37, doi:10.1016/j .tree.2010.09.010.","","" 79,"10.5343/BMS.2019.0110","Bucci J.P., Aytur S.A., Staudigel P.",2021,"Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida, in Puget Sound: Stable isotope shell profiles as potential indicators of a changing climate","Bulletin of Marine Science",NA,"UK","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Climate change","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last decade","Years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Geochemical","Yes","The emerging field of conservation paleobiology can facilitate an understanding between past and present ecosystem health, including how human activities may have impacted the past ecology","Conservation Paleobiology. 2012. Conservation paleobiology: opportunities for the earth sciences. Report to the Division of Earth Sciences, National Science Foundation. Ithaca, New York: Paleontological Research Institution. 32 p. Available from: http://conservationpaleobiology. org/files/CP_Workshop_Report_Oct_2012.pdf","","" 75,"10.2110/carnets.2021.2110","Collareta A., Merella M., Casati S., Coletti G., Di Cencio A.",2021,"Another thermophilic ""miocene survivor"" from the italian pliocene: A geologically young occurrence of the pelagic eagle ray aetobatus in the euro-mediterranean region [Un autre ""survivant miocène"" thermophile du pliocène italien: Une occurrence précoce de l'aigle de mer pélagique aetobatus dans la région euro-méditerranéenne.]","Carnets de Geologie","Aetobatidae;climate change;conservation palaeobiology;Myliobatiformes;palaeobiogeography;palaeoecology;palaeoichthyology;Tuscany","Italy","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Italy","Climate change","Marine oceanic","Species","Marine Vertebrates","Chondrichthyes","Deep-time record (older than two million years)","Pliocene","100000 of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"","" 432,"10.1111/ecog.00783","Lawing A.M., Matzke N.J.",2014,"Conservation paleobiology needs phylogenetic methods","Ecography",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review","USA","Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","Conservation paleobiology is an emerging discipline that brings historic and paleontological information to bear on problems in conservation biology","Flessa 2002; Dietl and Fless 2009, 2011","This is a review on the lack and need for phylogentic data in CPB. It disucsses different models and approached, but gives no new data.","" 433,"10.1111/ecog.01294","Davis E.B., Mcguire J.L., Orcutt J.D.",2014,"Ecological niche models of mammalian glacial refugia show consistent bias","Ecography",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Modelling/Simulation","USA;Canada","Climate change",NA,"Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Continental (most or all of a continent)","Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"Climate change is a stretch - mostly a paper about niche models","" 437,"10.1098/rspb.2014.1995","Saupe E.E., Hendricks J.R., Portell R.W., Dowsett H.J., Haywood A., Hunter S.J., Lieberman B.S.",2014,"Macroevolutionary consequences of profound climate change on niche evolution in marine molluscs over the past three million years","Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","Atlantic coastal plain, conservation palaeobiology, fundamental niche, macroevolution, mid-Pliocene warm period, Mollusca","USA;UK","Yes","No",NA,"Modelling/Simulation","USA","Climate change","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia;Gastropoda","Both","Pliocene","100000 of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"CPB a keyword","" 559,"10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01341.x","Boyer A.G.",2010,"Consistent ecological selectivity through time in pacific Island avian extinctions [Selección ecológica consistente a lo largo del tiempo en extinciones de aves en Islas del pacífico]","Conservation Biology","body size;conservation paleobiology;decision tree;extinction risk;fossil birds;Red List","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","NA (Pacific Islands/Oceania)","Extinction risk",NA,"Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Aves","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia",NA,"Basin (most or all of an ocean)","Trait;Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"1.) They compiled real data from existing sources, then did some modeling on that data. I coded this as ""meta-analysis/compilation"" for type of article, but maybe ""modeling/simulation"" would also fit. 2.) Included data goes back 3500 years. 3.) Study includes many pacific islands, so I left countries of research location and habitat type as NA. 4.) I put temporal resolution of data as NA, because I think the most specific they really get is classifying extinctions as ""ancient"" ""or ""historic"" or not being extinct yet.","" 500,"10.1111/j.1523-1739.2012.01931.x","Wood J.R., Wilmshurst J.M., Worthy T.H., Holzapfel A.S., Cooper A.",2012,"A Lost Link between a Flightless Parrot and a Parasitic Plant and the Potential Role of Coprolites in Conservation Paleobiology","Conservation Biology","Dactylanthus taylorii;ecological interactions;herbivory;kakapo;New Zealand;pollination;Strigops habroptilus","New Zealand;Australia","Yes","Yes","Department of Conservation, Private Bag 3072, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand","Original data","New Zealand","Biotic interactions","Caves/Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates; Terrestrial or Freshwater Plants","Aves; Magnoliopsida","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last millennium",NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance; Absence/presence; Trait","No",NA,NA,"1.) Coprolite was recovered from a cave, and the birds roosted in caves, but the birds would leave the cave to feed, most likely in forests. Many of the plant species recorded in the coprolite are forest species. I recorded ""forest"" as habitat type, but perhaps cave would also work. 2.) Also, both bird (Strigops habroptilus) and plant (Dactylanthus taylorii) were the focus of this paper, but I think I can only record 1 taxonomic group? So I recorded ""terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates"", but ""terrestrial and freshwater plants"" also applies. 3.) I couldn't determine the class of the plant ""Dactylanthus taylorii"" so I didn't include it in class-level taxonomy. 4.) They only studied one coprolite from one pinpoint in time, so I put ""NA"" for temporal resolution of data. 5.) Similarly, although these two species (plant and animal) had relatively large ranges, since this was a coprolite from one organism, I said spatial scale of study was local. 6.) Data collected was abundance of various plant species spores/pollen within the coprolite.","" 445,"10.1111/cobi.12150","Wilmshurst J.M., Moar N.T., Wood J.R., Bellingham P.J., Findlater A.M., Robinson J.J., Stone C.",2014,"Use of Pollen and Ancient DNA as Conservation Baselines for Offshore Islands in New Zealand","Conservation Biology","Conservation paleoecology;Dacrydium;Deforestation;Extinctions;Island restoration;Pollenrecord;Prehuman;Rhopalostylis","New Zealand","Yes","Yes","Landcare Research, P.O. Box 69040, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand;Ngatiwai Trust Board, P.O. Box 40 1332, Whangarei 0110, New Zealand","Original data","New Zealand","Habitat Change/Loss","Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Plants","Plantae","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia","10s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 168,"10.1111/cobi.13290","Gibson L.M., Mychajliw A.M., Leon Y., Rupp E., Hadly E.A.",2019,"Using the past to contextualize anthropogenic impacts on the present and future distribution of an endemic Caribbean mammal","Conservation Biology","Biogeography; Climate change; Distribution; Island; MaxEnt; Museums;Protected areas; Threatened species","USA; Dominican Republic","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Dominican Republic; Haiti","Extinction risk","Caves","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence","No","investigate the present and future conservation needs and .... combined modern and fossil records","Barnosky et al. 2017","","" 388,"10.1016/j.csr.2015.10.014","Negri M.P., Sanfilippo R., Basso D., Rosso A.",2015,"Comparison of live and dead molluscan assemblages suggests recent human-driven decline in benthic diversity in Phetchaburi (NW Gulf of Thailand)","Continental Shelf Research","Molluscs;Biodiversity;Thailand;Thanatofacies;Human impact;Dead–live analysis","Italy","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Thailand","Human-nature conflict","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia;Gastropoda;Scaphopoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last century","10s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance","Yes","the study of recent, dead assemblages as baseline for comparison with extant live communities, in order to detect recent environmental variations and, in case, manage them for restoration/conservation purposes","Flessa, K.W., 2002. Conservation paleobiology. Am. Paleontol. 10, 2–5. ; Kowalewski, M., 2004. Conservation paleobiology. In: Geller, E. (Ed.), McGraw-Hill 2004 Yearbook of Science and Technology. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 60–62. ; Kowalewski, M., 2009. The youngest fossil record and conservation biology: Ho- locene shells as eco-environmental recorders. In: Dietl, G.P., Flessa, K.W. (Eds.), Conservation Paleobiology: Using the Past to Manage for the Future, Pa- leontological Society Short Course, October 17th, 2009. The Paleontological Society Papers 15, pp. 1–23. ; Dietl, G.P., Flessa, K.W., 2011. Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol. Evol. 26 (1), 30–37.","1.) Primary data type was abundance, but some radiometric dating also took place.","" 97,"10.1016/j.csr.2020.104147","Handley S.J., Swales A., Horrocks M., Gibbs M., Carter M., Ovenden R., Stead J.",2020,"Historic and contemporary anthropogenic effects on granulometry and species composition detected from sediment cores and death assemblages, Nelson Bays, Aotearoa-New Zealand","Continental Shelf Research","Aotearoa-New Zealand; Palaeoecology; Fishing disturbance; Ecological baseline; Anthropogenic","New Zealand","Yes","Yes","National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA)","Original data","New Zealand","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia; Gastropoda; Brachiopoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence; Abundance; Temporal; Spatial; Geochemical","Yes","The emerging discipline of conservation paleobiology is rising to these challenges by providing theories and methods to disentangle effects of multiples stressors and deliver essential geohistorical data.","Kidwell, 2009; Saunders and Taffs, 2009; Kidwell and Tomasových, 2013; Rick and Lockwood, 2013; Dietl et al., 2015; Engelhard et al., 2015; Pearson et al., 2015","Second definition: To fill this knowledge gap, the ‘near-time’ approach of conservation paleobiology that utilises the young subfossil record is being used to: define baselines for conservation and restoration; evaluate response of species and ecosystems to recent natural and anthropogenic stressors; distinguish between “natural” and anthropogenic change; and reveal unrecognised loss of endemic tax.","Taxonomic group: brachiopods" 283,"10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.09.013","Dietl G.P., Smith J.A.",2017,"Live-dead analysis reveals long-term response of the estuarine bivalve community to water diversions along the Colorado River","Ecological Engineering","Colorado River estuary;Dam construction;Minute 319;Shifting baselines;Water diversions","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Mexico","Ecosystem resilience","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries",NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance","Yes","Typical live-dead studies in conservation paleobiology (Dietl et al., 2015) address the question, “How, if at all, has previous human activity changed the community?”","Dietl 2015","The study is Live-Dead based article, doesnt seem to date anytnig? but they cite Kowaleski and say similar samples (i beleive) dataed 100-300 years old. BUt diffiuclt to tell how that relates to these samples. SO I guessed near time.","<< yeah we were arm-waving on dates... this is correct" 394,"http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2015.08.002","Rodríguez-Rey M., Herrando-Pérez S., Gillespie R., Jacobs Z., Saltré F., Brook B.W., Prideaux G.J., Roberts R.G., Cooper A., Alroy J., Miller G.H., Bird M.I., Johnson C.N., Beeton N., Turney C.S.M., Bradshaw C.J.A.",2015,"Criteria for assessing the quality of