Macrobrachium amazonicum Heller 1862
- 1. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia (BIONORTE), Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá - IEPA. & inaciavieira 2011 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6911 - 0780
- 2. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia (BIONORTE), Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá - IEPA.
- 3. alinigsantiago @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9773 - 489 X
- 4. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil.
- 5. orlenomarques @ yahoo. com. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1173 - 1429
- 6. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia (BIONORTE), Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá - IEPA. & Embrapa Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil.
Macrobrachium amazonicum Heller, 1862
Examined material. Municipality of Pracuúba: Pracuúba Lake (1°44’03”N, 50°47’35”W), vii.1981, coll. M.A.S. Lima, 28 specimens (IEPA 07).— Municipality of Macapá: Fazendinha District, Amazon River, Cascalheira (00°03’18.89”S, 51°07’09.40”W), 25.v.1990, coll. J.C.S. Oliveira, 7 specimens (IEPA 12), idem, 25.v.1990, J.C.S. Oliveira, 4 male and three females (IEPA 21), idem, 06.v.1990, coll. J.C.S. Oliveira, 11 specimens (IEPA 20); Archipelago of Bailique, Stream Franco Grande (00°55’56.1”N, 50°02’04.3”W), 24.viii.1995, colls. J. Cardoso, N. Farripas and I.M. Vieira, 105 males, 280 females and 46 females with eggs (IEPA 42); idem, Stream (00°56’29.7”N, 50°00’49.4”W), 25.viii.1995, colls, J. Cardoso, N. Farripas and I.M. Vieira, 28 males, 66 females and 09 females with eggs (IEPA 43); idem, Stream Franco Grande (00° 57’39.3”N, 49°59’46.1”W), 31.viii.1995, colls. J. Cardoso, N. Farripas and I.M. Vieira, 47 males, 51 females and 02 females with eggs (IEPA 44); idem, Amazon River, Cubana (00°52’37,3”N, 50°08’56,6”W), 23.ix.2000, colls. I.M. Vieira, O.A. Alencar, O.M. Costa and D.A. Halboth, 07 males and 13 females (IEPA 226); at the same location as the previous collection, Stream Faustino (00°53’36.9”N, 50°11’01.9”W), 30.viii.1995, colls. L. Ramos, H.P. Belo, J. Cardoso, I.M. Vieira and N. Farripas, 328 specimens (IEPA 46); Amazon River, Cascalheira Mirim (00°03’03.76”S, 51°05’52.85”W), 23.IV.1996, colls. J. Cardoso, I.M. Vieira, O.M. Costa and H.P. Belo, 05 males, 30 females and 15 females with eggs (IEPA 132); Fazendinha Beach (00°03’03,76”S, 51°05’52,85”W),, colls. J. Cardoso, I.M. Vieira, O.M. Costa and H.P. Belo, 04 males and 24 females (IEPA 133); Wetland Tacacá (00°02’20.7”S, 51°05’35.2”W), 19.vii.2002, colls. O.A. Alencar, D. Filocreão, A.C.R. de Araújo, O.T.C. Arnaud, 01 male and 01 female (IEPA 392).— Municipality of Amapá: Mouth of Sucuriju River (01°40’17.0”N, 49°55’00.06”W), 26.ix.1996, O.M. Costa, H.P. Belo and I.M. Vieira, 01 male, 22 females and 03e females with eggs (IEPA 116); idem (01°40’35.7”N, 49°55’53.92”W), 18.iv.2001, I.M. Vieira, and O.M. Costa, 01 female (IEPA 261); idem (01°40’23.9”N, 49°54’56.7”W), 22.viii.2002, I.M. Vieira, and O.M. Costa, 08 females with eggs (IEPA 449); idem (01°40’04.21”N, 49°55’01.45”W), 04.v.2004, I.M. Vieira, 31 males and 73 females (IEPA 533); Piratuba Lake (01°41’35”N, 50°00’30.6”W), 02.v.2004, I.M. Vieira and C.S. Gama, 08 males and 129 females (IEPA 760). Municipality of Santana: Santana Island, Amazon River (00°05’13.84”S, 51°09’06.98”W), 14.iv.2000, I.M. Vieira, O.A. Alencar, O.M. Costa and J. Cardoso, 29 males, 25 females and 06 females with eggs (IEPA 211); idem, 14.iv.2000, I.M. Vieira, O.A. Alencar, O.M. Costa and J. Cardoso, 05 males, 39 females and 23 juveniles (IEPA 213); idem, I.M. Vieira, O.A. Alencar, O.M. Costa