Paper: Modeling the Extragalactic Background Light and the Cosmic Star Formation History Authors: Justin D. Finke, Marco Ajello, Alberto Dominguez, Abhishek Desai, Dieter H. Hartmann, Vaidehi S. Paliya, Alberto Saldana-Lopez Description: These are the luminosity densities, EBL energy density/intensities, and gamma-ray absorption optical depths for "Model A" from this publication. Contents: lumdens.tar.gz: The model luminosity density, with redshift given in the title of the file. Each file contains the wavelength in microns, and the luminosity density in Watts/Mpc^3. EBL_energydensity.tar.gz: The model EBL energy density, with redshift given in the name of the file. Each file contains the photon energy in eV, and the energy density in erg/cm^3. EBL_intensity.tar.gz: The model EBL intensity, with redshift given in the name of the file. Each file contains the wavelength in angstroms, and the intensity in nW/(m^2 srad). tau.tar.gz: The model gamma-gamma absorption optical depths, with redshift given in the name of the file. Each file contains the photon energy in TeV, and the absorption optical depth. Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.