This README_Salazar_etal_2022__DATA.txt file was generated on 2022-08-03 by Alejandro Salazar GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data from: Environmental change alters nitrogen fixation rates and microbial parameters in a subarctic biological crust 2. Author Information Corresponding Investigator Name: Dr Alejandro Salazar Institution: Agricultural University of Iceland Email: Co-investigator 1 Name: Dr Denis Warshan Institution: University of Iceland Co-investigator 2 Name: Clara Vasquez Institution: University of Iceland Co-investigator 3 Name: Dr Ólafur Andrésson Institution: University of Iceland 3. Date of data collection: September 2018 4. Geographic location of data collection: Landmannahellir, Iceland 5. Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Icelandic Research Fund 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Salazar et al. (2022), Data from: Environmental change alters nitrogen fixation rates and microbial parameters in a subarctic biological crust, Dryad, Dataset DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. Description of dataset These data were generated to investigate microbial and biogeochemical responses of a subarctic biological soil crust (BSC) from the highlands of Iceland, to environmental (temperature, moisture and light availability) change. Details in the Oikos article with doi: 10.1111/oik.09239. 2. File List: File 1 Name: Fig1_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv File 1 Description: Ethylene production in response to temperature, moisture and light intensity (Figure 1, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). File 2 Name: Fig2_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv File 2 Description: Cover of cyanobacteria and liverwort after 96 hours incubation under different conditions (Figure 2, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). File 3 Name: Fig3_S5_S6_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv File 3 Description: Correlation between cyanobacterial cover and N fixation rates across different temperature, moisture and light levels in a subarctic BSC (Figure 3, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos); Chl a content of BSC under manipulated temperatures and moistures (Figure S5, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos); and (lack of) correlation between ethylene production and Chl a content in BSC under different temperature and moisture treatments (Figure S6, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). File 4 Name: Metadata_for_Fig4-5_and_S7.tsv File 4 Description: Microbial community composition and richness in a subarctic BSC under different temperature and moisture treatments (Figure 4-5, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos), Top 20 important Orders associated with changes in moisture and temperature identified by Random Forest classification (Figure S7, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). File 5 Name: Microbial_functions_humann_MetaCyc_Fig5.tsv File 5 Description: Top 15 MetaCyc pathways to be differentially abundant at temperature and moisture (Figure 5, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). File 6 Name: FigS2ab_Temp_and_light_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv File 6 Description: Levels of temperature and light intensity in our experimental design (Figure S2a,b, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). File 7 Name: FigS2c_Moisture_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv File 7 Description: Levels of tmoisturein our experimental design (Figure S2c, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). File 8 Name: FigS8_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv File 9 Description: Fungal:bacterial gene ratios based on gene copy number from bacteria and fungi, as determined by Kaiju analysis (Figure S8, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). File 9 Name: FigS9_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv File 9 Description: Total DNA measured with a Qubit 4 Fluorometer (Figure S9, Salazar et al., 2022, Oikos). METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION The data includes measurements of nitrogen fixation rates using the acetylene reduction assay (ARA), surface over analysis using fluorescence microscopy, spectrophotometric quantifications of chlorophyll a (Chl a), and molecular analysis of microbial structure and function. Details in the Oikos article with doi: 10.1111/oik.09239. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Fig1_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv 1. Number of variables: 12 2. Number of measurements/rows: 128 3. Variable List: Temp_C: Temperature treatment, in celsius Light_umoles_m2s1: Light treatment, in μmol m-2 s-1 Moisture_wt: Moisture treatment, in % wt/wt Replicate: number of replicates (1-8) ethy_area: Area under the curve of the ethylene peak (chromatographic analysis) acety_area: Area under the curve of the acetylene peak (chromatographic analysis) fraction_ethyl: ethylene fraction (ethy_area/acety_area) moles_ethyl: moles of ethylene per_sq_meter: moles of ethylene per square meter, considering that the disks of biological soil crust (BSC) had a diameter of 5cm. eth_nmol_cm-2_h-1: nano moles of ethylene per square centimeter per hour, considering incubation periods of 24 h 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: None 6. Other relevant information: Missing data (NA) is from samples were gas leaked out of the chromatography vials. