Title : Changing Finger Movement Perception: Influence of Active Haptics on Visual Dominance
Authors : Loën Boban, David Pittet, Bruno Herbelin, Ronan Boulic


Conditions code : 
0 : CVCH = congruent visual congruent haptic
1 : IVCH = incongruent visual congruent haptic
2 : CVIH = congruent visual incongruent haptic
3 : IVIH = incongruent visual incongruent haptic


FILE "Data sheet 1" : perception trials

Each line corresponds to 1 trial 

The file contains 5 columns : 
- "Condition" : the condition code of the trial : CVCH (0) ; CVIH (2) ; IVCH (1) ; IVIH (3)
- "Finger Moved" : the finger the participant moved (index or middle)
- "Question" : the nature of the question asked (visual or motor perception)
- "Answer" : the participant's answer to the question (index or middle)
- "PID" : the participant's ID

For each participant, there are 360 trials. They correspond to 3 blocks of 120 trials, each including 30 trials of
each of the four conditions. 


FILES "Data sheet 2, 3, 4, 5" : Embodiment scores files

1 line per participant, 10 columns

First column : participant's ID
Eight next columns : answers to embodiment questions
Last column : condition evaluated (0 : CVCH ; 1 : IVCH ; 2 : CVIH  ; 3 : IVIH)

Questions were answered using a seven-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = Totally disagree to 7 = Totally agree.