and J. Cardoso, 01 e males, 7 females and 22 juveniles (IEPA 249); idem, Recanto da Aldeia (00°05’43,58”S, 51°10’23,56”W), 19.ii.2012, A.G. Santiago and E.O. Galeno, 53 males, 32 females and 05 and females with eggs (IEPA 1549); idem previous collection, Dourado Lake (00°04’32.3”S, 51°09’44.4”W), 21.ii.2012, A.G. Santiago and E.O. Galeno, 15 males and 05 females (IEPA 1554); at the same location as the previous collection, Beach Encanto (00°03’51,63”S, 51°10’29,27”W), 20.xii.2012, A.G. Santiago and E.O. Galeno, 12 males and 11 females (IEPA 1556); idem coleta anterior, Beach Ponte (00°04’40,30”S, 51°08’27,51”W), 40 males, 16 females and 20 females with eggs (IEPA 1557); Matapi River (00°00’35.92”S, 51°12’09.76”W), 13.iv.2002, I.M. Vieira and C.S. Gama, 6 males, 20 females and 10 juveniles (IEPA 289), idem, 13.iv.2002, I.M. Vieira and C.S. Gama, 19 males, 42 females and 06 females with eggs (IEPA 293); Matapi River (00°00’55.93”S, 51°12’14,23”W), 13.iv.2002, I.M. Vieira and C.S. Gama, 02 males and 03 females (IEPA 430). Municipality of Cutias: Reserva Biológica do Lago Piratuba (Biological Reserve of Lake Piratuba), Araguari River, Tabaco (01°19’23”N, 50°16’44”W), 03.v.2004, I.M. Vieira and C.S. Gama, 20 males and 51 females (IEPA 535); Stream Jacaré (01°20’29.8”N, 50°14’41.6”W), 29.iv.2004, I.M. Vieira, 1 male and 13 female (IEPA 736); at the same location as the previous collection, Retiro Santa Margarida, Araguari River (01°19’50.9”N, 50°15’56.7”W), 29.iv.2004, I.M. Vieira, 2 males and 25 females (IEPA 758); Stream of Costa (01°19’26.6”N, 50°16’36.0”W), 26.iv.2004, I.M. Vieira, 08 males and 05 females (IEPA 769); Parazinho Biological Reserve (00°52’41”N, 49°59’29”W), 14.i.2006, I.M. Vieira, 411 males, 353 females, 3 juveniles and 35 females with eggs (IEPA1000).— Municipality of Calçoene: Beach of Goiabal, Mouth of Calçoene River (02°35’51.13”N, 50°50’43.13”W),, I.M. Vieira, 2 males and 01 female (IEPA 1226).— Municipality of Laranjal do Jari: Jari River (00°45’18.55”S, 52°30’13.16”W), 04.xii.2009, 01 female (IEPA 1374). Municipality Mazagão: Cajari River Extractive Reserve, Lower Cajari River (00°43’17.9”S, 51°40’40.5”W), 29.v.2014, I.M. Vieira and A.G. Santiago, 01 male and 02 females (IEPA 1605). Municipality of Ferreira Gomes: dam (00°28’60”N, 51°04’59”W),, I.M. Vieira, O.A. Alencar and O.M. Costa, four females (IEPA 332). Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (Private Natural Heritage Reserve), stream (00°56’49.20”N, 51°14’49.71”W), 04.ii.2006, I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira, 15 males, 95 females and 03 females with eggs (IEPA 1663); stream (00°55’35”N, 51°15’45”W), 31.i.2006, I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira, 2 males and 4 females (IEPA 1670); represa (00°56’49.20”N, 51°14’49.71”W), 01.ii.2006, I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira, 04 males and 03 females (IEPA 1683); idem, stream (00°56’49.20”N, 51°14’49.71”W); 05/02/2006, I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira, 01 male and 18 females (IEPA 1686); Araguari River, Ferreira Gomes Hydroelectric Power Plant dam (0°51’33.51”N, 51°11’47.01”W), 21.i.2011, I.M. Vieira, 04 females, 05 juveniles and 01 female with eggs (IEPA 1787), Araguari River (0°53’55.56”N, 51°15’16.92”W), 24.ii.2012. I.M. Vieira, A.G. Santiago, E.O. Galeno and K.J.G. Corrêa, 2 males (IEPA 1792); Araguari River, Vista Alegre, Biological Reserve of Lake Piratuba, 3 immature females, 1 immature male, 7 females adults, 6 male adults, 15.viii.1992, colls. C. Magalhães, (INPA-CRU 001059); Amapá Grande River, Cachoeira Grande, 1 fêmea, 26.viii.1992, coll. C. Magalhães (INPA-CRU 001061) (Figure 3).