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Fig2_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of measurements/rows: 128 3. Variable List: Replicate: number of replicate (1-8) Fluorescence: Organism causing the epifluorescence, Cyano (cyanobacteria) or plant (liverwort) Temp_C: Temperature treatment, in celsius Moisture_wt: Moisture treatment, in % wt/wt Perc_Area: estimates of cyanobacterial and plant covers calculated as percentage of BSC surface cover 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: Cyano: Cyanobacteria 6. Other relevant information: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Fig3_S5_S6_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv 1. Number of variables: 6 2. Number of measurements/rows: 128 3. Variable List: Temp_C: Temperature treatment, in celsius Moisture_wt: Moisture treatment, in % wt/wt Chla: Chlorophyl a, in μg mg-1 Light_umoles_m2s1: Light treatment, in μmol m-2 s-1 Replicate: number of replicate (1-8) eth_nmol_cm-2_h-1: nano moles of ethylene per square centimeter per hour (as i Figure 1) 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: Chla: Chlorophyl a 6. Other relevant information: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Metadata_for_Fig4-5_and_S7.tsv 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of measurements/rows: 16 3. Variable List: Sample ID : labeling of samples, depending on incubation conditions a-d: incubations at 10 °C and 75% moisture e-h: incubations at 10 °C and 100% moisture I-L: incubations at 20 °C and 75% moisture M-P: incubations at 20 °C and 100% moisture Treatment: Combination of treatments 20C_075M: incubations at 20 °C and 75% moisture 20C_100M: incubations at 20 °C and 100% moisture 10C_075M: incubations at 10 °C and 75% moisture 10C_100M: incubations at 10 °C and 100% moisture Temp: Temperature treatment, in celsius Moist: Moisture treatment, in % wt/wt Nfix: indirect estimation of nitrogen (N) fixation rates, in ethylene per square centimeter per hour (as i Figure 1) Nfix_clust: N fixation cluster, high or low 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: None 6. Other relevant information: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Microbial_functions_humann_MetaCyc_Fig5.tsv 1. Number of variables: 17 2. Number of measurements/rows: 477 3. Variable List: Metacyc pathways code identified in the 17 DNA samples 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: None 6. Other relevant information: see DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Dataset_microbial_abundance_Fig4_FigS7.biom 1. Number of variables: 1 2. Number of measurements/rows: 1526 3. Variable List: Read abundance for the 1526 taxa retrieved in the 17 biocrust samples 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: None 6. Other relevant information: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FigS2ab_Temp_and_light_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Number of measurements/rows: 784 3. Variable List: Temp_treatment: Temperature treatment, in celsius Light_treatment: Light treatmet set at the growth chamber, lor or high. Logger: We used two loggers (replicates) to measure temperature and light inside the jars Time: Time in h. Temp_C: Temperature measurements, in celsius Ligth_lux: Light measurement, in lux Light_umoles_m2s1: Light measurements, in μmol m-2 s-1 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: None 6. Other relevant information: NAs at the beginning or end of the incubations, when loggers were not yet acclimated to the conditions inside the growth chambers. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FigS2c_Moisture_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv 1. Number of variables: 8 2. Number of cases/rows: 64 3. Variable List: Temp_treatment: Temperature treatment, in celsius Replicate: number of replicate (1-8) Moisture_treatment: Moisture treatment, at ambient (when sampling) or saturation conditions Jar_g: Weight of empty jars (see Figre S1c in article), in grams. Jar_wet_sample_g: Weight of jars and wet sample of biocrust (see Figre S1c in article), in grams. Wet_weight_g: Weight of wet sample of biocrust in grams (Jar_wet_sample_g - Jar_g). Dry_weight_g: Weight of dry sample of biocrust in grams Water_content: water content (%, wt/wt) in biocrust (100*(Wet_weight_g-Dry_weight_g)/Dry_weight_g) 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: None 6. Other relevant information: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FigS8_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 16 3. Variable List: Temp_C: Temperature treatment, in celsius Moisture_wt: Moisture treatment, in % wt/wt Replicate: number of replicate (1-4). Samples were pooled for microbial analysis, so n=4. FB_ratio: Fungi/bacteria ratio, based on gene copy number from bacteria and fungi, as determined by Kaiju analysis (see article for details). 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: None 6. Other relevant information: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FigS9_DNA_data_Salazar_etal_Oikos.csv 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 16 3. Variable List: Temp_C: Temperature treatment, in celsius Moisture_wt: Moisture treatment, in % wt/wt DNA_Qb_ng_per_gdrysoil: Total DNA measured with a Qubit 4 Fluorometer, in ng DNA g-1 dry soil. 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: None 6. Other relevant information: None