Middle Pleistocene to Holocene vertebrate fossil ages","Quaternary Geochronology","Age reliability;Quality control;Dating techniques;Fossil deposits;Geochronology;Archaeology;Palaeontology;Quaternary","Australia;Spain;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review","Australia","Methods",NA,"Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Continental (most or all of a continent)","Geochemical","No",NA,NA,"DATA: Taphonomic. Review, but tried to code anyway. Cite Dietl 2011 and Steffan 2011 in reference to CPB, but no definition","" 486,"10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.12.031","Dolven J.K., Alve E., Rygg B., Magnusson J.",2013,"Defining past ecological status and in situ reference conditions using benthic foraminifera: A case study from the Oslofjord, Norway","Ecological Indicators","Environmental monitoring;In situ reference conditions;Biological quality element;Conservation Paleobiology;European Water Framework Directive;Ecological Quality Status (EcoQS)","Norway","Yes","Yes","Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)","Original data","Norway","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Microorganisms","Granuloreticulosea","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries","Years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence; Abundance; Spatial; Temporal; Geochronology; Geochemical","No","","","","" 501,"10.1890/12-0272.1","Miller J.H.",2012,"Spatial fidelity of skeletal remains: Elk wintering and calving grounds revealed by bones on the Yellowstone landscape","Ecology","Conservation paleobiology;Ecological baselines;Landscape use;Noninvasive survey methods;Taphonomy;Yellowstone National Park.","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Habitat Change/Loss; Methods","Grassland;Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries","10s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance","No",NA,NA,"","" 401,"10.1111/cobi.12504","Gill J.L., Blois J.L., Benito B., Dobrowski S., Hunter M.L., Jr., Mcguire J.L.",2015,"A 2.5-million-year perspective on coarse-filter strategies for conserving nature's stage","Conservation Biology","biodiversity; climate change; conserving natur's stage; geodiversity; geomorphology; land facets; paleoecology; Quaternary","USA; Denmark","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","conservation paleobiology uses geohistorical data to investigate phenomena beyond the time scales of human experience (Dietl & Flessa 2011), offering a long-term perspective on biotic responses to global change.","Dietl and Flessa 2011","advocate for approaches to ""conserving nature's stage"" i.e., geodiversity","" 403,"10.1146/annurev-earth-040610-133349","Dietl G.P., Kidwell S.M., Brenner M., Burney D.A., Flessa K.W., Jackson S.T., Koch P.L.",2015,"Conservation paleobiology: Leveraging knowledge of the past to inform conservation and restoration","Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences","biotic response;ecology;environmental stressors;evolution;geohistorical records","USA","Yes","Yes","National Tropical Botanical Garden, Kalaheo, HI 96741","Review",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Both",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","application of the methods and theories of paleontology to the conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services",NA,"no specific references for this one. Uses references for other mentions of CPB","" 405,"10.1073/pnas.1505146112","Jablonski D., Shubin N.H.",2015,"The future of the fossil record: Paleontology in the 21st century","Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Both",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","The nascent field of conservation paleobiology is demonstrating more profound shifts in natural systems from prior removal of key species and disruption of habitats and biogeochemical cycles by agriculture, fisheries, and industrialization","Willis & Birks, 2006; Dietl & Flessa 2011","Willis KJ, Birks HJD (2006) What is natural? The need for a longterm erspective in biodiversity conservation. Science 314(5803):1261–1265; 77 Dietl GP, Flessa KW (2011) Conservation paleobiology: Putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol Evol 26(1):30–37","" 407,"10.1073/pnas.1403660112","Kidwell S.M.",2015,"Biology in the Anthropocene: Challenges and insights from young fossil records","Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","biodiversity;ecology;conservation;paleobiology;paleoecology","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","""The thesis of this Perspective is not simply that historical data of many types are needed, but that (i) the power of young fossil records to contribute critical data has been transformed in the last few decades by three revolutions in the earth sciences and (ii) paleobiologic analysis of records from the last few centuries and millennia is already challenging our understanding of ecological dynamics and contributing to conservation, restoration, and management efforts in a young field becoming known as conservation paleobiology""","Swetnam TW, Allen CD, Betancourt JL (1999) Applied historical ecology: Using the past to manage for the future. Ecol Appl 9(4):1189–1206. ; Hayashida FM (2005) Archaeology, ecological history, and conservation. Annu Rev Anthropol 34:43–65. ; Willis KJ, Birks HJB (2006) What is natural? The need for a long-term perspective in biodiversity conservation. Science 314(5803):1261–1265. ; Dietl GP, Flessa KW (2011) Conservation paleobiology: Putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol Evol 26(1):30–37. ; Rick TC, Lockwood R (2013) Integrating paleobiology, archeology, and history to inform biological conservation. Conserv Biol 27(1):45–54. ; Dietl GP, et al. (2015) Conservation paleobiology: Leveraging knowledge of the past to inform conservation and restoration. Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci 43","","" 409,"10.1642/AUK-14-257.1","Wood J.R., De Pietri V.L.",2015,"Next-generation paleornithology: Technological and methodological advances allow new insights into the evolutionary and ecological histories of living birds","Auk","computed tomography; DNA; histology; paleornithology; proxies; sediments; stable isotopes; techniques","New Zealand; Australia","Yes","Yes","Long-Term Ecology Lab, Landcare Research, Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand","Review","New Zealand; Australia","Methods",NA,"Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Aves","Both","Eocene",NA,NA,NA,"Yes","using evidence from the past to inform current conservation management","Dietl, G. P., and K. W. Flessa (2011)","","" 34,"10.1002/ece3.7808","Cramer K.L., Donovan M.K., Jackson J.B.C., Greenstein B.J., Korpanty C.A., Cook G.M., Pandolfi J.M.",2021,"The transformation of Caribbean coral communities since humans","Ecology and Evolution","Climate change;Conservation paleobiology;Coral reefs;Fishing;Historical ecology;Pollution","USA;Germany;Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Antigua and Barbuda;Bahamas;Barbados;Belize;British Virgin Islands;Cayman Islands;Colombia;Costa Rica;Cuba;Dominica;Dominican Republic;Dutch Caribbean;Guadeloupe and Martinique;Grenada;Haiti;Honduras;Jamaica;Mexico;Nicaragua;Panama;Puerto Rico;Saint Kitts and Nevis;Saint Lucia;Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;Turks and Caicos;Trinidad and Tobago; USA; US Virgin Islands; Venezuela","Human-nature conflict","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Hexacorallia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","10000s of years","Basin (most or all of an ocean)","Absence/presence;Trait","No",NA,NA,"temporal resolution/binning varied depending on time period (ranged from years - 10,000s of years)","" 67,"10.3389/fevo.2020.590837","Miller J.H., Crowley B.E., Bataille C.P., Wald E.J., Kelly A., Gaetano M., Bahn V., Druckenmiller P.",2021,"Historical Landscape Use of Migratory Caribou: New Insights From Old Antlers","Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution","conservation paleobiology;historical ecology;seasonal landscape use;strontium isotope ratios;ANWR","USA;Canada","Yes","Yes","Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fairbanks, AK, United States","Original data","USA","Habitat Change/Loss","Grassland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last millennium",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Geochemical; Spatial","No",NA,NA,"1.) Habitat type is tundra, which I coded as grassland according to IUCN redlist website. 2.) ""historical"" data category contains antlers going back to the 1300s, so max data age is last millennium. 3.) I put ""NA"" for temporal resolution, beacause antlers were grouped into only two binary categories: ""historical"" and ""recent"" with a cutoff year of either 1980 or 1983, depending on which herd was being analyzed. 4.) ""spatial"" data could also be coded, because samples were analyzed with respect to which herd range they came from, but I only coded ""geochemical"" for data type because that is the main type of data they were actively collecting.","" 2,"10.3389/fevo.2022.810069","Barclay K.M., Leighton L.R.",2022,"Predation Scars Reveal Declines in Crab Populations Since the Pleistocene","Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution","Repair scars;Crab fisheries;Conservation paleobiology;Historical ecology;Predation traces;Caedichnus;Cancridae;Durophagy","Canada","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Overexploitation","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","10000s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Trait","Yes","Conservation paleobiology and historical ecology offer unique perspectives, tools, and datasets that provide much needed and often missing context to ensure the sustainability and protection of ecosystems and their services...We conclude that incorporating paleontological techniques and data (i.e., conservation paleobiology) to resource management provides critical new insights that can aid in the management and sustainability of exploited biological resources.","Hadlock Seeley, 1986; Erlandson and Rick, 2010; Dietl and Flessa, 2011; Mcclenachan et al., 2012; Rick and Lockwood, 2013; Dietl et al., 2015; Kidwell, 2015; Barnosky et al., 2017; Fordham et al., 2020","","" 378,"10.1130/G38347.1","Wiese R., Renaudie J., Lazarus D.B.",2016,"Testing the accuracy of genus-level data to predict species diversity in Cenozoic marine diatoms","Geology","Algae; Biodiversity; C-13/C-12; Carbon; Cenozoic; Climate change; Diatoms; Extinction; Isotope ratios; Isotopes; Marine environment; Microfossils; O-18/O-16; Oxygen; Paleoclimatology; Paleoecology; Paleoenvironment; Planktonic taxa; Plantae; Species diversity; Stable isotopes; Statistical analysis; Taxonomy","Germany","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","NA (Uses Neptune, Global if anything, but I think NA is better)","Loss of biodiversity","Marine oceanic","Species","Marine Microorganisms","Bacillariophyceae","Both","Paleocene",NA,"Global","Absence/presence;Abundance;Geochemical","Yes","Studies of past biodiversity-environment interactions (increasingly under the label conservation paleobiology), by documenting environmentally driven extinction risk, affect economic and political decisions on humanity’s response to anthropogenic environmental changes, e.g., global warming (e.g., Committee on the Geologic Record of Biosphere Dynamics et al., 2005; Dietl and Flessa, 2011; Barnosky et al., 2011; Kelley et al., 2013)","MEA, 2005;Dietl and Flessa, 2011;Barnosky et al., 2011;Kelley et al., 2013","","" 539,"10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02438.x","Terry R.C., Li C.L., Hadly E.A.",2011,"Predicting small-mammal responses to climatic warming: Autecology, geographic range, and the Holocene fossil record","Global Change Biology","climate change; conservation paleobiology; functional group; geographic range; Great Basin; Holocene; paleoecology;small mammals","United States","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","United States","Climate change","Grassland; Shrubland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/Presence; Abundance; Spatial; Climate; Geochemistry; Traits","No","","","","" 391,"10.1111/geb.12366","Kemp M.E., Hadly E.A.",2015,"Extinction biases in Quaternary Caribbean lizards","Global Ecology and Biogeography","Body size; Caribbean; conservation palaeobiology; extinction; lizards; Quaternary","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","NA (Caribbean Islands)","Extinction risk","Marine coastal/supratidal","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Reptilia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Trait","No",NA,NA,"This article refrenced conservation paleobio