Cyphochilus hmong n. sp.

Figs 21, 74-76

Holotype: MHNG (MHNG-ENTO-81700); 1 ♂; LAOS: // N. [North] Laos, 10.V.97, Louang / Namtha, leg. M. Strba & / R. Hergovitz (P on yellow // // HOLOTYPUS ♂ / Cyphochilus / hmong mihi / G. Sabatinelli, 2020 (T on red) //.

Description of the holotype male: Size – BL: 18.4 mm, BW: 6.6 mm, BWX: 8.4 mm, situated at midpoint of elytra. Color – Integument light brown; surface with white scales aggregated along the sides of pronotum and margins of elytra. Head – CW/L: 3.4; anterolateral edges of clypeus rounded, lateral edges of clypeus curved divergent posteriad; frons large, making eyes relatively small (F/O: 5.3); frons concave; antennal club longer than antennomeres 2-7 (A2-7/CL: 0.7) (Fig. 21). Pronotum – Transverse (PnW/L: 2.2), strongly convex; apical angles and lateral margins largely flattened, apical angles right not protuberant; basal lateral margins straight, basal angles largely rounded. Elytra – Without visible striae. Thoracic sterna – Surface with short, white pubescence and scales, mesosternum slightly developed anteriorly (MstL: 0.23 mm) however visible between the mesocoxae in lateral view. Abdomen – Sternites with sparse scales except the median part of the eight sternite; pygidium convex with apical margin narrowly reflected. Legs – Protibia tridentate with the basal tooth vestigial; slender apical tooth as long as the middle tooth. Aedeagus – Parameres slightly asymmetric with two apical appendices in addition to the terminal parts of parameres (Figs 74-76).

Etymology: Dedicated to the Hmong people, one of the largest ethnic minority in Laos and presently living in the jungle to escape persecutions.

Type locality: Louang Namtha is the capital of the homonymous Province in northern Laos bordering with Yunnan to the north and Burma to the northwest.

Distribution: The species is known only from one locality in the extreme northwest portion of Laos.

Remarks: Cyphochilus hmong can be readily separated from all other congeners by the unique form of the parameres with two apical appendices in addition to the terminal parts.