Readme with Transcription_BoschProtocol_15081512 Overview This csv-file contains a simple transcription of the so-called Bosch' Protocol, the aldermen's registers of the city of 's-Hertogenbosch, for the period October 1508 to August 1512. I transcribed this source during my master's research. This source documents real estate and annuity transactions in the wide region of 's-Hertogenbosch (the Meierij). Variables "ID": unique identifier of each transaction. "Source", "Folio": archival identifier "Year","Month","Day": date of transaction "Debtor": first name, laste name and other identifiers of debtor "Creditor": first name, laste name and other identifiers of creditor "Type_of_transaction": recorded in Dutch "Annuity_in_guilders": amount of annual debt contracted, expressed in guilders "Annuity_in_pounds_payment": amount of annual debt contracted, expressed in pounds 'payment' "Annuity_in_'mud'": amount of annual debt contracted, expressed in 'mud' "Annuity_other_currency": amount of annual debt contracted, expressed in another currency "Annuity_total_in_guilders": conversion of annuity to guilders "Location": where the collateral was located "In_sHertogenbosch": TRUE/FALSE whether collateral was located in the city of 's-Hertogenbosch "Principal_in_guilders": amount of principal, expressed in guilders "Principal_in_Peters_guilders": amount of principal, expressed in Peters guilders "Principal_in_golden_guilders": amount of principal, expressed in golden guilders "Principal_estimated": amount of principal, estimated based annuity and interest rate "Principal_total_in_guilders": conversion of principal to guilders "Interest_rate": interest rate on debt "Aldermen": aldermen who officiated the transaction "Wife": wife of debtor "Other debtors": other debtors mentioned "Transaction_at_the_benefit_of(inDutch)": transaction recorded 'ad opus', at the benefit of a third party "Terminated": contract 'gecasseert' at a specific date "Bought_by_secretary": TRUE/FALSE whether the town's secretary was formally involved as creditor "Transactions_by_secretary": name of town's secretary who was involved as formal creditor (or debtor) "Sold_with_wife": TRUE/FALSE whether creditor's wife was formally involved as creditor "Sold_with_others": TRUE/FALSE whether others was formally involved as creditor(s) "Sold_with_in-laws": TRUE/FALSE whether principal creditor's in-laws were formally involved as creditors