Geographic distribution. It has a wide distribution, ranging from large hydrographic basins such as the Amazon and Paraná-Paraguay River, to smaller coastal basins in different phytophysiognomic domains. Occur in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana, Peru, Brazil (states of Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Mato Grosso do Sul), Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador and Peru (García-Dávila & Magalhães 2003; Holthuis 1952; Kensley & Walker 1982; Melo 2003; Pileggi et al. 2013; Pimentel & Magalhães 2014; Santos et al. 2018; Gomes-Corrêa 1977; Rodriguez 1982; Ramos-Porto & Coelho, 1990; Pettovello 1996; Delgado et al., 1997;)
Distribution in Amapá state. Basins of rivers Amazon, Faustino, Sucuriju, Matapi, Araguari, Stream Jacaré, Calçoene River and Jari River.
Previous records. Melo (2003); Pileggi et al. (2013); Pimentel & Magalhães (2014)
Ecological notes. Females have numerous eggs and are small, reach 150 mm in size, occur in white, black and clear waters, being abundant at the mouth of the Amazon River, where they form an important fishing resource for the state of Amapá.
Remarks. The morphology of the specimens cited in this study is in accordance with the descriptions of Holthuis (1952); Kensley & Walker (1982); Melo (2003).
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Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1990-05-06 , 1990-05-25 , 1992-08-15 , 1992-08-26 , 1995-08-24 , 1995-08-25 , 1995-08-30 , 1995-08-31 , 1996-04-23 , 1996-06-14 , 1996-09-26 , 2000-04-14 , 2000-09-23 , 2001-04-18 , 2002-04-13 , 2002-06-06 , 2002-07-19 , 2002-08-22 , 2004-04-26 , 2004-04-29 , 2004-05-02 , 2004-05-03 , 2004-05-04 , 2006-01-14 , 2006-01-31 , 2006-02-01 , 2006-02-04 , 2006-02-05 , 2006-06-20 , 2009-12-04 , 2011-01-21 , 2012-02-19 , 2012-02-21 , 2012-02-24 , 2012-12-20 , 2014-05-29
- Family
- Palaemonidae
- Genus
- Macrobrachium
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- IEPA 07 , IEPA 116 , IEPA 12 , IEPA 1226 , IEPA 132 , IEPA 133 , IEPA 1374 , IEPA 1549 , IEPA 1554 , IEPA 1556 , IEPA 1557 , IEPA 1605 , IEPA 1663 , IEPA 1670 , IEPA 1683 , IEPA 1686 , IEPA 1787 , IEPA 1792 , IEPA 20 , IEPA 21 , IEPA 211 , IEPA 213 , IEPA 226 , IEPA 249 , IEPA 261 , IEPA 289 , IEPA 293 , IEPA 332 , IEPA 392 , IEPA 42 , IEPA 43 , IEPA 430 , IEPA 44 , IEPA 449 , IEPA 46 , IEPA 533 , IEPA 535 , IEPA 736 , IEPA 758 , IEPA 760 , IEPA 769 , IEPA1000 , INPA-CRU 001059 , INPA-CRU 001061
- Order
- Decapoda
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Heller
- Species
- amazonicum
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1990-05-06 , 1990-05-25 , 1992-08-15 , 1992-08-26 , 1995-08-24 , 1995-08-25 , 1995-08-30 , 1995-08-31 , 1996-04-23 , 1996-06-14 , 1996-09-26 , 2000-04-14 , 2000-09-23 , 2001-04-18 , 2002-04-13 , 2002-06-06 , 2002-07-19 , 2002-08-22 , 2004-04-26 , 2004-04-29 , 2004-05-02 , 2004-05-03 , 2004-05-04 , 2006-01-14 , 2006-01-31 , 2006-02-01 , 2006-02-04 , 2006-02-05 , 2006-06-20 , 2009-12-04 , 2011-01-21 , 2012-02-19 , 2012-02-21 , 2012-02-24 , 2012-12-20 , 2014-05-29
- Taxonomic concept label