as a new field, but did not provide a definition. "" Indeed, fossils play a major role in informing our understanding of biodiversity dynamics for the future, as the relatively young field of conservation palaeobiology illustrates (Dietl & Flessa, 2009)."" Source refrenced: Dietl, G.P. & Flessa, K.W. (eds) (2009) Conservation paleobiology: using the past to manage for the future. Paleontological Society Papers Vol. 15. Paleontological Society, Columbus, OH","" 358,"10.1098/rstb.2015.0228","Price S.A., Schmitz L.",2016,"A promising future for integrative biodiversity research: An increased role of scale-dependency and functional biology","Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","Biodiversity;Functional biology;Scale-dependency;Ecomorphology;Macroevolution","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,"Loss of biodiversity",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"No",NA,NA,"","" 359,"10.1098/rsbl.2015.0951","Kosnik M.A., Kowalewski M.",2016,"Understanding modern extinctions in marine ecosystems: The role of palaeoecological data","Biology Letters","palaeobiology;palaeoecology;conservation palaeobiology;Holocene;marine ecosystems;death assemblages","Australia;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Extinction risk",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Global",NA,"No",NA,NA,"1.) This is a review, so all recorded data is based off of papers included in review.","" 561,"10.1080/08912960903315559","Simões M.G., Rodrigues S.C., Kowalewski M.",2009,"Bouchardia rosea, a vanishing brachiopod species of the brazilian platform: Taphonomy, historical ecology and conservation paleobiology","Historical Biology","fidelity, taphonomy, paleoecology, brachiopods, South Atlantic Ocean, late Holocene","Brazil;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Brazil","Loss of biodiversity","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Rhynchonellata","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance; Spatial","No",NA,NA,"","" 361,"10.3389/fevo.2016.00021","Dietl G.P.",2016,"Brave new world of conservation paleobiology","Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution","conservation biology; cross-disciplinary; environmental ethics; environmental philosophy; geohistorical data; normative postulates; values","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective","USA",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","""Conservation paleobiology is a rapidly developing, socially relevant field that uses information from geohistorical records to address current problems in the conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services""","Dietl, G. P., Kidwell, S. M., Burney, D. A., Brenner, M., Flessa, K. W., Jaskson, S. T., et al. (2015). Conservation paleobiology: leveraging knowledge of the past to inform conservation and restoration. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 43, 79–103. doi: 10.1146/annurev-earth-040610- 133349","","" 365,"10.2110/palo.2015.065","Do Nascimento Ritter M., De Francesco C.G., Erthal F., Hassan G.S., Tietze E., Martínez S.A.",2016,"Manifesto of the South American school of (actualistic) taphonomy","Palaios",NA,"Brazil; Argentina; Uruguay","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","South American taphonomists have also been making contributions to conservation paleobiology","Erthal et al. 2011; De Francesco et al. 2013; Martínez et al. 2013","","" 128,"10.1080/08912963.2018.1470170","Villa A., Bon M., Delfino M.",2020,"Trapped in a roman well: amphibians and reptiles from Tenuta Zuccarello near Marcon, Venice, Italy","Historical Biology","Amphibians; reptiles; Holocene; conservation palaeobiology; zooarchaeology","Italy; Spain","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Italy","Human-nature conflict","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Amphibia; Reptilia","Deep-time record (older than two million years)","Pleistocene","10s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Absence/presence","Yes","""This even led to the definition of a new science, the conservation palaeobiology, which uses palaeontological/archaeozoological data about past communities of organisms to reconstruct a purported ‘undisturbed’ (or ‘slightly disturbed’) condition on which to base studies of human impacts on modern communities""","Dietl GP, Flessa KW. 2011. Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol Evol. 26:30–37. ; Conservation Paleobiology Workshop. 2012. Conservation paleobiology: opportunities for the earth sciences. Report to the division of earth sciences, national science foundation. Ithaca (New York): Paleontological Research Institution.","","" 349,"10.1177/0959683616632894","Stegner M.A.",2016,"Stasis and change in Holocene small mammal diversity during a period of aridification in southeastern Utah","Holocene","climate change;Colorado Plateau;conservation paleobiology;diversity dynamics;late Holocene;small mammals","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Climate change","Grassland","Family","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Geochemical","No",NA,NA,"1.) Family is coarsest resolution; but gets as specific as genus. 2.) Also, both radiocarbon and abundance data are collected. I recorded the radiocarbon data as ""Geochemical"" instead of ""Geochronology"". 3.) Habitat type probably falls between shrubland and grassland, but changed throughout Holocene. 4.) calibrated years BP values go almost to 5000, so coded ""Holocene"" as maximum age of data.","" 265,"10.1007/s13347-016-0232-4","Turner D.D.",2017,"De-extinction as Artificial Species Selection","Philosophy and Technology","Artificial selection;Conservation paleobiology;De-extinction;Extinction selectivity;Macroevolution;Resurrection biology;Species selection","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","an emerging field that seeks to apply insights from paleobiology to the contemporary biodiversity crisis","Dietl and Flessa, 2011;Rick and Lockwood, 2012;Turner, 2016)","","" 266,"10.1007/s11692-017-9434-7","Jablonski D.",2017,"Approaches to Macroevolution: 2. Sorting of Variation, Some Overarching Issues, and General Conclusions","Evolutionary Biology",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective","USA",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","""...the growing field of conservation paleobiology, applying paleobiological methods to conservation issues (Dietl et al. 2015; Kidwell 2015; Barnosky et al. 2017)...""","Dietl et al. 2015; Kidwell 2015; Barnosky et al. 2017","This is a ""Synthesis Paper"" on macroevolotuion. The data rpesented here are not new, they are all summaries/compilations of past research, used to simply show general trends or models. THe reference to CPB is in passing, and does not play into the analysis of this data at all.","" 267,"10.1111/cobi.12997","O'Dea A., Dillon E.M., Altieri A.H., Lepore M.L.",2017,"Look to the past for an optimistic future","Conservation Biology",NA,"Panama;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","Conservation paleobiology provides a framework that al-lows the fossil record to guide conservation efforts. Scien-tists now use fossils to successfully reconstruct prehumanbaselines of populations, communities, and ecosystemsto create conservation targets, contextualize modern-daychange, and predict future conservation needs","Dietl et al.2015;Finnegan et al. 2015;Barnosky et al. 2017","","" 270,"10.1007/s10814-017-9102-6","Lyman R.L.",2017,"Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction from Faunal Remains: Ecological Basics and Analytical Assumptions","Journal of Archaeological Research","Ecological tolerances, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironmental reconstruction, Paleozoology, Taxonomic identification, Zooarchaeology","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","using paleobiological data from pre-hominin times (>5,000,000 years ago) to understand how past environmental change influenced organisms in order to better predict how future environmental change might impact organisms","Dietl et a. 2015","","" 272,"10.1017/jpa.2017.114","Holland S.M.",2017,"Structure, not Bias","Journal of Paleontology",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","The field of conservation paleobiology is now a robust one, a model of how the fossil record is directly useful for establishing baselines for modern ecological studies","none","This is an essay, a ""Presidential Address"" for the J. o Paleontology. It is relaly just a perspective, where he uses CPB as one example of how we can put the fossil record and its biases to good use. Cites Kidewell 2002 adn 2013.","" 274,"10.1134/S0031030117060028","Benton M.J., Briggs D.E.G., Clack J.A., Edwards D., Galway-Witham J., Stringer C.B., Turvey S.T.",2017,"Russia–UK Collaboration in Paleontology: Past, Present, and Future","Paleontological Journal",NA,"UK; USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","integrates a range of long-term archives into conservation research and management, to identify past environmental baselines and provide novel insights into regional biodiversity, extinction dynamics and ecosystem properties that are unavailable from short-term studies","Bonebrake et al. 2010; Rick and Lockwood 2013; Davies et al. 2014; Barnosky et al. 2017","","" 222,"10.1177/0959683618788651","Schnedl S.-M., Haselmair A., Gallmetzer I., Mautner A.-K., Tomašových A., Zuschin M.",2018,"Molluscan benthic communities at Brijuni Islands (northern Adriatic Sea) shaped by Holocene sea-level rise and recent human eutrophication and pollution","Holocene","Benthic community; Conservation paleobiology; Death assemblage; Historical ecology; Molluscs; Sediment core","Austria; Slovak Republic","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Croatia","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Gastropoda; Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance","No",NA,NA,"","" 564,"10.1007/s10750-008-9421-1","Helama S., Valovirta I.",2008,"Ontogenetic morphometrics of individual freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera (L.)) reconstructed from geometric conchology and trigonometric sclerochronology","Hydrobiologia","Hydrobiology; Biogeography; Conservation palaeobiology; Bivalvia; Margaritifera auricularia; Finland","Finland","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Finland","Methods","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Trait; Geochemical","Yes","The study is thus a practical example of how to apply the principle of conservation palaeobiology in order to study the endangered species without reducing the number of individuals in the existing populations and to study the populations no longer existing.","Flessa, 2002","","" 321,"10.5038/1827-806X.46.3.2131","Louys J., Kealy S., O’Connor S., Price G.J., Hawkins S., Aplin K., Rizal Y., Zaim J., Mahirta, Tanudirjo D.A., Santoso W.D., Hidayah A.R., Trihascaryo A., Wood R., Bevitt J., Clark T.",2017,"Differential preservation of vertebrates in Southeast Asian caves","International Journal of Speleology","Sumatra; Wallacea; geoarchaeology; taphonomy; palaeontology","Australia; USA; Indonesia","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","East Timor; Indonesia","Methods","Caves","Taxon-free","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates",NA,"Both","Pliocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence","Yes","""This has implications for the nascent field of conservation palaeobiology. This field is predicated on using the fossil record to inform conservation decisions. For example, information from the fossil record can be used to establish whether or not a species might be considered endemic to a particular region, and thus, is important for conservation""","Dietl G.P., Kidwell S.M., Brenner M., Burney D.A., Flessa K.W., Jackson S.T. & Koch P.L., 2015 – Conservation paleobiology: Leveraging knowledge of the past to inform conservation and restoration. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 43: 79-103. ; Coffey E.E.D, Froyd C.A. & Willis K.J., 2011 – When is an invasive not an invasive? Macrofossil evidence of doubtful native plant species in the Gal´apagos Islands. Ecology, 92: 805-812.","","" 284,"10.1073/pnas.1711154114","Carey J.",2017,"Putting fossils to work in hopes of restoration","Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",NA,NA,"Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective","USA",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","The central idea is that the fossil record isn’t just a look backward; it also offers a crucial guide for strategies to conserve or restore species, communities, and ecosystems, today and in the future. “It’s putting the dead to work,” says Flessa.","none","This is a news article for PNAS. No data, though they discuss Flessa and his works","" 287,"10.1111/ddi.12575","Lima-Ribeiro M.S., Moreno A.K.M., Terribile L.C., Caten C.T., Loyola R., Rangel T.F., Diniz-Filho J.A.F.",2017,"Fossil record improves biodiversity risk assessment under future climate change scenarios","Diversity and Distributions","conservation palaeobiology;ecological niche modelling;extinction risk;habitat tracking;jaguar(Panthera onca); multitemporal calibration; protected area effectiveness","Brazil","Yes","No",NA,"Modelling/Simulation",NA,"Climate change","Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Global","Spatial","No",NA,NA,"","" 289,"10.3390/genes8070184","Grealy A., Rawlence N.J., Bunce M.",2017,"Time to spread your wings: A review of the avian ancient DNA field","Genes","aDNA; ancient DNA; archaeology; aves; avian; bird; conservation; ornithology;palaeontology","Australia;New Zealand","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Extinction risk",NA,"Class","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Aves","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,NA,"DNA","No",NA,NA,"","" 262,"10.1111/1365-2656.12771","Terry R.C.",2018,"Isotopic niche variation from the Holocene to today reveals minimal partitioning and individualistic dynamics among four sympatric desert mice","Journal of Animal Ecology","Conservation palaeobiology;Great Basin;Holocene;Isotopic niche;Palaeoecology;Prehistoric baselines;Small mammals;Stable isotopes","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Biotic interactions","Desert","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","100s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Geochemical","No",NA,NA,"","" 360,"10.1111/jbi.12644","Smith J.A., Dietl G.P.",2016,"The value of geohistorical data in identifying a recent human-induced range expansion of a predatory gastropod in the Colorado River delta, Mexico","Journal of Biogeography","anthropogenic change; conservation palaeobiology; drilling predation; gastropod; Gulf of California; taphonomy","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Mexico","Invasive species","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence;Abundance","Yes","""collecting baseline data on ecological aspects such as species geographical distribution and species interactions seems unlikely. Conservation palaeobiologists, however, through the application of palaeoecological theory and techniques, may be able to provide these critical data""","Dietl, G.P., Kidwell, S.M., Brenner, M., Burney, D.A., Flessa, K.W., Jackson, S.T. & Koch, P.L. (2015) Conservation paleobiology: leveraging knowledge of the past to inform conservation and restoration. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 43, 79–103.","","" 463,"10.1111/1365-2745.12195","Seddon A.W.R., Mackay A.W., Baker A.G., Birks H.J.B., Breman E., Buck C.E., Ellis E.C., Froyd C.A., Gill J.L., Gillson L., Johnson E.A., Jones V.J., Juggins S., Macias-Fauria M., Mills K., Morris J.L., Nogués-Bravo D., Punyasena S.W., Roland T.P., Tanentzap A.J., Willis K.J., Aberhan M., van Asperen E.N., Austin W.E.N., Battarbee R.W., Bhagwat S., Belanger C.L., Bennett K.D., Birks H.H., Bronk Ramsey C., Brooks S.J., de Bruyn M., Butler P.G., Chambers F.M., Clarke S.J., Davies A.L., Dearing J.A., Ezard T.H.G., Feurdean A., Flower R.J., Gell P., Hausmann S., Hogan E.J., Hopkins M.J., Jeffers E.S., Korhola A.A., Marchant R., Kiefer T., Lamentowicz M., Larocque-Tobler I., López-Merino L., Liow L.H., Mcgowan S., Miller J.H., Montoya E., Morton O., Nogué S., Onoufriou C., Boush L.P., Rodriguez-Sanchez F., Rose N.L., Sayer C.D., Shaw H.E., Payne R., Simpson G., Sohar K., Whitehouse N.J., Williams J.W., Witkowski A.",2014,"Looking forward through the past: Identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology","Journal of Ecology","Anthropocene;Biodiversity;Conservation;Ecology and evolution;Human–environment interactions;Long-term ecology;Palaeoecology;Palaeoecology and land-use history;Research priorities;Palaeo50","UK;Norway;USA;South Africa;Canada;Finland;Denmark;Germany;Romania;Australia;Switzerland;Poland;Estonia","Yes","Yes","The L.A.K.E.S Institute, Switzerland","Original data","NA (50 questions, NA is correct)",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Survey","Yes","‘Conservation palaeobiology’ is emerging as a discipline to address the challenges of using long-term data to inform restoration and management","Dietl & Flessa 2011","","" 427,"10.1644/13-MAMM-S-079","Rowe R.J., Terry R.C.",2014,"Small mammal responses to environmental change: Integrating past and present dynamics","Journal of Mammalogy","baselines; climate change; conservation paleobiology; functional group; Great Basin; historical resurveys; Holocene; land use; natural history collections; small mammals;","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Habitat Change/Loss","Grassland; Shrubland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence; Abundance","Yes","Recognition of the value of paleoecology for identifying meaningful targets for conservation and management has recently led to the growing field of conservation paleobiology","Dietl and Flessa 2011; Willis and MacDonald 2011; Conservation Paleobiology Workshop 2012; Lyman 2012; Kidwell 2013","","" 245,"10.1007/s10933-017-0010-z","Martello A.R., Kotzian C.B., Erthal F.",2018,"The role of topography, river size and riverbed grain size on the preservation of riverine mollusk shells","Journal of Paleolimnology","Quantitative fidelity; Fluvial habitat; Spatial scale; Bivalve; Gastropod; Paleoecology","Brazil","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Brazil","Methods","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Gastropoda; Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance; Spatial; Absence/presence","Yes","Despite low resemblance between DAs and corresponding LAs in freshwater environments (compared to marine settings), mollusks from these environments are excellent resources for interpreting ancient limnetic ecosystems and a powerful tool in Conservation Paleobiology","Erthal et al. 2011; Kidwell 2013; Kidwell and Tomasˇovy´ch 2013","","" 306,"10.3389/fevo.2017.00011","Wingard G.L., Bernhardt C.E., Wachnicka A.H.",2017,"The role of paleoecology in restoration and resource management-the past as a guide to future decision-making: Review and example from the Greater Everglades ecosystem, U.S.A","Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Ecosystem resilience",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","Conservation Paleobiology is defined as the application of theories and analytical tools of paleontology to biodiversity conservation (Dietl and Flessa, 2011) and the use of geohistorical records to address current problems in the conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services (Dietl et al., 2015).","Dietl, G. P., and Flessa, K. W. (2011). ;Dietl, G. P. et al. (2015). ","","" 311,"10.1126/science.aah4787","Barnosky A.D., Hadly E.A., Gonzalez P., Head J., Polly P.D., Lawing A.M., Eronen J.T., Ackerly D.D., Alex K., Biber E., Blois J., Brashares J., Ceballos G., Davis E., Dietl G.P., Dirzo R., Doremus H., Fortelius M., Greene H.W., Hellmann J., Hickler T., Jackson S.T., Kemp M., Koch P.L., Kremen C., Lindsey E.L., Looy C., Marshall C.R., Mendenhall C., Mulch A., Mychajliw A.M., Nowak C., Ramakrishnan U., Schnitzler J., Das Shrestha K., Solari K., Stegner L., Stegner M.A., Stenseth N.Chr., Wake M.H., Zhang Z.",2017,"Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems","Science",NA,"USA;UK;Finland;Mexico;Germany;India;Nepal;Norway;China","Yes","Yes","Natural Resource Stewardship and Science, U.S. National Park Service; California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research","Review",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","The emerging discipline of conservation paleobiology (10, 30) is supplying necessary data, insights, and techniques through (i) specifying long-term, fluctuating baselines required to understand how ecosystems, communities, species, populations, and genetic structure vary naturally through time and space and how they respond to major perturbations (10, 31–36); (ii) identifying scalable taxon-free metrics that allow attributes of ecosystems to be tracked over seasons, decades, centuries, millennia, and millions of years (10, 37); (iii) demonstrating biotic outcomes of many “natural experiments” in global change (30), ranging from major extinctions (10, 16, 29, 38) to rapid climate change (10, 39, 40) to species invasions (10, 41); (iv) testing and refining models of biotic response to future environmental change (10, 35, 42); and (v) tracking the long-term dynamics of ecosystems in ways relevant to assessing continued potential for ecosystem services (12, 43, 44) and early warning signs of ecological state-shifts (10, 45).","Dietl et al. (2015); J. L. Gill etl al (2015)","Other references to support examples not added","" 312,"10.1038/nplants.2017.1","Edwards K.J., Fyfe R.M., Jackson S.T.",2017,"The first 100 years of pollen analysis","Nature Plants",NA,"UK; USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"No",NA,NA,"","" 320,"10.1007/978-3-319-55982-7_5","Pèlachs A., Pérez-Obiol R., Soriano J.M., Cunill R., Bal M.-C., García-Codron J.C.",2017,"The Role of Environmental Geohistory in High-Mountain Landscape Conservation","Advances in Global Change Research","Environmental geohistory;Conservation;Pyrenees;Abies alba;Human perturbation;Pedoanthracology;Palynology;Sedimentary charcoals","Spain;France","Yes","No",NA,"Review","Spain","Ecosystem resilience","Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Plants","Pinopsida","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Spatial;Temporal","Yes","... (2) conservation paleobiology, in addition to ecological dynamics, concentrates on evolutionary dynamics (e.g., adaptive responses of species to changing climates or ecological interactions)” (Dietl and Flessa 2011: 31)","Dietl GP, Flessa KW (2011) Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol Evol 26:30–37","This paper is a review (a chapter in a book) however it also contains a specific example of the resilience of Abies alba","" 397,"10.2983/035.034.0204","Durham S.R., Dietl G.P.",2015,"Perspectives on geohistorical data among oyster restoration professionals in the United States","Journal of Shellfish Research","conservation paleobiology;oysters;restoration;geohistorical data;Crassostrea virginica;Ostrea lurida;Crassostrea gigas","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Ecosystem resilience","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,NA,"Survey","Yes","Conservation paleobiology is a rapidly expanding field that aims to provide conservation scientists and restoration practitioners with information on species, communities, and ecosystems from geohistorical records—‘‘the organic remains, biogeochemical signals, and associated sediments of the geological record’’","Dietl, G. P. & K. W. Flessa. 2011. Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol. Evol. 26:30–37. ; CPW (Conservation Paleobiology Workshop). 2012. Conservation paleobiology: opportunities for the earth sciences. Ithaca, NY: Paleontological Research Institution. 32 pp. ; NRC (National Research Council). 2005. The geological record of ecological dynamics: understanding the biotic effects of future environmental change. