Dolerus pratensis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Figs 13A, B, 14C, 14F, 15

Tenthredo pratensis Linnaeus, 1758: 556. Sex not given. Syntypes (assumed). Lectotype ♀ designated by Malaise and Benson (1934). Type locality: Europe.

Tenthredo (Dolerus) deserta Klug, 1818: 300-301. ♂. Holotype. Published type locality: "In hiesiger Gegend gefunden" [meaning the environs of Berlin, Germany].

Type material examined and taxonomic notes.

Tenthredo pratensis Linnaeus, 1758. Lectotype. LSUK. Images of the lectotype (LINN 2501) in dorsal and lateral view and the labels are available (The Linnean Society of London 2022), but we did not examine the specimen itself.

Tenthredo (Dolerus) deserta Klug, 1818. Holotype (GBIF-GISHym 2316; Fig. 15). Good condition, genitalia dissected and pinned with the specimen. ZMHB.