- Macrobrachium amazonicum Heller, 1862 sec. Vieira, Silva, Almeida, Almeida, Silva-Júnior & Tavares-Dias, 2022
- Garcia-Davila, C. R. & Magalhaes, C. (2003) Revisao taxonomica dos camaroes de agua doce (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae, Sergestidae) da Amazonia Peruana. Acta Amazonica, 33, 663 - 686.
- Holthuis, L. B. (1952) A general revision of the Palaemonidae (Crustacea DecapodA Natantia) of the Americas. II. The subfamily Palaemonidae. Occasional Papers of the Allan Hancock Foundation, Los Angeles, 12, 1 - 395.
- Kensley, B. & Walker, I. (1982) Palaemonid shrimps from the Amazon basin, Brazil (Crustacea, Decapoda, Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, Washington, 362, 1 - 28.
- Melo, G. A. S. (2003) Familias Atyidae, Palaemonidae e Sergestidae. In: Melo, G. A. S. (Ed.), Manual de identificacao dos Crustacea Decapoda de agua doce do Brasil. Editora Loyola, Sao Paulo, pp. 289 - 415.
- Pileggi, L. G., Magalhaes, C., Bond-Buckup, G. & Mantelatto, F. L. (2013) New records and extension of the known distribution of some freshwater shrimps in Brazil. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 84 (2), 563 - 574. https: // doi. org / 10.7550 / rmb. 30504
- Pimentel, F. R. & Magalhaes, C. (2014) Palaemonidae, Euryrhynchidae, and Sergestidae (Crustacea: Decapoda): Records of native species from the states of Amapa and Para, Brazil, with maps of geographic distribution. Check List, 10 (6), 1300 - 1315. https: // doi. org / 10.15560 / 10.6.1300
- Santos, M. A. L. dos, Castro, P. M. de & Magalhaes, C. (2018) Freshwater shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea, Dendrobranchiata) from Roraima, Brazil: Species composition, distribution, and new records. Check List, 14 (1), 21 - 35. https: // doi. org / 10.15560 / 14.1.21 https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 15685403 - 00003176
- Gomes-Correa, M. M. (1977) Palemonideos do Brasil (Crustacea-Decapoda - Natantia). Dissertacao de Mestrado. Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 191 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 0044 - 59672003000400013
- Rodriguez, G. (1982) Freshwater shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda, Natantia) of the Orinoco basin and the Venezuelan Guayana. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 2 (3), 378 - 391. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1548054
- Ramos-Porto, M. & Coelho, P. A. (1990) Sinopse dos Crustaceos decapodos Brasileiros (Familia Palaemonidae). Anais da Sociedade Nordestina de Zoologia, 3, 93 - 111.
- Pettovello, A. D. (1996) First Record of Macrobrachium Amazonicum (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) in Argentina 1. Crustaceana, 69 (1), 113 - 114. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 156854096 X 00141
- Delgado, J. G., Hector, J., Severeyn, A. R. G., Reverol, Y. M. & J., J. E. (1997) Camarones dulceacuicolas y estuarinos de Venezuela (Atyidae, Palaemonidae): nuevos registros para los Estados Zulla y Falcon. Boletin del Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, 31 (1), 11 - 32.