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 216 pp.","1.) This is a survey paper, and humans are the direct ""study organism."" Thus, I coded many fields as NA (including data type). However, those surveyed were all involved with oyster resoration, so I coded as if oysters were the study organism and oyster restoration was the focus.","" 90,"10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102802","Pereyra C.A., Verde M.",2020,"Depositional environments and its evolution during the last marine highstand along the La Plata estuary using Neohelice granulata (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae) as a tool","Journal of South American Earth Sciences","","Argentina; Uruguay","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Argentina; Uruguay","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine coastal/supratidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Malacostraca","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence;Temporal;Trait; Spatial","Yes","Perspectives in conservation paleobiology also constitute an important approach to evaluate recent changes in the ecosystem","Dietl et al. 2011; Behrensmeyer and Miller 2012","DATA: Taphonomic. This is a description of a crab species. the temporal resolution is wrong - they only provide one date for the crab itself (5900-6400 bp), but it is part of a core strigroahy they do not report. SO, not sure what to put. text on CPB ""Perspectives in conservation paleobiology also constitute an important approach to evaluate recent changes in the ecosystem""","" 15,"10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103542","Merlín-Hernández A.L., Guerrero-Arenas R., García-Estrada C., Jiménez-Hidalgo E.",2021,"Using Late Pleistocene records for conservation strategies of terrestrial biotas in the Mixteca Alta Oaxaqueña, southern Mexico","Journal of South American Earth Sciences","Paleobiology conservation; Paleontological baselines; Pleistocene; Conservation strategies","Mexico","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Mexico","Ecosystem resilience","Shrubland/Forest/Wetlands","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates; Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia; Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance; Absence/presence","Yes","Paleobiology conservation is an emerging discipline with potential applications in the conservation of modern biodiversity.",NA,"different habitats, not all were identified on species level, taxonomic group includes vertebrates and invertebrates","" 8,"10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103662","Lopes R.P., Ritter M.D.N., Barboza E.G., Rosa M.L.C.D.C., Dillenburg S.R., Caron F.",2022,"The influence of coastal evolution on the paleobiogeography of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linné, 1767) along the southwestern Atlantic Ocean","Journal of South American Earth Sciences","Paleoenvironment; Coastal evolution; Glacioeustatic oscillations; Pleistocene Holocene; Conservation paleobiology","Brazil","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Brazil; Argentia","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","100000 of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"","" 300,"10.1016/j.marmicro.2017.04.003","Hong Y., Yasuhara M., Iwatani H., Seto K., Yokoyama Y., Yoshioka K., Mamo B.",2017,"Freshwater reservoir construction by damming a marine inlet in Hong Kong: Paleoecological evidence of local community change","Marine Micropaleontology","Ostracode; Anthropogenic impacts; Marine ecosystem history","China; Japan","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","China","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Microorganisms","ostracoda; planktonic foraminifera","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia","100s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance; Geochemical","Yes","In conjunction with other methods such as historical documents and photographs, archeological data, and fishery records, paleoecology is a powerful tool to reconstruct the long-term history of anthropogenic impacts on, and the natural baseline of, marine ecosystems","Dietl, G.P., Flessa, K.W., 2011.","","" 228,"10.1080/08912963.2018.1432919","Behrensmeyer A.K., Denys C., Brugal J.-P.",2018,"What is taphonomy and What is not?","Historical Biology",NA,"USA; France","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","the study of live-dead bias reveals important ecological changes relating to human impact in both marine and terrestrial environments","Western and Behrensmeyer 2009; Miller 2011; Kidwell 2013","","" 224,"10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.07.004","Fuksi T., Tomašových A., Gallmetzer I., Haselmair A., Zuschin M.",2018,"20th century increase in body size of a hypoxia-tolerant bivalve documented by sediment cores from the northern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste)","Marine Pollution Bulletin","Mediterranean Sea; Hypoxia; Eutrophication; Corbula gibba; Body size; Conservation paleobiology","Slovakia; Austria","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Italy; Slovenia","Pollution","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries","10s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 489,"http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.11.021","Weber K., Zuschin M.",2013,"Delta-associated molluscan life and death assemblages in the northern Adriatic Sea: Implications for paleoecology, regional diversity and conservation","Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology","Recent;Mediterranean Sea;Gulf of Trieste;Diversity;Taphonomy;Paleoecology;Conservation Paleobiology","Austria","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Italy",NA,"Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia;Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Spatial","No","","","Live-dead analyusis, no dates.","" 339,"10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.06.002","Martinelli J.C., Madin J.S., Kosnik M.A.",2016,"Dead shell assemblages faithfully record living molluscan assemblages at One Tree Reef","Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology","Live-dead agreement;Conservation paleobiology;Taphonomy;Carbonate lagoon;Great Barrier Reef","Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Australia","Methods","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia;Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Absence/presence","Yes","in order to quantify and understand anthropogenic impacts on extant marine communities, community ecologists need to extract quantitative temporal information on community composition from dead and fossil assemblages","Dietl and Flessa, 2011, Kidwell and Tomašových, 2013, Dietl et al., 2015, Smith and Dietl, 2015, Kosnik and Kowalewski, 2016","","" 254,"10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.09.034","Judd E.J., Wilkinson B.H., Ivany L.C.",2018,"The life and time of clams: Derivation of intra-annual growth rates from high-resolution oxygen isotope profiles","Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology","Sclerochronology; Bivalve; Model; Seasonal","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Modelling/Simulation",NA,"Methods",NA,"Taxon-free","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Both",NA,NA,"Global","Geochemical","No",NA,NA,"","" 184,"10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.11.029","Zimmt J.B., Lockwood R., Andrus C.F.T., Herbert G.S.",2019,"Sclerochronological basis for growth band counting: A reliable technique for life-span determination of Crassostrea virginica from the mid-Atlantic United States","Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology","","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Methods","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Trait;Geochemical","No","","","THis i smore a methods paper, proof of concept that band counting of shells works. also temporal resolution tough - they date shells to pleic, but then only use bands/distance from edge for data. but you can extrapolate it to be a few years. however, the deposit they got the shells from dates between 195-347 ka. they did not specifically date any shells, so I guess thats the resolution?","" 204,"10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.05.027","Powell E.N., Ewing A.M., Kuykendall K.M.",2019,"Ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) and Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima) on the Mid-Atlantic Bight continental shelf and Georges Bank: The death assemblage as a recorder of climate change and the reorganization of the continental shelf benthos","Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology","Geographic distribution;Range shift;Live-dead comparison:Conservation paleobiology:Spatial time averaging:Species interaction","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","USA","Climate change","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few decades",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Spatial","No",NA,NA,"","" 143,"10.1098/rstb.2019.0294","Dietl G.P.",2019,"Conservation palaeobiology and the shape of things to come","Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","conservation palaeobiology; decision-making; orientation; prediction; scenario planning","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective","USA","Loss of biodiversity",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","""This need for policy-relevant scientific information is often cited as a motivation for conservation palaeobiologists—not to mention conservation biologists more broadly [4–6]—to develop predictive models to inform conservation decisions, everything from predicting the vulnerability of species to extinction to where species are likely to move as the climate warms""","Conservation Paleobiology Workshop 2012; Tietje & Rödel 2018; Fordham et al. 2016","","" 144,"10.1098/rstb.2019.0222","Kiessling W., Raja N.B., Roden V.J., Turvey S.T., Saupe E.E.",2019,"Addressing priority questions of conservation science with palaeontological data","Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","priority questions; conservation biology; survey: biodiversity; deep-time palaeontology","Germany;UK","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Climate change",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","""Palaeontology has long aimed to contribute to the understanding and forecasting of climate change impacts, and to provide baselines from ecosystems undisturbed by anthropogenic impact. Although many palaeontological publications mention the implications for these topics only in passing, attempts to improve the attribution of organismic changes to climate change and human impacts are increasing in palaeontology. Conservation palaeobiology has emerged some 10 years ago as a new discipline to address questions specifically using palaeontological approache""","Dietl & Flessa 2011; Dietl et al. 2015; Dietl 2016; Jackson and Hobbs 2009; Rick and Lockwood 2013; Louys 2012; Dietl & Flessa 2017; Tyler & Schneider 2018","","" 140,"10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109414","Tietje M., Rödel M.-O., Schobben M.",2020,"The effect of geographic range and climate on extinction risk in the deep-time amphibian fossil record","Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology","Oxygen isotopes;Environmental variability;Latitudinal gradient;Traits;Temporal stability","Germany;The Netherlands","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","NA (PBDB study on amphibians, Global if anything)","Extinction risk","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Amphibia","Deep-time record (older than two million years)","Carboniferous","Longer","Global","Absence/presence","Yes","A common aim of conservation paleobiology is to make inferences from the past for the present and future","Dietl and Flessa, 2011, 2017; O'Dea et al., 2017","From Nussaibah: Original type of data included Spatial;Climate but removed as occurrence is the main data type and the other two only supported that","" 147,"10.1098/rstb.2019.0223","Clapham M.E.",2019,"Conservation evidence from climate-related stressors in the deep-time marine fossil record","Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","climate change;mass extinctions;ocean acidification;palaeontology;conservation palaeobiology","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"No",NA,NA,"","" 148,"10.1098/rstb.2019.0392","Smits P., Finnegan S.",2019,"How predictable is extinction? Forecasting species survival at million-year timescales","Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","conservation;palaeobiology;extinction;forecasting","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Modelling/Simulation",NA,"Extinction risk","Marine oceanic","Phylum","Marine Microorganisms",NA,"Deep-time record (older than two million years)","Paleocene","1000000 of years (millions)","Global","Absence/presence","Yes","A tenet of conservation palaeobiology is that knowledge of past extinction patterns can help us to better predict future extinctions","Smits and Finnegan 2019","Cenozoic Era. Paleogene instead of Paleocene","" 54,"10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110227","Palmer K.L., Moss D.K., Surge D., Turek S.",2021,"Life history patterns of modern and fossil Mercenaria spp. from warm vs. cold climates","Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology","Sclerochronology;Von Bertalanffy;Lifespan;Growth rate;Mid-Pliocene warm period;Early Pleistocene","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Climate change","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Both","Pliocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Climate;Trait","Yes","This field of research uses geohistorical analysis to understand species response to changing climate.","Dowsett et al., 2009;Dietl and Flessa, 2011;Smith et al., 2020","","" 568,"10.2110/palo.2004.p04-21","Cintra-Buenrostro C.E., Flessa K.W., Avila-Serrano G.",2005,"Who cares about a vanishing clam? Trophic importance of Mulinia coloradoensis inferred from predatory