Key to species of Nannicerus (males)

1. UFS apex reaching ocelli (Figs. 16, 32); all femora, each with a median black spot (Figs. 18, 34); process of anal tube short and slender (Figs. 21, 37).................................................................................. 2

- UFS apex not reaching ocelli (Fig. 2); femora without black spots (Fig. 4); process of anal tube long and robust (Fig. 6).................................................................. Nannicerus gracilis Maldonado-Capriles, 1977

2. Apodeme of sternite II longer than sternite II (Fig. 20); connective without apical longitudinal keel (Fig. 25); dorsal apodeme of aedeagus with subtriangular apex (Fig. 27); laterobasal process of anal tube with truncated apex (Fig. 21, 30)................................................................................................ N. curica sp. nov.

-. Apodeme of sternite II shorter than sternite II (Fig. 36); connective with apical longitudinal keel (Fig. 41); dorsal apodeme of aedeagus with pointed apex (Fig. 43); laterobasal process of anal tube with pointed apex (Fig. 37, 46).... N. grandis sp. nov.