22.8.22 Ross et al. (2005) Vertebrate DNA damage tolerance requires the C-terminus but not BRCT or transferase domains of REV1. Nucleic Acids Research doi:10.1093/nar/gki279 Supplementary File list Sequencing traces confirming correct site directed mutagenesis of hREV1[D570AE571A] (5.10.2003) and hREV1[G76R] (12.11.2003) with the hREV1 CDS: A04_hR1mut_F.ab1 (D570AE571A) G76R(2).ab1 (G76R) hREV1 ORF seq.xdna YFP-hREV1 transient transfections in COS cells. COS-YFP-hREV1_17-7-03_1 (Photograph of lab book printed images of YFP fluorescence micrographs (17.7.2003)) COS-YFP-hREV1_17-7-03_2 (Photograph of lab book printed images of YFP fluorescence micrographs (17.7.2003)) Cos transients.ai (Figure 4.2 from PhD thesis of A.-L. Ross, University of Cambridge (July 2005)) Summary of flow cytometry fluorescence shifts (FL1) in YFP-hREV1 and mutants following transfection and stable integration in DT40 cells. FL1 shift.doc (Table from Figure 4.1 from PhD thesis of A.-L. Ross, University of Cambridge (July 2005). hREV1[1150-1251] does not complement the UV sensitivity of rev1 DT40. UV(25.01.05) (colony counts from methylcellulose plate assay) UV.eps (Plot) WT, rev1, rad18 & rev1/rad18 DT40 growth curves REV1-RAD18 growth.xlsx (data transcribed from lab book dated 9.6.2003) Rev1-RAD18 growth.ai (plot from 28.4.2004). Mammalian-2-hybrid data. PCNA-hRev1(all data).xls (summary 1.2.2005) PolEta-hRev1(all data).xls (summary 7.2.2005) 8FEB05.xls (8.2.2005) 9FEB05.xls (9.2.2005) M2H data summary.xls (10.2.2005) 1A1 data (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) 1A1 graph (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) 1A1.eps (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) 1A2 data (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) 1A2 graph (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) 1A2.eps (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) Rev1-PCNA data (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) Rev1-PCNA graph (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) Rev1-PCNA.eps (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) rev1-polh data (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) rev1-polh graph (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) Rev1-polh.eps (Cricket graph file for final figures 10.2.2005) Raw sister chromatid exchange data. Each line marks a ‘1’ in the column indicating the number of exchanges observed in the macrochromosomes of an individual metaphase. RAD18-Rev1-MMS2 SCEs collated.xls (22.7.2003)