damage","Palaios",NA,"USA;Mexico","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Mexico","Biotic interactions","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last millennium","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Trait","Yes","Conservation paleobiology is the application of paleoecological and geochemical techniques to the analysis of the prehistoric and historic skeletal remains of species threatened with extinction","Burnham, 2001; Kowalewski, 2001; Flessa, 2002","","" 545,"10.2110/palo.2010.p10-145r","Erthal F., Kotzian C.B., Simöes M.G.",2011,"Fidelity of molluscan assemblages from the touro passo formation (pleistocene-holocene), Southern Brazil: Taphonomy as a tool for discovering natural baselines for freshwater communities","Palaios",NA,"Brazil","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Brazil","Loss of biodiversity","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Gastropoda;Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","10000s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence;Abundance;Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 487,"10.2110/palo.2012.p12-031r","Michelson A.V., Park L.E.",2013,"Taphonomic dynamics of lacustrine ostracodes on san salvador island, bahamas: High fidelity and evidence of anthropogenic modification","Palaios",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Bahamas","Methods","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Ostracoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence; Abundance","Yes","help disentangle changes in diversity and species abundances due to time averaging or differential preservation of species from biologically meaningful changes in diversity, species turnover, and invasion or extinction of taxa from particular environments","Tomasovyck and Kidwell, 2009","","" 444,"https://doi.org/10.2110/palo.2013.103","Feser K.M., Miller A.I.",2014,"Temporal dynamics of shallow seagrass-associated molluscan assemblages in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands: Toward the calibration of taphonomic inertia","Palaios",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Methods","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia;Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last century","10s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance","No","Na",NA,"Live-dead analysis, no dates. Discuss ""taphonomic inertia"" alot.added another trasect survey to 35 years worth of data from Miller, 1988; Ferguson and Miller, 2007; Feser et al., 2012. Difficult to tell focal issue- they discuss possible environemtal (not necessalriy climate change) drivers of abundance changes.","" 176,"10.1098/rsos.182111","Jones L.A., Mannion P.D., Farnsworth A., Valdes P.J., Kelland S.-J., Allison P.A.",2019,"Coupling of palaeontological and neontological reef coral data improves forecasts of biodiversity responses under global climatic change","Royal Society Open Science","reef corals; Last Interglacial; fossil bias; ecological niche modelling; climate change; conservation palaeobiology","UK","Yes","No",NA,"Modelling/Simulation",NA,"Climate change","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Anthozoa","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Global","Absence/presence; Spatial","No","","","","" 422,"10.2110/palo.2014.054","Archuby F.M., Adami M., Martinelli J.C., Gordillo S., Boretto G.M., Malvé M.E.",2015,"Regional-scale compositional and size fidelity of rocky intertidal communities from the Patagonian Atlantic coast","Palaios","Argentina; Atlantic Ocean; Biogeography; Bivalvia; Chubut Argentina; Coastal environment; Communities; Faunal list; Faunal studies; Gastropoda; Intertidal environment; Invertebrata; Living taxa; Modern analogs; Mollusca; Multivariate analysis; Patagonia; Rio Negro Argentina; Santa Cruz Argentina; Shells; Size; South America; South Atlantic; Southwest Atlantic; Statistical analysis; Taphonomy; Univariate analysis","Argentina; Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Argentina","Methods","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia; Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence;Abundance;Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 194,"10.1111/csp2.5","Kelley P.H., Dietl G.P., Visaggi C.C.",2019,"Model for improved undergraduate training in translational conservation science","Conservation Science and Practice","Conservation paleobiology;National Science Foundation;Research Experiences for Undergraduates;Research-implementation gap;Team science;Transdisciplinary training;Undergraduate education","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective","USA",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","emerging field of conservation paleobiology (CPB), which applies geohistorical records (e.g., sediments, fossils) and approaches to solve conservation problems; a conservation-focused subdiscipline of paleontology allied with conservation biology; The CPB approach applies information derived from geohistorical records (e.g., sediments, ice cores, fossils, the archaeological record) to solve problems related to conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services","Dietl 2016, Dietl 2015, Conservation Paleobiology Workshop 2012","pedagogy","" 201,"10.2110/palo.2018.054","Ruga M.R., Meyer D.L., Huntley J.W.",2019,"Conch fritters through time: Human predation and population demographics of Lobatus gigas on San Salvador Island, the Bahamas","Palaios",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","The Bahamas","Overexploitation","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last millennium","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Trait; Geochronology","No",NA,NA,"","" 390,"10.1017/pab.2015.30","Tomašových A., Kidwell S.M., Barber R.F.",2015,"Inferring skeletal production from time-averaged assemblages: Skeletal loss pulls the timing of production pulses towards the modern period","Paleobiology",NA,"Slovakia;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Methods","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Geochemical;Abundance","Yes","Such changes can be captured by AFDs, thus providing a unique tool for one of the major goals in conservation paleobiology and historical ecology, namely inferring changes in abundance and productivity over the recent past.",NA,"1.) For part of the analysis, authors use 250 year bins. But data summary statistics (median, IQR, etc) are recorded with precision down to the year. I'm going with the coarsest, which seems to be 250, which I will record as temporal resoluton of ""100s of years"". 2.) They use geochemical data to determine age, so perhaps ""geochronology"" would be a better fit, but I recorded ""geochemical"" for data type. ""Abundance"" could also potentially be included, in the sense of age-frquency distributions (abundance recorded at a certain time), but I decided not to formally code this since it didn't seem to be the main data type. 3.) They collected real data from the field, and also did some modeling on that data. I coded this as ""original data"" for type of article, but maybe ""modeling/simulation"" would also fit..","" 275,"10.1017/pab.2017.15","Emery-Wetherell M.M., McHorse B.K., Byrd Davis E.",2017,"Spatially explicit analysis sheds new light on the Pleistocene megafaunal extinction in North America","Paleobiology",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation; Modelling/Simulation","Canada;Mexico;USA","Climate change",NA,"Genus","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Continental (most or all of a continent)","Absence/presence;Spatial;Temporal","Yes","Ongoing conservation efforts of the twentyfirst century rely upon principles of biological triage to determine priorities for limited funding, and these should be informed by what we know of extinctions in the past (Dietl and Flessa 2011; Louys 2012a,b; McGuire and Davis 2014). An essential question for conservation paleobiology is to understand why some species and ecosystems seem to be extinction resistant, and how to apply that knowledge to tough modern conservation choices.","Dietl and Flessa 2011;Louys 2012a,b;McGuire and Davis 2014","","" 205,"10.3389/fevo.2019.00108","Dietl G.P., Smith J.A., Durham S.R.",2019,"Discounting the past: The undervaluing of paleontological data in conservation science","Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","...the field of conservation paleobiology holds great promise in providing a long-term perspective on biotic responses to the major environmental stressors—pollution, invasive species, over-exploitation of wild species, habitat change, and climate change—threatening biodiversity today.","Dietl, G. P., and Flessa, K. W. (2017). Conservation Paleobiology: Science and Practice. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. doi: 10.7208/chicago/9780226506869.001.0001","","" 107,"10.1126/science.abc5654","Fordham D.A., Jackson S.T., Brown S.C., Huntley B., Brook B.W., Dahl-Jensen D., Thomas Gilbert M.P., Otto-Bliesner B.L., Svensson A., Theodoridis S., Wilmshurst J.M., Buettel J.C., Canteri E., McDowell M., Orlando L., Pilowsky J., Rahbek C., Nogues-Bravo D.",2020,"Using paleo-archives to safeguard biodiversity under climate change","Science",NA,"Australia; Denmark; USA; UK; Canada; Norway; New Zealand; France; China","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Climate change",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Global",NA,"Yes","With a growing emphasis on integrating paleobiology into conservation biology (13, 20, 22–25), and the emergence of conservation paleobiology (6), clear guidelines are needed to define when, where, and how scientists can use the late Quaternary paleo-record, spanning the 132,000 years since the start of the Last Interglacial (LIG), to provide insights for conservation #policies that address climate change.","Dietl and Flessa 2017","","" 109,"10.1017/pab.2020.19","Smith J.A., Dietl G.P., Durham S.R.",2020,"Increasing the salience of marine live-dead data in the Anthropocene","Paleobiology",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","To date, the contributions of marine CPB have mainly consisted of providing geohistorical baselines of past species’ composition and abundance in communities","Kowalewski et al. 2000; Jackson et al. 2001; Dietl and Flessa 2011, 2017; Louys et al. 2012; Rick and Lockwood 2013; Dietl et al. 2015; Tyler and Schneider 2018","Generally a perspective piece on what methods we use; probably exclude from analysis","" 219,"10.1017/pab.2018.32","Cronin K.E., Dietl G.P., Kelley P.H., Edie S.M.",2018,"Life span bias explains live-dead discordance in abundance of two common bivalves","Paleobiology",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Methods","Marine intertidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few decades","Years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance","Yes","Conservation paleobiology is a rapidly developing field that aims to integrate paleontological data and approaches with the practice of conservation biology in order to mitigate anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems","Dietl and Flessa 2011, 2017; Dietl et al. 2015; Kidwell 2015; Dietl 2016; Barnosky et al. 2017","","" 251,"10.1017/pab.2017.26","Arkle K.M., Miller A.I.",2018,"Evidence for stratigraphy in molluscan death assemblages preserved in seagrass beds: St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands","Paleobiology",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine Coastal/Supratidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Gastropoda; Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia",NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Absence/presence;Abundance","Yes","In conservation paleobiology, it has become common practice to use death assemblages to reconstruct recent historical communities and environments","Goodfriend 1992; Noble et al. 1995; Greenstein and Pandolfi 1997;Brewster-Wingard and Ishman 1999; Kowalewski et al. 2000; Burney et al. 2001; Edinger et al. 2001; Espinosa et al. 2003; Edgar and Samson 2004; Frenzel and Boomer Ferguson and Miller 2007; Ferguson 2008; 2005;Simões et al. 2009; Terry 2010; Erthal et al","","" 110,"10.1017/pab.2020.25","Kusnerik K.M., Means G.H., Portell R.W., Brenner M., Hua Q., Kannai A., Means R., Monroe M.A., Kowalewski M.",2020,"Live, dead, and fossil mollusks in Florida freshwater springs and spring-fed rivers: Taphonomic pathways and the formation of multisourced, time-averaged death assemblages","Paleobiology",NA,"USA;Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Methods","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Trait","Yes","Conservation paleobiological studies in marine settings often use fidelity or discordance between live and dead assemblages to recognize anthropogenic changes and provide longterm baseline assessments that can assist conservation and restoration efforts","Kidwell 2001; Kidwell 2007; Kidwell 2013; Yanes 2013; Hyman et al. 2019","","" 524,"10.1007/978-3-642-25038-5_4","Bret Bennington J., Aronson M.F.J.",2012,"Reconciling scale in paleontological and neontological data: Dimensions of time, space, and taxonomy","Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation","Spatial scale; Temporal resolution; Taxonomic resolution; Conservation paleobiology; Taphonomy; Conservation biology","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","NA (Methods focused, NA is correct)","Methods",NA,"Species",NA,NA,"Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries","10s of years","Global","Absence/presence; Abundance","Yes","Conservation paleobiology, a relatively new discipline that can be defined as the “application of paleontological data and analyses to present-day problems related to conservation biology and human-induced environmental change”","Foote and Miller 2007, p. 322","Another definition Because the goal of conservation paleobiology is to understand the composition and structure of extant ecosystems prior to human disturbance and to determine how modern ecosystems will likely respond to climate change, fossil data from the Late Pleistocene through the Holocene is of primary relevance.","" 135,"10.4435/BSPI.2020.02","Dominici S., Scarponi D.",2020,"Paleobiology in the mediterranean","Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana",NA,"Italy","Yes","No",NA,"Essay/Perspective","Italy",NA,"Marine neritic",NA,NA,NA,"Deep-time record (older than two million years)","Pliocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)",NA,"No",NA,"","","" 322,"10.7717/peerj.3711","Tsai C.-H.",2017,"A Miocene breeding ground of an extinct baleen whale (Cetacea: Mysticeti)","PeerJ","Cetacea; Mysticeti; Breeding stie; Population dynamics; Conservation paleobiology; Parietobalaena yamaokai","Japan","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Japan","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine oceanic","Species","Marine Vertebrates","Mammalia","Deep-time record (older than two million years)","Miocene","1000000 of years (millions)","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Absence/presence","No","acquiring critical information for the conservation purpose of extant species.... ","Dietl et al., 2015; Barnosky et al., 2017","","" 569,"DOES NOT EXIST","Edwards, KJ",2020,"Conservation paleobiology: science and practice","BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION","","","Yes","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","couldn't find the paper","" 5,"10.7717/peerj.12702","Kimura Y., Fukui D., Yoshiyuki M., Higashi K.",2022,"Conservation paleobiology on Minami-Daito Island, Okinawa, Japan: anthropogenic extinction of cave-dwelling bats on a tropical oceanic island","PeerJ","Anthropogenic extinction;Extirpation;Chiroptera;Conservation paleobiology;Stable carbon isotopes;FTIR;Fossil guano;Insular mammals;Endemic species;Oceanic island","Japan;Spain","Yes","Yes","Office Key Point, Okinawa, Japan","Original data","Japan","Human-nature conflict","Caves","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia",NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Geochemical; Trait; Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"","" 146,"10.1098/rstb.2019.0209","Lockwood R., Mann R.",2019,"A conservation palaeobiological perspective on Chesapeake Bay oysters","Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","Oysters; Conservation palaeobiology;Chesapeake Bay;Crassostrea virginica;Pleistocene","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Overexploitation","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","10000s of years",NA,"Trait; Abundance","Yes","The overarching goal of conservation palaeobiology is to use the fossil record to provide a long-term perspective on conservation priorities and restoration efforts",NA,"","" 149,"10.1098/rstb.2019.0217","Turvey S.T., Walsh C., Hansford J.P., Crees J.J., Bielby J., Duncan C., Hu K., Hudson M.A.",2019,"Complementarity, completeness and quality of long-term faunal archives in an Asian biodiversity hotspot","Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","extinction; China; Hainan; historical baseline;Holocene; zooarchaeology","United Kingdom; United States; China","Yes","Yes","Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust","Original data","China","Loss of biodiversity",NA,"Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence","Yes","Approaches for integrating past and present environmental data are now explored by the emerging disciplines of conservation palaeobiology and historical ecology, which aim to model future biodiversity scenarios and identify management tools and restoration targets based on historical baselines","Willis et al 2007; Davies et al 2014; Dietl et al 2015; Barnosky et al 2017","","" 371,"10.1007/s11258-015-0535-z","Burney D.A., Burney L.P.",2016,"Monitoring results from a decade of native plant translocations at Makauwahi Cave Reserve, Kauai","Plant Ecology","Hawaiian Islands; Plant conservation; Survival; Phenology; Fossils; rewilding","USA","Yes","Yes","National Tropical Botanical Garden, Kalaheo, HI 96741, USA; Makauwahi Cave Reserve, Kalaheo, HI 96741, USA","Original data","USA","Loss of biodiversity","Forest;Wetlands","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Plants","Plantae","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","10s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence;Abundance","Yes","A recent review of the literature linking paleobiology to conservation (Dietl et al. 2014) concluded that examples show that including a historical context in restoration planning is almost always useful and often done, but more specific applications are still relatively rare. This happens in some cases because the fossil record is not sufficiently detailed for the management questions at hand but often because the information suppliers and the information seekers are from dissimilar cultures of science.","Dietl et al. 2015","","" 415,"10.1371/journal.pone.0115090","Bocherens H., Hofman-Kaminska E., Drucker D.G., Schmölcke U., Kowalczyk R.",2015,"European bison as a refugee species? Evidence from isotopic data on Early Holocene bison and other large herbivores in northern Europe","PLoS ONE",NA,"Germany; Poland","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Germany; Denmark; Sweden","Extinction risk","Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Geochemical","Yes","the fossil record can be used to understand ecological and evolutionary responses of species to changes in their environment.","Dietl GP, Flessa KW (2011) Conservation paleobiology: putting the dead to work. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 26: 30–37. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2010.09.010","","" 167,"10.1371/journal.pone.0218413","Lin C.-H., De Gracia B., Pierotti M.E.R., Andrews A.H., Griswold K., O'Dea A.",2019,"Reconstructing reef fish communities using fish otoliths in coral reef sediments","PLoS ONE",NA,"Taiwan; Panama; USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Panama","Loss of biodiversity","Marine neritic","Genus; Family","Marine Vertebrates","Actinopterygii","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","Years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance","Yes","The fossil record can provide important context to these changes by reconstructing pre-human baseline conditions, revealing underlying mechanisms of change, providing accurate conservation objectives, and help predict future changes","Dietl GP, Flessa KW. 2017. Conservation paleobiology: science and practice. University of Chicago Press; Kidwell SM. 2015. Biology in the Anthropocene: challenges and insights from young fossil records. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112: 4922–4929; Cramer KL, O’Dea A, Clark TR, Zhao J-X, Norris RD. 2017. Prehistorical and historical declines in Caribbean coral reef accretion rates driven by loss of parrotfish. Nat Commun. 8: 14160; O’Dea A, Dillon EM, Altieri AH, Lepore ML. 2017. Look to the past for an optimistic future. Conserv Biol. 31: 1221–1222; Dietl GP, Kidwell SM, Brenner M, Burney DA, Flessa KW, Jackson ST, et al. 2015. Conservation paleobiology: leveraging knowledge of the past to inform conservation and restoration. Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci. 43: 79–103; Barnosky AD, Hadly EA, Gonzalez P, Head J, Polly PD, Lawing AM, et al. 2017. Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems. Science. 355; Anderson NJ, Bugmann H, Dearing JA, Gaillard M-J. 2006. Linking palaeoenvironmental data and models to understand the past and to predict the future. Trends Ecol Evol. 21: 696–704.","","" 30,"10.1007/s12371-021-00603-6","Caetano J.M.V., Ponciano L.C.M.O.",2021,"Cultural Geology, Cultural Biology, Cultural Taxonomy, and the Intangible Geoheritage as New Strategies for Geoconservation","Geoheritage","Cultural paleontology; Cultural zoology; Geomythology; Paleontological heritage; Science popularization; Nature conservation","Brazil","Yes","Yes","Mestrado Profssional em Ecoturismo e Conservação","Essay/Perspective","Brazil",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"Yes","""a generally considered hermetic feld, may drive essential strategies to conserve current biodiversity, as conservation paleobiology has essentially the same goals of conservation biology""","Dietl GP (2016) ","","" 396,"10.1073/pnas.1424315112","Terry R.C., Rowe R.J.",2015,"Energy flow and functional compensation in Great Basin small mammals under natural and anthropogenic environmental change","Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","Paleoecology;Quaternary; Desert rodents; Body size; Invasive grass","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Habitat Change/Loss","Grassland;Shrubland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance;Trait","Yes","Conservation paleobiology aims to inform the establishment of baseline targets by tapping into natural archives that record the ecological range of conditions before the onset of today’s intense anthropogenic impacts.","Dietl GP, Flessa KW (2011) Conservation paleobiology: Putting the dead to work. Trends Ecol Evol 26(1):30–37","different habitats, not all were identified on species level","" 36,"10.1073/pnas.2017735118","Dillon E.M., McCauley D.J., Morales-Saldaña J.M., Leonard N.D., Zhao J.-X., O’Dea A.",2021,"Fossil dermal denticles reveal the preexploitation baseline of a Caribbean coral reef shark community","Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","Bocas del Toro;conservation paleobiology;mid-Holocene;shark;subfossil","USA; Panama; Australia; Italy","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Panama","Overexploitation","Marine neritic","Taxon-free","Marine Vertebrates","Chondrichthyes","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance","No",NA,NA,"","" 558,"10.1098/rspb.2009.1984","Terry R.C.",2010,"The dead do not lie: Using skeletal remains for rapid assessment of historical small-mammal community baselines","Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","baselines;conservation palaeobiology;live-dead analysis;small mammals;Great Basin;taphonomy","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Human-nature conflict","Grassland; Shrubland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","100s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence;Abundance","No",NA,NA,"","" 493,"http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2013.0275","Miller J.H., Druckenmiller P., Bahn V.",2013,"Antlers on the Arctic Refuge: Capturing multi-generational patterns of calving ground use from bones on the landscape","Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","conservation palaeobiology;Arctic National Wildlife Refuge;Porcupine Caribou Herd;ecological baselines;historical ecology;taphonomy","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Climate change","Grassland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)",NA,"10s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance;Spatial;Trait","No","","","Tpahonomic data inlcuded (weathering). No dates of the antlers, but use weatheirng as a proxy. use data collected over a few decades (thus temporal resolution).","" 294,"10.1098/rspb.2017.0328","Tomašových A., Kidwell S.M.",2017,"Nineteenth-century collapse of a benthic marine ecosystem on the open continental shelf","Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","amino acid racemization;historical ecology;conservation paleobiology;Southern California Bight;land use history","Slovakia;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Pollution","Marine deep ocean floor","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Rhynchonellata;Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few centuries","100s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance","No",NA,NA,"","" 304,"10.1098/rspb.2016.2839","Tyler C.L., Kowalewski M.",2017,"Surrogate taxa and fossils as reliable proxies of spatial biodiversity patterns in marine benthic communities","Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","fidelity;palaeoecology;taphonomy;β-diversity;conservation palaeobiology","UK;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Habitat Change/Loss","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates",NA,NA,NA,NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","","No",NA,NA,"I wasn't sure what to pick for the focal issue and type of data, as the paper mainly dealt with testing whether a single group can serve as a proxy for the response of an entire community to environmental change, it used live and dead assemblages without providing information on age","" 156,"10.1098/rspb.2019.1861","Challen Hyman A., Frazer T.K., Jacoby C.A., Frost J.R., Kowalewski M.",2019,"Long-term persistence of structured habitats: Seagrass meadows as enduring hotspots of biodiversity and faunal stability","Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","α-diversity; β-diversity; fidelity; ecology; palaeoecology","USA","Yes","Yes","Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance","Original data","USA","Ecosystem resilience","Marine coastal/supratidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia",NA,"Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance","Yes","Conservation palaeobiology attempts to answer questions regarding long-term dynamics of species assemblages by providing quantitative estimates of biologically relevant information about past ecosystems","Kowalewski et al. 2000; Kidwell 2007; Dietl et al. 2015","","" 55,"10.1017/pab.2020.61","Lamsdell J.C., Congreve C.R.",2021,"Phylogenetic paleoecology: Macroecology within an evolutionary framework","Paleobiology",NA,"USA","Yes","No",NA,"Review",NA,"Methods",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"No",NA,NA,"","" 112,"10.1098/rspb.2020.0695rspb20200695","Tomašových A., Albano P.G., Fuksi T., Gallmetzer I., Haselmair A., Kowalewski M., Nawrot R., Nerlovic V., Scarponi D., Zuschin M.",2020,"Ecological regime shift preserved in the Anthropocene stratigraphic record: Regime shift in the stratigraphic record","Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","conservation palaeobiology; stratigraphic palaeobiology; stasis; regime shift; time averaging; northern Adriatic Sea","Slovakia; Austria; USA; Croatia; Italy","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Italy; Slovenia; Croatia","Adaptation (human or other organisms)","Marine neritic","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","Years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 33,"10.1098/rspb.2021.0991","Killam D., Al-Najjar T., Clapham M.",2021,"Giant clam growth in the Gulf of Aqaba is accelerated compared to fossil populations","Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences","Sclerochronology;Tridacna;Stable isotopes;Conservation palaeobiology","USA;Jordan","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Jordan;Israel","Pollution","Marine neritic","Genus","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Geochemical","No",NA,NA,"","" 511,"10.1016/j.quageo.2012.01.015","Huntley J.W., Kaufman D.S., Kowalewski M., Romanek C.S., Neves R.J.",2012,"Sub-centennial resolution amino acid geochronology for the freshwater mussel Lampsilis for the last 2000 years","Quaternary Geochronology","amino acid racemization;geochronology;Lampsilis;Freshwater mussels;Conservation paleobiology;Historical ecology","Germany;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","USA","Methods","Wetlands (inland)","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Invertebrates","Bivalvia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Last few millennia","10s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Geochemical","Yes","These techniques combined with accurate dating provide a powerful method for reconstructing histories of both “natural” and anthropogenic environmental change. Indeed this is a major goal of conservation paleobiology: the integration of techniques common in paleobiology and the geosciences in order to address modern conservation issues in a way that is minimally invasive to living populations, typically by studying the skeletal elements of dead organisms","Kowalewski et al., 2000; Jackson et al., 2001;Brown et al., 2005; Dietl and Flessa, 2011","","" 22,"10.1016/j.quaint.2021.04.041","Lopes R.P., Silva de Souza M., Pereira J.C., Raupp S.V., Tatumi S.H., Yee M., Dillenburg S.R.",2021,"Late Pleistocene-Holocene diatomites from the coastal plain of southern Brazil: Paleoenvironmental implications","Quaternary International","Diatoms;Quaternary Paleoclimate;Paleoenvironment:Wetlands;Coastal evolution","Brazil","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Brazil","Climate change","Wetlands (inland)","Phylum","Terrestrial or Freshwater Microorganisms","Coscinodiscophyceae;Mediophyceae;Bacillariophyceae","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","10000s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance","Yes","It has been recognized that the study of ancient ecosystems allow to understand long-term environmental changes and help address ecological and conservation issues in modern ecosystems, under the concept of conservation paleobiology","Louys, 2012","Louys, J., 2012. Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, p. 273. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25038-5_13.","" 40,"10.1017/qua.2020.125","Short R.A., Emmert L.G., Famoso N.A., Martin J.M., Mead J.I., Swift S.L., Baez A.",2021,"Paleobiology of a large mammal community from the late Pleistocene of Sonora, Mexico","Quaternary Research (United States)","Community ecology;Mammals;Ungulates;Carnivores;Rancholabrean;Sonora;Conservation paleobiology","USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Mexico","Loss of biodiversity","Grassland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/Presence;Trait","Yes","Conservation paleobiology aims to use knowledge of the past to make informed predictions about the future of Earth’s threatened biodiversity.","Dietl and Flessa, 2011, Dietl et al., 2015, Barnosky et al., 2017","habitat with Savanna and Grassland","" 305,"10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.01.022","Jürgensen J., Drucker D.G., Stuart A.J., Schneider M., Buuveibaatar B., Bocherens H.",2017,"Diet and habitat of the saiga antelope during the late Quaternary using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios","Quaternary Science Reviews","Paleoecology;Evolution;Saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica);Carbon-13;Nitrogen-15;Mammoth steppe;Conservation paleobiology","Germany;UK;Mongolia","Yes","Yes","Wildlife Conservation Society, Mongolia Program","Original data","Belgium; France; Bulgaria;Ukraine; Russia; Kazakhstan; Turkmenistan; USA","Habitat Change/Loss","Grassland;Shrubland;Desert","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Continental (most or all of a continent)","Geochemical","No",NA,NA,"","" 64,"10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106764","Louys J., Price G.J., Travouillon K.J.",2021,"Space-time equivalence in the fossil record, with a case study from Pleistocene Australia","Quaternary Science Reviews","Species richness relationship, Southern Australia, Conservation palaeobiology, Community structure, Palaeoecology, Synecology","Australia","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","Australia","Habitat Change/Loss","Forest; Grassland","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Mammalia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","10000s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"","" 478,"10.4072/rbp.2013.2.05","Ritter M.N., Erthal F.",2013,"Fidelity bias in mollusk assemblages from coastal lagoons of southern Brazil","Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia","Death assemblages;Spatial mixing;Time-averaging;Estuaries;Lagoons","Brazil","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Brazil","Methods","Marine neritic","Genus","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia;Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene",NA,"Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"CPB only in abstract; authors also cite Kidwell 2013","" 85,"10.1080/08912963.2019.1698563","Lin C.-H., Chien C.-W., Lee S.-W., Chang C.-W.",2021,"Fish fossils of Taiwan: a review and prospection","Historical Biology","Shark teeth; Fish otoliths; Neogene; West Pacific; Palaeobiodiversity; Conservation palaeobiology","Taiwan","Yes","Yes","National Academy of Marine Research, Ocean Affairs Council, Kaohsiung, Taiwan","Review","Taiwan",NA,"Marine oceanic","Species","Marine Vertebrates","Chondrichthyes; Actinopterygii","Both","Miocene","1000000 of years (millions)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence","No",NA,NA,"","" 279,"10.1098/rsos.170796","Martinelli J.C., Soto L.P., González J., Rivadeneira M.M.",2017,"Benthic communities under anthropogenic pressure show resilience across the quaternary","Royal Society Open Science","","Chile;USA","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Chile","Ecosystem resilience","Marine coastal/supratidal","Species","Marine Invertebrates","Bivalvia; Gastropoda","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","10000s of years","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Abundance; Absence/presence; Trait","No",NA,NA,"","" 48,"10.1126/sciadv.abg2111","Bochaton C., Paradis E., Bailon S., Grouard S., Ineich I., Lenoble A., Lorvelec O., Tresset A., Boivin N.",2021,"Large-scale reptile extinctions following European colonization of the Guadeloupe Islands","Science Advances",NA,"Germany;France;Australia;USA;Canada","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Guadeloupe (French territory in Caribbean)","Human-nature conflict","Forest","Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Reptilia","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene","1000s of years (millennia)","Regional (tens to hundreds of square kilometers)","Absence/presence","Yes","The use of past data to set a baseline for human-induced extinction, predict future environmental impacts, and develop appropriate conservation strategies, particularly as part of the broader efforts of conservation paleobiology and applied zooarchaeology","Wolverton et al, 2012; Dietl & Flessa, 2011","","" 343,"10.1038/sdata.2016.53","Rodríguez-Rey M., Herrando-Pérez S., Brook B.W., Saltré F., Alroy J., Beeton N., Bird M.I., Cooper A., Gillespie R., Jacobs Z., Johnson C.N., Miller G.H., Prideaux G.J., Roberts R.G., Turney C.S.M., Bradshaw C.J.A.",2016,"A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul's Quaternary vertebrates","Scientific Data",NA,"Australia; Spain; USA","Yes","No",NA,"Meta-analysis/Compilation","Australia, New Guinea","Methods",NA,"Species","Terrestrial or Freshwater Vertebrates","Vertebrates","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Pleistocene",NA,"Continental (most or all of a continent)","Absence/presence; Temporal","No","New disciplines such as palaeo-ecoinformatics2 and conservation palaeo-biology3 have emerged as a result of the compilation of such data, providing crucial insights into long-term ecological and genetic processes, including evidence of the impact of past environmental changes4","Dietl & Flessa (2011)","","" 89,"10.3390/w12123420","Barbieri G., Rossi V., Ghosh A., Vaiani S.C.",2020,"Conservation paleobiology as a tool to define reference conditions in naturally stressed transitional settings: Micropaleontological insights from the holocene of the po coastal plain (italy)","Water (Switzerland)","conservation paleobiology; benthic foraminifers; ostracods; Holocene; Po coastal plain; PaleoEcoQs","Italy; India","Yes","No",NA,"Original data","Italy","Pollution","Marine coastal/supratidal","Class","Marine Microorganisms; Marine invertebrates","Granuloreticulosea; Crustacea","Near-time record (younger than two million years)","Holocene","10000s of years","Local (tens to hundreds of square meters)","Abundance","Yes","Conservation paleobiology can provide an appropriate approach to the definition of reference conditions, as it allows to explore the biotic response to both anthropogenic and natural stressors applying “theories and analytical tools of paleontology to biodiversity conservation","Dietl and Flessa 2011; Dietl et al. 2015","",""